
Opened 18 years ago

Last modified 12 years ago

#234 closed task

I18N progress — at Version 140

Reported by: Dmitry A. Kuminov Owned by: Dmitry A. Kuminov
Component: GUI Version:
Keywords: I18N NLS translation Cc:
Guest type: other Host type: other

Description (last modified by Dmitry A. Kuminov)

This ticket is intended for two purposes:

  1. Submit new translation source files by attaching them to this ticket.
  2. Report about performing synchronization of existing translation source files in the SVN repository.

Step 1 is done by contributors willing to add support for a new language to the VirtualBox product. An accepted translation file appears in the SVN repository and becomes available in the binary builds. Even after that, contributors remain responsible for updating translation files to keep them in sync with updates to the VirtualBox UI.

Step 2 is performed by the GUI maintainer at InnoTek before a new release (or after a major UI change) to inform contributors that translation files need to be updated.

More info about the translation process can be found here.

The current list of translators:

languageidauthorslegal status%%
English (built-in)built_inInnoTekOK (internal)100%
GermandeInnoTekOK (internal)99%
Traditional Chinese (Taiwan)zh_TWOSSII(OSS Integral Institute Co, Ltd.)OK (comment:81)~50%
Chinese (China)zh_CNVictor Wang(comment:92)~50%
Italian (Italy)itCiro Mattia Gonano <ciro/>OK (comment:24)100%
RomanianroAlexandru Ioan Eftimie <alexeftimie/>OK (comment:25)100%
SpanishesJoaquín DuoOK (comment:28)75%
ArabicarBerdai Mohammed (no e-mail)needs relicensing25%
RussianruIgor Gorbounov, Egor Morozov, InnoTek(comment:52, comment:47)100%
SlovenianslJLP?no results yet???
FrenchfrJean-Jacques Sarton <jj.sarton/>OK (comment:33)100%
Japanese (Japan)ja_JPToshimitsu TanakaOK (comment:75)100%
PolishplAdrian Łubik (no e-mail)OK (comment:78, comment:80)~80%
KoreankoPark Shinjo <peremen/>OK (
Portuguese (Brazil)pt_BRErico Mendonca <erico.mendonca/>OK (comment:98)100%
SwedishsvDaniel NylanderOK (comment:122)~50%
Hungarianhuqzy? (no e-mail)no results yet???
Serbiansrozzii? (no e-mail)no results yet???
FinnishfiJarno Kiuttuno results yet???

Change History (145)

comment:1 by Dmitry A. Kuminov, 18 years ago

Owner: set to Dmitry A. Kuminov
Status: newassigned

comment:2 by Dmitry A. Kuminov, 18 years ago

Keywords: I18N NLS translation added

comment:3 by Dmitry A. Kuminov, 18 years ago

bluebat, VirtualBox_zh_TW.ts should appear in SVN shortly. Please zip it next time (there is no UI to download an attachment in raw format here yet; making it binary will force raw format automatically).

The file is indeed quite outdated. When updating, make sure you will update a special section called @@@ (see for description).

Translation files for all languages have been synchronized with sources. This will be always done when a new translation file is added to SVN for the first time (besides regular synchronizations).

comment:4 by Dmitry A. Kuminov, 18 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

comment:5 by Dmitry A. Kuminov, 18 years ago

VirtualBox_zh_CN is now in SVN, all language files have been synchronized with sources.

comment:6 by Dmitry A. Kuminov, 18 years ago

Summary: I18N progressЫ

Synchronized all NLS with sources (Language UI update).

comment:7 by Dmitry A. Kuminov, 18 years ago

Summary: ЫI18N progress

comment:8 by Ciro Mattia Gonano, 18 years ago

Italian translation is completed but not yet tested.

comment:9 by KhaoticMind, 18 years ago

I'll start translating it to Brazilian Portuguese (pt_BR).

comment:10 by Joaquin Duo, 18 years ago

I have begun translating to spanish.

What about uploading the partially translated files to the wiki?
So in that way it would be easier to coordinate translations.
Furthermore, the partially made translations wouldn't be lost. (supposing the translator abandon for some reason)

by bluebat, 18 years ago

Attachment: added

additional translation for zh_TW

in reply to:  10 ; comment:11 by Achim Hasenmueller, 18 years ago

Replying to jd:

I have begun translating to spanish.

Muchos gracias!

What about uploading the partially translated files to the wiki?

Just submit your translation files on a regular base to this record. We will add them to the source tree, even when they're not done yet.

Everyone: please add a comment every time you upload a translation, this way we get notified.

comment:12 by Alex Eftimie, 18 years ago

I've started the Romanian translation!

in reply to:  11 ; comment:13 by Joaquin Duo, 18 years ago

Replying to achimha:

Replying to jd:

I have begun translating to spanish.

Muchos gracias!

What about uploading the partially translated files to the wiki?

Just submit your translation files on a regular base to this record. We will add them to the source tree, even when they're not done yet.

There it goes!

It should be good to give some guidelines about the acceleration keys on the wiki article.
Is there a way to check acceleration keys overlapping on qt3-linguist?
How does the translator know the limits of the acceleration keys context?
I mean there are same accel keys between same <context></context>.

comment:14 by Mohammed Berdai, 18 years ago

I have started the Arabic translation !

in reply to:  description ; comment:15 by akrus, 18 years ago

Hello, I'd like to translate VirtualBox to Russian, but the file is already added to SVN. Is the position still available? I'll start translating right after your reply :)

in reply to:  15 comment:16 by Achim Hasenmueller, 18 years ago

Replying to akrus:

Hello, I'd like to translate VirtualBox to Russian, but the file is already added to SVN. Is the position still available? I'll start translating right after your reply :)

Someone's already working on it (Igor Gorbunov). Send a message to info at if you want to get in touch with him, maybe he needs some help.


in reply to:  13 ; comment:17 by wcervini, 18 years ago

Replying to jd:

Replying to achimha:

Replying to jd:

I have begun translating to spanish.

