; $Id: bootsector2-cpu-pf-1-template.mac 76553 2019-01-01 01:45:53Z vboxsync $ ;; @file ; Bootsector test for various types of #PFs - multi mode template. ; ; ; Copyright (C) 2007-2019 Oracle Corporation ; ; This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as ; available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; ; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU ; General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software ; Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the ; VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the ; hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. ; ; The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms ; of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0 ; (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the ; VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the ; CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL. ; ; You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the ; terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both. ; %include "bootsector2-template-header.mac" ;******************************************************************************* ;* Defined Constants And Macros * ;******************************************************************************* %undef BIG_PAGE_SIZE %undef PXE_SIZE %ifdef TMPL_CMN_PP %define BIG_PAGE_SIZE _4M %define PXE_SIZE 4 %else %define BIG_PAGE_SIZE _2M %define PXE_SIZE 8 %endif ;; ; Do the tests for this mode. ; ; @uses nothing ; BEGINCODELOW BITS 16 BEGINPROC TMPL_NM(DoTestsForMode_rm) push bp mov bp, sp push ax ; ; Check if the mode and NX is supported, do the switch. ; call TMPL_NM(Bs2IsModeSupported_rm) jz .done mov ax, [bp - 2] test al, al jz .nx_disabled call Bs2IsNXSupported_r86 jz .done call Bs2EnableNX_r86 .nx_disabled: call TMPL_NM(Bs2EnterMode_rm) BITS TMPL_BITS ; ; Do the tests. ; call TMPL_NM(TestNotPresent) ;; @todo call TMPL_NM(TestReadOnly) ;; @todo call TMPL_NM(TestSupervisor) ;; @todo call TMPL_NM(TestReservedBits) ; ; Back to real mode. ; call TMPL_NM(Bs2ExitMode) BITS 16 call Bs2DisableNX_r86 .done: pop ax leave ret ENDPROC TMPL_NM(DoTestsForMode_rm) TMPL_BEGINCODE BITS TMPL_BITS ;; ; Do the tests for this mode. ; ; @uses nothing ; BEGINCODELOW BITS 16 BEGINPROC TMPL_NM(DoBenchmarksForMode_rm) push bp mov bp, sp push ax ; ; Check if the mode and NX is supported, do the switch. ; call TMPL_NM(Bs2IsModeSupported_rm) jz .done call TMPL_NM(Bs2EnterMode_rm) BITS TMPL_BITS ; ; Do the tests. ; call TMPL_NM(BenchmarkNotPresent) ; ; Back to real mode. ; call TMPL_NM(Bs2ExitMode) BITS 16 .done: pop ax leave ret ENDPROC TMPL_NM(DoBenchmarksForMode_rm) TMPL_BEGINCODE BITS TMPL_BITS ;; ; Does the page-not-present tests. ; ; @param al Set if NXE=1, clear if NXE=0. ; ; @uses