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4 | <title>libvorbis - API Overview</title>
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11 | <td><p class=tiny>libvorbis documentation</p></td>
12 | <td align=right><p class=tiny>libvorbis version 1.3.2 - 20101101</p></td>
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16 | <h1>Libvorbis API Overview</h1>
17 |
18 | <p>Libvorbis is the reference implementation of the Vorbis codec. It is
19 | the lowest-level interface to the Vorbis encoder and decoder, working
20 | with packets directly.</p>
21 |
22 | <p>All libvorbis routines and structures are declared in "vorbis/codec.h".</p>
23 |
24 | <h2>Encoding workflow</h2>
25 |
26 | <ol>
27 | <li>Initialize a <a href="vorbis_info.html">vorbis_info</a> structure
28 | by calling <a href="vorbis_info_init.html">vorbis_info_init</a> and
29 | then functions from <a href="../vorbisenc/index.html">libvorbisenc</a>
30 | on it.</li>
31 | <li>Initialize a <a href="vorbis_dsp_state.html">vorbis_dsp_state</a>
32 | for encoding based on the parameters in the vorbis_info by using <a
33 | href="vorbis_analysis_init.html">vorbis_analysis_init</a>.</li>
34 | <li>Initialize a <a href="vorbis_comment.html">vorbis_comment</a>
35 | structure using <a href="vorbis_comment_init.html">vorbis_comment_init</a>,
36 | populate it with any comments you wish to store in the stream, and call
37 | <a href="vorbis_analysis_headerout.html">vorbis_analysis_headerout</a> to
38 | get the three Vorbis stream header packets. Output the packets.</li>
39 | <li>Initialize a <a href="vorbis_block.html">vorbis_block</a> structure
40 | using <a href="vorbis_block_init.html">vorbis_block_init</a>.</li>
41 | <li>While there is more audio to encode:<ol>
42 | <li>Submit a chunk of audio data using <a
43 | href="vorbis_analysis_buffer.html">vorbis_analysis_buffer</a> and <a
44 | href="vorbis_analysis_wrote.html">vorbis_analysis_wrote</a>.</li>
45 | <li>Obtain all available blocks using <a
46 | href="vorbis_analysis_blockout.html">vorbis_analysis_blockout</a>
47 | in a loop. For each block obtained:<ol>
48 | <li>Encode the block into a packet (or prepare it for bitrate management)
49 | using <a href="vorbis_analysis.html">vorbis_analysis</a>. (It's a good
50 | idea to always pass the blocks through the bitrate
51 | management mechanism; more information is on the <a
52 | href="vorbis_analysis.html">vorbis_analysis</a> page. It does not affect
53 | the resulting packets unless you are actually using a bitrate-managed
54 | mode.)</li>
55 | <li>If you are using bitrate management, submit the block using <a
56 | href="vorbis_bitrate_addblock.html">vorbis_bitrate_addblock</a> and obtain
57 | packets using <a
58 | href="vorbis_bitrate_flushpacket.html">vorbis_bitrate_flushpacket</a>.</li>
59 | <li>Output any obtained packets.</li>
60 | </ol></li>
61 | </ol></li>
62 | <li>Submit an empty buffer to indicate the end of input; this will result
63 | in an end-of-stream packet after all encoding steps are done to it.</li>
64 | <li>Destroy the structures using the appropriate vorbis_*_clear routines.</li>
65 | </ol>
66 |
67 | <h2>Decoding workflow</h2>
68 |
69 | <em>Note: if you do not need to do anything more involved than just
70 | decoding the audio from an Ogg Vorbis file, you can use the far simpler
71 | <a href="../vorbisfile/index.html">libvorbisfile</a> interface, which
72 | will take care of all of the demuxing and low-level decoding operations
73 | (and even the I/O, if you want) for you.</em>
74 |
75 | <ol>
76 | <li>When reading the header packets of an Ogg stream, you can use <a
77 | href="vorbis_synthesis_idheader.html">vorbis_synthesis_idheader</a> to
78 | check whether a stream might be Vorbis.</li>
79 | <li>Initialize a <a href="vorbis_info.html">vorbis_info</a> and a <a
80 | href="vorbis_comment.html">vorbis_comment</a> structure using the
81 | appropriate vorbis_*_init routines, then pass the first three packets
82 | from the stream (the Vorbis stream header packets) to <a
83 | href="vorbis_synthesis_headerin.html">vorbis_synthesis_headerin</a> in
84 | order. At this point, you can see the comments and basic parameters of
85 | the Vorbis stream.</li>
86 | <li>Initialize a <a href="vorbis_dsp_state.html">vorbis_dsp_state</a>
87 | for decoding based on the parameters in the vorbis_info by using <a
88 | href="vorbis_synthesis_init.html">vorbis_synthesis_init</a>.</li>
89 | <li>Initialize a <a href="vorbis_block.html">vorbis_block</a> structure
90 | using <a href="vorbis_block_init.html">vorbis_block_init</a>.</li>
91 | <li>While there are more packets to decode:<ol>
92 | <li>Decode the next packet into a block using <a
93 | href="vorbis_synthesis.html">vorbis_synthesis</a>.</li>
94 | <li>Submit the block to the reassembly layer using <a
95 | href="vorbis_synthesis_blockin.html">vorbis_synthesis_blockin</a>.</li>
96 | <li>Obtain some decoded audio using <a
97 | href="vorbis_synthesis_pcmout.html">vorbis_synthesis_pcmout</a> and <a
98 | href="vorbis_synthesis_read.html">vorbis_synthesis_read</a>. Any audio data
99 | returned but not marked as consumed using vorbis_synthesis_read carries
100 | over to the next call to vorbis_synthesis_pcmout.</li>
101 | </ol></li>
102 | <li>Destroy the structures using the appropriate vorbis_*_clear routines.</li>
103 | </ol>
104 |
105 | <h2>Metadata workflow</h2>
106 |
107 | <em>Note: if you do not need to do anything more involved than just
108 | reading the metadata from an Ogg Vorbis file, <a
109 | href="../vorbisfile/index.html">libvorbisfile</a> can do this for you.</em>
110 |
111 | <ol>
112 | <li>Follow the decoding workflow above until you have access to the comments
113 | and basic parameters of the Vorbis stream.</li>
114 | <li>If you want to alter the comments, copy the first packet to the output
115 | file, then create a packet for the modified comments using <a
116 | href="vorbis_commentheader_out.html">vorbis_commentheader_out</a> and output
117 | it, then copy the third packet and all subsequent packets into the output
118 | file.</li>
119 | </ol>
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121 | <br><br>
122 | <hr noshade>
123 | <table border=0 width=100%>
124 | <tr valign=top>
125 | <td><p class=tiny>copyright © 2010 Xiph.Org</p></td>
126 | <td align=right><p class=tiny><a href="https://xiph.org/vorbis/">Ogg Vorbis</a></p></td>
127 | </tr><tr>
128 | <td><p class=tiny>libvorbis documentation</p></td>
129 | <td align=right><p class=tiny>libvorbis version 1.3.2 - 20101101</p></td>
130 | </tr>
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