Muchos gracias!

What about uploading the partially translated files to the wiki?

Just submit your translation files on a regular base to this record. We will add them to the source tree, even when they're not done yet.

There it goes!

It should be good to give some guidelines about the acceleration keys on the wiki article.
Is there a way to check acceleration keys overlapping on qt3-linguist?
How does the translator know the limits of the acceleration keys context?
I mean there are same accel keys between same <context></context>.

Hi I'd like to help at the translation in Spanish. This is my native language and I start to translate.

comment:18 by Alex Eftimie, 18 years ago

Hi, I know that this isn't the right place to ask that, but I cannot test my translation. I'm using VirtualBox 1.3.8, Qtlinguist3, I've got the .qm, placed into <path_VB..>/nls/ folder, changed locale to ro_RO (on ubuntu 6.10), but still got nothing. The only language I see is English. Any help would be appreciated.

comment:19 by JLP, 18 years ago

Hi all I'm going to start translation into Slovenian language (Slovenščina)

in reply to:  17 comment:20 by Joaquin Duo, 18 years ago

Recomendación para los traductores al español

Convenciones de la traducción:

  • Folder: carpeta (en este momento será la traduccion orientada a windows). Probablemente se haga una versión donde se diga directorio.
  • Share, shared: compartir, compartido, préstamo (cuando es sustantivo)
  • Snapshot: Instantánea
  • Reset: Reiniciar
  • Guest: Huésped
  • Host: Anfitrión
  • Backspace: Retroceso
  • Con respecto a los "acceleration keys" lo mejor es tratar de ponerlas en el mismo palabra y orden de letra donde estaban en inglés a menos que coincida con otra anterior.

La presente traducción no se adapta en su totalidad a estas reglas hay que editar algunas cosas.


in reply to:  18 comment:21 by Joaquin Duo, 18 years ago

Replying to alexef:

Hi, I know that this isn't the right place to ask that, but I cannot test my translation. I'm using VirtualBox 1.3.8, Qtlinguist3, I've got the .qm, placed into <path_VB..>/nls/ folder, changed locale to ro_RO (on ubuntu 6.10), but still got nothing. The only language I see is English. Any help would be appreciated.

The translation is for the upcoming version of vbox. You should test it from svn (dont know its state)


comment:22 by Dmitry A. Kuminov, 18 years ago

Thanks to everyone for his/her contribution! I want to clarify the requirements you must meet in order to let us legally include your translation to the VirtualBox product.

  1. Each of you must explicitly state here that you allow InnoTek to use your translation under the terms of the MIT license. Alternatively, you can fill, sign and send us a copy of the InnoTek Contributor's Agreement (ICA).
  2. Those who haven't already done so, must send an e-mail to info {at} that contains the name of the language you are translating to.

To get more details on the above, please study the section Submitting the translation carefully.

NOTE. These steps are a must for ALL translators, even for those whose translation files are already in SVN! If we don't get your explicit permission as described above, we will have to remove your translations from the product. And please don't forget that you must specify your full name in your licensing statement (as well as in the Authors section of the translation file), not a nick name.

comment:23 by Dmitry A. Kuminov, 18 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

comment:24 by Ciro Mattia Gonano, 18 years ago

Ok, so on with legalish...

  • My real name is Ciro Mattia Gonano, and my email is <removed>
  • I'm translating VirtualBox in Italian;
  • the actual translation (up to 2006-04-13) is currently available as an attachment to ticket #234
  • I release my translation under the terms of the MIT license.
Last edited 12 years ago by Michael Thayer (previous) (diff)

comment:25 by Alex Eftimie, 18 years ago

For the legal part :

  • my real name is Alexandru Ioan Eftimie, my email address is <removed>
  • I've translated VirtualBox into Romanian
  • the actual translation (2007-04-16) is available as an attachment to the ticket #234
  • I release my translation under the terms of the MIT license
Last edited 12 years ago by Michael Thayer (previous) (diff)

comment:26 by Technologov, 18 years ago

I have tried to open "VirtualBox_ru.ts", but I was unable to do so.

What should I do or what can go wrong?

igorbounov: What version of Qt Linguist do you use?

I have successfully opened the Innotek's template.

Platform: openSUSE 10.2, Qt Linguist 3.3.7.

-Alexey "Technologov"

in reply to:  25 comment:27 by Joaquin Duo, 18 years ago

Replying to alexef:

For the legal part :

  • my real name is Alexandru Ioan Eftimie, my email address is <removed>
  • I've translated VirtualBox into Romanian
  • the actual translation (2007-04-16) is available as an attachment to the ticket #234
  • I release my translation under the terms of the MIT license

Alex, one tip, you should zip the files. :) Cheers

Last edited 12 years ago by Michael Thayer (previous) (diff)

comment:28 by Joaquin Duo, 18 years ago

  • My real name is Joaquín Duo
  • I'm translating VirtualBox in Spanish;
  • My submitted translation (up to 2007-04-15) is currently available as an attachment to ticket #234
  • I release my translation under the terms of the MIT license.

PD: I hope next time it's a GPL license. :-D

comment:29 by Alex Eftimie, 18 years ago

Uploaded my latest translation, zipped (jd :)), and I think that VirtualBox_ro.ts (165.2 kB) might be removed from this page.


comment:30 by Dmitry A. Kuminov, 18 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

comment:31 by Dmitry A. Kuminov, 18 years ago

I've added all new languages and synchronized them with the current code base. They will soon appear in the SVN so please be patient and don't send updates until then.

