1 | #!/usr/bin/env python
2 | # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3 |
4 | """
5 | VirtualBox Installer Wrapper Driver.
6 |
7 | This installs VirtualBox, starts a sub driver which does the real testing,
8 | and then uninstall VirtualBox afterwards. This reduces the complexity of the
9 | other VBox test drivers.
10 | """
11 |
12 | __copyright__ = \
13 | """
14 | Copyright (C) 2010-2023 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
15 |
16 | This file is part of VirtualBox base platform packages, as
17 | available from https://www.virtualbox.org.
18 |
19 | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
20 | modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
21 | as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 3 of the
22 | License.
23 |
24 | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
25 | WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
27 | General Public License for more details.
28 |
29 | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
30 | along with this program; if not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
31 |
32 | The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
33 | of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
34 | (CDDL), a copy of it is provided in the "COPYING.CDDL" file included
35 | in the VirtualBox distribution, in which case the provisions of the
36 | CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
37 |
38 | You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
39 | terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
40 |
41 | SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only OR CDDL-1.0
42 | """
43 | __version__ = "$Revision: 98651 $"
44 |
45 |
46 | # Standard Python imports.
47 | import os
48 | import sys
49 | import re
50 | import socket
51 | import tempfile
52 | import time
53 |
54 | # Only the main script needs to modify the path.
55 | try: __file__ # pylint: disable=used-before-assignment
56 | except: __file__ = sys.argv[0];
57 | g_ksValidationKitDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)));
58 | sys.path.append(g_ksValidationKitDir);
59 |
60 | # Validation Kit imports.
61 | from common import utils, webutils;
62 | from common.constants import rtexitcode;
63 | from testdriver import reporter;
64 | from testdriver.base import TestDriverBase;
65 |
66 |
67 |
68 | class VBoxInstallerTestDriver(TestDriverBase):
69 | """
70 | Implementation of a top level test driver.
71 | """
72 |
73 |
74 | ## State file indicating that we've skipped installation.
75 | ksVar_Skipped = 'vboxinstaller-skipped';
76 |
77 |
78 | def __init__(self):
79 | TestDriverBase.__init__(self);
80 | self._asSubDriver = []; # The sub driver and it's arguments.
81 | self._asBuildUrls = []; # The URLs passed us on the command line.
82 | self._asBuildFiles = []; # The downloaded file names.
83 | self._fUnpackedBuildFiles = False;
84 | self._fAutoInstallPuelExtPack = True;
85 | self._fKernelDrivers = True;
86 | self._fWinForcedInstallTimestampCA = True;
87 | self._fInstallMsCrt = False; # By default we don't install the Microsoft CRT (only needed once).
88 |
89 | #
90 | # Base method we override
91 | #
92 |
93 | def showUsage(self):
94 | rc = TestDriverBase.showUsage(self);
95 | # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
96 | # 012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
97 | reporter.log('');
98 | reporter.log('vboxinstaller Options:');
99 | reporter.log(' --vbox-build <url[,url2[,...]]>');
100 | reporter.log(' Comma separated list of URL to file to download and install or/and');
101 | reporter.log(' unpack. URLs without a schema are assumed to be files on the');
102 | reporter.log(' build share and will be copied off it.');
103 | reporter.log(' --no-puel-extpack');
104 | reporter.log(' Indicates that the PUEL extension pack should not be installed if found.');
105 | reporter.log(' The default is to install it when found in the vbox-build.');
106 | reporter.log(' --no-kernel-drivers');
107 | reporter.log(' Indicates that the kernel drivers should not be installed on platforms');
108 | reporter.log(' where this is optional. The default is to install them.');
109 | reporter.log(' --forced-win-install-timestamp-ca, --no-forced-win-install-timestamp-ca');
110 | reporter.log(' Whether to force installation of the legacy Windows timestamp CA.');
111 | reporter.log(' If not forced, it will only installed on the hosts that needs it.');
112 | reporter.log(' Default: --no-forced-win-install-timestamp-ca');
113 | reporter.log(' --win-install-mscrt, --no-win-install-mscrt');
114 | reporter.log(' Whether to install the MS Visual Studio Redistributable.');
115 | reporter.log(' Default: --no-win-install-mscrt');
116 | reporter.log(' --');
117 | reporter.log(' Indicates the end of our parameters and the start of the sub');
118 | reporter.log(' testdriver and its arguments.');
119 | return rc;
120 |
121 | def parseOption(self, asArgs, iArg):
122 | """
123 | Parse our arguments.
124 | """
125 | if asArgs[iArg] == '--':
126 | # End of our parameters and start of the sub driver invocation.
127 | iArg = self.requireMoreArgs(1, asArgs, iArg);
128 | assert not self._asSubDriver;
129 | self._asSubDriver = asArgs[iArg:];
130 | self._asSubDriver[0] = self._asSubDriver[0].replace('/', os.path.sep);
131 | iArg = len(asArgs) - 1;
132 | elif asArgs[iArg] == '--vbox-build':
133 | # List of files to copy/download and install.
134 | iArg = self.requireMoreArgs(1, asArgs, iArg);
135 | self._asBuildUrls = asArgs[iArg].split(',');
136 | elif asArgs[iArg] == '--no-puel-extpack':
137 | self._fAutoInstallPuelExtPack = False;
138 | elif asArgs[iArg] == '--puel-extpack':
139 | self._fAutoInstallPuelExtPack = True;
140 | elif asArgs[iArg] == '--no-kernel-drivers':
141 | self._fKernelDrivers = False;
142 | elif asArgs[iArg] == '--kernel-drivers':
143 | self._fKernelDrivers = True;
144 | elif asArgs[iArg] == '--no-forced-win-install-timestamp-ca':
145 | self._fWinForcedInstallTimestampCA = False;
146 | elif asArgs[iArg] == '--forced-win-install-timestamp-ca':
147 | self._fWinForcedInstallTimestampCA = True;
148 | elif asArgs[iArg] == '--no-win-install-mscrt':
149 | self._fInstallMsCrt = False;
150 | elif asArgs[iArg] == '--win-install-mscrt':
151 | self._fInstallMsCrt = True;
152 | else:
153 | return TestDriverBase.parseOption(self, asArgs, iArg);
154 | return iArg + 1;
155 |
156 | def completeOptions(self):
157 | #
158 | # Check that we've got what we need.
159 | #
160 | if not self._asBuildUrls:
161 | reporter.error('No build files specified ("--vbox-build file1[,file2[...]]")');
162 | return False;
163 | if not self._asSubDriver:
164 | reporter.error('No sub testdriver specified. (" -- test/stuff/tdStuff1.py args")');
165 | return False;
166 |
167 | #
168 | # Construct _asBuildFiles as an array parallel to _asBuildUrls.