nothing ; BEGINPROC TMPL_NM(TestNotPresent) push xBP mov xBP, xSP push sAX push xBX push xCX push xDX push xDI push xSI ; ; Setup sCX for all the following tests. ; xor sCX, sCX test al, al jz .no_nxe mov sCX, X86_TRAP_PF_ID .no_nxe: ; ; First test, big page not present. ; mov xAX, .s_szBigPageNotPresent test sCX, sCX jz .test1_nxe mov xAX, .s_szBigPageNotPresentNX .test1_nxe: call TMPL_NM_CMN(TestSub) call TMPL_NM(TestFillTestAreaWithRet) mov sAX, TST_SCRATCH_PD_BASE call TMPL_NM(TestGetPdeAddr) and byte [sAX], ~X86_PTE_P mov sAX, cr3 mov cr3, sAX mov sAX, TST_SCRATCH_PD_BASE mov sDX, 0 ; err code call TMPL_NM(TestHammerPage) jz .test1_cleanup mov sAX, TST_SCRATCH_PD_BASE + (BIG_PAGE_SIZE / 2 - _4K) call TMPL_NM(TestHammerPage) jz .test1_cleanup mov sAX, TST_SCRATCH_PD_BASE + (BIG_PAGE_SIZE - _4K) call TMPL_NM(TestHammerPage) jz .test1_cleanup .test1_cleanup: mov sAX, TST_SCRATCH_PD_BASE call TMPL_NM(TestGetPdeAddr) or byte [sAX], X86_PTE_P mov sAX, cr3 mov cr3, sAX ; ; The second test, normal page not present. ; mov xAX, .s_szPageNotPresent test sCX, sCX jz .test2_nxe mov xAX, .s_szPageNotPresentNX .test2_nxe: call TMPL_NM_CMN(TestSub) mov sAX, TST_SCRATCH_PD_BASE call TMPL_NM(TstPutPageTableAt) ; Make the first and last page not-present. and byte [BS2_USER_PX_0_ADDR], ~X86_PTE_P and byte [BS2_USER_PX_0_ADDR + 01000h - PXE_SIZE], ~X86_PTE_P mov sAX, cr3 mov cr3, sAX ; Do the tests. mov sAX, TST_SCRATCH_PD_BASE mov sDX, 0 ; err code call TMPL_NM(TestHammerPage) jz .test2_cleanup mov sAX, TST_SCRATCH_PD_BASE + (BIG_PAGE_SIZE - _4K) call TMPL_NM(TestHammerPage) jz .test2_cleanup .test2_cleanup: mov sAX, TST_SCRATCH_PD_BASE call TMPL_NM(TstRestoreBigPageAt) %if PXE_SIZE == 8 ; PAE or LM ; ; The third test, mark a page directory pointer entry not present. ; mov xAX, .s_szPdpeNotPresent test sCX, sCX jz .test3_nxe mov xAX, .s_szPdpeNotPresentNX .test3_nxe: call TMPL_NM_CMN(TestSub) call TMPL_NM(TestFillTestAreaWithRet) mov sAX, TST_SCRATCH_PDPT_BASE call TMPL_NM(TestGetPdpeAddr) and byte [sAX], ~X86_PTE_P mov sAX, cr3 mov cr3, sAX mov sAX, TST_SCRATCH_PDPT_BASE mov sDX, 0 ; err code call TMPL_NM(TestHammerPage) jz .test3_cleanup mov sAX, TST_SCRATCH_PDPT_BASE + (BIG_PAGE_SIZE / 2 - _4K) call TMPL_NM(TestHammerPage) jz .test3_cleanup mov sAX, TST_SCRATCH_PDPT_BASE + (BIG_PAGE_SIZE - _4K) call TMPL_NM(TestHammerPage) jz .test3_cleanup .test3_cleanup: mov sAX, TST_SCRATCH_PDPT_BASE call TMPL_NM(TestGetPdpeAddr) or byte [sAX], X86_PTE_P mov sAX, cr3 mov cr3, sAX %endif ; PAE || LM %ifdef TMPL_LM64 ; ; The fourth test, mark a page map level 4 entry not present. ; mov xAX, .s_szPml4eNotPresent test sCX, sCX jz .test4_nxe mov xAX, .s_szPml4eNotPresentNX .test4_nxe: call TMPL_NM_CMN(TestSub) call TMPL_NM(TestFillTestAreaWithRet) mov sAX, TST_SCRATCH_PML4_BASE