VirtualBox Main API
This is the complete list of members for IHost, including all inherited members.
addUSBDeviceSource(in wstring backend, in wstring id, in wstring address, in wstring[] propertyNames, in wstring[] propertyValues) | IHost | |
architecture | IHost | |
audioDevices | IHost | |
createHostOnlyNetworkInterface(out IHostNetworkInterface hostInterface, [retval] out IProgress progress) | IHost | |
createUSBDeviceFilter(in wstring name, [retval] out IHostUSBDeviceFilter filter) | IHost | |
domainName | IHost | |
DVDDrives | IHost | |
findHostDVDDrive(in wstring name, [retval] out IMedium drive) | IHost | |
findHostFloppyDrive(in wstring name, [retval] out IMedium drive) | IHost | |
findHostNetworkInterfaceById(in wstringUUID id, [retval] out IHostNetworkInterface networkInterface) | IHost | |
findHostNetworkInterfaceByName(in wstring name, [retval] out IHostNetworkInterface networkInterface) | IHost | |
findHostNetworkInterfacesOfType(in HostNetworkInterfaceType type, [retval] out IHostNetworkInterface[] networkInterfaces) | IHost | |
findUSBDeviceByAddress(in wstring name, [retval] out IHostUSBDevice device) | IHost | |
findUSBDeviceById(in wstringUUID id, [retval] out IHostUSBDevice device) | IHost | |
floppyDrives | IHost | |
generateMACAddress([retval] out wstring address) | IHost | |
getProcessorDescription(in unsigned long cpuId, [retval] out wstring description) | IHost | |
getProcessorFeature(in ProcessorFeature feature, [retval] out boolean supported) | IHost | |
getProcessorSpeed(in unsigned long cpuId, [retval] out unsigned long speed) | IHost | |
hostDrives | IHost | |
insertUSBDeviceFilter(in unsigned long position, in IHostUSBDeviceFilter filter) | IHost | |
isExecutionEngineSupported(in CPUArchitecture cpuArchitecture, in VMExecutionEngine executionEngine, [retval] out boolean isSupported) | IHost | |
memoryAvailable | IHost | |
memorySize | IHost | |
nameServers | IHost | |
networkInterfaces | IHost | |
operatingSystem | IHost | |
OSVersion | IHost | |
processorCoreCount | IHost | |
processorCount | IHost | |
processorOnlineCoreCount | IHost | |
processorOnlineCount | IHost | |
removeHostOnlyNetworkInterface(in wstringUUID id, [retval] out IProgress progress) | IHost | |
removeUSBDeviceFilter(in unsigned long position) | IHost | |
removeUSBDeviceSource(in wstring id) | IHost | |
searchStrings | IHost | |
updateExtPack | IHost | |
updateGuestAdditions | IHost | |
updateHost | IHost | |
USBDeviceFilters | IHost | |
USBDevices | IHost | |
UTCTime | IHost | |
videoInputDevices | IHost | |
x86 | IHost |