General note to everybody Please look through the table of current translators. Languages that contain columns with the bold text are not legally clean and WILL BE REMOVED from the product before the next release if we don't get the required information from the authors. Bold text in the Authors column means that we don't have the full name of the author and don't have his/her e-mail address. Bold in License status means we don't have a legal permission from the author.

jean-jacques, I've renamed VirtualBox_fr_FR.ts to VirtualBox_fr.ts to have French French for all territories if there is no territory-specific translation (like fr_BE for example). And please don't forget about

lestat, I've done the same to VirtualBox_it_IT for the same reason (there is unlikely to be a separate translation to it_CH).

in reply to:  1 ; comment:32 by jean-jacques, 18 years ago

Replying to dmik: The MyLanguage (fr_TR) translation attached here by Jean-Jacques is published under the terms of the license.

in reply to:  32 comment:33 by jean-jacques, 18 years ago

Replying to jean-jacques:

Replying to dmik: The French language (fr_FR) translation attached here by Jean-Jacques Sarton <e-mail removed> is published under the terms of the MIT license.

Last edited 12 years ago by Michael Thayer (previous) (diff)

comment:34 by Dmitry A. Kuminov, 18 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

comment:35 by Alex Eftimie, 18 years ago

My email address is mispelled: lexeftimie instead of alexeftimie
Alex Eftimie

comment:36 by Dmitry A. Kuminov, 18 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

alexef, sorry and thank you, corrected now.

jean-jacques, you are not listening to me for some reason. I asked to not update the translation before the one you have attached here earlier appears in SVN... I will try to merge the latest one from you once more but I cannot guarantee it will be clean (so you will have to carefully check it). And, once again, please zip the .ts file next time before attaching.

All, just in case. Please no translation updates until the current ones are in SVN so that you can download them and use to continue your work.

comment:37 by Sander van Leeuwen, 18 years ago

User reports: The buttons Next, Back, Cancel and Finish have no entry in the ts files.

comment:38 by jean-jacques, 18 years ago

The wizard dialog are not OK concerning the internationalization. I have foubd the following which is not included within the ts files: Next, Back, Finish, Cancel, Other/Unknown (OS type combo box), E&xisting (new image file)

in reply to:  1 comment:39 by jean-jacques, 18 years ago

Replying to dmik: I habe attached send, I hope so, a new version of the french translation.

comment:40 by Dmitry A. Kuminov, 18 years ago

All translation files are now up-to-date. You should download your translation file from SVN (here) and continue on that file, not on your local copy you attached here!.

comment:41 by Dmitry A. Kuminov, 18 years ago

I've found a problem with whatsthis balloons in settings dialogs (shown from the context menu or after clicking on the ? button on the window title bar on Win32). Qt couldn't always properly recognize rich text used for some items and therefore would display HTML tags and would break lines instead of formatting them as desired. I had to resynchronize all language files again so that some items became outdated. You will have to download the files again from SVN, merge with what you've already done and re-translate those unlucky items. Sorry for inconvenienve.

Also, I've decided that VirtualBox will ship translation files for built-in Qt dialogs and other resources (see comment:37) instead of relying that they are installed on the user machine together with the Qt library. There are lots of reasons to do so, the most important are 1) we ship our own Qt build on Win32 and 2) not all languages are present in the set of Qt translation files supplied by Trolltech.

Therefore, you can now find qt_xx_YY.ts files in the nls in this directory. Part of them are already fully translated, the other part are totally untranslated. Here are the untranslated ones:

  1. qt_es.ts
  2. qt_it.ts
  3. qt_ro.ts
  4. qt_zh_CN.ts
  5. qt_zh_TW.ts

People maintaining the corresponding !VirtualBox_*.ts files should translate these qt_*.ts files as well, in order to get their language in built-in Qt dialogs.

comment:42 by Technologov, 18 years ago

Great Work !

Few things:

  1. Is there a way 2 developers work on the same translation file ?

What's the best practices for several independent developers working together ? Say, one can start from the beginning and the other from the end, and we combine results somehow (maybe SVN) ?

  1. Documentation translation proposal:

To make the product really translated, the documentation must be translated as well. However now, it's too professional, very-long & complex to be translatable.

One idea to make documentation more translatable, is to devide current Innotek's documentation "User Manual" into 2 parts: "Start-up guide" (for newbies) and "Reference guide" (for advanced users).

This will allow translators to translate just the first guide.

So small team/1-man can translate the start-up guide, so it will be available in 40+ languages shortly (weeks, and cover basic user needs), while the "Reference guide" can only be translated by large teams - which will result in, say, 5-8 languages after a long period of time (many months/1 year).

What do you think ?

-Alexey "Technologov"

in reply to:  41 ; comment:43 by Alex Eftimie, 18 years ago

Replying to dmik:

Therefore, you can now find qt_xx_YY.ts files in the nls in this directory. Part of them are already fully translated, the other part are totally untranslated. Here are the untranslated ones:

  1. qt_es.ts
  2. qt_it.ts
  3. qt_ro.ts
  4. qt_zh_CN.ts
  5. qt_zh_TW.ts

People maintaining the corresponding !VirtualBox_*.ts files should translate these qt_*.ts files as well, in order to get their language in built-in Qt dialogs.

One question: after modifying VirtualBox_*.ts and qt_*.ts from SVN, where do we put them? Attachments to this ticket? Thank you!

in reply to:  43 ; comment:45 by Dmitry A. Kuminov, 18 years ago

Replying to alexef:

One question: after modifying VirtualBox_*.ts and qt_*.ts from SVN, where do we put them? Attachments to this ticket? Thank you!

Thanks for the update! You should zip everything to next time.

in reply to:  45 comment:46 by Dmitry A. Kuminov, 18 years ago

Replying to dmik:

Thanks for the update! You should zip everything to next time.

