1 | /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 |
3 | rpng2 - progressive-model PNG display program rpng2-win.c
4 |
5 | This program decodes and displays PNG files progressively, as if it were
6 | a web browser (though the front end is only set up to read from files).
7 | It supports gamma correction, user-specified background colors, and user-
8 | specified background patterns (for transparent images). This version is
9 | for 32-bit Windows; it may compile under 16-bit Windows with a little
10 | tweaking (or maybe not). Thanks to Adam Costello and Pieter S. van der
11 | Meulen for the "diamond" and "radial waves" patterns, respectively.
12 |
13 | to do (someday, maybe):
14 | - handle quoted command-line args (especially filenames with spaces)
15 | - finish resizable checkerboard-gradient (sizes 4-128?)
16 | - use %.1023s to simplify truncation of title-bar string?
17 | - have minimum window width: oh well
18 |
19 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
20 |
21 | Changelog:
22 | - 1.01: initial public release
23 | - 1.02: fixed cut-and-paste error in usage screen (oops...)
24 | - 1.03: modified to allow abbreviated options
25 | - 1.04: removed bogus extra argument from usage fprintf() [Glenn R-P?];
26 | fixed command-line parsing bug
27 | - 1.10: enabled "message window"/console (thanks to David Geldreich)
28 | - 1.20: added runtime MMX-enabling/disabling and new -mmx* options
29 | - 1.21: made minor tweak to usage screen to fit within 25-line console
30 | - 1.22: added AMD64/EM64T support (__x86_64__)
31 | - 2.00: dual-licensed (added GNU GPL)
32 | - 2.01: fixed 64-bit typo in readpng2.c
33 | - 2.02: fixed improper display of usage screen on PNG error(s); fixed
34 | unexpected-EOF and file-read-error cases
35 |
36 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
37 |
38 | Copyright (c) 1998-2008 Greg Roelofs. All rights reserved.
39 |
40 | This software is provided "as is," without warranty of any kind,
41 | express or implied. In no event shall the author or contributors
42 | be held liable for any damages arising in any way from the use of
43 | this software.
44 |
45 | The contents of this file are DUAL-LICENSED. You may modify and/or
46 | redistribute this software according to the terms of one of the
47 | following two licenses (at your option):
48 |
49 |
50 | LICENSE 1 ("BSD-like with advertising clause"):
51 |
52 | Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
53 | including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute
54 | it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
55 |
56 | 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
57 | notice, disclaimer, and this list of conditions.
58 | 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
59 | notice, disclaimer, and this list of conditions in the documenta-
60 | tion and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
61 | 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this
62 | software must display the following acknowledgment:
63 |
64 | This product includes software developed by Greg Roelofs
65 | and contributors for the book, "PNG: The Definitive Guide,"
66 | published by O'Reilly and Associates.
67 |
68 |
69 | LICENSE 2 (GNU GPL v2 or later):
70 |
71 | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
72 | it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
73 | the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
74 | (at your option) any later version.
75 |
76 | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
77 | but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
79 | GNU General Public License for more details.
80 |
81 | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
82 | along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
83 | Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
84 |
85 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
86 |
87 | #define PROGNAME "rpng2-win"
88 | #define LONGNAME "Progressive PNG Viewer for Windows"
89 | #define VERSION "2.02 of 16 March 2008"
90 |
91 | #include <stdio.h>
92 | #include <stdlib.h>
93 | #include <string.h>
94 | #include <setjmp.h> /* for jmpbuf declaration in readpng2.h */
95 | #include <time.h>
96 | #include <math.h> /* only for PvdM background code */
97 | #include <windows.h>
98 | #include <conio.h> /* only for _getch() */
99 |
100 | /* all for PvdM background code: */
101 | #ifndef PI
102 | # define PI 3.141592653589793238
103 | #endif
104 | #define PI_2 (PI*0.5)
105 | #define INV_PI_360 (360.0 / PI)
106 | #define MAX(a,b) (a>b?a:b)
107 | #define MIN(a,b) (a<b?a:b)
108 | #define CLIP(a,min,max) MAX(min,MIN((a),max))
109 | #define ABS(a) ((a)<0?-(a):(a))
110 | #define CLIP8P(c) MAX(0,(MIN((c),255))) /* 8-bit pos. integer (uch) */
111 | #define ROUNDF(f) ((int)(f + 0.5))
112 |
113 | #define rgb1_max bg_freq
114 | #define rgb1_min bg_gray
115 | #define rgb2_max bg_bsat
116 | #define rgb2_min bg_brot
117 |
118 | /* #define DEBUG */ /* this enables the Trace() macros */
119 |
120 | #include "readpng2.h" /* typedefs, common macros, readpng2 prototypes */
121 |
122 |
123 | /* could just include png.h, but this macro is the only thing we need
124 | * (name and typedefs changed to local versions); note that side effects
125 | * only happen with alpha (which could easily be avoided with
126 | * "ush acopy = (alpha);") */
127 |
128 | #define alpha_composite(composite, fg, alpha, bg) { \
129 | ush temp = ((ush)(fg)*(ush)(alpha) + \
130 | (ush)(bg)*(ush)(255 - (ush)(alpha)) + (ush)128); \
131 | (composite) = (uch)((temp + (temp >> 8)) >> 8); \
132 | }
133 |
134 |
135 | #define INBUFSIZE 4096 /* with pseudo-timing on (1 sec delay/block), this
136 | * block size corresponds roughly to a download
137 | * speed 10% faster than theoretical 33.6K maximum
138 | * (assuming 8 data bits, 1 stop bit and no other
139 | * overhead) */
140 |
141 | /* local prototypes */
142 | static void rpng2_win_init(void);
143 | static int rpng2_win_create_window(void);
144 | static int rpng2_win_load_bg_image(void);
145 | static void rpng2_win_display_row(ulg row);
146 | static void rpng2_win_finish_display(void);
147 | static void rpng2_win_cleanup(void);
149 |
150 |
151 | static char titlebar[1024];
152 | static char *progname = PROGNAME;
153 | static char *appname = LONGNAME;
154 | static char *filename;
155 | static FILE *infile;
156 |
157 | static mainprog_info rpng2_info;
158 |
159 | static uch inbuf[INBUFSIZE];
160 | static int incount;
161 |
162 | static int pat = 6; /* must be less than num_bgpat */
163 | static int bg_image = 0;
164 | static int bgscale = 16;
165 | static ulg bg_rowbytes;
166 | static uch *bg_data;
167 |
168 | static struct rgb_color {
169 | uch r, g, b;
170 | } rgb[] = {
171 | { 0, 0, 0}, /* 0: black */
172 | {255, 255, 255}, /* 1: white */
173 | {173, 132, 57}, /* 2: tan */
174 | { 64, 132, 0}, /* 3: medium green */
175 | {189, 117, 1}, /* 4: gold */
176 | {253, 249, 1}, /* 5: yellow */
177 | { 0, 0, 255}, /* 6: blue */
178 | { 0, 0, 120}, /* 7: medium blue */
179 | {255, 0, 255}, /* 8: magenta */
180 | { 64, 0, 64}, /* 9: dark magenta */
181 | {255, 0, 0}, /* 10: red */
182 | { 64, 0, 0}, /* 11: dark red */
183 | {255, 127, 0}, /* 12: orange */
184 | {192, 96, 0}, /* 13: darker orange */
185 | { 24, 60, 0}, /* 14: dark green-yellow */
186 | { 85, 125, 200} /* 15: ice blue */
187 | };
188 | /* not used for now, but should be for error-checking:
189 | static int num_rgb = sizeof(rgb) / sizeof(struct rgb_color);
190 | */
191 |
192 | /*
193 | This whole struct is a fairly cheesy way to keep the number of
194 | command-line options to a minimum. The radial-waves background
195 | type is a particularly poor fit to the integer elements of the
196 | struct...but a few macros and a little fixed-point math will do
197 | wonders for ya.
