1 | % -*- mode: latex; TeX-master: "Vorbis_I_spec"; -*-
2 | %!TEX root = Vorbis_I_spec.tex
3 | \section{Residue setup and decode} \label{vorbis:spec:residue}
4 |
5 | \subsection{Overview}
6 |
7 | A residue vector represents the fine detail of the audio spectrum of
8 | one channel in an audio frame after the encoder subtracts the floor
9 | curve and performs any channel coupling. A residue vector may
10 | represent spectral lines, spectral magnitude, spectral phase or
11 | hybrids as mixed by channel coupling. The exact semantic content of
12 | the vector does not matter to the residue abstraction.
13 |
14 | Whatever the exact qualities, the Vorbis residue abstraction codes the
15 | residue vectors into the bitstream packet, and then reconstructs the
16 | vectors during decode. Vorbis makes use of three different encoding
17 | variants (numbered 0, 1 and 2) of the same basic vector encoding
18 | abstraction.
19 |
20 |
21 |
22 | \subsection{Residue format}
23 |
24 | Residue format partitions each vector in the vector bundle into chunks,
25 | classifies each chunk, encodes the chunk classifications and finally
26 | encodes the chunks themselves using the the specific VQ arrangement
27 | defined for each selected classification.
28 | The exact interleaving and partitioning vary by residue encoding number,
29 | however the high-level process used to classify and encode the residue
30 | vector is the same in all three variants.
31 |
32 | A set of coded residue vectors are all of the same length. High level
33 | coding structure, ignoring for the moment exactly how a partition is
34 | encoded and simply trusting that it is, is as follows:
35 |
36 | \begin{itemize}
37 | \item Each vector is partitioned into multiple equal sized chunks
38 | according to configuration specified. If we have a vector size of
39 | \emph{n}, a partition size \emph{residue\_partition\_size}, and a total
40 | of \emph{ch} residue vectors, the total number of partitioned chunks
41 | coded is \emph{n}/\emph{residue\_partition\_size}*\emph{ch}. It is
42 | important to note that the integer division truncates. In the below
43 | example, we assume an example \emph{residue\_partition\_size} of 8.
44 |
45 | \item Each partition in each vector has a classification number that
46 | specifies which of multiple configured VQ codebook setups are used to
47 | decode that partition. The classification numbers of each partition
48 | can be thought of as forming a vector in their own right, as in the
49 | illustration below. Just as the residue vectors are coded in grouped
50 | partitions to increase encoding efficiency, the classification vector
51 | is also partitioned into chunks. The integer elements of each scalar
52 | in a classification chunk are built into a single scalar that
53 | represents the classification numbers in that chunk. In the below
54 | example, the classification codeword encodes two classification
55 | numbers.
56 |
57 | \item The values in a residue vector may be encoded monolithically in a
58 | single pass through the residue vector, but more often efficient
59 | codebook design dictates that each vector is encoded as the additive
60 | sum of several passes through the residue vector using more than one
61 | VQ codebook. Thus, each residue value potentially accumulates values
62 | from multiple decode passes. The classification value associated with
63 | a partition is the same in each pass, thus the classification codeword
64 | is coded only in the first pass.
65 |
66 | \end{itemize}
67 |
68 |
69 | \begin{center}
70 | \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{residue-pack}
71 | \captionof{figure}{illustration of residue vector format}
72 | \end{center}
73 |
74 |
75 |
76 | \subsection{residue 0}
77 |
78 | Residue 0 and 1 differ only in the way the values within a residue
79 | partition are interleaved during partition encoding (visually treated
80 | as a black box--or cyan box or brown box--in the above figure).
81 |
82 | Residue encoding 0 interleaves VQ encoding according to the
83 | dimension of the codebook used to encode a partition in a specific
84 | pass. The dimension of the codebook need not be the same in multiple
85 | passes, however the partition size must be an even multiple of the
86 | codebook dimension.
