
Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #17225, comment 3

Nov 7, 2017 8:43:55 AM (7 years ago)
Mihai Hanor


  • Ticket #17225, comment 3

    initial v1  
    1 I have the same problem on my Windows 10 64 bit host (1703). The WAVs are flawless, but the audio distortion comes and goes, in a repeating pattern, every few minutes, while playing back in the guest (I have tested Windows 7 and Windows 10 64 bit). The way I reproduce it, I let Youtube play in the guest's browser (Edge/Firefox). Here's some logs from a debug OSE build: [[|link]], where the problem really shows (maybe 1 second before the 14:14:07.700000 time mark, when I took notice). Even when it sounds OK, it still hints to some almost inaudible audio distortion.
     1I have the same problem on my Windows 10 64 bit host (1703). The WAVs are flawless, but the audio distortion comes and goes, in a repeating pattern, every few minutes, while playing back in the guest (I have tested Windows 7 and Windows 10 64 bit). The way I reproduce it, I let Youtube play in the guest's browser (Edge/Firefox). Here are some logs from a debug OSE build: [[|link]], where the problem really shows (maybe 1 second before the 14:14:07.700000 time mark, when I took notice). Even when it sounds OK, it still hints to some almost inaudible audio distortion.

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