1 | #!/usr/bin/python -u
2 | #
3 | # Processing of the queries results
4 | #
5 | import sys
6 | import index
7 | import time
8 | import traceback
9 | import string
10 |
11 | if index.openMySQL(verbose = 0) < 0:
12 | print "Failed to connect to the MySQL database"
13 | sys.exit(1)
14 |
15 | DB = index.DB
16 |
17 | def getTopQueriesDB(base = "Queries", number = 50):
18 | global DB
19 |
20 | try:
21 | import os
22 | os.mkdir("searches")
23 | except:
24 | pass
25 |
26 | date = time.strftime("%Y%m%d")
27 | f = open("searches/%s-%s.xml" % (base, date), "w")
28 | c = DB.cursor()
29 | try:
30 | ret = c.execute("""select sum(Count) from %s""" % (base))
31 | row = c.fetchone()
32 | total = int(row[0])
33 | ret = c.execute("""select count(*) from %s""" % (base))
34 | row = c.fetchone()
35 | uniq = int(row[0])
36 | ret = c.execute(
37 | """select * from %s ORDER BY Count DESC LIMIT %d""" % (base, number))
38 | i = 0;
39 | f.write("<queries total='%d' uniq='%d' nr='%d' date='%s'>\n" % (
40 | total, uniq, number, date))
41 | while i < ret:
42 | row = c.fetchone()
43 | f.write(" <query count='%d'>%s</query>\n" % (int(row[2]), row[1]))
44 | i = i + 1
45 | f.write("</queries>\n")
46 | except:
47 | print "getTopQueries %s %d failed\n" % (base, number)
48 | print sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value
49 | return -1
50 | f.close()
51 |
52 | def getTopQueries(number = 50):
53 | return getTopQueriesDB(base = "Queries", number = number)
54 |
55 | def getAllTopQueries(number = 50):
56 | return getTopQueriesDB(base = "AllQueries", number = number)
57 |
58 | def increaseTotalCount(Value, count):
59 | global DB
60 |
61 | c = DB.cursor()
62 | try:
63 | ret = c.execute("""select ID,Count from AllQueries where Value='%s'""" %
64 | (Value))
65 | row = c.fetchone()
66 | id = row[0]
67 | cnt = int(row[1]) + count
68 | ret = c.execute("""UPDATE AllQueries SET Count = %d where ID = %d""" %
69 | (cnt, id))
70 | except:
71 | ret = c.execute(
72 | """INSERT INTO AllQueries (Value, Count) VALUES ('%s', %d)""" %
73 | (Value, count))
74 |
75 |
76 | def checkString(str):
77 | if string.find(str, "'") != -1 or \
78 | string.find(str, '"') != -1 or \
79 | string.find(str, "\\") != -1 or \
80 | string.find(str, " ") != -1 or \
81 | string.find(str, "\t") != -1 or \
82 | string.find(str, "\n") != -1 or \
83 | string.find(str, "\r") != -1:
84 | return 0
85 | return 1
86 | def addCounts(frmtable):
87 | global DB
88 |
89 | i = 0
90 | c = DB.cursor()
91 | entries=[]
92 | try:
93 | ret = c.execute("""select Value,Count from %s""" % (frmtable))
94 | while i < ret:
95 | i = i + 1
96 | row = c.fetchone()
97 | if checkString(row[0]):
98 | entries.append((row[0], int(row[1])))
99 | else:
100 | entries.append((None, int(row[1])))
101 |
102 | for row in entries:
103 | if row[0] != None:
104 | increaseTotalCount(row[0], row[1])
105 | except:
106 | print "addCounts %s failed" % (frmtable)
107 | print sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value
108 | traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout)
109 |
110 | try:
111 | c.execute("""DELETE from %s""" % (frmtable))
112 | except:
113 | pass
114 |
115 |
116 |
117 | getTopQueries()
118 | addCounts('Queries')
119 | getAllTopQueries()