# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # $Id: tst-txsclient.py 56295 2015-06-09 14:29:55Z vboxsync $ """ Simple testcase for txsclient.py. """ __copyright__ = \ """ Copyright (C) 2010-2015 Oracle Corporation This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0 (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL. You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both. """ __version__ = "$Revision: 56295 $" # Standard python imports. import os import sys import types # Validation Kit imports. sys.path.insert(0, '.'); sys.path.insert(0, '..'); import testdriver.txsclient as txsclient import testdriver.reporter as reporter from common import utils; g_cTests = 0; g_cFailures = 0 def boolRes(rc, fExpect = True): """Checks a boolean result.""" global g_cTests, g_cFailures; g_cTests = g_cTests + 1; if isinstance(rc, types.BooleanType): if rc == fExpect: return 'PASSED'; g_cFailures = g_cFailures + 1; return 'FAILED'; def stringRes(rc, sExpect): """Checks a string result.""" global g_cTests, g_cFailures; g_cTests = g_cTests + 1; if isinstance(rc, basestring): if rc == sExpect: return 'PASSED'; g_cFailures = g_cFailures + 1; return 'FAILED'; def main(asArgs): # pylint: disable=C0111,R0914,R0915 cMsTimeout = 30*1000; sAddress = 'localhost'; uPort = None; fReversedSetup = False; fReboot = False; fStdTests = True; i = 1; while i < len(asArgs): if asArgs[i] == '--hostname': sAddress = asArgs[i + 1]; i = i + 2; elif asArgs[i] == '--port': uPort = int(asArgs[i + 1]); i = i + 2; elif asArgs[i] == '--reversed-setup': fReversedSetup = True; i = i + 1; elif asArgs[i] == '--timeout': cMsTimeout = long(asArgs[i + 1]); i = i + 2; elif asArgs[i] == '--reboot': fReboot = True; fStdTests = False; i = i + 1; elif asArgs[i] == '--help': print 'tst-txsclient.py [--hostname ] [--port ] [--timeout ] [--reboot] [--reversed-setup]' return 0; else: print 'Unknown argument: %s' % (asArgs[i]); return 2; if uPort is None: oSession = txsclient.openTcpSession(cMsTimeout, sAddress, fReversedSetup = fReversedSetup); else: oSession = txsclient.openTcpSession(cMsTimeout, sAddress, uPort = uPort, fReversedSetup = fReversedSetup); if oSession is None: print 'openTcpSession failed'; return 1; fDone = oSession.waitForTask(30*1000); print 'connect: waitForTask -> %s, result %s' % (fDone, oSession.getResult()); if fDone is True and oSession.isSuccess(): if fStdTests: # Get the UUID of the remote instance. sUuid = oSession.syncUuid(); if sUuid is not False: print '%s: UUID = %s' % (boolRes(True), sUuid); else: print '%s: UUID' % (boolRes(False),); # Create and remove a directory on the scratch area. rc = oSession.syncMkDir('${SCRATCH}/testdir1'); print '%s: MKDIR(${SCRATCH}/testdir1) -> %s' % (boolRes(rc), rc); rc = oSession.syncIsDir('${SCRATCH}/testdir1'); print '%s: ISDIR(${SCRATCH}/testdir1) -> %s' % (boolRes(rc), rc); rc = oSession.syncRmDir('${SCRATCH}/testdir1'); print '%s: RMDIR(${SCRATCH}/testdir1) -> %s' % (boolRes(rc), rc); # Create a two-level subdir. rc = oSession.syncMkDirPath('${SCRATCH}/testdir2/subdir1'); print '%s: MKDRPATH(${SCRATCH}/testdir2/subdir1) -> %s' % (boolRes(rc), rc); rc = oSession.syncIsDir('${SCRATCH}/testdir2'); print '%s: ISDIR(${SCRATCH}/testdir2) -> %s' % (boolRes(rc), rc); rc = oSession.syncIsDir('${SCRATCH}/testdir2/'); print '%s: ISDIR(${SCRATCH}/testdir2/) -> %s' % (boolRes(rc), rc); rc = oSession.syncIsDir('${SCRATCH}/testdir2/subdir1'); print '%s: ISDIR(${SCRATCH}/testdir2/subdir1) -> %s' % (boolRes(rc), rc); rc = oSession.syncRmTree('${SCRATCH}/testdir2'); print '%s: RMTREE(${SCRATCH}/testdir2) -> %s' % (boolRes(rc), rc); # Check out a simple file. rc = oSession.syncUploadString('howdy', '${SCRATCH}/howdyfile'); print '%s: PUT FILE(${SCRATCH}/howdyfile) -> %s' % (boolRes(rc), rc); rc = oSession.syncUploadString('howdy-replaced', '${SCRATCH}/howdyfile'); print '%s: PUT FILE(${SCRATCH}/howdyfile) -> %s' % (boolRes(rc), rc); rc = oSession.syncDownloadString('${SCRATCH}/howdyfile'); print '%s: GET FILE(${SCRATCH}/howdyfile) -> "%s" expected "howdy-replaced"' % (stringRes(rc, 'howdy-replaced'), rc); rc = oSession.syncIsFile('${SCRATCH}/howdyfile'); print '%s: ISFILE(${SCRATCH}/howdyfile) -> %s' % (boolRes(rc), rc); rc = oSession.syncIsDir('${SCRATCH}/howdyfile'); print '%s: ISDIR(${SCRATCH}/howdyfile) -> %s' % (boolRes(rc, False), rc); rc = oSession.syncIsSymlink('${SCRATCH}/howdyfile'); print '%s: ISSYMLNK(${SCRATCH}/howdyfile) -> %s' % (boolRes(rc, False), rc); rc = oSession.syncRmFile('${SCRATCH}/howdyfile'); print '%s: RMFILE(${SCRATCH}/howdyfile) -> %s' % (boolRes(rc), rc); # Unicode filename (may or may not work, LANG/LC_TYPE dependent on some hosts). rc = oSession.syncUploadString('howdy', u'${SCRATCH}/Schröder'); print (u'%s: PUT FILE(${SCRATCH}/Schröder) -> %s' % (boolRes(rc), rc)).encode('ascii', 'replace'); rc = oSession.syncIsFile(u'${SCRATCH}/Schröder'); print (u'%s: ISFILE(${SCRATCH}/Schröder) -> %s' % (boolRes(rc), rc)).encode('ascii', 'replace'); rc = oSession.syncRmFile(u'${SCRATCH}/Schröder'); print (u'%s: RMFILE(${SCRATCH}/Schröder) -> %s' % (boolRes(rc), rc)).encode('ascii', 'replace'); # Finally, some file uploading and downloading with unicode filenames. strUpFile = 'tst-txsclient-upload.bin'; strDwnFile = 'tst-txsclient-download.bin'; try: abRandFile = os.urandom(257897); except: print 'INFO: no urandom... falling back on a simple string.' abRandFile = 'asdflkjasdlfkjasdlfkjq023942relwjgkna9epr865u2nm345;hndafgoukhasre5kb2453km'; for i in range(1, 64): abRandFile += abRandFile; try: oLocalFile = utils.openNoInherit(strUpFile, 'w+b'); oLocalFile.write(abRandFile); oLocalFile.close(); rc = True; except: rc = False; print('%s: creating file (%s) to upload failed....' % (boolRes(rc), strUpFile)); if rc is True: rc = oSession.syncUploadFile(strUpFile, '${SCRATCH}/tst-txsclient-uploaded.bin') print('%s: PUT FILE(%s, ${SCRATCH}/tst-txsclient-uploaded.bin) -> %s' % (boolRes(rc), strUpFile, rc)); rc = oSession.syncDownloadFile('${SCRATCH}/tst-txsclient-uploaded.bin', strDwnFile) print('%s: GET FILE(${SCRATCH}/tst-txsclient-uploaded.bin, tst-txsclient-downloaded.txt) -> %s' % (boolRes(rc), rc)); try: oLocalFile = utils.openNoInherit(strDwnFile, "rb"); abDwnFile = oLocalFile.read(); oLocalFile.close(); if abRandFile == abDwnFile: print '%s: downloaded file matches the uploaded file' % (boolRes(True),); else: print '%s: downloaded file does not match the uploaded file' % (boolRes(False),); print 'abRandFile=%s' % (abRandFile,); print 'abDwnFile =%s' % (abRandFile,); except: print '%s: reading downloaded file (%s) failed....' % (boolRes(False), strDwnFile); rc = oSession.syncRmFile(u'${SCRATCH}/tst-txsclient-uploaded.bin'); print '%s: RMFILE(${SCRATCH}/tst-txsclient-uploaded.bin) -> %s' % (boolRes(rc), rc); try: os.remove(strUpFile); except: pass; try: os.remove(strDwnFile); except: pass; # Execute some simple thing, if available. # Intentionally skip this test if file is not available due to # another inserted CD-ROM (e.g. not TestSuite.iso). sProg = '${CDROM}/${OS/ARCH}/NetPerf${EXESUFF}'; rc = oSession.syncIsFile(sProg, 30 * 1000, True); if rc is True: rc = oSession.syncExecEx(sProg, (sProg, '--help')); print '%s: EXEC(%s ${SCRATCH}) -> %s' % (boolRes(rc), sProg, rc); rc = oSession.syncExecEx(sProg, (sProg, 'there', 'is no such', 'parameter'), \ oStdOut='${SCRATCH}/stdout', \ oStdErr='${SCRATCH}/stderr'); print('%s: EXEC(%s there is not such parameter > ${SCRATCH}/stdout 2> ${SCRATCH}/stderr) -> %s' % (boolRes(rc, False), sProg, rc)); rc = oSession.syncDownloadString('${SCRATCH}/stdout'); print 'INFO: GET FILE(${SCRATCH}/stdout) -> "%s"' % (rc); rc = oSession.syncDownloadString('${SCRATCH}/stderr'); print 'INFO: GET FILE(${SCRATCH}/stderr) -> "%s"' % (rc); print 'TESTING: syncExec...' rc = oSession.syncExec(sProg, (sProg, '--version')); print '%s: EXEC(%s --version) -> %s' % (boolRes(rc), sProg, rc); print 'TESTING: syncExec...' rc = oSession.syncExec(sProg, (sProg, '--help')); print '%s: EXEC(%s --help) -> %s' % (boolRes(rc), sProg, rc); #print 'TESTING: syncExec sleep 30...' #rc = oSession.syncExec('/usr/bin/sleep', ('/usr/bin/sleep', '30')); #print '%s: EXEC(/bin/sleep 30) -> %s' % (boolRes(rc), rc); else: print 'SKIP: Execution of %s skipped, does not exist on CD-ROM' % (sProg,); # Execute a non-existing file on CD-ROM. sProg = '${CDROM}/${OS/ARCH}/NonExisting${EXESUFF}'; rc = oSession.syncExecEx(sProg, (sProg,), oStdIn = '/dev/null', oStdOut = '/dev/null', \ oStdErr = '/dev/null', oTestPipe = '/dev/null', \ sAsUser = '', cMsTimeout = 3600000, fIgnoreErrors = True); if rc is None: rc = True; else: reporter.error('Unexpected value \"%s\" while executing non-existent file "%s"' % (rc, sProg)); print '%s: EXEC(%s ${SCRATCH}) -> %s' % (boolRes(rc), sProg, rc); # Done rc = oSession.syncDisconnect(); print '%s: disconnect() -> %s' % (boolRes(rc), rc); elif fReboot: print 'TESTING: syncReboot...' rc = oSession.syncReboot(); print '%s: REBOOT() -> %s' % (boolRes(rc), rc); if g_cFailures != 0: print 'tst-txsclient.py: %u out of %u test failed' % (g_cFailures, g_cTests); return 1; print 'tst-txsclient.py: all %u tests passed!' % (g_cTests); return 0; if __name__ == '__main__': reporter.incVerbosity(); reporter.incVerbosity(); reporter.incVerbosity(); reporter.incVerbosity(); sys.exit(main(sys.argv));