call TMPL_NM(TestGetPml4eAddr) and byte [sAX], ~X86_PTE_P mov sAX, cr3 mov cr3, sAX mov sAX, TST_SCRATCH_PML4_BASE mov sDX, 0 ; err code call TMPL_NM(TestHammerPage) jz .test4_cleanup mov sAX, TST_SCRATCH_PML4_BASE + (BIG_PAGE_SIZE / 2 - _4K) call TMPL_NM(TestHammerPage) jz .test4_cleanup mov sAX, TST_SCRATCH_PML4_BASE + (BIG_PAGE_SIZE - _4K) call TMPL_NM(TestHammerPage) jz .test4_cleanup .test4_cleanup: mov sAX, TST_SCRATCH_PML4_BASE call TMPL_NM(TestGetPml4eAddr) or byte [sAX], X86_PTE_P mov sAX, cr3 mov cr3, sAX %endif ; ; Done. ; call TMPL_NM_CMN(TestSubDone) pop xSI pop xDI pop xDX pop xCX pop xBX pop sAX leave ret .s_szBigPageNotPresent: db TMPL_MODE_STR, ', !NX, big page NP', 0 .s_szBigPageNotPresentNX: db TMPL_MODE_STR, ', NX, big page NP', 0 .s_szPageNotPresent: db TMPL_MODE_STR, ', !NX, page NP', 0 .s_szPageNotPresentNX: db TMPL_MODE_STR, ', NX, page NP', 0 %if PXE_SIZE == 8 ; PAE or LM .s_szPdpeNotPresent: db TMPL_MODE_STR, ', !NX, PDPE NP', 0 .s_szPdpeNotPresentNX: db TMPL_MODE_STR, ', NX, PDPE NP', 0 %endif %ifdef TMPL_LM64 .s_szPml4eNotPresent: db TMPL_MODE_STR, ', !NX, PML4E NP', 0 .s_szPml4eNotPresentNX: db TMPL_MODE_STR, ', NX, PML4E NP', 0 %endif ENDPROC TMPL_NM(TestNotPresent) ;; ; Does the page-not-present benchmark. ; ; @uses nothing ; BEGINPROC TMPL_NM(BenchmarkNotPresent) push xBP mov xBP, xSP push sAX push xBX push sCX push sDX push xDI push xSI sub xSP, 20h call TMPL_NM(TestFillTestAreaWithRet) ; ; The First benchmark: Big page not present. ; ; Mark the big test page not present. mov sAX, TST_SCRATCH_PD_BASE call TMPL_NM(TestGetPdeAddr) and byte [sAX], ~X86_PTE_P mov sAX, cr3 mov cr3, sAX ; Benchmark. mov sAX, TST_SCRATCH_PD_BASE mov xDX, .s_szBigPageNotPresent mov xCX, .s_szBigPageNotPresentFailed call TMPL_NM(TstBenchmark32BitReads) ; Cleanup. mov sAX, TST_SCRATCH_PD_BASE call TMPL_NM(TestGetPdeAddr) or byte [sAX], X86_PTE_P mov sAX, cr3 mov cr3, sAX ; ; The second benchmark: Normal page not present. ; ; Replace the big page with a page table and make the first and last ; pages not-present. mov sAX, TST_SCRATCH_PD_BASE call TMPL_NM(TstPutPageTableAt) and byte [BS2_USER_PX_0_ADDR], ~X86_PTE_P and byte [BS2_USER_PX_0_ADDR + 01000h - PXE_SIZE], ~X86_PTE_P mov sAX, cr3 mov cr3, sAX ; Benchmark. mov sAX, TST_SCRATCH_PD_BASE mov xDX, .s_szPageNotPresent mov xCX, .s_szPageNotPresentFailed call TMPL_NM(TstBenchmark32BitReads) ; Cleanup mov sAX, TST_SCRATCH_PD_BASE call TMPL_NM(TstRestoreBigPageAt) ; ; Done. ; add xSP, 20h pop xSI pop xDI pop sDX pop sCX pop xBX pop sAX leave ret .s_szBigPageNotPresent: db TMPL_MODE_STR, ', read NP big page', 0 .s_szBigPageNotPresentFailed: db TMPL_MODE_STR, ', reading NP big page failed', 13, 10, 0 .s_szPageNotPresent: db TMPL_MODE_STR, ', read NP page', 0 .s_szPageNotPresentFailed: db