1 | # ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
2 | # Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
3 | #
4 | # The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
5 | # 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
6 | # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 | # http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
8 | #
9 | # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
10 | # WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
11 | # for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
12 | # License.
13 | #
14 | # The Original Code is the Python XPCOM language bindings.
15 | #
16 | # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
17 | # ActiveState Tool Corp.
18 | # Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2000, 2001
19 | # the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
20 | #
21 | # Contributor(s):
22 | # Mark Hammond <MarkH@ActiveState.com> (original author)
23 | #
24 | # Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
25 | # either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
26 | # the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
27 | # in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
28 | # of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
29 | # under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
30 | # use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
31 | # decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
32 | # and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
33 | # the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
34 | # the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
35 | #
36 | # ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
37 |
38 | """Implementation of Python file objects for Mozilla/xpcom.
39 |
40 | Introduction:
41 | This module defines various class that are implemented using
42 | Mozilla streams. This allows you to open Mozilla URI's, and
43 | treat them as Python file object.
44 |
45 | Example:
46 | >>> file = URIFile("chrome://whatever")
47 | >>> data = file.read(5) # Pass no arg to read everything.
48 |
49 | Known Limitations:
50 | * Not all URL schemes will work from "python.exe" - most notably
51 | "chrome://" and "http://" URLs - this is because a simple initialization of
52 | xpcom by Python does not load up the full set of Mozilla URL handlers.
53 | If you can work out how to correctly initialize the chrome registry and
54 | setup a message queue.
55 |
56 | Known Bugs:
57 | * Only read ("r") mode is supported. Although write ("w") mode doesnt make
58 | sense for HTTP type URLs, it potentially does for file:// etc type ones.
59 | * No concept of text mode vs binary mode. It appears Mozilla takes care of
60 | this internally (ie, all "text/???" mime types are text, rest are binary)
61 |
62 | """
63 |
64 | from xpcom import components, Exception, _xpcom
65 | import os
66 | import threading # for locks.
67 |
68 | NS_RDONLY = 0x01
69 | NS_WRONLY = 0x02
70 | NS_RDWR = 0x04
71 | NS_CREATE_FILE = 0x08
72 | NS_APPEND = 0x10
73 | NS_TRUNCATE = 0x20
74 | NS_SYNC = 0x40
75 | NS_EXCL = 0x80
76 |
77 | # A helper function that may come in useful
78 | def LocalFileToURL(localFileName):
79 | "Convert a filename to an XPCOM nsIFileURL object."
80 | # Create an nsILocalFile
81 | localFile = components.classes["@mozilla.org/file/local;1"] \
82 | .createInstance(components.interfaces.nsILocalFile)
83 | localFile.initWithPath(localFileName)
84 |
85 | # Use the IO Service to create the interface, then QI for a FileURL
86 | io_service = components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"] \
87 | .getService(components.interfaces.nsIIOService)
88 | url = io_service.newFileURI(localFile).queryInterface(components.interfaces.nsIFileURL)
89 | # Setting the "file" attribute causes initialization...
90 | url.file = localFile
91 | return url
92 |
93 | # A base class for file objects.
94 | class _File:
95 | def __init__(self, name_thingy = None, mode="r"):
96 | self.lockob = threading.Lock()
97 | self.inputStream = self.outputStream = None
98 | if name_thingy is not None:
99 | self.init(name_thingy, mode)
100 |
101 | def __del__(self):
102 | self.close()
103 |
104 | # The Moz file streams are not thread safe.
105 | def _lock(self):
106 | self.lockob.acquire()
107 | def _release(self):
108 | self.lockob.release()
109 | def read(self, n = -1):
110 | assert self.inputStream is not None, "Not setup for read!"
111 | self._lock()
112 | try:
113 | return str(self.inputStream.read(n))
114 | finally:
115 | self._release()
116 |
117 | def readlines(self):
118 | # Not part of the xpcom interface, but handy for direct Python users.