169 | #
170 | for sUrl in self._asBuildUrls:
171 | sDstFile = os.path.join(self.sScratchPath, webutils.getFilename(sUrl));
172 | self._asBuildFiles.append(sDstFile);
173 |
174 | return TestDriverBase.completeOptions(self);
175 |
176 | def actionExtract(self):
177 | reporter.error('vboxinstall does not support extracting resources, you have to do that using the sub testdriver.');
178 | return False;
179 |
180 | def actionCleanupBefore(self):
181 | """
182 | Kills all VBox process we see.
183 |
184 | This is only supposed to execute on a testbox so we don't need to go
185 | all complicated wrt other users.
186 | """
187 | return self._killAllVBoxProcesses();
188 |
189 | def actionConfig(self):
190 | """
191 | Install VBox and pass on the configure request to the sub testdriver.
192 | """
193 | fRc = self._installVBox();
194 | if fRc is None:
195 | self._persistentVarSet(self.ksVar_Skipped, 'true');
196 | self.fBadTestbox = True;
197 | else:
198 | self._persistentVarUnset(self.ksVar_Skipped);
199 |
200 | ## @todo vbox.py still has bugs preventing us from invoking it seperately with each action.
201 | if fRc is True and 'execute' not in self.asActions and 'all' not in self.asActions:
202 | fRc = self._executeSubDriver([ 'verify', ]);
203 | if fRc is True and 'execute' not in self.asActions and 'all' not in self.asActions:
204 | fRc = self._executeSubDriver([ 'config', ], fPreloadASan = True);
205 | return fRc;
206 |
207 | def actionExecute(self):
208 | """
209 | Execute the sub testdriver.
210 | """
211 | return self._executeSubDriver(self.asActions, fPreloadASan = True);
212 |
213 | def actionCleanupAfter(self):
214 | """
215 | Forward this to the sub testdriver, then uninstall VBox.
216 | """
217 | fRc = True;
218 | if 'execute' not in self.asActions and 'all' not in self.asActions:
219 | fRc = self._executeSubDriver([ 'cleanup-after', ], fMaySkip = False);
220 |
221 | if not self._killAllVBoxProcesses():
222 | fRc = False;
223 |
224 | if not self._uninstallVBox(self._persistentVarExists(self.ksVar_Skipped)):
225 | fRc = False;
226 |
227 | if utils.getHostOs() == 'darwin':
228 | self._darwinUnmountDmg(fIgnoreError = True); # paranoia
229 |
230 | if not TestDriverBase.actionCleanupAfter(self):
231 | fRc = False;
232 |
233 | return fRc;
234 |
235 |
236 | def actionAbort(self):
237 | """
238 | Forward this to the sub testdriver first, then wipe all VBox like
239 | processes, and finally do the pid file processing (again).
240 | """
241 | fRc1 = self._executeSubDriver([ 'abort', ], fMaySkip = False, fPreloadASan = True);
242 | fRc2 = self._killAllVBoxProcesses();
243 | fRc3 = TestDriverBase.actionAbort(self);
244 | return fRc1 and fRc2 and fRc3;
245 |
246 |
247 | #
248 | # Persistent variables.
249 | #
250 | ## @todo integrate into the base driver. Persistent accross scratch wipes?
251 |
252 | def __persistentVarCalcName(self, sVar):
253 | """Returns the (full) filename for the given persistent variable."""
254 | assert re.match(r'^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]*$', sVar) is not None;
255 | return os.path.join(self.sScratchPath, 'persistent-%s.var' % (sVar,));
256 |
257 | def _persistentVarSet(self, sVar, sValue = ''):
258 | """
259 | Sets a persistent variable.
260 |
261 | Returns True on success, False + reporter.error on failure.
262 |
263 | May raise exception if the variable name is invalid or something
264 | unexpected happens.
265 | """
266 | sFull = self.__persistentVarCalcName(sVar);
267 | try:
268 | with open(sFull, 'w') as oFile: # pylint: disable=unspecified-encoding
269 | if sValue:
270 | oFile.write(sValue.encode('utf-8'));
271 | except:
272 | reporter.errorXcpt('Error creating "%s"' % (sFull,));
273 | return False;
274 | return True;
275 |
276 | def _persistentVarUnset(self, sVar):
277 | """
278 | Unsets a persistent variable.
279 |
280 | Returns True on success, False + reporter.error on failure.
281 |
282 | May raise exception if the variable name is invalid or something
283 | unexpected happens.
284 | """
285 | sFull = self.__persistentVarCalcName(sVar);
286 | if os.path.exists(sFull):
287 | try:
288 | os.unlink(sFull);
289 | except:
290 | reporter.errorXcpt('Error unlinking "%s"' % (sFull,));
291 | return False;
292 | return True;
293 |
294 | def _persistentVarExists(self, sVar):
295 | """
296 | Checks if a persistent variable exists.
297 |
298 | Returns true/false.
299 |
300 | May raise exception if the variable name is invalid or something
301 | unexpected happens.
302 | """
303 | return os.path.exists(self.__persistentVarCalcName(sVar));
304 |
305 | def _persistentVarGet(self, sVar):
306 | """
307 | Gets the value of a persistent variable.
308 |
309 | Returns variable value on success.
310 | Returns None if the variable doesn't exist or if an
311 | error (reported) occured.
312 |
313 | May raise exception if the variable name is invalid or something
314 | unexpected happens.
315 | """
316 | sFull = self.__persistentVarCalcName(sVar);
317 | if not os.path.exists(sFull):
318 | return None;
319 | try:
320 | with open(sFull, 'r') as oFile: # pylint: disable=unspecified-encoding
321 | sValue = oFile.read().decode('utf-8');
322 | except:
323 | reporter.errorXcpt('Error creating "%s"' % (sFull,));
324 | return None;
325 | return sValue;
326 |
327 |
328 | #
329 | # Helpers.
330 | #
331 |
332 | def _killAllVBoxProcesses(self):
333 | """
334 | Kills all virtual box related processes we find in the system.
335 | """
336 | sHostOs = utils.getHostOs();
337 | asDebuggers = [ 'cdb', 'windbg', ] if sHostOs == 'windows' else [ 'gdb', 'gdb-i386-apple-darwin', 'lldb' ];
338 |
339 | for iIteration in range(22):
340 | # Gather processes to kill.
341 | aoTodo = [];
342 | aoDebuggers = [];
343 | for oProcess in utils.processListAll():
344 | sBase = oProcess.getBaseImageNameNoExeSuff();
345 | if sBase is None:
346 | continue;
347 | sBase = sBase.lower();
348 | if sBase in [ 'vboxsvc', 'vboxsds', 'virtualbox', 'virtualboxvm', 'vboxheadless', 'vboxmanage', 'vboxsdl',
349 | 'vboxwebsrv', 'vboxautostart', 'vboxballoonctrl', 'vboxbfe', 'vboxextpackhelperapp', 'vboxnetdhcp',
350 | 'vboxnetnat', 'vboxnetadpctl', 'vboxtestogl', 'vboxtunctl', 'vboxvmmpreload', 'vboxxpcomipcd', ]:
351 | aoTodo.append(oProcess);
352 | if sBase.startswith('virtualbox-') and sBase.endswith('-multiarch.exe'):
353 | aoTodo.append(oProcess);
354 | if sBase in asDebuggers:
355 | aoDebuggers.append(oProcess);
356 | if iIteration in [0, 21]:
357 | reporter.log('Warning: debugger running: %s (%s %s)' % (oProcess.iPid, sBase, oProcess.asArgs));
358 | if not aoTodo:
359 | return True;
360 |
361 | # Are any of the debugger processes hooked up to a VBox process?
