/* $Id: PGMMap.cpp 23 2007-01-15 14:08:28Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * PGM - Page Manager, Guest Context Mappings. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006 InnoTek Systemberatung GmbH * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, * in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the VirtualBox OSE * distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the hope that it will * be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. * * If you received this file as part of a commercial VirtualBox * distribution, then only the terms of your commercial VirtualBox * license agreement apply instead of the previous paragraph. */ /******************************************************************************* * Header Files * *******************************************************************************/ #define LOG_GROUP LOG_GROUP_PGM #include #include #include "PGMInternal.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include /******************************************************************************* * Internal Functions * *******************************************************************************/ static void pgmR3MapClearPDEs(PPGM pPGM, PPGMMAPPING pMap, int iOldPDE); static void pgmR3MapSetPDEs(PVM pVM, PPGMMAPPING pMap, int iNewPDE); static DECLCALLBACK(int) pgmR3DumpMappingsPhysicalCB(PAVLROGCPHYSNODECORE pNode, void *pvUser); static int pgmR3MapIntermediateCheckOne(PVM pVM, uintptr_t uAddress, unsigned cPages, PX86PT pPTDefault, PX86PTPAE pPTPaeDefault); static void pgmR3MapIntermediateDoOne(PVM pVM, uintptr_t uAddress, RTHCPHYS HCPhys, unsigned cPages, PX86PT pPTDefault, PX86PTPAE pPTPaeDefault); /** * Creates a page table based mapping in GC. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pVM VM Handle. * @param GCPtr Virtual Address. (Page table aligned!) * @param cb Size of the range. Must be a 4MB aligned! * @param pfnRelocate Relocation callback function. * @param pvUser User argument to the callback. * @param pszDesc Pointer to description string. This must not be freed. */ PGMR3DECL(int) PGMR3MapPT(PVM pVM, RTGCPTR GCPtr, size_t cb, PFNPGMRELOCATE pfnRelocate, void *pvUser, const char *pszDesc) { LogFlow(("PGMR3MapPT: GCPtr=%#x cb=%d pfnRelocate=%p pvUser=%p pszDesc=%s\n", GCPtr, cb, pfnRelocate, pvUser, pszDesc)); AssertMsg(pVM->pgm.s.pInterPD && pVM->pgm.s.pHC32BitPD, ("Paging isn't initialized, init order problems!\n")); /* * Validate input. */ if (cb < _2M || cb > 64 * _1M) { AssertMsgFailed(("Serious? cb=%d\n", cb)); return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } cb = RT_ALIGN_Z(cb, _4M); RTGCPTR GCPtrLast = GCPtr + cb - 1; if (GCPtrLast < GCPtr) { AssertMsgFailed(("Range wraps! GCPtr=%x GCPtrLast=%x\n", GCPtr, GCPtrLast)); return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (pVM->pgm.s.fMappingsFixed) { AssertMsgFailed(("Mappings are fixed! It's not possible to add new mappings at this time!\n")); return VERR_PGM_MAPPINGS_FIXED; } if (!pfnRelocate) { AssertMsgFailed(("Callback is required\n")); return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } /* * Find list location. */ PPGMMAPPING pPrev = NULL; PPGMMAPPING pCur = pVM->pgm.s.pMappingsHC; while (pCur) { if (pCur->GCPtrLast >= GCPtr && pCur->GCPtr <= GCPtrLast) { AssertMsgFailed(("Address is already in use by %s. req %#x-%#x take %#x-%#x\n", pCur->pszDesc, GCPtr, GCPtrLast, pCur->GCPtr, pCur->GCPtrLast)); return VERR_PGM_MAPPING_CONFLICT; } if (pCur->GCPtr > GCPtr) break; pPrev = pCur; pCur = pCur->pNextHC; } /** @todo this needs fixing, the function must relocate on conflict, not fail! */ /* * Check for conflicts with intermediate mappings. */ const unsigned iPageDir = GCPtr >> PGDIR_SHIFT; const unsigned cPTs = cb >> PGDIR_SHIFT; unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < cPTs; i++) { if (pVM->pgm.s.pInterPD->a[iPageDir + i].n.u1Present) { AssertMsgFailed(("Address %#x is already in use by an intermediate mapping.