198 |
199 | type bits:
200 | F E D C B A 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
201 | | | | | |
202 | | | +-+-+-- 0 = sharp-edged checkerboard
203 | | | 1 = soft diamonds
204 | | | 2 = radial waves
205 | | | 3-7 = undefined
206 | | +-- gradient #2 inverted?
207 | +-- alternating columns inverted?
208 | */
209 | static struct background_pattern {
210 | ush type;
211 | int rgb1_max, rgb1_min; /* or bg_freq, bg_gray */
212 | int rgb2_max, rgb2_min; /* or bg_bsat, bg_brot (both scaled by 10)*/
213 | } bg[] = {
214 | {0+8, 2,0, 1,15}, /* checkered: tan/black vs. white/ice blue */
215 | {0+24, 2,0, 1,0}, /* checkered: tan/black vs. white/black */
216 | {0+8, 4,5, 0,2}, /* checkered: gold/yellow vs. black/tan */
217 | {0+8, 4,5, 0,6}, /* checkered: gold/yellow vs. black/blue */
218 | {0, 7,0, 8,9}, /* checkered: deep blue/black vs. magenta */
219 | {0+8, 13,0, 5,14}, /* checkered: orange/black vs. yellow */
220 | {0+8, 12,0, 10,11}, /* checkered: orange/black vs. red */
221 | {1, 7,0, 8,0}, /* diamonds: deep blue/black vs. magenta */
222 | {1, 12,0, 11,0}, /* diamonds: orange vs. dark red */
223 | {1, 10,0, 7,0}, /* diamonds: red vs. medium blue */
224 | {1, 4,0, 5,0}, /* diamonds: gold vs. yellow */
225 | {1, 3,0, 0,0}, /* diamonds: medium green vs. black */
226 | {2, 16, 100, 20, 0}, /* radial: ~hard radial color-beams */
227 | {2, 18, 100, 10, 2}, /* radial: soft, curved radial color-beams */
228 | {2, 16, 256, 100, 250}, /* radial: very tight spiral */
229 | {2, 10000, 256, 11, 0} /* radial: dipole-moire' (almost fractal) */
230 | };
231 | static int num_bgpat = sizeof(bg) / sizeof(struct background_pattern);
232 |
233 |
234 | /* Windows-specific global variables (could go in struct, but messy...) */
235 | static ulg wimage_rowbytes;
236 | static uch *dib;
237 | static uch *wimage_data;
238 | static BITMAPINFOHEADER *bmih;
239 |
240 | static HWND global_hwnd;
241 | static HINSTANCE global_hInst;
242 | static int global_showmode;
243 |
244 |
245 |
246 |
247 | int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInst, HINSTANCE hPrevInst, PSTR cmd, int showmode)
248 | {
249 | char *args[1024]; /* arbitrary limit, but should suffice */
250 | char **argv = args;
251 | char *p, *q, *bgstr = NULL;
252 | int argc = 0;
253 | int rc, alen, flen;
254 | int error = 0;
255 | int timing = FALSE;
256 | int have_bg = FALSE;
257 | double LUT_exponent; /* just the lookup table */
258 | double CRT_exponent = 2.2; /* just the monitor */
259 | double default_display_exponent; /* whole display system */
260 | MSG msg;
261 |
262 |
263 | /* First initialize a few things, just to be sure--memset takes care of
264 | * default background color (black), booleans (FALSE), pointers (NULL),
265 | * etc. */
266 |
267 | global_hInst = hInst;
268 | global_showmode = showmode;
269 | filename = (char *)NULL;
270 | memset(&rpng2_info, 0, sizeof(mainprog_info));
271 |
272 |
273 | /* Next reenable console output, which normally goes to the bit bucket
274 | * for windowed apps. Closing the console window will terminate the
275 | * app. Thanks to David.Geldreich@realviz.com for supplying the magical
276 | * incantation. */
277 |
278 | AllocConsole();
279 | freopen("CONOUT$", "a", stderr);
280 | freopen("CONOUT$", "a", stdout);
281 |
282 |
283 | /* Set the default value for our display-system exponent, i.e., the
284 | * product of the CRT exponent and the exponent corresponding to
285 | * the frame-buffer's lookup table (LUT), if any. This is not an
286 | * exhaustive list of LUT values (e.g., OpenStep has a lot of weird
287 | * ones), but it should cover 99% of the current possibilities. And
288 | * yes, these ifdefs are completely wasted in a Windows program... */
289 |
290 | #if defined(NeXT)
291 | /* third-party utilities can modify the default LUT exponent */
292 | LUT_exponent = 1.0 / 2.2;
293 | /*
294 | if (some_next_function_that_returns_gamma(&next_gamma))
295 | LUT_exponent = 1.0 / next_gamma;
296 | */
297 | #elif defined(sgi)
298 | LUT_exponent = 1.0 / 1.7;
299 | /* there doesn't seem to be any documented function to
300 | * get the "gamma" value, so we do it the hard way */
301 | infile = fopen("/etc/config/system.glGammaVal", "r");
302 | if (infile) {
303 | double sgi_gamma;
304 |
305 | fgets(tmpline, 80, infile);
306 | fclose(infile);
307 | sgi_gamma = atof(tmpline);
308 | if (sgi_gamma > 0.0)
309 | LUT_exponent = 1.0 / sgi_gamma;
310 | }
311 | #elif defined(Macintosh)
312 | LUT_exponent = 1.8 / 2.61;
313 | /*
314 | if (some_mac_function_that_returns_gamma(&mac_gamma))
315 | LUT_exponent = mac_gamma / 2.61;
316 | */
317 | #else
318 | LUT_exponent = 1.0; /* assume no LUT: most PCs */
319 | #endif
320 |
321 | /* the defaults above give 1.0, 1.3, 1.5 and 2.2, respectively: */
322 | default_display_exponent = LUT_exponent * CRT_exponent;
323 |
324 |
325 | /* If the user has set the SCREEN_GAMMA environment variable as suggested
326 | * (somewhat imprecisely) in the libpng documentation, use that; otherwise
327 | * use the default value we just calculated. Either way, the user may
328 | * override this via a command-line option. */
329 |
330 | if ((p = getenv("SCREEN_GAMMA")) != NULL)
331 | rpng2_info.display_exponent = atof(p);
332 | else
333 | rpng2_info.display_exponent = default_display_exponent;
334 |
335 |
336 | /* Windows really hates command lines, so we have to set up our own argv.