362 | if sHostOs == 'windows':
363 | # On demand debugging windows: windbg -p <decimal-pid> -e <decimal-event> -g
364 | for oDebugger in aoDebuggers:
365 | for oProcess in aoTodo:
366 | # The whole command line is asArgs[0] here. Fix if that changes.
367 | if oDebugger.asArgs and oDebugger.asArgs[0].find('-p %s ' % (oProcess.iPid,)) >= 0:
368 | aoTodo.append(oDebugger);
369 | break;
370 | else:
371 | for oDebugger in aoDebuggers:
372 | for oProcess in aoTodo:
373 | # Simplistic approach: Just check for argument equaling our pid.
374 | if oDebugger.asArgs and ('%s' % oProcess.iPid) in oDebugger.asArgs:
375 | aoTodo.append(oDebugger);
376 | break;
377 |
378 | # Kill.
379 | for oProcess in aoTodo:
380 | reporter.log('Loop #%d - Killing %s (%s, uid=%s)'
381 | % ( iIteration, oProcess.iPid, oProcess.sImage if oProcess.sName is None else oProcess.sName,
382 | oProcess.iUid, ));
383 | if not utils.processKill(oProcess.iPid) \
384 | and sHostOs != 'windows' \
385 | and utils.processExists(oProcess.iPid):
386 | # Many of the vbox processes are initially set-uid-to-root and associated debuggers are running
387 | # via sudo, so we might not be able to kill them unless we sudo and use /bin/kill.
388 | try: utils.sudoProcessCall(['/bin/kill', '-9', '%s' % (oProcess.iPid,)]);
389 | except: reporter.logXcpt();
390 |
391 | # Check if they're all dead like they should be.
392 | time.sleep(0.1);
393 | for oProcess in aoTodo:
394 | if utils.processExists(oProcess.iPid):
395 | time.sleep(2);
396 | break;
397 |
398 | return False;
399 |
400 | def _executeSync(self, asArgs, fMaySkip = False):
401 | """
402 | Executes a child process synchronously.
403 |
404 | Returns True if the process executed successfully and returned 0.
405 | Returns None if fMaySkip is true and the child exits with RTEXITCODE_SKIPPED.
406 | Returns False for all other cases.
407 | """
408 | reporter.log('Executing: %s' % (asArgs, ));
409 | reporter.flushall();
410 | try:
411 | iRc = utils.processCall(asArgs, shell = False, close_fds = False);
412 | except:
413 | reporter.errorXcpt();
414 | return False;
415 | reporter.log('Exit code: %s (%s)' % (iRc, asArgs));
416 | if fMaySkip and iRc == rtexitcode.RTEXITCODE_SKIPPED:
417 | return None;
418 | return iRc == 0;
419 |
420 | def _sudoExecuteSync(self, asArgs):
421 | """
422 | Executes a sudo child process synchronously.
423 | Returns a tuple [True, 0] if the process executed successfully
424 | and returned 0, otherwise [False, rc] is returned.
425 | """
426 | reporter.log('Executing [sudo]: %s' % (asArgs, ));
427 | reporter.flushall();
428 | iRc = 0;
429 | try:
430 | iRc = utils.sudoProcessCall(asArgs, shell = False, close_fds = False);
431 | except:
432 | reporter.errorXcpt();
433 | return (False, 0);
434 | reporter.log('Exit code [sudo]: %s (%s)' % (iRc, asArgs));
435 | return (iRc == 0, iRc);
436 |
437 | def _findASanLibsForASanBuild(self):
438 | """
439 | Returns a list of (address) santizier related libraries to preload
440 | when launching the sub driver.
441 | Returns empty list for non-asan builds or on platforms where this isn't needed.
442 | """
443 | # Note! We include libasan.so.X in the VBoxAll tarball for asan builds, so we
444 | # can use its presence both to detect an 'asan' build and to return it.
445 | # Only the libasan.so.X library needs preloading at present.
446 | if self.sHost in ('linux',):
447 | sLibASan = self._findFile(r'libasan\.so\..*');
448 | if sLibASan:
449 | return [sLibASan,];
450 | return [];
451 |
452 | def _executeSubDriver(self, asActions, fMaySkip = True, fPreloadASan = True):
453 | """
454 | Execute the sub testdriver with the specified action.
455 | """
456 | asArgs = list(self._asSubDriver)
457 | asArgs.append('--no-wipe-clean');
458 | asArgs.extend(asActions);
459 |
460 | asASanLibs = [];
461 | if fPreloadASan:
462 | asASanLibs = self._findASanLibsForASanBuild();
463 | if asASanLibs:
464 | os.environ['LD_PRELOAD'] = ':'.join(asASanLibs);
465 | os.environ['LSAN_OPTIONS'] = 'detect_leaks=0'; # We don't want python leaks. vbox.py disables this.
466 |
467 | # Because of https://github.com/google/sanitizers/issues/856 we must try use setarch to disable
468 | # address space randomization.
469 |
470 | reporter.log('LD_PRELOAD...')
471 | if utils.getHostArch() == 'amd64':
472 | sSetArch = utils.whichProgram('setarch');
473 | reporter.log('sSetArch=%s' % (sSetArch,));
474 | if sSetArch:
475 | asArgs = [ sSetArch, 'x86_64', '-R', sys.executable ] + asArgs;
476 | reporter.log('asArgs=%s' % (asArgs,));
477 |
478 | rc = self._executeSync(asArgs, fMaySkip = fMaySkip);
479 |
480 | del os.environ['LSAN_OPTIONS'];
481 | del os.environ['LD_PRELOAD'];
482 | return rc;
483 |
484 | return self._executeSync(asArgs, fMaySkip = fMaySkip);
485 |
486 | def _maybeUnpackArchive(self, sMaybeArchive, fNonFatal = False):
487 | """
488 | Attempts to unpack the given build file.
489 | Updates _asBuildFiles.
490 | Returns True/False. No exceptions.
491 | """
492 | def unpackFilter(sMember):
493 | # type: (string) -> bool
494 | """ Skips debug info. """
495 | sLower = sMember.lower();
496 | if sLower.endswith('.pdb'):
497 | return False;
498 | return True;
499 |
500 | asMembers = utils.unpackFile(sMaybeArchive, self.sScratchPath, reporter.log,
501 | reporter.log if fNonFatal else reporter.error,
502 | fnFilter = unpackFilter);
503 | if asMembers is None:
504 | return False;
505 | self._asBuildFiles.extend(asMembers);
506 | return True;
507 |
508 |
509 | def _installVBox(self):
510 | """
511 | Download / copy the build files into the scratch area and install them.
