1 | % -*- mode: latex; TeX-master: "Vorbis_I_spec"; -*-
2 | %!TEX root = Vorbis_I_spec.tex
3 | \section{Floor type 0 setup and decode} \label{vorbis:spec:floor0}
4 |
5 | \subsection{Overview}
6 |
7 | Vorbis floor type zero uses Line Spectral Pair (LSP, also alternately
8 | known as Line Spectral Frequency or LSF) representation to encode a
9 | smooth spectral envelope curve as the frequency response of the LSP
10 | filter. This representation is equivalent to a traditional all-pole
11 | infinite impulse response filter as would be used in linear predictive
12 | coding; LSP representation may be converted to LPC representation and
13 | vice-versa.
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 | \subsection{Floor 0 format}
18 |
19 | Floor zero configuration consists of six integer fields and a list of
20 | VQ codebooks for use in coding/decoding the LSP filter coefficient
21 | values used by each frame.
22 |
23 | \subsubsection{header decode}
24 |
25 | Configuration information for instances of floor zero decodes from the
26 | codec setup header (third packet). configuration decode proceeds as
27 | follows:
28 |
29 | \begin{Verbatim}[commandchars=\\\{\}]
30 | 1) [floor0\_order] = read an unsigned integer of 8 bits
31 | 2) [floor0\_rate] = read an unsigned integer of 16 bits
32 | 3) [floor0\_bark\_map\_size] = read an unsigned integer of 16 bits
33 | 4) [floor0\_amplitude\_bits] = read an unsigned integer of six bits
34 | 5) [floor0\_amplitude\_offset] = read an unsigned integer of eight bits
35 | 6) [floor0\_number\_of\_books] = read an unsigned integer of four bits and add 1
36 | 7) array [floor0\_book\_list] = read a list of [floor0\_number\_of\_books] unsigned integers of eight bits each;
37 | \end{Verbatim}
38 |
39 | An end-of-packet condition during any of these bitstream reads renders
40 | this stream undecodable. In addition, any element of the array
41 | \varname{[floor0\_book\_list]} that is greater than the maximum codebook
42 | number for this bitstream is an error condition that also renders the
43 | stream undecodable.
44 |
45 |
46 |
47 | \subsubsection{packet decode} \label{vorbis:spec:floor0-decode}
48 |
49 | Extracting a floor0 curve from an audio packet consists of first
50 | decoding the curve amplitude and \varname{[floor0\_order]} LSP
51 | coefficient values from the bitstream, and then computing the floor
52 | curve, which is defined as the frequency response of the decoded LSP
53 | filter.
54 |
55 | Packet decode proceeds as follows:
56 | \begin{Verbatim}[commandchars=\\\{\}]
57 | 1) [amplitude] = read an unsigned integer of [floor0\_amplitude\_bits] bits
58 | 2) if ( [amplitude] is greater than zero ) \{
59 | 3) [coefficients] is an empty, zero length vector
60 | 4) [booknumber] = read an unsigned integer of \link{vorbis:spec:ilog}{ilog}( [floor0\_number\_of\_books] ) bits
61 | 5) if ( [booknumber] is greater than the highest number decode codebook ) then packet is undecodable
62 | 6) [last] = zero;
63 | 7) vector [temp\_vector] = read vector from bitstream using codebook number [floor0\_book\_list] element [booknumber] in VQ context.
64 | 8) add the scalar value [last] to each scalar in vector [temp\_vector]
65 | 9) [last] = the value of the last scalar in vector [temp\_vector]
66 | 10) concatenate [temp\_vector] onto the end of the [coefficients] vector
67 | 11) if (length of vector [coefficients] is less than [floor0\_order], continue at step 6
68 |
69 | \}
70 |
71 | 12) done.
72 |
73 | \end{Verbatim}
74 |
75 | Take note of the following properties of decode:
76 | \begin{itemize}
77 | \item An \varname{[amplitude]} value of zero must result in a return code that indicates this channel is unused in this frame (the output of the channel will be all-zeroes in synthesis). Several later stages of decode don't occur for an unused channel.
78 | \item An end-of-packet condition during decode should be considered a
79 | nominal occruence; if end-of-packet is reached during any read
80 | operation above, floor decode is to return 'unused' status as if the
81 | \varname{[amplitude]} value had read zero at the beginning of decode.
82 |
83 | \item The book number used for decode
84 | can, in fact, be stored in the bitstream in \link{vorbis:spec:ilog}{ilog}( \varname{[floor0\_number\_of\_books]} -
85 | 1 ) bits. Nevertheless, the above specification is correct and values
86 | greater than the maximum possible book value are reserved.
87 |
88 | \item The number of scalars read into the vector \varname{[coefficients]}
89 | may be greater than \varname{[floor0\_order]}, the number actually
90 | required for curve computation. For example, if the VQ codebook used
91 | for the floor currently being decoded has a
92 | \varname{[codebook\_dimensions]} value of three and
93 | \varname{[floor0\_order]} is ten, the only way to fill all the needed
94 | scalars in \varname{[coefficients]} is to to read a total of twelve
95 | scalars as four vectors of three scalars each. This is not an error
96 | condition, and care must be taken not to allow a buffer overflow in
97 | decode. The extra values are not used and may be ignored or discarded.
98 | \end{itemize}
99 |
100 |
101 |
102 |
103 | \subsubsection{curve computation} \label{vorbis:spec:floor0-synth}
104 |
105 | Given an \varname{[amplitude]} integer and \varname{[coefficients]}
106 | vector from packet decode as well as the [floor0\_order],
107 | [floor0\_rate], [floor0\_bark\_map\_size], [floor0\_amplitude\_bits] and
108 | [floor0\_amplitude\_offset] values from floor setup, and an output
109 | vector size \varname{[n]} specified by the decode process, we compute a
110 | floor output vector.