TMPL_MODE_STR, ', reading NP page failed', 13, 10, 0 ENDPROC TMPL_NM(BenchmarkNotPresent) ;; ; Benchmark 32-bit reads at a give location. ; ; Will report the result under the name given via xDX. Will report any test ; failure giving the string pointed to by xCX as explanation. ; ; @param sAX The location to do the reads. ; @param xDX The test value name. ; @param xCX The failure string ; @uses nothing ; BEGINPROC TMPL_NM(TstBenchmark32BitReads) push xBP mov xBP, xSP %define a_pu32Test [xBP - sCB] push sAX %define a_pszValue [xBP - sCB*2] push sDX %define a_pszFailure [xBP - sCB*3] push sCX push sSI push sDI %define u64NanoTS [xBP - sCB*5 - 8h] sub xSP, 8h ; ; Calibrate the test so it doesn't take forever. ; mov xAX, .calibrate_resume mov dl, 0eh call TMPL_NM_CMN(Bs2TrapPrepare) mov ecx, TST_CALIBRATE_LOOP_COUNT lea xAX, u64NanoTS call TMPL_NM_CMN(GetNanoTS) .calibrate_loop: mov sAX, a_pu32Test mov esi, [sAX] .calibrate_resume: test sAX, sAX jnz .failure dec ecx jnz .calibrate_loop lea xAX, u64NanoTS call TMPL_NM_CMN(GetElapsedNanoTS) call TMPL_NM_CMN(Bs2TrapReset) ; Figure out how many iterations is required for the full benchmark. mov ecx, TST_BENCHMARK_PERIOD_IN_SECS mov edx, TST_CALIBRATE_LOOP_COUNT mov xAX, xSP call TMPL_NM_CMN(CalcBenchmarkIterations) mov ecx, eax ; iteration count. ; ; Do the full benchmark run. ; mov xAX, .bench_resume mov dl, 0eh call TMPL_NM_CMN(Bs2TrapPrepare) mov edx, ecx ; save test count for ReportResult. lea xAX, u64NanoTS call TMPL_NM_CMN(GetNanoTS) .bench_loop: mov xAX, a_pu32Test mov esi, [eax] .bench_resume: test eax, eax jnz .failure dec ecx jnz .bench_loop lea xAX, u64NanoTS call TMPL_NM_CMN(GetElapsedNanoTS) call TMPL_NM_CMN(Bs2TrapReset) mov xCX, a_pszValue lea xAX, u64NanoTS call TMPL_NM_CMN(ReportResult) .return: pop sDI pop sSI pop sCX pop sDX pop sAX leave ret .failure: call TMPL_NM_CMN(Bs2TrapReset) mov xAX, a_pszFailure call TMPL_NM_CMN(TestFailed) jmp .return %undef a_pszFailure %undef a_pu32Test %undef a_pszValue %undef a_pszFailure %undef u64NanoTS ENDPROC TMPL_NM(TstBenchmark32BitReads) ;; ; Fills the test area with return instructions. ; ; @uses nothing. ; BEGINPROC TMPL_NM(TestFillTestAreaWithRet) push xBP mov xBP, xSP push xDI push xCX push xAX mov xDI, TST_SCRATCH_PD_BASE mov xCX, (_4M + _4M) / 4 mov eax, 0c3c3c3c3h rep stosd mov xDI, TST_SCRATCH_PDPT_BASE mov xCX, (_4M + _4M) / 4 mov eax, 0c3c3c3c3h rep stosd %ifdef TMPL_LM64 mov xDI, TST_SCRATCH_PML4_BASE mov xCX, (_4M + _4M) / 8 mov rax, 0c3c3c3c3c3c3c3c3h rep stosq %endif pop xAX pop xCX pop xDI leave ret ENDPROC TMPL_NM(TestFillTestAreaWithRet) ;; ; Gets the page directory address. ; ; ASSUMES identity mapped page translation tables. ; ; @returns ds:xAX The page directory address. ; @param sAX The virtual address in question. ; @uses