337 | * Note that we do NOT bother with quoted arguments here, so don't use
338 | * filenames with spaces in 'em! */
339 |
340 | argv[argc++] = PROGNAME;
341 | p = cmd;
342 | for (;;) {
343 | if (*p == ' ')
344 | while (*++p == ' ')
345 | ;
346 | /* now p points at the first non-space after some spaces */
347 | if (*p == '\0')
348 | break; /* nothing after the spaces: done */
349 | argv[argc++] = q = p;
350 | while (*q && *q != ' ')
351 | ++q;
352 | /* now q points at a space or the end of the string */
353 | if (*q == '\0')
354 | break; /* last argv already terminated; quit */
355 | *q = '\0'; /* change space to terminator */
356 | p = q + 1;
357 | }
358 | argv[argc] = NULL; /* terminate the argv array itself */
359 |
360 |
361 | /* Now parse the command line for options and the PNG filename. */
362 |
363 | while (*++argv && !error) {
364 | if (!strncmp(*argv, "-gamma", 2)) {
365 | if (!*++argv)
366 | ++error;
367 | else {
368 | rpng2_info.display_exponent = atof(*argv);
369 | if (rpng2_info.display_exponent <= 0.0)
370 | ++error;
371 | }
372 | } else if (!strncmp(*argv, "-bgcolor", 4)) {
373 | if (!*++argv)
374 | ++error;
375 | else {
376 | bgstr = *argv;
377 | if (strlen(bgstr) != 7 || bgstr[0] != '#')
378 | ++error;
379 | else {
380 | have_bg = TRUE;
381 | bg_image = FALSE;
382 | }
383 | }
384 | } else if (!strncmp(*argv, "-bgpat", 4)) {
385 | if (!*++argv)
386 | ++error;
387 | else {
388 | pat = atoi(*argv) - 1;
389 | if (pat < 0 || pat >= num_bgpat)
390 | ++error;
391 | else {
392 | bg_image = TRUE;
393 | have_bg = FALSE;
394 | }
395 | }
396 | } else if (!strncmp(*argv, "-timing", 2)) {
397 | timing = TRUE;
398 | #if (defined(__i386__) || defined(_M_IX86) || defined(__x86_64__))
399 | } else if (!strncmp(*argv, "-nommxfilters", 7)) {
400 | rpng2_info.nommxfilters = TRUE;
401 | } else if (!strncmp(*argv, "-nommxcombine", 7)) {
402 | rpng2_info.nommxcombine = TRUE;
403 | } else if (!strncmp(*argv, "-nommxinterlace", 7)) {
404 | rpng2_info.nommxinterlace = TRUE;
405 | } else if (!strcmp(*argv, "-nommx")) {
406 | rpng2_info.nommxfilters = TRUE;
407 | rpng2_info.nommxcombine = TRUE;
408 | rpng2_info.nommxinterlace = TRUE;
409 | #endif
410 | } else {
411 | if (**argv != '-') {
412 | filename = *argv;
413 | if (argv[1]) /* shouldn't be any more args after filename */
414 | ++error;
415 | } else
416 | ++error; /* not expecting any other options */
417 | }
418 | }
419 |
420 | if (!filename)
421 | ++error;
422 |
423 |
424 | /* print usage screen if any errors up to this point */
425 |
426 | if (error) {
427 | int ch;
428 |
429 | fprintf(stderr, "\n%s %s: %s\n\n", PROGNAME, VERSION, appname);
430 | readpng2_version_info();
431 | fprintf(stderr, "\n"
432 | "Usage: %s [-gamma exp] [-bgcolor bg | -bgpat pat] [-timing]\n"
433 | #if (defined(__i386__) || defined(_M_IX86) || defined(__x86_64__))
434 | " %*s [[-nommxfilters] [-nommxcombine] [-nommxinterlace] | -nommx]\n"
435 | #endif
436 | " %*s file.png\n\n"
437 | " exp \ttransfer-function exponent (``gamma'') of the display\n"
438 | "\t\t system in floating-point format (e.g., ``%.1f''); equal\n"
439 | "\t\t to the product of the lookup-table exponent (varies)\n"
440 | "\t\t and the CRT exponent (usually 2.2); must be positive\n"
441 | " bg \tdesired background color in 7-character hex RGB format\n"
442 | "\t\t (e.g., ``#ff7700'' for orange: same as HTML colors);\n"
443 | "\t\t used with transparent images; overrides -bgpat option\n"
444 | " pat \tdesired background pattern number (1-%d); used with\n"
445 | "\t\t transparent images; overrides -bgcolor option\n"
446 | " -timing\tenables delay for every block read, to simulate modem\n"
447 | "\t\t download of image (~36 Kbps)\n"
448 | #if (defined(__i386__) || defined(_M_IX86) || defined(__x86_64__))
449 | " -nommx*\tdisable optimized MMX routines for decoding row filters,\n"
450 | "\t\t combining rows, and expanding interlacing, respectively\n"
451 | #endif
452 | "\nPress Q, Esc or mouse button 1 after image is displayed to quit.\n"
453 | "Press Q or Esc to quit this usage screen. ",
455 | #if (defined(__i386__) || defined(_M_IX86) || defined(__x86_64__))
456 | (int)strlen(PROGNAME), " ",
457 | #endif
458 | (int)strlen(PROGNAME), " ", default_display_exponent, num_bgpat);
459 | fflush(stderr);
460 | do
461 | ch = _getch();
462 | while (ch != 'q' && ch != 'Q' && ch != 0x1B);
463 | exit(1);
464 | }
465 |
466 |
467 | if (!(infile = fopen(filename, "rb"))) {
468 | fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ": can't open PNG file [%s]\n", filename);
469 | ++error;
470 | } else {
471 | incount = fread(inbuf, 1, INBUFSIZE, infile);
472 | if (incount < 8 || !readpng2_check_sig(inbuf, 8)) {
473 | fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME
474 | ": [%s] is not a PNG file: incorrect signature\n",
475 | filename);
476 | ++error;
477 | } else if ((rc = readpng2_init(&rpng2_info)) != 0) {
478 | switch (rc) {
479 | case 2:
480 | fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME
481 | ": [%s] has bad IHDR (libpng longjmp)\n", filename);
482 | break;
483 | case 4:
484 | fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ": insufficient memory\n");
485 | break;
486 | default:
487 | fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME
488 | ": unknown readpng2_init() error\n");
489 | break;
490 | }
491 | ++error;
492 | }
493 | if (error)
494 | fclose(infile);
495 | }
496 |
497 |
498 | if (error) {
499 | int ch;
500 |
501 | fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ": aborting.\n");
502 | do
503 | ch = _getch();
504 | while (ch != 'q' && ch != 'Q' && ch != 0x1B);
505 | exit(2);
506 | } else {
507 | fprintf(stderr, "\n%s %s: %s\n", PROGNAME, VERSION, appname);
508 | fprintf(stderr,
509 | "\n [console window: closing this window will terminate %s]\n\n",
510 | PROGNAME);
511 | fflush(stderr);
512 | }
513 |
514 |
515 | /* set the title-bar string, but make sure buffer doesn't overflow */
516 |
517 | alen = strlen(appname);
518 | flen = strlen(filename);
519 | if (alen + flen + 3 > 1023)
520 | sprintf(titlebar, "%s: ...%s", appname, filename+(alen+flen+6-1023));
521 | else
522 | sprintf(titlebar, "%s: %s", appname, filename);
523 |
524 |
525 | /* set some final rpng2_info variables before entering main data loop */
526 |
527 | if (have_bg) {
528 | unsigned r, g, b; /* this approach quiets compiler warnings */
529 |
530 | sscanf(bgstr+1, "%2x%2x%2x", &r, &g, &b);
531 | rpng2_info.bg_red = (uch)r;
532 | rpng2_info.bg_green = (uch)g;
533 | rpng2_info.bg_blue = (uch)b;
534 | } else
535 | rpng2_info.need_bgcolor = TRUE;
536 |
537 | rpng2_info.state = kPreInit;
538 | rpng2_info.mainprog_init = rpng2_win_init;
539 | rpng2_info.mainprog_display_row = rpng2_win_display_row;
540 | rpng2_info.mainprog_finish_display = rpng2_win_finish_display;
541 |
542 |
543 | /* OK, this is the fun part: call readpng2_decode_data() at the start of
544 | * the loop to deal with our first buffer of data (read in above to verify
545 | * that the file is a PNG image), then loop through the file and continue
546 | * calling the same routine to handle each chunk of data. It in turn
547 | * passes the data to libpng, which will invoke one or more of our call-
548 | * backs as decoded data become available. We optionally call Sleep() for
549 | * one second per iteration to simulate downloading the image via an analog
550 | * modem. */
551 |
552 | for (;;) {
553 | Trace((stderr, "about to call readpng2_decode_data()\n"))
554 | if (readpng2_decode_data(&rpng2_info, inbuf, incount))
555 | ++error;
556 | Trace((stderr, "done with readpng2_decode_data()\n"))
557 |
558 | if (error || incount != INBUFSIZE || rpng2_info.state == kDone) {
559 | if (rpng2_info.state == kDone) {
560 | Trace((stderr, "done decoding PNG image\n"))
561 | } else if (ferror(infile)) {
562 | fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME
563 | ": error while reading PNG image file\n");
564 | exit(3);
565 | } else if (feof(infile)) {
566 | fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ": end of file reached "
567 | "(unexpectedly) while reading PNG image file\n");
568 | exit(3);
569 | } else /* if (error) */ {
570 | // will print error message below
571 | }
572 | break;
573 | }
574 |
575 | if (timing)
576 | Sleep(1000L);
577 |
578 | incount = fread(inbuf, 1, INBUFSIZE, infile);
579 | }
580 |
581 |
582 | /* clean up PNG stuff and report any decoding errors */
583 |
584 | fclose(infile);
585 | Trace((stderr, "about to call readpng2_cleanup()\n"))
586 | readpng2_cleanup(&rpng2_info);
587 |
588 | if (error) {
589 | fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ": libpng error while decoding PNG image\n");
590 | exit(3);
591 | }
592 |
593 |
594 | /* wait for the user to tell us when to quit */
595 |
596 | while (GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) {
597 | TranslateMessage(&msg);
598 | DispatchMessage(&msg);
599 | }
600 |
601 |
602 | /* we're done: clean up all image and Windows resources and go away */
603 |
604 | Trace((stderr, "about to call rpng2_win_cleanup()\n"))
605 | rpng2_win_cleanup();
606 |
607 | return msg.wParam;
608 | }
609 |
610 |
611 |
612 |
613 |
614 | /* this function is called by readpng2_info_callback() in readpng2.c, which
615 | * in turn is called by libpng after all of the pre-IDAT chunks have been
616 | * read and processed--i.e., we now have enough info to finish initializing */
617 |
618 | static void rpng2_win_init()
619 | {
620 | ulg i;
621 | ulg rowbytes = rpng2_info.rowbytes;
622 |
623 | Trace((stderr, "beginning rpng2_win_init()\n"))
624 | Trace((stderr, " rowbytes = %d\n", rpng2_info.rowbytes))
625 | Trace((stderr, " width = %ld\n", rpng2_info.width))
626 | Trace((stderr, " height = %ld\n", rpng2_info.height))
627 |
628 | rpng2_info.image_data = (uch *)malloc(rowbytes * rpng2_info.height);
629 | if (!rpng2_info.image_data) {
630 | readpng2_cleanup(&rpng2_info);
631 | return;
632 | }
633 |
634 | rpng2_info.row_pointers = (uch **)malloc(rpng2_info.height * sizeof(uch *));
635 | if (!rpng2_info.row_pointers) {
636 | free(rpng2_info.image_data);
637 | rpng2_info.image_data = NULL;
638 | readpng2_cleanup(&rpng2_info);
639 | return;
640 | }
641 |
642 | for (i = 0; i < rpng2_info.height; ++i)
643 | rpng2_info.row_pointers[i] = rpng2_info.image_data + i*rowbytes;
644 |
645 | /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
646 | Do the basic Windows initialization stuff, make the window, and fill it
647 | with the user-specified, file-specified or default background color.
