; $Id: bootsector2-common-routines-template-1.mac 56295 2015-06-09 14:29:55Z vboxsync $ ;; @file ; bootsector2 common routines - template containing code common to related modes. ; ; ; Copyright (C) 2007-2015 Oracle Corporation ; ; This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as ; available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; ; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU ; General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software ; Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the ; VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the ; hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. ; ; The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms ; of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0 ; (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the ; VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the ; CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL. ; ; You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the ; terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both. ; %include "bootsector2-template-header.mac" ALIGNCODE(32) GLOBALNAME TMPL_NM_CMN(g_szMode) db TMPL_MODE_STR, 0 ;; ; Shutdown routine. ; ; Does not return. ; ; @uses N/A ; BEGINPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(Shutdown) %ifdef TMPL_16BIT jmp Bs2Shutdown %else cli mov bl, 64 mov dx, 08900h mov ax, ss mov ds, ax .retry: mov ecx, 8 mov esi, .s_szShutdown rep outsb dec bl jnz .retry ; Shutdown failed! jmp Bs2Panic .s_szShutdown: db 'Shutdown', 0 %endif ENDPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(Shutdown) ;; ; Prints a 32-bit unsigned integer on the screen. ; ; @param eax The value to print. ; ; @uses nothing ; BEGINPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(PrintU32) push xBP mov xBP, xSP push sAX push sDX push sCX push sBX %ifdef TMPL_16BIT push ds mov cx, ss mov ds, cx %endif ; Allocate a stack buffer and terminate it. ds:bx points ot the end. sub xSP, 30h mov xBX, xSP add xBX, 2fh mov byte [xBX], 0 mov ecx, 10 ; what to divide by .next: xor edx, edx div ecx ; edx:eax / ecx -> eax and rest in edx. add dl, '0' dec xBX mov [xBX], dl cmp eax, 0 jnz .next ; Print the string. mov xAX, xBX call TMPL_NM_CMN(PrintStr) add xSP, 30h %ifdef TMPL_16BIT pop ds %endif pop sBX pop sCX pop sDX pop sAX leave ret ENDPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(PrintU32) ;; ; Equivalent to RTPrintf, but a max output length of 1KB. ; ; @remarks This uses an entirely STACK BASED CALLING CONVENTION where the ; caller does the cleanup (cdecl sans volatile regs). ; ; @param fpszFormat The format string (far pointer on 16-bit ; systems). See StrFormatV for format details. ; @param ... Zero or more format string arguments. ; @uses nothing ; BEGINPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(PrintF) push xBP mov xBP, xSP push sAX push xDX push xCX push xBX %ifdef TMPL_16BIT push ds push es push fs %endif sub xSP, 0400h ; string buffer (1024 bytes) ; ; Format the failure string and call TestFailed. ; %ifdef TMPL_16BIT mov ax, ss ; buffer address. mov ds, ax mov ax, sp mov xDX, 0400h ; buffer size. les cx, [bp + 4] ; format string mov bx, ss ; argument list mov fs, bx mov bx, bp add bx, 8 %else mov xAX, xSP ; buffer address mov xDX, 0400h ; buffer size mov xCX, [xBP + xCB * 2] ; format string lea xBX, [xBP + xCB * 3] ; argument list. %endif call TMPL_NM_CMN(StrFormatV) call TMPL_NM_CMN(PrintStr) add xSP, 0400h %ifdef TMPL_16BIT pop fs pop es pop ds %endif pop xBX pop xCX pop xDX pop sAX leave ret ENDPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(PrintF) ;; ; Print a string followed by a semicolon and at least one space. ; ; @param ds:ax The string to print. ; @param dx The desired minimum length of the output. That is ; string + colon + spaces. ; @uses nothing. ; BEGINPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(PrintStrColonSpaces) push xBP mov xBP, xSP push xAX push xCX call TMPL_NM_CMN(PrintStr) call TMPL_NM_CMN(StrLen) mov cx, ax mov al, ':' call TMPL_NM_CMN(PrintChr) inc cx mov al, ' ' .next_space: call TMPL_NM_CMN(PrintChr) inc cx cmp cx, dx jb .next_space pop xCX pop xAX leave ret ENDPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(PrintStrColonSpaces) ;; ; Print a string followed by a 0+ spaces, a semicolon and a space. ; ; @param ds:ax The string to print. ; @param dx The desired minimum length of the output. That is ; string + spaces + colon + space. ; @uses nothing. ; BEGINPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(PrintStrSpacesColonSpace) push xBP mov xBP, xSP push xAX push xCX call TMPL_NM_CMN(PrintStr) call TMPL_NM_CMN(StrLen) mov cx, ax inc cx mov al, ' ' .next_space: inc cx cmp cx, dx jae .done_spaces call TMPL_NM_CMN(PrintChr) jmp .next_space .done_spaces: mov al, ':' call TMPL_NM_CMN(PrintChr) mov al, ' ' call TMPL_NM_CMN(PrintChr) pop xCX pop xAX leave ret ENDPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(PrintStrSpacesColonSpace) ;; ; Store the current nanosecond timestamp in [ax] (qword). ; ; @param ds:ax Where to store the 64-bit timestamp. ; ; @uses nothing ; BEGINPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(GetNanoTS) push sAX push sCX push xDX %ifdef TMPL_16BIT movzx ecx, ax %else mov xCX, xAX %endif mov dx, VMMDEV_TESTING_IOPORT_TS_LOW in eax, dx mov [sCX], eax mov dx, VMMDEV_TESTING_IOPORT_TS_HIGH in eax, dx mov [sCX + 4], eax pop xDX pop sCX pop sAX ret ENDPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(GetNanoTS) ;; ; Calculates the time elapsed since [ax] (qword), storing it at [ax] (qword). ; ; @param ds:ax Where to get the start timestamp (input) and where ; to store the time elapsed (output). qword ; ; @uses nothing ; BEGINPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(GetElapsedNanoTS) push sAX push sCX push xDX %ifdef TMPL_16BIT movzx ecx, ax %else mov xCX, xAX %endif mov dx, VMMDEV_TESTING_IOPORT_TS_LOW in eax, dx sub eax, [sCX] mov [sCX], eax mov dx, VMMDEV_TESTING_IOPORT_TS_HIGH in eax, dx sbb eax, [sCX + 4] mov [sCX + 4], eax pop xDX pop sCX pop sAX ret ENDPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(GetElapsedNanoTS) ;; ; Sends a command to