# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # $Id: vboxtestvms.py 102966 2024-01-19 11:30:23Z vboxsync $ """ VirtualBox Test VMs """ __copyright__ = \ """ Copyright (C) 2010-2023 Oracle and/or its affiliates. This file is part of VirtualBox base platform packages, as available from https://www.virtualbox.org. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 3 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see . The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0 (CDDL), a copy of it is provided in the "COPYING.CDDL" file included in the VirtualBox distribution, in which case the provisions of the CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL. You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only OR CDDL-1.0 """ __version__ = "$Revision: 102966 $" # Standard Python imports. import copy; import os; import re; import random; import socket; import string; import uuid; # Validation Kit imports. from common import pathutils; from common import utils; from testdriver import base; from testdriver import reporter; from testdriver import vboxcon; # All virtualization modes. g_asVirtModes = ['hwvirt', 'hwvirt-np', 'raw',]; # All virtualization modes except for raw-mode. g_asVirtModesNoRaw = ['hwvirt', 'hwvirt-np',]; # Dictionary mapping the virtualization mode mnemonics to a little less cryptic # strings used in test descriptions. g_dsVirtModeDescs = { 'raw' : 'Raw-mode', 'hwvirt' : 'HwVirt', 'hwvirt-np' : 'NestedPaging' }; ## @name VM grouping flags ## @{ g_kfGrpSmoke = 0x0001; ##< Smoke test VM. g_kfGrpStandard = 0x0002; ##< Standard test VM. g_kfGrpStdSmoke = g_kfGrpSmoke | g_kfGrpStandard; ##< shorthand. g_kfGrpWithGAs = 0x0004; ##< The VM has guest additions installed. g_kfGrpNoTxs = 0x0008; ##< The VM lacks test execution service. g_kfGrpAncient = 0x1000; ##< Ancient OS. g_kfGrpExotic = 0x2000; ##< Exotic OS. ## @} ## @name Flags. ## @{ g_k32 = 32; # pylint: disable=invalid-name g_k64 = 64; # pylint: disable=invalid-name g_k32_64 = 96; # pylint: disable=invalid-name g_kiArchMask = 96; g_kiNoRaw = 128; ##< No raw mode. ## @} # Array indexes. g_iGuestOsType = 0; g_iKind = 1; g_iFlags = 2; g_iMinCpu = 3; g_iMaxCpu = 4; g_iRegEx = 5; # Table translating from VM name core to a more detailed guest info. # pylint: disable=line-too-long ## @todo what's the difference between the first two columns again? g_aaNameToDetails = \ [ [ 'WindowsNT3x', 'WindowsNT3x', g_k32, 1, 32, ['nt3', 'nt3[0-9]*']], # max cpus?? [ 'WindowsNT4', 'WindowsNT4', g_k32, 1, 32, ['nt4', 'nt4sp[0-9]']], # max cpus?? [ 'Windows2000', 'Windows2000', g_k32, 1, 32, ['w2k', 'w2ksp[0-9]', 'win2k', 'win2ksp[0-9]']], # max cpus?? [ 'WindowsXP', 'WindowsXP', g_k32, 1, 32, ['xp', 'xpsp[0-9]']], [ 'WindowsXP_64', 'WindowsXP_64', g_k64, 1, 32, ['xp64', 'xp64sp[0-9]']], [ 'Windows2003', 'Windows2003', g_k32, 1, 32, ['w2k3', 'w2k3sp[0-9]', 'win2k3', 'win2k3sp[0-9]']], [ 'WindowsVista', 'WindowsVista', g_k32, 1, 32, ['vista', 'vistasp[0-9]']], [ 'WindowsVista_64','WindowsVista_64', g_k64, 1, 64, ['vista-64', 'vistasp[0-9]-64',]], # max cpus/cores?? [ 'Windows2008', 'Windows2008', g_k32, 1, 64, ['w2k8', 'w2k8sp[0-9]', 'win2k8', 'win2k8sp[0-9]']], # max cpus/cores?? [ 'Windows2008_64', 'Windows2008_64', g_k64, 1, 64, ['w2k8r2', 'w2k8r2sp[0-9]', 'win2k8r2', 'win2k8r2sp[0-9]']], # max cpus/cores?? [ 'Windows7', 'Windows7', g_k32, 1, 32, ['w7', 'w7sp[0-9]', 'win7',]], # max cpus/cores?? [ 'Windows7_64', 'Windows7_64', g_k64, 1, 64, ['w7-64', 'w7sp[0-9]-64', 'win7-64',]], # max cpus/cores?? [ 'Windows2012_64', 'Windows2012_64', g_k64, 1, 64, ['w2k12', 'w2k12sp[0-9]', 'win2k12', 'win2k12sp[0-9]',]], # max cpus/cores?? [ 'Windows8', 'Windows8', g_k32 | g_kiNoRaw, 1, 32, ['w8', 'w8sp[0-9]', 'win8',]], # max cpus/cores?? [ 'Windows8_64', 'Windows8_64', g_k64, 1, 64, ['w8-64', 'w8sp[0-9]-64', 'win8-64',]], # max cpus/cores?? [ 'Windows81', 'Windows81', g_k32 | g_kiNoRaw, 1, 32, ['w81', 'w81sp[0-9]', 'win81',]], # max cpus/cores?? [ 'Windows81_64', 'Windows81_64', g_k64, 1, 64, ['w81-64', 'w81sp[0-9]-64', 'win81-64',]], # max cpus/cores?? [ 'Windows10', 'Windows10', g_k32 | g_kiNoRaw, 1, 32, ['w10', 'w10sp[0-9]', 'win10',]], # max cpus/cores?? [ 'Windows10_64', 'Windows10_64', g_k64, 1, 64, ['w10-64', 'w10sp[0-9]-64', 'win10-64',]], # max cpus/cores?? [ 'Windows2016_64', 'Windows2016_64', g_k64, 1, 64, ['w2k16', 'w2k16sp[0-9]', 'win2k16', 'win2k16sp[0-9]',]], # max cpus/cores?? [ 'Windows2019_64', 'Windows2019_64', g_k64, 1, 64, ['w2k19', 'w2k19sp[0-9]', 'win2k19', 'win2k19sp[0-9]',]], # max cpus/cores?? [ 'Windows2022_64', 'Windows2022_64', g_k64, 1, 64, ['w2k22', 'w2k22sp[0-9]', 'win2k22', 'win2k22sp[0-9]',]], # max cpus/cores?? [ 'Windows11_64', 'Windows11_64', g_k64, 2, 64, ['w11', 'w11-64', 'w11sp[0-9]-64', 'win11', 'win11-64',]], # max cpus/cores?? [ 'Linux', 'Debian', g_k32, 1, 256, ['deb[0-9]*', 'debian[0-9]*', ]], [ 'Linux_64', 'Debian_64', g_k64, 1, 256, ['deb[0-9]*-64', 'debian[0-9]*-64', ]], [ 'Linux_arm64', 'Debian_arm64', g_k64, 1, 256, ['deb[0-9]*-arm64', 'debian[0-9]*-arm64', ]], [ 'Linux', 'RedHat', g_k32, 1, 256, ['rhel', 'rhel[0-9]', 'rhel[0-9]u[0-9]']], [ 'Linux', 'Fedora', g_k32, 1, 256, ['fedora', 'fedora[0-9]*', ]], [ 'Linux_64', 'Fedora_64', g_k64, 1, 256, ['fedora-64', 'fedora[0-9]*-64', ]], [ 'Linux', 'Oracle', g_k32, 1, 256, ['ols[0-9]*', 'oel[0-9]*', ]], [ 'Linux_64', 'Oracle_64', g_k64, 1, 256, ['ols[0-9]*-64', 'oel[0-9]*-64', ]], [ 'Linux_arm64', 'Oracle_arm64', g_k64, 1, 256, ['ols[0-9]*-arm64', 'oel[0-9]*-arm64', ]], [ 'Linux', 'OpenSUSE', g_k32, 1, 256, ['opensuse[0-9]*', 'suse[0-9]*', ]], [ 'Linux_64', 'OpenSUSE_64', g_k64, 1, 256, ['opensuse[0-9]*-64', 'suse[0-9]*-64', ]], [ 'Linux', 'Ubuntu', g_k32, 1, 256, ['ubuntu[0-9]*', ]], [ 'Linux_64', 'Ubuntu_64', g_k64, 1, 256, ['ubuntu[0-9]*-64', ]], [ 'Linux', 'ArchLinux', g_k32, 1, 256, ['arch[0-9]*', ]], [ 'Linux_64', 'ArchLinux_64', g_k64, 1, 256, ['arch[0-9]*-64', ]], [ 'OS2Warp45', 'OS2Warp45', g_k32 | g_kiNoRaw, 1, 1, ['os2.*', 'acp.*','mcp.*', ]], # smp does busy spinning and unattended installer only does UNI at the momen. [ 'Solaris', 'Solaris', g_k32, 1, 256, ['sol10', 'sol10u[0-9]']], [ 'Solaris_64', 'Solaris_64', g_k64, 1, 256, ['sol10-64', 'sol10u-64[0-9]']], [ 'Solaris_64', 'Solaris11_64', g_k64, 1, 256, ['sol11u1']], [ 'BSD', 'FreeBSD_64', g_k32_64, 1, 1, ['bs-.*']], # boot sectors, wanted 64-bit type. [ 'BSD', 'FreeBSD_64', g_k32_64, 1, 1, ['bs3-.*']], # boot sectors, wanted 64-bit type. [ 'DOS', 'DOS', g_k32, 1, 1, ['bs-.*']], [ 'DOS', 'DOS', g_k32, 1, 1, ['bs3-.*']], ]; ## @name Guest OS type string constants. ## @{ g_ksGuestOsTypeDarwin = 'darwin'; g_ksGuestOsTypeDOS = 'dos'; g_ksGuestOsTypeFreeBSD = 'freebsd'; g_ksGuestOsTypeLinux = 'linux'; g_ksGuestOsTypeOS2 = 'os2'; g_ksGuestOsTypeSolaris = 'solaris'; g_ksGuestOsTypeWindows = 'windows'; ## @} ## @name String constants for paravirtualization providers. ## @{ g_ksParavirtProviderNone = 'none'; g_ksParavirtProviderDefault = 'default'; g_ksParavirtProviderLegacy = 'legacy'; g_ksParavirtProviderMinimal = 'minimal'; g_ksParavirtProviderHyperV = 'hyperv'; g_ksParavirtProviderKVM = 'kvm'; ## @} ## Valid paravirtualization providers. g_kasParavirtProviders = ( g_ksParavirtProviderNone, g_ksParavirtProviderDefault, g_ksParavirtProviderLegacy, g_ksParavirtProviderMinimal, g_ksParavirtProviderHyperV, g_ksParavirtProviderKVM ); ## @name String constants for platform architectures. The createVMXXX functions depend on these strings. ## @{ g_kasPlatformArchitectureX86 = 'x86'; g_kasPlatformArchitectureARM = 'ARM'; ## @} ## Valid platform architectures. g_kasPlatformArchitectures = ( g_kasPlatformArchitectureX86, g_kasPlatformArchitectureARM ); # Mapping for support of paravirtualisation providers per guest OS. #g_kdaParavirtProvidersSupported = { # g_ksGuestOsTypeDarwin : ( g_ksParavirtProviderMinimal, ), # g_ksGuestOsTypeFreeBSD : ( g_ksParavirtProviderNone, g_ksParavirtProviderMinimal, ), # g_ksGuestOsTypeLinux : ( g_ksParavirtProviderNone, g_ksParavirtProviderMinimal, g_ksParavirtProviderHyperV, g_ksParavirtProviderKVM), # g_ksGuestOsTypeOS2 : ( g_ksParavirtProviderNone, ), # g_ksGuestOsTypeSolaris : ( g_ksParavirtProviderNone, ), # g_ksGuestOsTypeWindows : ( g_ksParavirtProviderNone, g_ksParavirtProviderMinimal, g_ksParavirtProviderHyperV, ) #} # Temporary tweak: # since for the most guests g_ksParavirtProviderNone is almost the same as g_ksParavirtProviderMinimal, # g_ksParavirtProviderMinimal is removed from the list in order to get maximum number of unique choices # during independent test runs when paravirt provider is taken randomly. g_kdaParavirtProvidersSupported = { g_ksGuestOsTypeDarwin : ( g_ksParavirtProviderMinimal, ), g_ksGuestOsTypeDOS : ( g_ksParavirtProviderNone, ), g_ksGuestOsTypeFreeBSD : ( g_ksParavirtProviderNone, ), g_ksGuestOsTypeLinux : ( g_ksParavirtProviderNone, g_ksParavirtProviderHyperV, g_ksParavirtProviderKVM), g_ksGuestOsTypeOS2 : ( g_ksParavirtProviderNone, ), g_ksGuestOsTypeSolaris : ( g_ksParavirtProviderNone, ), g_ksGuestOsTypeWindows : ( g_ksParavirtProviderNone, g_ksParavirtProviderHyperV, ) } # pylint: enable=line-too-long def _intersects(asSet1, asSet2): """ Checks if any of the strings in set 1 matches any of the regular expressions in set 2. """ for sStr1 in asSet1: for sRx2 in asSet2: if re.match(sStr1, sRx2 + '$'): return True; return False; class BaseTestVm(object): """ Base class for Test VMs. Defaults to the x86 platform architecture. """ def __init__(self, # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments sVmName, # type: str sPlatformArchitecture = 'x86', # type: str fGrouping = 0, # type: int oSet = None, # type: TestVmSet sKind = None, # type: str acCpusSup = None, # type: List[int] asVirtModesSup = None, # type: List[str] asParavirtModesSup = None, # type: List[str] fRandomPvPModeCrap = False, # type: bool fVmmDevTestingPart = None, # type: bool fVmmDevTestingMmio = False, # type: bool iGroup = 1, # type: int ): self.oSet = oSet # type: TestVmSet self.sVmName = sVmName; self.sPlatformArchitecture = sPlatformArchitecture; self.iGroup = iGroup; # Startup group (for MAC address uniqueness and non-NAT networking). self.fGrouping = fGrouping; self.sKind = sKind; # API Guest OS type. self.acCpusSup = acCpusSup; self.asVirtModesSup = asVirtModesSup; self.asParavirtModesSup = asParavirtModesSup; self.asParavirtModesSupOrg = asParavirtModesSup; # HACK ALERT! Trick to make the 'effing random mess not get in the # way of actively selecting virtualization modes. self.fSkip = False; # All VMs are included in the configured set by default. self.fSnapshotRestoreCurrent = False; # Whether to restore execution on the current snapshot. # VMMDev and serial (TXS++) settings: self.fVmmDevTestingPart = fVmmDevTestingPart; self.fVmmDevTestingMmio = fVmmDevTestingMmio; self.fCom1RawFile = False; # Cached stuff (use getters): self.