nothing ; BEGINPROC TMPL_NM(TestGetPdeAddr) push xBP mov xBP, xSP push sBX push sCX %ifdef TMPL_CMN_PP ; PDPE shr sAX, X86_PD_SHIFT and sAX, X86_PD_MASK shl sAX, 2 mov sBX, cr3 and sBX, X86_CR3_PAGE_MASK add sAX, sBX %else %ifdef TMPL_CMN_LM ; PML4E mov sCX, sAX shr sCX, X86_PML4_SHIFT and sCX, X86_PML4_MASK shl sCX, 3 mov sBX, cr3 and sBX, X86_CR3_AMD64_PAGE_MASK & 0ffffffffh add sBX, sCX mov sBX, [sBX] and sBX, X86_PDPE_PG_MASK & 0ffffffffh %else mov sBX, cr3 and sBX, X86_CR3_PAE_PAGE_MASK %endif ; PDPE mov sCX, sAX shr sCX, X86_PDPT_SHIFT %ifdef TMPL_CMN_LM and sCX, X86_PDPT_MASK_AMD64 %else and sCX, X86_PDPT_MASK_PAE %endif shl sCX, 3 add sBX, xCX mov sBX, [sBX] and sBX, X86_PDPE_PG_MASK & 0ffffffffh ; PDE shr sAX, X86_PD_PAE_SHIFT and sAX, X86_PD_PAE_MASK shl sAX, 3 add sAX, sBX %endif pop sCX pop sBX leave ret ENDPROC TMPL_NM(TestGetPdeAddr) %if PXE_SIZE == 8 ; PAE or LM ;; ; Gets the page directory pointer entry for an address. ; ; ASSUMES identity mapped page translation tables. ; ; @returns ds:xAX The pointer to the PDPE. ; @param sAX The virtual address in question. ; @uses nothing ; BEGINPROC TMPL_NM(TestGetPdpeAddr) push xBP mov xBP, xSP push sBX push sCX %ifdef TMPL_CMN_PP %error "misconfig" %endif %ifdef TMPL_CMN_LM ; PML4E mov sCX, sAX shr sCX, X86_PML4_SHIFT and sCX, X86_PML4_MASK shl sCX, 3 mov sBX, cr3 and sBX, X86_CR3_AMD64_PAGE_MASK & 0ffffffffh add sBX, sCX mov sBX, [sBX] and sBX, X86_PDPE_PG_MASK & 0ffffffffh %else mov sBX, cr3 and sBX, X86_CR3_PAE_PAGE_MASK %endif ; PDPE shr sAX, X86_PDPT_SHIFT %ifdef TMPL_CMN_LM and sAX, X86_PDPT_MASK_AMD64 %else and sAX, X86_PDPT_MASK_PAE %endif shl sAX, 3 add sAX, sBX pop sCX pop sBX leave ret ENDPROC TMPL_NM(TestGetPdpeAddr) %endif ; PAE or LM %ifdef TMPL_CMN_LM ;; ; Gets the page map level 4 entry for an address. ; ; ASSUMES identity mapped page translation tables. ; ; @returns rax The pointer to the PML4E. ; @param rax The virtual address in question. ; @uses nothing ; BEGINPROC TMPL_NM(TestGetPml4eAddr) push xBP mov xBP, xSP push rbx ; PML4E shr rax, X86_PML4_SHIFT and rax, X86_PML4_MASK shl rax, 3 mov rbx, cr3 and rbx, X86_CR3_AMD64_PAGE_MASK & 0ffffffffh add rax, rbx pop rbx leave ret ENDPROC TMPL_NM(TestGetPml4eAddr) %endif ; TMPL_CMN_LM ;; ; Initialize page table #0 and hooks it up at the specified address. ; ; The page table will have identity mapped pages. The TLBs are flushed ; wholesale. The caller will have to reconstruct the PDE when finished. ; ; @param sAX The virtual address (big page -> page table). ; @uses nothing ; BEGINPROC TMPL_NM(TstPutPageTableAt) push xBP mov xBP, xSP push sAX push sCX push sDI push sSI ; initialize a page table. mov sDI, BS2_USER_PX_0_ADDR mov sSI, sAX .init_loop: %if PXE_SIZE == 8 mov [sDI + 4], dword 0 mov [sDI], sSI %else mov [sDI], esi %endif or byte [sDI], X86_PTE_P | X86_PTE_RW add sSI, _4K add sDI, PXE_SIZE test sDI, 0fffh jnz .init_loop ; hook it up instead of the big page. and sAX, ~(BIG_PAGE_SIZE - 1) mov sDI, sAX call TMPL_NM(TestGetPdeAddr) mov dword [sAX], BS2_USER_PX_0_ADDR | X86_PDE_P | X86_PDE_RW | X86_PDE_RW %if PXE_SIZE == 8 mov dword [sAX + 4], 0 %endif mov sAX, cr3 mov cr3, sAX ; Make sure it works. mov eax, 0c3c3c3c3h mov ecx, BIG_PAGE_SIZE / 4 rep stosd pop sSI pop sDI pop sCX pop sAX leave ret ENDPROC TMPL_NM(TstPutPageTableAt) ;; ; Restores the big page for a virtual address, undoing harm done by a ; previous TstPutPageTableAt call. ; ; @param sAX The virtual address to restore to a big page. ; @uses nothing ; BEGINPROC TMPL_NM(TstRestoreBigPageAt) push xBP mov xBP, xSP push sAX push sCX push sDI ; Set it up, inheriting bits from the previous PDE. and sAX, ~(BIG_PAGE_SIZE - 1) mov sDI, sAX ; save it for later. call TMPL_NM(TestGetPdeAddr) mov sCX, [sAX - PXE_SIZE] and sCX, X86_PDE4M_US | X86_PDE4M_RW | X86_PDE4M_G | X86_PDE4M_PAT | X86_PDE4M_AVL | X86_PDE4M_PCD | X86_PDE4M_PWT or sCX, X86_PDE4M_P | X86_PDE4M_PS or sCX, sDI %if PXE_SIZE == 8 mov dword [sAX + 4], 0 mov [sAX], sCX %else mov [sAX], ecx %endif mov sAX, cr3 mov cr3, sAX ; Make sure it works. mov eax, 0c3c3c3c3h mov ecx, BIG_PAGE_SIZE / 4 rep stosd pop sDI pop sCX pop sAX leave ret ENDPROC TMPL_NM(TstRestoreBigPageAt) ;; ; Hammers a page. ; ; Accesses a page in a few different ways, expecting all of the accesses to ; cause some kind of page fault. The caller just makes sure the page causes ; a fault and points us to it. ; ; @returns al=1, ZF=0 on success. ; @returns al=0, ZF=1 on failure. ; @param sAX The page. ; @param sDX The base error code to expect. ; @param xCX X86_TRAP_PF_ID if NXE, otherwise 0. ; @uses al ; BEGINPROC TMPL_NM(TestHammerPage) push xBP mov xBP, xSP push sBX %define a_uErrorExec sPRE [xBP - sCB*2] push sCX %define a_uErrorFixed sPRE [xBP - sCB*3] push sDX push sDI push sSI %define a_pPage sPRE [xBP - sCB*6] push sAX ; ; First reads of different sizes. ; mov sDI, a_pPage .read_byte_loop: mov dl, 0ffh mov xAX, .read_byte_resume call TMPL_NM_CMN(Bs2TrapPrepare) .read_byte: mov cl, byte [sDI] .read_byte_resume: mov eax, 0eh ; trap # mov sDX, a_uErrorFixed ; err mov sCX, .read_byte ; fault eip mov sBX, sDI ; fault address. call TMPL_NM_CMN(TestCheckTrap) jz .failed inc sDI test sDI, 0fffh jnz .read_byte_loop mov sDI, a_pPage .read_word_loop: mov dl, 0ffh mov xAX, .read_word_resume call TMPL_NM_CMN(Bs2TrapPrepare) .read_word: mov cx, word [sDI] .read_word_resume: mov eax, 0eh ; trap # mov sDX, a_uErrorFixed ; err mov sCX, .read_word ; fault eip mov sBX, sDI ; fault address. call TMPL_NM_CMN(TestCheckTrap) jz .failed inc sDI test sDI, 0fffh jnz .read_word_loop mov sDI, a_pPage .read_dword_loop: mov dl, 0ffh mov xAX, .read_dword_resume call TMPL_NM_CMN(Bs2TrapPrepare) .read_dword: mov ecx, dword [sDI] .read_dword_resume: mov eax, 0eh ; trap # mov sDX, a_uErrorFixed ; err mov sCX, .read_dword ; fault eip mov sBX, sDI ; fault address. call TMPL_NM_CMN(TestCheckTrap) jz .failed inc sDI test sDI, 0fffh jnz .read_dword_loop ; ; Then writes of different sizes. ; mov sDI, a_pPage .write_byte_loop: mov dl, 0ffh mov xAX, .write_byte_resume call TMPL_NM_CMN(Bs2TrapPrepare) .write_byte: mov byte [sDI], 0c3h ; (ret instruction) .write_byte_resume: mov eax, 0eh ; trap # mov sDX, a_uErrorFixed ; err or sDX, X86_TRAP_PF_RW mov sCX, .write_byte ; fault eip mov sBX, sDI ; fault address. call TMPL_NM_CMN(TestCheckTrap) jz .failed inc sDI test sDI, 0fffh jnz .write_byte_loop mov sDI, a_pPage .write_word_loop: mov dl, 0ffh mov xAX, .write_word_resume call TMPL_NM_CMN(Bs2TrapPrepare) .write_word: mov word [sDI], 0c3c3h ; (2 ret instructions) .write_word_resume: mov eax, 0eh ; trap # mov sDX, a_uErrorFixed ; err or sDX, X86_TRAP_PF_RW mov sCX, .write_word ; fault eip mov sBX, sDI ; fault address. call TMPL_NM_CMN(TestCheckTrap) jz .failed inc sDI test sDI, 0fffh jnz .write_word_loop mov sDI, a_pPage .write_dword_loop: mov dl, 0ffh mov xAX, .write_dword_resume call TMPL_NM_CMN(Bs2TrapPrepare) .write_dword: mov dword [sDI], 0c3c3c3c3h ; (4 ret instructions) .write_dword_resume: mov eax, 0eh ; trap # mov sDX, a_uErrorFixed ; err or sDX, X86_TRAP_PF_RW mov sCX, .write_dword ; fault eip mov sBX, sDI ; fault address. call TMPL_NM_CMN(TestCheckTrap) jz .failed inc sDI test sDI, 0fffh jnz .write_dword_loop ; ; Execute access. ; mov sDI, a_pPage mov xSI, xSP .call_loop: mov dl, 0ffh mov xAX, .call_resume call TMPL_NM_CMN(Bs2TrapPrepare) call sDI .call_resume: mov xSP, xSI ; restore xSP since the call will change it before #PF'ing. mov eax, 0eh ; trap # mov sDX, a_uErrorFixed ; err or sDX, a_uErrorExec mov sCX, sDI ; fault eip mov sBX, sDI ; fault address. call TMPL_NM_CMN(TestCheckTrap) jz .failed inc sDI test sDI, 0fffh jnz .call_loop mov sDI, a_pPage mov xSI, xSP .jmp_loop: mov dl, 0ffh mov xAX, .jmp_resume call TMPL_NM_CMN(Bs2TrapPrepare) push .jmp_resume ; push a return address in case of failure. jmp sDI .jmp_resume: mov xSP, xSI ; restore xSP in case the jmp didn't trap. mov eax, 0eh ; trap # mov sDX, a_uErrorFixed ; err or sDX, a_uErrorExec mov sCX, sDI ; fault eip mov sBX, sDI ; fault address. call TMPL_NM_CMN(TestCheckTrap) jz .failed inc sDI test sDI, 0fffh jnz .jmp_loop ; successfull return. pop sAX xor al, al inc al .return: pop sSI pop sDI pop sDX pop sCX pop sBX leave ret .failed: pop sAX xor al, al jmp .return %undef a_uErrorFixed %undef a_uErrorExec %undef a_pPage ENDPROC TMPL_NM(TestHammerPage) %include "bootsector2-template-footer.mac"