VMMDev followed by a single string. ; ; If the VMMDev is not present or is not being used, this function will ; do nothing. ; ; @param eax The command. ; @param ds:dx The string (zero terminated). ; @uses nothing ; @internal ; BEGINPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(testSendStrCmd) push xBP mov xBP, xSP push sAX push xBX push xDX cmp byte [g_fbBs2VMMDevTesting], 0 je .no_vmmdev mov dx, VMMDEV_TESTING_IOPORT_CMD out dx, eax mov dx, VMMDEV_TESTING_IOPORT_DATA pop xBX push xBX dec xBX .next_char: inc xBX mov al, [xBX] out dx, al test al, al jnz .next_char .no_vmmdev: pop xDX pop xBX pop sAX leave ret ENDPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(testSendStrCmd) ;; ; Equivalent to RTTestCreate + RTTestBanner ; ; @param DS16:xAX Pointer to a zero terminated string naming the ; test. Must be a global constant. ; @uses nothing ; BEGINPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(TestInit) push xBP mov xBP, xSP push sAX push xDX ; Initialize the globals. mov [g_npszBs2Test], xAX xor eax, eax mov [g_uscBs2TestErrors], ax mov [g_npszBs2SubTest], eax mov [g_uscBs2SubTestAtErrors], ax mov byte [g_fbBs2SubTestReported], 1 mov [g_uscBs2SubTests], ax mov [g_uscBs2SubTestsFailed], ax ; Print the name. RTTestBanner mov xAX, [g_npszBs2Test] call TMPL_NM_CMN(PrintStr) mov xAX, .s_szTesting call TMPL_NM_CMN(PrintStr) ; Report it to the VMMDev. mov eax, VMMDEV_TESTING_CMD_INIT mov xDX, [g_npszBs2Test] call TMPL_NM_CMN(testSendStrCmd) pop xDX pop sAX leave ret .s_szTesting: db ': TESTING...', 13, 10, 0 ENDPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(TestInit) ;; ; rtTestSubTestReport ; @uses nothing ; @internal BEGINPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(testSubTestReport) push xBP mov xBP, xSP push sAX push sCX push xDX ; Check if there is anything to do. cmp byte [g_fbBs2SubTestReported], 0 jne .done xor xAX, xAX ; load the sub test name pointer for later mov xAX, [g_npszBs2SubTest] test xAX, xAX jz .done ; Start the printing. mov dx, 48 call TMPL_NM_CMN(PrintStrSpacesColonSpace) mov byte [g_fbBs2SubTestReported], 1 mov cx, [g_uscBs2TestErrors] sub cx, [g_uscBs2SubTestAtErrors] and ecx, 0ffffh jnz .failed ; passed mov xAX, .s_szPassed call TMPL_NM_CMN(PrintStr) jmp .vmmdev ; failed .failed: mov xAX, .s_szFailure call TMPL_NM_CMN(PrintStr) mov eax, ecx call TMPL_NM_CMN(PrintU32) mov xAX, .s_szFailureEnd call TMPL_NM_CMN(PrintStr) ; report to VMMDev .vmmdev: cmp byte [g_fbBs2VMMDevTesting], 0 je .no_vmmdev mov dx, VMMDEV_TESTING_IOPORT_CMD mov eax, VMMDEV_TESTING_CMD_SUB_DONE out dx, eax mov dx, VMMDEV_TESTING_IOPORT_DATA mov eax, ecx out dx, eax .no_vmmdev: .done: pop xDX pop sCX pop sAX leave ret .s_szPassed: db 'PASSED', 13, 10, 0 .s_szFailure: db 'FAILED (', 0 .s_szFailureEnd: db ' errors)', 13, 10, 0 ENDPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(testSubTestReport) ;; ; rtTestSubCleanup ; @uses nothing ; @internal BEGINPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(testSubCleanup) push xBP mov xBP, xSP cmp dword [g_npszBs2SubTest], 0 je .cleaned_up call TMPL_NM_CMN(testSubTestReport) mov dword [g_npszBs2SubTest], 0 mov byte [g_fbBs2SubTestReported], 0 .cleaned_up: leave ret ENDPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(testSubCleanup) ;; ; Equivalent to RTTestSub. ; ; @param ds:xAX Pointer to a zero terminated string naming the sub test. ; @uses nothing ; BEGINPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(TestSub) push xBP mov xBP, xSP push sAX push xDX ; Complete and cleanup any current sub test. call TMPL_NM_CMN(testSubCleanup) ; Start a new sub test. inc word [g_uscBs2SubTests] mov dx, [g_uscBs2TestErrors] mov [g_uscBs2SubTestAtErrors], dx mov [g_npszBs2SubTest], xAX mov byte [g_fbBs2SubTestReported], 0 ; Report it to the VMMDev. mov xDX, xAX mov eax, VMMDEV_TESTING_CMD_SUB_NEW call TMPL_NM_CMN(testSendStrCmd) pop xDX pop sAX leave ret ENDPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(TestSub) ;; ; Calculates the error count for the current sub test. ; ; @returns ax Error count for the current sub test. ; @uses ax ; BEGINPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(TestSubErrorCount) pushf mov ax, [g_uscBs2TestErrors] sub ax, [g_uscBs2SubTestAtErrors] popf ret ENDPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(TestSubErrorCount) ;; ; Equivalent to RTTestValue. ; ; @param ds:ax The value name. ; @param edx The 32-bit value to report. ; @param cl The unit (VMMDEV_TESTING_UNIT_XXX). ; @uses nothing ; BEGINPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(TestValueU32) push xBP mov xBP, xSP push sDX push sCX push sAX push sSI pushf cld mov xSI, xAX ; xSI = name ; Print it. mov dx, 48 call TMPL_NM_CMN(PrintStrSpacesColonSpace) mov eax, [xBP - sCB] call TMPL_NM_CMN(PrintU32) mov al, ' ' call TMPL_NM_CMN(PrintChr) movzx sAX, cl ; ASSUMES correct input. mov edx, eax ; edx = unit shl xAX, 4 ; * 16 add xAX, g_aszBs2TestUnitNames call TMPL_NM_CMN(PrintStr) mov al, 13 call TMPL_NM_CMN(PrintChr) mov al, 10 call TMPL_NM_CMN(PrintChr) ; Report it to the host. cmp byte [g_fbBs2VMMDevTesting], 0 je .no_vmmdev mov ecx, edx ; ecx = unit mov dx, VMMDEV_TESTING_IOPORT_CMD mov eax, VMMDEV_TESTING_CMD_VALUE out dx, eax mov dx, VMMDEV_TESTING_IOPORT_DATA mov eax, [xBP - sCB] out dx, eax ; value - low dword xor eax, eax out dx, eax ; value - high dword mov eax, ecx out dx, eax ; unit .next_char: lodsb out dx, al test al, al jnz .next_char .no_vmmdev: popf pop sSI pop sAX pop sCX pop sDX leave ret ENDPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(TestValueU32) ;; ; RTTestValue + DBGFR3RegNmQueryU64. ; ; @param ds:ax The value name and register name separated by a colon. ; @uses nothing ; BEGINPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(TestValueReg) push xBP mov xBP, xSP push sDX push sAX push sSI pushf cld mov xSI, xAX ; xSI = name ; Report it to the host. cmp byte [g_fbBs2VMMDevTesting], 0 je .no_vmmdev mov dx, VMMDEV_TESTING_IOPORT_CMD mov eax, VMMDEV_TESTING_CMD_VALUE_REG out dx, eax mov dx, VMMDEV_TESTING_IOPORT_DATA .next_char: lodsb out dx, al test al, al jnz .next_char .no_vmmdev: popf pop sSI pop sAX pop sDX leave ret ENDPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(TestValueReg) ;; ; Equivalent to RTTestFailed("%s", ds:xAX). ; ; @param ds:xAX Failure explanation. ; @uses nothing ; BEGINPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(TestFailed) push xBP mov xBP, xSP push sAX push xDX ; Increment the error count. inc word [g_uscBs2TestErrors] ; Print failure message. call TMPL_NM_CMN(PrintStr) ; Report it to the VMMDev. mov xDX, xAX mov eax, VMMDEV_TESTING_CMD_FAILED call TMPL_NM_CMN(testSendStrCmd) pop xDX pop sAX leave ret ENDPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(TestFailed) ;; ; Equivalent to RTTestFailed. ; ; @remarks This uses an entirely STACK BASED CALLING CONVENTION where the ; caller does the cleanup (cdecl sans volatile regs). ; ; @param fpszFormat The format string (far pointer on 16-bit ; systems). See StrFormatV for format details. ; @param ... Zero or more format string arguments. ; @uses nothing ; BEGINPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(TestFailedF) push xBP mov xBP, xSP push sAX push xDX push xCX push xBX %ifdef TMPL_16BIT push ds push es push fs %endif sub xSP, 0400h ; string buffer (1024 bytes) ; ; Format the failure string and call TestFailed. ; %ifdef TMPL_16BIT mov ax, ss ; buffer address. mov ds, ax mov ax, sp mov xDX, 0400h ; buffer size. les cx, [bp + 4] ; format string mov bx, ss ; argument list mov fs, bx mov bx, bp add bx, 8 %else mov xAX, xSP ; buffer address mov xDX, 0400h ; buffer size mov xCX, [xBP + xCB * 2] ; format string lea xBX, [xBP + xCB * 3] ; argument list. %endif call TMPL_NM_CMN(StrFormatV) call TMPL_NM_CMN(TestFailed) add xSP, 0400h %ifdef TMPL_16BIT pop fs pop es pop ds %endif pop xBX pop xCX pop xDX pop sAX leave ret ENDPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(TestFailedF) ;; ; Equivalent to RTTestSkipped("%s", ds:xAX). ; ; @param ds:xAX Explanation. ; @uses nothing ; BEGINPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(TestSkipped) push xBP mov xBP, xSP push sAX push xDX ; Print reason. call TMPL_NM_CMN(PrintStr) ; Report it to the VMMDev. mov xDX, xAX mov eax, VMMDEV_TESTING_CMD_SKIPPED call TMPL_NM_CMN(testSendStrCmd) pop xDX pop sAX leave ret ENDPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(TestSkipped) ;; ; Equivalent to RTTestSubDone. ; ; @uses nothing ; BEGINPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(TestSubDone) jmp TMPL_NM_CMN(testSubCleanup) ENDPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(TestSubDone) ;; ; Equivalent to RTTestSummaryAndDestroy, does not return. ; BEGINPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(TestTerm) push xBP mov xBP, xSP push sAX push sCX push xDX ; Complete and cleanup any current sub test. call TMPL_NM_CMN(testSubCleanup) ; Print test summary. mov xAX, [g_npszBs2Test] call TMPL_NM_CMN(PrintStr) mov cx, [g_uscBs2TestErrors] and ecx, 0ffffh jnz .failure ; success mov xAX, .s_szSuccess call TMPL_NM_CMN(PrintStr) jmp .vmmdev ; failure .failure: mov xAX, .s_szFailure call TMPL_NM_CMN(PrintStr) mov eax, ecx call TMPL_NM_CMN(PrintU32) mov xAX, .s_szFailureEnd call TMPL_NM_CMN(PrintStr) ; report to VMMDev .vmmdev: cmp byte [g_fbBs2VMMDevTesting], 0 je .no_vmmdev mov dx, VMMDEV_TESTING_IOPORT_CMD mov eax, VMMDEV_TESTING_CMD_TERM out dx, eax mov dx, VMMDEV_TESTING_IOPORT_DATA mov eax, ecx out dx, eax .no_vmmdev: ; Shut down the VM by default. call TMPL_NM_CMN(Shutdown) pop xDX pop sCX pop sAX leave ret .s_szSuccess: db ': SUCCESS', 13, 10, 0 .s_szFailure: db ': FAILURE - ', 0 .s_szFailureEnd: db ' errors', 13, 10, 0 ENDPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(TestTerm) ;; ; Report a result (elapsed time). ; ; @param ds:ax Pointer to the elapsed time. ; @param edx The number of tests executed. ; @param ds:cx The test description. ; ; @users nothing ; BEGINPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(ReportResult) push xBP mov xBP, xSP push sAX push sDX push xCX %if 0 push sDX push xCX push sDX mov edx, [sAX] push sDX mov edx, [sAX + 4] push sDX push .szDbg call TMPL_NM_CMN(PrintF) add xSP, 4 * sCB + xCB pop sDX jmp .end_debug .szDbg: db 'ReportResult(%RX32.%RX32, %RX32, %s)', 13, 10, 0 .end_debug: %endif call TMPL_NM_CMN(CalcTestPerSecond) mov edx, eax mov xAX, xCX mov cl, VMMDEV_TESTING_UNIT_INSTRS_PER_SEC call TMPL_NM_CMN(TestValueU32) pop xCX pop sDX pop sAX leave ret ENDPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(ReportResult) %ifdef BS2_WITH_TRAPS ;; ; Checks a trap, complains if not the expected one. ; ; @param al The expected trap number. ; @param sDX The expected trap error code. ; @param sCX The expected fault eip. ; @param sBX The expected fault address. ; @returns al=1 and ZF=0 on success. ; @returns al=0 and ZF=1 on failure ; @uses Nothing. ; BEGINPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(TestCheckTrap) push xBP mov xBP, xSP %define a_u8ExpectedTrapNo byte [xBP - xCB] push xAX %define a_uExpectedErr sPRE [xBP - xCB - sCB*1] push sDX %define a_uExpectedFaultPC sPRE [xBP - xCB - sCB*2] push sCX %define a_uExpectedFaultAddr sPRE [xBP - xCB - sCB*3] push sBX ; Any traps at all? cmp dword [g_u32cTraps], 0 jne .trapped mov xAX, .s_szNoTrap jmp .failed .trapped: ; Exactly one trap. cmp dword [g_u32cTraps], 1 je .one_trap mov xAX, .s_szToManyTraps jmp .failed .one_trap: ; The right trap. cmp byte [g_u8LastTrapNo], al je .right_trap_no mov xAX, .s_szWrongTrapNo jmp .failed .right_trap_no: ; The right error code. cmp [g_u64LastTrapErr], sDX %ifndef TMPL_64BIT jne .bad_err_cd cmp dword [g_u64LastTrapErr + 4], 0 %endif je .right_err_cd .bad_err_cd: mov xAX, .s_szWrongErrCd jmp .failed .right_err_cd: ; The fault PC. cmp [g_LastTrapRegs + BS2REGS.rip], sCX %ifndef TMPL_64BIT jne .bad_pc cmp dword [g_LastTrapRegs + BS2REGS.rip + 4], 0 %endif je .right_pc .bad_pc: mov xAX, .s_szWrongPc jmp .failed .right_pc: ; The fault address (PF only). cmp al, 0eh jne .right_fault_address cmp [g_LastTrapRegs + BS2REGS.cr2], sBX %ifndef TMPL_64BIT jne .bad_fault_address cmp dword [g_LastTrapRegs + BS2REGS.cr2 + 4], 0 %endif je .right_fault_address .bad_fault_address: mov xAX, .s_szWrongFaultAddress jmp .failed .right_fault_address: pop sBX pop sCX pop sDX pop xAX leave mov al, 1 test al, al ret ; ; Reportfailure ; .failed: mov xDX, xSP ; save xSP - lazy bird. cmp a_u8ExpectedTrapNo, 0eh jne .not_pf2 %ifndef TMPL_64BIT push dword 0 %endif push a_uExpectedFaultAddr .not_pf1: %ifndef TMPL_64BIT push dword 0 %endif push a_uExpectedErr %ifndef TMPL_64BIT push dword 0 %endif push a_uExpectedFaultPC movzx xBX, a_u8ExpectedTrapNo push xBX ; line break cmp a_u8ExpectedTrapNo, 0eh jne .not_pf2 %ifndef TMPL_64BIT push dword [g_LastTrapRegs + BS2REGS.cr2 + 4] %endif push sPRE [g_LastTrapRegs + BS2REGS.cr2] .not_pf2: %ifndef TMPL_64BIT push dword [g_u64LastTrapErr + 4] %endif push sPRE [g_u64LastTrapErr] %ifndef TMPL_64BIT push dword [g_LastTrapRegs + BS2REGS.rip + 4] %endif push sPRE [g_LastTrapRegs + BS2REGS.rip] movzx xBX, byte [g_u8LastTrapNo] push xBX push xAX ; msg mov xAX, .s_szFailureMsg cmp a_u8ExpectedTrapNo, 0eh jne .not_pf3 mov xAX, .s_szFailurePfMsg .not_pf3: push xAX ; format string call TMPL_NM_CMN(TestFailedF) mov xSP, xDX ; clean up call frame .done: pop sBX pop sCX pop sDX pop xAX leave xor al, al ret .s_szFailureMsg: db '%s', 13, 10 db ' got trap %RX8 pc=%RX64 err=%RX64', 13, 10 db ' expected %RX8 pc=%RX64 err=%RX64', 13, 10, 0 .s_szFailurePfMsg: db '%s', 13, 10 db ' got trap %RX8 pc=%RX64 err=%RX64 cr2=%RX64', 13, 10, db ' expected %RX8 pc=%RX64 err=%RX64 cr2=%RX64', 13, 10, 0 .s_szNoTrap: db 'no traps', 0 .s_szToManyTraps: db 'too many traps', 0 .s_szWrongTrapNo: db 'wrong trap number', 0 .s_szWrongErrCd: db 'wrong error code', 0 .s_szWrongPc: db 'wrong xIP', 0 .s_szWrongFaultAddress: db 'wrong fault address', 0 %undef a_u8ExpectedTrapNo %undef a_u32ExpectedErr %undef a_u32ExpectedFaultPC %undef a_u32ExpectedFaultAddr ENDPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(TestCheckTrap) %endif ; BS2_WITH_TRAPS %ifdef BS2_WITH_TRAPS ;; ; Installs the active list of trap records (BS2TRAPREC). ; ; @param sAX Flat address of the trap records (BS2TRAPREC). ; Assumes that DS is FLAT. ; @param edx The number of trap records. ; @param sCX Flat image base address, i.e. what BS2TRAPREC.offWhere ; is relative to. ; @returns al=1 and ZF=0 on success. ; @returns al=0 and ZF=1 on failure ; ; @uses sAX (return value) ; BEGINPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(TestInstallTrapRecs) push xBP mov xBP, xSP push sDX push sBX push sCX push sDI push sSI ; Make sure the record array is within limits. cmp edx, _4M jae .nok ; Scan the trap records. mov sDI, sAX mov esi, edx or esi, esi jnz .ok .next: cmp dword [sDI + BS2TRAPREC.offWhere], _2G jae .nok cmp dword [sDI + BS2TRAPREC.offResumeAddend], 0 je .nok cmp dword [sDI + BS2TRAPREC.offResumeAddend], 0xff je .nok cmp dword [sDI + BS2TRAPREC.u8TrapNo], X86_XCPT_MAX ja .nok ; next. add sDI, BS2TRAPREC_size dec esi jnz .next ; Set the global variables. .ok: xor esi, esi mov [g_paTrapRecs + 4], esi mov [g_paTrapRecs], sAX mov [g_cTrapRecs], edx mov [g_iTrapRecLast], esi mov [g_pTrapRecBase + 4], esi mov [g_pTrapRecBase], sCX mov eax, 1 or eax, eax .done: pop sSI pop sDI pop sBX pop sCX pop sDX leave ret .nok: xor eax, eax jmp .done ENDPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(TestInstallTrapRecs) %endif ; BS2_WITH_TRAPS ;; ; Calculate the number of tests executed per second. ; ; @param ds:ax Pointer to the elapsed time. ; @param edx The number of tests executed. ; @returns The tests per second in eax. ; ; @uses eax (return value) ; BEGINPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(CalcTestPerSecond) push xBP mov xBP, xSP push sDX push sCX %ifdef TMPL_16BIT movzx eax, ax %endif ; Calc NS per test. mov ecx, edx cmp ecx, 0 jz .div_zero movzx eax, ax mov edx, [sAX + 4] cmp edx, ecx jae .div_overflow mov eax, [sAX] shld edx, eax, 10 shl eax,10 div ecx ; eax = NS per test ; Calc tests per second. mov ecx, eax cmp ecx, 0 jz .div_zero mov edx, 0xee mov eax, 0x6b280000 ; 1024G div ecx ; eax = tests per second .done: pop sCX pop sDX leave ret .div_zero: mov eax, 0 jmp .done .div_overflow: mov eax, 4242424242 jmp .done ENDPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(CalcTestPerSecond) ;; ; Calculate the number of iterations for a benchmark based on the time a short ; calibration run too. ; ; @param ds:xAX Pointer to the elapsed time. ; @param edx The number of tests iterations executed. ; @param ecx The desired test length, in seconds. ; @returns The tests iterations in eax. ; ; @uses eax (return value) ; BEGINPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(CalcBenchmarkIterations) push xBP mov xBP, xSP push sDX push sCX %ifdef TMPL_16BIT movzx eax, ax %endif ; Calc NS per test. mov ecx, edx cmp ecx, 0 jz .div_zero movzx eax, ax mov edx, [sAX + 4] cmp edx, ecx jae .div_overflow mov eax, [sAX] div ecx ; eax = NS per test ; Calc tests per second. mov ecx, eax cmp ecx, 0 jz .div_zero xor edx, edx mov eax, 1000000000 ; 1G div ecx ; eax = tests per second ; Multiply this up to the desired number of seconds. mov edx, [xBP - xCB*2] mul edx test edx, edx jnz .mult_32bit_overflow cmp eax, _64K jle .too_small .done: pop sCX pop sDX leave ret .too_small: mov eax, _64K jmp .done .mult_32bit_overflow: mov eax, 0ffff0000h jmp .done .div_zero: mov eax, [xBP - xCB] shl eax, 8 jmp .fudge .div_overflow: mov eax, [xBP - xCB] shr eax, 4 .fudge: add eax, 10 jmp .done ENDPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(CalcBenchmarkIterations) ;; ; Prints a string on the screen. ; ; @param ds:ax The string to find the length of. ; @returns The string length in ax. ; ; @uses ax (return value) ; BEGINPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(StrLen) push xBP mov xBP, xSP push xBX mov xBX, xAX dec xBX .next: inc xBX cmp byte [xBX], byte 0 jnz .next xchg xAX, xBX sub xAX, xBX pop xBX leave ret ENDPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(StrLen) ;; ; Simple string format, taking an argument list. ; ; Implemented: ; - %RX8 ; - %RX16 ; - %RX32 ; - %RX64 ; - %s ; ; Planned: ; - %RU8 ; - %RU16 ; - %RU32 ; - %RU64 ; - %RI8 ; - %RI16 ; - %RI32 ; - %RI64 ; ; @param ds:xAX The buffer address. ; @param xDX The buffer size. ; @param es:xCX The format string. ; @param fs:xBX The argument list. ; @uses nothing ; BEGINPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(StrFormatV) push