
Opened 14 years ago

Closed 4 years ago

#6808 closed defect (worksforme)

vboxmanage list runningvms does not list anything

Reported by: Marko B. Owned by:
Component: other Version: VirtualBox 3.2.0
Keywords: vboxmanage list Cc:
Guest type: other Host type: Windows

Description (last modified by Frank Mehnert)

Hello, I´m using "vboxmanage list runningvms" in an script to automatically suspend all listed machines, because they are located on an external disk i have to unmount manually.

In the new Version of VirtualBox (3.2.0) this command doesn´t show any running machines anymore while "vboxmanage list vms" still shows all available Machines on the Host (Windows Seven 64bit). In Version 3.1.6, I just upgraded from, it just worked well. This error is reproduceable on a second Host.

Change History (10)

comment:1 by Frank Mehnert, 14 years ago

Unable to reproduce. Still relevant with VBox 3.2.4?

comment:2 by Frank Mehnert, 14 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

No response, closing.

comment:3 by Tom, 14 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: closedreopened

I have, unfortunately, reproduced this issue. My Environment: Host: Windows 2003 Server, VirtualBox 3.2.8 VMs: Windows 2003 Server

My steps to reproduce:

  1. Login to host as user "vmrunner"
  2. Execute "vboxmanage.exe startvm WinXP --type vrdp"
  3. Execute "vboxmanage list runningvms". The result shows WinXP as expected.
  4. From another computer remote desktop into WinXP and confirm that it is running
  5. Login to host as user "Tom" and execute "vboxmanage list runningvms". The result is an empty list. Expected result is to see WinXP

These steps can be reproduced regardless of the method used to start the VM and regardless of the method used to look for the VM. For example if I do not start the VM using phpVirtualBox then phpVirtualBox will never see the VM as running.

comment:4 by Frank Mehnert, 14 years ago

Resolution: worksforme
Status: reopenedclosed

I assume you the users which starts the VM and the user which tries to list the running VMs are different. Note that only running VMs of the corresponding user are displayed.

comment:5 by jh3141, 12 years ago

Resolution: worksforme
Status: closedreopened

I'm seeing the same problem with virtualbox 4.1.14, also windows 7, even using a single user. Steps to reproduce:

  1. Have two users, e.g. 'admin' and 'user', the latter of which is not an administrator.
  2. Log in as 'user'.
  3. Right click on the VirtualBox manager icon, select 'run as administrator'. Give admin password to let it start.
  4. Examine the process in task manager, note that it is running as user 'admin'
  5. Start a virtual machine running.
  6. In the start menu, search for 'cmd.exe'.
  7. Shift-right click, choose 'run as a different user' and log in as admin.
  8. vboxmanage list runningvms shows an empty list, despite the fact that it is running as the same user as at least one running vm.

comment:6 by garidan, 9 years ago

Updated to 5.0.8 just now (and its extension pack), still having this issue. In Task manager I see VBoxHeadless.exe running as same logged on user, but the cmd line "vboxmanage list runningvms" fails to report running vms. The VMs where started using VBoxVmService-5.0-Litchi.exe, on a Windows 8.1 PRO 64 bit host

comment:7 by Frank Mehnert, 9 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

I assume if you execute VBoxManage list runningvms" it does not show any VM, correct? What happens if you run VBoxManage list vms, does this command show any VMs?

comment:8 by cbischoff, 8 years ago

I am experiencing the same issue when running either of these commands from a .bat file by a scheduled task in Windows which is triggered at startup:

VBoxHeadless -startvm "<vm_name>"
VBoxManage startvm "<vm_name>"

If I run this, I get no results:

VBoxManage list runningvms

Running this simply lists my virtual machine name and UUID:

VBoxManage list vms

comment:9 by Dmitry Rukavishnikov, 8 years ago

I was running VBOX 4.3.26r98988 under Windows 8.1

I noticed that virtual machines are visible by

VBoxManage list runningvms

if command line window (lets call it "new command line window" )was opened after lanching Virtual Box and starting virtual machines.

If command line windows was opened before (lets call it "old command line window") then Virtual Box command

VBoxManage list runningvms

dosn't show any running vms.

Most interesting is when I run

VBoxManage startvm "<vm_name>"

from the "old command line window" then <vm_name> virtual machine actually running and become visible by

VBoxManage list runningvms

in the "old command line window", but still not visible in Virtual Box GUI and "new command line windows".

Hope this info will help you to resolve this problem.

comment:10 by Frank Batschulat (Oracle), 4 years ago

Resolution: worksforme
Status: reopenedclosed

I cannot reproduce this on Windows 10 host, Ubuntu 18.04.4 and Ubuntu 19.10 host. 4 years open without more details. closing.

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