
Opened 9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago

Last modified 9 years ago

#14570 closed defect (fixed)

Computer freezes completely after installing extension pack

Reported by: Josef Latt Owned by:
Component: guest additions Version: VirtualBox 5.0.4
Keywords: Cc:
Guest type: Windows Host type: Linux


My operating system Ubuntu 15.04 with Windows 7 in Virtualbox. Today I made an update to Windows 10. It was successful. But after installing the Extension Pack the computer freezes completely. A hardware rest was necessary.

Attachments (1)

VBox.log (324.0 KB ) - added by Josef Latt 9 years ago.

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Change History (7)

by Josef Latt, 9 years ago

Attachment: VBox.log added

comment:1 by Josef Latt, 9 years ago

A normal installation results in the same problem.

comment:2 by Frank Mehnert, 9 years ago

When does the host freeze in particular? You say "after installing the Extension Pack". Does the GUI freeze immediately after you installed the Extension Pack?

Also as you are using Ubuntu 15.04 you should install the kerneloops package which will generate some information when the computer crashes. At the beginning the content of 'dmesg' would be important because it should contain information where the kernel oops happened (together with a backtrace).

in reply to:  2 comment:3 by Josef Latt, 9 years ago

Replying to frank:

When does the host freeze in particular? You say "after installing the Extension Pack". Does the GUI freeze immediately after you installed the Extension Pack?

May the describing of the behavior wasn't correct. The GUI (Windows 10) freezes during installing the Extension Pack. For further tries I had to wait because of to many activations. Microsoft support told to me that every update of the VB with dynamic storage requires a new activation and that this doesn't apply to a VB with fixed storage.

I tried also updating with deinstalled Extension Pack (found this hint in tne internet)

Also as you are using Ubuntu 15.04 you should install the kerneloops package which will generate some information when the computer crashes. At the beginning the content of 'dmesg' would be important because it should contain information where the kernel oops happened (together with a backtrace).

I have no dmesg in var/log. With the next try updating to Windows 10 I will watch for dmesg, if the problem still exists.

comment:4 by Josef Latt, 9 years ago

After upgrading to VB 5.08 and installing the proprietary driver from nvidia installing extension pack was successful. May be the reason is the upgrade to 5.08 and/or the proprietary grafic driver.

Problem solved.

comment:5 by Frank Mehnert, 9 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Thanks for the feedback.

comment:6 by Josef Latt, 9 years ago

Using the propietary grafic driver is mandatory.

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