xBP mov xBP, xSP push sAX push sDX push sCX push sBX push sDI push sSI pushf cld %ifdef TMPL_16BIT push ds push es push fs push gs mov si, ds mov di, es mov ds, di mov es, si mov di, ax ; es:di -> output buffer. mov si, cx ; ds:si -> format string. %define a_pArgs [fs:bx] %define a_pu32ArgsHighDW dword [fs:bx + 4] %else mov xDI, xAX ; (es:)xDI -> output buffer. mov xSI, xCX ; (ds:)xSI -> format string. %define a_pArgs [xBX] %define a_pu32ArgsHighDW dword [xBX + 4] %endif xchg xCX, xDX ; xCX=buffer size. ; ; Make sure we've got space for a terminator char in the output buffer. ; test xCX, xCX jz .return dec xCX jz .done ; ; In this loop we're free to use sDX and (with some caution) sAX. ; .format_loop: lodsb test al, al jz .done cmp al, '%' je .switch ; Emit the character in al if there is room for it. .emit_al: test xCX, xCX jz .done stosb dec xCX jmp .format_loop ; Try recognize the format specifier. .switch: lodsb cmp al, 's' je .switch_case_string cmp al, 'c' je .switch_case_char cmp al, 'R' jne .switch_default lodsb cmp al, 'X' jne .switch_case_number cmp al, 'U' jne .switch_case_number cmp al, 'I' jne .switch_case_number .switch_default: test al, al jz .done mov al, '!' jmp .emit_al ; parse the number part. .switch_case_number: mov ah, al ; ah = {X,U,I} lodsb cmp al, '8' je .switch_case_number_8bit cmp al, '1' je .switch_case_number_16bit cmp al, '3' je .switch_case_number_32bit cmp al, '6' je .switch_case_number_64bit jmp .switch_default ; ; Common code for 8-bit, 16-bit and 32-bit. ; ; The first part load the value into edx, ah={X,U,I}, ; al=(max-hex, max-unsigned-dec). ; .switch_case_number_8bit: mov al, (2 << 4) | 2 movzx edx, byte a_pArgs add xBX, xCB cmp ah, 'I' jne .switch_case_number_common_32bit_hex_or_unsigned movsx edx, dl jmp .switch_case_number_common_32bit_signed .switch_case_number_16bit: lodsb cmp al, '6' jne .switch_default mov al, (4 << 4) | 5 movzx edx, word a_pArgs add xBX, xCB cmp ah, 'I' jne .switch_case_number_common_32bit_hex_or_unsigned movsx edx, dx jmp .switch_case_number_common_32bit_signed .switch_case_number_32bit: lodsb cmp al, '2' jne .switch_default mov al, (8 << 4) | 10 mov edx, dword a_pArgs add xBX, sCB cmp ah, 'I' je .switch_case_number_common_32bit_signed .switch_case_number_common_32bit_hex_or_unsigned: cmp ah, 'X' jne .switch_case_number_common_32bit_unsigned shr al, 4 and xAX, 0fh cmp xCX, xAX jb .switch_case_number_bad_buf call .format_32bit_hex_subroutine jmp .format_loop .switch_case_number_common_32bit_unsigned: and xAX, 0fh cmp xCX, xAX jb .switch_case_number_bad_buf call .format_32bit_dec_subroutine jmp .format_loop .switch_case_number_common_32bit_signed: cmp edx, 0 jge .switch_case_number_common_32bit_unsigned and xAX, 0fh inc xAX ; sign char cmp xCX, xAX jb .switch_case_number_bad_buf ; Emit the minus sign, invert the value and join the unsigned formatting. push xAX mov al, '-' stosb dec xCX pop xAX neg edx call .format_32bit_dec_subroutine jmp .format_loop ; ; 64-bit is special, to simplify we treat all formats as hex... ; .switch_case_number_64bit: lodsb cmp al, '4' jne .switch_default cmp ah, 'X' je .switch_case_number_64bit_hex cmp ah, 'I' je .switch_case_number_64bit_signed jmp .switch_case_number_64bit_unsigned .switch_case_number_64bit_hex: mov eax, dword a_pArgs mov edx, a_pu32ArgsHighDW add xBX, 8 cmp xCX, 8+1+8 jb .switch_case_number_bad_buf ; Simple, format it as two 32-bit hex values. push sAX mov eax, 8 call .format_32bit_hex_subroutine mov al, 27h ; '\'' - how do we escape this with yasm? stosb dec xCX pop sDX mov eax, 8 call .format_32bit_hex_subroutine jmp .format_loop .switch_case_number_64bit_unsigned: cmp xCX, 19 jb .switch_case_number_bad_buf .switch_case_number_64bit_unsigned_format_it: ;; @todo implement me jmp .switch_case_number_64bit_hex .switch_case_number_64bit_signed: mov eax, dword a_pArgs mov edx, a_pu32ArgsHighDW add xBX, 8 cmp xCX, 20 jb .switch_case_number_bad_buf test edx, 080000000h jz .switch_case_number_64bit_unsigned_format_it ; Emit the minus sign, invert the value and join the unsigned formatting. push xAX mov al, '-' stosb dec xCX pop xAX neg eax neg edx jmp .switch_case_number_64bit_unsigned_format_it ; The remaining buffer is too small to hold the number. .switch_case_number_bad_buf: mov al, '^' jmp .emit_al ; ; Emit a string. ; .switch_case_string: %ifdef TMPL_16BIT lgs dx, a_pArgs add xBX, 4 %else mov xDX, a_pArgs add xBX, xCB %endif test xCX, xCX .switch_case_string_loop: jz .done %ifdef TMPL_16BIT mov al, [gs:edx] %else mov al, [xDX] %endif test al, al jz .format_loop inc xDX stosb dec xCX jmp .switch_case_string_loop ; ; Emit a char. ; .switch_case_char: mov al, byte a_pArgs add xBX, xCB jmp .emit_al ; ; Done, just emit the terminator char. ; .done: xor al, al stosb .return: %ifdef TMPL_16BIT pop gs pop fs pop es pop ds %endif popf pop sSI pop sDI pop sBX pop sCX pop sDX pop sAX leave ret %undef a_pArgs %undef a_pu32ArgsHighDW ;; ; Internal subroutine for formatting a hex number into the buffer. ; @param al The precision (2, 4, 8). ; @param edx The value. ; ; @uses ecx, edi ; .format_32bit_hex_subroutine: push xAX push sDX push xBX ; Rotate edx into position. mov ebx, 8 sub bl, al shl bl, 2 xchg cl, bl rol edx, cl xchg bl, cl mov bl, al ; Width counter .format_32bit_hex_subroutine_next: rol edx, 4 mov eax, edx and eax, 0fh add sAX, g_achHex mov al, [cs:sAX] stosb dec xCX dec bl jnz .format_32bit_hex_subroutine_next pop xBX pop sDX pop xAX ret ;; ; Internal subroutine for formatting a hex number into the buffer. ; @param al The max precision (2, 5, 10). ; @param edx The value. ; @param xCX Counter register to decrement as characters are emited. ; @param es:xDI Where to write the output, xDI is updated. ; ; @uses xCX, xDI ; .format_32bit_dec_subroutine: %if 0 ;; @todo implement this sub xSP, 20h ; Format in reverse order into a stack buffer. ; Append the stack buffer to the string, reversing it in the process. add xSP, 20h %else call .format_32bit_hex_subroutine %endif ret ENDPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(StrFormatV) ;; ; Very limited RTStrPrintf version. ; ; @remarks This uses an entirely STACK BASED CALLING CONVENTION where the ; caller does