The update is in SVN.

comment:47 by akrus, 18 years ago

The Russian (ru_RU) translation attached here by Egor Morozov is published under the terms of the MIT license.

in reply to:  1 ; comment:48 by jean-jacques, 18 years ago

Replying to dmik: I have found that the title for network interface tabs (Adapter 0, ..) are not translated.

Furthermore one of the english text dipalayed within the shared folders don't correspond to the text within the ts files:

TS-Text: Edit selected shared folder definition.

Displayed: Edits the selected shared folder definition.

comment:49 by Dmitry A. Kuminov, 18 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

in reply to:  48 comment:50 by Dmitry A. Kuminov, 18 years ago

Replying to jean-jacques:

I have found that the title for network interface tabs (Adapter 0, ..) are not translated.

Thanks! I will fix that on the next update.

Furthermore one of the english text dipalayed within the shared folders don't correspond to the text within the ts files:

TS-Text: Edit selected shared folder definition.

Displayed: Edits the selected shared folder definition.

No, this is not correct. The .ts file in SVN contains a proper string. I will merge it for you but please recheck the translation afterwards.

comment:51 by Dmitry A. Kuminov, 18 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

comment:52 by igorbounov, 18 years ago

The Russian (ru_RU) translation here by Igor Gorbounov is published under the terms of the MIT license.

comment:53 by Dmitry A. Kuminov, 18 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

Updates to Russian and French translations are merged to SVN.

in reply to:  1 ; comment:54 by jean-jacques, 18 years ago

Replying to dmik: Attached according to version find within the VirtualBox OSE source from April 13 2006.

Two problems:

The combobox for OS-type containt "Other/unknown". This is not in the VirtualBox_*.ts files.

The main window tab snapshot icons are not very well. The tooptip for the second contain the key stroke (Ctrl+Alt+Maj+D) this can't be found within the ts files.

The 5. icons contain within parenthesis the word Space, This is strange, may be (Space Key) will be better.

in reply to:  54 comment:55 by Dmitry A. Kuminov, 18 years ago

Replying to jean-jacques:

Two problems:

The combobox for OS-type containt "Other/unknown". This is not in the VirtualBox_*.ts files.

This string has nothing to do with GUI -- it is reported by the VBox core. The VBox core translation framework is not yet complete (but in progress).

The main window tab snapshot icons are not very well. The tooptip for the second contain the key stroke (Ctrl+Alt+Maj+D) this can't be found within the ts files.

You've misread the .ts file. All five tool buttons and their shortcurs are there (including the .ts file you've just attached).

The 5. icons contain within parenthesis the word Space, This is strange, may be (Space Key) will be better.

Sorry, I cannot get what you mean.

comment:56 by Dmitry A. Kuminov, 18 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

Updates to Russian, Romanian and French translations are merged to SVN.

igorbounov, there is no need to create multiple attachments of the same language -- you can overwrite the existing one. Also, I couldn't send a reply to your last e-mail, because <mailer daemon e-mail address> told that your work e-mail (igorbounov...) is Unrouteable address.

Last edited 12 years ago by Michael Thayer (previous) (diff)

in reply to:  41 ; comment:58 by Joaquin Duo, 18 years ago

Replying to dmik:

Therefore, you can now find qt_xx_YY.ts files in the nls in this directory. Part of them are already fully translated, the other part are totally untranslated. Here are the untranslated ones:

  1. qt_es.ts

I dont get it :)
I downloaded the qt_es.ts (qt 3.3.8) from trolltech and it is translated.
Which is the difference between this two versions?

  1. qt_it.ts
  2. qt_ro.ts
  3. qt_zh_CN.ts
  4. qt_zh_TW.ts

Best Regards, Joa

in reply to:  58 comment:59 by Dmitry A. Kuminov, 18 years ago

Replying to jd:

Replying to dmik:

Therefore, you can now find qt_xx_YY.ts files in the nls in this directory. Part of them are already fully translated, the other part are totally untranslated. Here are the untranslated ones:

  1. qt_es.ts

I dont get it :)
I downloaded the qt_es.ts (qt 3.3.8) from trolltech and it is translated.
Which is the difference between this two versions?

The difference is that I took these .ts files from Qt 3.3.3, because this is the version we are currently bound to on Win32. So, you can just compare the one from 3.3.8 and the untranslated one from SVN and send me the first one if there are no incompatible changes (you will have to fix them first if there are).

comment:60 by Dmitry A. Kuminov, 18 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

Updates to Russian and French translations are merged to SVN.

by Joaquin Duo, 18 years ago

Attachment: added

Checked: The 3.3.8 is the same as the 3.3.3

comment:61 by Dmitry A. Kuminov, 18 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

Updates to Russian and Spanish translations are merged to SVN.

comment:62 by Toshimitsu Tanaka, 18 years ago

The Japanese language (qt_ja_JP.ts) translation attached here by Toshimitsu Tanaka is published under the terms of the MIT license.

VirtualBox_ja_JP.ts: in progress...

comment:63 by Dmitry A. Kuminov, 18 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

toshi3_tanaka, thank you for your contribution!

Recent Japanese, Spanish and Russian changes are applied.

All language files have been synchronized with the current sources and merged to SVN. There was one important change: "Global Settings" is renamed to "Preferences" everywhere. Your old translations will still work but are marked as untranslated, because the translation will be different for many languages. Please review.

comment:64 by Mohammed Berdai, 18 years ago

I agree to release my Arabic translation under MIT license.

I'm at ~10%. Sorry for the delay :(

comment:65 by Mohammed Berdai, 18 years ago

I'm 25%

comment:66 by Toshimitsu Tanaka, 18 years ago

at line 2051 in VirtualBox_xx_YY.ts

<source>Failed to discard the snapshot <b>%1</b>of the virtual machine <b>%1</b>.</source>

There are two "%1".

