; $Id: tstMicroGCA.asm 4071 2007-08-07 17:07:59Z vboxsync $ ;; @file ; tstMicroGCA ; ; ; Copyright (C) 2006-2007 innotek GmbH ; ; This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as ; available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; ; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU ; General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, ; in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the VirtualBox OSE ; distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the hope that it will ; be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. ;******************************************************************************* ;* Header Files * ;******************************************************************************* %include "VBox/asmdefs.mac" %include "VBox/x86.mac" %include "VBox/cpum.mac" %include "VBox/err.mac" %include "VBox/vm.mac" %include "tstMicro.mac" ;******************************************************************************* ;* Defined Constants And Macros * ;******************************************************************************* ;; ; Function prolog which saves everything and loads the first parameter into ebx. %macro PROLOG 0 push ebp mov ebp, esp push ebx push esi push edi mov ebx, [ebp + 8] ; pTst %endm ;; ; Function epilog which saves everything and loads the first parameter into ebx. %macro EPILOG 0 pop edi pop esi pop ebx leave %endm ;; ; Does an rdtsc (trashing edx:eax) and move the result to edi:esi. %macro RDTSC_EDI_ESI 0 rdtsc xchg eax, esi xchg edx, edi %endm ;; ; Does an rdtsc (trashing edx:eax) and move the result to ecx:ebp. %macro RDTSC_ECX_EBP 0 rdtsc xchg eax, ebp xchg edx, ecx %endm ;; ; Saves the result of an instruction profiling operation. ; ; Input is in edi:esi (start) and [ebp + 8] points to TSTMICRO. ; Trashes ebx. %macro STORE_INSTR_PRF_RESULT 0 mov ebx, [ebp + 8] mov [ebx + TSTMICRO.u64TSCR0Start ], esi mov [ebx + TSTMICRO.u64TSCR0Start + 4], edi mov [ebx + TSTMICRO.u64TSCR0End ], eax mov [ebx + TSTMICRO.u64TSCR0End + 4], edx %endm ;; ; Samples the end time of an instruction profiling operation and ; Saves the result of an instruction profiling operation. ; ; Input is in edi:esi (start) and [ebp + 8] points to TSTMICRO. ; Trashes ebx. %macro RDTSC_STORE_INSTR_PRF_RESULT 0 rdtsc STORE_INSTR_PRF_RESULT %endm ;; ; copies the stack to gabStackCopy and saves ESP and EBP in gpESP and gpEBP. ; ; @param %1 The resume label. ; @param ebx TSTMICRO pointer. ; @uses ecx, edi, esi, flags. %macro COPY_STACK_ESP_EBP_RESUME 1 mov [gpTst], ebx mov [gESPResume], esp mov [gEBPResume], ebp mov dword [gEIPResume], %1 mov esi, esp and esi, ~0fffh mov edi, gabStackCopy mov ecx, 01000h / 4 rep movsd %endm ;******************************************************************************* ;* Global Variables * ;******************************************************************************* BEGINDATA gpTst dd 0 gESPResume dd 0 gEBPResume dd 0 gEIPResume dd 0 BEGINBSS gabStackCopy resb 4096 extern NAME(idtOnly42) extern IMPNAME(g_VM) BEGINCODE EXPORTEDNAME tstMicroGCAsmStart ;; ; Check the overhead of doing rdtsc + two xchg operations. ; BEGINPROC tstOverhead PROLOG RDTSC_EDI_ESI RDTSC_STORE_INSTR_PRF_RESULT EPILOG ret ENDPROC tstOverhead ;; ; Invalidate page 0. ; BEGINPROC tstInvlpg0 PROLOG RDTSC_EDI_ESI invlpg [0] RDTSC_STORE_INSTR_PRF_RESULT EPILOG ret ENDPROC tstInvlpg0 ;; ; Invalidate the current code page. ; BEGINPROC tstInvlpgEIP PROLOG RDTSC_EDI_ESI invlpg [NAME(tstInvlpgEIP)] RDTSC_STORE_INSTR_PRF_RESULT EPILOG ret ENDPROC tstInvlpgEIP ;; ; Invalidate page 0. ; BEGINPROC tstInvlpgESP PROLOG RDTSC_EDI_ESI invlpg [esp] RDTSC_STORE_INSTR_PRF_RESULT EPILOG ret ENDPROC tstInvlpgESP ;; ; cr3 reload sequence. ; BEGINPROC tstCR3Reload PROLOG RDTSC_EDI_ESI mov ebx, cr3 mov cr3, ebx RDTSC_STORE_INSTR_PRF_RESULT EPILOG ret ENDPROC tstCR3Reload ;; ; Enable WP sequence. ; BEGINPROC tstWPEnable PROLOG RDTSC_EDI_ESI mov ebx, cr0 or ebx, X86_CR0_WRITE_PROTECT mov cr0, ebx rdtsc ; disabled it now or we'll die... and ebx, ~X86_CR0_WRITE_PROTECT mov cr0, ebx STORE_INSTR_PRF_RESULT EPILOG ret ENDPROC tstWPEnable ;; ; Disable WP sequence. ; BEGINPROC tstWPDisable PROLOG ; mov ebx, cr0 or ebx, X86_CR0_WRITE_PROTECT mov cr0, ebx ; just wast a bit of space and time to try avoid the enable bit tainting the results of the disable. xor ebx, ebx rdtsc add ebx, eax rdtsc add ebx, edx rdtsc sub ebx, eax RDTSC_EDI_ESI mov ebx, cr0 and ebx, ~X86_CR0_WRITE_PROTECT mov cr0, ebx RDTSC_STORE_INSTR_PRF_RESULT EPILOG ret ENDPROC tstWPDisable ;; ; Generate a #PF accessing page 0 in ; BEGINPROC tstPFR0 PROLOG COPY_STACK_ESP_EBP_RESUME tstPFR0_Resume rdtsc mov [ebx + TSTMICRO.u64TSCR0Start ], eax mov [ebx + TSTMICRO.u64TSCR0Start + 4], edx xor ebx, ebx ; The NULL pointer. xor ecx, ecx xor ebp, ebp ; ebp:ecx - Rx enter time (0:0). RDTSC_EDI_ESI ; edi:esi - Before trap. mov [ebx], ebx ; traps - 2 bytes RDTSC_EDI_ESI ; edi:esi - Rx entry time. int 42h ; we're done. tstPFR0_Resume: EPILOG ret ENDPROC tstPFR0 ;; ; Generate a #PF accessing page 0 in ring-1 ; BEGINPROC_EXPORTED tstPFR1 PROLOG COPY_STACK_ESP_EBP_RESUME tstPFR1_Resume ; Setup iret to execute r1 code. mov eax, 02069h ; load ds and es with r3 selectors. mov es, eax mov ds, eax push dword 01069h ; ss push dword [ebx + TSTMICRO.GCPtrStack] ; esp push dword 0000h ; eflags push dword 01061h ; cs push tstPTR1_R1 ; eip rdtsc mov [ebx + TSTMICRO.u64TSCR0Start ], eax mov [ebx + TSTMICRO.u64TSCR0Start + 4], edx iret ; R3 code tstPTR1_R1: RDTSC_ECX_EBP ; ebp:ecx - Rx enter time (0:0). xor ebx, ebx RDTSC_EDI_ESI ; edi:esi - Before trap. mov [ebx], ebx ; traps - 2 bytes RDTSC_EDI_ESI ; edi:esi - Rx entry time. int 42h ; we're done. ; Resume in R0 tstPFR1_Resume: EPILOG ret ENDPROC tstPFR1 ;; ; Generate a #PF accessing page 0 in ring-2 ; BEGINPROC_EXPORTED tstPFR2 PROLOG COPY_STACK_ESP_EBP_RESUME tstPFR2_Resume ; Setup iret to execute r2 code. mov eax, 0206ah ; load ds and es with r3 selectors. mov es, eax mov ds, eax push 0206ah ; ss push dword [ebx + TSTMICRO.GCPtrStack] ; esp push dword 0000h ; eflags push 02062h ; cs push tstPTR2_R2 ; eip rdtsc mov [ebx + TSTMICRO.u64TSCR0Start ], eax mov [ebx + TSTMICRO.u64TSCR0Start + 4], edx iret ; R3 code tstPTR2_R2: RDTSC_ECX_EBP ; ebp:ecx - Rx enter time (0:0). xor ebx, ebx RDTSC_EDI_ESI ; edi:esi - Before trap. mov [ebx], ebx ; traps - 2 bytes RDTSC_EDI_ESI ; edi:esi - Rx entry time. int 42h ; we're done. ; Resume in R0 tstPFR2_Resume: EPILOG ret ENDPROC tstPFR2 ;; ; Generate a #PF accessing page 0 in ring-3 ; BEGINPROC_EXPORTED tstPFR3 PROLOG COPY_STACK_ESP_EBP_RESUME tstPFR3_Resume ; Setup iret to execute r3 code. mov eax, 0306bh ; load ds and es with r3 selectors. mov es, eax mov ds, eax push 0306bh ; ss push dword [ebx + TSTMICRO.GCPtrStack] ; esp push dword 0000h ; eflags push 03063h ; cs push tstPTR3_R3 ; eip rdtsc mov [ebx + TSTMICRO.u64TSCR0Start ], eax mov [ebx + TSTMICRO.u64TSCR0Start + 4], edx iret ; R3 code tstPTR3_R3: RDTSC_ECX_EBP ; ebp:ecx - Rx enter time (0:0). xor