1 | # Makefile for libxml2, specific for Windows, GCC (mingw) and GNU make.
2 | #
3 | # Take a look at the beginning and modify the variables to suit your
4 | # environment. Having done that, you can do a
5 | #
6 | # nmake [all] to build the libxml and the accompanying utilities.
7 | # nmake clean to remove all compiler output files and return to a
8 | # clean state.
9 | # nmake rebuild to rebuild everything from scratch. This basically does
10 | # a 'nmake clean' and then a 'nmake all'.
11 | # nmake install to install the library and its header files.
12 | #
13 | # November 2002, Igor Zlatkovic <igor@zlatkovic.com>
14 |
15 | # There should never be a need to modify anything below this line.
16 | # ----------------------------------------------------------------
17 |
18 | AUTOCONF = .\config.mingw
19 | include $(AUTOCONF)
20 |
21 | # Names of various input and output components.
22 | XML_NAME = xml2
24 | XML_SO = $(XML_BASENAME).dll
25 | XML_IMP = $(XML_BASENAME).lib
26 | XML_A = $(XML_BASENAME).a
27 |
28 | # Place where we let the compiler put its output.
29 | BINDIR = bin.mingw
30 | XML_INTDIR = int.mingw
31 | XML_INTDIR_A = int.a.mingw
32 | UTILS_INTDIR = int.utils.mingw
33 |
34 | # The preprocessor and its options.
35 | CPP = gcc.exe -E
37 |
38 | # The compiler and its options.
39 | CC = gcc.exe
42 | ifeq ($(WITH_THREADS),ctls)
43 | CFLAGS += "-DXML_THREAD_LOCAL=__declspec(thread)"
44 | endif
45 | ifeq ($(WITH_THREADS),posix)
47 | endif
48 |
49 | # The linker and its options.
50 | LD = gcc.exe
51 | LDFLAGS += -Wl,--major-image-version,$(LIBXML_MAJOR_VERSION)
52 | LDFLAGS += -Wl,--minor-image-version,$(LIBXML_MINOR_VERSION)
53 | LDFLAGS += -Wl,-L,$(BINDIR) -Wl,-L,$(LIBPREFIX)
54 | LIBS =
55 | ifeq ($(WITH_FTP),1)
56 | LIBS += -lwsock32 -lws2_32
57 | endif
58 | ifeq ($(WITH_HTTP),1)
59 | LIBS += -lwsock32 -lws2_32
60 | endif
61 | ifeq ($(WITH_ICONV),1)
62 | LIBS += -liconv
63 | endif
64 | ifeq ($(WITH_ZLIB),1)
65 | # Could be named differently
66 | # LIBS += -lzdll
67 | LIBS += -lz
68 | endif
69 | ifeq ($(WITH_LZMA),1)
70 | LIBS += -llzma
71 | endif
72 | ifeq ($(WITH_THREADS),posix)
73 | LIBS += -lpthreadGC
74 | endif
75 | ifeq ($(WITH_MODULES),1)
76 | LIBS += -lkernel32
77 | endif
78 |
79 | LIBS += $(LIB)
80 |
81 | # The archiver and its options.
82 | AR = ar.exe
83 | ARFLAGS = -r
84 |
85 | # Optimisation and debug symbols.
86 | ifeq ($(DEBUG),1)
87 | CFLAGS += -D_DEBUG -g
88 | LDFLAGS +=
89 | else
91 | LDFLAGS +=
92 | endif
93 |
94 |
95 | # Libxml object files.
