/* $Id: vfschain.cpp 96407 2022-08-22 17:43:14Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * IPRT - Virtual File System, Chains. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2010-2022 Oracle and/or its affiliates. * * This file is part of VirtualBox base platform packages, as * available from https://www.virtualbox.org. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 3 of the * License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see . * * The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms * of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0 * (CDDL), a copy of it is provided in the "COPYING.CDDL" file included * in the VirtualBox distribution, in which case the provisions of the * CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL. * * You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the * terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only OR CDDL-1.0 */ /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Header Files * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "internal/file.h" #include "internal/magics.h" //#include "internal/vfs.h" /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Internal Functions * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ static PCRTVFSCHAINELEMENTREG rtVfsChainFindProviderLocked(const char *pszProvider); /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Global Variables * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ /** Init the critical section once. */ static RTONCE g_rtVfsChainElementInitOnce = RTONCE_INITIALIZER; /** Critical section protecting g_rtVfsChainElementProviderList. */ static RTCRITSECTRW g_rtVfsChainElementCritSect; /** List of VFS chain element providers (RTVFSCHAINELEMENTREG). */ static RTLISTANCHOR g_rtVfsChainElementProviderList; RTDECL(int) RTVfsChainValidateOpenFileOrIoStream(PRTVFSCHAINSPEC pSpec, PRTVFSCHAINELEMSPEC pElement, uint32_t *poffError, PRTERRINFO pErrInfo) { if (pElement->cArgs < 1) return VERR_VFS_CHAIN_AT_LEAST_ONE_ARG; if (pElement->cArgs > 4) return VERR_VFS_CHAIN_AT_MOST_FOUR_ARGS; if (!*pElement->paArgs[0].psz) return VERR_VFS_CHAIN_EMPTY_ARG; /* * Calculate the flags, storing them in the first argument. */ const char *pszAccess = pElement->cArgs >= 2 ? pElement->paArgs[1].psz : ""; if (!*pszAccess) pszAccess = (pSpec->fOpenFile & RTFILE_O_ACCESS_MASK) == RTFILE_O_READWRITE ? "rw" : (pSpec->fOpenFile & RTFILE_O_ACCESS_MASK) == RTFILE_O_READ ? "r" : (pSpec->fOpenFile & RTFILE_O_ACCESS_MASK) == RTFILE_O_WRITE ? "w" : "rw"; const char *pszDisp = pElement->cArgs >= 3 ? pElement->paArgs[2].psz : ""; if (!*pszDisp) pszDisp = strchr(pszAccess, 'w') != NULL ? "open-create" : "open"; const char *pszSharing = pElement->cArgs >= 4 ? pElement->paArgs[3].psz : ""; int rc = RTFileModeToFlagsEx(pszAccess, pszDisp, pszSharing, &pElement->uProvider); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) return VINF_SUCCESS; /* * Now try figure out which argument offended us. */ AssertReturn(pElement->cArgs > 1, VERR_VFS_CHAIN_IPE); if ( pElement->cArgs == 2 || RT_FAILURE(RTFileModeToFlagsEx(pszAccess, "open-create", "", &pElement->uProvider))) { *poffError = pElement->paArgs[1].offSpec; rc = RTErrInfoSet(pErrInfo, VERR_VFS_CHAIN_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Expected valid access flags: 'r', 'rw', or 'w'"); } else if ( pElement->cArgs == 3 || RT_FAILURE(RTFileModeToFlagsEx(pszAccess, pszDisp, "", &pElement->uProvider))) { *poffError = pElement->paArgs[2].offSpec; rc = RTErrInfoSet(pErrInfo, VERR_VFS_CHAIN_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Expected valid open disposition: create, create-replace, open, open-create, open-append, open-truncate"); } else { *poffError = pElement->paArgs[3].offSpec; rc = RTErrInfoSet(pErrInfo, VERR_VFS_CHAIN_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Expected