;; @file ; CPUM - CPU Monitor, Assembly header file. ; ; ; Copyright (C) 2006-2012 Oracle Corporation ; ; This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as ; available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; ; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU ; General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software ; Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the ; VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the ; hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. ; ; The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms ; of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0 ; (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the ; VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the ; CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL. ; ; You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the ; terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both. ; %ifndef ___VBox_vmm_cpum_mac__ %define ___VBox_vmm_cpum_mac__ ;; ; Registers frame. ; This is used internally in TRPM, VMMSwitcher_GuestToHost_GuestCtx ; and other places. struc CPUMCTXCORE .eax resq 1 .ecx resq 1 .edx resq 1 .ebx resq 1 .esp resq 1 .ebp resq 1 .esi resq 1 .edi resq 1 .r8 resq 1 .r9 resq 1 .r10 resq 1 .r11 resq 1 .r12 resq 1 .r13 resq 1 .r14 resq 1 .r15 resq 1 .es.Sel resw 1 .es.PaddingSel resw 1 .es.ValidSel resw 1 .es.fFlags resw 1 .es.u64Base resq 1 .es.u32Limit resd 1 .es.Attr resd 1 .cs.Sel resw 1 .cs.PaddingSel resw 1 .cs.ValidSel resw 1 .cs.fFlags resw 1 .cs.u64Base resq 1 .cs.u32Limit resd 1 .cs.Attr resd 1 .ss.Sel resw 1 .ss.PaddingSel resw 1 .ss.ValidSel resw 1 .ss.fFlags resw 1 .ss.u64Base resq 1 .ss.u32Limit resd 1 .ss.Attr resd 1 .ds.Sel resw 1 .ds.PaddingSel resw 1 .ds.ValidSel resw 1 .ds.fFlags resw 1 .ds.u64Base resq 1 .ds.u32Limit resd 1 .ds.Attr resd 1 .fs.Sel resw 1 .fs.PaddingSel resw 1 .fs.ValidSel resw 1 .fs.fFlags resw 1 .fs.u64Base resq 1 .fs.u32Limit resd 1 .fs.Attr resd 1 .gs.Sel resw 1 .gs.PaddingSel resw 1 .gs.ValidSel resw 1 .gs.fFlags resw 1 .gs.u64Base resq 1 .gs.u32Limit resd 1 .gs.Attr resd 1 .eip resq 1 .eflags resq 1 endstruc struc CPUMCTX .fpu resb 512 .eax resq 1 .ecx resq 1 .edx resq 1 .ebx resq 1 .esp resq 1 .ebp resq 1 .esi resq 1 .edi resq 1 .r8 resq 1 .r9 resq 1 .r10 resq 1 .r11 resq 1 .r12 resq 1 .r13 resq 1 .r14 resq 1 .r15 resq 1 .es.Sel resw 1 .es.PaddingSel resw 1 .es.ValidSel resw 1 .es.fFlags resw 1 .es.u64Base resq 1 .es.u32Limit resd 1 .es.Attr resd 1 .cs.Sel resw 1 .cs.PaddingSel resw 1 .cs.ValidSel resw 1 .cs.fFlags resw 1 .cs.u64Base resq 1 .cs.u32Limit resd 1 .cs.Attr resd 1 .ss.Sel resw 1 .ss.PaddingSel resw 1 .ss.ValidSel resw 1 .ss.fFlags resw 1 .ss.u64Base resq 1 .ss.u32Limit resd 1 .ss.Attr resd 1 .ds.Sel resw 1 .ds.PaddingSel resw 1 .ds.ValidSel resw 1 .ds.fFlags resw 1 .ds.u64Base resq 1 .ds.u32Limit resd 1 .ds.Attr resd 1 .fs.Sel resw 1 .fs.PaddingSel resw 1 .fs.ValidSel resw 1 .fs.fFlags resw 1 .fs.u64Base resq 1 .fs.u32Limit resd 1 .fs.Attr resd 1 .gs.Sel resw 1 .gs.PaddingSel resw 1 .gs.ValidSel resw 1 .gs.fFlags resw 1 .gs.u64Base resq 1 .gs.u32Limit resd 1 .gs.Attr resd 1 .eip resq 1 .eflags resq 1 .cr0 resq 1 .cr2 resq 1 .cr3 resq 1 .cr4 resq 1 .dr resq 8 .gdtrPadding resw 3 .gdtr resw 0 .gdtr.cbGdt resw 1 .gdtr.pGdt resq 1 .idtrPadding resw 3 .idtr resw 0 .idtr.cbIdt resw 1 .idtr.pIdt resq 1 .ldtr.Sel resw 1 .ldtr.PaddingSel resw 1 .ldtr.ValidSel resw 1 .ldtr.fFlags resw 1 .ldtr.u64Base resq 1 .ldtr.u32Limit resd 1 .ldtr.Attr resd 1 .tr.Sel resw 1 .tr.PaddingSel resw 1 .tr.ValidSel resw 1 .tr.fFlags resw 1 .tr.u64Base resq 1 .tr.u32Limit resd 1 .tr.Attr resd 1 .SysEnter.cs resb 8 .SysEnter.eip resb 8 .SysEnter.esp resb 8 .msrEFER resb 8 .msrSTAR resb 8 .msrPAT resb 8 .msrLSTAR resb 8 .msrCSTAR resb 8 .msrSFMASK resb 8 .msrKERNELGSBASE resb 8 .msrApicBase resb 8 .au32SizePadding resb 24 endstruc ;; ; Guest MSR state. struc CPUMCTXMSRS .au64 resq 64 endstruc %endif