/** @file * * Snapshot VBox HDD container test utility. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2010-2016 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /** * A VD snapshot test. */ typedef struct VDSNAPTEST { /** Backend to use */ const char *pcszBackend; /** Base image name */ const char *pcszBaseImage; /** Diff image ending */ const char *pcszDiffSuff; /** Number of iterations before the test exits */ uint32_t cIterations; /** Test pattern size */ size_t cbTestPattern; /** Minimum number of disk segments */ uint32_t cDiskSegsMin; /** Miaximum number of disk segments */ uint32_t cDiskSegsMax; /** Minimum number of diffs needed before a merge * operation can occur */ unsigned cDiffsMinBeforeMerge; /** Chance to get create instead of a merge operation */ uint32_t uCreateDiffChance; /** Chance to change a segment after a diff was created */ uint32_t uChangeSegChance; /** Numer of allocated blocks in the base image in percent */ uint32_t uAllocatedBlocks; /** Merge direction */ bool fForward; } VDSNAPTEST, *PVDSNAPTEST; /** * Structure defining a disk segment. */ typedef struct VDDISKSEG { /** Start offset in the disk. */ uint64_t off; /** Size of the segment. */ uint64_t cbSeg; /** Pointer to the start of the data in the test pattern used for the segment. */ uint8_t *pbData; /** Pointer to the data for a diff write */ uint8_t *pbDataDiff; } VDDISKSEG, *PVDDISKSEG; /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Global Variables * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ /** The error count. */ unsigned g_cErrors = 0; /** Global RNG state. */ RTRAND g_hRand; static DECLCALLBACK(void) tstVDError(void *pvUser, int rc, RT_SRC_POS_DECL, const char *pszFormat, va_list va) { RT_NOREF1(pvUser); g_cErrors++; RTPrintf("tstVDSnap: Error %Rrc at %s:%u (%s): ", rc, RT_SRC_POS_ARGS); RTPrintfV(pszFormat, va); RTPrintf("\n"); } static DECLCALLBACK(int) tstVDMessage(void *pvUser, const char *pszFormat, va_list va) { RT_NOREF1(pvUser); RTPrintf("tstVDSnap: "); RTPrintfV(pszFormat, va); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Returns true with the given chance in percent. * * @returns true or false * @param iPercentage The percentage of the chance to return true. */ static bool tstVDSnapIsTrue(int iPercentage) { int uRnd = RTRandAdvU32Ex(g_hRand, 0, 100); return (uRnd <= iPercentage); /* This should be enough for our purpose */ } static void tstVDSnapSegmentsDice(PVDSNAPTEST pTest, PVDDISKSEG paDiskSeg, uint32_t cDiskSegments, uint8_t *pbTestPattern, size_t cbTestPattern) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cDiskSegments; i++) { /* Do we want to change the current segment? */ if (tstVDSnapIsTrue(pTest->uChangeSegChance)) paDiskSeg[i].pbDataDiff = pbTestPattern + RT_ALIGN_64(RTRandAdvU64Ex(g_hRand, 0, cbTestPattern - paDiskSeg[i].cbSeg - 512), 512); } } static int tstVDSnapWrite(PVBOXHDD pVD, PVDDISKSEG paDiskSegments, uint32_t cDiskSegments, uint64_t cbDisk, bool fInit) { RT_NOREF1(cbDisk); int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cDiskSegments; i++) { if (fInit || paDiskSegments[i].pbDataDiff) { size_t cbWrite = paDiskSegments[i].cbSeg; uint64_t off = paDiskSegments[i].off; uint8_t *pbData = fInit ? paDiskSegments[i].pbData : paDiskSegments[i].pbDataDiff; if (pbData) { rc = VDWrite(pVD, off, pbData, cbWrite); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; } } } return rc; } static int tstVDSnapReadVerify(PVBOXHDD pVD, PVDDISKSEG paDiskSegments, uint32_t cDiskSegments, uint64_t cbDisk) { RT_NOREF1(cbDisk); int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; uint8_t *pbBuf = (uint8_t *)RTMemAlloc(_1M); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cDiskSegments; i++) { size_t cbRead = paDiskSegments[i].cbSeg; uint64_t off = paDiskSegments[i].off; uint8_t *pbCmp = paDiskSegments[i].pbData; Assert(!paDiskSegments[i].pbDataDiff); while (cbRead) { size_t cbToRead = RT_MIN(cbRead, _1M); rc = VDRead(pVD, off, pbBuf, cbToRead); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; if (pbCmp) { if (memcmp(pbCmp, pbBuf, cbToRead)) { for (unsigned iCmp = 0; iCmp < cbToRead; iCmp++) { if (pbCmp[iCmp] != pbBuf[iCmp]) { RTPrintf("Unexpected data at %llu expected %#x got %#x\n", off+iCmp, pbCmp[iCmp], pbBuf[iCmp]); break; } } return VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR; } } else { /* Verify that the block is 0 */ for (unsigned iCmp = 0; iCmp < cbToRead; iCmp++) { if (pbBuf[iCmp] != 0) { RTPrintf("Zero block contains data at %llu\n", off+iCmp); return VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR; } } } cbRead -= cbToRead; off += cbToRead; if (pbCmp) pbCmp += cbToRead; } } RTMemFree(pbBuf); return rc; } static int tstVDOpenCreateWriteMerge(PVDSNAPTEST pTest) { int rc; PVBOXHDD pVD = NULL; VDGEOMETRY PCHS = { 0, 0, 0 }; VDGEOMETRY LCHS = { 0, 0, 0 }; PVDINTERFACE pVDIfs = NULL; VDINTERFACEERROR VDIfError; /** Buffer storing the random test pattern. */ uint8_t *pbTestPattern = NULL; /** Number of disk segments */ uint32_t cDiskSegments; /** Array of disk segments */ PVDDISKSEG paDiskSeg = NULL; unsigned cDiffs = 0; unsigned idDiff = 0; /* Diff ID counter for the filename */ /* Delete all images from a previous run. */ RTFileDelete(pTest->pcszBaseImage); for (unsigned i = 0; i < pTest->cIterations; i++) { char *pszDiffFilename = NULL; rc = RTStrAPrintf(&pszDiffFilename, "tstVDSnapDiff%u.%s", i, pTest->pcszDiffSuff); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { if (RTFileExists(pszDiffFilename)) RTFileDelete(pszDiffFilename); RTStrFree(pszDiffFilename); } } /* Create the virtual disk test data */ pbTestPattern = (uint8_t *)RTMemAlloc(pTest->cbTestPattern); RTRandAdvBytes(g_hRand, pbTestPattern, pTest->cbTestPattern); cDiskSegments = RTRandAdvU32Ex(g_hRand, pTest->cDiskSegsMin, pTest->cDiskSegsMax); uint64_t cbDisk = 0; paDiskSeg = (PVDDISKSEG)RTMemAllocZ(cDiskSegments * sizeof(VDDISKSEG)); if (!paDiskSeg) { RTPrintf("Failed to allocate memory for random disk segments\n"); g_cErrors++; return VERR_NO_MEMORY; } for (unsigned i = 0; i < cDiskSegments; i++) { paDiskSeg[i].off = cbDisk; paDiskSeg[i].cbSeg = RT_ALIGN_64(RTRandAdvU64Ex(g_hRand, 512, pTest->cbTestPattern), 512); if (tstVDSnapIsTrue(pTest->uAllocatedBlocks)) paDiskSeg[i].pbData = pbTestPattern + RT_ALIGN_64(RTRandAdvU64Ex(g_hRand, 0, pTest->cbTestPattern - paDiskSeg[i].cbSeg - 512), 512); else paDiskSeg[i].pbData = NULL; /* Not allocated initially */ cbDisk += paDiskSeg[i].cbSeg; } RTPrintf("Disk size is %llu bytes\n", cbDisk); #define CHECK(str) \ do \ { \ RTPrintf("%s rc=%Rrc\n", str, rc); \ if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) \ { \ if (pbTestPattern) \ RTMemFree(pbTestPattern); \ if (paDiskSeg) \ RTMemFree(paDiskSeg); \ VDDestroy(pVD); \ g_cErrors++; \ return rc; \ } \ } while (0) #define CHECK_BREAK(str) \ do \ { \ RTPrintf("%s rc=%Rrc\n", str, rc); \ if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) \ { \ g_cErrors++; \ break; \ } \ } while (0) /* Create error interface. */ /* Create error interface. */ VDIfError.pfnError = tstVDError; VDIfError.pfnMessage = tstVDMessage; rc = VDInterfaceAdd(&VDIfError.Core, "tstVD_Error", VDINTERFACETYPE_ERROR, NULL, sizeof(VDINTERFACEERROR), &pVDIfs); AssertRC(rc); rc = VDCreate(pVDIfs, VDTYPE_HDD, &pVD); CHECK("VDCreate()"); rc = VDCreateBase(pVD, pTest->pcszBackend, pTest->pcszBaseImage, cbDisk, VD_IMAGE_FLAGS_NONE, "Test image", &PCHS, &LCHS, NULL, VD_OPEN_FLAGS_NORMAL, NULL, NULL); CHECK("VDCreateBase()"); bool fInit = true; uint32_t cIteration = 0; /* Do the real work now */ while ( RT_SUCCESS(rc) && cIteration < pTest->cIterations) { /* Write */ rc = tstVDSnapWrite(pVD, paDiskSeg, cDiskSegments, cbDisk, fInit); CHECK_BREAK("tstVDSnapWrite()"); fInit = false; /* Write returned, do we want to create a new diff or merge them? */ bool fCreate = cDiffs < pTest->cDiffsMinBeforeMerge ? true : tstVDSnapIsTrue(pTest->uCreateDiffChance); if (fCreate) { char *pszDiffFilename = NULL; RTStrAPrintf(&pszDiffFilename, "tstVDSnapDiff%u.%s", idDiff, pTest->pcszDiffSuff); CHECK("RTStrAPrintf()"); idDiff++; cDiffs++; rc = VDCreateDiff(pVD, pTest->pcszBackend, pszDiffFilename, VD_IMAGE_FLAGS_NONE, "Test diff image", NULL, NULL, VD_OPEN_FLAGS_NORMAL, NULL, NULL); CHECK_BREAK("VDCreateDiff()"); RTStrFree(pszDiffFilename); VDDumpImages(pVD); /* Change data */ tstVDSnapSegmentsDice(pTest, paDiskSeg, cDiskSegments, pbTestPattern, pTest->cbTestPattern); } else { uint32_t uStartMerge = RTRandAdvU32Ex(g_hRand, 1, cDiffs - 1); uint32_t uEndMerge = RTRandAdvU32Ex(g_hRand, uStartMerge + 1, cDiffs); RTPrintf("Merging %u diffs from %u to %u...\n", uEndMerge - uStartMerge, uStartMerge, uEndMerge); if (pTest->fForward) rc = VDMerge(pVD, uStartMerge, uEndMerge, NULL); else rc = VDMerge(pVD, uEndMerge, uStartMerge, NULL); CHECK_BREAK("VDMerge()"); cDiffs -= uEndMerge - uStartMerge; VDDumpImages(pVD); /* Go through the disk segments and reset pointers. */ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cDiskSegments; i++) { if (paDiskSeg[i].pbDataDiff) { paDiskSeg[i].pbData = paDiskSeg[i].pbDataDiff; paDiskSeg[i].pbDataDiff = NULL; } } /* Now compare the result with our test pattern */ rc = tstVDSnapReadVerify(pVD, paDiskSeg, cDiskSegments, cbDisk); CHECK_BREAK("tstVDSnapReadVerify()"); } cIteration++; } VDDumpImages(pVD); VDDestroy(pVD); if (paDiskSeg) RTMemFree(paDiskSeg); if (pbTestPattern) RTMemFree(pbTestPattern); RTFileDelete(pTest->pcszBaseImage); for (unsigned i = 0; i < idDiff; i++) { char *pszDiffFilename = NULL; RTStrAPrintf(&pszDiffFilename, "tstVDSnapDiff%u.%s", i, pTest->pcszDiffSuff); RTFileDelete(pszDiffFilename); RTStrFree(pszDiffFilename); } #undef CHECK return rc; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { RTR3InitExe(argc, &argv, 0); int rc; VDSNAPTEST Test; RTPrintf("tstVDSnap: TESTING...\n"); rc = RTRandAdvCreateParkMiller(&g_hRand); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { RTPrintf("tstVDSnap: Creating RNG failed rc=%Rrc\n", rc); return 1; } RTRandAdvSeed(g_hRand, 0x12345678); Test.pcszBackend = "vmdk"; Test.pcszBaseImage = "tstVDSnapBase.vmdk"; Test.pcszDiffSuff = "vmdk"; Test.cIterations = 30; Test.cbTestPattern = 10 * _1M; Test.cDiskSegsMin = 10; Test.cDiskSegsMax = 50; Test.cDiffsMinBeforeMerge = 5; Test.uCreateDiffChance = 50; /* % */ Test.uChangeSegChance = 50; /* % */ Test.uAllocatedBlocks = 50; /* 50% allocated */ Test.fForward = true; tstVDOpenCreateWriteMerge(&Test); /* Same test with backwards merge */ Test.fForward = false; tstVDOpenCreateWriteMerge(&Test); rc = VDShutdown(); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { RTPrintf("tstVDSnap: unloading backends failed! rc=%Rrc\n", rc); g_cErrors++; } /* * Summary */ if (!g_cErrors) RTPrintf("tstVDSnap: SUCCESS\n"); else RTPrintf("tstVDSnap: FAILURE - %d errors\n", g_cErrors); RTRandAdvDestroy(g_hRand); return !!g_cErrors; }