96 | XML_OBJS = $(XML_INTDIR)/buf.o\
97 | $(XML_INTDIR)/c14n.o\
98 | $(XML_INTDIR)/catalog.o\
99 | $(XML_INTDIR)/chvalid.o\
100 | $(XML_INTDIR)/debugXML.o\
101 | $(XML_INTDIR)/dict.o\
102 | $(XML_INTDIR)/encoding.o\
103 | $(XML_INTDIR)/entities.o\
104 | $(XML_INTDIR)/error.o\
105 | $(XML_INTDIR)/globals.o\
106 | $(XML_INTDIR)/hash.o\
107 | $(XML_INTDIR)/HTMLparser.o\
108 | $(XML_INTDIR)/HTMLtree.o\
109 | $(XML_INTDIR)/legacy.o\
110 | $(XML_INTDIR)/list.o\
111 | $(XML_INTDIR)/nanoftp.o\
112 | $(XML_INTDIR)/nanohttp.o\
113 | $(XML_INTDIR)/parser.o\
114 | $(XML_INTDIR)/parserInternals.o\
115 | $(XML_INTDIR)/pattern.o\
116 | $(XML_INTDIR)/relaxng.o\
117 | $(XML_INTDIR)/SAX.o\
118 | $(XML_INTDIR)/SAX2.o\
119 | $(XML_INTDIR)/schematron.o\
120 | $(XML_INTDIR)/threads.o\
121 | $(XML_INTDIR)/tree.o\
122 | $(XML_INTDIR)/uri.o\
123 | $(XML_INTDIR)/valid.o\
124 | $(XML_INTDIR)/xinclude.o\
125 | $(XML_INTDIR)/xlink.o\
126 | $(XML_INTDIR)/xmlIO.o\
127 | $(XML_INTDIR)/xmlmemory.o\
128 | $(XML_INTDIR)/xmlreader.o\
129 | $(XML_INTDIR)/xmlregexp.o\
130 | $(XML_INTDIR)/xmlmodule.o\
131 | $(XML_INTDIR)/xmlsave.o\
132 | $(XML_INTDIR)/xmlschemas.o\
133 | $(XML_INTDIR)/xmlschemastypes.o\
134 | $(XML_INTDIR)/xmlunicode.o\
135 | $(XML_INTDIR)/xmlwriter.o\
136 | $(XML_INTDIR)/xpath.o\
137 | $(XML_INTDIR)/xpointer.o\
138 | $(XML_INTDIR)/xmlstring.o
139 |
140 | XML_SRCS = $(subst .o,.c,$(subst $(XML_INTDIR)/,$(XML_SRCDIR)/,$(XML_OBJS)))
141 |
142 | # Static libxml object files.
143 | XML_OBJS_A = $(XML_INTDIR_A)/buf.o\
144 | $(XML_INTDIR_A)/c14n.o\
145 | $(XML_INTDIR_A)/catalog.o\
146 | $(XML_INTDIR_A)/chvalid.o\
147 | $(XML_INTDIR_A)/debugXML.o\
148 | $(XML_INTDIR_A)/dict.o\
149 | $(XML_INTDIR_A)/encoding.o\
150 | $(XML_INTDIR_A)/entities.o\
151 | $(XML_INTDIR_A)/error.o\
152 | $(XML_INTDIR_A)/globals.o\
153 | $(XML_INTDIR_A)/hash.o\
154 | $(XML_INTDIR_A)/HTMLparser.o\
155 | $(XML_INTDIR_A)/HTMLtree.o\
156 | $(XML_INTDIR_A)/legacy.o\
157 | $(XML_INTDIR_A)/list.o\
158 | $(XML_INTDIR_A)/nanoftp.o\
159 | $(XML_INTDIR_A)/nanohttp.o\
160 | $(XML_INTDIR_A)/parser.o\
161 | $(XML_INTDIR_A)/parserInternals.o\
162 | $(XML_INTDIR_A)/pattern.o\
163 | $(XML_INTDIR_A)/relaxng.o\
164 | $(XML_INTDIR_A)/SAX.o\
165 | $(XML_INTDIR_A)/SAX2.o\
166 | $(XML_INTDIR_A)/schematron.o\
167 | $(XML_INTDIR_A)/threads.o\
168 | $(XML_INTDIR_A)/tree.o\
169 | $(XML_INTDIR_A)/uri.o\
170 | $(XML_INTDIR_A)/valid.o\
171 | $(XML_INTDIR_A)/xinclude.o\
172 | $(XML_INTDIR_A)/xlink.o\
173 | $(XML_INTDIR_A)/xmlIO.o\
174 | $(XML_INTDIR_A)/xmlmemory.o\
175 | $(XML_INTDIR_A)/xmlreader.o\
176 | $(XML_INTDIR_A)/xmlregexp.o\
177 | $(XML_INTDIR_A)/xmlmodule.o\
178 | $(XML_INTDIR_A)/xmlsave.o\
179 | $(XML_INTDIR_A)/xmlschemas.o\