512 | """
513 | reporter.testStart('Installing VirtualBox');
514 | reporter.log('CWD=%s' % (os.getcwd(),)); # curious
515 |
516 | #
517 | # Download the build files.
518 | #
519 | for i, sBuildUrl in enumerate(self._asBuildUrls):
520 | if webutils.downloadFile(sBuildUrl, self._asBuildFiles[i], self.sBuildPath, reporter.log, reporter.log) is not True:
521 | reporter.testDone(fSkipped = True);
522 | return None; # Failed to get binaries, probably deleted. Skip the test run.
523 |
524 | #
525 | # Unpack anything we know what is and append it to the build files
526 | # list. This allows us to use VBoxAll*.tar.gz files.
527 | #
528 | for sFile in list(self._asBuildFiles): # Note! We copy the list as _maybeUnpackArchive updates it.
529 | if self._maybeUnpackArchive(sFile, fNonFatal = True) is not True:
530 | reporter.testDone(fSkipped = True);
531 | return None; # Failed to unpack. Probably local error, like busy
532 | # DLLs on windows, no reason for failing the build.
533 | self._fUnpackedBuildFiles = True;
534 |
535 | #
536 | # Go to system specific installation code.
537 | #
538 | sHost = utils.getHostOs()
539 | if sHost == 'darwin': fRc = self._installVBoxOnDarwin();
540 | elif sHost == 'linux': fRc = self._installVBoxOnLinux();
541 | elif sHost == 'solaris': fRc = self._installVBoxOnSolaris();
542 | elif sHost == 'win': fRc = self._installVBoxOnWindows();
543 | else:
544 | reporter.error('Unsupported host "%s".' % (sHost,));
545 | if fRc is False:
546 | reporter.testFailure('Installation error.');
547 | elif fRc is not True:
548 | reporter.log('Seems installation was skipped. Old version lurking behind? Not the fault of this build/test run!');
549 |
550 | #
551 | # Install the extension pack.
552 | #
553 | if fRc is True and self._fAutoInstallPuelExtPack:
554 | fRc = self._installExtPack();
555 | if fRc is False:
556 | reporter.testFailure('Extension pack installation error.');
557 |
558 | # Some debugging...
559 | try:
560 | cMbFreeSpace = utils.getDiskUsage(self.sScratchPath);
561 | reporter.log('Disk usage after VBox install: %d MB available at %s' % (cMbFreeSpace, self.sScratchPath,));
562 | except:
563 | reporter.logXcpt('Unable to get disk free space. Ignored. Continuing.');
564 |
565 | reporter.testDone(fRc is None);
566 | return fRc;
567 |
568 | def _uninstallVBox(self, fIgnoreError = False):
569 | """
570 | Uninstall VirtualBox.
571 | """
572 | reporter.testStart('Uninstalling VirtualBox');
573 |
574 | sHost = utils.getHostOs()
575 | if sHost == 'darwin': fRc = self._uninstallVBoxOnDarwin();
576 | elif sHost == 'linux': fRc = self._uninstallVBoxOnLinux();
577 | elif sHost == 'solaris': fRc = self._uninstallVBoxOnSolaris(True);
578 | elif sHost == 'win': fRc = self._uninstallVBoxOnWindows('uninstall');
579 | else:
580 | reporter.error('Unsupported host "%s".' % (sHost,));
581 | if fRc is False and not fIgnoreError:
582 | reporter.testFailure('Uninstallation failed.');
583 |
584 | fRc2 = self._uninstallAllExtPacks();
585 | if not fRc2 and fRc:
586 | fRc = fRc2;
587 |
588 | reporter.testDone(fSkipped = (fRc is None));
589 | return fRc;
590 |
591 | def _findFile(self, sRegExp, fMandatory = False):
592 | """
593 | Returns the first build file that matches the given regular expression
594 | (basename only).
595 |
596 | Returns None if no match was found, logging it as an error if
597 | fMandatory is set.
598 | """
599 | oRegExp = re.compile(sRegExp);
600 |
601 | reporter.log('_findFile: %s' % (sRegExp,));
602 | for sFile in self._asBuildFiles:
603 | if oRegExp.match(os.path.basename(sFile)) and os.path.exists(sFile):
604 | return sFile;
605 |
606 | # If we didn't unpack the build files, search all the files in the scratch area:
607 | if not self._fUnpackedBuildFiles:
608 | for sDir, _, asFiles in os.walk(self.sScratchPath):
609 | for sFile in asFiles:
610 | #reporter.log('_findFile: considering %s' % (sFile,));
611 | if oRegExp.match(sFile):
612 | return os.path.join(sDir, sFile);
613 |
614 | if fMandatory:
615 | reporter.error('Failed to find a file matching "%s" in %s.' % (sRegExp, self._asBuildFiles,));
616 | return None;
617 |
618 | def _waitForTestManagerConnectivity(self, cSecTimeout):
619 | """
620 | Check and wait for network connectivity to the test manager.
621 |
622 | This is used with the windows installation and uninstallation since
623 | these usually disrupts network connectivity when installing the filter
624 | driver. If we proceed to quickly, we might finish the test at a time
625 | when we cannot report to the test manager and thus end up with an
626 | abandonded test error.
627 | """
628 | cSecElapsed = 0;
629 | secStart = utils.timestampSecond();
630 | while reporter.checkTestManagerConnection() is False:
631 | cSecElapsed = utils.timestampSecond() - secStart;
632 | if cSecElapsed >= cSecTimeout:
633 | reporter.log('_waitForTestManagerConnectivity: Giving up after %u secs.' % (cSecTimeout,));
634 | return False;
635 | time.sleep(2);
636 |
637 | if cSecElapsed > 0:
638 | reporter.log('_waitForTestManagerConnectivity: Waited %s secs.' % (cSecTimeout,));
639 | return True;
640 |
641 |
642 | #
643 | # Darwin (Mac OS X).
644 | #
645 |
646 | def _darwinDmgPath(self):
647 | """ Returns the path to the DMG mount."""
648 | return os.path.join(self.sScratchPath, 'DmgMountPoint');
649 |
650 | def _darwinUnmountDmg(self, fIgnoreError):
651 | """
652 | Umount any DMG on at the default mount point.
653 | """
654 | sMountPath = self._darwinDmgPath();
655 | if not os.path.exists(sMountPath):
656 | return True;
657 |
658 | # Unmount.
659 | fRc = self._executeSync(['hdiutil', 'detach', sMountPath ]);
660 | if not fRc and not fIgnoreError:
661 | # In case it's busy for some reason or another, just retry after a little delay.