the cleanup (cdecl sans volatile regs). ; ; @param fpszBuf The output buffer. ; @param cbBuf The output buffer size (natural size). ; @param fpszFormat The format string (far pointer in 16-bit). ; See StrFormatV for format. ; @param ... Zero or more format string arguments. ; @uses nothing ; BEGINPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(StrFormatF) push xBP mov xBP, xSP push xAX push xDX push xCX push xBX %ifdef TMPL_16BIT push ds push es push fs lds xAX, [bp + 04h] mov dx, [bp + 08h] les xCX, [bp + 0ah] mov bx, ss mov fs, bx mov bx, bp add bx, 0eh %else mov xAX, [xBP + xCB * 2] mov xDX, [xBP + xCB * 3] mov xCX, [xBP + xCB * 4] lea xBX, [xBP + xCB * 5] %endif call TMPL_NM_CMN(StrFormatV) %ifdef TMPL_16BIT pop fs pop es pop ds %endif pop xBX pop xCX pop xDX pop xAX leave ret ENDPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(StrFormatF) ;; ; Dumps the CPU registers. ; ; @uses Nothing. ; BEGINPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(TestDumpCurrentRegisters) %ifndef TMPL_64BIT push xBP mov xBP, xSP push eax pushfd push dword [xBP - sCB - 4] ; eflags mov eax, cr2 push eax xor eax, eax mov eax, gs push eax mov eax, fs push eax mov eax, es push eax mov eax, ds push eax mov eax, cs push eax mov eax, cr4 push eax mov eax, cr3 push eax mov eax, cr0 push eax mov eax, ebp ; return EBP mov xAX, [xBP] push eax mov eax, ebp ; return ESP add xAX, xCB push eax mov xAX, [xBP + xCB] ; return EIP %ifdef TMPL_16BIT movzx eax, ax %endif push eax push edi push esi push edx push ecx push ebx push dword [xBP - sCB] ; eax %ifdef TMPL_16BIT push cs %endif push .s_szRegFmt call TMPL_NM_CMN(PrintF) popfd pop eax leave ret .s_szRegFmt: db 'eax=%RX32 ebx=%RX32 ecx=%RX32 edx=%RX32 esi=%RX32 edi=%RX32', 13, 10 db 'eip=%RX32 esp=%RX32 ebp=%RX32 cr0=%RX32 cr3=%RX32 cr4=%RX32', 13, 10 db 'cs=%RX16 ds=%RX16 es=%RX16 fs=%RX16 gs=%RX16 ss=%RX16 cr2=%RX32 eflags=%RX32', 13, 10, 0 %else ; 64-bit push .s_szRegFmt call TMPL_NM_CMN(PrintF) ret .s_szRegFmt: db 'TestDumpCurrentRegisters not implemented', 13, 10, 0 %endif ; 64-bit ENDPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(TestDumpCurrentRegisters) ;; ; Dumps the CPU registers. ; ; @param ds:xAX Pointer to the register frame to dump. ; @uses Nothing. ; BEGINPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(TestDumpRegisters) push xBP mov xBP, xSP pushf push sDX push sBX mov xBX, xAX cmp byte [xBX + BS2REGS.cBits], 64 je .dump_64bit_regs push -1 ; sanity mov edx, [xBX + BS2REGS.rflags] push sDX mov edx, [xBX + BS2REGS.cr2] push sDX xor edx, edx mov dx, [xBX + BS2REGS.ss] push xDX mov dx, [xBX + BS2REGS.gs] push xDX mov dx, [xBX + BS2REGS.fs] push xDX mov dx, [xBX + BS2REGS.es] push xDX mov dx, [xBX + BS2REGS.ds] push xDX mov dx, [xBX + BS2REGS.cs] push xDX mov edx, [xBX + BS2REGS.cr4] push sDX mov edx, [xBX + BS2REGS.cr3] push sDX mov edx, [xBX + BS2REGS.cr0] push sDX mov edx, [xBX + BS2REGS.rbp] push sDX mov edx, [xBX + BS2REGS.rsp] push sDX mov edx, [xBX + BS2REGS.rip] push sDX mov edx, [xBX + BS2REGS.rdi] push sDX mov edx, [xBX + BS2REGS.rsi] push sDX mov edx, [xBX + BS2REGS.rdx] push sDX mov edx, [xBX + BS2REGS.rcx] push sDX mov edx, [xBX + BS2REGS.rbx] push sDX mov edx, [xBX + BS2REGS.rax] push sDX %ifdef TMPL_16BIT push cs %endif push .s_szReg32Fmt call TMPL_NM_CMN(PrintF) jmp .return .dump_64bit_regs: %ifdef TMPL_16BIT push cs %endif push .s_szReg64Fmt call TMPL_NM_CMN(PrintF) .return: lea xSP, [xBP - sCB*2 - xCB] pop sBX pop sDX popf leave ret .s_szReg32Fmt: db 'eax=%RX32 ebx=%RX32 ecx=%RX32 edx=%RX32 esi=%RX32 edi=%RX32', 13, 10 db 'eip=%RX32 esp=%RX32 ebp=%RX32 cr0=%RX32 cr3=%RX32 cr4=%RX32', 13, 10 db 'cs=%RX16 ds=%RX16 es=%RX16 fs=%RX16 gs=%RX16 ss=%RX16 cr2=%RX32 eflags=%RX32', 13, 10 db 0 .s_szReg64Fmt: db 'TestDumpCurrentRegisters not implemented', 13, 10, 0 ENDPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(TestDumpRegisters) ;; ; Saves the CPU registers. ; ; @param ds:xAX Pointer to the register frame to dump. ; @uses Nothing. ; BEGINPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(TestSaveRegisters) push xBP mov xBP, xSP %ifdef TMPL_16BIT pushfd %else pushf ; - 1*sCB %endif push sBX ; - 2*sCB push sAX ; - 3*sCB push sDX ; - 4*sCB xor edx, edx ; zero register. mov xBX, xAX ; xBX for addressing, xAX for scratch. %ifdef TMPL_64BIT mov rax, [xSP + sCB*1] mov [xBX + BS2REGS.rax], rax mov rax, [xSP + sCB*2] mov [xBX + BS2REGS.rbx], rax mov [xBX + BS2REGS.rcx], rcx mov rax, [xSP] mov [xBX + BS2REGS.rdx], rax mov [xBX + BS2REGS.rdi], rdi mov [xBX + BS2REGS.rsi], rsi mov rax, [xBP] mov [xBX + BS2REGS.rbp], rax lea rax, [xBP + 16] mov [xBX + BS2REGS.rsp], rax mov rax, [xBP + 8] mov [xBX + BS2REGS.rip], rax mov [xBX + BS2REGS.r8], r8 mov [xBX + BS2REGS.r9], r9 mov [xBX + BS2REGS.r10], r10 mov [xBX + BS2REGS.r11], r11 mov [xBX + BS2REGS.r12], r12 mov [xBX + BS2REGS.r13], r13 mov [xBX + BS2REGS.r14], r14 mov [xBX + BS2REGS.r15], r15 mov rax, [xBP - sCB] mov [xBX + BS2REGS.rflags], rax mov ax, cs mov [xBX + BS2REGS.cs], ax mov ax, ds mov [xBX + BS2REGS.ds], ax mov ax, es mov [xBX + BS2REGS.es], ax mov ax, fs mov [xBX + BS2REGS.fs], ax mov ax, gs mov [xBX + BS2REGS.gs], ax mov ax, ss mov [xBX + BS2REGS.ss], ax mov byte [xBX + BS2REGS.cBits], 64 mov [xBX + BS2REGS.pad ], dl mov [xBX + BS2REGS.pad + 1], dx mov rax, cr0 mov [xBX + BS2REGS.cr0], rax mov rax, cr2 mov [xBX + BS2REGS.cr2], rax mov rax, cr3 mov [xBX + BS2REGS.cr3], rax mov rax, cr4 mov [xBX + BS2REGS.cr4], rax mov rax, cr8 mov [xBX + BS2REGS.cr8], rax %else ; !TMPL_64 mov eax, [xBP - sCB*3] mov dword [xBX + BS2REGS.rax], eax mov dword [xBX + BS2REGS.rax + 4], edx mov eax, [xBP - sCB*2] mov dword [xBX + BS2REGS.rbx], eax mov dword [xBX + BS2REGS.rbx + 4], edx mov dword [xBX + BS2REGS.rcx], ecx mov dword [xBX + BS2REGS.rcx + 4], edx mov eax, [xBP - sCB*4] mov dword [xBX + BS2REGS.rdx], eax mov dword [xBX + BS2REGS.rdx + 4], edx mov dword [xBX + BS2REGS.rdi], edi mov dword [xBX + BS2REGS.rdi + 4], edx mov dword [xBX + BS2REGS.rsi], esi mov dword [xBX + BS2REGS.rsi + 4], edx mov eax, ebp mov ax, [xBP] mov dword [xBX + BS2REGS.rbp], eax mov dword [xBX + BS2REGS.rbp + 4], edx %ifdef TMPL_16BIT mov eax, esp mov ax, bp sub ax, 4 %else lea