/* $Id: PDMLdr.cpp 9148 2008-05-27 09:21:03Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * PDM - Pluggable Device Manager, module loader. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. * * Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa * Clara, CA 95054 USA or visit http://www.sun.com if you need * additional information or have any questions. */ //#define PDMLDR_FAKE_MODE /******************************************************************************* * Header Files * *******************************************************************************/ #define LOG_GROUP LOG_GROUP_PDM_LDR #include "PDMInternal.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /******************************************************************************* * Structures and Typedefs * *******************************************************************************/ /** * Structure which the user argument of the RTLdrGetBits() callback points to. * @internal */ typedef struct PDMGETIMPORTARGS { PVM pVM; PPDMMOD pModule; } PDMGETIMPORTARGS, *PPDMGETIMPORTARGS; /******************************************************************************* * Internal Functions * *******************************************************************************/ static DECLCALLBACK(int) pdmR3GetImportGC(RTLDRMOD hLdrMod, const char *pszModule, const char *pszSymbol, unsigned uSymbol, RTUINTPTR *pValue, void *pvUser); static int pdmR3LoadR0U(PUVM pUVM, const char *pszFilename, const char *pszName); static char * pdmR3FileGC(const char *pszFile); static char * pdmR3FileR0(const char *pszFile); static char * pdmR3File(const char *pszFile, const char *pszDefaultExt, bool fShared); static DECLCALLBACK(int) pdmR3QueryModFromEIPEnumSymbols(RTLDRMOD hLdrMod, const char *pszSymbol, unsigned uSymbol, RTUINTPTR Value, void *pvUser); /** * Loads the VMMR0.r0 module early in the init process. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pUVM Pointer to the user mode VM structure. */ PDMR3DECL(int) PDMR3LdrLoadVMMR0U(PUVM pUVM) { return pdmR3LoadR0U(pUVM, NULL, VMMR0_MAIN_MODULE_NAME); } /** * Init the module loader part of PDM. * * This routine will load the Host Context Ring-0 and Guest * Context VMM modules. * * @returns VBox stutus code. * @param pUVM Pointer to the user mode VM structure. * @param pvVMMR0Mod The opqaue returned by PDMR3LdrLoadVMMR0. */ int pdmR3LdrInitU(PUVM pUVM) { #ifdef PDMLDR_FAKE_MODE return VINF_SUCCESS; #else /* * Load the mandatory GC module, the VMMR0.r0 is loaded before VM creation. */ return PDMR3LoadGC(pUVM->pVM, NULL, VMMGC_MAIN_MODULE_NAME); #endif } /** * Terminate the module loader part of PDM. * * This will unload and free all modules. * * @param pVM The VM handle. * * @remarks This is normally called twice during termination. */ void pdmR3LdrTermU(PUVM pUVM) { /* * Free the modules. */ PPDMMOD pModule = pUVM->pdm.s.pModules; pUVM->pdm.s.pModules = NULL; while (pModule) { /* free loader item. */ if (pModule->hLdrMod != NIL_RTLDRMOD) { int rc2 = RTLdrClose(pModule->hLdrMod); AssertRC(rc2); pModule->hLdrMod = NIL_RTLDRMOD; } /* free bits. */ switch (pModule->eType) { case PDMMOD_TYPE_R0: { Assert(pModule->ImageBase); int rc2 = SUPFreeModule((void *)(uintptr_t)pModule->ImageBase); AssertRC(rc2); pModule->ImageBase = 0; break; } case PDMMOD_TYPE_GC: case PDMMOD_TYPE_R3: /* MM will free this memory for us - it's alloc only memory. :-) */ break; default: AssertMsgFailed(("eType=%d\n", pModule->eType)); break; } pModule->pvBits = NULL; void *pvFree = pModule; pModule = pModule->pNext; RTMemFree(pvFree); } } /** * Applies relocations to GC modules. * * This must be done very early in the relocation * process so that components can resolve GC symbols during relocation. * * @param pUVM Pointer to the