180 | $(XML_INTDIR_A)/xmlschemastypes.o\
181 | $(XML_INTDIR_A)/xmlunicode.o\
182 | $(XML_INTDIR_A)/xmlwriter.o\
183 | $(XML_INTDIR_A)/xpath.o\
184 | $(XML_INTDIR_A)/xpointer.o\
185 | $(XML_INTDIR_A)/xmlstring.o
186 |
187 | XML_SRCS_A = $(subst .o,.c,$(subst $(XML_INTDIR_A)/,$(XML_SRCDIR)/,$(XML_OBJS_A)))
188 |
189 | # Xmllint and friends executables.
190 | UTILS = $(BINDIR)/xmllint.exe\
191 | $(BINDIR)/xmlcatalog.exe\
192 | $(BINDIR)/testModule.exe\
193 | $(BINDIR)/runtest.exe\
194 | $(BINDIR)/runsuite.exe\
195 | $(BINDIR)/testapi.exe\
196 | $(BINDIR)/testlimits.exe
197 |
198 | ifneq ($(WITH_THREADS),no)
199 | UTILS += $(BINDIR)/testThreads.exe
200 | endif
201 |
202 | all : dep libxml libxmla utils
203 |
204 | libxml : $(BINDIR)/$(XML_SO)
205 |
206 | libxmla : $(BINDIR)/$(XML_A)
207 |
208 | utils : $(UTILS)
209 |
210 | clean :
211 | cmd.exe /C "if exist $(XML_INTDIR) rmdir /S /Q $(XML_INTDIR)"
212 | cmd.exe /C "if exist $(XML_INTDIR_A) rmdir /S /Q $(XML_INTDIR_A)"
213 | cmd.exe /C "if exist $(UTILS_INTDIR) rmdir /S /Q $(UTILS_INTDIR)"
214 | cmd.exe /C "if exist $(BINDIR) rmdir /S /Q $(BINDIR)"
215 | cmd.exe /C "if exist depends.mingw del depends.mingw"
216 |
217 | distclean : clean
218 | cmd.exe /C "if exist config.* del config.*"
219 | cmd.exe /C "if exist Makefile del Makefile"
220 |
221 | rebuild : clean all
222 |
223 | install-libs : all
224 | cmd.exe /C "if not exist $(INCPREFIX)\libxml2 mkdir $(INCPREFIX)\libxml2"
225 | cmd.exe /C "if not exist $(INCPREFIX)\libxml2\libxml mkdir $(INCPREFIX)\libxml2\libxml"
226 | cmd.exe /C "if not exist $(BINPREFIX) mkdir $(BINPREFIX)"
227 | cmd.exe /C "if not exist $(LIBPREFIX) mkdir $(LIBPREFIX)"
228 | cmd.exe /C "copy $(XML_SRCDIR)\include\libxml\*.h $(INCPREFIX)\libxml2\libxml"
229 | cmd.exe /C "copy $(BINDIR)\$(XML_SO) $(SOPREFIX)"
230 | cmd.exe /C "copy $(BINDIR)\$(XML_A) $(LIBPREFIX)"
231 | cmd.exe /C "copy $(BINDIR)\$(XML_IMP) $(LIBPREFIX)"
232 | cmd.exe /C "copy $(BINDIR)\xml*.exe $(BINPREFIX)"
233 |
234 | install : install-libs
235 | cmd.exe /C "copy $(BINDIR)\*.exe $(BINPREFIX)"
236 |
237 | install-dist : install-libs
238 | cmd.exe /C "copy $(BINDIR)\xml*.exe $(BINPREFIX)"
239 |
240 | # This is a target for me, to make a binary distribution. Not for the public use,
241 | # keep your hands off :-)
244 | bindist : all
245 | $(MAKE) PREFIX=$(BDPREFIX) SOPREFIX=$(BDPREFIX)/bin install-dist
246 | cscript //NoLogo configure.js genreadme $(XML_BASENAME) $(BDVERSION) $(BDPREFIX)\readme.txt
247 |
248 |
249 | # Creates the dependency file
250 | dep :
251 | $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -M $(XML_SRCS) > depends.mingw
252 |
253 |
254 | # Makes the output directory.
