1 | \documentclass[12pt,paper=a4]{scrartcl}
2 |
3 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
4 | % Packages
5 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
6 |
7 | % ...
8 | %\usepackage[margin=3cm]{geometry}
9 | \usepackage{a4wide}
10 |
11 | % ...
12 | \usepackage[english]{babel}
13 |
14 | %\usepackage[latin1]{inputenc}
15 | %\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
16 |
17 | % Do not indent paragraphs, instead separate them via vertical spacing
18 | \usepackage{parskip}
19 |
20 | % Support for graphics, provides \includegraphics
21 | \usepackage{graphicx}
22 | %\graphicspath{{images/}} % Specify subdir containing the images
23 |
24 | % Hyperref enriches the generated PDF with clickable links,
25 | % and provides many other useful features.
26 | \usepackage{nameref}
27 | \usepackage[colorlinks]{hyperref}
28 | \def\sectionautorefname{Section} % Write section with capital 'S'
29 | \def\subsectionautorefname{Subsection} % Write subsection with capital 'S'
30 |
31 |
32 | % The fancyvrb package provides the "Verbatim" environment, which,
33 | % unlike the built-in "verbatim", allows embedding TeX commands, as
34 | % well as tons of other neat stuff (line numbers, formatting adjustments, ...)
35 | \usepackage{fancyvrb}
36 | \fvset{tabsize=4,fontsize=\scriptsize,numbers=left}
37 |
38 | % Normally, one can not use the underscore character in LaTeX without
39 | % escaping it (\_ instead of _). Since the Vorbis specs use it a lot,
40 | % we use the underscore package to change this default behavior.
41 | \usepackage[nohyphen]{underscore}
42 |
43 | \usepackage{enumitem}
44 |
45 | % In LaTeX, pictures are normally put into floating environments, and it is
46 | % left to the typesetting engine to place them in the "optimal" spot. These
47 | % docs however expect pictures to be placed in a *specific* position. So we
48 | % don't use \begin{figure}...\end{figure}, but rather a center environment.
49 | % To still be able to use captions, we use the capt-of package.
50 | \usepackage{capt-of}
51 |
52 | % strikeout support
53 | \usepackage[normalem]{ulem}
54 |
55 | % blockquote support
56 | \usepackage{csquotes}
57 |
58 | % allow 'special' characters in filenames, like undescore :-P
59 | \usepackage{grffile}
60 |
61 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
62 | % Custom commands
63 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
64 |
65 | % Custom ref command, using hyperrefs autoref & nameref, to simulate the
66 | % behavior of DocBook's '<xref>'.
67 | \newcommand{\xref}[1]{\autoref{#1}, ``\nameref{#1}''}
68 |
69 | % Emulat DocBook's '<link>'.
70 | \newcommand{\link}[2]{\hyperref[#1]{#2}}
71 |
72 | % Simple 'Note' environment. Can be customized later on.
73 | \newenvironment{note}{\subparagraph*{Note:}}{}
74 |
75 | % Map DocBook's <programlisting> to fancyvrb's Verbatim environment
76 | \let\programlisting\Verbatim
77 | \let\endprogramlisting\endVerbatim
78 |
79 | % Fake some more DocBook elements
80 | \newcommand{\function}[1]{\texttt{#1}}
81 | \newcommand{\filename}[1]{\texttt{#1}}
82 | \newcommand{\varname}[1]{\texttt{#1}}
83 | \newcommand{\literal}[1]{\texttt{#1}}
84 |
85 | % Redefine \~ to generate something that looks more appropriate when used in text.
86 | \renewcommand{\~}{$\sim$}
87 |
88 | % Useful helper macro that inserts TODO comments very visibly into the generated
89 | % file. Helps you to not forget to resolve those TODOs... :)
90 | \newcommand{\TODO}[1]{\textcolor{red}{*** #1 ***}}
91 |
92 | % Configure graphics formats: Prefer PDF, fall back to PNG or JPG, as available.
93 | \DeclareGraphicsExtensions{.pdf,.png,.jpg,.jpeg}
94 |
95 |
96 | % NOTE: Things to watch out for: Some chars are reserved in LaTeX. You need to translate them...
97 | % ~ -> $\sim$ (or \~ which we defined above)
98 | % % -> \%
99 | % & -> \&
100 | % < -> $<$
101 | % > -> $>$
102 | % and others. Refer to any of the many LaTeX refs out there if in doubt!
103 |
104 | \begin{document}
105 |
106 |
107 | \title{Vorbis I specification}
108 | \author{Xiph.Org Foundation}
109 | \maketitle
110 |
111 | \tableofcontents
112 |
113 | \include{01-introduction}
114 | \include{02-bitpacking}
115 | \include{03-codebook}
116 | \include{04-codec}
117 | \include{05-comment}
118 | \include{06-floor0}
119 | \include{07-floor1}
120 | \include{08-residue}
121 | \include{09-helper}
122 | \include{10-tables}
123 |
124 | \appendix
125 | \include{a1-encapsulation-ogg}
126 | \include{a2-encapsulation-rtp}
127 |
128 | \include{footer}
129 |
130 |
131 | % TODO: Use a bibliography, as in the example below?
132 | \begin{thebibliography}{99}
133 |
134 | \bibitem{Sporer/Brandenburg/Edler} T.~Sporer, K.~Brandenburg and B.~Edler,
135 | The use of multirate filter banks for coding of high quality digital audio,
136 | \url{https://media.taricorp.net/eusipco_corrected.pdf}.
137 |
138 |
139 | \end{thebibliography}
140 |
141 | \end{document}