\n", GCPtr + (i << PAGE_SHIFT))); return VERR_PGM_MAPPING_CONFLICT; } } /** @todo AMD64: add check in PAE structures too, so we can remove all the 32-Bit paging stuff there. */ /* * Allocate and initialize the new list node. */ PPGMMAPPING pNew; int rc = MMHyperAlloc(pVM, RT_OFFSETOF(PGMMAPPING, aPTs[cPTs]), 0, MM_TAG_PGM, (void **)&pNew); if (VBOX_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; pNew->GCPtr = GCPtr; pNew->GCPtrLast = GCPtrLast; pNew->cb = cb; pNew->pszDesc = pszDesc; pNew->pfnRelocate = pfnRelocate; pNew->pvUser = pvUser; pNew->cPTs = cPTs; /* * Allocate page tables and insert them into the page directories. * (One 32-bit PT and two PAE PTs.) */ uint8_t *pbPTs; rc = MMHyperAlloc(pVM, PAGE_SIZE * 3 * cPTs, PAGE_SIZE, MM_TAG_PGM, (void **)&pbPTs); if (VBOX_FAILURE(rc)) { MMHyperFree(pVM, pNew); return VERR_NO_MEMORY; } /* * Init the page tables and insert them into the page directories. */ Log4(("PGMR3MapPT: GCPtr=%VGv cPTs=%u pbPTs=%p\n", GCPtr, cPTs, pbPTs)); for (i = 0; i < cPTs; i++) { /* * 32-bit. */ pNew->aPTs[i].pPTHC = (PVBOXPT)pbPTs; pNew->aPTs[i].pPTGC = MMHyperHC2GC(pVM, pNew->aPTs[i].pPTHC); pNew->aPTs[i].HCPhysPT = MMR3HyperHCVirt2HCPhys(pVM, pNew->aPTs[i].pPTHC); pbPTs += PAGE_SIZE; Log4(("PGMR3MapPT: i=%d: pPTHC=%p pPTGC=%p HCPhysPT=%RHp\n", i, pNew->aPTs[i].pPTHC, pNew->aPTs[i].pPTGC, pNew->aPTs[i].HCPhysPT)); /* * PAE. */ pNew->aPTs[i].HCPhysPaePT0 = MMR3HyperHCVirt2HCPhys(pVM, pbPTs); pNew->aPTs[i].HCPhysPaePT1 = MMR3HyperHCVirt2HCPhys(pVM, pbPTs + PAGE_SIZE); pNew->aPTs[i].paPaePTsHC = (PX86PTPAE)pbPTs; pNew->aPTs[i].paPaePTsGC = MMHyperHC2GC(pVM, pbPTs); pbPTs += PAGE_SIZE * 2; Log4(("PGMR3MapPT: i=%d: paPaePTsHC=%p paPaePTsGC=%p HCPhysPaePT0=%RHp HCPhysPaePT1=%RHp\n", i, pNew->aPTs[i].paPaePTsHC, pNew->aPTs[i].paPaePTsGC, pNew->aPTs[i].HCPhysPaePT0, pNew->aPTs[i].HCPhysPaePT1)); } pgmR3MapSetPDEs(pVM, pNew, iPageDir); /* * Insert the new mapping. */ pNew->pNextHC = pCur; pNew->pNextGC = pCur ? MMHyperHC2GC(pVM, pCur) : 0; if (pPrev) { pPrev->pNextHC = pNew; pPrev->pNextGC = MMHyperHC2GC(pVM, pNew); } else { pVM->pgm.s.pMappingsHC = pNew; pVM->pgm.s.pMappingsGC = MMHyperHC2GC(pVM, pNew); } VM_FF_SET(pVM, VM_FF_PGM_SYNC_CR3); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Removes a page table based mapping. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pVM VM Handle. * @param GCPtr Virtual Address. (Page table aligned!) */ PGMR3DECL(int) PGMR3UnmapPT(PVM pVM, RTGCPTR GCPtr) { LogFlow(("PGMR3UnmapPT: GCPtr=%#x\n", GCPtr)); /* * Find it. */ PPGMMAPPING pPrev = NULL; PPGMMAPPING pCur = pVM->pgm.s.pMappingsHC; while (pCur) { if (pCur->GCPtr == GCPtr) { /* * Unlink it. */ if (pPrev) { pPrev->pNextHC = pCur->pNextHC; pPrev->pNextGC = pCur->pNextGC; } else { pVM->pgm.s.pMappingsHC = pCur->pNextHC; pVM->pgm.s.pMappingsGC = pCur->pNextGC; } /* * Free the page table memory, clear page directory entries * and free the page tables and node memory. */ MMHyperFree(pVM, pCur->aPTs[0].pPTHC); pgmR3MapClearPDEs(&pVM->pgm.s, pCur, pCur->GCPtr >> PGDIR_SHIFT); MMHyperFree(pVM, pCur); VM_FF_SET(pVM, VM_FF_PGM_SYNC_CR3); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /* done? */ if (pCur->GCPtr > GCPtr) break; /* next */ pPrev = pCur; pCur = pCur->pNextHC; } AssertMsgFailed(("No mapping for %#x found!\n", GCPtr)); return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } /** * Gets the size of the current guest mappings if they were to be * put next to oneanother. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pVM The VM. * @param pcb Where to store the size. */ PGMR3DECL(int) PGMR3MappingsSize(PVM pVM, size_t *pcb) { size_t cb = 0; for (PPGMMAPPING pCur = pVM->pgm.s.pMappingsHC; pCur; pCur = pCur->pNextHC) cb += pCur->cb; *pcb = cb; Log(("PGMR3MappingsSize: return %d (%#x) bytes\n", cb, cb)); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Fixes the guest context mappings in a range reserved from the Guest OS. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pVM The VM. * @param GCPtrBase The address of the reserved range of guest memory. * @param cb The size of the range starting at GCPtrBase. */ PGMR3DECL(int) PGMR3MappingsFix(PVM pVM, RTGCPTR GCPtrBase, size_t cb) { Log(("PGMR3MappingsFix: GCPtrBase=%#x cb=%#x\n", GCPtrBase, cb)); /* * This is all or nothing at all. So, a tiny bit of paranoia first. */ if (GCPtrBase & PAGE_OFFSET_MASK_BIG) { AssertMsgFailed(("GCPtrBase (%#x) has to be aligned on a 4MB address!