
Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #18239, comment 10

Mar 3, 2019 5:34:53 AM (6 years ago)


  • Ticket #18239, comment 10

    initial v1  
    44I would also like to mention that I did also try with VboxVGA and that works just the same as VboxSVGA for what it's worth - as far fixing the mouse problem goes.
    6 How would you recommend we procedure from here? Is there any more information that we could gather and provide that may be useful? I see that the OP mentions using Mac OS X 10.13.6, I am personally using Windows 10 x64 Build 1809, which is in-fact a fresh installation. CPU is an i7-4970K with a Nvidia GTX 980 Ti GPU. I at least wanted to mention my specifications in case there is any correlation, but there does appear to be quite a variance already in OP and mine with the OS used.
     6How would you recommend we procedure from here? Is there any more information that we could gather and provide that may be useful? I see that the OP mentions using Mac OS X 10.13.6, I am personally using Windows 10 x64 Build 1809, which is in-fact a fresh installation. CPU is an i7-4790K with a Nvidia GTX 980 Ti GPU. I at least wanted to mention my specifications in case there is any correlation, but there does appear to be quite a variance already in OP and mine with the OS used.

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