/* $Id: filesplitter.cpp 106061 2024-09-16 14:03:52Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * File splitter - Splits a text file according to ###### markers in it. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2024 Oracle and/or its affiliates. * * This file is part of VirtualBox base platform packages, as * available from https://www.virtualbox.org. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 3 of the * License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see . * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only */ /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Header Files * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Defined Constants And Macros * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ #ifndef S_ISDIR # define S_ISDIR(a_fMode) ( (S_IFMT & (a_fMode)) == S_IFDIR ) #endif /** * Calculates the line number for a file position. * * @returns Line number. * @param pcszContent The file content. * @param pcszPos The current position. */ static unsigned long lineNumber(const char *pcszContent, const char *pcszPos) { unsigned long cLine = 0; while ( *pcszContent && (uintptr_t)pcszContent < (uintptr_t)pcszPos) { pcszContent = strchr(pcszContent, '\n'); if (!pcszContent) break; ++cLine; ++pcszContent; } return cLine; } /** * Writes an error message. * * @returns RTEXITCODE_FAILURE. * @param pcszFormat Error message. * @param ... Format argument referenced in the message. */ static int printErr(const char *pcszFormat, ...) { va_list va; fprintf(stderr, "filesplitter: "); va_start(va, pcszFormat); vfprintf(stderr, pcszFormat, va); va_end(va); return RTEXITCODE_FAILURE; } /** * Opens the makefile list for writing. * * @returns Exit code. * @param pcszPath The path to the file. * @param pcszVariableName The make variable name. * @param ppFile Where to return the file stream. */ static int openMakefileList(const char *pcszPath, const char *pcszVariableName, FILE **ppFile) { *ppFile = NULL; FILE *pFile= fopen(pcszPath, "w"); if (!pFile) #ifdef _MSC_VER return printErr("Failed to open \"%s\" for writing the file list: %s (win32: %d)\n", pcszPath, strerror(errno), _doserrno); #else return printErr("Failed to open \"%s\" for writing the file list: %s\n", pcszPath, strerror(errno)); #endif if (fprintf(pFile, "%s := \\\n", pcszVariableName) <= 0) { fclose(pFile); return printErr("Error writing to the makefile list.\n"); } *ppFile = pFile; return 0; } /** * Adds the given file to the makefile list. * * @returns Exit code. * @param pFile The file stream of the makefile list. * @param pszFilename The file name to add. */ static int addFileToMakefileList(FILE *pFile, char *pszFilename) { if (pFile) { char *pszSlash = pszFilename; while ((pszSlash = strchr(pszSlash, '\\')) != NULL) *pszSlash++ = '/'; if (fprintf(pFile, "\t%s \\\n", pszFilename) <= 0) return printErr("Error adding file to makefile list.\n"); } return 0; } /** * Closes the makefile list. * * @returns Exit code derived from @a rc. * @param pFile The file stream of the makefile list. * @param rc The current exit code. */ static int closeMakefileList(FILE *pFile, int rc) { fprintf(pFile, "\n\n"); if (fclose(pFile)) return printErr("Error closing the file list file: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return rc; } /** * Reads in a file. * * @returns Exit code. * @param pcszFile The path to the file. * @param ppszFile Where to return the buffer. * @param pcchFile Where to return the file size. */ static int readFile(const char *pcszFile, char **ppszFile, size_t *pcchFile) { FILE *pFile; struct stat FileStat; int rc; if (stat(pcszFile, &FileStat)) return printErr("Failed to stat \"%s\": %s\n", pcszFile, strerror(errno)); pFile = fopen(pcszFile, "r"); if (!pFile) return printErr("Failed to open \"%s\": %s\n", pcszFile, strerror(errno)); *ppszFile = (char *)malloc(FileStat.st_size + 1); if (*ppszFile) { errno = 0; size_t cbRead = fread(*ppszFile, 1, FileStat.st_size, pFile); if ( cbRead <= (size_t)FileStat.st_size && (cbRead > 0 || !ferror(pFile)) ) { if (ftell(pFile) == FileStat.st_size) /* (\r\n vs \n in the DOS world) */ { (*ppszFile)[cbRead] = '\0'; if (pcchFile) *pcchFile = (size_t)cbRead; fclose(pFile); return 0; } } rc = printErr("Error reading \"%s\": %s\n", pcszFile, strerror(errno)); free(*ppszFile); *ppszFile = NULL; } else rc = printErr("Failed to allocate %lu bytes\n", (unsigned long)(FileStat.st_size + 1)); fclose(pFile); return rc; } /** * Checks whether the sub-file already exists and has the exact * same content. * * @returns @c true if the existing file matches exactly, otherwise @c false. * @param pcszFilename The path to the file. * @param pcszSubContent