662 | for iTry in range(6):
663 | time.sleep(5);
664 | reporter.error('Retry #%s unmount DMT at %s' % (iTry + 1, sMountPath,));
665 | fRc = self._executeSync(['hdiutil', 'detach', sMountPath ]);
666 | if fRc:
667 | break;
668 | if not fRc:
669 | reporter.error('Failed to unmount DMG at %s' % (sMountPath,));
670 |
671 | # Remove dir.
672 | try:
673 | os.rmdir(sMountPath);
674 | except:
675 | if not fIgnoreError:
676 | reporter.errorXcpt('Failed to remove directory %s' % (sMountPath,));
677 | return fRc;
678 |
679 | def _darwinMountDmg(self, sDmg):
680 | """
681 | Mount the DMG at the default mount point.
682 | """
683 | self._darwinUnmountDmg(fIgnoreError = True)
684 |
685 | sMountPath = self._darwinDmgPath();
686 | if not os.path.exists(sMountPath):
687 | try:
688 | os.mkdir(sMountPath, 0o755);
689 | except:
690 | reporter.logXcpt();
691 | return False;
692 |
693 | return self._executeSync(['hdiutil', 'attach', '-readonly', '-mount', 'required', '-mountpoint', sMountPath, sDmg, ]);
694 |
695 | def _generateWithoutKextsChoicesXmlOnDarwin(self):
696 | """
697 | Generates the choices XML when kernel drivers are disabled.
698 | None is returned on failure.
699 | """
700 | sPath = os.path.join(self.sScratchPath, 'DarwinChoices.xml');
701 | oFile = utils.openNoInherit(sPath, 'wt');
702 | oFile.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n'
703 | '<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">\n'
704 | '<plist version="1.0">\n'
705 | '<array>\n'
706 | ' <dict>\n'
707 | ' <key>attributeSetting</key>\n'
708 | ' <integer>0</integer>\n'
709 | ' <key>choiceAttribute</key>\n'
710 | ' <string>selected</string>\n'
711 | ' <key>choiceIdentifier</key>\n'
712 | ' <string>choiceVBoxKEXTs</string>\n'
713 | ' </dict>\n'
714 | '</array>\n'
715 | '</plist>\n');
716 | oFile.close();
717 | return sPath;
718 |
719 | def _installVBoxOnDarwin(self):
720 | """ Installs VBox on Mac OS X."""
721 |
723 | # Don't install the kernel drivers on the testboxes with BigSur and later
724 | # Needs a more generic approach but that one needs more effort.
725 | sHostName = socket.getfqdn();
726 | if sHostName.startswith('testboxmac10') \
727 | or sHostName.startswith('testboxmac11'):
728 | self._fKernelDrivers = False;
730 |
731 | sDmg = self._findFile('^VirtualBox-.*\\.dmg$');
732 | if sDmg is None:
733 | return False;
734 |
735 | # Mount the DMG.
736 | fRc = self._darwinMountDmg(sDmg);
737 | if fRc is not True:
738 | return False;
739 |
740 | # Uninstall any previous vbox version first.
741 | sUninstaller = os.path.join(self._darwinDmgPath(), 'VirtualBox_Uninstall.tool');
742 | fRc, _ = self._sudoExecuteSync([sUninstaller, '--unattended',]);
743 | if fRc is True:
744 |
745 | # Install the package.
746 | sPkg = os.path.join(self._darwinDmgPath(), 'VirtualBox.pkg');
747 | if self._fKernelDrivers:
748 | fRc, _ = self._sudoExecuteSync(['installer', '-verbose', '-dumplog', '-pkg', sPkg, '-target', '/']);
749 | else:
750 | sChoicesXml = self._generateWithoutKextsChoicesXmlOnDarwin();
751 | if sChoicesXml is not None:
752 | fRc, _ = self._sudoExecuteSync(['installer', '-verbose', '-dumplog', '-pkg', sPkg, \
753 | '-applyChoiceChangesXML', sChoicesXml, '-target', '/']);
754 | else:
755 | fRc = False;
756 |
757 | # Unmount the DMG and we're done.
758 | if not self._darwinUnmountDmg(fIgnoreError = False):
759 | fRc = False;
760 | return fRc;
761 |
762 | def _uninstallVBoxOnDarwin(self):
763 | """ Uninstalls VBox on Mac OS X."""
764 |
765 | # Is VirtualBox installed? If not, don't try uninstall it.
766 | sVBox = self._getVBoxInstallPath(fFailIfNotFound = False);
767 | if sVBox is None:
768 | return True;
769 |
770 | # Find the dmg.
771 | sDmg = self._findFile('^VirtualBox-.*\\.dmg$');
772 | if sDmg is None:
773 | return False;
774 | if not os.path.exists(sDmg):
775 | return True;
776 |
777 | # Mount the DMG.
778 | fRc = self._darwinMountDmg(sDmg);
779 | if fRc is not True:
780 | return False;
781 |
782 | # Execute the uninstaller.
783 | sUninstaller = os.path.join(self._darwinDmgPath(), 'VirtualBox_Uninstall.tool');
784 | fRc, _ = self._sudoExecuteSync([sUninstaller, '--unattended',]);
785 |
786 | # Unmount the DMG and we're done.
787 | if not self._darwinUnmountDmg(fIgnoreError = False):
788 | fRc = False;
789 | return fRc;
790 |
791 | #
792 | # GNU/Linux
793 | #
794 |
795 | def _installVBoxOnLinux(self):
796 | """ Installs VBox on Linux."""
797 | sRun = self._findFile('^VirtualBox-.*\\.run$');
798 | if sRun is None:
799 | return False;
800 | utils.chmodPlusX(sRun);
801 |
802 | # Install the new one.
803 | fRc, _ = self._sudoExecuteSync([sRun,]);
804 | return fRc;
805 |
806 | def _uninstallVBoxOnLinux(self):
807 | """ Uninstalls VBox on Linux."""
808 |
809 | # Is VirtualBox installed? If not, don't try uninstall it.
810 | sVBox = self._getVBoxInstallPath(fFailIfNotFound = False);
811 | if sVBox is None:
812 | return True;
813 |
814 | # Find the .run file and use it.
815 | sRun = self._findFile('^VirtualBox-.*\\.run$', fMandatory = False);
816 | if sRun is not None:
817 | utils.chmodPlusX(sRun);
818 | fRc, _ = self._sudoExecuteSync([sRun, 'uninstall']);
819 | return fRc;
820 |
821 | # Try the installed uninstaller.
822 | for sUninstaller in [os.path.join(sVBox, 'uninstall.sh'), '/opt/VirtualBox/uninstall.sh', ]:
823 | if os.path.isfile(sUninstaller):
824 | reporter.log('Invoking "%s"...' % (sUninstaller,));
825 | fRc, _ = self._sudoExecuteSync([sUninstaller, 'uninstall']);
826 | return fRc;
827 |
828 | reporter.log('Did not find any VirtualBox install to uninstall.');
829 | return True;
830 |
831 |
832 | #
833 | # Solaris
834 | #
835 |
836 | def _generateAutoResponseOnSolaris(self):
837 | """
838 | Generates an autoresponse file on solaris, returning the name.