user mode VM structure. * @param offDelta Relocation delta relative to old location. */ PDMR3DECL(void) PDMR3LdrRelocateU(PUVM pUVM, RTGCINTPTR offDelta) { LogFlow(("PDMR3LdrRelocate: offDelta=%VGv\n", offDelta)); /* * GC Modules. */ if (pUVM->pdm.s.pModules) { /* * The relocation have to be done in two passes so imports * can be correctely resolved. The first pass will update * the ImageBase saving the current value in OldImageBase. * The second pass will do the actual relocation. */ /* pass 1 */ PPDMMOD pCur; for (pCur = pUVM->pdm.s.pModules; pCur; pCur = pCur->pNext) { if (pCur->eType == PDMMOD_TYPE_GC) { pCur->OldImageBase = pCur->ImageBase; pCur->ImageBase = MMHyperHC2GC(pUVM->pVM, pCur->pvBits); } } /* pass 2 */ for (pCur = pUVM->pdm.s.pModules; pCur; pCur = pCur->pNext) { if (pCur->eType == PDMMOD_TYPE_GC) { PDMGETIMPORTARGS Args; Args.pVM = pUVM->pVM; Args.pModule = pCur; int rc = RTLdrRelocate(pCur->hLdrMod, pCur->pvBits, pCur->ImageBase, pCur->OldImageBase, pdmR3GetImportGC, &Args); AssertFatalMsgRC(rc, ("RTLdrRelocate failed, rc=%d\n", rc)); DBGFR3ModuleRelocate(pUVM->pVM, pCur->OldImageBase, pCur->ImageBase, RTLdrSize(pCur->hLdrMod), pCur->szFilename, pCur->szName); } } } } /** * Loads a module into the host context ring-3. * * This is used by the driver and device init functions to load modules * containing the drivers and devices. The function can be extended to * load modules which are not native to the environment we're running in, * but at the moment this is not required. * * No reference counting is kept, since we don't implement any facilities * for unloading the module. But the module will naturally be released * when the VM terminates. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pUVM Pointer to the user mode VM structure. * @param pszFilename Filename of the module binary. * @param pszName Module name. Case sensitive and the length is limited! */ int pdmR3LoadR3U(PUVM pUVM, const char *pszFilename, const char *pszName) { /* * Validate input. */ AssertMsg(pUVM->pVM->pdm.s.offVM, ("bad init order!\n")); Assert(pszFilename); size_t cchFilename = strlen(pszFilename); Assert(pszName); size_t cchName = strlen(pszName); PPDMMOD pCur; if (cchName >= sizeof(pCur->szName)) { AssertMsgFailed(("Name is too long, cchName=%d pszName='%s'\n", cchName, pszName)); return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } /* * Try lookup the name and see if the module exists. */ for (pCur = pUVM->pdm.s.pModules; pCur; pCur = pCur->pNext) { if (!strcmp(pCur->szName, pszName)) { if (pCur->eType == PDMMOD_TYPE_R3) return VINF_PDM_ALREADY_LOADED; AssertMsgFailed(("We've already got a module '%s' loaded!\n", pszName)); return VERR_PDM_MODULE_NAME_CLASH; } } /* * Allocate the module list node and initialize it. */ PPDMMOD pModule = (PPDMMOD)RTMemAllocZ(sizeof(*pModule) + cchFilename); if (!pModule) return VERR_NO_MEMORY; pModule->eType = PDMMOD_TYPE_R3; memcpy(pModule->szName, pszName, cchName); /* memory is zero'ed, no need to copy terminator :-) */ memcpy(pModule->szFilename, pszFilename, cchFilename); /* * Load the loader item. */ int rc = RTLdrLoad(pszFilename, &pModule->hLdrMod); if (VBOX_SUCCESS(rc)) { pModule->pNext = pUVM->pdm.s.pModules; pUVM->pdm.s.pModules = pModule; return rc; } /* Something went wrong, most likely module not found. Don't consider other unlikely errors */ RTMemFree(pModule); return VMSetError(pUVM->pVM, rc, RT_SRC_POS, N_("Unable to load R3 module %s"), pszFilename); } /** * Resolve an external symbol during RTLdrGetBits() of a GC module. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param hLdrMod The loader module handle. * @param pszModule Module name. * @param pszSymbol Symbol name, NULL if uSymbol should be used. * @param uSymbol Symbol ordinal, ~0 if pszSymbol should be used. * @param pValue Where to store the symbol value (address). * @param pvUser User argument. */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) pdmR3GetImportGC(RTLDRMOD hLdrMod, const char *pszModule, const char *pszSymbol, unsigned uSymbol, RTUINTPTR *pValue, void *pvUser) { PVM pVM = ((PPDMGETIMPORTARGS)pvUser)->pVM; PPDMMOD pModule = ((PPDMGETIMPORTARGS)pvUser)->pModule; /* * Adjust input. */ if (pszModule && !*pszModule) pszModule = NULL; /* * Builtin module. */ if (!pszModule || !strcmp(pszModule, "VMMGCBuiltin.gc")) { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; if (!strcmp(pszSymbol, "g_VM")) *pValue = pVM->pVMGC; else if (!strcmp(pszSymbol, "g_CPUM")) *pValue = VM_GUEST_ADDR(pVM, &pVM->cpum); else if (!strcmp(pszSymbol, "g_TRPM")) *pValue = VM_GUEST_ADDR(pVM, &pVM->trpm); else if ( !strncmp(pszSymbol, "VMM", 3) || !strcmp(pszSymbol, "g_Logger") || !strcmp(pszSymbol, "g_RelLogger")) { RTGCPTR GCPtr = 0; rc = VMMR3GetImportGC(pVM, pszSymbol, &GCPtr); if (VBOX_SUCCESS(rc)) *pValue = GCPtr; } else if ( !strncmp(pszSymbol, "TM", 2) || !strcmp(pszSymbol, "g_pSUPGlobalInfoPage")) { RTGCPTR GCPtr = 0; rc = TMR3GetImportGC(pVM, pszSymbol, &GCPtr); if (VBOX_SUCCESS(rc)) *pValue = GCPtr; } else { AssertMsg(!pszModule, ("Unknown builtin symbol '%s' for module '%s'!\n", pszSymbol, pModule->szName)); NOREF(pModule); rc = VERR_SYMBOL_NOT_FOUND; } if (VBOX_SUCCESS(rc) || pszModule) return rc; } /* * Search for module. */ PPDMMOD pCur = pVM->pUVM->pdm.s.pModules; while (pCur) { if ( pCur->eType == PDMMOD_TYPE_GC && ( !pszModule || !strcmp(pCur->szName, pszModule)) ) { /* Search for the symbol. */ int rc = RTLdrGetSymbolEx(pCur->hLdrMod, pCur->pvBits, pCur->ImageBase, pszSymbol, pValue); if (VBOX_SUCCESS(rc)) { AssertMsg(*pValue - pCur->ImageBase < RTLdrSize(pCur->hLdrMod), ("%VGv-%VGv %s %VGv\n", (RTGCPTR)pCur->ImageBase, (RTGCPTR)(pCur->ImageBase + RTLdrSize(pCur->hLdrMod) - 1), pszSymbol, (RTGCPTR)*pValue)); return rc; } if (pszModule) { AssertMsgFailed(("Couldn't find symbol '%s' in module '%s'!\n", pszSymbol, pszModule)); LogRel(("PDMLdr: Couldn't find symbol '%s' in module '%s'!\n", pszSymbol, pszModule)); return VERR_SYMBOL_NOT_FOUND; } } /* next */ pCur = pCur->pNext; } AssertMsgFailed(("Couldn't find module '%s' for resolving symbol '%s'!\n", pszModule, pszSymbol)); return VERR_SYMBOL_NOT_FOUND; } /** * Loads a module into the guest context (i.e. into the Hypervisor memory region). * * The external (to PDM) use of this interface is to load VMMGC.gc. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pVM The VM to load it into. * @param pszFilename Filename of the module binary. * @param pszName Module name. Case sensitive and the length is limited! */ PDMR3DECL(int) PDMR3LoadGC(PVM pVM, const char *pszFilename, const char *pszName) { /* * Validate input. */ AssertMsg(pVM->pdm.s.offVM, ("bad init order!\n")); PPDMMOD pCur = pVM->pUVM->pdm.s.pModules; while (pCur) { if (!strcmp(pCur->szName, pszName)) { AssertMsgFailed(("We've already got a module '%s' loaded!\n", pszName)); return VERR_PDM_MODULE_NAME_CLASH; } /* next */ pCur = pCur->pNext; } /* * Find the file if not specified. */ char *pszFile = NULL; if (!pszFilename) pszFilename = pszFile = pdmR3FileGC(pszName); /* * Allocate the module list node. */ PPDMMOD pModule = (PPDMMOD)RTMemAllocZ(sizeof(*pModule) + strlen(pszFilename)); if (!pModule) { RTMemTmpFree(pszFile); return VERR_NO_MEMORY; } AssertMsg(strlen(pszName) + 1 < sizeof(pModule->szName), ("pazName is too long (%d chars) max is %d chars.