; $Id: CPUMGCA.asm 5999 2007-12-07 15:05:06Z vboxsync $ ;; @file ; ; CPUM - Guest Context Assembly Routines. ; Copyright (C) 2006-2007 innotek GmbH ; ; This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as ; available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; ; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU ; General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software ; Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the ; VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the ; hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. ; ;******************************************************************************* ;* Header Files * ;******************************************************************************* %include "VMMGC.mac" %include "VBox/vm.mac" %include "VBox/err.mac" %include "VBox/stam.mac" %include "CPUMInternal.mac" %include "VBox/x86.mac" %include "VBox/cpum.mac" ;******************************************************************************* ;* External Symbols * ;******************************************************************************* extern IMPNAME(g_CPUM) ; VMM GC Builtin import extern IMPNAME(g_VM) ; VMM GC Builtin import extern NAME(cpumGCHandleNPAndGP) ; CPUMGC.cpp ; ; Enables write protection of Hypervisor memory pages. ; !note! Must be commented out for Trap8 debug handler. ; %define ENABLE_WRITE_PROTECTION 1 BEGINCODE ;; ; Restores GC context before doing iret. ; ; @param [esp + 4] Pointer to interrupt stack frame, i.e. pointer ; to the a struct with this layout: ; 00h eip ; 04h cs ; 08h eflags ; 0ch esp ; 10h ss ; 14h es (V86 only) ; 18h ds (V86 only) ; 1Ch fs (V86 only) ; 20h gs (V86 only) ; ; @uses everything but cs, ss, esp, and eflags. ; ; @remark Assumes we're restoring in Ring-0 a context which is not Ring-0. ; Further assumes flat stack and valid ds. BEGINPROC CPUMGCRestoreInt ; ; Update iret frame. ; mov eax, [esp + 4] ; get argument mov edx, IMP(g_CPUM) mov ecx, [edx + CPUM.Guest.eip] mov [eax + 0h], ecx mov ecx, [edx + CPUM.Guest.cs] mov [eax + 4h], ecx mov ecx, [edx + CPUM.Guest.eflags] mov [eax + 8h], ecx mov ecx, [edx + CPUM.Guest.esp] mov [eax + 0ch], ecx mov ecx, [edx + CPUM.Guest.ss] mov [eax + 10h], ecx test dword [edx + CPUM.Guest.eflags], X86_EFL_VM jnz short CPUMGCRestoreInt_V86 ; ; Load registers. ; ; todo: potential trouble loading invalid es,fs,gs,ds because ; of a VMM imposed exception? mov es, [edx + CPUM.Guest.es] mov fs, [edx + CPUM.Guest.fs] mov gs, [edx + CPUM.Guest.gs] mov esi, [edx + CPUM.Guest.esi] mov edi, [edx + CPUM.Guest.edi] mov ebp, [edx + CPUM.Guest.ebp] mov ebx, [edx + CPUM.Guest.ebx] mov ecx, [edx + CPUM.Guest.ecx] mov eax, [edx + CPUM.Guest.eax] push dword [edx + CPUM.Guest.ds] mov edx, [edx + CPUM.Guest.edx] pop ds ret CPUMGCRestoreInt_V86: ; iret restores ds, es, fs & gs mov ecx, [edx + CPUM.Guest.es] mov [eax + 14h], ecx mov ecx, [edx + CPUM.Guest.ds] mov [eax + 18h], ecx mov ecx, [edx + CPUM.Guest.fs] mov [eax + 1Ch], ecx mov ecx, [edx + CPUM.Guest.gs] mov [eax + 20h], ecx mov esi, [edx + CPUM.Guest.esi] mov edi, [edx + CPUM.Guest.edi] mov ebp, [edx + CPUM.Guest.ebp] mov ebx, [edx + CPUM.Guest.ebx] mov ecx, [edx + CPUM.Guest.ecx] mov eax, [edx + CPUM.Guest.eax] mov edx, [edx + CPUM.Guest.edx] ret ENDPROC CPUMGCRestoreInt ;; ; Calls a guest trap/interrupt handler directly ; Assumes a trap stack frame has already been setup on the guest's stack! ; ; @param pRegFrame [esp + 4] Original trap/interrupt context ; @param selCS [esp + 8] Code selector of handler ; @param pHandler [esp + 12] GC virtual address of handler ; @param eflags [esp + 16] Callee's EFLAGS ; @param selSS [esp + 20] Stack selector for handler ; @param pEsp [esp + 24] Stack address for handler ; ; @remark This call never returns! ; ; CPUMGCDECL(void) CPUMGCCallGuestTrapHandler(PCPUMCTXCORE pRegFrame, uint32_t selCS, RTGCPTR pHandler, uint32_t eflags, uint32_t selSS, RTGCPTR pEsp); align 16 BEGINPROC_EXPORTED CPUMGCCallGuestTrapHandler mov ebp, esp ; construct iret stack frame push dword [ebp + 20] ; SS push dword [ebp + 24] ; ESP push dword [ebp + 16] ; EFLAGS push dword [ebp + 8] ; CS push dword [ebp + 12] ; EIP ; ; enable WP ; %ifdef ENABLE_WRITE_PROTECTION mov eax, cr0 or eax, X86_CR0_WRITE_PROTECT mov cr0, eax %endif ; restore CPU context (all except cs, eip, ss, esp & eflags; which are restored or overwritten by iret) mov ebp, [ebp + 4] ; pRegFrame mov ebx, [ebp + CPUMCTXCORE.ebx] mov ecx, [ebp + CPUMCTXCORE.ecx] mov edx, [ebp + CPUMCTXCORE.edx] mov esi, [ebp + CPUMCTXCORE.esi] mov edi, [ebp + CPUMCTXCORE.edi] ;; @todo load segment registers *before* enabling WP. TRPM_NP_GP_HANDLER NAME(cpumGCHandleNPAndGP), CPUM_HANDLER_GS | CPUM_HANDLER_CTXCORE_IN_EBP mov gs, [ebp + CPUMCTXCORE.gs] TRPM_NP_GP_HANDLER NAME(cpumGCHandleNPAndGP), CPUM_HANDLER_FS | CPUM_HANDLER_CTXCORE_IN_EBP mov fs, [ebp + CPUMCTXCORE.fs] TRPM_NP_GP_HANDLER NAME(cpumGCHandleNPAndGP), CPUM_HANDLER_ES | CPUM_HANDLER_CTXCORE_IN_EBP mov es, [ebp + CPUMCTXCORE.es] TRPM_NP_GP_HANDLER NAME(cpumGCHandleNPAndGP), CPUM_HANDLER_DS | CPUM_HANDLER_CTXCORE_IN_EBP mov ds, [ebp + CPUMCTXCORE.ds] mov eax, [ebp + CPUMCTXCORE.eax] mov ebp, [ebp + CPUMCTXCORE.ebp] TRPM_NP_GP_HANDLER NAME(cpumGCHandleNPAndGP), CPUM_HANDLER_IRET iret ENDPROC CPUMGCCallGuestTrapHandler ;; ; Performs an iret to V86 code ; Assumes a trap stack frame has already been setup on the guest's stack! ; ; @param pRegFrame Original trap/interrupt context ; ; This function does not return! ; ;CPUMGCDECL(void) CPUMGCCallV86Code(PCPUMCTXCORE pRegFrame); align 16 BEGINPROC CPUMGCCallV86Code mov ebp, [esp + 4] ; pRegFrame ; construct iret stack frame push dword [ebp + CPUMCTXCORE.gs] push dword [ebp + CPUMCTXCORE.fs] push dword [ebp + CPUMCTXCORE.ds] push dword [ebp + CPUMCTXCORE.es] push dword [ebp + CPUMCTXCORE.ss] push dword [ebp + CPUMCTXCORE.esp] push dword [ebp + CPUMCTXCORE.eflags] push dword [ebp + CPUMCTXCORE.cs] push dword [ebp + CPUMCTXCORE.eip] ; ; enable WP ; %ifdef ENABLE_WRITE_PROTECTION mov eax, cr0 or eax, X86_CR0_WRITE_PROTECT mov cr0, eax %endif ; restore CPU context (all except cs, eip, ss, esp, eflags, ds, es, fs & gs; which are restored or overwritten by iret) mov eax, [ebp + CPUMCTXCORE.eax] mov ebx, [ebp + CPUMCTXCORE.ebx] mov ecx, [ebp + CPUMCTXCORE.ecx] mov edx, [ebp + CPUMCTXCORE.edx] mov esi, [ebp + CPUMCTXCORE.esi] mov edi, [ebp + CPUMCTXCORE.edi] mov ebp, [ebp + CPUMCTXCORE.ebp] TRPM_NP_GP_HANDLER NAME(cpumGCHandleNPAndGP), CPUM_HANDLER_IRET iret ENDPROC CPUMGCCallV86Code ;; ; This is a main entry point for resuming (or starting) guest ; code execution. ; ; We get here directly from VMMSwitcher.asm (jmp at the end ; of VMMSwitcher_HostToGuest). ; ; This call never returns! ; ; @param edx Pointer to CPUM structure. ; align 16 BEGINPROC_EXPORTED CPUMGCResumeGuest ; ; Setup iretd ; push dword [edx + CPUM.Guest.ss] push dword [edx + CPUM.Guest.esp] push dword [edx + CPUM.Guest.eflags] push dword [edx + CPUM.Guest.cs] push dword [edx + CPUM.Guest.eip] ; ; Restore registers. ; TRPM_NP_GP_HANDLER NAME(cpumGCHandleNPAndGP), CPUM_HANDLER_ES mov es, [edx + CPUM.Guest.es] TRPM_NP_GP_HANDLER NAME(cpumGCHandleNPAndGP), CPUM_HANDLER_FS mov fs, [edx + CPUM.Guest.fs] TRPM_NP_GP_HANDLER NAME(cpumGCHandleNPAndGP), CPUM_HANDLER_GS mov gs, [edx + CPUM.Guest.gs] %ifdef VBOX_WITH_STATISTICS ; ; Statistics. ; push edx mov edx, IMP(g_VM) lea edx, [edx + VM.StatTotalQemuToGC] STAM_PROFILE_ADV_STOP edx mov edx, IMP(g_VM) lea edx, [edx + VM.StatTotalInGC] STAM_PROFILE_ADV_START edx pop edx %endif ; ; enable WP ; %ifdef ENABLE_WRITE_PROTECTION mov eax, cr0 or eax, X86_CR0_WRITE_PROTECT mov cr0, eax %endif ; ; Continue restore. ; mov esi, [edx + CPUM.Guest.esi] mov edi, [edx + CPUM.Guest.edi] mov ebp, [edx + CPUM.Guest.ebp] mov ebx, [edx + CPUM.Guest.ebx] mov ecx, [edx + CPUM.Guest.ecx] mov eax, [edx + CPUM.Guest.eax] push dword [edx + CPUM.Guest.ds] mov edx, [edx + CPUM.Guest.edx] TRPM_NP_GP_HANDLER NAME(cpumGCHandleNPAndGP), CPUM_HANDLER_DS pop ds ; restart execution. TRPM_NP_GP_HANDLER NAME(cpumGCHandleNPAndGP), CPUM_HANDLER_IRET iretd ENDPROC CPUMGCResumeGuest ;; ; This is a main entry point for resuming (or starting) guest ; code execution for raw V86 mode ; ; We get here directly from VMMSwitcher.asm (jmp at the end ; of VMMSwitcher_HostToGuest). ; ; This call never returns! ; ; @param edx Pointer to CPUM structure. ; align 16 BEGINPROC_EXPORTED CPUMGCResumeGuestV86 ; ; Setup iretd ; push dword [edx + CPUM.Guest.gs] push dword [edx + CPUM.Guest.fs] push dword [edx + CPUM.Guest.ds] push dword [edx + CPUM.Guest.es] push dword [edx + CPUM.Guest.ss] push dword [edx + CPUM.Guest.esp] push dword [edx + CPUM.Guest.eflags] push dword [edx + CPUM.Guest.cs] push dword [edx + CPUM.Guest.eip] ; ; Restore registers. ; %ifdef VBOX_WITH_STATISTICS ; ; Statistics. ; push edx mov edx, IMP(g_VM) lea edx, [edx + VM.StatTotalQemuToGC] STAM_PROFILE_ADV_STOP edx mov edx, IMP(g_VM) lea edx, [edx + VM.StatTotalInGC] STAM_PROFILE_ADV_START edx pop edx %endif ; ; enable WP ; %ifdef ENABLE_WRITE_PROTECTION mov eax, cr0 or eax, X86_CR0_WRITE_PROTECT mov cr0, eax %endif ; ; Continue restore. ; mov esi, [edx + CPUM.Guest.esi] mov edi, [edx + CPUM.Guest.edi] mov ebp, [edx + CPUM.Guest.ebp] mov ecx, [edx + CPUM.Guest.ecx] mov ebx, [edx + CPUM.Guest.ebx] mov eax, [edx + CPUM.Guest.eax] mov edx, [edx + CPUM.Guest.edx] ; restart execution. TRPM_NP_GP_HANDLER NAME(cpumGCHandleNPAndGP), CPUM_HANDLER_IRET iretd ENDPROC CPUMGCResumeGuestV86 ;; ; Set the Guest CPU CR2 register. ; ; @param eax cr2 ; @uses edx ; align 16 BEGINPROC CPUMGCSetGuestCR2Asm mov edx, IMP(g_CPUM) mov [edx + CPUM.Guest.cr2], eax ret ENDPROC CPUMGCSetGuestCR2Asm ;; ; Get the Guest CPU CR0 register. ; ; @returns cr0 in eax ; @uses eax ; align 16 BEGINPROC CPUMGCGetGuestCR0 mov eax, IMP(g_CPUM) mov eax, [eax + CPUM.Guest.cr0] ret ENDPROC CPUMGCGetGuestCR0