648 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
649 |
650 | if (rpng2_win_create_window()) {
651 | readpng2_cleanup(&rpng2_info);
652 | return;
653 | }
654 |
655 | rpng2_info.state = kWindowInit;
656 | }
657 |
658 |
659 |
660 |
661 |
662 | static int rpng2_win_create_window()
663 | {
664 | uch bg_red = rpng2_info.bg_red;
665 | uch bg_green = rpng2_info.bg_green;
666 | uch bg_blue = rpng2_info.bg_blue;
667 | uch *dest;
668 | int extra_width, extra_height;
669 | ulg i, j;
670 | WNDCLASSEX wndclass;
671 | RECT rect;
672 |
673 |
674 | /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
675 | Allocate memory for the display-specific version of the image (round up
676 | to multiple of 4 for Windows DIB).
677 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
678 |
679 | wimage_rowbytes = ((3*rpng2_info.width + 3L) >> 2) << 2;
680 |
681 | if (!(dib = (uch *)malloc(sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) +
682 | wimage_rowbytes*rpng2_info.height)))
683 | {
684 | return 4; /* fail */
685 | }
686 |
687 | /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
688 | Initialize the DIB. Negative height means to use top-down BMP ordering
689 | (must be uncompressed, but that's what we want). Bit count of 1, 4 or 8
690 | implies a colormap of RGBX quads, but 24-bit BMPs just use B,G,R values
691 | directly => wimage_data begins immediately after BMP header.
692 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
693 |
694 | memset(dib, 0, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER));
695 | bmih = (BITMAPINFOHEADER *)dib;
696 | bmih->biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
697 | bmih->biWidth = rpng2_info.width;
698 | bmih->biHeight = -((long)rpng2_info.height);
699 | bmih->biPlanes = 1;
700 | bmih->biBitCount = 24;
701 | bmih->biCompression = 0;
702 | wimage_data = dib + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
703 |
704 | /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
705 | Fill window with the specified background color (default is black), but
706 | defer loading faked "background image" until window is displayed (may be
707 | slow to compute). Data are in BGR order.
708 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
709 |
710 | if (bg_image) { /* just fill with black for now */
711 | memset(wimage_data, 0, wimage_rowbytes*rpng2_info.height);
712 | } else {
713 | for (j = 0; j < rpng2_info.height; ++j) {
714 | dest = wimage_data + j*wimage_rowbytes;
715 | for (i = rpng2_info.width; i > 0; --i) {
716 | *dest++ = bg_blue;
717 | *dest++ = bg_green;
718 | *dest++ = bg_red;
719 | }
720 | }
721 | }
722 |
723 | /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
724 | Set the window parameters.
725 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
726 |
727 | memset(&wndclass, 0, sizeof(wndclass));
728 |
729 | wndclass.cbSize = sizeof(wndclass);
730 | wndclass.style = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW;
731 | wndclass.lpfnWndProc = rpng2_win_wndproc;
732 | wndclass.hInstance = global_hInst;
733 | wndclass.hIcon = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_APPLICATION);
734 | wndclass.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW);
735 | wndclass.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(DKGRAY_BRUSH);
736 | wndclass.lpszMenuName = NULL;
737 | wndclass.lpszClassName = progname;
738 | wndclass.hIconSm = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_APPLICATION);
739 |
740 | RegisterClassEx(&wndclass);
741 |
742 | /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
743 | Finally, create the window.
744 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
745 |
746 | extra_width = 2*(GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXBORDER) +
747 | GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXDLGFRAME));
748 | extra_height = 2*(GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYBORDER) +
749 | GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYDLGFRAME)) +
750 | GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION);
751 |
752 | global_hwnd = CreateWindow(progname, titlebar, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW,
753 | CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, rpng2_info.width+extra_width,
754 | rpng2_info.height+extra_height, NULL, NULL, global_hInst, NULL);
755 |
756 | ShowWindow(global_hwnd, global_showmode);
757 | UpdateWindow(global_hwnd);
758 |
759 | /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
760 | Now compute the background image and display it. If it fails (memory
761 | allocation), revert to a plain background color.