Is this correct?

in reply to:  66 comment:67 by Dmitry A. Kuminov, 18 years ago

Replying to toshi3_tanaka:

at line 2051 in VirtualBox_xx_YY.ts

<source>Failed to discard the snapshot <b>%1</b>of the virtual machine <b>%1</b>.</source>

There are two "%1".

Is this correct?

No, it was not correct. Thank you for noticing! The source and all language files have been corrected and merged to SVN. All translations are kept, so no re-translation is necessary unless your language is Chinese (where I simply don't know what means "snapshot" and what means "machine" -- so please check; items are marked as "unfinished").

Also, I've made one more harmless correction to all translation files because of this (recorded as a Translation hint #4 here):

  1. Don't translate items starting with the # (hash) sign in contexts VBoxGlobalSettingsDlg and VBoxVMSettingsDlg, such as #general, #input and so on. They are responsible for the settings category hyper-link feature on the VM Details page and translating them will break this feature.

by Mohammed Berdai, 18 years ago

Attachment: added

Arabic Translation, 25%

comment:68 by Toshimitsu Tanaka, 18 years ago

at line 1620 in VirtualBox_xx_YY.ts


"unavailabie" is not correct.

A correct word is "unavailable".

comment:69 by Toshimitsu Tanaka, 18 years ago

at line 2228 and 2232 in VirtualBox_xx_YY.ts

A fatal error has occured during virtual machine execution! An error has occured during virtual machine execution!

Is "occured" correct?

A correct word is "occurred".

comment:70 by Toshimitsu Tanaka, 18 years ago

at line 3087 in VirtualBox_xx_YY.ts

you correct their settings by either choosing a differnet interface name or a different adapter attachment type.

"differnet" is not correct.

A correct word is "different".

comment:71 by Toshimitsu Tanaka, 18 years ago

at line 2881 - 2936 in VirtualBox_xx_YY.ts

An emtpy string will match any value.

"emtpy" is not correct.

A correct word is "empty".

comment:72 by Dmitry A. Kuminov, 18 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

toshi3_tanaka, thank you a lot for these corrections! You have a hawk eye, please keep going :)

medber and adrian5632, thank you for providing translations! Now please license them properly to let us include your translations to the prodict (details are here. Medber, this also relates to you because in your previous license statement you didn't mention your full name (it must match the translator name in the .ts file!) and we don't have your e-mail (either put it here in the encrypted form or send to info{at} if you want to keep privacy).

All language files have been transparently updated to correct English typos found by toshi3_tanaka, a couple of phrases with corrected English spelling have been marked "untranslated" (to make sure you check them). Arabic and Polish languages have been added to SVN.

comment:73 by Toshimitsu Tanaka, 18 years ago

The Japanese language (VirtualBox_ja_JP.ts) translation attached here by Toshimitsu Tanaka is published under the terms of the MIT license.

in reply to:  73 comment:74 by Dmitry A. Kuminov, 18 years ago

Replying to toshi3_tanaka:

The Japanese language (VirtualBox_ja_JP.ts) translation attached here by Toshimitsu Tanaka is published under the terms of the MIT license.

I have a small question: should the language code be ja_JP but not just ja? The difference is simple: the latter (generic) form will be used as a fall-back for ja_XX locales in case if there is no exact ja_XX translation; the former (specific) will only be used for the ja_JP locale. So the actual question is: can your translation be used as a fall-back for Japanese speaking territories other than Japan?

by Toshimitsu Tanaka, 18 years ago

Attachment: added

rename ja_JP to ja

comment:75 by Toshimitsu Tanaka, 18 years ago

OK,I changed "ja_JP" to "ja".

The Japanese language (qt_ja.ts and VirtualBox_ja.ts) translation attached here by Toshimitsu Tanaka is published under the terms of the MIT license.

comment:76 by Toshimitsu Tanaka, 18 years ago

I also emptied "country name" in "VirtualBox_ja.ts".

Please delete "qt_ja_JP.ts" from SVN.

in reply to:  76 comment:77 by Dmitry A. Kuminov, 18 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

Replying to toshi3_tanaka:

I also emptied "country name" in "VirtualBox_ja.ts". Please delete "qt_ja_JP.ts" from SVN.

Done. Japanese is now in SVN.

All, few other English typos have been fixed (no re-translation is necessary, just update your working copies).

comment:78 by adrian5632, 18 years ago

My real name is: Adrian Łubik. I'm translating VirtualBox in polish and the license of the translation is GPL

in reply to:  78 comment:79 by Achim Hasenmueller, 18 years ago

Replying to adrian5632:

My real name is: Adrian Łubik. I'm translating VirtualBox in polish and the license of the translation is GPL

If you want your translation to be included with VirtualBox, then you have to license it under the MIT license or alternatively sign the innotek Contributor Agreement.

comment:80 by adrian5632, 18 years ago

"If you want your translation to be included with VirtualBox, then you have to license it under the MIT license or alternatively sign the innotek Contributor Agreement." OK, as U wish :P Now the translation is MIT licensed :P

by igorbounov, 18 years ago

Attachment: added

The updated VirtualBox_ru.ts file attached, 100% done. Some typos are corrected.

comment:81 by bluebat, 18 years ago

The traditional chinese (zh_TW) translation attached here by OSSII(OSS Integral Institute Co, Ltd.) is published under the terms of the MIT license.

by Toshimitsu Tanaka, 18 years ago

Attachment: added

typo fix

comment:82 by Dmitry A. Kuminov, 18 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

All latest updates have been incorporated and resynchronized with sources. A few new translatable items has added due to slight UI changes. You can update them now or wait for some more upcoming UI updates.

