
Opened 4 years ago

#19684 new defect

Frequent IO Read overload freezing the OpenSUSE VM

Reported by: lmmmm Owned by:
Component: other Version: VirtualBox 6.1.10
Keywords: Cc:
Guest type: Linux Host type: Linux


My OpenSUSE VM frequently freezes and the Read IO is constantly maximum. It seemed to always happen when browser the internet, regardless of which browser used. The VM is used for browsing a few websites, connecting to a vpn and ssh tocompany hosts. The CPU also spikes to high load.

I've installed OpenSUSE 15.1 KDE and 15.2 multiple times and have set it up mostly in the same way. This is the setup:

EFI LUKS > LVM > btrfs HOST IO cache ON (also tried off) SSD drive on for storage container 4GB RAM (2GB in use) 4 vCPU VMDK storage format guest additions installed

I installed the same setup, except for EFI that is replaces with BIOS (I think I tried that with VB as well), and this issue never happens. Same resources given to VM.

Unfortunately I don't have the logs anymore.

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