87 |
88 | As an example, assume a partition vector of size eight, to be encoded
89 | by residue 0 using codebook sizes of 8, 4, 2 and 1:
90 |
91 | \begin{programlisting}
92 |
93 | original residue vector: [ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ]
94 |
95 | codebook dimensions = 8 encoded as: [ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ]
96 |
97 | codebook dimensions = 4 encoded as: [ 0 2 4 6 ], [ 1 3 5 7 ]
98 |
99 | codebook dimensions = 2 encoded as: [ 0 4 ], [ 1 5 ], [ 2 6 ], [ 3 7 ]
100 |
101 | codebook dimensions = 1 encoded as: [ 0 ], [ 1 ], [ 2 ], [ 3 ], [ 4 ], [ 5 ], [ 6 ], [ 7 ]
102 |
103 | \end{programlisting}
104 |
105 | It is worth mentioning at this point that no configurable value in the
106 | residue coding setup is restricted to a power of two.
107 |
108 |
109 |
110 | \subsection{residue 1}
111 |
112 | Residue 1 does not interleave VQ encoding. It represents partition
113 | vector scalars in order. As with residue 0, however, partition length
114 | must be an integer multiple of the codebook dimension, although
115 | dimension may vary from pass to pass.
116 |
117 | As an example, assume a partition vector of size eight, to be encoded
118 | by residue 0 using codebook sizes of 8, 4, 2 and 1:
119 |
120 | \begin{programlisting}
121 |
122 | original residue vector: [ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ]
123 |
124 | codebook dimensions = 8 encoded as: [ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ]
125 |
126 | codebook dimensions = 4 encoded as: [ 0 1 2 3 ], [ 4 5 6 7 ]
127 |
128 | codebook dimensions = 2 encoded as: [ 0 1 ], [ 2 3 ], [ 4 5 ], [ 6 7 ]
129 |
130 | codebook dimensions = 1 encoded as: [ 0 ], [ 1 ], [ 2 ], [ 3 ], [ 4 ], [ 5 ], [ 6 ], [ 7 ]
131 |
132 | \end{programlisting}
133 |
134 |
135 |
136 | \subsection{residue 2}
137 |
138 | Residue type two can be thought of as a variant of residue type 1.
139 | Rather than encoding multiple passed-in vectors as in residue type 1,
140 | the \emph{ch} passed in vectors of length \emph{n} are first
141 | interleaved and flattened into a single vector of length
142 | \emph{ch}*\emph{n}. Encoding then proceeds as in type 1. Decoding is
143 | as in type 1 with decode interleave reversed. If operating on a single
144 | vector to begin with, residue type 1 and type 2 are equivalent.
145 |
146 | \begin{center}
147 | \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{residue2}
148 | \captionof{figure}{illustration of residue type 2}
149 | \end{center}
150 |
151 |
152 | \subsection{Residue decode}
153 |
154 | \subsubsection{header decode}
155 |
156 | Header decode for all three residue types is identical.
157 | \begin{programlisting}
158 | 1) [residue\_begin] = read 24 bits as unsigned integer
159 | 2) [residue\_end] = read 24 bits as unsigned integer
160 | 3) [residue\_partition\_size] = read 24 bits as unsigned integer and add one
161 | 4) [residue\_classifications] = read 6 bits as unsigned integer and add one
162 | 5) [residue\_classbook] = read 8 bits as unsigned integer
163 | \end{programlisting}
164 |
165 | \varname{[residue\_begin]} and
166 | \varname{[residue\_end]} select the specific sub-portion of
167 | each vector that is actually coded; it implements akin to a bandpass
168 | where, for coding purposes, the vector effectively begins at element
169 | \varname{[residue\_begin]} and ends at
170 | \varname{[residue\_end]}. Preceding and following values in
171 | the unpacked vectors are zeroed. Note that for residue type 2, these
172 | values as well as \varname{[residue\_partition\_size]}apply to
173 | the interleaved vector, not the individual vectors before interleave.
