;; @file ; VirtualBox YASM/NASM macros, structs, etc. ; ; ; Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Oracle Corporation ; ; This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as ; available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; ; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU ; General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software ; Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the ; VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the ; hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. ; ; The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms ; of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0 ; (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the ; VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the ; CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL. ; ; You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the ; terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both. ; %ifndef ___VBox_asmdefs_mac %define ___VBox_asmdefs_mac ;; @def VBOX_WITH_STATISTICS ; When defined all statistics will be included in the build. ; This is enabled by default in all debug builds. %ifndef VBOX_WITH_STATISTICS %ifdef DEBUG %define VBOX_WITH_STATISTICS %endif %endif %include "iprt/asmdefs.mac" ;; @def VBOX_STRICT ; Enables strict checks in the VBox code. ; This is enabled by default in all debug builds and when RT_STRICT is enabled. %ifndef VBOX_STRICT %ifdef DEBUG %define VBOX_STRICT %endif %ifdef RT_STRICT %define VBOX_STRICT %endif %endif %ifndef VBOX_UART_BASE %ifndef IPRT_UART_BASE %define VBOX_UART_BASE 3f8h ; COM1 (see src/VBox/Runtime/common/log/logcom.cpp) %else %define VBOX_UART_BASE IPRT_UART_BASE %endif %endif %ifndef VBOX_UART_RATE %define VBOX_UART_RATE 12 ; 9600 bps %endif %ifndef VBOX_UART_PARAMS %define VBOX_UART_PARAMS 00000011b ; 8n1 %endif ;; ; Initializes the com port to 9600 baud 8n1. ; al and dx are wasted. ; @todo comport init doesn't quite work - therefore we no longer use this! :-/ ; @todo test again, it might work now... %macro COM_INIT 0 push eax push edx mov dx, VBOX_UART_BASE + 2 mov al, 0 out dx, al ; Disable the fifos (old software relies on it) mov dx, VBOX_UART_BASE + 3 mov al, 80h out dx, al ; make DL register accessible mov dx, VBOX_UART_BASE mov ax, VBOX_UART_RATE out dx, al ; write low bps rate divisor mov dx, VBOX_UART_BASE+1 xchg al, ah out dx, al ; write high bps rate divisor mov dx, VBOX_UART_BASE + 3 mov al, VBOX_UART_PARAMS out dx, al ; write parameters & lock divisor mov dx, VBOX_UART_BASE + 4 ; disconnect the UART from the int line mov al, 0 out dx, al mov dx, VBOX_UART_BASE + 1 ; disable UART ints out dx, al mov dx, VBOX_UART_BASE in al, dx ; clear receiver mov dx, VBOX_UART_BASE + 5 in al, dx ; clear line status inc dx in al, dx ; clear modem status mov dx, VBOX_UART_BASE + 2 in al, dx ; clear interrupts (IIR) pop edx pop eax %endmacro ;; ; writes string to comport ; trashes nothing (uses stack though) %macro COM32_S_PRINT 1+ push esi push ecx push eax mov ecx, edx shl ecx, 16 call %%stringend %%string: db %1 %%stringend: pop esi mov cx, %%stringend - %%string %%status: mov dx, VBOX_UART_BASE + 5 in al, dx test al, 20h jz short %%status mov al, [esi] mov dx, VBOX_UART_BASE out dx, al inc esi dec cx jnz short %%status %%status2: mov dx, VBOX_UART_BASE + 5 in al, dx test al, 20h jz short %%status2 shr ecx, 16 mov dx, cx pop eax pop ecx pop esi %endmacro %macro COM64_S_PRINT 1+ push rsi push rdx push rcx push rax jmp %%stringend %%string: db %1 %%stringend: lea rsi, [%%string wrt rip] mov cx, %%stringend - %%string %%status: mov dx, VBOX_UART_BASE + 5 in al, dx test al, 20h jz short %%status mov al, [rsi] mov dx, VBOX_UART_BASE out dx, al inc rsi dec cx jnz short %%status %%status2: mov dx, VBOX_UART_BASE + 5 in al, dx test al, 20h jz short %%status2 pop rax pop rcx pop rdx pop rsi %endmacro %macro COM_S_PRINT 1+ %ifdef RT_ARCH_AMD64 COM64_S_PRINT %1 %else COM32_S_PRINT %1 %endif %endmacro ;; Write char. ; trashes esi %macro COM_CHAR 1 mov esi, eax shl esi, 16 mov si, dx %%status: mov dx, VBOX_UART_BASE + 5 in al, dx test al, 20h jz short %%status mov al, %1 mov dx, VBOX_UART_BASE out dx, al %%status2: mov dx, VBOX_UART_BASE + 5 in al, dx test al, 20h jz short %%status2 mov dx, si shr esi, 16 mov ax, si %endmacro ;; Write char. ; trashes nothing (uses stack though) %macro COM32_S_CHAR 1 push eax push edx %%status: mov dx, VBOX_UART_BASE + 5 in al, dx test al, 20h jz short %%status mov al, %1 mov dx, VBOX_UART_BASE out dx, al %%status2: mov dx, VBOX_UART_BASE + 5 in al, dx test al, 20h jz short %%status2 pop edx pop eax %endmacro %macro COM64_S_CHAR 1 push rax push rdx %%status: mov dx, VBOX_UART_BASE + 5 in al, dx test al, 20h jz short %%status mov al, %1 mov dx, VBOX_UART_BASE out dx, al %%status2: mov dx, VBOX_UART_BASE + 5 in al, dx test al, 20h jz short %%status2 pop rdx pop rax %endmacro %macro COM_S_CHAR 1 %ifdef RT_ARCH_AMD64 COM64_S_CHAR %1 %else COM32_S_CHAR %1 %endif %endmacro ;; Writes newline ; trashes esi %macro COM_NEWLINE 0 mov esi, eax shl esi, 16 mov si, dx %%status1: mov dx, VBOX_UART_BASE + 5 in al, dx test al, 20h jz short %%status1 mov al, 13 mov dx, VBOX_UART_BASE out dx, al %%status2: mov dx, VBOX_UART_BASE + 5 in al, dx test al, 20h jz short %%status2 mov al, 10 mov dx, VBOX_UART_BASE out dx, al %%status3: mov dx, VBOX_UART_BASE + 5 in al, dx test al, 20h jz short %%status3 mov dx, si shr esi, 16 mov ax, si %endmacro ;; Writes newline ; trashes nothing (uses stack though) %macro COM32_S_NEWLINE 0 push edx push eax %%status1: mov dx, VBOX_UART_BASE + 5 in al, dx test al, 20h jz short %%status1 mov al, 13 mov dx, VBOX_UART_BASE out dx, al %%status2: mov dx, VBOX_UART_BASE + 5 in al, dx test al, 20h jz short %%status2 mov al, 10 mov dx, VBOX_UART_BASE out dx, al %%status3: mov dx, VBOX_UART_BASE + 5 in al, dx test al, 20h jz short %%status3 pop eax pop edx %endmacro %macro COM64_S_NEWLINE 0 push rdx push rax %%status1: mov dx, VBOX_UART_BASE + 5 in al, dx test al, 20h jz short %%status1 mov al, 13 mov dx, VBOX_UART_BASE out dx, al %%status2: mov dx, VBOX_UART_BASE + 5 in al, dx test al, 20h jz short %%status2 mov al, 10 mov dx, VBOX_UART_BASE out dx, al %%status3: mov dx, VBOX_UART_BASE + 5 in al, dx test al, 20h jz short %%status3 pop rax pop rdx %endmacro %macro COM_S_NEWLINE 0 %ifdef RT_ARCH_AMD64 COM64_S_NEWLINE %else COM32_S_NEWLINE %endif %endmacro ;; Writes a dword from register to com port. ; trashes esi, edi ; edi cannot be used as input register %macro COM_DWORD_REG 1 mov edi, ebx ; save ebx mov ebx, %1 ; get value we're supposed to print mov esi, eax ; save ax shl esi, 16 ; save dx mov si, dx mov ah, 8 ; loop counter. %%daloop: rol ebx, 4 ; shift next digit to the front %%status0: mov dx, VBOX_UART_BASE + 5 in al, dx test al, 20h jz short %%status0 mov al, bl ; get next char and al, 0fh cmp al, 10 jae short %%hex ; yasm BUG! It sometimes generate a near jump here. YASMCHECK! add al, '0' jmp short %%print %%hex: add al, 'a' - 10 %%print: mov dx, VBOX_UART_BASE out dx, al dec ah jnz short %%daloop ; loop mov dx, si ; restore dx shr esi, 16 mov ax, si ; restore ax mov ebx, edi ; restore ebx %endmacro ;; Writes a dword from register to com port. ; trashes nothing (uses stack though) %macro COM32_S_DWORD_REG 1 push edx push eax push ebx mov ebx, %1 ; get value we're supposed to print mov ah, 8 ; loop counter. %%daloop: rol ebx, 4 ; shift next digit to the front %%status0: mov dx, VBOX_UART_BASE + 5 in al, dx test al, 20h jz short %%status0 mov al, bl ; get next char and al, 0fh cmp al, 10 jae short %%hex ; yasm BUG! It sometimes generate a near jump here. YASMCHECK! add al, '0' jmp short %%print %%hex: add al, 'a' - 10 %%print: mov dx, VBOX_UART_BASE out dx, al dec ah jnz short %%daloop ; loop pop ebx pop eax pop edx %endmacro %macro COM64_S_DWORD_REG 1 push rdx push rax push rbx mov ebx, %1 ; get value we're supposed to print mov ah, 8 ; loop