__sCom1RawFile = None; # Set by createVmInner and getReconfiguredVm if fCom1RawFile is set. self.__tHddCtrlPortDev = (None, None, None); # The HDD controller, port and device. self.__tDvdCtrlPortDev = (None, None, None); # The DVD controller, port and device. self.__cbHdd = -1; # The recommended HDD size. # Derived stuff: self.aInfo = None; self.sGuestOsType = None; # ksGuestOsTypeXxxx value, API GuestOS Type is in the sKind member. ## @todo rename sGuestOsType self._guessStuff(fRandomPvPModeCrap); def _mkCanonicalGuestOSType(self, sType): """ Convert guest OS type into constant representation. Raise exception if specified @param sType is unknown. """ if sType.lower().startswith('darwin'): return g_ksGuestOsTypeDarwin if sType.lower().startswith('bsd'): return g_ksGuestOsTypeFreeBSD if sType.lower().startswith('dos'): return g_ksGuestOsTypeDOS if sType.lower().startswith('linux'): return g_ksGuestOsTypeLinux if sType.lower().startswith('os2'): return g_ksGuestOsTypeOS2 if sType.lower().startswith('solaris'): return g_ksGuestOsTypeSolaris if sType.lower().startswith('windows'): return g_ksGuestOsTypeWindows raise base.GenError(sWhat="unknown guest OS kind: %s" % str(sType)) def _guessStuff(self, fRandomPvPModeCrap): """ Used by the constructor to guess stuff. """ sNm = self.sVmName.lower().strip(); asSplit = sNm.replace('-', ' ').split(' '); if self.sKind is None: # From name. for aInfo in g_aaNameToDetails: if _intersects(asSplit, aInfo[g_iRegEx]): self.aInfo = aInfo; self.sGuestOsType = self._mkCanonicalGuestOSType(aInfo[g_iGuestOsType]) self.sKind = aInfo[g_iKind]; break; if self.sKind is None: reporter.fatal('The OS of test VM "%s" cannot be guessed' % (self.sVmName,)); # Check for 64-bit, if required and supported. if (self.aInfo[g_iFlags] & g_kiArchMask) == g_k32_64 and _intersects(asSplit, ['64', 'amd64']): self.sKind = self.sKind + '_64'; else: # Lookup the kind. for aInfo in g_aaNameToDetails: if self.sKind == aInfo[g_iKind]: self.aInfo = aInfo; break; if self.aInfo is None: reporter.fatal('The OS of test VM "%s" with sKind="%s" cannot be guessed' % (self.sVmName, self.sKind)); # Translate sKind into sGuest OS Type. if self.sGuestOsType is None: if self.aInfo is not None: self.sGuestOsType = self._mkCanonicalGuestOSType(self.aInfo[g_iGuestOsType]) elif self.sKind.find("Windows") >= 0: self.sGuestOsType = g_ksGuestOsTypeWindows elif self.sKind.find("Linux") >= 0: self.sGuestOsType = g_ksGuestOsTypeLinux; elif self.sKind.find("Solaris") >= 0: self.sGuestOsType = g_ksGuestOsTypeSolaris; elif self.sKind.find("DOS") >= 0: self.sGuestOsType = g_ksGuestOsTypeDOS; else: reporter.fatal('The OS of test VM "%s", sKind="%s" cannot be guessed' % (self.sVmName, self.sKind)); # Restrict modes and such depending on the OS. if self.asVirtModesSup is None: self.asVirtModesSup = list(g_asVirtModes); if self.sGuestOsType in (g_ksGuestOsTypeOS2, g_ksGuestOsTypeDarwin) \ or self.sKind.find('_64') > 0 \ or (self.aInfo is not None and (self.aInfo[g_iFlags] & g_kiNoRaw)): self.asVirtModesSup = [sVirtMode for sVirtMode in self.asVirtModesSup if sVirtMode != 'raw']; # TEMPORARY HACK - START sHostName = os.environ.get("COMPUTERNAME", None); if sHostName: sHostName = sHostName.lower(); else: sHostName = socket.getfqdn(); # Horribly slow on windows without IPv6 DNS/whatever. if sHostName.startswith('testboxpile1'): self.asVirtModesSup = [sVirtMode for sVirtMode in self.asVirtModesSup if sVirtMode != 'raw']; # TEMPORARY HACK - END # Restrict the CPU count depending on the OS and/or percieved SMP readiness. if self.acCpusSup is None: if _intersects(asSplit, ['uni']): self.acCpusSup = [1]; elif self.aInfo is not None: self.acCpusSup = list(range(self.aInfo[g_iMinCpu], self.aInfo[g_iMaxCpu] + 1)); else: self.acCpusSup = [1]; # Figure relevant PV modes based on the OS. if self.asParavirtModesSup is None: self.asParavirtModesSup = g_kdaParavirtProvidersSupported[self.sGuestOsType]; ## @todo Remove this hack as soon as we've got around to explictly configure test variations ## on the server side. Client side random is interesting but not the best option. self.asParavirtModesSupOrg = self.asParavirtModesSup; if fRandomPvPModeCrap: random.seed(); self.asParavirtModesSup = (random.choice(self.asParavirtModesSup),); return True; def _generateRawPortFilename(self, oTestDrv, sInfix, sSuffix): """ Generates a raw port filename. """ random.seed(); sRandom = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits) for _ in range(10)); return os.path.join(oTestDrv.sScratchPath, self.sVmName + sInfix + sRandom + sSuffix); def _createVmPre(self, oTestDrv, eNic0AttachType, sDvdImage): """ Prepares for creating the VM. Returns True / False. """ _ = eNic0AttachType; _ = sDvdImage; if self.fCom1RawFile: self.__sCom1RawFile = self._generateRawPortFilename(oTestDrv, '-com1-', '.out'); return True; def _createVmDoIt(self, oTestDrv, eNic0AttachType, sDvdImage): """ Creates the VM. The default implementation creates a VM with defaults, no disks created or attached. Returns Wrapped VM object on success, None on failure. """ return oTestDrv.createTestVmWithDefaults(self.sVmName, iGroup = self.iGroup, sKind = self.sKind, sPlatformArchitecture = self.sPlatformArchitecture, eNic0AttachType = eNic0AttachType, sDvdImage = sDvdImage, fVmmDevTestingPart = self.fVmmDevTestingPart, fVmmDevTestingMmio = self.fVmmDevTestingMmio, sCom1RawFile = self.__sCom1RawFile if self.fCom1RawFile else None ); def _createVmPost(self, oTestDrv, oVM, eNic0AttachType, sDvdImage): # type: (base.testdriver, Any, int, str) -> Any """ Returns same oVM on success, None on failure (createVm cleans up). """ _ = oTestDrv; _ = eNic0AttachType; _ = sDvdImage; return oVM; def _skipVmTest(self, oTestDrv, oVM): """ Called by getReconfiguredVm to figure out whether to skip the VM or not. Returns True if the VM should be skipped, False otherwise. """ _ = oVM; fHostSupports64bit = oTestDrv.hasHostLongMode(); if self.is64bitRequired() and not fHostSupports64bit: reporter.log('Skipping 64-bit VM on non-64 capable host.'); elif self.isViaIncompatible() and oTestDrv.isHostCpuVia(): reporter.log('Skipping VIA incompatible VM.'); elif self.isShanghaiIncompatible() and oTestDrv.isHostCpuShanghai(): reporter.log('Skipping Shanghai (Zhaoxin) incompatible VM.'); elif self.isP4Incompatible() and oTestDrv.isHostCpuP4(): reporter.log('Skipping P4 incompatible VM.'); else: return False; return True; def _childVmReconfig(self, oTestDrv, oVM, oSession): """ Hook into getReconfiguredVm() for children. """ _ = oTestDrv; _ = oVM; _ = oSession; return True; def _storageCtrlAndBusToName(self, oVBoxMgr, oVM, eCtrl, eBus): """ Resolves the storage controller name given type and bus. Returns String on success, None on failure w/ errors logged. """ try: aoControllers = oVBoxMgr.getArray(oVM, 'storageControllers'); except: reporter.errorXcpt(); return None; asSummary = []; for oController in aoControllers: try: eCurCtrl = oController.controllerType; eCurBus = oController.bus; sName = oController.name; except: reporter.errorXcpt(); return None; if eCurCtrl == eCtrl and eCurBus == eBus: return sName; asSummary.append('%s-%s-%s' % (eCurCtrl, eCurBus, sName,)); reporter.error('Unable to find controller of type %s and bus %s (searched: %s)' % (eCtrl, eBus, ', '.join(asSummary),)); return None; # # Public interface. # def getResourceSet(self): """ Returns a list of resources that the VM needs. """ return []; def getMissingResources(self, sResourcePath): """ Returns a list of missing resources (paths, stuff) that the VM needs. """ asRet = []; asResources = self.getResourceSet(); for sPath in asResources: if not os.path.isabs(sPath): sPath = os.path.join(sResourcePath, sPath); if not os.path.exists(sPath): asRet.append(sPath); return asRet; def skipCreatingVm(self, oTestDrv): """ Called before VM creation to determine whether the VM should be skipped due to host incompatibility or something along those lines. returns True if it should be skipped, False if not. Caller updates fSkip. See also _skipVmTest(). """ _ = oTestDrv; return False; def createVm(self, oTestDrv, eNic0AttachType = None, sDvdImage = None): """ Creates the VM with defaults and the few tweaks as per the arguments. Returns same as vbox.TestDriver.createTestVM. """ reporter.log2(''); reporter.log2('Creating %s...' % (self.sVmName,)) oVM = None; fRc = self._createVmPre(oTestDrv, eNic0AttachType, sDvdImage); if fRc is True: oVM = self._createVmDoIt(oTestDrv, eNic0AttachType, sDvdImage); if oVM: oVM = self._createVmPost(oTestDrv, oVM, eNic0AttachType, sDvdImage); return oVM; def getReconfiguredVm(self, oTestDrv, cCpus, sVirtMode, sParavirtMode = None): """ actionExecute worker that finds and reconfigure a test VM. Returns (fRc, oVM) where fRc is True, None or False and oVM is a VBox VM object that is only present when rc is True. """ fRc = False; oVM = oTestDrv.getVmByName(self.sVmName); if oVM is not None: if self.fSnapshotRestoreCurrent is True: fRc = True; else: fHostSupports64bit = oTestDrv.hasHostLongMode(); if self._skipVmTest(oTestDrv, oVM): fRc = None; # Skip the test. else: oSession = oTestDrv.openSession(oVM); if oSession is not None: fRc = oSession.enableVirtExX86(sVirtMode != 'raw'); fRc = fRc and oSession.enableNestedPagingX86(sVirtMode == 'hwvirt-np'); fRc = fRc and oSession.setCpuCount(cCpus); if cCpus > 1: fRc = fRc and oSession.enableIoApic(True); if sParavirtMode is not None and oSession.fpApiVer >= 5.0: adParavirtProviders = { g_ksParavirtProviderNone : vboxcon.ParavirtProvider_None, g_ksParavirtProviderDefault: vboxcon.ParavirtProvider_Default, g_ksParavirtProviderLegacy : vboxcon.ParavirtProvider_Legacy, g_ksParavirtProviderMinimal: vboxcon.ParavirtProvider_Minimal, g_ksParavirtProviderHyperV : vboxcon.ParavirtProvider_HyperV, g_ksParavirtProviderKVM : vboxcon.ParavirtProvider_KVM, }; fRc = fRc and oSession.setParavirtProvider(adParavirtProviders[sParavirtMode]); fCfg64Bit = self.is64bitRequired() or (self.is64bit() and fHostSupports64bit and sVirtMode != 'raw'); fRc = fRc and oSession.enableLongModeX86(fCfg64Bit); if fCfg64Bit: # This is to avoid GUI pedantic warnings in the GUI. Sigh. oOsType = oSession.getOsType(); if oOsType is not None: if oOsType.is64Bit and sVirtMode == 'raw': assert(oOsType.id[-3:] == '_64'); fRc = fRc and oSession.setOsType(oOsType.id[:-3]); elif not oOsType.is64Bit and sVirtMode != 'raw': fRc = fRc and oSession.setOsType(oOsType.id + '_64'); # New serial raw file. if fRc and self.fCom1RawFile: self.__sCom1RawFile = self._generateRawPortFilename(oTestDrv, '-com1-', '.out'); utils.noxcptDeleteFile(self.__sCom1RawFile); fRc = oSession.setupSerialToRawFile(0, self.__sCom1RawFile); # Make life simpler for child classes. if fRc: fRc = self._childVmReconfig(oTestDrv, oVM, oSession); fRc = fRc and oSession.saveSettings(); if not oSession.close(): fRc = False; if fRc is True: return (True, oVM); return (fRc, None); def getNonCanonicalGuestOsType(self): """ Gets the non-canonical OS type (self.sGuestOsType is canonical). """ return self.sKind; #self.aInfo[g_iGuestOsType]; def getGuestArch(self): """ Same as util.getHostArch. """ if self.sKind.find('_arm64') >= 0: return 'arm64'; if self.sKind.find('_arm32') >= 0: return 'arm32'; if self.sKind.find('_64') >= 0: return 'amd64'; return 'x86'; def getGuestOs(self): """ Same as util.getHostOs. """ if self.isWindows(): return 'win'; if self.isOS2(): return 'os2'; if self.isLinux(): return 'linux'; reporter.error('getGuestOs does not what to return!'); raise Exception(); def getGuestOsDotArch(self): """ Same as util.getHostOsDotArch. """ return self.getGuestOs() + '.' + self.getGuestArch(); def getGuestExeSuff(self): """ The executable image suffix for the guest. """ if self.isWindows() or self.isOS2(): return '.exe'; return ''; def isWindows(self): """ Checks if it's a Windows VM. """ return self.sGuestOsType == g_ksGuestOsTypeWindows; def isOS2(self): """ Checks if it's an OS/2 VM. """ return self.sGuestOsType == g_ksGuestOsTypeOS2; def isLinux(self): """ Checks if it's an Linux VM. """ return self.sGuestOsType == g_ksGuestOsTypeLinux; def is64bit(self): """ Checks if it's a 64-bit VM. """ return self.sKind.find('_64') >= 0; def is64bitRequired(self): """ Check if 64-bit is required or not. """ return (self.aInfo[g_iFlags] & g_k64) != 0; def isLoggedOntoDesktop(self): """ Checks if the test VM is logging onto a graphical desktop by default. """ if self.isWindows(): return True; if self.isOS2(): return True; if self.sVmName.find('-desktop'): return True; return False; def isViaIncompatible(self): """ Identifies VMs that doesn't work on VIA. Returns True if NOT supported on VIA, False if it IS supported. """ # Oracle linux doesn't like VIA in our experience if self.aInfo[g_iKind] in ['Oracle', 'Oracle_64']: return True; # OS/2: "The system detected an internal processing error at location # 0168:fff1da1f - 000e:ca1f. 0a8606fd if self.isOS2(): return True; # Windows NT4 before SP4 won't work because of cmpxchg8b not being # detected, leading to a STOP 3e(80,0,0,0). if self.aInfo[g_iKind] == 'WindowsNT4': if self.sVmName.find('sp') < 0: return True; # no service pack. if self.sVmName.find('sp0') >= 0 \ or self.sVmName.find('sp1') >= 0 \ or self.sVmName.find('sp2') >= 0 \ or self.sVmName.find('sp3') >= 0: return True; # XP x64 on a physical VIA box hangs exactly like a VM. if self.aInfo[g_iKind] in ['WindowsXP_64', 'Windows2003_64']: return True; # Vista 64 throws BSOD 0x5D (UNSUPPORTED_PROCESSOR) if self.aInfo[g_iKind] in ['WindowsVista_64']: return True; # Solaris 11 hangs on VIA, tested on a physical box (testboxvqc) if self.aInfo[g_iKind] in ['Solaris11_64']: return True; return False; def isShanghaiIncompatible(self): """ Identifies VMs that doesn't work on Shanghai. Returns True if NOT supported on Shanghai, False if it IS supported. """ # For now treat it just like VIA, to be adjusted later return self.isViaIncompatible() def isP4Incompatible(self): """ Identifies VMs that doesn't work on Pentium 4 / Pentium D. Returns True if NOT supported on P4, False if it IS supported. """ # Stupid 1 kHz timer. Too much for antique CPUs. if self.sVmName.find('rhel5') >= 0: return True; # Due to the boot animation the VM takes forever to boot. if self.aInfo[g_iKind] == 'Windows2000': return True; return False; def isHostCpuAffectedByUbuntuNewAmdBug(self, oTestDrv): """ Checks if the host OS is affected by older ubuntu installers being very picky about which families of AMD CPUs it would run on. The installer checks for family 15, later 16, later 20, and in 11.10 they remove the family check for AMD CPUs. """ if not oTestDrv.isHostCpuAmd(): return False; try: if oTestDrv.fpApiVer >= 7.1: (uMaxExt, _, _, _) = oTestDrv.oVBox.host.x86.getProcessorCPUIDLeaf(0, 0x80000000, 0); (uFamilyModel, _, _, _) = oTestDrv.oVBox.host.x86.getProcessorCPUIDLeaf(0, 0x80000001, 0); else: (uMaxExt, _, _, _) = oTestDrv.oVBox.host.getProcessorCPUIDLeaf(0, 0x80000000, 0); (uFamilyModel, _, _, _) = oTestDrv.oVBox.host.getProcessorCPUIDLeaf(0, 0x80000001, 0); except: reporter.logXcpt(); return False; if uMaxExt < 0x80000001 or uMaxExt > 0x8000ffff: return False; uFamily = (uFamilyModel >> 8) & 0xf if uFamily == 0xf: uFamily = ((uFamilyModel >> 20) & 0x7f) + 0xf; ## @todo Break this down into which old ubuntu release supports exactly ## which AMD family, if we care. if uFamily <= 15: return False; reporter.log('Skipping "%s" because host CPU is a family %u AMD, which may cause trouble for the guest OS installer.' % (self.sVmName, uFamily,)); return True; def getTestUser(self): """ Gets the primary test user name. """ if self.isWindows(): return 'Administrator'; return 'vbox'; def getTestUserPassword(self, sUser = None): """ Gets the password for the primary user (or other specified one). """ if sUser == 'test': return ''; if sUser == 'vboxuser': # Default unattended installation user and password. return 'changeme'; return 'password'; def getCom1RawFile(self, oVM): """ Gets the name of the COM1 raw file. Returns string, None on failure or if not active. Note! Do not access __sCom1RawFile directly as it will not be set unless the 'config' action was executed in the same run. """ if self.fCom1RawFile: # Retrieve it from the IMachine object and cache the result if needed: if self.__sCom1RawFile is None: try: oPort = oVM.machine.getSerialPort(0); except: reporter.errorXcpt('failed to get serial port #0'); else: try: self.__sCom1RawFile = oPort.path; except: reporter.errorXcpt('failed to get the "path" property on serial port #0'); return self.__sCom1RawFile; reporter.error('getCom1RawFile called when fCom1RawFile is False'); return None; def getIGuestOSType(self, oVBoxWrapped): """ Gets the IGuestOSType object corresponding to self.sKind. Returns object on success, None on failure (logged as error). """ try: return oVBoxWrapped.o.getGuestOSType(self.sKind); except: reporter.errorXcpt('sVmName=%s sKind=%s' % (self.sVmName, self.sKind,)); return None; def getRecommendedHddSize(self, oVBoxWrapped): """ Gets the recommended HDD size from the IGuestOSType matching self.sKind. Returns size in bytes on success, -1 on failure. """ if self.__cbHdd < 0: oGuestOSType = self.getIGuestOSType(oVBoxWrapped); if oGuestOSType: try: self.__cbHdd = oGuestOSType.recommendedHDD; except: reporter.errorXcpt(); return -1; return self.__cbHdd; def getHddAddress(self, oVM, oVBoxWrapped): """ Gets the HDD attachment address. Returns (sController, iPort, iDevice) on success; (None, None, None) on failure. Note! Do not access the cached value directly! """ # Cached already? if self.__tHddCtrlPortDev[0] is not None: return self.__tHddCtrlPortDev; # First look for HDs attached to the VM: try: aoAttachments = oVBoxWrapped.oVBoxMgr.getArray(oVM, 'mediumAttachments') except: reporter.errorXcpt(); else: for oAtt in aoAttachments: try: sCtrl = oAtt.controller iPort = oAtt.port; iDev = oAtt.device; eType = oAtt.type; except: reporter.errorXcpt(); return self.__tHddCtrlPortDev; if eType == vboxcon.DeviceType_HardDisk: self.