The content to write. * @param cchSubContent The length of the content. */ static bool compareSubFile(const char *pcszFilename, const char *pcszSubContent, size_t cchSubContent) { struct stat FileStat; if (stat(pcszFilename, &FileStat)) return false; if ((size_t)FileStat.st_size < cchSubContent) return false; size_t cchExisting; char *pszExisting; int rc = readFile(pcszFilename, &pszExisting, &cchExisting); if (rc) return false; bool fRc = cchExisting == cchSubContent && !memcmp(pcszSubContent, pszExisting, cchSubContent); free(pszExisting); return fRc; } /** * Writes out a sub-file. * * @returns exit code. * @param pcszFilename The path to the sub-file. * @param pcszSubContent The content of the file. * @param cchSubContent The size of the content. */ static int writeSubFile(const char *pcszFilename, const char *pcszSubContent, size_t cchSubContent) { FILE *pFile = fopen(pcszFilename, "w"); if (!pFile) #ifdef _MSC_VER return printErr("Failed to open \"%s\" for writing: %s (win32: %d)\n", pcszFilename, strerror(errno), _doserrno); #else return printErr("Failed to open \"%s\" for writing: %s\n", pcszFilename, strerror(errno)); #endif errno = 0; int rc = 0; if (fwrite(pcszSubContent, cchSubContent, 1, pFile) != 1) rc = printErr("Error writing \"%s\": %s\n", pcszFilename, strerror(errno)); errno = 0; int rc2 = fclose(pFile); if (rc2 == EOF) rc = printErr("Error closing \"%s\": %s\n", pcszFilename, strerror(errno)); return rc; } /** * Does the actual file splitting. * * @returns exit code. * @param pcszOutDir Path to the output directory. * @param pcszContent The content to split up. * @param pFileList The file stream of the makefile list. Can be NULL. */ static int splitFile(const char *pcszOutDir, const char *pcszContent, FILE *pFileList) { static char const s_szBeginMarker[] = "\n// ##### BEGINFILE \""; static char const s_szEndMarker[] = "\n// ##### ENDFILE"; const size_t cchBeginMarker = sizeof(s_szBeginMarker) - 1; const char *pcszSearch = pcszContent; size_t const cchOutDir = strlen(pcszOutDir); unsigned long cFilesWritten = 0; unsigned long cFilesUnchanged = 0; int rc = 0; do { /* find begin marker */ const char *pcszBegin = strstr(pcszSearch, s_szBeginMarker); if (!pcszBegin) break; /* find line after begin marker */ const char *pcszLineAfterBegin = strchr(pcszBegin + cchBeginMarker, '\n'); if (!pcszLineAfterBegin) return printErr("No newline after begin-file marker found.\n"); ++pcszLineAfterBegin; /* find filename end quote in begin marker line */ const char *pcszStartFilename = pcszBegin + cchBeginMarker; const char *pcszEndQuote = (const char *)memchr(pcszStartFilename, '\"', pcszLineAfterBegin - pcszStartFilename); if (!pcszEndQuote) return printErr("Can't parse filename after begin-file marker (line %lu).\n", lineNumber(pcszContent, s_szBeginMarker)); /* find end marker */ const char *pcszEnd = strstr(pcszLineAfterBegin, s_szEndMarker); if (!pcszEnd) return printErr("No matching end-line marker for begin-file marker found (line %lu).\n", lineNumber(pcszContent, s_szBeginMarker)); /* construct output filename */ size_t cchFilename = pcszEndQuote - pcszStartFilename; char *pszFilename = (char *)malloc(cchOutDir + 1 + cchFilename + 1); if (!pszFilename) return printErr("Can't allocate memory for filename.\n"); memcpy(pszFilename, pcszOutDir, cchOutDir); pszFilename[cchOutDir] = '/'; memcpy(pszFilename + cchOutDir + 1, pcszStartFilename, cchFilename); pszFilename[cchFilename + 1 + cchOutDir] = '\0'; /* Write the file only if necessary. */ if (compareSubFile(pszFilename, pcszLineAfterBegin, pcszEnd - pcszLineAfterBegin)) cFilesUnchanged++; else { rc = writeSubFile(pszFilename, pcszLineAfterBegin, pcszEnd - pcszLineAfterBegin); cFilesWritten++; } if (!rc) rc = addFileToMakefileList(pFileList, pszFilename); free(pszFilename); pcszSearch = pcszEnd; } while (rc == 0); printf("filesplitter: Out of %lu files: %lu rewritten, %lu unchanged. (%s)\n", cFilesWritten + cFilesUnchanged, cFilesWritten, cFilesUnchanged, pcszOutDir); return rc; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int rc = 0; if (argc == 3 || argc == 5) { struct stat DirStat; if ( stat(argv[2], &DirStat) == 0 && S_ISDIR(DirStat.st_mode)) { char *pszContent; rc = readFile(argv[1], &pszContent, NULL); if (!rc) { FILE *pFileList = NULL; if (argc == 5) rc = openMakefileList(argv[3], argv[4], &pFileList); if (argc < 4 || pFileList) rc = splitFile(argv[2], pszContent, pFileList); if (pFileList) rc = closeMakefileList(pFileList, rc); free(pszContent); } } else rc = printErr("Given argument \"%s\" is not a valid directory.\n", argv[2]); } else rc = printErr("Syntax error: usage: filesplitter [ ]\n"); return rc; }