839 | None is return on failure.
840 | """
841 | sPath = os.path.join(self.sScratchPath, 'SolarisAutoResponse');
842 | oFile = utils.openNoInherit(sPath, 'wt');
843 | oFile.write('basedir=default\n'
844 | 'runlevel=nocheck\n'
845 | 'conflict=quit\n'
846 | 'setuid=nocheck\n'
847 | 'action=nocheck\n'
848 | 'partial=quit\n'
849 | 'instance=unique\n'
850 | 'idepend=quit\n'
851 | 'rdepend=quit\n'
852 | 'space=quit\n'
853 | 'mail=\n');
854 | oFile.close();
855 | return sPath;
856 |
857 | def _installVBoxOnSolaris(self):
858 | """ Installs VBox on Solaris."""
859 | sPkg = self._findFile('^VirtualBox-.*\\.pkg$', fMandatory = False);
860 | if sPkg is None:
861 | sTar = self._findFile('^VirtualBox-.*-SunOS-.*\\.tar.gz$', fMandatory = False);
862 | if sTar is not None:
863 | if self._maybeUnpackArchive(sTar) is not True:
864 | return False;
865 | sPkg = self._findFile('^VirtualBox-.*\\.pkg$', fMandatory = True);
866 | sRsp = self._findFile('^autoresponse$', fMandatory = True);
867 | if sPkg is None or sRsp is None:
868 | return False;
869 |
870 | # Uninstall first (ignore result).
871 | self._uninstallVBoxOnSolaris(False);
872 |
873 | # Install the new one.
874 | fRc, _ = self._sudoExecuteSync(['pkgadd', '-d', sPkg, '-n', '-a', sRsp, 'SUNWvbox']);
875 | return fRc;
876 |
877 | def _uninstallVBoxOnSolaris(self, fRestartSvcConfigD):
878 | """ Uninstalls VBox on Solaris."""
879 | reporter.flushall();
880 | if utils.processCall(['pkginfo', '-q', 'SUNWvbox']) != 0:
881 | return True;
882 | sRsp = self._generateAutoResponseOnSolaris();
883 | fRc, _ = self._sudoExecuteSync(['pkgrm', '-n', '-a', sRsp, 'SUNWvbox']);
884 |
885 | #
886 | # Restart the svc.configd as it has a tendency to clog up with time and
887 | # become unresponsive. It will handle SIGHUP by exiting the sigwait()
888 | # look in the main function and shut down the service nicely (backend_fini).
889 | # The restarter will then start a new instance of it.
890 | #
891 | if fRestartSvcConfigD:
892 | time.sleep(1); # Give it a chance to flush pkgrm stuff.
893 | self._sudoExecuteSync(['pkill', '-HUP', 'svc.configd']);
894 | time.sleep(5); # Spare a few cpu cycles it to shutdown and restart.
895 |
896 | return fRc;
897 |
898 | #
899 | # Windows
900 | #
901 |
902 | ## VBox windows services we can query the status of.
903 | kasWindowsServices = [ 'vboxsup', 'vboxusbmon', 'vboxnetadp', 'vboxnetflt', 'vboxnetlwf' ];
904 |
905 | def _installVBoxOnWindows(self):
906 | """ Installs VBox on Windows."""
907 | sExe = self._findFile('^VirtualBox-.*-(MultiArch|Win).exe$');
908 | if sExe is None:
909 | return False;
910 |
912 | # It seems that running the NDIS cleanup script upon uninstallation is not
913 | # a good idea, so let's run it before installing VirtualBox.
914 | #sHostName = socket.getfqdn();
915 | #if not sHostName.startswith('testboxwin3') \
916 | # and not sHostName.startswith('testboxharp2') \
917 | # and not sHostName.startswith('wei01-b6ka-3') \
918 | # and utils.getHostOsVersion() in ['8', '8.1', '9', '2008Server', '2008ServerR2', '2012Server']:
919 | # reporter.log('Peforming extra NDIS cleanup...');
920 | # sMagicScript = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(g_ksValidationKitDir, 'testdriver', 'win-vbox-net-uninstall.ps1'));
921 | # fRc2, _ = self._sudoExecuteSync(['powershell.exe', '-Command', 'set-executionpolicy unrestricted']);
922 | # if not fRc2:
923 | # reporter.log('set-executionpolicy failed.');
924 | # self._sudoExecuteSync(['powershell.exe', '-Command', 'get-executionpolicy']);
925 | # fRc2, _ = self._sudoExecuteSync(['powershell.exe', '-File', sMagicScript]);
926 | # if not fRc2:
927 | # reporter.log('NDIS cleanup failed.');
929 |
930 | # Uninstall any previous vbox version first.
931 | fRc = self._uninstallVBoxOnWindows('install');
932 | if fRc is not True:
933 | return None; # There shouldn't be anything to uninstall, and if there is, it's not our fault.
934 |
935 | # Install the MS Visual Studio Redistributable, if requested. (VBox 7.0+ needs this installed once.)
936 | if self._fInstallMsCrt:
937 | reporter.log('Installing MS Visual Studio Redistributable (untested code)...');
938 | ## @todo Test this.
939 | ## @todo We could cache this on the testrsrc share.
940 | sName = "vc_redist.x64.exe"
941 | sUrl = "https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/" + sName # Permalink, according to MS.
942 | sExe = os.path.join(self.sBuildPath, sName);
943 | if webutils.downloadFile(sUrl, sExe, None, reporter.log, reporter.log):
944 | asArgs = [ sExe, '/Q' ];
945 | fRc2, iRc = self._sudoExecuteSync(asArgs);
946 | if fRc2 is False:
947 | return reporter.error('Installing MS Visual Studio Redistributable failed, exit code: %s' % (iRc,));
948 | reporter.log('Installing MS Visual Studio Redistributable done');
949 | else:
950 | return False;
951 |
952 | # We need the help text to detect supported options below.
953 | reporter.log('Executing: %s' % ([sExe, '--silent', '--help'], ));
954 | reporter.flushall();
955 | (iExitCode, sHelp, _) = utils.processOutputUnchecked([sExe, '--silent', '--help'], fIgnoreEncoding = True);
956 | reporter.log('Exit code: %d, %u chars of help text' % (iExitCode, len(sHelp),));
957 |
958 | # Gather installer arguments.
959 | asArgs = [sExe, '-vvvv', '--silent', '--logging'];
960 | asArgs.extend(['--msiparams', 'REBOOT=ReallySuppress']);
961 | sVBoxInstallPath = os.environ.get('VBOX_INSTALL_PATH', None);
962 | if sVBoxInstallPath is not None:
963 | asArgs.extend(['INSTALLDIR="%s"' % (sVBoxInstallPath,)]);
964 |
965 | if sHelp.find("--msi-log-file") >= 0:
966 | sLogFile = os.path.join(self.sScratchPath, 'VBoxInstallLog.txt'); # Specify location to prevent a random one.
