1 | ;$Id: HMInternal.mac 87472 2021-01-28 19:59:55Z vboxsync $
2 | ;; @file
3 | ; HM - Internal header file.
4 | ;
5 |
6 | ;
7 | ; Copyright (C) 2006-2020 Oracle Corporation
8 | ;
9 | ; This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
10 | ; available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
11 | ; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
12 | ; General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
13 | ; Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
14 | ; VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
15 | ; hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
16 | ;
17 |
19 | %include "VBox/vmm/hm_vmx.mac" ; For VMXRESTOREHOST
20 | %endif
21 |
23 | .fWasInRealMode resb 1
24 | .fSwitchedTo64on32Obsolete resb 1
25 | alignb 8
26 | .RealMode.AttrCS resd 1
27 | .RealMode.AttrDS resd 1
28 | .RealMode.AttrES resd 1
29 | .RealMode.AttrFS resd 1
30 | .RealMode.AttrGS resd 1
31 | .RealMode.AttrSS resd 1
32 | .RealMode.Eflags resd 1 ; should be EFlags?
33 | .RealMode.fRealOnV86Active resb 1
34 |
35 | alignb 8
36 | .au64LbrFromIpMsr resq 32
37 | .au64LbrToIpMsr resq 32
38 | .u64LbrTosMsr resq 1
39 | endstruc
40 |
41 |
42 | struc VMXVMCSINFO
43 | .pShared RTR0PTR_RES 1
44 |
46 | .fVmcsState resd 1
47 | .fShadowVmcsState resd 1
48 | .idHostCpuState resd 1
49 | .idHostCpuExec resd 1
50 | .cEntryMsrLoad resd 1
51 | .cExitMsrStore resd 1
52 | .cExitMsrLoad resd 1
53 |
54 | .u32PinCtls resd 1
55 | .u32ProcCtls resd 1
56 | .u32ProcCtls2 resd 1
57 | .u32EntryCtls resd 1
58 | .u32ExitCtls resd 1
59 | .u32XcptBitmap resd 1
60 | .u32XcptPFMask resd 1
61 | .u32XcptPFMatch resd 1
62 |
63 | alignb 8
64 | .u64TscOffset resq 1
65 | .u64VmcsLinkPtr resq 1
66 | .u64Cr0Mask resq 1
67 | .u64Cr4Mask resq 1
68 |
69 | .pvVmcs RTR0PTR_RES 1
70 | .pvShadowVmcs RTR0PTR_RES 1
71 | .pbVirtApic RTR0PTR_RES 1
72 | .pvMsrBitmap RTR0PTR_RES 1
73 | .pvGuestMsrLoad RTR0PTR_RES 1
74 | .pvGuestMsrStore RTR0PTR_RES 1
75 | .pvHostMsrLoad RTR0PTR_RES 1
76 |
77 | alignb 8
78 | .HCPhysVmcs RTHCPHYS_RES 1
79 | .HCPhysShadowVmcs RTHCPHYS_RES 1
80 | .HCPhysVirtApic RTHCPHYS_RES 1
81 | .HCPhysMsrBitmap RTHCPHYS_RES 1
82 | .HCPhysGuestMsrLoad RTHCPHYS_RES 1
83 | .HCPhysGuestMsrStore RTHCPHYS_RES 1
84 | .HCPhysHostMsrLoad RTHCPHYS_RES 1
85 |
86 | .hMemObj RTR0PTR_RES 1
87 | endstruc
88 |
89 | %define VMX_RESTORE_HOST_SEL_DS 0001h ;RT_BIT(0)
90 | %define VMX_RESTORE_HOST_SEL_ES 0002h ;RT_BIT(1)
91 | %define VMX_RESTORE_HOST_SEL_FS 0004h ;RT_BIT(2)
92 | %define VMX_RESTORE_HOST_SEL_GS 0008h ;RT_BIT(3)
93 | %define VMX_RESTORE_HOST_SEL_TR 0010h ;RT_BIT(4)
94 | %define VMX_RESTORE_HOST_GDTR 0020h ;RT_BIT(5)
95 | %define VMX_RESTORE_HOST_IDTR 0040h ;RT_BIT(6)
96 | %define VMX_RESTORE_HOST_GDT_READ_ONLY 0080h ;RT_BIT(7)
99 | %define VMX_RESTORE_HOST_REQUIRED 0400h ;RT_BIT(10) - must be the highest bit!
