'VirtualBox_title' = '@VBOX_PRODUCT@'; 'choiceVBoxKEXTs_title' = '@VBOX_PRODUCT@ Kernel Extensions'; 'choiceVBoxKEXTs_msg' = 'Installs the @VBOX_PRODUCT@ Kernel Extensions into /Library/Application Support/VirtualBox.'; 'choiceVBox_title' = '@VBOX_PRODUCT@'; 'choiceVBox_msg' = 'Installs the @VBOX_PRODUCT@ application into /Applications.'; 'choiceVBoxCLI_title' = '@VBOX_PRODUCT@ Command Line Utilities'; 'choiceVBoxCLI_msg' = 'Installs the @VBOX_PRODUCT@ command line utilities into /usr/bin.'; 'RUNNING_VMS_TLE' = "Running VirtualBox VM's detected!"; 'RUNNING_VMS_MSG' = "The installer has detected running Virtual Machines. Please shutdown all running VirtualBox machines and then restart the installation."; 'UNSUPPORTED_HW_MACHINE_TLE' = "Unsupported hardware architecture detected!"; 'UNSUPPORTED_HW_MACHINE_MSG' = "The installer has detected an unsupported architecture. VirtualBox only runs on the x86 and amd64 architectures."; 'UNSUPPORTED_OS_TLE' = "Unsupported OS version detected!"; 'UNSUPPORTED_OS_MSG' = "The installer has detected an unsupported operation system. VirtualBox requires Mac OS X 10.6 or later.";