__tHddCtrlPortDev = (sCtrl, iPort, iDev); reporter.log2('getHddAddress: %s, %s, %s' % self.__tHddCtrlPortDev); return self.__tHddCtrlPortDev; # Then consult IGuestOSType: oGuestOSType = self.getIGuestOSType(oVBoxWrapped); if oGuestOSType: try: eCtrl = oGuestOSType.recommendedHDStorageController; eBus = oGuestOSType.recommendedHDStorageBus; except: reporter.errorXcpt(); else: # ASSUMES port 0, device 0. self.__tHddCtrlPortDev = (self._storageCtrlAndBusToName(oVBoxWrapped.oVBoxMgr, oVM, eCtrl, eBus), 0, 0); reporter.log2('getHddAddress: %s, %s, %s [IGuestOSType]' % self.__tHddCtrlPortDev); return self.__tHddCtrlPortDev; def getDvdAddress(self, oVM, oVBoxWrapped): """ Gets the DVD attachment address. Returns (sController, iPort, iDevice) on success; (None, None, None) on failure. Note! Do not access the cached value directly! """ # Cached already? if self.__tDvdCtrlPortDev[0] is not None: return self.__tDvdCtrlPortDev; # First look for DVD attached to the VM: try: aoAttachments = oVBoxWrapped.oVBoxMgr.getArray(oVM, 'mediumAttachments') except: reporter.errorXcpt(); else: for oAtt in aoAttachments: try: sCtrl = oAtt.controller iPort = oAtt.port; iDev = oAtt.device; eType = oAtt.type; except: reporter.errorXcpt(); return self.__tDvdCtrlPortDev; if eType == vboxcon.DeviceType_DVD: self.__tDvdCtrlPortDev = (sCtrl, iPort, iDev); reporter.log2('getDvdAddress: %s, %s, %s' % self.__tDvdCtrlPortDev); return self.__tDvdCtrlPortDev; # Then consult IGuestOSType: oGuestOSType = self.getIGuestOSType(oVBoxWrapped); if oGuestOSType: try: eCtrl = oGuestOSType.recommendedDVDStorageController; eBus = oGuestOSType.recommendedDVDStorageBus; except: reporter.errorXcpt(); else: # ASSUMES port 1, device 0. self.__tDvdCtrlPortDev = (self._storageCtrlAndBusToName(oVBoxWrapped.oVBoxMgr, oVM, eCtrl, eBus), 1, 0); reporter.log2('getDvdAddress: %s, %s, %s [IGuestOSType]' % self.__tDvdCtrlPortDev); return self.__tDvdCtrlPortDev; def recreateRecommendedHdd(self, oVM, oTestDrv, sHddPath = None): """ Detaches and delete any current hard disk and then ensures that a new one with the recommended size is created and attached to the recommended controller/port/device. Returns True/False (errors logged). """ # Generate a name if none was given: if not sHddPath: try: sHddPath = oVM.settingsFilePath; except: return reporter.errorXcpt(); sHddPath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sHddPath), '%s-%s.vdi' % (self.sVmName, uuid.uuid4(),)); fRc = False; # Get the hard disk specs first: cbHdd = self.getRecommendedHddSize(oTestDrv.oVBox); tHddAddress = self.getHddAddress(oVM, oTestDrv.oVBox); assert len(tHddAddress) == 3; if tHddAddress[0] and cbHdd > 0: # Open an session so we can make changes: oSession = oTestDrv.openSession(oVM); if oSession is not None: # Detach the old disk (this will succeed with oOldHd set to None the first time around). (fRc, oOldHd) = oSession.detachHd(tHddAddress[0], tHddAddress[1], tHddAddress[2]); if fRc: # Create a new disk and attach it. fRc = oSession.createAndAttachHd(sHddPath, cb = cbHdd, sController = tHddAddress[0], iPort = tHddAddress[1], iDevice = tHddAddress[2], fImmutable = False); if fRc: # Save the changes. fRc = oSession.saveSettings(); # Delete the old HD: if fRc and oOldHd is not None: fRc = fRc and oTestDrv.oVBox.deleteHdByMedium(oOldHd); fRc = fRc and oSession.saveSettings(); # Necessary for media reg?? else: oSession.discardSettings(); fRc = oSession.close() and fRc; return fRc; def pathJoin(self, sBase, *asAppend): """ See common.pathutils.joinEx(). """ return pathutils.joinEx(self.isWindows() or self.isOS2(), sBase, *asAppend); def pathSep(self): """ Returns the preferred paths separator for the guest OS. """ return '\\' if self.isWindows() or self.isOS2() else '/'; ## @todo Inherit from BaseTestVm class TestVm(object): """ A Test VM - name + VDI/whatever. This is just a data object. """ def __init__(self, # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments sVmName, # type: str fGrouping = 0, # type: int oSet = None, # type: TestVmSet sHd = None, # type: str sKind = None, # type: str acCpusSup = None, # type: List[int] asVirtModesSup = None, # type: List[str] fIoApic = None, # type: bool fNstHwVirt = False, # type: bool fPae = None, # type: bool sNic0AttachType = None, # type: str sFloppy = None, # type: str fVmmDevTestingPart = None, # type: bool fVmmDevTestingMmio = False, # type: bool asParavirtModesSup = None, # type: List[str] fRandomPvPMode = False, # type: bool sFirmwareType = 'bios', # type: str sChipsetType = 'piix3', # type: str sIommuType = 'none', # type: str sHddControllerType = 'IDE Controller', # type: str sDvdControllerType = 'IDE Controller', # type: str sGraphicsControllerType = None, # type: str fSecureBoot = False, # type: bool sUefiMokPathPrefix = None # type: str ): self.oSet = oSet; self.sVmName = sVmName; self.fGrouping = fGrouping; self.sHd = sHd; # Relative to the testrsrc root. self.acCpusSup = acCpusSup; self.asVirtModesSup = asVirtModesSup; self.asParavirtModesSup = asParavirtModesSup; self.asParavirtModesSupOrg = asParavirtModesSup; # HACK ALERT! Trick to make the 'effing random mess not get in the # way of actively selecting virtualization modes. self.sKind = sKind; self.sGuestOsType = None; self.sDvdImage = None; # Relative to the testrsrc root. self.sDvdControllerType = sDvdControllerType; self.sGraphicsControllerType = sGraphicsControllerType; self.fIoApic = fIoApic; self.fNstHwVirt = fNstHwVirt; self.fPae = fPae; self.sNic0AttachType = sNic0AttachType; self.sHddControllerType = sHddControllerType; self.sFloppy = sFloppy; # Relative to the testrsrc root, except when it isn't... self.fVmmDevTestingPart = fVmmDevTestingPart; self.fVmmDevTestingMmio = fVmmDevTestingMmio; self.sFirmwareType = sFirmwareType; self.sChipsetType = sChipsetType; self.sIommuType = sIommuType; self.fCom1RawFile = False; self.fSecureBoot = fSecureBoot; self.sUefiMokPathPrefix = sUefiMokPathPrefix; self.fSnapshotRestoreCurrent = False; # Whether to restore execution on the current snapshot. self.fSkip = False; # All VMs are included in the configured set by default. self.aInfo = None; self.sCom1RawFile = None; # Set by createVmInner and getReconfiguredVm if fCom1RawFile is set. self._guessStuff(fRandomPvPMode); def _mkCanonicalGuestOSType(self, sType): """ Convert guest OS type into constant representation. Raise exception if specified @param sType is unknown. """ if sType.lower().startswith('darwin'): return g_ksGuestOsTypeDarwin if sType.lower().startswith('bsd'): return g_ksGuestOsTypeFreeBSD if sType.lower().startswith('dos'): return g_ksGuestOsTypeDOS if sType.lower().startswith('linux'): return g_ksGuestOsTypeLinux if sType.lower().startswith('os2'): return g_ksGuestOsTypeOS2 if sType.lower().startswith('solaris'): return g_ksGuestOsTypeSolaris if sType.lower().startswith('windows'): return g_ksGuestOsTypeWindows raise base.GenError(sWhat="unknown guest OS kind: %s" % str(sType)) def _guessStuff(self, fRandomPvPMode): """ Used by the constructor to guess stuff. """ sNm = self.sVmName.lower().strip(); asSplit = sNm.replace('-', ' ').split(' '); if self.sKind is None: # From name. for aInfo in g_aaNameToDetails: if _intersects(asSplit, aInfo[g_iRegEx]): self.aInfo = aInfo; self.sGuestOsType = self._mkCanonicalGuestOSType(aInfo[g_iGuestOsType]) self.sKind = aInfo[g_iKind]; break; if self.sKind is None: reporter.fatal('The OS of test VM "%s" cannot be guessed' % (self.sVmName,)); # Check for 64-bit, if required and supported. if (self.aInfo[g_iFlags] & g_kiArchMask) == g_k32_64 and _intersects(asSplit, ['64', 'amd64']): self.sKind = self.sKind + '_64'; else: # Lookup the kind. for aInfo in g_aaNameToDetails: if self.sKind == aInfo[g_iKind]: self.aInfo = aInfo; break; if self.aInfo is None: reporter.fatal('The OS of test VM "%s" with sKind="%s" cannot be guessed' % (self.sVmName, self.sKind)); # Translate sKind into sGuest OS Type. if self.sGuestOsType is None: if self.aInfo is not None: self.sGuestOsType = self._mkCanonicalGuestOSType(self.aInfo[g_iGuestOsType]) elif self.sKind.find("Windows") >= 0: self.sGuestOsType = g_ksGuestOsTypeWindows elif self.sKind.find("Linux") >= 0: self.sGuestOsType = g_ksGuestOsTypeLinux; elif self.sKind.find("Solaris") >= 0: self.sGuestOsType = g_ksGuestOsTypeSolaris; elif self.sKind.find("DOS") >= 0: self.sGuestOsType = g_ksGuestOsTypeDOS; else: reporter.fatal('The OS of test VM "%s", sKind="%s" cannot be guessed' % (self.sVmName, self.sKind)); # Restrict modes and such depending on the OS. if self.asVirtModesSup is None: self.asVirtModesSup = list(g_asVirtModes); if self.sGuestOsType in (g_ksGuestOsTypeOS2, g_ksGuestOsTypeDarwin) \ or self.sKind.find('_64') > 0 \ or (self.aInfo is not None and (self.aInfo[g_iFlags] & g_kiNoRaw)): self.asVirtModesSup = [sVirtMode for sVirtMode in self.asVirtModesSup if sVirtMode != 'raw']; # TEMPORARY HACK - START sHostName = os.environ.get("COMPUTERNAME", None); if sHostName: sHostName = sHostName.lower(); else: sHostName = socket.getfqdn(); # Horribly slow on windows without IPv6 DNS/whatever. if sHostName.startswith('testboxpile1'): self.asVirtModesSup = [sVirtMode for sVirtMode in self.asVirtModesSup if sVirtMode != 'raw']; # TEMPORARY HACK - END # Restrict the CPU count depending on the OS and/or percieved SMP readiness. if self.acCpusSup is None: if _intersects(asSplit, ['uni']): self.acCpusSup = [1]; elif self.aInfo is not None: self.acCpusSup = list(range(self.aInfo[g_iMinCpu], self.aInfo[g_iMaxCpu] + 1)); else: self.acCpusSup = [1]; # Figure relevant PV modes based on the OS. if self.asParavirtModesSup is None: self.asParavirtModesSup = g_kdaParavirtProvidersSupported[self.sGuestOsType]; ## @todo Remove this hack as soon as we've got around to explictly configure test variations ## on the server side. Client side random is interesting but not the best option. self.asParavirtModesSupOrg = self.asParavirtModesSup; if fRandomPvPMode: random.seed(); self.asParavirtModesSup = (random.choice(self.asParavirtModesSup),); return True; def getNonCanonicalGuestOsType(self): """ Gets the non-canonical OS type (self.sGuestOsType is canonical). """ return self.aInfo[g_iGuestOsType]; def getMissingResources(self, sTestRsrc): """ Returns a list of missing resources (paths, stuff) that the VM needs. """ asRet = []; for sPath in [ self.sHd, self.sDvdImage, self.sFloppy]: if sPath is not None: if not os.path.isabs(sPath): sPath = os.path.join(sTestRsrc, sPath); if not os.path.exists(sPath): asRet.append(sPath); return asRet; def skipCreatingVm(self, oTestDrv): """ Called before VM creation to determine whether the VM should be skipped due to host incompatibility or something along those lines. returns True if it should be skipped, False if not. """ if self.fNstHwVirt and not oTestDrv.hasHostNestedHwVirt(): reporter.log('Ignoring VM %s (Nested hardware-virtualization not support on this host).' % (self.sVmName,)); return True; return False; def createVm(self, oTestDrv, eNic0AttachType = None, sDvdImage = None): """ Creates the VM with defaults and the few tweaks as per the arguments. Returns same as vbox.TestDriver.createTestVM. """ if sDvdImage is not None: sMyDvdImage = sDvdImage; else: sMyDvdImage = self.sDvdImage; if eNic0AttachType is not None: eMyNic0AttachType = eNic0AttachType; elif self.sNic0AttachType is None: eMyNic0AttachType = None; elif self.sNic0AttachType == 'nat': eMyNic0AttachType = vboxcon.NetworkAttachmentType_NAT; elif self.sNic0AttachType == 'bridged': eMyNic0AttachType = vboxcon.NetworkAttachmentType_Bridged; else: assert False, self.sNic0AttachType; return self.createVmInner(oTestDrv, eMyNic0AttachType, sMyDvdImage); def _generateRawPortFilename(self, oTestDrv, sInfix, sSuffix): """ Generates a raw port filename. """ random.seed(); sRandom = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits) for _ in range(10)); return os.path.join(oTestDrv.sScratchPath, self.sVmName + sInfix + sRandom + sSuffix); def createVmInner(self, oTestDrv, eNic0AttachType, sDvdImage): """ Same as createVm but parameters resolved. Returns same as vbox.TestDriver.createTestVM. """ reporter.log2(''); reporter.log2('Calling createTestVM on %s...' % (self.sVmName,)) if self.fCom1RawFile: self.sCom1RawFile = self._generateRawPortFilename(oTestDrv, '-com1-', '.out'); return oTestDrv.createTestVM(self.sVmName, 1, # iGroup sHd = self.sHd, sKind = self.sKind, fIoApic = self.fIoApic, fNstHwVirt = self.fNstHwVirt, fPae = self.fPae, eNic0AttachType = eNic0AttachType, sDvdImage = sDvdImage, sDvdControllerType = self.sDvdControllerType, sHddControllerType = self.sHddControllerType, sFloppy = self.sFloppy, fVmmDevTestingPart = self.fVmmDevTestingPart, fVmmDevTestingMmio = self.fVmmDevTestingMmio, sFirmwareType = self.sFirmwareType, sChipsetType = self.sChipsetType, sIommuType = self.sIommuType, sCom1RawFile = self.sCom1RawFile if self.fCom1RawFile else None, fSecureBoot = self.fSecureBoot, sUefiMokPathPrefix = self.sUefiMokPathPrefix, sGraphicsControllerType = self.sGraphicsControllerType ); def getReconfiguredVm(self, oTestDrv, cCpus, sVirtMode, sParavirtMode = None): """ actionExecute worker that finds and reconfigure a test VM. Returns (fRc, oVM) where fRc is True, None or False and oVM is a VBox VM object that is only present when rc is True. """ fRc = False; oVM = oTestDrv.getVmByName(self.sVmName); if oVM is not None: if self.fSnapshotRestoreCurrent is True: fRc = True; else: fHostSupports64bit = oTestDrv.hasHostLongMode(); if self.is64bitRequired() and not fHostSupports64bit: fRc = None; # Skip the test. elif self.isViaIncompatible() and oTestDrv.isHostCpuVia(): fRc = None; # Skip the test. elif self.isShanghaiIncompatible() and oTestDrv.isHostCpuShanghai(): fRc = None; # Skip the test. elif self.isP4Incompatible() and oTestDrv.isHostCpuP4(): fRc = None; # Skip the test. else: oSession = oTestDrv.openSession(oVM); if oSession is not None: fRc = oSession.enableVirtExX86(sVirtMode != 'raw'); fRc = fRc and oSession.enableNestedPagingX86(sVirtMode == 'hwvirt-np'); fRc = fRc and oSession.setCpuCount(cCpus); if cCpus > 1: fRc = fRc and oSession.enableIoApic(True); if sParavirtMode is not None and oSession.fpApiVer >= 5.0: adParavirtProviders = { g_ksParavirtProviderNone : vboxcon.ParavirtProvider_None, g_ksParavirtProviderDefault: vboxcon.ParavirtProvider_Default, g_ksParavirtProviderLegacy : vboxcon.ParavirtProvider_Legacy, g_ksParavirtProviderMinimal: vboxcon.ParavirtProvider_Minimal, g_ksParavirtProviderHyperV : vboxcon.ParavirtProvider_HyperV, g_ksParavirtProviderKVM : vboxcon.ParavirtProvider_KVM, }; fRc = fRc and oSession.setParavirtProvider(adParavirtProviders[sParavirtMode]); fCfg64Bit = self.is64bitRequired() or (self.is64bit() and fHostSupports64bit and sVirtMode != 'raw'); fRc = fRc and oSession.enableLongModeX86(fCfg64Bit); if fCfg64Bit: # This is to avoid GUI pedantic warnings in the GUI. Sigh. oOsType = oSession.getOsType(); if oOsType is not None: if oOsType.is64Bit and sVirtMode == 'raw': assert(oOsType.id[-3:] == '_64'); fRc = fRc and oSession.setOsType(oOsType.id[:-3]); elif not oOsType.is64Bit and sVirtMode != 'raw': fRc = fRc and oSession.setOsType(oOsType.id + '_64'); # New serial raw file. if fRc and self.fCom1RawFile: self.sCom1RawFile = self._generateRawPortFilename(oTestDrv, '-com1-', '.out'); utils.noxcptDeleteFile(self.sCom1RawFile); fRc = oSession.setupSerialToRawFile(0, self.sCom1RawFile); # Make life simpler for child classes. if fRc: fRc = self._childVmReconfig(oTestDrv, oVM, oSession); fRc = fRc and oSession.saveSettings(); if not oSession.close(): fRc = False; if fRc is True: return (True, oVM); return (fRc, None); def _childVmReconfig(self, oTestDrv, oVM, oSession): """ Hook into getReconfiguredVm() for children. """ _ = oTestDrv; _ = oVM; _ = oSession; return True; def getGuestArch(self): """ Same as util.getHostArch. """ if self.sKind.find('_arm64') >= 0: return 'arm64'; if self.sKind.find('_arm32') >= 0: return 'arm32'; if self.sKind.find('_64') >= 0: return 'amd64'; return 'x86'; def getGuestOs(self): """ Same as util.getHostOs. """ if self.isWindows(): return 'win'; if self.isOS2(): return 'os2'; if self.isLinux(): return 'linux'; reporter.error('getGuestOs does not what to return!'); raise Exception(); def getGuestExeSuff(self): """ The executable image suffix for the guest. """ if self.isWindows() or self.isOS2(): return '.exe'; return ''; def getGuestOsDotArch(self): """ Same as util.getHostOsDotArch.""" return self.getGuestOs() + '.' + self.getGuestArch(); def isWindows(self): """ Checks if it's a Windows VM. """ return self.sGuestOsType == g_ksGuestOsTypeWindows; def isOS2(self): """ Checks if it's an OS/2 VM. """ return self.sGuestOsType == g_ksGuestOsTypeOS2; def isLinux(self): """ Checks if it's an Linux VM. """ return self.sGuestOsType == g_ksGuestOsTypeLinux; def is64bit(self): """ Checks if it's a 64-bit VM. """ return self.sKind.find('_64') >= 0; def is64bitRequired(self): """ Check if 64-bit is required or not. """ return (self.aInfo[g_iFlags] & g_k64) != 0; def isLoggedOntoDesktop(self): """ Checks if the test VM is logging onto a graphical desktop by default. """ if self.isWindows(): return True; if self.isOS2(): return True; if self.sVmName.find('-desktop'): return True; return False; def isViaIncompatible(self): """ Identifies VMs that doesn't work on VIA. Returns True if NOT supported on VIA, False if it IS supported. """ # Oracle linux doesn't like VIA in our experience if self.aInfo[g_iKind] in ['Oracle', 'Oracle_64']: return True; # OS/2: "The system detected an internal processing error at location # 0168:fff1da1f - 000e:ca1f. 0a8606fd if self.isOS2(): return True; # Windows NT4 before SP4 won't work because of cmpxchg8b not being # detected, leading to a STOP 3e(80,0,0,0). if self.aInfo[g_iKind] == 'WindowsNT4': if self.sVmName.find('sp') < 0: return True; # no service pack. if self.sVmName.find('sp0') >= 0 \ or self.sVmName.find('sp1') >= 0 \ or self.sVmName.find('sp2') >= 0 \ or self.sVmName.find('sp3') >= 0: return True; # XP x64 on a physical VIA box hangs exactly like a VM. if self.aInfo[g_iKind] in ['WindowsXP_64', 'Windows2003_64']: return True; # Vista 64 throws BSOD 0x5D (UNSUPPORTED_PROCESSOR) if self.aInfo[g_iKind] in ['WindowsVista_64']: return True; # Solaris 11 hangs on VIA, tested on a physical box (testboxvqc) if self.aInfo[g_iKind] in ['Solaris11_64']: return True; return False; def isShanghaiIncompatible(self): """ Identifies VMs that doesn't work on Shanghai. Returns True if NOT supported on Shanghai, False if it IS supported. """ # For now treat it just like VIA, to be adjusted later return self.isViaIncompatible() def isP4Incompatible(self): """ Identifies VMs that doesn't work on Pentium 4 / Pentium D. Returns True if NOT supported on P4, False if it IS supported. """ # Stupid 1 kHz timer. Too much for antique CPUs. if self.sVmName.find('rhel5') >= 0: return True; # Due to the boot animation the VM takes forever to boot. if self.aInfo[g_iKind] == 'Windows2000': return True; return False; def isHostCpuAffectedByUbuntuNewAmdBug(self, oTestDrv): """ Checks if the host OS is affected by older ubuntu installers being very picky about which families of AMD CPUs it would run on. The installer checks for family 15, later 