255 | $(BINDIR) :
256 | cmd.exe /C if not exist $(BINDIR) mkdir $(BINDIR)
257 |
258 |
259 | # Makes the libxml intermediate directory.
260 | $(XML_INTDIR) :
261 | cmd.exe /C if not exist $(XML_INTDIR) mkdir $(XML_INTDIR)
262 |
263 | # Makes the static libxml intermediate directory.
264 | $(XML_INTDIR_A) :
265 | cmd.exe /C if not exist $(XML_INTDIR_A) mkdir $(XML_INTDIR_A)
266 |
267 | # An implicit rule for libxml compilation.
268 | $(XML_INTDIR)/%.o : $(XML_SRCDIR)/%.c
269 | $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ -c $<
270 |
271 | # An implicit rule for static libxml compilation.
272 | $(XML_INTDIR_A)/%.o : $(XML_SRCDIR)/%.c
273 | $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -DLIBXML_STATIC -o $@ -c $<
274 |
275 |
276 | # Compiles libxml source. Uses the implicit rule for commands.
277 | $(XML_OBJS) : $(XML_INTDIR)
278 |
279 | # Compiles static libxml source. Uses the implicit rule for commands.
280 | $(XML_OBJS_A) : $(XML_INTDIR_A)
281 |
282 | # Creates the libxml shared object.
283 | XMLSO_LDFLAGS = $(LDFLAGS) -shared -Wl,--dll -Wl,--out-implib,$(BINDIR)/$(XML_IMP)
284 | $(BINDIR)/$(XML_SO) : $(BINDIR) $(XML_OBJS)
286 |
287 | # Creates the libxml archive.
288 | $(BINDIR)/$(XML_A) : $(BINDIR) $(XML_OBJS_A)
289 | $(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $(BINDIR)\$(XML_A) $(XML_OBJS_A)
290 |
291 |
292 | # Makes the utils intermediate directory.
293 | $(UTILS_INTDIR) :
294 | cmd.exe /C if not exist $(UTILS_INTDIR) mkdir $(UTILS_INTDIR)
295 |
296 | # An implicit rule for xmllint and friends.
297 | ifeq ($(STATIC),1)
298 | $(BINDIR)/%.exe : $(UTILS_SRCDIR)/%.c
299 | $(CC) -DLIBXML_STATIC $(CFLAGS) -o $(subst .c,.o,$(UTILS_INTDIR)/$(<F)) -c $<
300 | $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(subst .c,.o,$(UTILS_INTDIR)/$(<F)) -l$(XML_BASENAME) $(LIBS)
301 | else
302 | $(BINDIR)/%.exe : $(UTILS_SRCDIR)/%.c
303 | $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $(subst .c,.o,$(UTILS_INTDIR)/$(<F)) -c $<
304 | $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(subst .c,.o,$(UTILS_INTDIR)/$(<F)) -l$(XML_BASENAME) $(LIBS)
305 | endif
306 |
307 | # Builds xmllint and friends. Uses the implicit rule for commands.
308 | $(UTILS) : $(UTILS_INTDIR) $(BINDIR) libxml libxmla
309 |
310 | # Source dependencies
311 | #-include depends.mingw
312 |