; $Id: bootsector2-api.mac 56295 2015-06-09 14:29:55Z vboxsync $ ;; @file ; Bootsector2 API definition for use by split images (kernel < 1MB < image). ; ; ; Copyright (C) 2007-2015 Oracle Corporation ; ; This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as ; available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; ; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU ; General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software ; Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the ; VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the ; hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. ; ; The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms ; of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0 ; (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the ; VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the ; CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL. ; ; You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the ; terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both. ; %ifndef ___bootsector2_api_mac %define ___bootsector2_api_mac ;******************************************************************************* ;* Header Files * ;******************************************************************************* %include "iprt/asmdefs.mac" %include "iprt/x86.mac" %include "bootsector2-structures.mac" ;; ; The load address for big images. %define BS2_BIG_LOAD_ADDR 0x120000 ;; ; API Template for lazy birds. ; %macro BS2_API_TEMPLATE 0, BS2_API_TEMPLATE_ACTION(Bs2DisableA20) BS2_API_TEMPLATE_ACTION(Bs2DisableA20ViaKbd) BS2_API_TEMPLATE_ACTION(Bs2DisableA20ViaPortA) BS2_API_TEMPLATE_ACTION(Bs2DisableNX) BS2_API_TEMPLATE_ACTION(Bs2EnableA20) BS2_API_TEMPLATE_ACTION(Bs2EnableA20ViaKbd) BS2_API_TEMPLATE_ACTION(Bs2EnableA20ViaPortA) BS2_API_TEMPLATE_ACTION(Bs2EnableNX) BS2_API_TEMPLATE_ACTION(Bs2IsNXSupported) BS2_API_TEMPLATE_ACTION(Bs2KbdRead) BS2_API_TEMPLATE_ACTION(Bs2KbdWait) BS2_API_TEMPLATE_ACTION(Bs2KbdWrite) BS2_API_TEMPLATE_ACTION(Bs2PanicIfVMMDevTestingIsMissing) BS2_API_TEMPLATE_ACTION(Bs2SetupNX) BS2_API_TEMPLATE_ACTION(CalcBenchmarkIterations) BS2_API_TEMPLATE_ACTION(CalcTestPerSecond) BS2_API_TEMPLATE_ACTION(GetElapsedNanoTS) BS2_API_TEMPLATE_ACTION(GetNanoTS) BS2_API_TEMPLATE_ACTION(PrintChr) BS2_API_TEMPLATE_ACTION(PrintF) BS2_API_TEMPLATE_ACTION(PrintStr) BS2_API_TEMPLATE_ACTION(PrintStrColonSpaces) BS2_API_TEMPLATE_ACTION(PrintStrSpacesColonSpace) BS2_API_TEMPLATE_ACTION(PrintU32) BS2_API_TEMPLATE_ACTION(ReportResult) BS2_API_TEMPLATE_ACTION(Shutdown) BS2_API_TEMPLATE_ACTION(StrFormatF) BS2_API_TEMPLATE_ACTION(StrFormatV) BS2_API_TEMPLATE_ACTION(StrLen) BS2_API_TEMPLATE_ACTION(TestCheckTrap) BS2_API_TEMPLATE_ACTION(TestDumpCurrentRegisters) BS2_API_TEMPLATE_ACTION(TestDumpRegisters) BS2_API_TEMPLATE_ACTION(TestFailed) BS2_API_TEMPLATE_ACTION(TestFailedF) BS2_API_TEMPLATE_ACTION(TestInit) BS2_API_TEMPLATE_ACTION(TestRestoreRegisters) BS2_API_TEMPLATE_ACTION(TestSaveRegisters) BS2_API_TEMPLATE_ACTION(testSendStrCmd) BS2_API_TEMPLATE_ACTION(TestSkipped) BS2_API_TEMPLATE_ACTION(TestSub) BS2_API_TEMPLATE_ACTION(testSubCleanup) BS2_API_TEMPLATE_ACTION(TestSubDone) BS2_API_TEMPLATE_ACTION(TestSubErrorCount) BS2_API_TEMPLATE_ACTION(TestTerm) BS2_API_TEMPLATE_ACTION(TestValueReg) BS2_API_TEMPLATE_ACTION(TestValueU32) BS2_API_TEMPLATE_ACTION(TestInstallTrapRecs) %endmacro ;; ; This defines the API pointers. ; ABSOLUTE 0x500 ;; Start the structure with a magic number. NAME(g_u32Bs2ApiMagic): resd 1 ;; And a version number. NAME(g_u32Bs2ApiVersion): resd 1 ; The real mode and v8086 mode entry points (far pointers). %undef BS2_API_TEMPLATE_ACTION %define BS2_API_TEMPLATE_ACTION(a_Name) NAME(g_pfn %+ a_Name %+ _r86): resd 1 BS2_API_TEMPLATE ; The 16-bit protected mode entry points (far pointers). %undef BS2_API_TEMPLATE_ACTION %define BS2_API_TEMPLATE_ACTION(a_Name) NAME(g_pfn %+ a_Name %+ _p16): resd 1 BS2_API_TEMPLATE ; The 32-bit protected mode entry points (flat pointers). %undef BS2_API_TEMPLATE_ACTION %define BS2_API_TEMPLATE_ACTION(a_Name) NAME(g_pfn %+ a_Name %+ _p32): resd 1 BS2_API_TEMPLATE ; The 64-bit protected (long) mode entry points. %undef BS2_API_TEMPLATE_ACTION %define BS2_API_TEMPLATE_ACTION(a_Name) NAME(g_pfn %+ a_Name %+ _p64): resq 1 BS2_API_TEMPLATE ;; End the structure with a magic so it's integrity can be verified. NAME(g_u32Bs2ApiEndMagic) resd 1 ;; ; The current API magic value (Douglas Carl Engelbart). %define BS2_API_MAGIC 0x19250130 ;; ; The current API version. %define BS2_API_VERSION 0x00010000 BEGINCODE ;; @name Service trap vector interface. ; @{ %define BS2_SYSCALL_TO_RING0 0 %define BS2_SYSCALL_TO_RING1 1 %define BS2_SYSCALL_TO_RING2 2 %define BS2_SYSCALL_TO_RING3 3 ;; The service vector. %define BS2_TRAP_SYSCALL 20h ;; @} %endif