
Opened 4 years ago

#20032 new defect

vboxautostart-service (auto-start) ignores guest settings and blocks guest VMs audio output.

Reported by: Vm User Owned by:
Component: other Version: VirtualBox 6.1.16
Keywords: Cc:
Guest type: Windows Host type: Linux


Spent quite awhile tracking the culprit for this!

Running 6.1.16 (appears in recent older versions as well.)

Using a Linux Mint 20 Host, Windows 7 guest although tested with a Linux Mint 20 guest and it has issue as well.

Started 2 different VMs using the following command

VBoxManage modifyvm xxxxx --autostart-enabled on --autostop-type acpishutdown --autostart-delay xx

Rebooted Host - everything launches correctly HOWEVER Windows Guest has NO AUDIO even though VM setting has Audio enabled. (With correct selections)

Issuing the following command:

systemctl disable vboxautostart-service

Thereby disabling Autostart service

And rebooting and starting the VMs via script with the command:

vboxmange startvm xxxxx

Correctly allows guest audio.

There are a couple of annoying assumtions with Autostart as well. It FORCES headless (and audioless) operation of the client. Why? The Autostart feature should have a --type option as with the vboxmange startvm command (enhancement request)

Thank you for an otherwise great product and your attention to these issues.

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