174 | \varname{[residue\_partition\_size]} is as explained above,
175 | \varname{[residue\_classifications]} is the number of possible
176 | classification to which a partition can belong and
177 | \varname{[residue\_classbook]} is the codebook number used to
178 | code classification codewords. The number of dimensions in book
179 | \varname{[residue\_classbook]} determines how many
180 | classification values are grouped into a single classification
181 | codeword. Note that the number of entries and dimensions in book
182 | \varname{[residue\_classbook]}, along with
183 | \varname{[residue\_classifications]}, overdetermines to
184 | possible number of classification codewords.
185 | If \varname{[residue\_classifications]}\^{}\varname{[residue\_classbook]}.dimensions
186 | exceeds \varname{[residue\_classbook]}.entries, the
187 | bitstream should be regarded to be undecodable.
188 |
189 | Next we read a bitmap pattern that specifies which partition classes
190 | code values in which passes.
191 |
192 | \begin{programlisting}
193 | 1) iterate [i] over the range 0 ... [residue\_classifications]-1 {
194 |
195 | 2) [high\_bits] = 0
196 | 3) [low\_bits] = read 3 bits as unsigned integer
197 | 4) [bitflag] = read one bit as boolean
198 | 5) if ( [bitflag] is set ) then [high\_bits] = read five bits as unsigned integer
199 | 6) vector [residue\_cascade] element [i] = [high\_bits] * 8 + [low\_bits]
200 | }
201 | 7) done
202 | \end{programlisting}
203 |
204 | Finally, we read in a list of book numbers, each corresponding to
205 | specific bit set in the cascade bitmap. We loop over the possible
206 | codebook classifications and the maximum possible number of encoding
207 | stages (8 in Vorbis I, as constrained by the elements of the cascade
208 | bitmap being eight bits):
209 |
210 | \begin{programlisting}
211 | 1) iterate [i] over the range 0 ... [residue\_classifications]-1 {
212 |
213 | 2) iterate [j] over the range 0 ... 7 {
214 |
215 | 3) if ( vector [residue\_cascade] element [i] bit [j] is set ) {
216 |
217 | 4) array [residue\_books] element [i][j] = read 8 bits as unsigned integer
218 |
219 | } else {
220 |
221 | 5) array [residue\_books] element [i][j] = unused
222 |
223 | }
224 | }
225 | }
226 |
227 | 6) done
228 | \end{programlisting}
229 |
230 | An end-of-packet condition at any point in header decode renders the
231 | stream undecodable. In addition, any codebook number greater than the
232 | maximum numbered codebook set up in this stream also renders the
233 | stream undecodable. All codebooks in array [residue\_books] are
234 | required to have a value mapping. The presence of codebook in array
235 | [residue\_books] without a value mapping (maptype equals zero) renders
236 | the stream undecodable.
237 |
238 |
239 |
240 | \subsubsection{packet decode}
241 |
242 | Format 0 and 1 packet decode is identical except for specific
243 | partition interleave. Format 2 packet decode can be built out of the
244 | format 1 decode process. Thus we describe first the decode
245 | infrastructure identical to all three formats.
246 |
247 | In addition to configuration information, the residue decode process
248 | is passed the number of vectors in the submap bundle and a vector of
249 | flags indicating if any of the vectors are not to be decoded. If the
250 | passed in number of vectors is 3 and vector number 1 is marked 'do not
251 | decode', decode skips vector 1 during the decode loop. However, even
252 | 'do not decode' vectors are allocated and zeroed.