I've noticed that some recently attached translations were outdated (did not include the latest changes from SVN). PLEASE remember to take a latest SVN copy and merge it with your recent translation before attaching the latter here. Solving conflicts in all translations on my side is a) unsafe because I can read only two languages and b) very time consuming. So, please review the current translations for mistakes (again, by comparing your local copies with current SVN versions).

comment:83 by Dmitry A. Kuminov, 18 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

Updates to Japanese and Polish translations are merged to SVN.

adrian5632, please remove the _PL suffix from file names you attach here, since we decided not to use the country code for Polish (as you may have noticed, files in SVN already end with _pl, not with pl_PL). Not a big problem of course, but will save me a bit of time I spend renaming your files :)

comment:84 by Ciro Mattia Gonano, 18 years ago

Italian !VirtualBox_it.ts and qt_it.ts updated to 100% Should I remove the "obsolete" strings?

comment:85 by Dmitry A. Kuminov, 18 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

Updates to Russian and Italian translations are merged to SVN.

lestat, yes, as long as you don't want to keep the old phrasing for further reference, you can remove "obsolete" items while translating. Keep in mind that there is no UI for doing that in Qt Designer -- you can manually edit the .ts file and delete all <message> elements that contain <translation type="obsolete"> elements. No need to do it right now because I will remove obsolete translations from all files before the 1.4.0 release.

comment:86 by Xeph, 18 years ago

I'm going to translation VirtualBox to korean.

is there any necessarily information about translation except ? if so, comment me thru <e-mail removed>

Last edited 12 years ago by Michael Thayer (previous) (diff)

comment:87 by Dmitry A. Kuminov, 18 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

Xeph, you are welcome! should describe everything you need to know . If you have questions, feel free to ask here. Please pay special attention to this section to not forget about licensing your translation when it is done.

By the way, what is the correct language code for Korean? shows ko, but I see kr in your e-mail.

comment:88 by Alex Eftimie, 18 years ago

Sorry about this mistake I've made, my latest upload was (35.4 kB) - added by alexef on 05/03/07 17:36:09. 100% Up to date, with wrong file name (missing .ts[.zip])) and it seems like it wasn't commited to SVN. must be removed from this page, I shall update the current translation from SVN and upload it right here.


comment:89 by Dmitry A. Kuminov, 18 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

Updates to Chinese/Taiwan and Romanian translations are merged to SVN.

comment:90 by jean-jacques, 18 years ago

After downloading the last sources, I have seen that some textes are no more translated. This concern mainly the main menu of the VM.

on the rigth side of the main menue the short cute are english (eg. Host+F).

Within the status bar, the "host key" is printed out as "Rigth Ctrl", for previous version this was correct.

in reply to:  90 comment:91 by Dmitry A. Kuminov, 18 years ago

Replying to jean-jacques:

After downloading the last sources, I have seen that some textes are no more translated. This concern mainly the main menu of the VM.

What texts exactly do you mean?

on the rigth side of the main menue the short cute are english (eg. Host+F).

You must have forgotten. It has always been like that -- Host+<Letter> shortcuts in the VM menu are not translatable in the current version (for technical reasons).

Within the status bar, the "host key" is printed out as "Rigth Ctrl", for previous version this was correct.

I think "Right Ctrl" is more correct than the previous "Control_R" (this is our attempt to workaround broken keysym names in Xlib). Anyway, you will be able to translate these key names now according to typical keyboard caps in your country (for X11 only; in Win32 key names are properly translated by the system).

Please hold on with any translations, language updates are being gathered to.

comment:92 by victor, 18 years ago

The Chinese (zh_CN) translation attached here by Victor is published under the terms of the MIT license.

comment:93 by jean-jacques, 18 years ago

A new version of the french translation is added, the previous version was not put to the svn !

comment:94 by Dmitry A. Kuminov, 18 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

Updates to Chinese/China and French translations are merged to SVN.

in reply to:  1 comment:95 by jean-jacques, 18 years ago

Some textes are not present into the language files: After creating a VM and while starting it for the first time, a wizard is launched. All textes for the first and following windows are not contained within the *.ts files

comment:96 by Dmitry A. Kuminov, 18 years ago


For the upcoming 1.4.0 release, a couple of new UIs have been added and a couple of UIs have been updated. You are welcome to update your translations. All the translation files have been resynchronized with the sources and merged to SVN.

If you want to have your translation updated in 1.4.0, please keep in mind that the release of 1.4.0 is scheduled for the beginning of the next week.

P.S. German and Russian translations will be updated by innotek.

comment:97 by Erico Mendonca, 18 years ago

I started the translation process for Brazilian Portuguese (pt_BR) a couple of days ago, currently at about 80%.

I shall finish, test it and hopefully upload it this weekend.

comment:98 by Erico Mendonca, 18 years ago

All right, here it goes. The translation for pt_BR is 100% done, and was tested and revised on yesterday's SVN build.

The Brazilian Portuguese (pt_BR) translation attached here by Erico Mendonca is published under the terms of the MIT license.

comment:99 by Dmitry A. Kuminov, 18 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

Thanks to everybody for his/her contribution!

Updates to Romanian, Spanish, French, Japanese are merged to SVN. The Brazilian Portuguese translation has been added to SVN.

lestat, you've attached a too old translation file (dated 13.04.07). Please take a fresh !VirtualBox_it.ts from SVN and update it instead.

docca, thank you very much for a complete translation to the new language! BTW, I've changed the language/country name pairs in the @@@ context, I think it's better now.

in reply to:  99 ; comment:100 by Ciro Mattia Gonano, 18 years ago

Replying to dmik:

lestat, you've attached a too old translation file (dated 13.04.07). Please take a fresh !VirtualBox_it.ts from SVN and update it instead.

sorry, now it should be ok!

comment:101 by Erico Mendonca, 18 years ago

dmik, there are two entries for Brazilian Portuguese in the language table at the beginning of this ticket. Also, "Portuguese" is spelled wrong.

in reply to:  100 ; comment:102 by Dmitry A. Kuminov, 18 years ago

Summary: I18N progress\

lestat, the new file is fully correct, thank you.

docca, there are two language/country pairs: "Português (Brasil)" for native speakers and "Portuguese (Brazil)" as an international (English) variant. Which one of them is wrong?

comment:103 by Dmitry A. Kuminov, 18 years ago

Summary: \I18N progress

in reply to:  102 comment:104 by Erico Mendonca, 18 years ago

Replying to dmik:

docca, there are two language/country pairs: "Português (Brasil)" for native speakers and "Portuguese (Brazil)" as an international (English) variant. Which one of them is wrong?