16, later 20, and in 11.10 they remove the family check for AMD CPUs. """ if not oTestDrv.isHostCpuAmd(): return False; try: if oTestDrv.fpApiVer >= 7.1: (uMaxExt, _, _, _) = oTestDrv.oVBox.host.x86.getProcessorCPUIDLeaf(0, 0x80000000, 0); (uFamilyModel, _, _, _) = oTestDrv.oVBox.host.x86.getProcessorCPUIDLeaf(0, 0x80000001, 0); else: (uMaxExt, _, _, _) = oTestDrv.oVBox.host.getProcessorCPUIDLeaf(0, 0x80000000, 0); (uFamilyModel, _, _, _) = oTestDrv.oVBox.host.getProcessorCPUIDLeaf(0, 0x80000001, 0); except: reporter.logXcpt(); return False; if uMaxExt < 0x80000001 or uMaxExt > 0x8000ffff: return False; uFamily = (uFamilyModel >> 8) & 0xf if uFamily == 0xf: uFamily = ((uFamilyModel >> 20) & 0x7f) + 0xf; ## @todo Break this down into which old ubuntu release supports exactly ## which AMD family, if we care. if uFamily <= 15: return False; reporter.log('Skipping "%s" because host CPU is a family %u AMD, which may cause trouble for the guest OS installer.' % (self.sVmName, uFamily,)); return True; def getTestUser(self): """ Gets the primary test user name. """ if self.isWindows(): return 'Administrator'; return 'vbox'; def getTestUserPassword(self, sUser = None): """ Gets the password for the primary user (or other specified one). """ if sUser == 'test': return ''; if sUser == 'vboxuser': # Default unattended installation user and password. return 'changeme'; return 'password'; def pathJoin(self, sBase, *asAppend): """ See common.pathutils.joinEx(). """ return pathutils.joinEx(self.isWindows() or self.isOS2(), sBase, *asAppend); def pathSep(self): """ Returns the preferred paths separator for the guest OS. """ return '\\' if self.isWindows() or self.isOS2() else '/'; class BootSectorTestVm(TestVm): """ A Boot Sector Test VM. """ def __init__(self, oSet, sVmName, sFloppy = None, asVirtModesSup = None, f64BitRequired = False): self.f64BitRequired = f64BitRequired; if asVirtModesSup is None: asVirtModesSup = list(g_asVirtModes); TestVm.__init__(self, sVmName, oSet = oSet, acCpusSup = [1,], sFloppy = sFloppy, asVirtModesSup = asVirtModesSup, fPae = True, fIoApic = True, fVmmDevTestingPart = True, fVmmDevTestingMmio = True, ); def is64bitRequired(self): return self.f64BitRequired; class AncientTestVm(TestVm): """ A ancient Test VM, using the serial port for communicating results. We're looking for 'PASSED' and 'FAILED' lines in the COM1 output. """ def __init__(self, # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments sVmName, # type: str fGrouping = g_kfGrpAncient | g_kfGrpNoTxs, # type: int sHd = None, # type: str sKind = None, # type: str acCpusSup = None, # type: List[int] asVirtModesSup = None, # type: List[str] sNic0AttachType = None, # type: str sFloppy = None, # type: str sFirmwareType = 'bios', # type: str sChipsetType = 'piix3', # type: str sHddControllerName = 'IDE Controller', # type: str sDvdControllerName = 'IDE Controller', # type: str cMBRamMax = None, # type: int sGraphicsControllerType = None # type: str ): TestVm.__init__(self, sVmName, fGrouping = fGrouping, sHd = sHd, sKind = sKind, acCpusSup = [1] if acCpusSup is None else acCpusSup, asVirtModesSup = asVirtModesSup, sNic0AttachType = sNic0AttachType, sFloppy = sFloppy, sFirmwareType = sFirmwareType, sChipsetType = sChipsetType, sHddControllerType = sHddControllerName, sDvdControllerType = sDvdControllerName, asParavirtModesSup = (g_ksParavirtProviderNone,), sGraphicsControllerType = sGraphicsControllerType ); self.fCom1RawFile = True; self.cMBRamMax= cMBRamMax; def _childVmReconfig(self, oTestDrv, oVM, oSession): _ = oVM; _ = oTestDrv; fRc = True; # DOS 4.01 doesn't like the default 32MB of memory. if fRc and self.cMBRamMax is not None: try: cMBRam = oSession.o.machine.memorySize; except: cMBRam = self.cMBRamMax + 4; if self.cMBRamMax < cMBRam: fRc = oSession.setRamSize(self.cMBRamMax); return fRc; class TestVmSet(object): """ A set of Test VMs. """ def __init__(self, oTestVmManager = None, acCpus = None, asVirtModes = None, fIgnoreSkippedVm = False): self.oTestVmManager = oTestVmManager; if acCpus is None: acCpus = [1, 2]; self.acCpusDef = acCpus; self.acCpus = acCpus; if asVirtModes is None: asVirtModes = list(g_asVirtModes); self.asVirtModesDef = asVirtModes; self.asVirtModes = asVirtModes; self.aoTestVms = [] # type: list(BaseTestVm) self.fIgnoreSkippedVm = fIgnoreSkippedVm; self.asParavirtModes = None; ##< If None, use the first PV mode of the test VM, otherwise all modes in this list. def findTestVmByName(self, sVmName): """ Returns the TestVm object with the given name. Returns None if not found. """ # The 'tst-' prefix is optional. sAltName = sVmName if sVmName.startswith('tst-') else 'tst-' + sVmName; for oTestVm in self.aoTestVms: if oTestVm.sVmName in (sVmName, sAltName): return oTestVm; return None; def getAllVmNames(self, sSep = ':'): """ Returns names of all the test VMs in the set separated by sSep (defaults to ':'). """ sVmNames = ''; for oTestVm in self.aoTestVms: sName = oTestVm.sVmName; if sName.startswith('tst-'): sName = sName[4:]; if sVmNames == '': sVmNames = sName; else: sVmNames = sVmNames + sSep + sName; return sVmNames; def showUsage(self): """ Invoked by vbox.TestDriver. """ reporter.log(''); reporter.log('Test VM selection and general config options:'); reporter.log(' --virt-modes '); reporter.log(' Default: %s' % (':'.join(self.asVirtModesDef))); reporter.log(' --skip-virt-modes '); reporter.log(' Use this to avoid hwvirt or hwvirt-np when not supported by the host'); reporter.log(' since we cannot detect it using the main API. Use after --virt-modes.'); reporter.log(' --cpu-counts '); reporter.log(' Default: %s' % (':'.join(str(c) for c in self.acCpusDef))); reporter.log(' --test-vms '); reporter.log(' Test the specified VMs in the given order. Use this to change'); reporter.log(' the execution order or limit the choice of VMs'); reporter.log(' Default: %s (all)' % (self.getAllVmNames(),)); reporter.log(' --skip-vms '); reporter.log(' Skip the specified VMs when testing.'); reporter.log(' --skip-win-vms'); reporter.log(' Skips Windows test VMs (accumulative).'); reporter.log(' --skip-non-win-vms'); reporter.log(' Skips non-Windows test VMs (accumulative).'); reporter.log(' --snapshot-restore-current'); reporter.log(' Restores the current snapshot and resumes execution.'); reporter.log(' --paravirt-modes '); reporter.log(' Set of paravirtualized providers (modes) to tests. Intersected with what the test VM supports.'); reporter.log(' Default is the first PV mode the test VMs support, generally same as "legacy".'); reporter.log(' --with-x86-nested-hwvirt-only'); reporter.log(' Test VMs using nested hardware-virtualization only.'); reporter.log(' --without-x86-nested-hwvirt-only'); reporter.log(' Test VMs not using nested hardware-virtualization only.'); reporter.log(' --platform-arch '); reporter.log(' Specifies the test VM platform architecture to use.'); reporter.log(' Default: x86'); ## @todo Add more options for controlling individual VMs. return True; def parseOption(self, asArgs, iArg): """ Parses the set test vm set options (--test-vms and --skip-vms), modifying the set Invoked by the testdriver method with the same name. Keyword arguments: asArgs -- The argument vector. iArg -- The index of the current argument. Returns iArg if the option was not recognized and the caller should handle it. Returns the index of the next argument when something is consumed. In the event of a syntax error, a InvalidOption or QuietInvalidOption is thrown. """ if asArgs[iArg] == '--virt-modes': iArg += 1; if iArg >= len(asArgs): raise base.InvalidOption('The "--virt-modes" takes a colon separated list of modes'); self.asVirtModes = asArgs[iArg].split(':'); for s in self.asVirtModes: if s not in self.asVirtModesDef: raise base.InvalidOption('The "--virt-modes" value "%s" is not valid; valid values are: %s' \ % (s, ' '.join(self.asVirtModesDef))); elif asArgs[iArg] == '--skip-virt-modes': iArg += 1; if iArg >= len(asArgs): raise base.InvalidOption('The "--skip-virt-modes" takes a colon separated list of modes'); for s in asArgs[iArg].split(':'): if s not in self.asVirtModesDef: raise base.InvalidOption('The "--virt-modes" value "%s" is not valid; valid values are: %s' \ % (s, ' '.join(self.asVirtModesDef))); if s in self.asVirtModes: self.asVirtModes.remove(s); elif asArgs[iArg] == '--cpu-counts': iArg += 1; if iArg >= len(asArgs): raise base.InvalidOption('The "--cpu-counts" takes a colon separated list of cpu counts'); self.acCpus = []; for s in asArgs[iArg].split(':'): try: c = int(s); except: raise base.InvalidOption('The "--cpu-counts" value "%s" is not an integer' % (s,)); if c <= 0: raise base.InvalidOption('The "--cpu-counts" value "%s" is zero or negative' % (s,)); self.acCpus.append(c); elif asArgs[iArg] == '--test-vms': iArg += 1; if iArg >= len(asArgs): raise base.InvalidOption('The "--test-vms" takes colon separated list'); for oTestVm in self.aoTestVms: oTestVm.fSkip = True; asTestVMs = asArgs[iArg].split(':'); for s in asTestVMs: oTestVm = self.findTestVmByName(s); if oTestVm is None: raise base.InvalidOption('The "--test-vms" value "%s" is not valid; valid values are: %s' \ % (s, self.getAllVmNames(' '))); oTestVm.fSkip = False; elif asArgs[iArg] == '--skip-vms': iArg += 1; if iArg >= len(asArgs): raise base.InvalidOption('The "--skip-vms" takes colon separated list'); asTestVMs = asArgs[iArg].split(':'); for s in asTestVMs: oTestVm = self.findTestVmByName(s); if oTestVm is None: reporter.log('warning: The "--test-vms" value "%s" does not specify any of our test VMs.' % (s,)); else: oTestVm.fSkip = True; elif asArgs[iArg] == '--skip-win-vms': asTestVMs = asArgs[iArg].split(':'); for oTestVm in self.aoTestVms: if oTestVm.isWindows(): oTestVm.fSkip = True; elif asArgs[iArg] == '--skip-non-win-vms': asTestVMs = asArgs[iArg].split(':'); for oTestVm in self.aoTestVms: if not oTestVm.isWindows(): oTestVm.fSkip = True; elif asArgs[iArg] == '--snapshot-restore-current': for oTestVm in self.aoTestVms: if oTestVm.fSkip is False: oTestVm.fSnapshotRestoreCurrent = True; reporter.log('VM "%s" will be restored.' % (oTestVm.sVmName)); elif asArgs[iArg] == '--paravirt-modes': iArg += 1 if iArg >= len(asArgs): raise base.InvalidOption('The "--paravirt-modes" takes a colon separated list of modes'); self.asParavirtModes = asArgs[iArg].split(':') for sPvMode in self.asParavirtModes: if sPvMode not in g_kasParavirtProviders: raise base.InvalidOption('The "--paravirt-modes" value "%s" is not valid; valid values are: %s' % (sPvMode, ', '.join(g_kasParavirtProviders),)); if not self.asParavirtModes: self.asParavirtModes = None; # HACK ALERT! Reset the random paravirt selection for members. for oTestVm in self.aoTestVms: oTestVm.asParavirtModesSup = oTestVm.asParavirtModesSupOrg; # First is kept for backwards compatibility. elif asArgs[iArg] == '--with-nested-hwvirt-only' \ or asArgs[iArg] == '--with-x86-nested-hwvirt-only': for oTestVm in self.aoTestVms: if oTestVm.fNstHwVirt is False: oTestVm.fSkip = True; # First is kept for backwards compatibility. elif asArgs[iArg] == '--without-nested-hwvirt-only' \ or asArgs[iArg] == '--without-x86-nested-hwvirt-only': for oTestVm in self.aoTestVms: if oTestVm.fNstHwVirt is True: oTestVm.fSkip = True; elif asArgs[iArg] == '--platform-arch': iArg += 1; if iArg >= len(asArgs): raise base.InvalidOption('The "--platform-arch" takes a string to specify the platform architecture'); sPlatformArchitecture = asArgs[iArg]; if sPlatformArchitecture not in g_kasPlatformArchitectures: raise base.InvalidOption('The "--platform-arch" value "%s" is not valid; valid values are: %s' % (sPlatformArchitecture, ', '.join(g_kasPlatformArchitectures),)); for oTestVm in self.aoTestVms: oTestVm.sPlatformArchitecture = sPlatformArchitecture; else: return iArg; return iArg + 1; def getResourceSet(self): """ Called vbox.TestDriver.getResourceSet and returns a list of paths of resources. """ asResources = []; for oTestVm in self.aoTestVms: if not oTestVm.fSkip: if isinstance(oTestVm, BaseTestVm): # Temporarily... asResources.extend(oTestVm.getResourceSet()); else: if oTestVm.sHd is not None: asResources.append(oTestVm.sHd); if oTestVm.sDvdImage is not None: asResources.append(oTestVm.sDvdImage); return asResources; def actionConfig(self, oTestDrv, eNic0AttachType = None, sDvdImage = None): """ For base.TestDriver.actionConfig. Configure the VMs with defaults and a few tweaks as per arguments. Returns True if successful. Returns False if not. """ for oTestVm in self.aoTestVms: if oTestVm.fSkip: continue; if oTestVm.skipCreatingVm(oTestDrv): oTestVm.fSkip = True; continue; if oTestVm.fSnapshotRestoreCurrent: # If we want to restore a VM we don't need to create # the machine anymore -- so just add it to the test VM list. oVM = oTestDrv.addTestMachine(oTestVm.sVmName); else: oVM = oTestVm.createVm(oTestDrv, eNic0AttachType, sDvdImage); if oVM is None: return False; return True; def _removeUnsupportedVirtModes(self, oTestDrv): """ Removes unsupported virtualization modes. """ if 'hwvirt' in self.asVirtModes and not oTestDrv.hasHostHwVirt(): reporter.log('Hardware assisted virtualization is not available on the host, skipping it.'); self.asVirtModes.remove('hwvirt'); if 'hwvirt-np' in self.asVirtModes and not oTestDrv.hasHostNestedPaging(): reporter.log('Nested paging not supported by the host, skipping it.'); self.asVirtModes.remove('hwvirt-np'); if 'raw' in self.asVirtModes and not oTestDrv.hasRawModeSupport(): reporter.log('Raw-mode virtualization is not available in this build (or perhaps for this host), skipping it.'); self.asVirtModes.remove('raw'); return True; def actionExecute(self, oTestDrv, fnCallback): # pylint: disable=too-many-locals """ For base.TestDriver.actionExecute. Calls the callback function for each of the VMs and basic configuration variations (virt-mode and cpu count). Returns True if all fnCallback calls returned True, otherwise False. The callback can return True, False or None. The latter is for when the test is skipped. (True is for success, False is for failure.) """ self._removeUnsupportedVirtModes(oTestDrv); cMaxCpus = oTestDrv.getHostCpuCount(); # # The test loop. # fRc = True; for oTestVm in self.aoTestVms: if oTestVm.fSkip and self.fIgnoreSkippedVm: reporter.log2('Ignoring VM %s (fSkip = True).' % (oTestVm.sVmName,)); continue; reporter.testStart(oTestVm.sVmName); if oTestVm.fSkip: reporter.testDone(fSkipped = True); continue; # Intersect the supported modes and the ones being testing. asVirtModesSup = [sMode for sMode in oTestVm.asVirtModesSup if sMode in self.asVirtModes]; # Ditto for CPUs. acCpusSup = [cCpus for cCpus in oTestVm.acCpusSup if cCpus in self.acCpus]; # Ditto for paravirtualization modes, except if not specified we got a less obvious default. if self.asParavirtModes is not None and oTestDrv.fpApiVer >= 5.0: asParavirtModes = [sPvMode for sPvMode in oTestVm.asParavirtModesSup if sPvMode in self.asParavirtModes]; assert None not in asParavirtModes; elif oTestDrv.fpApiVer >= 5.0: asParavirtModes = (oTestVm.asParavirtModesSup[0],); assert asParavirtModes[0] is not None; else: asParavirtModes = (None,); for cCpus in acCpusSup: if cCpus == 1: reporter.testStart('1 cpu'); else: reporter.testStart('%u cpus' % (cCpus)); if cCpus > cMaxCpus: reporter.testDone(fSkipped = True); continue; cTests = 0; for sVirtMode in asVirtModesSup: if sVirtMode == 'raw' and cCpus > 1: continue; reporter.testStart('%s' % ( g_dsVirtModeDescs[sVirtMode], ) ); cStartTests = cTests; for sParavirtMode in asParavirtModes: if sParavirtMode is not None: assert oTestDrv.fpApiVer >= 5.0; reporter.testStart('%s' % ( sParavirtMode, ) ); # Reconfigure the VM. try: (rc2, oVM) = oTestVm.getReconfiguredVm(oTestDrv, cCpus, sVirtMode, sParavirtMode = sParavirtMode); except KeyboardInterrupt: raise; except: reporter.errorXcpt(cFrames = 9); rc2 = False; if rc2 is True: # Do the testing. try: rc2 = fnCallback(oVM, oTestVm); except KeyboardInterrupt: raise; except: reporter.errorXcpt(cFrames = 9); rc2 = False; if rc2 is False: reporter.maybeErr(reporter.testErrorCount() == 0, 'fnCallback failed'); elif rc2 is False: reporter.log('getReconfiguredVm failed'); if rc2 is False: fRc = False; cTests = cTests + (rc2 is not None); if sParavirtMode is not None: reporter.testDone(fSkipped = rc2 is None); reporter.testDone(fSkipped = cTests == cStartTests); reporter.testDone(fSkipped = cTests == 0); _, cErrors = reporter.testDone(); if cErrors > 0: fRc = False; return fRc; def enumerateTestVms(self, fnCallback): """ Enumerates all the 'active' VMs. Returns True if all fnCallback calls returned True. Returns False if any returned False. Returns None immediately if fnCallback returned None. """ fRc = True; for oTestVm in self.aoTestVms: if not oTestVm.fSkip: fRc2 = fnCallback(oTestVm); if fRc2 is None: return fRc2; fRc = fRc and fRc2; return fRc; class TestVmManager(object): """ Test VM manager. """ ## @name VM grouping flags ## @{ kfGrpSmoke = g_kfGrpSmoke; kfGrpStandard = g_kfGrpStandard; kfGrpStdSmoke = g_kfGrpStdSmoke; kfGrpWithGAs = g_kfGrpWithGAs; kfGrpNoTxs = g_kfGrpNoTxs; kfGrpAncient = g_kfGrpAncient; kfGrpExotic = g_kfGrpExotic; ## @} kaTestVMs = ( # Note: The images in the 6.1 folder all have been pre-configured to allow for Guest Additions installation # (come with build essentials, kernel headers). # Linux TestVm('tst-ubuntu-18_04_3-64', kfGrpStdSmoke, sHd = '6.1/ubuntu-18_04_3-amd64-2.vdi', sKind = 'Ubuntu_64', acCpusSup = range(1, 33), fIoApic = True, asParavirtModesSup = [g_ksParavirtProviderKVM,]), # Note: Deprecated; had SELinux + Screensaver (black screen) enabled. #TestVm('tst-ol-8_1-64-efi', kfGrpStdSmoke, sHd = '6.1/efi/ol-8_1-efi-amd64.vdi', # sKind = 'Oracle_64', acCpusSup = range(1, 33), fIoApic = True, sFirmwareType = 'efi', # asParavirtModesSup = [g_ksParavirtProviderKVM,]), TestVm('tst-ol-8_1-64-efi', kfGrpStdSmoke, sHd = '6.1/efi/ol-8_1-efi-amd64-2.vdi', sKind = 'Oracle_64', acCpusSup = range(1, 33), fIoApic = True, sFirmwareType = 'efi', asParavirtModesSup = [g_ksParavirtProviderKVM,]), TestVm('tst-ol-8_1-64-efi-sb', kfGrpStdSmoke, sHd = '6.1/efi/ol-8_1-efi-amd64-2.vdi', sKind = 'Oracle_64', acCpusSup = range(1, 33), fIoApic = True, sFirmwareType = 'efi', asParavirtModesSup = [g_ksParavirtProviderKVM,], fSecureBoot = True, sUefiMokPathPrefix = '7.0/mok/vbox-test-MOK'), TestVm('tst-ol-6u10-32', kfGrpStdSmoke, sHd = '7.1/ol-6u10-x86.vdi', sKind = 'Oracle', acCpusSup = range(1, 33), fIoApic = True, asParavirtModesSup = [g_ksParavirtProviderKVM,]), # Note: Don't use this image for VBoxService / Guest Control-related tests anymore; # The distro has a buggy dbus implementation, which crashes often in some dbus watcher functions when being # invoked by pm_sm_authenticate(). Also, the distro's repositories can't be used either easily anymore due to old # certificates and/or authentication methods. However, newer versions, such as OL6u9 or u10 should work fine. #TestVm('tst-ol-6u2-32', kfGrpStdSmoke, sHd = '6.1/ol-6u2-x86.vdi', # sKind = 'Oracle', acCpusSup = range(1, 33), fIoApic = True, # asParavirtModesSup = [g_ksParavirtProviderKVM,]), TestVm('tst-ubuntu-15_10-64-efi', kfGrpStdSmoke, sHd = '6.1/efi/ubuntu-15_10-efi-amd64-3.vdi', sKind = 'Ubuntu_64', acCpusSup = range(1, 33), fIoApic = True, sFirmwareType = 'efi', asParavirtModesSup = [g_ksParavirtProviderKVM,]), # Note: Temporary disabled. Probably too old distro for Secure Boot experiments, insmod fails to # insert guest modules with ENOPKG (Package not Installed). #TestVm('tst-ubuntu-15_10-64-efi-sb', kfGrpStdSmoke, sHd = '6.1/efi/ubuntu-15_10-efi-amd64-3.vdi', # sKind = 'Ubuntu_64', acCpusSup = range(1, 33), fIoApic = True, sFirmwareType = 'efi', # asParavirtModesSup = [g_ksParavirtProviderKVM,], fSecureBoot = True, # sUefiMokPathPrefix = '7.0/mok/vbox-test-MOK'), # Note: Deprecated / buggy; use the one in the 6.1 folder. #TestVm('tst-ubuntu-15_10-64-efi', kfGrpStdSmoke, sHd = '4.2/efi/ubuntu-15_10-efi-amd64.vdi', # sKind = 'Ubuntu_64', acCpusSup = range(1, 33), fIoApic = True, sFirmwareType = 'efi', # asParavirtModesSup = [g_ksParavirtProviderKVM,]), # Note: Has ancient Guest Additions 3.0.14 installed already. TestVm('tst-rhel5', kfGrpSmoke, sHd = '3.0/tcp/rhel5.vdi', sKind = 'RedHat', acCpusSup = range(1, 33), fIoApic = True, sNic0AttachType = 'nat'), TestVm('tst-arch', kfGrpStandard, sHd = '4.2/usb/tst-arch.vdi', sKind = 'ArchLinux_64', acCpusSup = range(1, 33), fIoApic = True, sNic0AttachType = 'nat'), # disabled 2019-03-08 klaus - fails all over the place and pollutes the test results #TestVm('tst-ubuntu-1804-64', kfGrpStdSmoke, sHd = '4.2/ubuntu-1804/t-ubuntu-1804-64.vdi', # sKind = 'Ubuntu_64', acCpusSup = range(1, 33), fIoApic = True), TestVm('tst-ol76-64', kfGrpStdSmoke, sHd = '4.2/ol76/t-ol76-64.vdi', sKind = 'Oracle_64', acCpusSup = range(1, 33), fIoApic = True), TestVm('tst-ubuntu-20_04-64-amdvi', kfGrpStdSmoke, sHd = '6.1/ubuntu-20_04-64-updated_by_ksenia.vdi', sKind = 'Ubuntu_64', acCpusSup = range(1, 33), fIoApic = True, asParavirtModesSup = [g_ksParavirtProviderKVM,], sNic0AttachType = 'nat', sChipsetType = 'ich9', sIommuType = 'amd'), TestVm('tst-ubuntu-20_04-64-vtd', kfGrpStdSmoke, sHd = '6.1/ubuntu-20_04-64-updated_by_ksenia.vdi', sKind = 'Ubuntu_64', acCpusSup = range(1, 33), fIoApic = True, asParavirtModesSup = [g_ksParavirtProviderKVM,], sNic0AttachType = 'nat', sChipsetType = 'ich9', sIommuType = 'intel'), # Solaris TestVm('tst-sol10', kfGrpSmoke, sHd = '3.0/tcp/solaris10.vdi', sKind = 'Solaris', acCpusSup = range(1, 33), fPae = True, sNic0AttachType = 'bridged'), TestVm('tst-sol10-64', kfGrpSmoke, sHd = '3.0/tcp/solaris10.vdi', sKind = 'Solaris_64', acCpusSup = range(1, 33), sNic0AttachType = 'bridged'), TestVm('tst-sol11u1', kfGrpSmoke, sHd = '4.2/nat/sol11u1/t-sol11u1.vdi', sKind = 'Solaris11_64', acCpusSup = range(1, 33), sNic0AttachType = 'nat', fIoApic = True, sHddControllerType = 'SATA Controller'), #TestVm('tst-sol11u1-ich9', kfGrpSmoke, sHd = '4.2/nat/sol11u1/t-sol11u1.vdi', # sKind = 'Solaris11_64', acCpusSup = range(1, 33), sNic0AttachType = 'nat', fIoApic = True, # sHddControllerType = 'SATA Controller', sChipsetType = 'ich9'), # NT 3.x TestVm('tst-nt310', kfGrpAncient, sHd = '5.2/great-old-ones/t-nt310/t-nt310.vdi', sKind = 'WindowsNT3x', acCpusSup = [1], sHddControllerType = 'BusLogic SCSI Controller', sDvdControllerType = 'BusLogic SCSI Controller'), TestVm('tst-nt350', kfGrpAncient, sHd = '5.2/great-old-ones/t-nt350/t-nt350.vdi', sKind = 'WindowsNT3x', acCpusSup = [1], sHddControllerType = 'BusLogic SCSI Controller', sDvdControllerType = 'BusLogic SCSI Controller'), TestVm('tst-nt351', kfGrpAncient, sHd = '5.2/great-old-ones/t-nt350/t-nt351.vdi', sKind = 'WindowsNT3x', acCpusSup = [1], sHddControllerType = 'BusLogic SCSI Controller', sDvdControllerType = 'BusLogic SCSI Controller'), # NT 4 TestVm('tst-nt4sp1', kfGrpStdSmoke, sHd = '4.2/nat/nt4sp1/t-nt4sp1.vdi', sKind = 'WindowsNT4', acCpusSup = [1], sNic0AttachType = 'nat'), TestVm('tst-nt4sp6', kfGrpStdSmoke, sHd = '4.2/nt4sp6/t-nt4sp6.vdi', sKind = 'WindowsNT4', acCpusSup = range(1, 33)), # W2K TestVm('tst-w2ksp4', kfGrpStdSmoke, sHd = '4.2/win2ksp4/t-win2ksp4.vdi', sKind = 'Windows2000', acCpusSup = range(1, 33)), # XP TestVm('tst-xppro', kfGrpStdSmoke, sHd = '4.2/nat/xppro/t-xppro.vdi', sKind = 'WindowsXP', acCpusSup = range(1, 33), sNic0AttachType = 'nat'), TestVm('tst-xpsp2', kfGrpStdSmoke, sHd = '4.2/xpsp2/t-winxpsp2.vdi', sKind = 'WindowsXP', acCpusSup = range(1, 33), fIoApic = True), TestVm('tst-xpsp2-halaacpi', kfGrpStdSmoke, sHd = '4.2/xpsp2/t-winxp-halaacpi.vdi', sKind = 'WindowsXP', acCpusSup = range(1, 33), fIoApic = True), TestVm('tst-xpsp2-halacpi', kfGrpStdSmoke, sHd = '4.2/xpsp2/t-winxp-halacpi.vdi', sKind = 'WindowsXP', acCpusSup = range(1, 33), fIoApic = True), TestVm('tst-xpsp2-halapic', kfGrpStdSmoke, sHd = '4.2/xpsp2/t-winxp-halapic.vdi', sKind = 'WindowsXP', acCpusSup = range(1, 33), fIoApic = True), TestVm('tst-xpsp2-halmacpi', kfGrpStdSmoke, sHd = '4.2/xpsp2/t-winxp-halmacpi.vdi', sKind = 'WindowsXP', acCpusSup = range(2, 33), fIoApic = True), TestVm('tst-xpsp2-halmps', kfGrpStdSmoke, sHd = '4.2/xpsp2/t-winxp-halmps.vdi', sKind = 'WindowsXP', acCpusSup = range(2, 33), fIoApic = True), # W2K3 TestVm('tst-win2k3ent', kfGrpSmoke, sHd = '3.0/tcp/win2k3ent-acpi.vdi', sKind = 'Windows2003', acCpusSup = range(1, 33), fPae = True, sNic0AttachType = 'bridged'), # W7 TestVm('tst-win7', kfGrpStdSmoke, sHd = '6.1/win7-32/t-win7-32-1.vdi', sKind = 'Windows7', acCpusSup = range(1, 33), fIoApic = True), TestVm('tst-win7-64', kfGrpStdSmoke, sHd = '7.0/win7-64/win7-64.vdi', sKind = 'Windows7_64', acCpusSup = range(1, 33), fIoApic = True, sHddControllerType = 'SATA Controller'), # Note: Deprecated due to activation issues; use t-win7-32-1 instead. #TestVm('tst-win7', kfGrpStdSmoke, sHd = '6.1/win7-32/t-win7-32.vdi', # sKind = 'Windows7', acCpusSup = range(1, 33), fIoApic = True), # Note: Deprecated; use the one in the 6.1 folder. #TestVm('tst-win7', kfGrpStdSmoke, sHd = '4.2/win7-32/t-win7.vdi', # sKind = 'Windows7', acCpusSup = range(1, 33), fIoApic = True), # W8 TestVm('tst-win8-64', kfGrpStdSmoke, sHd = '4.2/win8-64/t-win8-64-testmode.vdi', sKind = 'Windows8_64', acCpusSup = range(1, 33), fIoApic = True), #TestVm('tst-win8-64-ich9', kfGrpStdSmoke, sHd = '4.2/win8-64/t-win8-64.vdi', # sKind = 'Windows8_64', acCpusSup = range(1, 33), fIoApic = True, sChipsetType = 'ich9'), # W10 TestVm('tst-win10-efi', kfGrpStdSmoke, sHd = '4.2/efi/win10-efi-x86-edited2.vdi', sKind = 'Windows10', acCpusSup = range(1, 33), fIoApic = True, sFirmwareType = 'efi'), TestVm('tst-win10-64-efi', kfGrpStdSmoke, sHd = '4.2/efi/t-win10-64-efi-2.vdi', sKind = 'Windows10_64', acCpusSup = range(1, 33), fIoApic = True, sFirmwareType = 'efi'), #TestVm('tst-win10-64-efi-ich9', kfGrpStdSmoke, sHd = '4.2/efi/win10-efi-amd64.vdi', # sKind = 'Windows10_64', acCpusSup = range(1, 33), fIoApic = True, sFirmwareType = 'efi', sChipsetType = 'ich9'), # W11 TestVm('tst-win11-64-efi', kfGrpStdSmoke, sHd = '7.0/win11/t-win11-64-efi-2.vdi', sKind = 'Windows11_64', acCpusSup = range(1, 33), fIoApic = True, sFirmwareType = 'efi', sHddControllerType = 'SATA Controller', sDvdControllerType = 'SATA Controller', sGraphicsControllerType = 'VBoxSVGA', asVirtModesSup = ['hwvirt-np',] ), # Nested hardware-virtualization TestVm('tst-nsthwvirt-ubuntu-64', kfGrpStdSmoke, sHd = '5.3/nat/nsthwvirt-ubuntu64/t-nsthwvirt-ubuntu64.vdi', sKind = 'Ubuntu_64', acCpusSup = range(1, 2), asVirtModesSup = ['hwvirt-np',], fIoApic = True, fNstHwVirt = True, sNic0AttachType = 'nat'), # Audio testing. TestVm('tst-audio-debian10-64', kfGrpStdSmoke, sHd = '6.1/audio/debian10-amd64-7.vdi', sKind = 'Debian_64', acCpusSup = range(1, 33), fIoApic = True), # DOS and Old Windows. AncientTestVm('tst-dos20', sKind = 'DOS', sHd = '5.2/great-old-ones/t-dos20/t-dos20.vdi'), AncientTestVm('tst-dos401-win30me', sKind = 'DOS', sHd = '5.2/great-old-ones/t-dos401-win30me/t-dos401-win30me.vdi', cMBRamMax = 4), AncientTestVm('tst-dos401-emm386-win30me', sKind = 'DOS', sHd = '5.2/great-old-ones/t-dos401-emm386-win30me/t-dos401-emm386-win30me.vdi', cMBRamMax = 4), AncientTestVm('tst-dos50-win31', sKind = 'DOS', sHd = '5.2/great-old-ones/t-dos50-win31/t-dos50-win31.vdi'), AncientTestVm('tst-dos50-emm386-win31', sKind = 'DOS', sHd = '5.2/great-old-ones/t-dos50-emm386-win31/t-dos50-emm386-win31.vdi'), AncientTestVm('tst-dos622', sKind = 'DOS', sHd = '5.2/great-old-ones/t-dos622/t-dos622.vdi'), AncientTestVm('tst-dos622-emm386', sKind = 'DOS', sHd = '5.2/great-old-ones/t-dos622-emm386/t-dos622-emm386.vdi'), AncientTestVm('tst-dos71', sKind = 'DOS', sHd = '5.2/great-old-ones/t-dos71/t-dos71.vdi'), #AncientTestVm('tst-dos5-win311a', sKind = 'DOS', sHd = '5.2/great-old-ones/t-dos5-win311a/t-dos5-win311a.vdi'), ); def __init__(self, sResourcePath): self.sResourcePath = sResourcePath; def selectSet(self, fGrouping, sTxsTransport = None, fCheckResources = True): """ Returns a VM set with the selected VMs. """ oSet = TestVmSet(oTestVmManager = self); for oVm in self.kaTestVMs: if oVm.fGrouping & fGrouping: if sTxsTransport is None or oVm.sNic0AttachType is None or sTxsTransport == oVm.sNic0AttachType: if not fCheckResources or not oVm.getMissingResources(self.sResourcePath): oCopyVm = copy.deepcopy(oVm); oCopyVm.oSet = oSet; oSet.aoTestVms.append(oCopyVm); return oSet; def getStandardVmSet(self, sTxsTransport): """ Gets the set of standard test VMs. This is supposed to do something seriously clever, like searching the testrsrc tree for usable VMs, but for the moment it's all hard coded. :-) """ return self.selectSet(self.kfGrpStandard, sTxsTransport) def getSmokeVmSet(self, sTxsTransport = None): """Gets a representative set of VMs for smoke testing. """ return self.selectSet(self.kfGrpSmoke, sTxsTransport); def shutUpPyLint(self): """ Shut up already! """ return self.sResourcePath;