\n", GCPtrBase)); return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (!cb || (cb & PAGE_OFFSET_MASK_BIG)) { AssertMsgFailed(("cb (%#x) is 0 or not aligned on a 4MB address!\n", cb)); return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } /* * Before we do anything we'll do a forced PD sync to try make sure any * pending relocations because of these mappings have been resolved. */ PGMSyncCR3(pVM, CPUMGetGuestCR0(pVM), CPUMGetGuestCR3(pVM), CPUMGetGuestCR4(pVM), true); /* * Check that it's not conflicting with a core code mapping in the intermediate page table. */ unsigned iPDNew = GCPtrBase >> PGDIR_SHIFT; unsigned i = cb >> PGDIR_SHIFT; while (i-- > 0) { if (pVM->pgm.s.pInterPD->a[iPDNew + i].n.u1Present) { /* Check that it's not one or our mappings. */ PPGMMAPPING pCur = pVM->pgm.s.pMappingsHC; while (pCur) { if (iPDNew + i - (pCur->GCPtr >> PGDIR_SHIFT) < (pCur->cb >> PGDIR_SHIFT)) break; pCur = pCur->pNextHC; } if (!pCur) { LogRel(("PGMR3MappingsFix: Conflicts with intermediate PDE %#x (GCPtrBase=%VGv cb=%#zx). The guest should retry.\n", iPDNew + i, GCPtrBase, cb)); return VERR_PGM_MAPPINGS_FIX_CONFLICT; } } } /* * Loop the mappings and check that they all agree on their new locations. */ RTGCPTR GCPtrCur = GCPtrBase; PPGMMAPPING pCur = pVM->pgm.s.pMappingsHC; while (pCur) { if (!pCur->pfnRelocate(pVM, pCur->GCPtr, GCPtrCur, PGMRELOCATECALL_SUGGEST, pCur->pvUser)) { AssertMsgFailed(("The suggested fixed address %#x was rejected by '%s'!\n", GCPtrCur, pCur->pszDesc)); return VERR_PGM_MAPPINGS_FIX_REJECTED; } /* next */ GCPtrCur += pCur->cb; pCur = pCur->pNextHC; } if (GCPtrCur > GCPtrBase + cb) { AssertMsgFailed(("cb (%#x) is less than the required range %#x!\n", cb, GCPtrCur - GCPtrBase)); return VERR_PGM_MAPPINGS_FIX_TOO_SMALL; } /* * Loop the table assigning the mappings to the passed in memory * and call their relocator callback. */ GCPtrCur = GCPtrBase; pCur = pVM->pgm.s.pMappingsHC; while (pCur) { unsigned iPDOld = pCur->GCPtr >> PGDIR_SHIFT; iPDNew = GCPtrCur >> PGDIR_SHIFT; /* * Relocate the page table(s). */ pgmR3MapClearPDEs(&pVM->pgm.s, pCur, iPDOld); pgmR3MapSetPDEs(pVM, pCur, iPDNew); /* * Update the entry. */ pCur->GCPtr = GCPtrCur; pCur->GCPtrLast = GCPtrCur + pCur->cb - 1; /* * Callback to execute the relocation. */ pCur->pfnRelocate(pVM, iPDOld << PGDIR_SHIFT, iPDNew << PGDIR_SHIFT, PGMRELOCATECALL_RELOCATE, pCur->pvUser); /* * Advance. */ GCPtrCur += pCur->cb; pCur = pCur->pNextHC; } /* * Turn off CR3 updating monitoring. */ int rc2 = PGM_GST_PFN(UnmonitorCR3, pVM)(pVM); AssertRC(rc2); /* * Mark the mappings as fixed and return. */ pVM->pgm.s.fMappingsFixed = true; pVM->pgm.s.GCPtrMappingFixed = GCPtrBase; pVM->pgm.s.cbMappingFixed = cb; pVM->pgm.s.fSyncFlags &= ~PGM_SYNC_MONITOR_CR3; VM_FF_SET(pVM, VM_FF_PGM_SYNC_CR3); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Unfixes the mappings. * After calling this function mapping conflict detection will be enabled. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pVM The VM. */ PGMR3DECL(int) PGMR3MappingsUnfix(PVM pVM) { Log(("PGMR3MappingsUnfix: fMappingsFixed=%d\n", pVM->pgm.s.fMappingsFixed)); pVM->pgm.s.fMappingsFixed = false; pVM->pgm.s.GCPtrMappingFixed = 0; pVM->pgm.s.cbMappingFixed = 0; VM_FF_SET(pVM, VM_FF_PGM_SYNC_CR3); /* * Re-enable the CR3 monitoring. * * Paranoia: We flush the page pool before doing that because Windows * is using the CR3 page both as a PD and a PT, e.g. the pool may * be monitoring it. */ #ifdef PGMPOOL_WITH_MONITORING pgmPoolFlushAll(pVM); #endif int rc = PGM_GST_PFN(MonitorCR3, pVM)(pVM, pVM->pgm.s.GCPhysCR3); AssertRC(rc); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Map pages into the intermediate context (switcher code). * These pages are mapped at both the give virtual address and at * the physical address (for identity mapping). * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pVM The virtual machine. * @param pvAddr Intermediate context address of the mapping. This must be entriely below 