Actually I'm talking about the list of translators at the beginning of this ticket :)

There are two entries for pt_BR, one for my translation and one for KhaoticMind's translation. I believe the one for KhaoticMind should be removed, as mine is already completed.

comment:105 by Dmitry A. Kuminov, 18 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

Ah I definitely misread you :) Ok, corrected.

comment:106 by Alex Eftimie, 18 years ago

Congrats for the 1.4.0 release!
I just have uploaded my latest update to the Romanian translation and I'm wondering if it would get into the downloadable 1.4 packages or any update from now on applies only to the next (1.4.2?) version.

comment:107 by cromo, 18 years ago

There is a misspelling in polish translation. Should be "Odśwież", not "Odświerz".

comment:108 by cromo, 18 years ago

Make sure you correct all the occurences of this misspelling, as I noticed at least two.

comment:109 by adrian5632, 18 years ago

@cromo Yes, I know and I've corrected it, although I've added some strings. Can U write to me on <removed>?

Last edited 12 years ago by Michael Thayer (previous) (diff)

in reply to:  1 comment:110 by ozzii, 18 years ago

Hi all, I'm going to start translation into Serbian

comment:111 by qzy, 18 years ago

Hi there, I'm starting the hungarian translation part.

in reply to:  description comment:112 by Daniel Nylander, 18 years ago

I have started to work on the Swedish translation (language code 'sv').

in reply to:  28 ; comment:113 by fdr, 18 years ago

Replying to jd:

  • My real name is Joaquín Duo
  • I'm translating VirtualBox in Spanish;
  • My submitted translation (up to 2007-04-15) is currently available as an attachment to ticket #234
  • I release my translation under the terms of the MIT license.

PD: I hope next time it's a GPL license. :-D

There is a misspelling. Should be "especificado", not "espeficicado" (at line 1966 in VirtualBox_es.ts).

in reply to:  113 comment:114 by Joaquin Duo, 18 years ago

Replying to fdr:

There is a misspelling. Should be "especificado", not "espeficicado" (at line 1966 in VirtualBox_es.ts).

Thanks for you help! I have changed it on my translation. It will be updated the next time i upload the file. Cheers!

comment:115 by Daniel Nylander, 18 years ago

The Swedish translation is progressing fast and is ready to be committed. It is not 100% complete but I hope to get some time soon to finish it.

The files are located here

in reply to:  description comment:116 by kangmin, 18 years ago

The korean Language Translaiton complet!! I had attached the file right above It contains VirtualBox_ko.qm & qt_ko.qm files Just unzip to nls folder and use it... that's alll

VirtualBox is the great thigs!!

Form korea by Kang Min Choul

in reply to:  87 comment:117 by peremen, 18 years ago

Replying to dmik:

Xeph, you are welcome! should describe everything you need to know . If you have questions, feel free to ask here. Please pay special attention to this section to not forget about licensing your translation when it is done.

By the way, what is the correct language code for Korean? shows ko, but I see kr in your e-mail.

I have talked former maintainer Xeph and I will take the maintenance of Korean translation files. A new Korean translated .ts file will go soon.

in reply to:  description ; comment:118 by kangmin, 18 years ago

Hi dimk!!

I'm not Xeph, I'm kang min choul and korean ISO code is ko kr it's just a domain name, for my mail account server adress

I'm late for Xeph, but if you want I can send a VirtualBox_ko.tsto you right now ... have a good time! and thaks for share like this great tool

in reply to:  115 comment:119 by Dmitry A. Kuminov, 18 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

Replying to yeager:

The Swedish translation is progressing fast and is ready to be committed. It is not 100% complete but I hope to get some time soon to finish it.

Yeager, thank you very much for your contribution! The .zip file you attached here looks OK but you haven't licensed your work for us so I cannot include it into the code base. Please do it as described here. Don't forget that we need your full name and a valid e-mail (you can send it privately if you don't want to publish it).

in reply to:  118 ; comment:120 by Dmitry A. Kuminov, 18 years ago

kangmin, peremen and Xeph, Thank you a lot for your efforts, but could you please coordinate your work? For now, I only have .qm files from kangmin, which is not acceptable because we need the .ts sources. I also know that Xeph started working on the translation several weeks ago and probably made some progress. There is no need to do the same work twice, so please contact each other (you can do it right here) to join your efforts and give us a single translation in the .ts format.

comment:121 by Dmitry A. Kuminov, 18 years ago

Updates to Romanian and Polish translations are merged to SVN.

comment:122 by Daniel Nylander, 18 years ago

The Swedish (sv) translation attached here by Daniel Nylander is published under the terms of the MIT license.

in reply to:  120 ; comment:123 by peremen, 18 years ago

Replying to dmik:

kangmin, peremen and Xeph, Thank you a lot for your efforts, but could you please coordinate your work? For now, I only have .qm files from kangmin, which is not acceptable because we need the .ts sources. I also know that Xeph started working on the translation several weeks ago and probably made some progress. There is no need to do the same work twice, so please contact each other (you can do it right here) to join your efforts and give us a single translation in the .ts format.