eax, [ebp + 8] %endif mov dword [xBX + BS2REGS.rsp], eax mov dword [xBX + BS2REGS.rsp + 4], edx %ifdef TMPL_16BIT movzx eax, word [xBP + 2] %else mov eax, [xBP + 4] %endif mov dword [xBX + BS2REGS.rip], eax mov dword [xBX + BS2REGS.rip + 4], edx mov dword [xBX + BS2REGS.r8 ], edx mov dword [xBX + BS2REGS.r8 + 4], edx mov dword [xBX + BS2REGS.r9 ], edx mov dword [xBX + BS2REGS.r9 + 4], edx mov dword [xBX + BS2REGS.r10 ], edx mov dword [xBX + BS2REGS.r10 + 4], edx mov dword [xBX + BS2REGS.r11 ], edx mov dword [xBX + BS2REGS.r11 + 4], edx mov dword [xBX + BS2REGS.r12 ], edx mov dword [xBX + BS2REGS.r12 + 4], edx mov dword [xBX + BS2REGS.r13 ], edx mov dword [xBX + BS2REGS.r13 + 4], edx mov dword [xBX + BS2REGS.r14 ], edx mov dword [xBX + BS2REGS.r14 + 4], edx mov dword [xBX + BS2REGS.r15 ], edx mov dword [xBX + BS2REGS.r15 + 4], edx mov eax, [xBP - sCB] mov dword [xBX + BS2REGS.rflags], eax mov dword [xBX + BS2REGS.rflags + 4], edx mov ax, cs mov [xBX + BS2REGS.cs], ax mov ax, ds mov [xBX + BS2REGS.ds], ax mov ax, es mov [xBX + BS2REGS.es], ax mov ax, fs mov [xBX + BS2REGS.fs], ax mov ax, gs mov [xBX + BS2REGS.gs], ax mov ax, ss mov [xBX + BS2REGS.ss], ax %ifdef TMPL_16BIT mov byte [xBX + BS2REGS.cBits], 16 %else mov byte [xBX + BS2REGS.cBits], 32 %endif mov [xBX + BS2REGS.pad ], dl mov [xBX + BS2REGS.pad + 1], dx mov eax, cr0 mov dword [xBX + BS2REGS.cr0], eax mov dword [xBX + BS2REGS.cr0 + 4], edx mov eax, cr2 mov dword [xBX + BS2REGS.cr2], eax mov dword [xBX + BS2REGS.cr2 + 4], edx mov eax, cr3 mov dword [xBX + BS2REGS.cr3], eax mov dword [xBX + BS2REGS.cr3 + 4], edx mov eax, cr4 mov dword [xBX + BS2REGS.cr4], eax mov dword [xBX + BS2REGS.cr4 + 4], edx mov dword [xBX + BS2REGS.cr8], edx mov dword [xBX + BS2REGS.cr8 + 4], edx %endif ; !TMPL_64 .return: pop sDX pop sAX pop sBX %ifdef TMPL_16BIT popfd %else popf %endif leave ret ENDPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(TestSaveRegisters) ;; ; Restores the CPU registers, except for rsp, rip, cs, ss and ds. ; ; @param ds:xAX Pointer to the register frame to dump. ; @uses All, but RSP, RIP, CS, SS and DS. ; BEGINPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(TestRestoreRegisters) push xBP mov xBP, xSP %ifdef TMPL_16BIT pushfd %else pushf ; - 1*sCB %endif push sBX ; - 2*sCB push sAX ; - 3*sCB mov xBX, xAX ; xBX for addressing, xAX for scratch. mov sAX, [xBX + BS2REGS.rax] mov [xBP - 3*sCB], sAX mov sAX, [xBX + BS2REGS.rbx] mov [xBP - 2*sCB], sAX mov sCX, [xBX + BS2REGS.rcx] mov sDX, [xBX + BS2REGS.rdx] mov sDI, [xBX + BS2REGS.rdi] mov sSI, [xBX + BS2REGS.rsi] ; skip rsp, rbp or rip. %ifdef TMPL_64BIT mov r8, [xBX + BS2REGS.r8] mov r9, [xBX + BS2REGS.r9] mov r10, [xBX + BS2REGS.r10] mov r11, [xBX + BS2REGS.r11] mov r12, [xBX + BS2REGS.r12] mov r13, [xBX + BS2REGS.r13] mov r14, [xBX + BS2REGS.r14] mov r15, [xBX + BS2REGS.r15] %endif mov sAX, [xBX + BS2REGS.rflags] mov [xBP - sCB], sAX ; skip cs & ds. mov ax, [xBX + BS2REGS.es] mov es, ax mov ax, [xBX + BS2REGS.fs] mov fs, ax mov ax, [xBX + BS2REGS.gs] mov gs, ax ; skip ss mov sAX, [xBX + BS2REGS.cr0] mov cr0, sAX mov sAX, [xBX + BS2REGS.cr2] mov cr2, sAX mov sAX, [xBX + BS2REGS.cr3] mov cr3, sAX mov sAX, [xBX + BS2REGS.cr4] mov cr4, sAX .return: pop sAX pop sBX %ifdef TMPL_16BIT popfd %else popf %endif leave ret ENDPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(TestRestoreRegisters) ;; ; Enables the A20 gate. ; ; @uses Nothing. ; BEGINPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(Bs2EnableA20) call TMPL_NM_CMN(Bs2EnableA20ViaPortA) ; call TMPL_NM_CMN(Bs2EnableA20ViaKbd) ret ENDPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(Bs2EnableA20) ;; ; Disables the A20 gate. ; ; @uses Nothing. ; BEGINPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(Bs2DisableA20) ; Must call both because they may be ORed together on real HW. call TMPL_NM_CMN(Bs2DisableA20ViaKbd) call TMPL_NM_CMN(Bs2DisableA20ViaPortA) ret ENDPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(Bs2DisableA20) ;; ; Waits for the keyboard controller to become ready. ; ; @uses Nothing ; BEGINPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(Bs2KbdWait) push xAX .check_status: in al, 64h test al, 1 ; KBD_STAT_OBF jnz .read_data_and_status test al, 2 ; KBD_STAT_IBF jnz .check_status pop xAX ret .read_data_and_status: in al, 60h jmp .check_status ENDPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(Bs2KbdWait) ;; ; Sends a read command to the keyboard controller and gets the result. ; ; The caller is responsible for making sure the keyboard controller is ready ; for a command (call Bs2KbdWait if unsure). ; ; @param al The read command. ; @returns The value read is returned. ; @uses al (obviously) ; BEGINPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(Bs2KbdRead) out 64h, al ; Write the command. .check_status: in al, 64h test al, 1 ; KBD_STAT_OBF jz .check_status in al, 60h ; Read the data. ret ENDPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(Bs2KbdRead) ;; ; Sends a write command to the keyboard controller and then sends the data. ; ; The caller is responsible for making sure the keyboard controller is ready ; for a command (call Bs2KbdWait if unsure). ; ; @param al The write command. ; @param ah The data to write. ; @uses Nothing. ; ; @todo Return status? ; BEGINPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(Bs2KbdWrite) out 64h, al ; Write the command. call TMPL_NM_CMN(Bs2KbdWait) xchg al, ah out 60h, al ; Write the data. call TMPL_NM_CMN(Bs2KbdWait) xchg al, ah ret ENDPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(Bs2KbdWrite) ;; ; Enables the A20 gate via the keyboard controller. ; ; @uses Nothing. ; BEGINPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(Bs2EnableA20ViaKbd) push xAX pushf cli call TMPL_NM_CMN(Bs2KbdWait) mov al, 0d0h ; KBD_CCMD_READ_OUTPORT call TMPL_NM_CMN(Bs2KbdRead) mov ah, 002h or ah, al mov al, 0d1h ; KBD_CCMD_WRITE_OUTPORT call TMPL_NM_CMN(Bs2KbdWrite) mov al, 0ffh ; KBD_CMD_RESET out 64h, al call TMPL_NM_CMN(Bs2KbdWait) popf pop xAX ret ENDPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(Bs2EnableA20ViaKbd) ;; ; Disables the A20 gate via the keyboard controller. ; ; @uses