\n", strlen(pszName), sizeof(pModule->szName) - 1)); strcpy(pModule->szName, pszName); pModule->eType = PDMMOD_TYPE_GC; strcpy(pModule->szFilename, pszFilename); /* * Open the loader item. */ int rc = RTLdrOpen(pszFilename, &pModule->hLdrMod); if (VBOX_SUCCESS(rc)) { /* * Allocate space in the hypervisor. */ size_t cb = RTLdrSize(pModule->hLdrMod); cb = RT_ALIGN_Z(cb, PAGE_SIZE); rc = SUPPageAlloc(cb >> PAGE_SHIFT, &pModule->pvBits); if (VBOX_SUCCESS(rc)) { RTGCPTR GCPtr; rc = MMR3HyperMapHCRam(pVM, pModule->pvBits, cb, true, pModule->szName, &GCPtr); if (VBOX_SUCCESS(rc)) { MMR3HyperReserve(pVM, PAGE_SIZE, "fence", NULL); /* * Get relocated image bits. */ Assert(MMHyperHC2GC(pVM, pModule->pvBits) == GCPtr); pModule->ImageBase = GCPtr; PDMGETIMPORTARGS Args; Args.pVM = pVM; Args.pModule = pModule; rc = RTLdrGetBits(pModule->hLdrMod, pModule->pvBits, pModule->ImageBase, pdmR3GetImportGC, &Args); if (VBOX_SUCCESS(rc)) { /* * Insert the module. */ PUVM pUVM = pVM->pUVM; if (pUVM->pdm.s.pModules) { /* we don't expect this list to be very long, so rather save the tail pointer. */ PPDMMOD pCur = pUVM->pdm.s.pModules; while (pCur->pNext) pCur = pCur->pNext; pCur->pNext = pModule; } else pUVM->pdm.s.pModules = pModule; /* (pNext is zeroed by alloc) */ Log(("PDM: GC Module at %VGvx %s (%s)\n", (RTGCPTR)pModule->ImageBase, pszName, pszFilename)); RTMemTmpFree(pszFile); return VINF_SUCCESS; } } else { AssertRC(rc); SUPPageFree(pModule->pvBits, cb >> PAGE_SHIFT); } } else AssertMsgFailed(("SUPPageAlloc(%d,) -> %Vrc\n", cb >> PAGE_SHIFT, rc)); int rc2 = RTLdrClose(pModule->hLdrMod); AssertRC(rc2); } RTMemFree(pModule); RTMemTmpFree(pszFile); /* Don't consider VERR_PDM_MODULE_NAME_CLASH and VERR_NO_MEMORY above as these are very unlikely. */ if (VBOX_FAILURE(rc)) return VMSetError(pVM, rc, RT_SRC_POS, N_("Cannot load GC module %s"), pszFilename); return rc; } /** * Loads a module into the ring-0 context. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pUVM Pointer to the user mode VM structure. * @param pszFilename Filename of the module binary. * @param pszName Module name. Case sensitive and the length is limited! */ static int pdmR3LoadR0U(PUVM pUVM, const char *pszFilename, const char *pszName) { /* * Validate input. */ PPDMMOD pCur = pUVM->pdm.s.pModules; while (pCur) { if (!strcmp(pCur->szName, pszName)) { AssertMsgFailed(("We've already got a module '%s' loaded!\n", pszName)); return VERR_PDM_MODULE_NAME_CLASH; } /* next */ pCur = pCur->pNext; } /* * Find the file if not specified. */ char *pszFile = NULL; if (!pszFilename) pszFilename = pszFile = pdmR3FileR0(pszName); /* * Allocate the module list node. */ PPDMMOD pModule = (PPDMMOD)RTMemAllocZ(sizeof(*pModule) + strlen(pszFilename)); if (!pModule) { RTMemTmpFree(pszFile); return VERR_NO_MEMORY; } AssertMsg(strlen(pszName) + 1 < sizeof(pModule->szName), ("pazName is too long (%d chars) max is %d chars.\n", strlen(pszName), sizeof(pModule->szName) - 1)); strcpy(pModule->szName, pszName); pModule->eType = PDMMOD_TYPE_R0; strcpy(pModule->szFilename, pszFilename); /* * Ask the support library to load it. */ void *pvImageBase; int rc = SUPLoadModule(pszFilename, pszName, &pvImageBase); if (VBOX_SUCCESS(rc)) { pModule->hLdrMod = NIL_RTLDRMOD; pModule->ImageBase = (uintptr_t)pvImageBase; /* * Insert the module. */ if (pUVM->pdm.s.pModules) { /* we don't expect this list to be very long, so rather save the tail pointer. */ PPDMMOD pCur = pUVM->pdm.s.pModules; while (pCur->pNext) pCur = pCur->pNext; pCur->pNext = pModule; } else pUVM->pdm.s.pModules = pModule; /* (pNext is zeroed by alloc) */ Log(("PDM: GC Module at %VGvx %s (%s)\n", (RTGCPTR)pModule->ImageBase, pszName, pszFilename)); RTMemTmpFree(pszFile); return VINF_SUCCESS; } RTMemFree(pModule); RTMemTmpFree(pszFile); LogRel(("pdmR3LoadR0U: pszName=\"%s\" rc=%Vrc\n", pszName, rc)); /* Don't consider VERR_PDM_MODULE_NAME_CLASH and VERR_NO_MEMORY above as these are very unlikely. */ if (VBOX_FAILURE(rc) && pUVM->pVM) /** @todo VMR3SetErrorU. */ return VMSetError(pUVM->pVM, rc, RT_SRC_POS, N_("Cannot load R0 module %s"), pszFilename); return rc; } /** * Get the address of a symbol in a given HC ring 3 module. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pVM VM handle. * @param pszModule Module name. * @param pszSymbol Symbol name. If it's value is less than 64k it's treated like a * ordinal value rather than a string pointer. * @param ppvValue Where to store the symbol value. */ PDMR3DECL(int) PDMR3GetSymbolR3(PVM pVM, const char *pszModule, const char *pszSymbol, void **ppvValue) { /* * Validate input. */ AssertMsg(pVM->pdm.s.offVM, ("bad init order!\n")); /* * Find the module. */ for (PPDMMOD pModule = pVM->pUVM->pdm.s.pModules; pModule; pModule = pModule->pNext) { if ( pModule->eType == PDMMOD_TYPE_R3 && !strcmp(pModule->szName, pszModule)) { RTUINTPTR Value = 0; int rc = RTLdrGetSymbolEx(pModule->hLdrMod, pModule->pvBits, pModule->ImageBase, pszSymbol, &Value); if (VBOX_SUCCESS(rc)) { *ppvValue = (void *)(uintptr_t)Value; Assert((uintptr_t)*ppvValue == Value); } else { if (pszSymbol < (const char*)(void*)0x10000) AssertMsg(rc, ("Couldn't symbol '%u' in module '%s'\n", (unsigned)(uintptr_t)pszSymbol, pszModule)); else AssertMsg(rc, ("Couldn't symbol '%s' in module '%s'\n", pszSymbol, pszModule)); } return rc; } } AssertMsgFailed(("Couldn't locate module '%s'\n", pszModule)); return VERR_SYMBOL_NOT_FOUND; } /** * Get the address of a symbol in a given HC ring 0 module. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pVM VM handle. * @param pszModule Module name. If NULL the main R0 module (VMMR0.r0) is assumes. * @param pszSymbol Symbol name. If it's value is less than 64k it's treated like a * ordinal value rather than a string pointer. * @param ppvValue Where to store the symbol value. */ PDMR3DECL(int) PDMR3GetSymbolR0(PVM pVM, const char *pszModule, const char *pszSymbol, PRTR0PTR ppvValue) { #ifdef PDMLDR_FAKE_MODE *ppvValue = 0xdeadbeef; return VINF_SUCCESS; #else /* * Validate input. */ AssertMsg(pVM->pdm.s.offVM, ("bad init order!\n")); if (!pszModule) pszModule = "VMMR0.r0"; /* * Find the module. */ for (PPDMMOD pModule = pVM->pUVM->pdm.s.pModules; pModule; pModule = pModule->pNext) { if ( pModule->eType == PDMMOD_TYPE_R0 && !strcmp(pModule->szName, pszModule)) { int rc = SUPGetSymbolR0((void *)(uintptr_t)pModule->ImageBase, pszSymbol, (void **)ppvValue); if (VBOX_FAILURE(rc)) { AssertMsgRC(rc, ("Couldn't find symbol '%s' in module '%s'\n", pszSymbol, pszModule)); LogRel(("PDMGetSymbol: Couldn't find symbol '%s' in module '%s'\n", pszSymbol, pszModule)); } return rc; } } AssertMsgFailed(("Couldn't locate module '%s'\n", pszModule)); return VERR_SYMBOL_NOT_FOUND; #endif } /** * Same as PDMR3GetSymbolR0 except that the module will be attempted loaded if not found. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pVM VM handle. * @param pszModule Module name. If NULL the main R0 module (VMMR0.r0) is assumed. * @param pszSymbol Symbol name. If it's value is less than 64k it's treated like a * ordinal value rather than a string pointer. * @param ppvValue Where to store the symbol value. */ PDMR3DECL(int) PDMR3GetSymbolR0Lazy(PVM pVM, const char *pszModule, const char *pszSymbol, PRTR0PTR ppvValue) { #ifdef PDMLDR_FAKE_MODE *ppvValue = 0xdeadbeef; return VINF_SUCCESS; #else /* * Since we're lazy, we'll only check if the module is present * and hand it over to PDMR3GetSymbolR0 when that's done. */ AssertMsg(pVM->pdm.s.offVM, ("bad init order!