967 | asArgs.extend(['--msi-log-file', sLogFile]);
968 | else:
969 | sLogFile = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'VirtualBox', 'VBoxInstallLog.txt'); # Hardcoded TMP location.
970 |
971 | if self._fWinForcedInstallTimestampCA and sHelp.find("--force-install-timestamp-ca") >= 0:
972 | asArgs.extend(['--force-install-timestamp-ca']);
973 |
974 | # Install it.
975 | fRc2, iRc = self._sudoExecuteSync(asArgs);
976 | if fRc2 is False:
978 | reporter.error('Installer required a reboot to complete installation (ERROR_SUCCESS_REBOOT_REQUIRED)');
979 | else:
980 | reporter.error('Installer failed, exit code: %s' % (iRc,));
981 | fRc = False;
982 |
983 | # Add the installer log if present and wait for the network connection to be restore after the filter driver upset.
984 | if os.path.isfile(sLogFile):
985 | reporter.addLogFile(sLogFile, 'log/installer', "Verbose MSI installation log file");
986 | self._waitForTestManagerConnectivity(30);
987 |
988 | return fRc;
989 |
990 | def _isProcessPresent(self, sName):
991 | """ Checks whether the named process is present or not. """
992 | for oProcess in utils.processListAll():
993 | sBase = oProcess.getBaseImageNameNoExeSuff();
994 | if sBase is not None and sBase.lower() == sName:
995 | return True;
996 | return False;
997 |
998 | def _killProcessesByName(self, sName, sDesc, fChildren = False):
999 | """ Kills the named process, optionally including children. """
1000 | cKilled = 0;
1001 | aoProcesses = utils.processListAll();
1002 | for oProcess in aoProcesses:
1003 | sBase = oProcess.getBaseImageNameNoExeSuff();
1004 | if sBase is not None and sBase.lower() == sName:
1005 | reporter.log('Killing %s process: %s (%s)' % (sDesc, oProcess.iPid, sBase));
1006 | utils.processKill(oProcess.iPid);
1007 | cKilled += 1;
1008 |
1009 | if fChildren:
1010 | for oChild in aoProcesses:
1011 | if oChild.iParentPid == oProcess.iPid and oChild.iParentPid is not None:
1012 | reporter.log('Killing %s child process: %s (%s)' % (sDesc, oChild.iPid, sBase));
1013 | utils.processKill(oChild.iPid);
1014 | cKilled += 1;
1015 | return cKilled;
1016 |
1017 | def _terminateProcessesByNameAndArgSubstr(self, sName, sArg, sDesc):
1018 | """
1019 | Terminates the named process using taskkill.exe, if any of its args
1020 | contains the passed string.
1021 | """
1022 | cKilled = 0;
1023 | aoProcesses = utils.processListAll();
1024 | for oProcess in aoProcesses:
1025 | sBase = oProcess.getBaseImageNameNoExeSuff();
1026 | if sBase is not None and sBase.lower() == sName and any(sArg in s for s in oProcess.asArgs):
1027 |
1028 | reporter.log('Killing %s process: %s (%s)' % (sDesc, oProcess.iPid, sBase));
1029 | self._executeSync(['taskkill.exe', '/pid', '%u' % (oProcess.iPid,)]);
1030 | cKilled += 1;
1031 | return cKilled;
1032 |
1033 | def _uninstallVBoxOnWindows(self, sMode):
1034 | """
1035 | Uninstalls VBox on Windows, all installations we find to be on the safe side...
1036 | """
1037 | assert sMode in ['install', 'uninstall',];
1038 |
1039 | import win32com.client; # pylint: disable=import-error
1040 | win32com.client.gencache.EnsureModule('{000C1092-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}', 1033, 1, 0);
1041 | oInstaller = win32com.client.Dispatch('WindowsInstaller.Installer',
1042 | resultCLSID = '{000C1090-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}')
1043 |
1044 | # Search installed products for VirtualBox.
1045 | asProdCodes = [];
1046 | for sProdCode in oInstaller.Products:
1047 | try:
1048 | sProdName = oInstaller.ProductInfo(sProdCode, "ProductName");
1049 | except:
1050 | reporter.logXcpt();
1051 | continue;
1052 | #reporter.log('Info: %s=%s' % (sProdCode, sProdName));
1053 | if sProdName.startswith('Oracle VM VirtualBox') \
1054 | or sProdName.startswith('Sun VirtualBox'):
1055 | asProdCodes.append([sProdCode, sProdName]);
1056 |
1057 | # Before we start uninstalling anything, just ruthlessly kill any cdb,
1058 | # msiexec, drvinst and some rundll process we might find hanging around.
1059 | if self._isProcessPresent('rundll32'):
1060 | cTimes = 0;
1061 | while cTimes < 3:
1062 | cTimes += 1;
1063 | cKilled = self._terminateProcessesByNameAndArgSubstr('rundll32', 'InstallSecurityPromptRunDllW',
1064 | 'MSI driver installation');
1065 | if cKilled <= 0:
1066 | break;
1067 | time.sleep(10); # Give related drvinst process a chance to clean up after we killed the verification dialog.
1068 |
1069 | if self._isProcessPresent('drvinst'):
1070 | time.sleep(15); # In the hope that it goes away.
1071 | cTimes = 0;
1072 | while cTimes < 4:
1073 | cTimes += 1;
1074 | cKilled = self._killProcessesByName('drvinst', 'MSI driver installation', True);
1075 | if cKilled <= 0:
1076 | break;
1077 | time.sleep(10); # Give related MSI process a chance to clean up after we killed the driver installer.
1078 |
1079 | if self._isProcessPresent('msiexec'):
1080 | cTimes = 0;
1081 | while cTimes < 3:
1082 | reporter.log('found running msiexec process, waiting a bit...');
1083 | time.sleep(20) # In the hope that it goes away.
1084 | if not self._isProcessPresent('msiexec'):
1085 | break;
1086 | cTimes += 1;
1087 | ## @todo this could also be the msiexec system service, try to detect this case!
1088 | if cTimes >= 6:
1089 | cKilled = self._killProcessesByName('msiexec', 'MSI driver installation');
1090 | if cKilled > 0:
1091 | time.sleep(16); # fudge.
1092 |
1093 | # cdb.exe sometimes stays running (from utils.getProcessInfo), blocking
1094 | # the scratch directory. No idea why.
1095 | if self._isProcessPresent('cdb'):
1096 | cTimes = 0;
1097 | while cTimes < 3:
1098 | cKilled = self._killProcessesByName('cdb', 'cdb.exe from getProcessInfo');
1099 | if cKilled <= 0:
1100 | break;
1101 | time.sleep(2); # fudge.
1102 |
1103 | # Do the uninstalling.