counter. %%daloop: rol ebx, 4 ; shift next digit to the front %%status0: mov dx, VBOX_UART_BASE + 5 in al, dx test al, 20h jz short %%status0 mov al, bl ; get next char and al, 0fh cmp al, 10 jae short %%hex ; yasm BUG! It sometimes generate a near jump here. YASMCHECK! add al, '0' jmp short %%print %%hex: add al, 'a' - 10 %%print: mov dx, VBOX_UART_BASE out dx, al dec ah jnz short %%daloop ; loop pop rbx pop rax pop rdx %endmacro %macro COM_S_DWORD_REG 1 %ifdef RT_ARCH_AMD64 COM64_S_DWORD_REG %1 %else COM32_S_DWORD_REG %1 %endif %endmacro ;; Writes a qword from register to com port. ; trashes nothing (uses stack though) %macro COM64_S_QWORD_REG 1 push rdx push rax push rbx mov rbx, %1 ; get value we're supposed to print mov ah, 16 ; loop counter. %%daloop: rol rbx, 4 ; shift next digit to the front %%status0: mov dx, VBOX_UART_BASE + 5 in al, dx test al, 20h jz short %%status0 mov al, bl ; get next char and al, 0fh cmp al, 10 jae short %%hex ; yasm BUG! It sometimes generate a near jump here. YASMCHECK! add al, '0' jmp short %%print %%hex: add al, 'a' - 10 %%print: mov dx, VBOX_UART_BASE out dx, al dec ah jnz short %%daloop ; loop pop rbx pop rax pop rdx %endmacro ;; Writes a byte from register to com port. ; trashes nothing (uses stack though) %macro COM32_S_BYTE_REG 1 push edx push eax push ebx mov ebx, %1 ; get value we're supposed to print mov ah, 2 ; loop counter. ror ebx, 8 ; shift next digit to the front %%daloop: rol ebx, 4 ; shift next digit to the front %%status0: mov dx, VBOX_UART_BASE + 5 in al, dx test al, 20h jz short %%status0 mov al, bl ; get next char and al, 0fh cmp al, 10 jae short %%hex ; yasm BUG! It sometimes generate a near jump here. YASMCHECK! add al, '0' jmp short %%print %%hex: add al, 'a' - 10 %%print: mov dx, VBOX_UART_BASE out dx, al dec ah jnz short %%daloop ; loop pop ebx pop eax pop edx %endmacro %macro COM64_S_BYTE_REG 1 push rdx push rax push rbx mov ebx, %1 ; get value we're supposed to print mov ah, 2 ; loop counter. ror ebx, 8 ; shift next digit to the front %%daloop: rol ebx, 4 ; shift next digit to the front %%status0: mov dx, VBOX_UART_BASE + 5 in al, dx test al, 20h jz short %%status0 mov al, bl ; get next char and al, 0fh cmp al, 10 jae short %%hex ; yasm BUG! It sometimes generate a near jump here. YASMCHECK! add al, '0' jmp short %%print %%hex: add al, 'a' - 10 %%print: mov dx, VBOX_UART_BASE out dx, al dec ah jnz short %%daloop ; loop pop rbx pop rax pop rdx %endmacro %macro COM_S_BYTE_REG 1 %ifdef RT_ARCH_AMD64 COM64_S_BYTE_REG %1 %else COM32_S_BYTE_REG %1 %endif %endmacro ;; Writes a single hex digit from register to com port. ; trashes nothing (uses stack though) %macro COM32_S_DIGIT_REG 1 push edx push eax push ebx mov ebx, %1 ; get value we're supposed to print %%status0: mov dx, VBOX_UART_BASE + 5 in al, dx test al, 20h jz short %%status0 mov al, bl ; get next char and al, 0fh cmp al, 10 jae short %%hex ; yasm BUG! It sometimes generate a near jump here. YASMCHECK! add al, '0' jmp short %%print %%hex: add al, 'a' - 10 %%print: mov dx, VBOX_UART_BASE out dx, al pop ebx pop eax pop edx %endmacro %macro COM64_S_DIGIT_REG 1 push rdx push rax push rbx mov ebx, %1 ; get value we're supposed to print %%status0: mov dx, VBOX_UART_BASE + 5 in al, dx test al, 20h jz short %%status0 mov al, bl ; get next char and al, 0fh cmp al, 10 jae short %%hex ; yasm BUG! It sometimes generate a near jump here. YASMCHECK! add al, '0' jmp short %%print %%hex: add al, 'a' - 10 %%print: mov dx, VBOX_UART_BASE out dx, al pop rbx pop rax pop rdx %endmacro %macro COM_S_DIGIT_REG 1 %ifdef RT_ARCH_AMD64 COM64_S_DIGIT_REG %1 %else COM32_S_DIGIT_REG %1 %endif %endmacro ;; ; Loops for a while. ; ecx is trashed. %macro LOOP_A_WHILE 0 xor ecx, ecx dec ecx shr ecx, 1 %%looplabel: nop nop nop dec ecx jnz short %%looplabel %endmacro ;; ; Loops for a short while. ; ecx is trashed. %macro LOOP_SHORT_WHILE 0 xor ecx, ecx dec ecx shr ecx, 4 %%looplabel: nop nop dec ecx jnz short %%looplabel %endmacro %endif