253 |
254 | Depending on the values of \varname{[residue\_begin]} and
255 | \varname{[residue\_end]}, it is obvious that the encoded
256 | portion of a residue vector may be the entire possible residue vector
257 | or some other strict subset of the actual residue vector size with
258 | zero padding at either uncoded end. However, it is also possible to
259 | set \varname{[residue\_begin]} and
260 | \varname{[residue\_end]} to specify a range partially or
261 | wholly beyond the maximum vector size. Before beginning residue
262 | decode, limit \varname{[residue\_begin]} and
263 | \varname{[residue\_end]} to the maximum possible vector size
264 | as follows. We assume that the number of vectors being encoded,
265 | \varname{[ch]} is provided by the higher level decoding
266 | process.
267 |
268 | \begin{programlisting}
269 | 1) [actual\_size] = current blocksize/2;
270 | 2) if residue encoding is format 2
271 | 3) [actual\_size] = [actual\_size] * [ch];
272 | 4) [limit\_residue\_begin] = minimum of ([residue\_begin],[actual\_size]);
273 | 5) [limit\_residue\_end] = minimum of ([residue\_end],[actual\_size]);
274 | \end{programlisting}
275 |
276 | The following convenience values are conceptually useful to clarifying
277 | the decode process:
278 |
279 | \begin{programlisting}
280 | 1) [classwords\_per\_codeword] = [codebook\_dimensions] value of codebook [residue\_classbook]
281 | 2) [n\_to\_read] = [limit\_residue\_end] - [limit\_residue\_begin]
282 | 3) [partitions\_to\_read] = [n\_to\_read] / [residue\_partition\_size]
283 | \end{programlisting}
284 |
285 | Packet decode proceeds as follows, matching the description offered earlier in the document.
286 | \begin{programlisting}
287 | 1) allocate and zero all vectors that will be returned.
288 | 2) if ([n\_to\_read] is zero), stop; there is no residue to decode.
289 | 3) iterate [pass] over the range 0 ... 7 {
290 |
291 | 4) [partition\_count] = 0
292 |
293 | 5) while [partition\_count] is less than [partitions\_to\_read]
294 |
295 | 6) if ([pass] is zero) {
296 |
297 | 7) iterate [j] over the range 0 .. [ch]-1 {
298 |
299 | 8) if vector [j] is not marked 'do not decode' {
300 |
301 | 9) [temp] = read from packet using codebook [residue\_classbook] in scalar context
302 | 10) iterate [i] descending over the range [classwords\_per\_codeword]-1 ... 0 {
303 |
304 | 11) array [classifications] element [j],([i]+[partition\_count]) =
305 | [temp] integer modulo [residue\_classifications]
306 | 12) [temp] = [temp] / [residue\_classifications] using integer division
307 |
308 | }
309 |
310 | }
311 |
312 | }
313 |
314 | }
315 |
316 | 13) iterate [i] over the range 0 .. ([classwords\_per\_codeword] - 1) while [partition\_count]
317 | is also less than [partitions\_to\_read] {
318 |
319 | 14) iterate [j] over the range 0 .. [ch]-1 {
320 |
321 | 15) if vector [j] is not marked 'do not decode' {
322 |
323 | 16) [vqclass] = array [classifications] element [j],[partition\_count]
324 | 17) [vqbook] = array [residue\_books] element [vqclass],[pass]
325 | 18) if ([vqbook] is not 'unused') {
326 |
327 | 19) decode partition into output vector number [j], starting at scalar
328 | offset [limit\_residue\_begin]+[partition\_count]*[residue\_partition\_size] using
329 | codebook number [vqbook] in VQ context
330 | }
331 | }
332 |
333 | 20) increment [partition\_count] by one
334 |
335 | }
336 | }
337 | }
338 |
339 | 21) done
340 |
341 | \end{programlisting}
342 |
343 | An end-of-packet condition during packet decode is to be considered a
344 | nominal occurrence. Decode returns the result of vector decode up to
345 | that point.