762 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
763 |
764 | if (bg_image) {
765 | static const char *msg = "Computing background image...";
766 | int x, y, len = strlen(msg);
767 | HDC hdc = GetDC(global_hwnd);
768 | TEXTMETRIC tm;
769 |
770 | GetTextMetrics(hdc, &tm);
771 | x = (rpng2_info.width - len*tm.tmAveCharWidth)/2;
772 | y = (rpng2_info.height - tm.tmHeight)/2;
773 | SetBkMode(hdc, TRANSPARENT);
774 | SetTextColor(hdc, GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT));
775 | /* this can still begin out of bounds even if x is positive (???): */
776 | TextOut(hdc, ((x < 0)? 0 : x), ((y < 0)? 0 : y), msg, len);
777 | ReleaseDC(global_hwnd, hdc);
778 |
779 | rpng2_win_load_bg_image(); /* resets bg_image if fails */
780 | }
781 |
782 | if (!bg_image) {
783 | for (j = 0; j < rpng2_info.height; ++j) {
784 | dest = wimage_data + j*wimage_rowbytes;
785 | for (i = rpng2_info.width; i > 0; --i) {
786 | *dest++ = bg_blue;
787 | *dest++ = bg_green;
788 | *dest++ = bg_red;
789 | }
790 | }
791 | }
792 |
793 | rect.left = 0L;
794 | rect.top = 0L;
795 | rect.right = (LONG)rpng2_info.width; /* possibly off by one? */
796 | rect.bottom = (LONG)rpng2_info.height; /* possibly off by one? */
797 | InvalidateRect(global_hwnd, &rect, FALSE);
798 | UpdateWindow(global_hwnd); /* similar to XFlush() */
799 |
800 | return 0;
801 |
802 | } /* end function rpng2_win_create_window() */
803 |
804 |
805 |
806 |
807 |
808 | static int rpng2_win_load_bg_image()
809 | {
810 | uch *src, *dest;
811 | uch r1, r2, g1, g2, b1, b2;
812 | uch r1_inv, r2_inv, g1_inv, g2_inv, b1_inv, b2_inv;
813 | int k, hmax, max;
814 | int xidx, yidx, yidx_max = (bgscale-1);
815 | int even_odd_vert, even_odd_horiz, even_odd;
816 | int invert_gradient2 = (bg[pat].type & 0x08);
817 | int invert_column;
818 | ulg i, row;
819 |
820 | /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
821 | Allocate buffer for fake background image to be used with transparent
822 | images; if this fails, revert to plain background color.
823 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
824 |
825 | bg_rowbytes = 3 * rpng2_info.width;
826 | bg_data = (uch *)malloc(bg_rowbytes * rpng2_info.height);
827 | if (!bg_data) {
828 | fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME
829 | ": unable to allocate memory for background image\n");
830 | bg_image = 0;
831 | return 1;
832 | }
833 |
834 | /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
835 | Vertical gradients (ramps) in NxN squares, alternating direction and
836 | colors (N == bgscale).
837 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
838 |
839 | if ((bg[pat].type & 0x07) == 0) {
840 | uch r1_min = rgb[bg[pat].rgb1_min].r;
841 | uch g1_min = rgb[bg[pat].rgb1_min].g;
842 | uch b1_min = rgb[bg[pat].rgb1_min].b;
843 | uch r2_min = rgb[bg[pat].rgb2_min].r;
844 | uch g2_min = rgb[bg[pat].rgb2_min].g;
845 | uch b2_min = rgb[bg[pat].rgb2_min].b;
846 | int r1_diff = rgb[bg[pat].rgb1_max].r - r1_min;
847 | int g1_diff = rgb[bg[pat].rgb1_max].g - g1_min;
848 | int b1_diff = rgb[bg[pat].rgb1_max].b - b1_min;
849 | int r2_diff = rgb[bg[pat].rgb2_max].r - r2_min;
850 | int g2_diff = rgb[bg[pat].rgb2_max].g - g2_min;
851 | int b2_diff = rgb[bg[pat].rgb2_max].b - b2_min;
852 |
853 | for (row = 0; row < rpng2_info.height; ++row) {
854 | yidx = row % bgscale;
855 | even_odd_vert = (row / bgscale) & 1;
856 |
857 | r1 = r1_min + (r1_diff * yidx) / yidx_max;
858 | g1 = g1_min + (g1_diff * yidx) / yidx_max;
859 | b1 = b1_min + (b1_diff * yidx) / yidx_max;
860 | r1_inv = r1_min + (r1_diff * (yidx_max-yidx)) / yidx_max;
861 | g1_inv = g1_min + (g1_diff * (yidx_max-yidx)) / yidx_max;
862 | b1_inv = b1_min + (b1_diff * (yidx_max-yidx)) / yidx_max;
863 |
864 | r2 = r2_min + (r2_diff * yidx) / yidx_max;
865 | g2 = g2_min + (g2_diff * yidx) / yidx_max;
866 | b2 = b2_min + (b2_diff * yidx) / yidx_max;
867 | r2_inv = r2_min + (r2_diff * (yidx_max-yidx)) / yidx_max;
868 | g2_inv = g2_min + (g2_diff * (yidx_max-yidx)) / yidx_max;
869 | b2_inv = b2_min + (b2_diff * (yidx_max-yidx)) / yidx_max;
870 |
871 | dest = bg_data + row*bg_rowbytes;
872 | for (i = 0; i < rpng2_info.width; ++i) {
873 | even_odd_horiz = (i / bgscale) & 1;
874 | even_odd = even_odd_vert ^ even_odd_horiz;
875 | invert_column =
876 | (even_odd_horiz && (bg[pat].type & 0x10));
877 | if (even_odd == 0) { /* gradient #1 */
878 | if (invert_column) {
879 | *dest++ = r1_inv;
880 | *dest++ = g1_inv;
881 | *dest++ = b1_inv;
882 | } else {
883 | *dest++ = r1;
884 | *dest++ = g1;
885 | *dest++ = b1;
886 | }
887 | } else { /* gradient #2 */
888 | if ((invert_column && invert_gradient2) ||
889 | (!invert_column && !invert_gradient2))
890 | {
891 | *dest++ = r2; /* not inverted or */
892 | *dest++ = g2; /* doubly inverted */
893 | *dest++ = b2;
894 | } else {
895 | *dest++ = r2_inv;
896 | *dest++ = g2_inv; /* singly inverted */
897 | *dest++ = b2_inv;
898 | }
899 | }
900 | }
901 | }
902 |
903 | /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
904 | Soft gradient-diamonds with scale = bgscale. Code contributed by Adam
905 | M. Costello.