1104 | fRc = True;
1105 | sLogFile = os.path.join(self.sScratchPath, 'VBoxUninstallLog.txt');
1106 | for sProdCode, sProdName in asProdCodes:
1107 | reporter.log('Uninstalling %s (%s)...' % (sProdName, sProdCode));
1108 | fRc2, iRc = self._sudoExecuteSync(['msiexec', '/uninstall', sProdCode, '/quiet', '/passive', '/norestart',
1109 | '/L*v', '%s' % (sLogFile), ]);
1110 | if fRc2 is False:
1111 | if iRc == 3010: # ERROR_SUCCESS_REBOOT_REQUIRED
1112 | reporter.error('Uninstaller required a reboot to complete uninstallation');
1113 | else:
1114 | reporter.error('Uninstaller failed, exit code: %s' % (iRc,));
1115 | fRc = False;
1116 |
1117 | self._waitForTestManagerConnectivity(30);
1118 |
1119 | # Upload the log on failure. Do it early if the extra cleanups below causes trouble.
1120 | if fRc is False and os.path.isfile(sLogFile):
1121 | reporter.addLogFile(sLogFile, 'log/uninstaller', "Verbose MSI uninstallation log file");
1122 | sLogFile = None;
1123 |
1124 | # Log driver service states (should ls \Driver\VBox* and \Device\VBox*).
1125 | fHadLeftovers = False;
1126 | asLeftovers = [];
1127 | for sService in reversed(self.kasWindowsServices):
1128 | cTries = 0;
1129 | while True:
1130 | fRc2, _ = self._sudoExecuteSync(['sc.exe', 'query', sService]);
1131 | if not fRc2:
1132 | break;
1133 | fHadLeftovers = True;
1134 |
1135 | cTries += 1;
1136 | if cTries > 3:
1137 | asLeftovers.append(sService,);
1138 | break;
1139 |
1140 | # Get the status output.
1141 | try:
1142 | sOutput = utils.sudoProcessOutputChecked(['sc.exe', 'query', sService]);
1143 | except:
1144 | reporter.logXcpt();
1145 | else:
1146 | if re.search(r'STATE\s+:\s*1\s*STOPPED', sOutput) is None:
1147 | reporter.log('Trying to stop %s...' % (sService,));
1148 | fRc2, _ = self._sudoExecuteSync(['sc.exe', 'stop', sService]);
1149 | time.sleep(1); # fudge
1150 |
1151 | reporter.log('Trying to delete %s...' % (sService,));
1152 | self._sudoExecuteSync(['sc.exe', 'delete', sService]);
1153 |
1154 | time.sleep(1); # fudge
1155 |
1156 | if asLeftovers:
1157 | reporter.log('Warning! Leftover VBox drivers: %s' % (', '.join(asLeftovers),));
1158 | fRc = False;
1159 |
1160 | if fHadLeftovers:
1161 | self._waitForTestManagerConnectivity(30);
1162 |
1163 | # Upload the log if we have any leftovers and didn't upload it already.
1164 | if sLogFile is not None and (fRc is False or fHadLeftovers) and os.path.isfile(sLogFile):
1165 | reporter.addLogFile(sLogFile, 'log/uninstaller', "Verbose MSI uninstallation log file");
1166 |
1167 | return fRc;
1168 |
1169 |
1170 | #
1171 | # Extension pack.
1172 | #
1173 |
1174 | def _getVBoxInstallPath(self, fFailIfNotFound):
1175 | """ Returns the default VBox installation path. """
1176 | sHost = utils.getHostOs();
1177 | if sHost == 'win':
1178 | sProgFiles = os.environ.get('ProgramFiles', 'C:\\Program Files');
1179 | asLocs = [
1180 | os.path.join(sProgFiles, 'Oracle', 'VirtualBox'),
1181 | os.path.join(sProgFiles, 'OracleVM', 'VirtualBox'),
1182 | os.path.join(sProgFiles, 'Sun', 'VirtualBox'),
1183 | ];
1184 | elif sHost in ('linux', 'solaris',):
1185 | asLocs = [ '/opt/VirtualBox', '/opt/VirtualBox-3.2', '/opt/VirtualBox-3.1', '/opt/VirtualBox-3.0'];
1186 | elif sHost == 'darwin':
1187 | asLocs = [ '/Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS' ];
1188 | else:
1189 | asLocs = [ '/opt/VirtualBox' ];
1190 | if 'VBOX_INSTALL_PATH' in os.environ:
1191 | asLocs.insert(0, os.environ.get('VBOX_INSTALL_PATH', None));
1192 |
1193 | for sLoc in asLocs:
1194 | if os.path.isdir(sLoc):
1195 | return sLoc;
1196 | if fFailIfNotFound:
1197 | reporter.error('Failed to locate VirtualBox installation: %s' % (asLocs,));
1198 | else:
1199 | reporter.log2('Failed to locate VirtualBox installation: %s' % (asLocs,));
1200 | return None;
1201 |
1202 | def _installExtPack(self):
1203 | """ Installs the extension pack. """
1204 | sVBox = self._getVBoxInstallPath(fFailIfNotFound = True);
1205 | if sVBox is None:
1206 | return False;
1207 | sExtPackDir = os.path.join(sVBox, 'ExtensionPacks');
1208 |
1209 | if self._uninstallAllExtPacks() is not True:
1210 | return False;
1211 |
1212 | sExtPack = self._findFile('Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack.vbox-extpack');
1213 | if sExtPack is None:
1214 | sExtPack = self._findFile('Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack.*.vbox-extpack');
1215 | if sExtPack is None:
1216 | return True;
1217 |
1218 | sDstDir = os.path.join(sExtPackDir, 'Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack');
1219 | reporter.log('Installing extension pack "%s" to "%s"...' % (sExtPack, sExtPackDir));
1220 | fRc, _ = self._sudoExecuteSync([ self.getBinTool('vts_tar'),
1221 | '--extract',
1222 | '--verbose',
1223 | '--gzip',
1224 | '--file', sExtPack,
1225 | '--directory', sDstDir,
1226 | '--file-mode-and-mask', '0644',
1227 | '--file-mode-or-mask', '0644',
1228 | '--dir-mode-and-mask', '0755',
1229 | '--dir-mode-or-mask', '0755',
1230 | '--owner', '0',
1231 | '--group', '0',
1232 | ]);
1233 | return fRc;
1234 |
1235 | def _uninstallAllExtPacks(self):
1236 | """ Uninstalls all extension packs. """
1237 | sVBox = self._getVBoxInstallPath(fFailIfNotFound = False);
1238 | if sVBox is None:
1239 | return True;
1240 |
1241 | sExtPackDir = os.path.join(sVBox, 'ExtensionPacks');
1242 | if not os.path.exists(sExtPackDir):
1243 | return True;
1244 |
1245 | fRc, _ = self._sudoExecuteSync([self.getBinTool('vts_rm'), '-Rfv', '--', sExtPackDir]);
1246 | return fRc;
1247 |
1248 |
1249 |
1250 | if __name__ == '__main__':
1251 | sys.exit(VBoxInstallerTestDriver().main(sys.argv));