346 |
347 |
348 |
349 | \subsubsection{format 0 specifics}
350 |
351 | Format zero decodes partitions exactly as described earlier in the
352 | 'Residue Format: residue 0' section. The following pseudocode
353 | presents the same algorithm. Assume:
354 |
355 | \begin{itemize}
356 | \item \varname{[n]} is the value in \varname{[residue\_partition\_size]}
357 | \item \varname{[v]} is the residue vector
358 | \item \varname{[offset]} is the beginning read offset in [v]
359 | \end{itemize}
360 |
361 |
362 | \begin{programlisting}
363 | 1) [step] = [n] / [codebook\_dimensions]
364 | 2) iterate [i] over the range 0 ... [step]-1 {
365 |
366 | 3) vector [entry\_temp] = read vector from packet using current codebook in VQ context
367 | 4) iterate [j] over the range 0 ... [codebook\_dimensions]-1 {
368 |
369 | 5) vector [v] element ([offset]+[i]+[j]*[step]) =
370 | vector [v] element ([offset]+[i]+[j]*[step]) +
371 | vector [entry\_temp] element [j]
372 |
373 | }
374 |
375 | }
376 |
377 | 6) done
378 |
379 | \end{programlisting}
380 |
381 |
382 |
383 | \subsubsection{format 1 specifics}
384 |
385 | Format 1 decodes partitions exactly as described earlier in the
386 | 'Residue Format: residue 1' section. The following pseudocode
387 | presents the same algorithm. Assume:
388 |
389 | \begin{itemize}
390 | \item \varname{[n]} is the value in
391 | \varname{[residue\_partition\_size]}
392 | \item \varname{[v]} is the residue vector
393 | \item \varname{[offset]} is the beginning read offset in [v]
394 | \end{itemize}
395 |
396 |
397 | \begin{programlisting}
398 | 1) [i] = 0
399 | 2) vector [entry\_temp] = read vector from packet using current codebook in VQ context
400 | 3) iterate [j] over the range 0 ... [codebook\_dimensions]-1 {
401 |
402 | 4) vector [v] element ([offset]+[i]) =
403 | vector [v] element ([offset]+[i]) +
404 | vector [entry\_temp] element [j]
405 | 5) increment [i]
406 |
407 | }
408 |
409 | 6) if ( [i] is less than [n] ) continue at step 2
410 | 7) done
411 | \end{programlisting}
412 |
413 |
414 |
415 | \subsubsection{format 2 specifics}
416 |
417 | Format 2 is reducible to format 1. It may be implemented as an additional step prior to and an additional post-decode step after a normal format 1 decode.
418 |
419 |
420 | Format 2 handles 'do not decode' vectors differently than residue 0 or
421 | 1; if all vectors are marked 'do not decode', no decode occurrs.
422 | However, if at least one vector is to be decoded, all the vectors are
423 | decoded. We then request normal format 1 to decode a single vector
424 | representing all output channels, rather than a vector for each
425 | channel. After decode, deinterleave the vector into independent vectors, one for each output channel. That is:
426 |
427 | \begin{enumerate}
428 | \item If all vectors 0 through \emph{ch}-1 are marked 'do not decode', allocate and clear a single vector \varname{[v]}of length \emph{ch*n} and skip step 2 below; proceed directly to the post-decode step.
429 | \item Rather than performing format 1 decode to produce \emph{ch} vectors of length \emph{n} each, call format 1 decode to produce a single vector \varname{[v]} of length \emph{ch*n}.
430 | \item Post decode: Deinterleave the single vector \varname{[v]} returned by format 1 decode as described above into \emph{ch} independent vectors, one for each outputchannel, according to:
431 | \begin{programlisting}
432 | 1) iterate [i] over the range 0 ... [n]-1 {
433 |
434 | 2) iterate [j] over the range 0 ... [ch]-1 {
435 |
436 | 3) output vector number [j] element [i] = vector [v] element ([i] * [ch] + [j])
437 |
438 | }
439 | }
440 |
441 | 4) done
442 | \end{programlisting}
443 |
444 | \end{enumerate}
445 |
446 |
447 |
448 |
449 |
450 |
451 |