\n")); if (pszModule) { AssertMsgReturn(!strpbrk(pszModule, "/\\:\n\r\t"), ("pszModule=%s\n", pszModule), VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); PPDMMOD pModule; for (pModule = pVM->pUVM->pdm.s.pModules; pModule; pModule = pModule->pNext) if ( pModule->eType == PDMMOD_TYPE_R0 && !strcmp(pModule->szName, pszModule)) break; if (!pModule) { int rc = pdmR3LoadR0U(pVM->pUVM, NULL, pszModule); AssertMsgRCReturn(rc, ("pszModule=%s rc=%Vrc\n", pszModule, rc), VERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND); } } return PDMR3GetSymbolR0(pVM, pszModule, pszSymbol, ppvValue); #endif } /** * Get the address of a symbol in a given GC module. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pVM VM handle. * @param pszModule Module name. If NULL the main R0 module (VMMGC.gc) is assumes. * @param pszSymbol Symbol name. If it's value is less than 64k it's treated like a * ordinal value rather than a string pointer. * @param pGCPtrValue Where to store the symbol value. */ PDMR3DECL(int) PDMR3GetSymbolGC(PVM pVM, const char *pszModule, const char *pszSymbol, PRTGCPTR32 pGCPtrValue) { #ifdef PDMLDR_FAKE_MODE *pGCPtrValue = 0xfeedf00d; return VINF_SUCCESS; #else /* * Validate input. */ AssertMsg(pVM->pdm.s.offVM, ("bad init order!\n")); if (!pszModule) pszModule = "VMMGC.gc"; /* * Find the module. */ for (PPDMMOD pModule = pVM->pUVM->pdm.s.pModules; pModule; pModule = pModule->pNext) { if ( pModule->eType == PDMMOD_TYPE_GC && !strcmp(pModule->szName, pszModule)) { RTUINTPTR Value; int rc = RTLdrGetSymbolEx(pModule->hLdrMod, pModule->pvBits, pModule->ImageBase, pszSymbol, &Value); if (VBOX_SUCCESS(rc)) { *pGCPtrValue = (RTGCPTR)Value; Assert(*pGCPtrValue == Value); } else { if (pszSymbol < (const char*)(void*)0x10000) AssertMsg(rc, ("Couldn't symbol '%u' in module '%s'\n", (unsigned)(uintptr_t)pszSymbol, pszModule)); else AssertMsg(rc, ("Couldn't symbol '%s' in module '%s'\n", pszSymbol, pszModule)); } return rc; } } AssertMsgFailed(("Couldn't locate module '%s'\n", pszModule)); return VERR_SYMBOL_NOT_FOUND; #endif } /** * Same as PDMR3GetSymbolGC except that the module will be attempted loaded if not found. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pVM VM handle. * @param pszModule Module name. If NULL the main R0 module (VMMGC.gc) is assumes. * @param pszSymbol Symbol name. If it's value is less than 64k it's treated like a * ordinal value rather than a string pointer. * @param pGCPtrValue Where to store the symbol value. */ PDMR3DECL(int) PDMR3GetSymbolGCLazy(PVM pVM, const char *pszModule, const char *pszSymbol, PRTGCPTR32 pGCPtrValue) { #ifdef PDMLDR_FAKE_MODE *pGCPtrValue = 0xfeedf00d; return VINF_SUCCESS; #else /* * Since we're lazy, we'll only check if the module is present * and hand it over to PDMR3GetSymbolGC when that's done. */ AssertMsg(pVM->pdm.s.offVM, ("bad init order!\n")); if (pszModule) { AssertMsgReturn(!strpbrk(pszModule, "/\\:\n\r\t"), ("pszModule=%s\n", pszModule), VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); PPDMMOD pModule; for (pModule = pVM->pUVM->pdm.s.pModules; pModule; pModule = pModule->pNext) if ( pModule->eType == PDMMOD_TYPE_GC && !strcmp(pModule->szName, pszModule)) break; if (!pModule) { char *pszFilename = pdmR3FileGC(pszModule); AssertMsgReturn(pszFilename, ("pszModule=%s\n", pszModule), VERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND); int rc = PDMR3LoadGC(pVM, pszFilename, pszModule); RTMemTmpFree(pszFilename); AssertMsgRCReturn(rc, ("pszModule=%s rc=%Vrc\n", pszModule, rc), VERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND); } } return PDMR3GetSymbolGC(pVM, pszModule, pszSymbol, pGCPtrValue); #endif } /** * Constructs the full filename for a R3 image file. * * @returns Pointer to temporary memory containing the filename. * Caller must free this using RTMemTmpFree(). * @returns NULL on failure. * @param pszFile File name (no path). * @todo We'll have this elsewhere than in the root later! */ char *pdmR3FileR3(const char *pszFile, bool fShared) { return