906 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
907 |
908 | } else if ((bg[pat].type & 0x07) == 1) {
909 |
910 | hmax = (bgscale-1)/2; /* half the max weight of a color */
911 | max = 2*hmax; /* the max weight of a color */
912 |
913 | r1 = rgb[bg[pat].rgb1_max].r;
914 | g1 = rgb[bg[pat].rgb1_max].g;
915 | b1 = rgb[bg[pat].rgb1_max].b;
916 | r2 = rgb[bg[pat].rgb2_max].r;
917 | g2 = rgb[bg[pat].rgb2_max].g;
918 | b2 = rgb[bg[pat].rgb2_max].b;
919 |
920 | for (row = 0; row < rpng2_info.height; ++row) {
921 | yidx = row % bgscale;
922 | if (yidx > hmax)
923 | yidx = bgscale-1 - yidx;
924 | dest = bg_data + row*bg_rowbytes;
925 | for (i = 0; i < rpng2_info.width; ++i) {
926 | xidx = i % bgscale;
927 | if (xidx > hmax)
928 | xidx = bgscale-1 - xidx;
929 | k = xidx + yidx;
930 | *dest++ = (k*r1 + (max-k)*r2) / max;
931 | *dest++ = (k*g1 + (max-k)*g2) / max;
932 | *dest++ = (k*b1 + (max-k)*b2) / max;
933 | }
934 | }
935 |
936 | /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
937 | Radial "starburst" with azimuthal sinusoids; [eventually number of sinu-
938 | soids will equal bgscale?]. This one is slow but very cool. Code con-
939 | tributed by Pieter S. van der Meulen (originally in Smalltalk).
940 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
941 |
942 | } else if ((bg[pat].type & 0x07) == 2) {
943 | uch ch;
944 | int ii, x, y, hw, hh, grayspot;
945 | double freq, rotate, saturate, gray, intensity;
946 | double angle=0.0, aoffset=0.0, maxDist, dist;
947 | double red=0.0, green=0.0, blue=0.0, hue, s, v, f, p, q, t;
948 |
949 | fprintf(stderr, "%s: computing radial background...",
950 | PROGNAME);
951 | fflush(stderr);
952 |
953 | hh = rpng2_info.height / 2;
954 | hw = rpng2_info.width / 2;
955 |
956 | /* variables for radial waves:
957 | * aoffset: number of degrees to rotate hue [CURRENTLY NOT USED]
958 | * freq: number of color beams originating from the center
959 | * grayspot: size of the graying center area (anti-alias)
960 | * rotate: rotation of the beams as a function of radius
961 | * saturate: saturation of beams' shape azimuthally
962 | */
963 | angle = CLIP(angle, 0.0, 360.0);
964 | grayspot = CLIP(bg[pat].bg_gray, 1, (hh + hw));
965 | freq = MAX((double)bg[pat].bg_freq, 0.0);
966 | saturate = (double)bg[pat].bg_bsat * 0.1;
967 | rotate = (double)bg[pat].bg_brot * 0.1;
968 | gray = 0.0;
969 | intensity = 0.0;
970 | maxDist = (double)((hw*hw) + (hh*hh));
971 |
972 | for (row = 0; row < rpng2_info.height; ++row) {
973 | y = row - hh;
974 | dest = bg_data + row*bg_rowbytes;
975 | for (i = 0; i < rpng2_info.width; ++i) {
976 | x = i - hw;
977 | angle = (x == 0)? PI_2 : atan((double)y / (double)x);
978 | gray = (double)MAX(ABS(y), ABS(x)) / grayspot;
979 | gray = MIN(1.0, gray);
980 | dist = (double)((x*x) + (y*y)) / maxDist;
981 | intensity = cos((angle+(rotate*dist*PI)) * freq) *
982 | gray * saturate;
983 | intensity = (MAX(MIN(intensity,1.0),-1.0) + 1.0) * 0.5;
984 | hue = (angle + PI) * INV_PI_360 + aoffset;
985 | s = gray * ((double)(ABS(x)+ABS(y)) / (double)(hw + hh));
986 | s = MIN(MAX(s,0.0), 1.0);
987 | v = MIN(MAX(intensity,0.0), 1.0);
988 |
989 | if (s == 0.0) {
990 | ch = (uch)(v * 255.0);
991 | *dest++ = ch;
992 | *dest++ = ch;
993 | *dest++ = ch;
994 | } else {
995 | if ((hue < 0.0) || (hue >= 360.0))
996 | hue -= (((int)(hue / 360.0)) * 360.0);
997 | hue /= 60.0;
998 | ii = (int)hue;
999 | f = hue - (double)ii;
1000 | p = (1.0 - s) * v;
1001 | q = (1.0 - (s * f)) * v;
1002 | t = (1.0 - (s * (1.0 - f))) * v;
1003 | if (ii == 0) { red = v; green = t; blue = p; }
1004 | else if (ii == 1) { red = q; green = v; blue = p; }
1005 | else if (ii == 2) { red = p; green = v; blue = t; }
1006 | else if (ii == 3) { red = p; green = q; blue = v; }
1007 | else if (ii == 4) { red = t; green = p; blue = v; }
1008 | else if (ii == 5) { red = v; green = p; blue = q; }
1009 | *dest++ = (uch)(red * 255.0);
1010 | *dest++ = (uch)(green * 255.0);
1011 | *dest++ = (uch)(blue * 255.0);
1012 | }
1013 | }
1014 | }
1015 | fprintf(stderr, "done.\n");
1016 | fflush(stderr);
1017 | }
1018 |
1019 | /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1020 | Blast background image to display buffer before beginning PNG decode;
1021 | calling function will handle invalidation and UpdateWindow() call.
1022 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1023 |
1024 | for (row = 0; row < rpng2_info.height; ++row) {
1025 | src = bg_data + row*bg_rowbytes;
1026 | dest = wimage_data + row*wimage_rowbytes;
1027 | for (i = rpng2_info.width; i > 0; --i) {
1028 | r1 = *src++;
1029 | g1 = *src++;
1030 | b1 = *src++;
1031 | *dest++ = b1;
1032 | *dest++ = g1; /* note reverse order */
1033 | *dest++ = r1;
1034 | }
1035 | }
1036 |
1037 | return 0;
1038 |
1039 | } /* end function rpng2_win_load_bg_image() */
1040 |
1041 |
1042 |
1043 |
1044 |
1045 | static void rpng2_win_display_row(ulg row)
1046 | {
1047 | uch bg_red = rpng2_info.bg_red;
1048 | uch bg_green = rpng2_info.bg_green;
1049 | uch bg_blue = rpng2_info.bg_blue;
1050 | uch *src, *src2=NULL, *dest;
1051 | uch r, g, b, a;
1052 | ulg i;
1053 | static int rows=0;
1054 | static ulg firstrow;
1055 |
1056 | /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1057 | rows and firstrow simply track how many rows (and which ones) have not
1058 | yet been displayed; alternatively, we could call InvalidateRect() for
1059 | every row and not bother with the records-keeping.