I met Xeph on IRC a week ago, and he said that he lost all his works by accident, and he wants me to maintain the translation.(I have a log for that time) I made ts file and it is undergoing tests for several Korean users. It will go soon. Btw, is there any method to contact with kangmin except this space?

in reply to:  123 ; comment:124 by kangmin, 18 years ago

peremen, sorry about Xeph's accident

but I did not konw all about this!! there is is only reason, when i visit first time this place there is any tranclated korean souces and I start translate this work and complet. that's it!!

in reply to:  124 comment:125 by peremen, 18 years ago

Replying to kangmin:

peremen, sorry about Xeph's accident

but I did not konw all about this!! there is is only reason, when i visit first time this place there is any tranclated korean souces and I start translate this work and complet. that's it!!

Well, I reviewed through your translation, but I think your translation is immature. Although you claimed that you completed the translation, lots of part of .ts file is remaining as '?', which means untranslated. I will post my .ts file, please compare it with yours.

comment:126 by kangmin, 18 years ago

oh, I know that! when it open wiht Qt Linguist have a lots of ? marks. but it translated complet. right beacuse I translate with Qt Linguist and text editor[editplus] to easy translate! I don't konw why it remain ? mark. if you see all of contats my .ts file wiht Qt Linguist or editplus, you can see it tranlated complet. It is impotant only to use Qt Linguist? or my .ts file is correct. thanks...

in reply to:  126 ; comment:127 by kangmin, 18 years ago

<img src="" border="0" >

as you can see there is no erro When it apply to Virtualbox. any other place thanks for your attention

in reply to:  127 comment:128 by peremen, 18 years ago

Replying to kangmin:

<img src="" border="0" >

as you can see there is no erro When it apply to Virtualbox. any other place thanks for your attention

Well, I mentioned not only error, but also quality. I reviewed your translation, but quality wasn't so good :( By the way, can you talk me with email? Your English is hard to read, so I want to talk with you in Korean. Mine is <removed>.

Last edited 12 years ago by Michael Thayer (previous) (diff)

in reply to:  126 ; comment:129 by Erico Mendonca, 18 years ago

Replying to kangmin:

oh, I know that! when it open wiht Qt Linguist have a lots of ? marks. but it translated complet. right beacuse I translate with Qt Linguist and text editor[editplus] to easy translate! I don't konw why it remain ? mark. <snip>

Just a tip: you need to press CTRL+ENTER on each translated string to mark it as translated, or else it will remain with a question mark. Also, try to use Qt Linguist's features to check the assigned key accelerators and punctuation marks. These features help maintain the consistency of your translation quite a bit.

in reply to:  129 comment:130 by kangmin, 18 years ago

Thanks for your help I can finish my job

there's some missing char. like comma...

comment:131 by Dmitry A. Kuminov, 18 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

The Swedish translation is added to SVN.

comment:132 by Dmitry A. Kuminov, 18 years ago

Dear kangmin and peremen. Great, now I have two different Korean translations :) To be serious, I don't have any knowledge of Korean at all in order to choose a better one. So, please give me a single version. I suggest you that peremen will take the kangmin's .ts files, check and make necessary corrections when it is essential. And yes, you can now contact each other directly by e-mail, so please continue the Korean translation related discussion in private. Thank you.

in reply to:  132 comment:133 by peremen, 18 years ago

Replying to dmik:

Dear kangmin and peremen. Great, now I have two different Korean translations :) To be serious, I don't have any knowledge of Korean at all in order to choose a better one. So, please give me a single version. I suggest you that peremen will take the kangmin's .ts files, check and make necessary corrections when it is essential. And yes, you can now contact each other directly by e-mail, so please continue the Korean translation related discussion in private. Thank you.

Finally, kangmin said that he will give up and let me to maintain translation. Also I finished Korean translation file, which is my own work. File will go soon.

comment:134 by Dmitry A. Kuminov, 18 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

The Korean translation is added to SVN.

comment:135 by hron84, 18 years ago

The Hungarian (ko) translation attached here by George Hron (aka hron84) is published under the terms of the MIT license.

comment:136 by hron84, 18 years ago

The Hungarian (hu) translation attached here by George Hron (aka hron84) is published under the terms of the MIT license.

comment:137 by JJK, 18 years ago

The Finnish (fi) translation attached here by Jarno Kiuttu is published under the terms of the MIT license.

comment:138 by Dmitry A. Kuminov, 18 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

hron84 and JJK, thank you very much for your work. However, I have a few remarks on your translations.

To both hron84 and JJK: you took too old translation templates, so your translations are slightly outdated -- you will have to download your .ts files directly from SVN once they appear there and re-translate outdated translation items.

To horn84: please use Qt Linguist 3.x if possible -- I'm not completely sure that Qt Linguist 4 generates 100% backward compatible .ts files, so something may theoretically not work. Also, I stripped off the _HU suffix from file names and removed the country name because it seemed to me that Hungarian language is the same everywhere and doesn't vary depending on the country of usage. If you disagree, please object here. Also, the translation file you've attached contains "Garami Gábor" as the author which doesn't match George Hron. I cannot accept your translation until I've got some reasonable explanation.

To JJK: It looks like you used some text editor to translate the .ts file directly instead of Qt Linguist -- that is possible but makes your life harder. And as a result, there are some errors in your translation like incorrect escaping of special HTML characters (e.g. line #116 in VirtualBox_fi.ts) that results into English text being used instead of the tranlsated one for those items. My suggestion is that you start from the beginning: take a fresh copy of VirtualBox_xx_YY.ts, open it in the Qt Designer and copy-paste there all translations you've already made from the old VirtualBox_fi.ts. Taking into account that you've just started your translation this should be the easiest way to fix all those incorrect escaping errors. Agree?

comment:139 by Dmitry A. Kuminov, 18 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

comment:140 by Dmitry A. Kuminov, 18 years ago

Description: modified (diff)
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