ebx, ebx RDTSC_EDI_ESI ; edi:esi - Before trap. mov [ebx], ebx ; traps - 2 bytes RDTSC_EDI_ESI ; edi:esi - Rx entry time. int 42h ; we're done. ; Resume in R0 tstPFR3_Resume: EPILOG ret ENDPROC tstPFR3 ;; ; Trap handler with error code - share code with tstTrapHandler. align 8 BEGINPROC_EXPORTED tstTrapHandlerNoErr rdtsc push 0ffffffffh jmp tstTrapHandler_Common ;; ; Trap handler with error code. ; 14 SS (only if ring transition.) ; 10 ESP (only if ring transition.) ; c EFLAGS ; 8 CS ; 4 EIP ; 0 Error code. (~0 for vectors which don't take an error code.) ;; @todo This is a bit of a mess - clean up! align 8 BEGINPROC tstTrapHandler ; get the time rdtsc tstTrapHandler_Common: xchg ecx, eax mov eax, -1 ; return code ; disable WP mov ebx, cr0 and ebx, ~X86_CR0_WRITE_PROTECT mov cr0, ebx ; first hit, or final hit? mov ebx, [gpTst] inc dword [ebx + TSTMICRO.cHits] cmp dword [ebx + TSTMICRO.cHits], byte 1 jne near tstTrapHandler_Fault ; save the results - edx:ecx == r0 enter time, edi:esi == before trap, ecx:ebp == Rx enter time. mov [ebx + TSTMICRO.u64TSCR0Enter ], ecx mov [ebx + TSTMICRO.u64TSCR0Enter + 4], edx ;mov [ebx + TSTMICRO.u64TSCRxStart ], ecx ;mov [ebx + TSTMICRO.u64TSCRxStart + 4], ebp mov [ebx + TSTMICRO.u64TSCRxStart ], esi mov [ebx + TSTMICRO.u64TSCRxStart + 4], edi mov eax, cr2 mov [ebx + TSTMICRO.u32CR2], eax mov eax, [esp + 0] mov [ebx + TSTMICRO.u32ErrCd], eax mov eax, [esp + 4] mov [ebx + TSTMICRO.u32EIP], eax ; ; Advance the EIP and resume. ; mov ecx, [ebx + TSTMICRO.offEIPAdd] add [esp + 4], ecx ; return eip + offEIPAdd add esp, byte 4 ; skip the err code ; take the timestamp before resuming. rdtsc mov [ebx + TSTMICRO.u64TSCR0Exit ], eax mov [ebx + TSTMICRO.u64TSCR0Exit + 4], edx iret tstTrapHandler_Fault: cld ; ; Setup CPUMCTXCORE frame ; push dword [esp + 4h + 0h] ; 3ch - eip push dword [esp + 0ch + 4h] ; 38h - eflags ;;;;push dword [esp + 08h + 8h] ; 34h - cs push cs;want disasm push ds ; c ; 30h push es ;10 ; 2ch push fs ;14 ; 28h push gs ;18 ; 24h push dword [esp + 14h + 1ch] ; 20h - ss push dword [esp + 10h + 20h] ; 1ch - esp push ecx ;24 ; 18h push edx ;28 ; 14h push ebx ;2c ; 10h push eax ;30 ; ch push ebp ;34 ; 8h push esi ;38 ; 4h push edi ;3c ; 0h ;40 test byte [esp + CPUMCTXCORE.cs], 3h ; check CPL of the cs selector jmp short tstTrapHandler_Fault_Hyper ;; @todo jz short tstTrapHandler_Fault_Hyper tstTrapHandler_Fault_Guest: mov ecx, esp mov edx, IMP(g_VM) mov eax, VERR_TRPM_DONT_PANIC call [edx + VM.pfnVMMGCGuestToHostAsmGuestCtx] jmp short tstTrapHandler_Fault_Guest tstTrapHandler_Fault_Hyper: ; fix ss:esp. lea ebx, [esp + 14h + 040h] ; calc esp at trap mov [esp + CPUMCTXCORE.esp], ebx; update esp in register frame mov [esp + CPUMCTXCORE.ss], ss ; update ss in register frame mov ecx, esp mov edx, IMP(g_VM) mov eax, VERR_TRPM_DONT_PANIC call [edx + VM.pfnVMMGCGuestToHostAsmHyperCtx] jmp short tstTrapHandler_Fault_Hyper BEGINPROC tstInterrupt42 rdtsc push byte 0 mov ecx, eax ; low ts xor eax, eax ; return code. ; save the results - edx:ecx == r0 end time, edi:esi == Rx end time. mov [ebx + TSTMICRO.u64TSCR0End ], ecx mov [ebx + TSTMICRO.u64TSCR0End + 4], edx mov [ebx + TSTMICRO.u64TSCRxEnd ], esi mov [ebx + TSTMICRO.u64TSCRxEnd + 4], edi ; ; Restore the IDT and stack, and resume the testcase code. ; lidt [ebx + TSTMICRO.OriginalIDTR] mov edi, esp and edi, ~0fffh mov esi, gabStackCopy mov ecx, 01000h / 4 mov esp, [gESPResume] mov ebp, [gEBPResume] rep movsd jmp [gEIPResume] ENDPROC tstTrapHandler EXPORTEDNAME tstMicroGCAsmEnd