/* $Id: fileaio-win.cpp 45678 2013-04-23 11:28:41Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * IPRT - File async I/O, native implementation for the Windows host platform. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2012 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. * * The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms * of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0 * (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the * CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL. * * You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the * terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both. */ /******************************************************************************* * Header Files * *******************************************************************************/ #define LOG_GROUP RTLOGGROUP_DIR #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "internal/fileaio.h" #include /******************************************************************************* * Structures and Typedefs * *******************************************************************************/ /** * Transfer direction. */ typedef enum TRANSFERDIRECTION { TRANSFERDIRECTION_INVALID = 0, /** Read. */ TRANSFERDIRECTION_READ, /** Write. */ TRANSFERDIRECTION_WRITE, /** The usual 32-bit hack. */ TRANSFERDIRECTION_32BIT_HACK = 0x7fffffff } TRANSFERDIRECTION; /** * Async I/O completion context state. */ typedef struct RTFILEAIOCTXINTERNAL { /** handle to I/O completion port. */ HANDLE hIoCompletionPort; /** Current number of requests pending. */ volatile int32_t cRequests; /** Flag whether the thread was woken up. */ volatile bool fWokenUp; /** Flag whether the thread is currently waiting. */ volatile bool fWaiting; /** Flags given during creation. */ uint32_t fFlags; /** Magic value (RTFILEAIOCTX_MAGIC). */ uint32_t u32Magic; } RTFILEAIOCTXINTERNAL; /** Pointer to an internal context structure. */ typedef RTFILEAIOCTXINTERNAL *PRTFILEAIOCTXINTERNAL; /** * Async I/O request state. */ typedef struct RTFILEAIOREQINTERNAL { /** Overlapped structure. */ OVERLAPPED Overlapped; /** Current state the request is in. */ RTFILEAIOREQSTATE enmState; /** The file handle. */ HANDLE hFile; /** Kind of transfer Read/Write. */ TRANSFERDIRECTION enmTransferDirection; /** Number of bytes to transfer. */ size_t cbTransfer; /** Pointer to the buffer. */ void *pvBuf; /** Opaque user data. */ void *pvUser; /** Flag whether the request completed. */ bool fCompleted; /** Number of bytes transferred successfully. */ size_t cbTransfered; /** Error code of the completed request. */ int Rc; /** Completion context we are assigned to. */ PRTFILEAIOCTXINTERNAL pCtxInt; /** Magic value (RTFILEAIOREQ_MAGIC). */ uint32_t u32Magic; } RTFILEAIOREQINTERNAL; /** Pointer to an internal request structure. */ typedef RTFILEAIOREQINTERNAL *PRTFILEAIOREQINTERNAL; /******************************************************************************* * Defined Constants And Macros * *******************************************************************************/ /** Id for the wakeup event. */ #define AIO_CONTEXT_WAKEUP_EVENT 1 /** Converts a pointer to an OVERLAPPED structure to a internal request. */ #define OVERLAPPED_2_RTFILEAIOREQINTERNAL(pOverlapped) ( (PRTFILEAIOREQINTERNAL)((uintptr_t)(pOverlapped) - RT_OFFSETOF(RTFILEAIOREQINTERNAL, Overlapped)) ) RTR3DECL(int) RTFileAioGetLimits(PRTFILEAIOLIMITS pAioLimits) { int rcBSD = 0; AssertPtrReturn(pAioLimits, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); /* No limits known. */ pAioLimits->cReqsOutstandingMax = RTFILEAIO_UNLIMITED_REQS; pAioLimits->cbBufferAlignment = 0; return VINF_SUCCESS; } RTR3DECL(int) RTFileAioReqCreate(PRTFILEAIOREQ phReq) { AssertPtrReturn(phReq, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); PRTFILEAIOREQINTERNAL pReqInt = (PRTFILEAIOREQINTERNAL)RTMemAllocZ(sizeof(RTFILEAIOREQINTERNAL)); if (RT_UNLIKELY(!pReqInt)) return VERR_NO_MEMORY; pReqInt->pCtxInt = NULL; pReqInt->fCompleted = false; pReqInt->u32Magic = RTFILEAIOREQ_MAGIC; RTFILEAIOREQ_SET_STATE(pReqInt, COMPLETED); *phReq = (RTFILEAIOREQ)pReqInt; return VINF_SUCCESS; } RTDECL(int) RTFileAioReqDestroy(RTFILEAIOREQ hReq) { /* * Validate the handle and ignore nil. */ if (hReq == NIL_RTFILEAIOREQ) return VINF_SUCCESS; PRTFILEAIOREQINTERNAL pReqInt = hReq; RTFILEAIOREQ_VALID_RETURN(pReqInt); RTFILEAIOREQ_NOT_STATE_RETURN_RC(pReqInt, SUBMITTED, VERR_FILE_AIO_IN_PROGRESS); /* * Trash the magic and free it. */ ASMAtomicUoWriteU32(&pReqInt->u32Magic, ~RTFILEAIOREQ_MAGIC); RTMemFree(pReqInt); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Worker setting up the request. */ DECLINLINE(int) rtFileAioReqPrepareTransfer(RTFILEAIOREQ hReq, RTFILE hFile, TRANSFERDIRECTION enmTransferDirection, RTFOFF off, void *pvBuf, size_t cbTransfer, void *pvUser) { /* * Validate the input. */ PRTFILEAIOREQINTERNAL pReqInt = hReq; RTFILEAIOREQ_VALID_RETURN(pReqInt); RTFILEAIOREQ_NOT_STATE_RETURN_RC(pReqInt, SUBMITTED, VERR_FILE_AIO_IN_PROGRESS); Assert(hFile != NIL_RTFILE); AssertPtr(pvBuf); Assert(off >= 0); Assert(cbTransfer > 0); pReqInt->enmTransferDirection = enmTransferDirection; pReqInt->hFile = (HANDLE)RTFileToNative(hFile); pReqInt->Overlapped.Offset = (DWORD)(off & 0xffffffff); pReqInt->Overlapped.OffsetHigh = (DWORD)(off >> 32); pReqInt->cbTransfer = cbTransfer; pReqInt->pvBuf = pvBuf; pReqInt->pvUser = pvUser; pReqInt->fCompleted = false; return VINF_SUCCESS; } RTDECL(int) RTFileAioReqPrepareRead(RTFILEAIOREQ hReq, RTFILE hFile, RTFOFF off, void *pvBuf, size_t cbRead, void *pvUser) { return rtFileAioReqPrepareTransfer(hReq, hFile, TRANSFERDIRECTION_READ, off, pvBuf, cbRead, pvUser); } RTDECL(int) RTFileAioReqPrepareWrite(RTFILEAIOREQ hReq, RTFILE hFile, RTFOFF off, void const *pvBuf, size_t cbWrite, void *pvUser) { return rtFileAioReqPrepareTransfer(hReq, hFile, TRANSFERDIRECTION_WRITE, off, (void *)pvBuf, cbWrite, pvUser); } RTDECL(int) RTFileAioReqPrepareFlush(RTFILEAIOREQ hReq, RTFILE hFile, void *pvUser) { PRTFILEAIOREQINTERNAL pReqInt = hReq; RTFILEAIOREQ_VALID_RETURN(pReqInt); RTFILEAIOREQ_NOT_STATE_RETURN_RC(pReqInt, SUBMITTED, VERR_FILE_AIO_IN_PROGRESS); AssertReturn(hFile != NIL_RTFILE, VERR_INVALID_HANDLE); return VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } RTDECL(void *) RTFileAioReqGetUser(RTFILEAIOREQ hReq) { PRTFILEAIOREQINTERNAL pReqInt = hReq; RTFILEAIOREQ_VALID_RETURN_RC(pReqInt, NULL); return pReqInt->pvUser; } RTDECL(int) RTFileAioReqCancel(RTFILEAIOREQ hReq) { PRTFILEAIOREQINTERNAL pReqInt = hReq; RTFILEAIOREQ_VALID_RETURN(pReqInt); RTFILEAIOREQ_STATE_RETURN_RC(pReqInt, SUBMITTED, VERR_FILE_AIO_NOT_SUBMITTED); /** * @todo r=aeichner It is not possible to cancel specific * requests on Windows before Vista. * CancelIo cancels all requests for a file issued by the * calling thread and CancelIoEx which does what we need * is only available from Vista and up. * The solution is to return VERR_FILE_AIO_IN_PROGRESS * if the request didn't completed yet (checked above). * Shouldn't be a big issue because a request is normally * only canceled if it exceeds a timeout which is quite huge. */ return VERR_FILE_AIO_COMPLETED; } RTDECL(int) RTFileAioReqGetRC(RTFILEAIOREQ hReq, size_t *pcbTransfered) { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; PRTFILEAIOREQINTERNAL pReqInt = hReq; RTFILEAIOREQ_VALID_RETURN(pReqInt); RTFILEAIOREQ_NOT_STATE_RETURN_RC(pReqInt, SUBMITTED, VERR_FILE_AIO_IN_PROGRESS); RTFILEAIOREQ_NOT_STATE_RETURN_RC(pReqInt, PREPARED, VERR_FILE_AIO_NOT_SUBMITTED); rc = pReqInt->Rc; if (pcbTransfered && RT_SUCCESS(rc)) *pcbTransfered = pReqInt->cbTransfered; return rc; } RTDECL(int) RTFileAioCtxCreate(PRTFILEAIOCTX phAioCtx, uint32_t cAioReqsMax, uint32_t fFlags) { PRTFILEAIOCTXINTERNAL pCtxInt; AssertPtrReturn(phAioCtx, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertReturn(!(fFlags & ~RTFILEAIOCTX_FLAGS_VALID_MASK), VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); pCtxInt = (PRTFILEAIOCTXINTERNAL)RTMemAllocZ(sizeof(RTFILEAIOCTXINTERNAL)); if (RT_UNLIKELY(!pCtxInt)) return VERR_NO_MEMORY; pCtxInt->hIoCompletionPort = CreateIoCompletionPort(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, NULL, 0, 0); if (RT_UNLIKELY(!pCtxInt->hIoCompletionPort)) { RTMemFree(pCtxInt); return VERR_NO_MEMORY; } pCtxInt->fFlags = fFlags; pCtxInt->u32Magic = RTFILEAIOCTX_MAGIC; *phAioCtx = (RTFILEAIOCTX)pCtxInt; return VINF_SUCCESS; } RTDECL(int) RTFileAioCtxDestroy(RTFILEAIOCTX hAioCtx) { /* Validate the handle and ignore nil. */ if (hAioCtx == NIL_RTFILEAIOCTX) return VINF_SUCCESS; PRTFILEAIOCTXINTERNAL pCtxInt = hAioCtx; RTFILEAIOCTX_VALID_RETURN(pCtxInt); /* Cannot destroy a busy context. */ if (RT_UNLIKELY(pCtxInt->cRequests)) return VERR_FILE_AIO_BUSY; CloseHandle(pCtxInt->hIoCompletionPort); ASMAtomicUoWriteU32(&pCtxInt->u32Magic, RTFILEAIOCTX_MAGIC_DEAD); RTMemFree(pCtxInt); return VINF_SUCCESS; } RTDECL(int) RTFileAioCtxAssociateWithFile(RTFILEAIOCTX hAioCtx, RTFILE hFile) { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; PRTFILEAIOCTXINTERNAL pCtxInt = hAioCtx; RTFILEAIOCTX_VALID_RETURN(pCtxInt); HANDLE hTemp = CreateIoCompletionPort((HANDLE)RTFileToNative(hFile), pCtxInt->hIoCompletionPort, 0, 1); if (hTemp != pCtxInt->hIoCompletionPort) rc = RTErrConvertFromWin32(GetLastError()); return rc; } RTDECL(uint32_t) RTFileAioCtxGetMaxReqCount(RTFILEAIOCTX hAioCtx) { return RTFILEAIO_UNLIMITED_REQS; } RTDECL(int) RTFileAioCtxSubmit(RTFILEAIOCTX hAioCtx, PRTFILEAIOREQ pahReqs, size_t cReqs) { /* * Parameter validation. */ int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; PRTFILEAIOCTXINTERNAL pCtxInt = hAioCtx; RTFILEAIOCTX_VALID_RETURN(pCtxInt); AssertReturn(cReqs > 0, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); Assert(cReqs <= INT32_MAX); AssertPtrReturn(pahReqs, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); size_t i; for (i = 0; i < cReqs; i++) { PRTFILEAIOREQINTERNAL pReqInt = pahReqs[i]; BOOL fSucceeded; Assert(pReqInt->cbTransfer == (DWORD)pReqInt->cbTransfer); if (pReqInt->enmTransferDirection == TRANSFERDIRECTION_READ) { fSucceeded = ReadFile(pReqInt->hFile, pReqInt->pvBuf, (DWORD)pReqInt->cbTransfer, NULL, &pReqInt->Overlapped); } else if (pReqInt->enmTransferDirection == TRANSFERDIRECTION_WRITE) { fSucceeded = WriteFile(pReqInt->hFile, pReqInt->pvBuf, (DWORD)pReqInt->cbTransfer, NULL, &pReqInt->Overlapped); } else { fSucceeded = false; AssertMsgFailed(("Invalid transfer direction\n")); } if (RT_UNLIKELY(!fSucceeded && GetLastError() != ERROR_IO_PENDING)) { RTFILEAIOREQ_SET_STATE(pReqInt, COMPLETED); rc = RTErrConvertFromWin32(GetLastError()); pReqInt->Rc = rc; break; } RTFILEAIOREQ_SET_STATE(pReqInt, SUBMITTED); } ASMAtomicAddS32(&pCtxInt->cRequests, (int32_t)i); return rc; } RTDECL(int) RTFileAioCtxWait(RTFILEAIOCTX hAioCtx, size_t cMinReqs, RTMSINTERVAL cMillies, PRTFILEAIOREQ pahReqs, size_t cReqs, uint32_t *pcReqs) { /* * Validate the parameters, making sure to always set pcReqs. */ AssertPtrReturn(pcReqs, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); *pcReqs = 0; /* always set */ PRTFILEAIOCTXINTERNAL pCtxInt = hAioCtx; RTFILEAIOCTX_VALID_RETURN(pCtxInt); AssertPtrReturn(pahReqs, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertReturn(cReqs != 0, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); AssertReturn(cReqs >= cMinReqs, VERR_OUT_OF_RANGE); /* * Can't wait if there are no requests around. */ if ( RT_UNLIKELY(ASMAtomicUoReadS32(&pCtxInt->cRequests) == 0) && !(pCtxInt->fFlags & RTFILEAIOCTX_FLAGS_WAIT_WITHOUT_PENDING_REQUESTS)) return VERR_FILE_AIO_NO_REQUEST; /* Wait for at least one. */ if (!cMinReqs) cMinReqs = 1; /* * Loop until we're woken up, hit an error (incl timeout), or * have collected the desired number of requests. */ int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; int cRequestsCompleted = 0; while ( !pCtxInt->fWokenUp && cMinReqs > 0) { uint64_t StartNanoTS = 0; DWORD dwTimeout = cMillies == RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT ? INFINITE : cMillies; DWORD cbTransfered; LPOVERLAPPED pOverlapped; ULONG_PTR lCompletionKey; BOOL fSucceeded; if (cMillies != RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT) StartNanoTS = RTTimeNanoTS(); ASMAtomicXchgBool(&pCtxInt->fWaiting, true); fSucceeded = GetQueuedCompletionStatus(pCtxInt->hIoCompletionPort, &cbTransfered, &lCompletionKey, &pOverlapped, dwTimeout); ASMAtomicXchgBool(&pCtxInt->fWaiting, false); if ( !fSucceeded && !pOverlapped) { /* The call failed to dequeue a completion packet, includes VERR_TIMEOUT */ rc = RTErrConvertFromWin32(GetLastError()); break; } /* Check if we got woken up. */ if (lCompletionKey == AIO_CONTEXT_WAKEUP_EVENT) { Assert(fSucceeded && !pOverlapped); break; } /* A request completed. */ PRTFILEAIOREQINTERNAL pReqInt = OVERLAPPED_2_RTFILEAIOREQINTERNAL(pOverlapped); AssertPtr(pReqInt); Assert(pReqInt->u32Magic == RTFILEAIOREQ_MAGIC); /* Mark the request as finished. */ RTFILEAIOREQ_SET_STATE(pReqInt, COMPLETED); pReqInt->cbTransfered = cbTransfered; if (fSucceeded) pReqInt->Rc = VINF_SUCCESS; else { DWORD errCode = GetLastError(); pReqInt->Rc = RTErrConvertFromWin32(errCode); if (pReqInt->Rc == VERR_UNRESOLVED_ERROR) LogRel(("AIO/win: Request %#p returned rc=%Rrc (native %u\n)", pReqInt, pReqInt->Rc, errCode)); } pahReqs[cRequestsCompleted++] = (RTFILEAIOREQ)pReqInt; /* Update counter. */ cMinReqs--; if (cMillies != RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT) { /* Recalculate timeout. */ uint64_t NanoTS = RTTimeNanoTS(); uint64_t cMilliesElapsed = (NanoTS - StartNanoTS) / 1000000; if (cMilliesElapsed < cMillies) cMillies -= cMilliesElapsed; else cMillies = 0; } } /* * Update the context state and set the return value. */ *pcReqs = cRequestsCompleted; ASMAtomicSubS32(&pCtxInt->cRequests, cRequestsCompleted); /* * Clear the wakeup flag and set rc. */ bool fWokenUp = ASMAtomicXchgBool(&pCtxInt->fWokenUp, false); if ( fWokenUp && RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = VERR_INTERRUPTED; return rc; } RTDECL(int) RTFileAioCtxWakeup(RTFILEAIOCTX hAioCtx) { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; PRTFILEAIOCTXINTERNAL pCtxInt = hAioCtx; RTFILEAIOCTX_VALID_RETURN(pCtxInt); bool fWokenUp = ASMAtomicXchgBool(&pCtxInt->fWokenUp, true); bool fWaiting = ASMAtomicReadBool(&pCtxInt->fWaiting); if ( !fWokenUp && fWaiting) { BOOL fSucceeded = PostQueuedCompletionStatus(pCtxInt->hIoCompletionPort, 0, AIO_CONTEXT_WAKEUP_EVENT, NULL); if (!fSucceeded) rc = RTErrConvertFromWin32(GetLastError()); } return rc; }