119 | # Not 100% faithful, but near enough for now!
120 | lines = self.read().split("\n")
121 | if len(lines) and len(lines[-1]) == 0:
122 | lines = lines[:-1]
123 | return [s+"\n" for s in lines ]
124 |
125 | def write(self, data):
126 | assert self.outputStream is not None, "Not setup for write!"
127 | self._lock()
128 | try:
129 | self.outputStream.write(data, len(data))
130 | finally:
131 | self._release()
132 |
133 | def close(self):
134 | self._lock()
135 | try:
136 | if self.inputStream is not None:
137 | self.inputStream.close()
138 | self.inputStream = None
139 | if self.outputStream is not None:
140 | self.outputStream.close()
141 | self.outputStream = None
142 | self.channel = None
143 | finally:
144 | self._release()
145 |
146 | def flush(self):
147 | self._lock()
148 | try:
149 | if self.outputStream is not None: self.outputStream.flush()
150 | finally:
151 | self._release()
152 |
153 | # A synchronous "file object" used to open a URI.
154 | class URIFile(_File):
155 | def init(self, url, mode="r"):
156 | self.close()
157 | if mode != "r":
158 | raise ValueError, "only 'r' mode supported'"
159 | io_service = components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"] \
160 | .getService(components.interfaces.nsIIOService)
161 | if hasattr(url, "queryInterface"):
162 | url_ob = url
163 | else:
164 | url_ob = io_service.newURI(url, None, None)
165 | # Mozilla asserts and starts saying "NULL POINTER" if this is wrong!
166 | if not url_ob.scheme:
167 | raise ValueError, ("The URI '%s' is invalid (no scheme)"
168 | % (url_ob.spec,))
169 | self.channel = io_service.newChannelFromURI(url_ob)
170 | self.inputStream = self.channel.open()
171 |
172 | # A "file object" implemented using Netscape's native file support.
173 | # Based on io.js - http://lxr.mozilla.org/seamonkey/source/xpcom/tests/utils/io.js
174 | # You open this file using a local file name (as a string) so it really is pointless -
175 | # you may as well be using a standard Python file object!
176 | class LocalFile(_File):
177 | def __init__(self, *args):
178 | self.fileIO = None
179 | _File.__init__(self, *args)
180 |
181 | def init(self, name, mode = "r"):
182 | name = os.path.abspath(name) # Moz libraries under Linux fail with relative paths.
183 | self.close()
184 | file = components.classes['@mozilla.org/file/local;1'].createInstance("nsILocalFile")
185 | file.initWithPath(name)
186 | if mode in ["w","a"]:
187 | self.fileIO = components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/file-output-stream;1"].createInstance("nsIFileOutputStream")
188 | if mode== "w":
189 | if file.exists():
190 | file.remove(0)
191 | moz_mode = NS_CREATE_FILE | NS_WRONLY
192 | elif mode=="a":
193 | moz_mode = NS_APPEND
194 | else:
195 | assert 0, "Can't happen!"
196 | self.fileIO.init(file, moz_mode, -1,0)
197 | self.outputStream = self.fileIO
198 | elif mode == "r":
199 | self.fileIO = components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/file-input-stream;1"].createInstance("nsIFileInputStream")
200 | self.fileIO.init(file, NS_RDONLY, -1,0)
201 | self.inputStream = components.classes["@mozilla.org/scriptableinputstream;1"].createInstance("nsIScriptableInputStream")
202 | self.inputStream.init(self.fileIO)
203 | else:
204 | raise ValueError, "Unknown mode"
205 |
206 | def close(self):
207 | if self.fileIO is not None:
208 | self.fileIO.close()
209 | self.fileIO = None
210 | _File.close(self)
211 |
212 | def read(self, n = -1):
213 | return _File.read(self, n)
214 |
215 |
216 | ##########################################################
217 | ##
218 | ## Test Code
219 | ##
220 | ##########################################################
221 | def _DoTestRead(file, expected):
222 | # read in a couple of chunks, just to test that our various arg combinations work.