4GB! * @param HCPhys Start of the range of physical pages. This must be entriely below 4GB! * @param cbPages Number of bytes to map. * * @remark This API shall not be used to anything but mapping the switcher code. * @todo pvAddr must be a RTUINTPTR! */ PGMR3DECL(int) PGMR3MapIntermediate(PVM pVM, void *pvAddr, RTHCPHYS HCPhys, unsigned cbPages) { LogFlow(("PGMR3MapIntermediate: pvAddr=%p HCPhys=%VHp cbPages=%#x\n", pvAddr, HCPhys, cbPages)); /* * Adjust input. */ cbPages += (uint32_t)HCPhys & PAGE_OFFSET_MASK; cbPages = RT_ALIGN(cbPages, PAGE_SIZE); HCPhys &= X86_PTE_PAE_PG_MASK; pvAddr = (void *)((RTUINTPTR)pvAddr & PAGE_BASE_MASK); /* We only care about the first 4GB, because on AMD64 we'll be repeating them all over the address space. */ uint32_t uAddress = (uint32_t)(uintptr_t)pvAddr; /* * Assert input and state. */ AssertMsg(pVM->pgm.s.offVM, ("Bad init order\n")); AssertMsg(pVM->pgm.s.pInterPD, ("Bad init order, paging.\n")); AssertMsg(cbPages <= (512 << PAGE_SHIFT), ("The mapping is too big %d bytes\n", cbPages)); AssertMsg(HCPhys < _4G && HCPhys + cbPages < _4G, ("pvAddr=%p HCPhys=%VHp cbPages=%d\n", pvAddr, HCPhys, cbPages)); /* * Check for internal conflicts between the virtual address and the physical address. */ if ( uAddress != HCPhys && ( uAddress < HCPhys ? HCPhys - uAddress < cbPages : uAddress - HCPhys < cbPages ) ) { AssertMsgFailed(("pvAddr=%p HCPhys=%VHp cbPages=%d\n", pvAddr, HCPhys, cbPages)); LogRel(("pvAddr=%p HCPhys=%VHp cbPages=%d\n", pvAddr, HCPhys, cbPages)); return VERR_PGM_MAPPINGS_FIX_CONFLICT; /** @todo new error code */ } const unsigned cPages = cbPages >> PAGE_SHIFT; int rc = pgmR3MapIntermediateCheckOne(pVM, uAddress, cPages, pVM->pgm.s.apInterPTs[0], pVM->pgm.s.apInterPaePTs[0]); if (VBOX_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; rc = pgmR3MapIntermediateCheckOne(pVM, (uintptr_t)HCPhys, cPages, pVM->pgm.s.apInterPTs[1], pVM->pgm.s.apInterPaePTs[1]); if (VBOX_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; /* * Everythings fine, do the mapping. */ pgmR3MapIntermediateDoOne(pVM, uAddress, HCPhys, cPages, pVM->pgm.s.apInterPTs[0], pVM->pgm.s.apInterPaePTs[0]); pgmR3MapIntermediateDoOne(pVM, (uintptr_t)HCPhys, HCPhys, cPages, pVM->pgm.s.apInterPTs[1], pVM->pgm.s.apInterPaePTs[1]); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Validates that there are no conflicts for this mapping into the intermediate context. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pVM VM handle. * @param uAddress Address of the mapping. * @param cPages Number of pages. * @param pPTDefault Pointer to the default page table for this mapping. * @param pPTPaeDefault Pointer to the default page table for this mapping. */ static int pgmR3MapIntermediateCheckOne(PVM pVM, uintptr_t uAddress, unsigned cPages, PX86PT pPTDefault, PX86PTPAE pPTPaeDefault) { AssertMsg((uAddress >> X86_PD_SHIFT) + cPages <= 1024, ("64-bit fixme\n")); /* * Check that the ranges are available. * (This codes doesn't have to be fast.) */ while (cPages > 0) { /* * 32-Bit. */ unsigned iPDE = (uAddress >> X86_PD_SHIFT) & X86_PD_MASK; unsigned iPTE = (uAddress >> X86_PT_SHIFT) & X86_PT_MASK; PX86PT pPT = pPTDefault; if (pVM->pgm.s.pInterPD->a[iPDE].u) { RTHCPHYS HCPhysPT = pVM->pgm.s.pInterPD->a[iPDE].u & X86_PDE_PG_MASK; if (HCPhysPT == MMPage2Phys(pVM, pVM->pgm.s.apInterPTs[0])) pPT = pVM->pgm.s.apInterPTs[0]; else if (HCPhysPT == MMPage2Phys(pVM, pVM->pgm.s.apInterPTs[1])) pPT = pVM->pgm.s.apInterPTs[1]; else { /** @todo this must be handled with a relocation of the conflicting mapping! * Which of course cannot be done because we're in the middle of the initialization. bad design! */ AssertMsgFailed(("Conflict between core code and PGMR3Mapping(). uAddress=%VHv\n", uAddress)); LogRel(("Conflict between core code and PGMR3Mapping(). uAddress=%VHv\n", uAddress)); return VERR_PGM_MAPPINGS_FIX_CONFLICT; /** @todo error codes! */ } } if (pPT->a[iPTE].u) { AssertMsgFailed(("Conflict iPTE=%#x iPDE=%#x uAddress=%VHv pPT->a[iPTE].u=%RX32\n", iPTE, iPDE, uAddress, pPT->a[iPTE].u)); LogRel(("Conflict iPTE=%#x iPDE=%#x uAddress=%VHv pPT->a[iPTE].u=%RX32\n", iPTE, iPDE, uAddress, pPT->a[iPTE].u)); return