Nothing. ; BEGINPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(Bs2DisableA20ViaKbd) push xAX pushf cli call TMPL_NM_CMN(Bs2KbdWait) mov al, 0d0h ; KBD_CCMD_READ_OUTPORT call TMPL_NM_CMN(Bs2KbdRead) mov ah, 0fdh ; ~2 and ah, al mov al, 0d1h ; KBD_CCMD_WRITE_OUTPORT call TMPL_NM_CMN(Bs2KbdWrite) mov al, 0ffh ; KBD_CMD_RESET out 64h, al call TMPL_NM_CMN(Bs2KbdWait) popf pop xAX ret ENDPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(Bs2DisableA20ViaKbd) ;; ; Enables the A20 gate via control port A (PS/2 style). ; ; @uses Nothing. ; BEGINPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(Bs2EnableA20ViaPortA) push xAX ; Use Control port A, assuming a PS/2 style system. in al, 092h test al, 02h jnz .done ; avoid trouble writing back the same value. or al, 2 ; enable the A20 gate. out 092h, al .done: pop xAX ret ENDPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(Bs2EnableA20ViaPortA) ;; ; Disables the A20 gate via control port A (PS/2 style). ; ; @uses Nothing. ; BEGINPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(Bs2DisableA20ViaPortA) push xAX ; Use Control port A, assuming a PS/2 style system. in al, 092h test al, 02h jz .done ; avoid trouble writing back the same value. and al, 0fdh ; disable the A20 gate. out 092h, al .done: pop xAX ret ENDPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(Bs2DisableA20ViaPortA) ;; ; Checks if the no-execution bit is supported. ; ; @returns AL=1 and ZF=0 if supported. ; @returns AL=0 and ZF=1 if not. ; @uses al ; BEGINPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(Bs2IsNXSupported) push xBP mov xBP, xSP push sBX push sDX push sCX push sAX mov eax, 080000000h cpuid cmp eax, 080000001h jb .not_supported cmp eax, 080001000h jae .not_supported mov eax, 080000001h cpuid test edx, X86_CPUID_EXT_FEATURE_EDX_NX jz .not_supported ; supported pop sAX mov al, 1 .return: pop sCX pop sDX pop sBX leave ret .not_supported: pop sAX xor al, al jmp .return ENDPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(Bs2IsNXSupported) ;; ; Sets EFER.NXE=al if NXE is supported. ; ; @param al 0 if NXE should be disabled, non-zero if it should ; be enabled. ; @uses nothing. ; BEGINPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(Bs2SetupNX) push xBP mov xBP, xSP push sAX push sDX push sCX call TMPL_NM_CMN(Bs2IsNXSupported) jz .done mov ecx, MSR_K6_EFER rdmsr test byte [xBP - sCB], 0ffh jz .disable_it or eax, MSR_K6_EFER_NXE jmp .set_it .disable_it: and eax, ~MSR_K6_EFER_NXE .set_it: wrmsr .done: pop sCX pop sDX pop sAX leave ret ENDPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(Bs2SetupNX) ;; ; Disables NX if supported. ; ; @uses nothing. ; BEGINPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(Bs2DisableNX) push xBP mov xBP, xSP push xAX xor al, al call TMPL_NM_CMN(Bs2SetupNX) pop xAX leave ret ENDPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(Bs2DisableNX) ;; ; Enables NX if supported. ; ; @uses nothing. ; BEGINPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(Bs2EnableNX) push xBP mov xBP, xSP push xAX mov al, 1 call TMPL_NM_CMN(Bs2SetupNX) pop xAX leave ret ENDPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(Bs2EnableNX) ;; ; Panics if the testing feature of the VMMDev is missing. ; ; A message will be printed. ; ; @uses Nothing. ; BEGINPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(Bs2PanicIfVMMDevTestingIsMissing) push xDX push sAX xor eax, eax mov dx, VMMDEV_TESTING_IOPORT_NOP in eax, dx cmp eax, VMMDEV_TESTING_NOP_RET je .ok mov xAX, .s_szMissingVMMDevTesting call TMPL_NM_CMN(PrintStr) call Bs2Panic .ok: pop sAX pop xDX ret .s_szMissingVMMDevTesting: db 'fatal error: The testing feature of the VMMDevVMMDev is not present!', 13, 10, 0 ENDPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(Bs2PanicIfVMMDevTestingIsMissing) %ifdef BS2_WITH_TRAPS ;; ; Switches to ring-0 from whatever the current mode is. ; ; @uses cs, ss, ds, es, fs, gs ; BEGINPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(Bs2ToRing0) push sAX mov sAX, BS2_SYSCALL_TO_RING0 int BS2_TRAP_SYSCALL pop sAX ret ENDPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(Bs2ToRing0) ;; ; Switches to ring-1 from whatever the current mode is. ; ; @uses cs, ss, ds, es, fs, gs ; BEGINPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(Bs2ToRing1) push sAX mov sAX, BS2_SYSCALL_TO_RING1 int BS2_TRAP_SYSCALL pop sAX ret ENDPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(Bs2ToRing1) ;; ; Switches to ring-0 from whatever the current mode is. ; ; @uses cs, ss, ds, es, fs, gs ; BEGINPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(Bs2ToRing2) push sAX mov sAX, BS2_SYSCALL_TO_RING2 int BS2_TRAP_SYSCALL pop sAX ret ENDPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(Bs2ToRing2) ;; ; Switches to ring-3 from whatever the current mode is. ; ; @uses cs, ss, ds, es, fs, gs ; BEGINPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(Bs2ToRing3) push sAX mov sAX, BS2_SYSCALL_TO_RING3 int BS2_TRAP_SYSCALL pop sAX ret ENDPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(Bs2ToRing3) ;; ; Switches the given ring from whatever the current mode is. ; ; @param AL The desired ring. ; @uses cs, ss, ds, es, fs, gs ; BEGINPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(Bs2ToRingN) pushf cmp al, 3 je .ring3 cmp al, 2 je .ring2 cmp al, 1 je .ring1 .ring0: call TMPL_NM_CMN(Bs2ToRing0) .done: popf ret .ring1: call TMPL_NM_CMN(Bs2ToRing1) jmp .done .ring2: call TMPL_NM_CMN(Bs2ToRing2) jmp .done .ring3: call TMPL_NM_CMN(Bs2ToRing3) jmp .done ENDPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(Bs2ToRingN) %endif ; BS2_WITH_TRAPS ; ; Wrapper for dynamically calling the right specific method. ; This avoid putting large portions of the code in the 2nd template. ; TMPL_NM_CMN(g_pfnPrintStrInternal): TMPL_PTR_DEF 0 TMPL_NM_CMN(g_pfnPrintChrInternal): TMPL_PTR_DEF 0 BEGINPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(PrintStr) jmp [TMPL_NM_CMN(g_pfnPrintStrInternal)] ENDPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(PrintStr) BEGINPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(PrintChr) jmp [TMPL_NM_CMN(g_pfnPrintChrInternal)] ENDPROC TMPL_NM_CMN(PrintChr) %include "bootsector2-template-footer.mac"