pdmR3File(pszFile, NULL, fShared); } /** * Constructs the full filename for a R0 image file. * * @returns Pointer to temporary memory containing the filename. * Caller must free this using RTMemTmpFree(). * @returns NULL on failure. * @param pszFile File name (no path). * @todo We'll have this elsewhere than in the root later! */ char * pdmR3FileR0(const char *pszFile) { return pdmR3File(pszFile, NULL, /*fShared=*/false); } /** * Constructs the full filename for a GC image file. * * @returns Pointer to temporary memory containing the filename. * Caller must free this using RTMemTmpFree(). * @returns NULL on failure. * @param pszFile File name (no path). * @todo We'll have this elsewhere than in the root later! */ char * pdmR3FileGC(const char *pszFile) { return pdmR3File(pszFile, NULL, /*fShared=*/false); } /** * Worker for pdmR3File(). * * @returns Pointer to temporary memory containing the filename. * Caller must free this using RTMemTmpFree(). * @returns NULL on failure. * @param pszDir Directory part * @param pszFile File name part * @param pszDefaultExt Extension part */ static char * pdmR3FileConstruct(const char *pszDir, const char *pszFile, const char *pszDefaultExt) { /* * Allocate temp memory for return buffer. */ unsigned cchDir = strlen(pszDir); unsigned cchFile = strlen(pszFile); unsigned cchDefaultExt; /* * Default extention? */ if (!pszDefaultExt || strchr(pszFile, '.')) cchDefaultExt = 0; else cchDefaultExt = strlen(pszDefaultExt); unsigned cchPath = cchDir + 1 + cchFile + cchDefaultExt + 1; if (cchPath > RTPATH_MAX) { AssertMsgFailed(("Path too long!\n")); return NULL; } char *pszRet = (char *)RTMemTmpAlloc(cchDir + 1 + cchFile + cchDefaultExt + 1); if (!pszRet) { AssertMsgFailed(("Out of temporary memory!\n")); return NULL; } /* * Construct the filename. */ memcpy(pszRet, pszDir, cchDir); pszRet[cchDir++] = '/'; /* this works everywhere */ memcpy(pszRet + cchDir, pszFile, cchFile + 1); if (cchDefaultExt) memcpy(pszRet + cchDir + cchFile, pszDefaultExt, cchDefaultExt + 1); return pszRet; } /** * Worker for pdmR3FileGC(), pdmR3FileR0() and pdmR3FileR3(). * * @returns Pointer to temporary memory containing the filename. * Caller must free this using RTMemTmpFree(). * @returns NULL on failure. * @param pszFile File name (no path). * @param pszDefaultExt The default extention, NULL if none. * @param fShared If true, search in the shared directory (/usr/lib on Unix), else * search in the private directory (/usr/lib/virtualbox on Unix). * Ignored if VBOX_PATH_SHARED_LIBS is not defined. * @todo We'll have this elsewhere than in the root later! * @todo Remove the fShared hack again once we don't need to link against VBoxDD anymore! */ static char * pdmR3File(const char *pszFile, const char *pszDefaultExt, bool fShared) { char szPath[RTPATH_MAX]; int rc; rc = fShared ? RTPathSharedLibs(szPath, sizeof(szPath)) : RTPathAppPrivateArch(szPath, sizeof(szPath)); if (!VBOX_SUCCESS(rc)) { AssertMsgFailed(("RTPathProgram(,%d) failed rc=%d!\n", sizeof(szPath), rc)); return NULL; } return pdmR3FileConstruct(szPath, pszFile, pszDefaultExt); } /** @internal */ typedef struct QMFEIPARG { uint32_t uEIP; char *pszNearSym1; unsigned cchNearSym1; RTINTPTR offNearSym1; char *pszNearSym2; unsigned cchNearSym2; RTINTPTR offNearSym2; } QMFEIPARG, *PQMFEIPARG; /** * Queries module information from an EIP. * * This is typically used to locate a crash address. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pVM VM handle * @param uEIP EIP to locate. * @param pszModName Where to store the module name. * @param cchModName Size of the module name buffer. * @param pMod Base address of the module. * @param pszNearSym1 Name of the closes symbol from below. * @param cchNearSym1 Size of the buffer pointed to by pszNearSym1. * @param pNearSym1 The address of pszNearSym1. * @param pszNearSym2 Name of the closes symbol from below. * @param cchNearSym2 Size of the buffer pointed to by pszNearSym2. * @param pNearSym2 The address of pszNearSym2. */ PDMR3DECL(int) PDMR3QueryModFromEIP(PVM pVM, uint32_t uEIP, char *pszModName, unsigned cchModName, RTGCPTR *pMod, char *pszNearSym1, unsigned cchNearSym1, RTGCPTR *pNearSym1, char *pszNearSym2, unsigned cchNearSym2, RTGCPTR *pNearSym2) { int rc = VERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND; PPDMMOD pCur; for (pCur = pVM->pUVM->pdm.s.pModules; pCur; pCur = pCur->pNext) { /* Skip anything which isn't in GC. */ if (pCur->eType != PDMMOD_TYPE_GC) continue; if ((RTUINTPTR)uEIP - pCur->ImageBase < RTLdrSize(pCur->hLdrMod)) { if (pMod) *pMod = pCur->ImageBase; if (pszModName && cchModName) { *pszModName = '\0'; strncat(pszModName, pCur->szName, cchModName); } if (pNearSym1) *pNearSym1 = 0; if (pNearSym2) *pNearSym2 = 0; if (pszNearSym1) *pszNearSym1 = '\0'; if (pszNearSym2) *pszNearSym2 = '\0'; /* * Locate the nearest symbols. */ QMFEIPARG Args; Args.uEIP = uEIP; Args.pszNearSym1 = pszNearSym1; Args.cchNearSym1 = cchNearSym1; Args.offNearSym1 = INT_MIN; /** @todo fix INT_MIN/MAX! */ Args.pszNearSym2 = pszNearSym2; Args.cchNearSym2 = cchNearSym2; Args.offNearSym2 = INT_MAX; rc = RTLdrEnumSymbols(pCur->hLdrMod, RTLDR_ENUM_SYMBOL_FLAGS_ALL, pCur->pvBits, pCur->ImageBase, pdmR3QueryModFromEIPEnumSymbols, &Args); if (pNearSym1 && Args.offNearSym1 != INT_MIN) *pNearSym1 = Args.offNearSym1 + uEIP; if (pNearSym2 && Args.offNearSym2 != INT_MAX) *pNearSym2 = Args.offNearSym2 + uEIP; rc = VINF_SUCCESS; if (pCur->eType == PDMMOD_TYPE_GC) break; } } return rc; } /** * Enumeration callback function used by RTLdrEnumSymbols(). * * @returns VBox status code. Failure will stop the enumeration. * @param hLdrMod The loader module handle. * @param pszSymbol Symbol name. NULL if ordinal only. * @param uSymbol Symbol ordinal, ~0 if not used. * @param Value Symbol value. * @param pvUser The user argument specified to RTLdrEnumSymbols(). */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) pdmR3QueryModFromEIPEnumSymbols(RTLDRMOD hLdrMod, const char *pszSymbol, unsigned uSymbol, RTUINTPTR Value, void *pvUser) { PQMFEIPARG pArgs = (PQMFEIPARG)pvUser; RTINTPTR off = Value - pArgs->uEIP; if (off <= 0) /* near1 is before or at same location. */ { if (off > pArgs->offNearSym1) { pArgs->offNearSym1 = off; if (pArgs->pszNearSym1 && pArgs->cchNearSym1) { *pArgs->pszNearSym1 = '\0'; if (pszSymbol) strncat(pArgs->pszNearSym1, pszSymbol, pArgs->cchNearSym1); else { char szOrd[32]; RTStrPrintf(szOrd, sizeof(szOrd), "#%#x", uSymbol); strncat(pArgs->pszNearSym1, szOrd, pArgs->cchNearSym1); } } } } else /* near2 is after */ { if (off < pArgs->offNearSym2) { pArgs->offNearSym2 = off; if (pArgs->pszNearSym2 && pArgs->cchNearSym2) { *pArgs->pszNearSym2 = '\0'; if (pszSymbol) strncat(pArgs->pszNearSym2, pszSymbol, pArgs->cchNearSym2); else { char szOrd[32]; RTStrPrintf(szOrd, sizeof(szOrd), "#%#x", uSymbol); strncat(pArgs->pszNearSym2, szOrd, pArgs->cchNearSym2); } } } } return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Enumerate all PDM modules. * * @returns VBox status. * @param pVM VM Handle. * @param pfnCallback Function to call back for each of the modules. * @param pvArg User argument. */ PDMR3DECL(int) PDMR3EnumModules(PVM pVM, PFNPDMR3ENUM pfnCallback, void *pvArg) { PPDMMOD pCur; for (pCur = pVM->pUVM->pdm.s.pModules; pCur; pCur = pCur->pNext) { int rc = pfnCallback(pVM, pCur->szFilename, pCur->szName, pCur->ImageBase, pCur->eType == PDMMOD_TYPE_GC ? RTLdrSize(pCur->hLdrMod) : 0, pCur->eType == PDMMOD_TYPE_GC); if (VBOX_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; } return VINF_SUCCESS; }