VERR_PGM_MAPPINGS_FIX_CONFLICT; /** @todo error codes! */ } /* * PAE. */ const unsigned iPDPE= (uAddress >> X86_PDPTR_SHIFT) & X86_PDPTR_MASK; iPDE = (uAddress >> X86_PD_PAE_SHIFT) & X86_PD_PAE_MASK; iPTE = (uAddress >> X86_PT_PAE_SHIFT) & X86_PT_PAE_MASK; Assert(iPDPE < 4); Assert(pVM->pgm.s.apInterPaePDs[iPDPE]); PX86PTPAE pPTPae = pPTPaeDefault; if (pVM->pgm.s.apInterPaePDs[iPDPE]->a[iPDE].u) { RTHCPHYS HCPhysPT = pVM->pgm.s.apInterPaePDs[iPDPE]->a[iPDE].u & X86_PDE_PAE_PG_MASK; if (HCPhysPT == MMPage2Phys(pVM, pVM->pgm.s.apInterPaePTs[0])) pPTPae = pVM->pgm.s.apInterPaePTs[0]; else if (HCPhysPT == MMPage2Phys(pVM, pVM->pgm.s.apInterPaePTs[0])) pPTPae = pVM->pgm.s.apInterPaePTs[1]; else { /** @todo this must be handled with a relocation of the conflicting mapping! * Which of course cannot be done because we're in the middle of the initialization. bad design! */ AssertMsgFailed(("Conflict between core code and PGMR3Mapping(). uAddress=%VHv\n", uAddress)); LogRel(("Conflict between core code and PGMR3Mapping(). uAddress=%VHv\n", uAddress)); return VERR_PGM_MAPPINGS_FIX_CONFLICT; /** @todo error codes! */ } } if (pPTPae->a[iPTE].u) { AssertMsgFailed(("Conflict iPTE=%#x iPDE=%#x uAddress=%VHv pPTPae->a[iPTE].u=%#RX64\n", iPTE, iPDE, uAddress, pPTPae->a[iPTE].u)); LogRel(("Conflict iPTE=%#x iPDE=%#x uAddress=%VHv pPTPae->a[iPTE].u=%#RX64\n", iPTE, iPDE, uAddress, pPTPae->a[iPTE].u)); return VERR_PGM_MAPPINGS_FIX_CONFLICT; /** @todo error codes! */ } /* next */ uAddress += PAGE_SIZE; cPages--; } return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Sets up the intermediate page tables for a verified mapping. * * @param pVM VM handle. * @param uAddress Address of the mapping. * @param HCPhys The physical address of the page range. * @param cPages Number of pages. * @param pPTDefault Pointer to the default page table for this mapping. * @param pPTPaeDefault Pointer to the default page table for this mapping. */ static void pgmR3MapIntermediateDoOne(PVM pVM, uintptr_t uAddress, RTHCPHYS HCPhys, unsigned cPages, PX86PT pPTDefault, PX86PTPAE pPTPaeDefault) { while (cPages > 0) { /* * 32-Bit. */ unsigned iPDE = (uAddress >> X86_PD_SHIFT) & X86_PD_MASK; unsigned iPTE = (uAddress >> X86_PT_SHIFT) & X86_PT_MASK; PX86PT pPT; if (pVM->pgm.s.pInterPD->a[iPDE].u) pPT = (PX86PT)MMPagePhys2Page(pVM, pVM->pgm.s.pInterPD->a[iPDE].u & X86_PDE_PG_MASK); else { pVM->pgm.s.pInterPD->a[iPDE].u = X86_PDE_P | X86_PDE_A | X86_PDE_RW | (uint32_t)MMPage2Phys(pVM, pPTDefault); pPT = pPTDefault; } pPT->a[iPTE].u = X86_PTE_P | X86_PTE_RW | X86_PTE_A | X86_PTE_D | (uint32_t)HCPhys; /* * PAE */ const unsigned iPDPE= (uAddress >> X86_PDPTR_SHIFT) & X86_PDPTR_MASK; iPDE = (uAddress >> X86_PD_PAE_SHIFT) & X86_PD_PAE_MASK; iPTE = (uAddress >> X86_PT_PAE_SHIFT) & X86_PT_PAE_MASK; Assert(iPDPE < 4); Assert(pVM->pgm.s.apInterPaePDs[iPDPE]); PX86PTPAE pPTPae; if (pVM->pgm.s.apInterPaePDs[iPDPE]->a[iPDE].u) pPTPae = (PX86PTPAE)MMPagePhys2Page(pVM, pVM->pgm.s.apInterPaePDs[iPDPE]->a[iPDE].u & X86_PDE_PAE_PG_MASK); else { pPTPae = pPTPaeDefault; pVM->pgm.s.apInterPaePDs[iPDPE]->a[iPDE].u = X86_PDE_P | X86_PDE_A | X86_PDE_RW | MMPage2Phys(pVM, pPTPaeDefault); } pPTPae->a[iPTE].u = X86_PTE_P | X86_PTE_RW | X86_PTE_A | X86_PTE_D | HCPhys; /* next */ cPages--; HCPhys += PAGE_SIZE; uAddress += PAGE_SIZE; } } /** * Clears all PDEs involved with the mapping. * * @param pPGM Pointer to the PGM instance data. * @param pMap Pointer to the mapping in question. * @param iOldPDE The index of the 32-bit PDE corresponding to the base of the mapping. */ static void pgmR3MapClearPDEs(PPGM pPGM, PPGMMAPPING pMap, int iOldPDE) { unsigned i = pMap->cPTs; iOldPDE += i; while (i-- > 0) { iOldPDE--; /* * 32-bit. */ pPGM->pInterPD->a[iOldPDE].u = 0; pPGM->pHC32BitPD->a[iOldPDE].u = 0; /* * PAE. */ const int iPD = iOldPDE / 256; int iPDE = iOldPDE * 2 % 512; pPGM->apInterPaePDs[iPD]->a[iPDE].u = 0; pPGM->apHCPaePDs[iPD]->a[iPDE].u = 0; iPDE++; pPGM->apInterPaePDs[iPD]->a[iPDE].u = 0; pPGM->apHCPaePDs[iPD]->a[iPDE].u = 0; } } /** * Sets all PDEs involved with the mapping. * * @param pVM The VM