; $Id: kmoddeps.mac 76553 2019-01-01 01:45:53Z vboxsync $ ;; @file ; Assembly macros for generating Solaris kernel module dependencies ; ; ; Copyright (C) 2012-2019 Oracle Corporation ; ; This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as ; available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; ; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU ; General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software ; Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the ; VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the ; hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. ; ; The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms ; of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0 ; (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the ; VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the ; CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL. ; ; You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the ; terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both. ; ; Solaris kernel modules use non-standard ELF constructions to express inter- ; module dependencies, namely a DT_NEEDED tag inside a relocatable ELF file. ; The Solaris linker can generate these automatically; since yasm can't ; produce an ELF file which quite fits Solaris's requirements we create one ; manually using flat binary output format. In order to save unnecessary ; repetition, this file defines macros for the repetitive bits which can be ; reused by the actual dependency objects. Certainly not the nicest way to ; get the effect we want, but probably a reasonable compromise between ; cleanness and required effort. ; %ifdef RT_ARCH_AMD64 BITS 64 ;; ; Native word size %define DNAT dq ;; ; ELF machine number for the current architecture. %define EM_CUR 62 ; EM_X86_64 ;; ; ELF header class for the current architecture. %define CLASS 2 %else BITS 32 %define DNAT dd %define EM_CUR 3 ; EM_386 %define CLASS 1 %endif ;; ; ELF file header, section tables and shared string table for the dependency ; object. %macro kmoddeps_header 0 elf_hdr: ; elfxx_hdr structure db 7fh, "ELF" ; e_ident db CLASS, 1, 1 ; e_ident times 9 db 0 ; padding dw 1 ; e_type ET_REL dw EM_CUR ; e_machine dd 1 ; e_version EV_CURRENT DNAT 0 ; e_entry DNAT 0 ; e_phoff DNAT sect_hdr - $$ ; e_shoff dd 0 ; e_flags dw elf_hsize ; e_ehsize dw 0 ; e_phentsize dw 0 ; e_phnum dw sect_hsize ; e_shentsize dw 4 ; e_shnum dw 1 ; e_shstrndx section .shstrtab elf_hsize equ $ - elf_hdr sect_hdr: ; elfxx_shdr structure times sect_hsize db 0 ; undefined section sect_hdr1: dd str_shstrtab ; sh_name .shstrtab dd 3 ; sh_type SHT_STRTAB DNAT 20h ; sh_flags SHF_STRINGS DNAT 0 ; sh_addr DNAT shstrtab - $$ ; sh_offset DNAT shstrtab_size ; sh_size dd 0 ; sh_link dd 0 ; sh_info DNAT 1 ; sh_addralign DNAT 0 ; sh_entsize sect_hsize equ $ - sect_hdr1 dd str_dynstr ; sh_name .dynstr dd 3 ; sh_type SHT_STRTAB DNAT 20h ; sh_flags SHF_STRINGS DNAT 0 ; sh_addr DNAT dynstr - $$ ; sh_offset DNAT dynstr_size ; sh_size dd 0 ; sh_link dd 0 ; sh_info DNAT 1 ; sh_addralign DNAT 0 ; sh_entsize dd str_dynamic ; sh_name .dynamic dd 6 ; sh_type SHT_DYNAMIC DNAT 1 ; sh_flags SHF_WRITE DNAT 0 ; sh_addr DNAT dynamic - $$ ; sh_offset DNAT dynamic_size ; sh_size dd 2 ; sh_link .dynstr dd 0 ; sh_info DNAT 8 ; sh_addralign DNAT 0 ; sh_entsize shstrtab: str_shstrtab equ $ - shstrtab db ".shstrtab", 0 str_dynstr equ $ - shstrtab db ".dynstr", 0 str_dynamic equ $ - shstrtab db ".dynamic", 0 shstrtab_size equ $ - shstrtab %endmacro ; kmoddeps_header ;; ; Start of the .dynstr section for the dependency object. %macro kmoddeps_dynstr_start 0 dynstr: db 0 %endmacro ;; ; A .dynstr string entry for the dependency object. ; The parameters are a symbolic name for the string and the string itself. %macro kmoddeps_dynstr_string 2 dynstr_name_%1 equ $ - dynstr db %2, 0 %endmacro ;; ; End of the .dynstr section for the dependency object. %macro kmoddeps_dynstr_end 0 dynstr_size equ $ - dynstr %endmacro ;; ; Start of the .dynamic section for the dependency object. %macro kmoddeps_dynamic_start 0 dynamic: %endmacro ;; ; A .dynamic DT_NEEDED entry for the dependency object. ; The parameter is a symbolic string name previously defined using ; @a kmoddeps_dynstr_string. %macro kmoddeps_dynamic_needed 1 DNAT 1 ; DT_NEEDED DNAT dynstr_name_%1 %endmacro ;; ; End of the .dynamic section for the dependency object. %macro kmoddeps_dynamic_end 0 DNAT 1ah ; DT_FLAGS DNAT 4 ; TEXTREL DNAT 6ffffffbh ; DT_FLAGS1 DNAT 0 DNAT 601900h ; SUNW_STRPAD DNAT 200h DNAT 601b00h ; SUNW_LDMACH DNAT 62 ; EM_X86_64 times 22 DNAT 0 ; padding dynamic_size equ $ - dynamic %endmacro ; kmoddeps_dynamic_end