1060 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1061 |
1062 | Trace((stderr, "beginning rpng2_win_display_row()\n"))
1063 |
1064 | if (rows == 0)
1065 | firstrow = row; /* first row not yet displayed */
1066 |
1067 | ++rows; /* count of rows received but not yet displayed */
1068 |
1069 | /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1070 | Aside from the use of the rpng2_info struct and the lack of an outer
1071 | loop (over rows), this routine is identical to rpng_win_display_image()
1072 | in the non-progressive version of the program.
1073 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1074 |
1075 | src = rpng2_info.image_data + row*rpng2_info.rowbytes;
1076 | if (bg_image)
1077 | src2 = bg_data + row*bg_rowbytes;
1078 | dest = wimage_data + row*wimage_rowbytes;
1079 |
1080 | if (rpng2_info.channels == 3) {
1081 | for (i = rpng2_info.width; i > 0; --i) {
1082 | r = *src++;
1083 | g = *src++;
1084 | b = *src++;
1085 | *dest++ = b;
1086 | *dest++ = g; /* note reverse order */
1087 | *dest++ = r;
1088 | }
1089 | } else /* if (rpng2_info.channels == 4) */ {
1090 | for (i = rpng2_info.width; i > 0; --i) {
1091 | r = *src++;
1092 | g = *src++;
1093 | b = *src++;
1094 | a = *src++;
1095 | if (bg_image) {
1096 | bg_red = *src2++;
1097 | bg_green = *src2++;
1098 | bg_blue = *src2++;
1099 | }
1100 | if (a == 255) {
1101 | *dest++ = b;
1102 | *dest++ = g;
1103 | *dest++ = r;
1104 | } else if (a == 0) {
1105 | *dest++ = bg_blue;
1106 | *dest++ = bg_green;
1107 | *dest++ = bg_red;
1108 | } else {
1109 | /* this macro (copied from png.h) composites the
1110 | * foreground and background values and puts the
1111 | * result into the first argument; there are no
1112 | * side effects with the first argument */
1113 | alpha_composite(*dest++, b, a, bg_blue);
1114 | alpha_composite(*dest++, g, a, bg_green);
1115 | alpha_composite(*dest++, r, a, bg_red);
1116 | }
1117 | }
1118 | }
1119 |
1120 | /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1121 | Display after every 16 rows or when on last row. (Region may include
1122 | previously displayed lines due to interlacing--i.e., not contiguous.)
1123 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1124 |
1125 | if ((rows & 0xf) == 0 || row == rpng2_info.height-1) {
1126 | RECT rect;
1127 |
1128 | rect.left = 0L;
1129 | rect.top = (LONG)firstrow;
1130 | rect.right = (LONG)rpng2_info.width; /* possibly off by one? */
1131 | rect.bottom = (LONG)row + 1L; /* possibly off by one? */
1132 | InvalidateRect(global_hwnd, &rect, FALSE);
1133 | UpdateWindow(global_hwnd); /* similar to XFlush() */
1134 | rows = 0;
1135 | }
1136 |
1137 | } /* end function rpng2_win_display_row() */
1138 |
1139 |
1140 |
1141 |
1142 |
1143 | static void rpng2_win_finish_display()
1144 | {
1145 | Trace((stderr, "beginning rpng2_win_finish_display()\n"))
1146 |
1147 | /* last row has already been displayed by rpng2_win_display_row(), so
1148 | * we have nothing to do here except set a flag and let the user know
1149 | * that the image is done */
1150 |
1151 | rpng2_info.state = kDone;
1152 | printf(
1153 | "Done. Press Q, Esc or mouse button 1 (within image window) to quit.\n");
1154 | fflush(stdout);
1155 | }
1156 |
1157 |
1158 |
1159 |
1160 |
1161 | static void rpng2_win_cleanup()
1162 | {
1163 | if (bg_image && bg_data) {
1164 | free(bg_data);
1165 | bg_data = NULL;
1166 | }
1167 |
1168 | if (rpng2_info.image_data) {
1169 | free(rpng2_info.image_data);
1170 | rpng2_info.image_data = NULL;
1171 | }
1172 |
1173 | if (rpng2_info.row_pointers) {
1174 | free(rpng2_info.row_pointers);
1175 | rpng2_info.row_pointers = NULL;
1176 | }
1177 |
1178 | if (dib) {
1179 | free(dib);
1180 | dib = NULL;
1181 | }
1182 | }
1183 |
1184 |
1185 |
1186 |
1187 |
1188 | LRESULT CALLBACK rpng2_win_wndproc(HWND hwnd, UINT iMsg, WPARAM wP, LPARAM lP)
1189 | {
1190 | HDC hdc;
1191 | PAINTSTRUCT ps;
1192 | int rc;
1193 |
1194 | switch (iMsg) {
1195 | case WM_CREATE:
1196 | /* one-time processing here, if any */
1197 | return 0;
1198 |
1199 | case WM_PAINT:
1200 | hdc = BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps);
1201 | rc = StretchDIBits(hdc, 0, 0, rpng2_info.width, rpng2_info.height,
1202 | 0, 0, rpng2_info.width, rpng2_info.height,
1203 | wimage_data, (BITMAPINFO *)bmih,
1204 | 0, SRCCOPY);
1205 | EndPaint(hwnd, &ps);
1206 | return 0;
1207 |
1208 | /* wait for the user to tell us when to quit */
1209 | case WM_CHAR:
1210 | switch (wP) { /* only need one, so ignore repeat count */
1211 | case 'q':
1212 | case 'Q':
1213 | case 0x1B: /* Esc key */
1214 | PostQuitMessage(0);
1215 | }
1216 | return 0;
1217 |
1218 | case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: /* another way of quitting */
1219 | case WM_DESTROY:
1220 | PostQuitMessage(0);
1221 | return 0;
1222 | }
1223 |
1224 | return DefWindowProc(hwnd, iMsg, wP, lP);
1225 | }