111 |
112 | If the value \varname{[amplitude]} is zero, the return value is a
113 | length \varname{[n]} vector with all-zero scalars. Otherwise, begin by
114 | assuming the following definitions for the given vector to be
115 | synthesized:
116 |
117 | \begin{displaymath}
118 | \mathrm{map}_i = \left\{
119 | \begin{array}{ll}
120 | \min (
121 | \mathtt{floor0\texttt{\_}bark\texttt{\_}map\texttt{\_}size} - 1,
122 | foobar
123 | ) & \textrm{for } i \in [0,n-1] \\
124 | -1 & \textrm{for } i = n
125 | \end{array}
126 | \right.
127 | \end{displaymath}
128 |
129 | where
130 |
131 | \begin{displaymath}
132 | foobar =
133 | \left\lfloor
134 | \mathrm{bark}\left(\frac{\mathtt{floor0\texttt{\_}rate} \cdot i}{2n}\right) \cdot \frac{\mathtt{floor0\texttt{\_}bark\texttt{\_}map\texttt{\_}size}} {\mathrm{bark}(.5 \cdot \mathtt{floor0\texttt{\_}rate})}
135 | \right\rfloor
136 | \end{displaymath}
137 |
138 | and
139 |
140 | \begin{displaymath}
141 | \mathrm{bark}(x) = 13.1 \arctan (.00074x) + 2.24 \arctan (.0000000185x^2) + .0001x
142 | \end{displaymath}
143 |
144 | The above is used to synthesize the LSP curve on a Bark-scale frequency
145 | axis, then map the result to a linear-scale frequency axis.
146 | Similarly, the below calculation synthesizes the output LSP curve \varname{[output]} on a log
147 | (dB) amplitude scale, mapping it to linear amplitude in the last step:
148 |
149 | \begin{enumerate}
150 | \item \varname{[i]} = 0
151 | \item \varname{[$\omega$]} = $\pi$ * map element \varname{[i]} / \varname{[floor0\_bark\_map\_size]}
152 | \item if ( \varname{[floor0\_order]} is odd ) {
153 | \begin{enumerate}
154 | \item calculate \varname{[p]} and \varname{[q]} according to:
155 | \begin{eqnarray*}
156 | p & = & (1 - \cos^2\omega)\prod_{j=0}^{\frac{\mathtt{floor0\texttt{\_}order}-3}{2}} 4 (\cos([\mathtt{coefficients}]_{2j+1}) - \cos \omega)^2 \\
157 | q & = & \frac{1}{4} \prod_{j=0}^{\frac{\mathtt{floor0\texttt{\_}order}-1}{2}} 4 (\cos([\mathtt{coefficients}]_{2j}) - \cos \omega)^2
158 | \end{eqnarray*}
159 |
160 | \end{enumerate}
161 | } else \varname{[floor0\_order]} is even {
162 | \begin{enumerate}[resume]
163 | \item calculate \varname{[p]} and \varname{[q]} according to:
164 | \begin{eqnarray*}
165 | p & = & \frac{(1 - \cos\omega)}{2} \prod_{j=0}^{\frac{\mathtt{floor0\texttt{\_}order}-2}{2}} 4 (\cos([\mathtt{coefficients}]_{2j+1}) - \cos \omega)^2 \\
166 | q & = & \frac{(1 + \cos\omega)}{2} \prod_{j=0}^{\frac{\mathtt{floor0\texttt{\_}order}-2}{2}} 4 (\cos([\mathtt{coefficients}]_{2j}) - \cos \omega)^2
167 | \end{eqnarray*}
168 |
169 | \end{enumerate}
170 | }
171 |
172 | \item calculate \varname{[linear\_floor\_value]} according to:
173 | \begin{displaymath}
174 | \exp \left( .11512925 \left(\frac{\mathtt{amplitude} \cdot \mathtt{floor0\texttt{\_}amplitute\texttt{\_}offset}}{(2^{\mathtt{floor0\texttt{\_}amplitude\texttt{\_}bits}}-1)\sqrt{p+q}}
175 | - \mathtt{floor0\texttt{\_}amplitude\texttt{\_}offset} \right) \right)
176 | \end{displaymath}
177 |
178 | \item \varname{[iteration\_condition]} = map element \varname{[i]}
179 | \item \varname{[output]} element \varname{[i]} = \varname{[linear\_floor\_value]}
180 | \item increment \varname{[i]}
181 | \item if ( map element \varname{[i]} is equal to \varname{[iteration\_condition]} ) continue at step 5
182 | \item if ( \varname{[i]} is less than \varname{[n]} ) continue at step 2
183 | \item done
184 | \end{enumerate}
185 |
186 | \paragraph{Errata 20150227: Bark scale computation}
187 |
188 | Due to a typo when typesetting this version of the specification from the original HTML document, the Bark scale computation previously erroneously read:
189 |
190 | \begin{displaymath}
191 | \hbox{\sout{$
192 | \mathrm{bark}(x) = 13.1 \arctan (.00074x) + 2.24 \arctan (.0000000185x^2 + .0001x)
193 | $}}
194 | \end{displaymath}
195 |
196 | Note that the last parenthesis is misplaced. This document now uses the correct equation as it appeared in the original HTML spec document:
197 |
198 | \begin{displaymath}
199 | \mathrm{bark}(x) = 13.1 \arctan (.00074x) + 2.24 \arctan (.0000000185x^2) + .0001x
200 | \end{displaymath}
201 |