223 | got = file.read(3)
224 | got = got + file.read(300)
225 | got = got + file.read(0)
226 | got = got + file.read()
227 | if got != expected:
228 | raise RuntimeError, "Reading '%s' failed - got %d bytes, but expected %d bytes" % (file, len(got), len(expected))
229 |
230 | def _DoTestBufferRead(file, expected):
231 | # read in a couple of chunks, just to test that our various arg combinations work.
232 | buffer = _xpcom.AllocateBuffer(50)
233 | got = ''
234 | while 1:
235 | # Note - we need to reach into the file object so we
236 | # can get at the native buffer supported function.
237 | num = file.inputStream.read(buffer)
238 | if num == 0:
239 | break
240 | got = got + str(buffer[:num])
241 | if got != expected:
242 | raise RuntimeError, "Reading '%s' failed - got %d bytes, but expected %d bytes" % (file, len(got), len(expected))
243 |
244 | def _TestLocalFile():
245 | import tempfile, os
246 | fname = tempfile.mktemp()
247 | data = "Hello from Python"
248 | test_file = LocalFile(fname, "w")
249 | try:
250 | test_file.write(data)
251 | test_file.close()
252 | # Make sure Python can read it OK.
253 | f = open(fname, "r")
254 | assert f.read() == data, "Eeek - Python could not read the data back correctly!"
255 | f.close()
256 | # For the sake of the test, try a re-init.
257 | test_file.init(fname, "r")
258 | got = str(test_file.read())
259 | assert got == data, got
260 | test_file.close()
261 | # Try reading in chunks.
262 | test_file = LocalFile(fname, "r")
263 | got = test_file.read(10) + test_file.read()
264 | assert got == data, got
265 | test_file.close()
266 | # Open the same file again for writing - this should delete the old one.
267 | if not os.path.isfile(fname):
268 | raise RuntimeError, "The file '%s' does not exist, but we are explicitly testing create semantics when it does" % (fname,)
269 | test_file = LocalFile(fname, "w")
270 | test_file.write(data)
271 | test_file.close()
272 | # Make sure Python can read it OK.
273 | f = open(fname, "r")
274 | assert f.read() == data, "Eeek - Python could not read the data back correctly after recreating an existing file!"
275 | f.close()
276 |
277 | # XXX - todo - test "a" mode!
278 | finally:
279 | os.unlink(fname)
280 |
281 | def _TestAll():
282 | # A mini test suite.
283 | # Get a test file, and convert it to a file:// URI.
284 | # check what we read is the same as when
285 | # we read this file "normally"
286 | fname = components.__file__
287 | if fname[-1] in "cCoO": # fix .pyc/.pyo
288 | fname = fname[:-1]
289 | expected = open(fname, "rb").read()
290 | # convert the fname to a URI.
291 | url = LocalFileToURL(fname)
292 | # First try passing a URL as a string.
293 | _DoTestRead( URIFile( url.spec), expected)
294 | # Now with a URL object.
295 | _DoTestRead( URIFile( url ), expected)
296 |
297 | _DoTestBufferRead( URIFile( url ), expected)
298 |
299 | # For the sake of testing, do our pointless, demo object!
300 | _DoTestRead( LocalFile(fname), expected )
301 |
302 | # Now do the full test of our pointless, demo object!
303 | _TestLocalFile()
304 |
305 | def _TestURI(url):
306 | test_file = URIFile(url)
307 | print "Opened file is", test_file
308 | got = test_file.read()
309 | print "Read %d bytes of data from %r" % (len(got), url)
310 | test_file.close()
311 |
312 | if __name__=='__main__':
313 | import sys
314 | if len(sys.argv) < 2:
315 | print "No URL specified on command line - performing self-test"
316 | _TestAll()
317 | else:
318 | _TestURI(sys.argv[1])