101 | .uHostSelDS resw 1
102 | .uHostSelES resw 1
103 | .uHostSelFS resw 1
104 | .HostGdtr resb 10
105 | .uHostSelGS resw 1
106 | .uHostSelTR resw 1
107 | .uHostSelSS resw 1
108 | .HostGdtrRw resb 10
109 | .uHostSelCS resw 1
110 | .abPadding1 resb 4
111 | .HostIdtr resb 10
112 | alignb 8
113 | .uHostFSBase resq 1
114 | .uHostGSBase resq 1
115 | endstruc
116 |
117 | struc HMCPUVMX
118 | .VmcsInfo resb VMXVMCSINFOSHARED_size
119 | .VmcsInfoNstGst resb VMXVMCSINFOSHARED_size
120 | .fSwitchedToNstGstVmcs resb 1
121 | .fMergedNstGstCtls resb 1
122 | .fCopiedNstGstToShadowVmcs resb 1
123 | .fSwitchedNstGstFlushTlb resb 1
124 |
125 | alignb 8
126 | .u64GstMsrApicBase resq 1
127 |
128 | .LastError.idCurrentCpu resd 1
129 | .LastError.idEnteredCpu resd 1
130 | .LastError.HCPhysCurrentVmcs resq 1
131 | .LastError.u32VmcsRev resd 1
132 | .LastError.u32InstrError resd 1
133 | .LastError.u32ExitReason resd 1
134 | .LastError.u32GuestIntrState resd 1
135 | endstruc
136 |
137 | struc HMCPUSVM
138 | .HCPhysVmcbHost RTHCPHYS_RES 1
139 |
140 | .hMemObjVmcbHost RTR0PTR_RES 1
141 | .pvPadding RTR0PTR_RES 1 ; pointless padding
142 |
143 | .HCPhysVmcb RTHCPHYS_RES 1
144 | .hMemObjVmcb RTR0PTR_RES 1
145 | .pVmcb RTR0PTR_RES 1
146 |
147 | .HCPhysMsrBitmap RTHCPHYS_RES 1
148 | .hMemObjMsrBitmap RTR0PTR_RES 1
149 | .pvMsrBitmap RTR0PTR_RES 1
150 |
151 | .fSyncVTpr resb 1
152 | .fEmulateLongModeSysEnterExit resb 1
153 |
154 | alignb 8
155 | .u64HostTscAux resq 1
156 |
157 | .NstGstVmcbCache resb 40
158 | endstruc
159 |
160 | struc HMCPU
161 | .fCheckedTLBFlush resb 1
162 | .fActive resb 1
163 | .fLeaveDone resb 1
164 | .fUsingHyperDR7 resb 1
165 | .fForceTLBFlush resb 1
166 | .fUseDebugLoop resb 1
167 | .fUsingDebugLoop resb 1
168 | .fDebugWantRdTscExit resb 1
169 |
170 | .fLoadSaveGuestXcr0 resb 1
171 | .fGIMTrapXcptUD resb 1
172 | .fTrapXcptGpForLovelyMesaDrv resb 1
173 | .fSingleInstruction resb 1
174 | .fClearTrapFlag resb 1
175 | alignb 8
176 |
177 | .cWorldSwitchExits resd 1
178 | .idLastCpu resd 1
179 | .cTlbFlushes resd 1
180 | .uCurrentAsid resd 1
181 | .u32HMError resd 1
182 | .rcLastExitToR3 resd 1
183 | alignb 8
184 | .fCtxChanged resq 1
185 |
186 | alignb 8
187 | ;%if HMCPUVMX_size > HMCPUSVM_size
188 | .u resb HMCPUVMX_size
189 | ;%else
190 | ; .u resb HMCPUSVM_size
191 | ;%endif
192 |
193 | .Event.fPending resd 1
194 | .Event.u32ErrCode resd 1
195 | .Event.cbInstr resd 1
196 | alignb 8
197 | .Event.u64IntInfo resq 1
198 | .Event.GCPtrFaultAddress RTGCPTR_RES 1
199 |
200 | .idEnteredCpu resd 1
201 | .enmShadowMode resd 1
202 | alignb 8
203 | .aPdpes resq 4
204 |
205 | ; The remainer is disassembly state and statistics.
206 | endstruc
207 |
208 | struc HMR0CPUVMX
209 | .pfnStartVm RTR0PTR_RES 1
210 |
211 | .VmcsInfo resb VMXVMCSINFO_size
212 | .VmcsInfoNstGst resb VMXVMCSINFO_size
213 |
214 | .u64HostMsrLStar resq 1
215 | .u64HostMsrStar resq 1
216 | .u64HostMsrSfMask resq 1
217 | .u64HostMsrKernelGsBase resq 1
218 | .fLazyMsrs resd 1
219 | .fUpdatedHostAutoMsrs resb 1
220 | alignb 4
221 | .fRestoreHostFlags resd 1
222 | alignb 8
223 | .uHostRIP resq 1
224 | .uHostRSP resq 1
225 | .RestoreHost resb VMXRESTOREHOST_size
226 | endstruc
227 |
228 | struc HMR0CPUSVM
229 | .pfnVMRun RTR0PTR_RES 1
230 | endstruc
231 |
232 | struc HMR0PERVCPU
233 | alignb 8
234 | ;%if HMR0CPUVMX_size > HMR0CPUSVM_size
235 | .u resb HMR0CPUVMX_size
236 | ;%else
237 | ; .u resb HMR0CPUSVM_size
238 | ;%endif
239 | endstruc
240 |