handle. * @param pMap Pointer to the mapping in question. * @param iNewPDE The index of the 32-bit PDE corresponding to the base of the mapping. */ static void pgmR3MapSetPDEs(PVM pVM, PPGMMAPPING pMap, int iNewPDE) { PPGM pPGM = &pVM->pgm.s; /* If mappings are not supposed to be put in the shadow page table, then this function is a nop. */ if (!pgmMapAreMappingsEnabled(&pVM->pgm.s)) return; /* * Init the page tables and insert them into the page directories. */ unsigned i = pMap->cPTs; iNewPDE += i; while (i-- > 0) { iNewPDE--; /* * 32-bit. */ if (pPGM->pHC32BitPD->a[iNewPDE].n.u1Present) pgmPoolFree(pVM, pPGM->pHC32BitPD->a[iNewPDE].n.u1Present & X86_PDE_PG_MASK, PGMPOOL_IDX_PD, iNewPDE); X86PDE Pde; /* Default mapping page directory flags are read/write and supervisor; individual page attributes determine the final flags */ Pde.u = PGM_PDFLAGS_MAPPING | X86_PDE_P | X86_PDE_A | X86_PDE_RW | X86_PDE_US | (uint32_t)pMap->aPTs[i].HCPhysPT; pPGM->pInterPD->a[iNewPDE] = Pde; pPGM->pHC32BitPD->a[iNewPDE] = Pde; /* * PAE. */ const int iPD = iNewPDE / 256; int iPDE = iNewPDE * 2 % 512; if (pPGM->apHCPaePDs[iPD]->a[iPDE].n.u1Present) pgmPoolFree(pVM, pPGM->apHCPaePDs[iPD]->a[iPDE].n.u1Present & X86_PDE_PAE_PG_MASK, PGMPOOL_IDX_PAE_PD, iNewPDE * 2); X86PDEPAE PdePae0; PdePae0.u = PGM_PDFLAGS_MAPPING | X86_PDE_P | X86_PDE_A | X86_PDE_RW | X86_PDE_US | pMap->aPTs[i].HCPhysPaePT0; pPGM->apInterPaePDs[iPD]->a[iPDE] = PdePae0; pPGM->apHCPaePDs[iPD]->a[iPDE] = PdePae0; iPDE++; if (pPGM->apHCPaePDs[iPD]->a[iPDE].n.u1Present) pgmPoolFree(pVM, pPGM->apHCPaePDs[iPD]->a[iPDE].n.u1Present & X86_PDE_PAE_PG_MASK, PGMPOOL_IDX_PAE_PD, iNewPDE * 2 + 1); X86PDEPAE PdePae1; PdePae1.u = PGM_PDFLAGS_MAPPING | X86_PDE_P | X86_PDE_A | X86_PDE_RW | X86_PDE_US | pMap->aPTs[i].HCPhysPaePT1; pPGM->apInterPaePDs[iPD]->a[iPDE] = PdePae1; pPGM->apHCPaePDs[iPD]->a[iPDE] = PdePae1; } } /** * Relocates a mapping to a new address. * * @param pVM VM handle. * @param pMapping The mapping to relocate. * @param iPDOld Old page directory index. * @param iPDNew New page directory index. */ void pgmR3MapRelocate(PVM pVM, PPGMMAPPING pMapping, int iPDOld, int iPDNew) { Log(("PGM: Relocating %s from %#x to %#x\n", pMapping->pszDesc, iPDOld << PGDIR_SHIFT, iPDNew << PGDIR_SHIFT)); Assert(((unsigned)iPDOld << PGDIR_SHIFT) == pMapping->GCPtr); /* * Relocate the page table(s). */ pgmR3MapClearPDEs(&pVM->pgm.s, pMapping, iPDOld); pgmR3MapSetPDEs(pVM, pMapping, iPDNew); /* * Update and resort the mapping list. */ /* Find previous mapping for pMapping, put result into pPrevMap. */ PPGMMAPPING pPrevMap = NULL; PPGMMAPPING pCur = pVM->pgm.s.pMappingsHC; while (pCur && pCur != pMapping) { /* next */ pPrevMap = pCur; pCur = pCur->pNextHC; } Assert(pCur); /* Find mapping which >= than pMapping. */ RTGCPTR GCPtrNew = iPDNew << PGDIR_SHIFT; PPGMMAPPING pPrev = NULL; pCur = pVM->pgm.s.pMappingsHC; while (pCur && pCur->GCPtr < GCPtrNew) { /* next */ pPrev = pCur; pCur = pCur->pNextHC; } if (pCur != pMapping && pPrev != pMapping) { /* * Unlink. */ if (pPrevMap) { pPrevMap->pNextHC = pMapping->pNextHC; pPrevMap->pNextGC = pMapping->pNextGC; } else { pVM->pgm.s.pMappingsHC = pMapping->pNextHC; pVM->pgm.s.pMappingsGC = pMapping->pNextGC; } /* * Link */ pMapping->pNextHC = pCur; if (pPrev) { pMapping->pNextGC = pPrev->pNextGC; pPrev->pNextHC = pMapping; pPrev->pNextGC = MMHyperHC2GC(pVM, pMapping); } else { pMapping->pNextGC = pVM->pgm.s.pMappingsGC; pVM->pgm.s.pMappingsHC = pMapping; pVM->pgm.s.pMappingsGC = MMHyperHC2GC(pVM, pMapping); } } /* * Update the entry. */ pMapping->GCPtr = GCPtrNew; pMapping->GCPtrLast = GCPtrNew + pMapping->cb - 1; /* * Callback to execute the relocation. */ pMapping->pfnRelocate(pVM, iPDOld << PGDIR_SHIFT, iPDNew << PGDIR_SHIFT, PGMRELOCATECALL_RELOCATE, pMapping->pvUser); } /** * Resolves a conflict between a page table based GC mapping and * the Guest OS page tables. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pVM VM Handle. * @param pMapping The mapping which conflicts. * @param pPDSrc The page directory of the guest OS. * @param iPDOld The index to the start of the current mapping. */ int pgmR3SyncPTResolveConflict(PVM pVM, PPGMMAPPING pMapping, PVBOXPD pPDSrc, int iPDOld) { STAM_PROFILE_START(&pVM->pgm.s.StatHCResolveConflict, a); /* * Scan for free page directory entries. * * Note that we do not support mappings at the very end of the * address space since that will break our GCPtrEnd assumptions. */ const unsigned cPTs = pMapping->cPTs; unsigned iPDNew = ELEMENTS(pPDSrc->a) - cPTs; /* (+ 1 - 1) */ while (iPDNew-- > 0) { if (pPDSrc->a[iPDNew].n.u1Present) continue; if (cPTs > 1) { bool fOk = true; for (unsigned i = 1; fOk && i < cPTs; i++) if (pPDSrc->a[iPDNew + i].n.u1Present) fOk = false; if (!fOk) continue; } /* * Check that it's not conflicting with an intermediate page table mapping. */ bool fOk = true; unsigned i = cPTs; while (fOk && i-- > 0) fOk = !pVM->pgm.s.pInterPD->a[iPDNew + i].n.u1Present; if (!fOk) continue; /** @todo AMD64 should check the PAE directories and skip the 32bit stuff. */ /* * Ask the mapping. */ if (pMapping->pfnRelocate(pVM, iPDOld << PGDIR_SHIFT, iPDNew << PGDIR_SHIFT, PGMRELOCATECALL_SUGGEST, pMapping->pvUser)) { pgmR3MapRelocate(pVM, pMapping, iPDOld, iPDNew); STAM_PROFILE_STOP(&pVM->pgm.s.StatHCResolveConflict, a); return VINF_SUCCESS; } } STAM_PROFILE_STOP(&pVM->pgm.s.StatHCResolveConflict, a); AssertMsgFailed(("Failed to relocate page table mapping '%s' from %#x! (cPTs=%d)\n", pMapping->pszDesc, iPDOld << PGDIR_SHIFT, cPTs)); return VERR_PGM_NO_HYPERVISOR_ADDRESS; } /** * Checks guest PD for conflicts with VMM GC mappings. * * @returns true if conflict detected. * @returns false if not. * @param pVM The virtual machine. * @param cr3 Guest context CR3 register. * @param fRawR0 Whether RawR0 is enabled or not. */ PGMR3DECL(bool) PGMR3MapHasConflicts(PVM pVM, uint32_t cr3, bool fRawR0) /** @todo how many HasConflict constructs do we really need? */ { /* * Can skip this if mappings are safely fixed. */ if (pVM->pgm.s.fMappingsFixed) return false; /* * Resolve the page directory. */ PVBOXPD pPD = pVM->pgm.s.pGuestPDHC; /** @todo Fix PAE! */ Assert(pPD); Assert(pPD == (PVBOXPD)MMPhysGCPhys2HCVirt(pVM, cr3 & X86_CR3_PAGE_MASK)); /* * Iterate mappings. */ for (PPGMMAPPING pCur = pVM->pgm.s.pMappingsHC; pCur; pCur = pCur->pNextHC) { unsigned iPDE = pCur->GCPtr >> PGDIR_SHIFT; unsigned iPT = pCur->cPTs; while (iPT-- > 0) if ( pPD->a[iPDE + iPT].n.u1Present /** @todo PGMGstGetPDE. */ && (fRawR0 || pPD->a[iPDE + iPT].n.u1User)) { STAM_COUNTER_INC(&pVM->pgm.s.StatHCDetectedConflicts); #if 1 Log(("PGMR3HasMappingConflicts: Conflict was detected at %VGv for mapping %s\n" " iPDE=%#x iPT=%#x PDE=%VGp.\n", (iPT + iPDE) << PGDIR_SHIFT, pCur->pszDesc, iPDE, iPT, pPD->a[iPDE + iPT].au32[0])); #else AssertMsgFailed(("PGMR3HasMappingConflicts: Conflict was detected at %VGv for mapping %s\n" " iPDE=%#x iPT=%#x PDE=%VGp.\n", (iPT + iPDE) << PGDIR_SHIFT, pCur->pszDesc, iPDE, iPT, pPD->a[iPDE + iPT].au32[0])); #endif return true; } } return false; } /** * Read memory from the guest mappings. * * This will use the page tables associated with the mappings to * read the memory. This means that not all kind of memory is readable * since we don't necessarily know how to convert that physical address * to a HC virtual one. * * @returns VBox status. * @param pVM VM handle. * @param pvDst The destination address (HC of course). * @param GCPtrSrc The source address (GC virtual address). * @param cb Number of bytes to read. */ PGMR3DECL(int) PGMR3MapRead(PVM pVM, void *pvDst, RTGCPTR GCPtrSrc, size_t cb) { /** @todo remove this simplicity hack */ /* * Simplicity over speed... Chop the request up into chunks * which don't cross pages. */ if (cb + (GCPtrSrc & PAGE_OFFSET_MASK) > PAGE_SIZE) { for (;;) { unsigned cbRead = RT_MIN(cb, PAGE_SIZE - (GCPtrSrc & PAGE_OFFSET_MASK)); int rc = PGMR3MapRead(pVM, pvDst, GCPtrSrc, cbRead); if (VBOX_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; cb -= cbRead; if (!cb) break; pvDst = (char *)pvDst + cbRead; GCPtrSrc += cbRead; } return VINF_SUCCESS; } /* * Find the mapping. */ PPGMMAPPING pCur = CTXSUFF(pVM->pgm.s.pMappings); while (pCur) { RTGCUINTPTR off = (RTGCUINTPTR)GCPtrSrc - (RTGCUINTPTR)pCur->GCPtr; if (off < pCur->cb) { if (off + cb > pCur->cb) { AssertMsgFailed(("Invalid page range %VGv LB%#x. mapping '%s' %VGv to %VGv\n", GCPtrSrc, cb, pCur->pszDesc, pCur->GCPtr, pCur->GCPtrLast)); return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } unsigned iPT = off >> PGDIR_SHIFT; unsigned iPTE = (off >> PAGE_SHIFT) & PTE_MASK; while (cb > 0 && iPTE < ELEMENTS(CTXSUFF(pCur->aPTs[iPT].pPT)->a)) { if (!CTXSUFF(pCur->aPTs[iPT].paPaePTs)[iPTE / 512].a[iPTE % 512].n.u1Present) return VERR_PAGE_NOT_PRESENT; RTHCPHYS HCPhys = CTXSUFF(pCur->aPTs[iPT].paPaePTs)[iPTE / 512].a[iPTE % 512].u & X86_PTE_PAE_PG_MASK; /* * Get the virtual page from the physical one. */ void *pvPage; int rc = MMR3HCPhys2HCVirt(pVM, HCPhys, &pvPage); if (VBOX_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; memcpy(pvDst, (char *)pvPage + (GCPtrSrc & PAGE_OFFSET_MASK), cb); return VINF_SUCCESS; } } /* next */ pCur = CTXSUFF(pCur->pNext); } return VERR_INVALID_POINTER; } /** * Dumps one virtual handler range. * * @returns 0 * @param pNode Pointer to a PGMVIRTHANDLER. * @param pvUser Pointer to command helper functions. */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) pgmVirtHandlerDump(PAVLROGCPTRNODECORE pNode, void *pvUser) { PPGMVIRTHANDLER pCur = (PPGMVIRTHANDLER)pNode; switch (pCur->enmType) { case PGMVIRTHANDLERTYPE_EIP: RTLogPrintf("EIP %RGv-%RGv size %RGv %s\n", pCur->GCPtr, pCur->GCPtrLast, pCur->cb, pCur->pszDesc); break; case PGMVIRTHANDLERTYPE_NORMAL: RTLogPrintf("NORMAL %RGv-%RGv size %RGv %s\n", pCur->GCPtr, pCur->GCPtrLast, pCur->cb, pCur->pszDesc); break; case PGMVIRTHANDLERTYPE_WRITE: RTLogPrintf("WRITE %RGv-%RGv size %RGv %s\n", pCur->GCPtr, pCur->GCPtrLast, pCur->cb, pCur->pszDesc); break; case PGMVIRTHANDLERTYPE_HYPERVISOR: RTLogPrintf("WRITEHYP %RGv-%RGv size %RGv %s\n", pCur->GCPtr, pCur->GCPtrLast, pCur->cb, pCur->pszDesc); break; case PGMVIRTHANDLERTYPE_ALL: RTLogPrintf("ALL %RGv-%RGv size %RGv %s\n", pCur->GCPtr, pCur->GCPtrLast, pCur->cb, pCur->pszDesc); break; } if (pCur->enmType != PGMVIRTHANDLERTYPE_HYPERVISOR) for (unsigned i = 0; i < pCur->cPages; i++) RTLogPrintf("Physical page %#05d %VGp\n", i, pCur->aPhysToVirt[i].Core.Key); return 0; } /** * Dumps the current mappings to the log * * @returns VBox status. * @param pVM Pointer to the current VM (if any). * */ PGMR3DECL(void) PGMR3DumpMappings(PVM pVM) { /* * Print message about the fixedness of the mappings and dump them. */ RTLogPrintf(pVM->pgm.s.fMappingsFixed ? "\nThe mappings are FIXED.\n" : "\nThe mappings are FLOATING.\n"); PPGMMAPPING pCur; for (pCur = pVM->pgm.s.pMappingsHC; pCur; pCur = pCur->pNextHC) RTLogPrintf("%VGv - %VGv %s\n", pCur->GCPtr, pCur->GCPtrLast, pCur->pszDesc); /** @todo The handler stuff is totally alien here. This should be converted into a 'info' function. */ RTLogPrintf("\nVirtual handlers:\n"); RTAvlroGCPtrDoWithAll(&pVM->pgm.s.pTreesHC->VirtHandlers, true, pgmVirtHandlerDump, pVM); RTLogPrintf("\n" "Physical handlers: (PhysHandlers=%d (%#x))\n" "From - To (incl) HandlerHC UserHC HandlerHC UserHC HandlerGC UserGC Type Description\n", pVM->pgm.s.pTreesHC->PhysHandlers, pVM->pgm.s.pTreesHC->PhysHandlers); RTAvlroGCPhysDoWithAll(&pVM->pgm.s.pTreesHC->PhysHandlers, true, pgmR3DumpMappingsPhysicalCB, NULL); } /** * Dumps one physical handler range. * * @returns 0 * @param pNode Pointer to a PGMPHYSHANDLER. * @param pvUser Ignored. */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) pgmR3DumpMappingsPhysicalCB(PAVLROGCPHYSNODECORE pNode, void *pvUser) { PPGMPHYSHANDLER pCur = (PPGMPHYSHANDLER)pNode; NOREF(pvUser); const char *pszType; switch (pCur->enmType) { case PGMPHYSHANDLERTYPE_MMIO: pszType = "MMIO "; break; case PGMPHYSHANDLERTYPE_PHYSICAL: pszType = "Natural"; break; case PGMPHYSHANDLERTYPE_PHYSICAL_WRITE: pszType = "Write "; break; case PGMPHYSHANDLERTYPE_PHYSICAL_ALL: pszType = "All "; break; default: pszType = "????"; break; } RTLogPrintf("%VGp - %VGp %VHv %VHv %VHv %VHv %VGv %VGv %s %s\n", pCur->Core.Key, pCur->Core.KeyLast, pCur->pfnHandlerR3, pCur->pvUserR3, pCur->pfnHandlerR0, pCur->pvUserR0, pCur->pfnHandlerGC, pCur->pvUserGC, pszType, pCur->pszDesc); return 0; }