valid sharing flags: nr, nw, nrw, d"); } return rc; } /** * @interface_method_impl{RTVFSCHAINELEMENTREG,pfnValidate} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) rtVfsChainOpen_Validate(PCRTVFSCHAINELEMENTREG pProviderReg, PRTVFSCHAINSPEC pSpec, PRTVFSCHAINELEMSPEC pElement, uint32_t *poffError, PRTERRINFO pErrInfo) { RT_NOREF(pProviderReg); /* * Basic checks. */ if ( pElement->enmType != RTVFSOBJTYPE_DIR && pElement->enmType != RTVFSOBJTYPE_FILE && pElement->enmType != RTVFSOBJTYPE_IO_STREAM) return VERR_VFS_CHAIN_ONLY_FILE_OR_IOS_OR_DIR; if ( pElement->enmTypeIn != RTVFSOBJTYPE_DIR && pElement->enmTypeIn != RTVFSOBJTYPE_FS_STREAM && pElement->enmTypeIn != RTVFSOBJTYPE_VFS) { if (pElement->enmTypeIn == RTVFSOBJTYPE_INVALID) { /* * First element: Transform into 'stdfile' or 'stddir' if registered. */ const char *pszNewProvider = pElement->enmType == RTVFSOBJTYPE_DIR ? "stddir" : "stdfile"; PCRTVFSCHAINELEMENTREG pNewProvider = rtVfsChainFindProviderLocked(pszNewProvider); if (pNewProvider) { pElement->pProvider = pNewProvider; return pNewProvider->pfnValidate(pNewProvider, pSpec, pElement, poffError, pErrInfo); } return VERR_VFS_CHAIN_CANNOT_BE_FIRST_ELEMENT; } return VERR_VFS_CHAIN_TAKES_DIR_OR_FSS_OR_VFS; } /* * Make common cause with 'stdfile' if we're opening a file or I/O stream. * If the input is a FSS, we have to make sure it's a read-only operation. */ if ( pElement->enmType == RTVFSOBJTYPE_FILE || pElement->enmType == RTVFSOBJTYPE_IO_STREAM) { int rc = RTVfsChainValidateOpenFileOrIoStream(pSpec, pElement, poffError, pErrInfo); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { if (pElement->enmTypeIn != RTVFSOBJTYPE_FS_STREAM) return VINF_SUCCESS; if ( !(pElement->uProvider & RTFILE_O_WRITE) && (pElement->uProvider & RTFILE_O_ACTION_MASK) == RTFILE_O_OPEN) return VINF_SUCCESS; *poffError = pElement->cArgs > 1 ? pElement->paArgs[1].offSpec : pElement->offSpec; return VERR_VFS_CHAIN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } return rc; } /* * Directory checks. Path argument only, optional. If not given the root directory of a VFS or the */ if (pElement->cArgs > 1) return VERR_VFS_CHAIN_AT_MOST_ONE_ARG; pElement->uProvider = 0; return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * @interface_method_impl{RTVFSCHAINELEMENTREG,pfnInstantiate} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) rtVfsChainOpen_Instantiate(PCRTVFSCHAINELEMENTREG pProviderReg, PCRTVFSCHAINSPEC pSpec, PCRTVFSCHAINELEMSPEC pElement, RTVFSOBJ hPrevVfsObj, PRTVFSOBJ phVfsObj, uint32_t *poffError, PRTERRINFO pErrInfo) { RT_NOREF(pProviderReg, pSpec, pElement, poffError, pErrInfo); AssertReturn(hPrevVfsObj != NIL_RTVFSOBJ, VERR_VFS_CHAIN_IPE); /* * File system stream: Seek thru the stream looking for the object to open. */ RTVFSFSSTREAM hVfsFssIn = RTVfsObjToFsStream(hPrevVfsObj); if (hVfsFssIn != NIL_RTVFSFSSTREAM) { return VERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /* * VFS: Use RTVfsFileOpen or RTVfsDirOpen. */ RTVFS hVfsIn = RTVfsObjToVfs(hPrevVfsObj); if (hVfsIn != NIL_RTVFS) { if ( pElement->enmType == RTVFSOBJTYPE_FILE || pElement->enmType == RTVFSOBJTYPE_IO_STREAM) { RTVFSFILE hVfsFile = NIL_RTVFSFILE; int rc = RTVfsFileOpen(hVfsIn, pElement->paArgs[0].psz, pElement->uProvider, &hVfsFile); RTVfsRelease(hVfsIn); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { *phVfsObj = RTVfsObjFromFile(hVfsFile); RTVfsFileRelease(hVfsFile); if (*phVfsObj != NIL_RTVFSOBJ) return VINF_SUCCESS; rc = VERR_VFS_CHAIN_CAST_FAILED; } return rc; } if (pElement->enmType == RTVFSOBJTYPE_DIR) { RTVFSDIR hVfsDir = NIL_RTVFSDIR; int rc = RTVfsDirOpen(hVfsIn, pElement->paArgs[0].psz, (uint32_t)pElement->uProvider, &hVfsDir); RTVfsRelease(hVfsIn); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { *phVfsObj = RTVfsObjFromDir(hVfsDir); RTVfsDirRelease(hVfsDir); if (*phVfsObj != NIL_RTVFSOBJ) return VINF_SUCCESS; rc = VERR_VFS_CHAIN_CAST_FAILED; } return rc; } RTVfsRelease(hVfsIn); return VERR_VFS_CHAIN_IPE; } /* * Directory: Similar to above, just relative to a directory. */ RTVFSDIR hVfsDirIn = RTVfsObjToDir(hPrevVfsObj); if (hVfsDirIn != NIL_RTVFSDIR) { if ( pElement->enmType == RTVFSOBJTYPE_FILE || pElement->enmType == RTVFSOBJTYPE_IO_STREAM) { RTVFSFILE hVfsFile = NIL_RTVFSFILE; int rc = RTVfsDirOpenFile(hVfsDirIn, pElement->paArgs[0].psz, pElement->uProvider, &hVfsFile); RTVfsDirRelease(hVfsDirIn); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { *phVfsObj = RTVfsObjFromFile(hVfsFile); RTVfsFileRelease(hVfsFile); if (*phVfsObj != NIL_RTVFSOBJ) return VINF_SUCCESS; rc = VERR_VFS_CHAIN_CAST_FAILED; } return rc; } if (pElement->enmType == RTVFSOBJTYPE_DIR) { RTVFSDIR hVfsDir = NIL_RTVFSDIR; int rc = RTVfsDirOpenDir(hVfsDirIn, pElement->paArgs[0].psz, pElement->uProvider, &hVfsDir); RTVfsDirRelease(hVfsDirIn); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { *phVfsObj = RTVfsObjFromDir(hVfsDir); RTVfsDirRelease(hVfsDir); if (*phVfsObj != NIL_RTVFSOBJ) return VINF_SUCCESS; rc = VERR_VFS_CHAIN_CAST_FAILED; } return rc; } RTVfsDirRelease(hVfsDirIn); return VERR_VFS_CHAIN_IPE; } AssertFailed(); return VERR_VFS_CHAIN_CAST_FAILED; } /** * @interface_method_impl{RTVFSCHAINELEMENTREG,pfnCanReuseElement} */ static DECLCALLBACK(bool) rtVfsChainOpen_CanReuseElement(PCRTVFSCHAINELEMENTREG pProviderReg, PCRTVFSCHAINSPEC pSpec, PCRTVFSCHAINELEMSPEC pElement, PCRTVFSCHAINSPEC pReuseSpec, PCRTVFSCHAINELEMSPEC pReuseElement) { RT_NOREF(pProviderReg, pSpec, pElement, pReuseSpec, pReuseElement); return false; } /** VFS chain element 'gunzip'. */ static RTVFSCHAINELEMENTREG g_rtVfsChainGunzipReg = { /* uVersion = */ RTVFSCHAINELEMENTREG_VERSION, /* fReserved = */ 0, /* pszName = */ "open", /* ListEntry = */ { NULL, NULL }, /* pszHelp = */ "Generic VFS open, that can open files (or I/O stream) and directories in a VFS, directory or file system stream.\n" "If used as the first element in a chain, it will work like 'stdfile' or 'stddir' and work on the real file system.\n" "First argument is the filename or directory path.\n" "Second argument is access mode, files only, optional: r, w, rw.\n" "Third argument is open disposition, files only, optional: create, create-replace, open, open-create, open-append, open-truncate.\n" "Forth argument is file sharing, files only, optional: nr, nw, nrw, d.", /* pfnValidate = */ rtVfsChainOpen_Validate, /* pfnInstantiate = */ rtVfsChainOpen_Instantiate, /* pfnCanReuseElement = */ rtVfsChainOpen_CanReuseElement, /* uEndMarker = */ RTVFSCHAINELEMENTREG_VERSION }; RTVFSCHAIN_AUTO_REGISTER_ELEMENT_PROVIDER(&g_rtVfsChainGunzipReg, rtVfsChainGunzipReg); /** * Initializes the globals via RTOnce. * * @returns IPRT status code * @param pvUser Unused, ignored. */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) rtVfsChainElementRegisterInit(void *pvUser) { NOREF(pvUser); if (!g_rtVfsChainElementProviderList.pNext) RTListInit(&g_rtVfsChainElementProviderList); int rc = RTCritSectRwInit(&g_rtVfsChainElementCritSect); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { } return rc; } RTDECL(int) RTVfsChainElementRegisterProvider(PRTVFSCHAINELEMENTREG pRegRec, bool fFromCtor) { int rc; /* * Input validation. */ AssertPtrReturn(pRegRec, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertMsgReturn(pRegRec->uVersion == RTVFSCHAINELEMENTREG_VERSION, ("%#x", pRegRec->uVersion), VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertMsgReturn(pRegRec->uEndMarker == RTVFSCHAINELEMENTREG_VERSION, ("%#zx", pRegRec->uEndMarker), VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertReturn(pRegRec->fReserved == 0, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pRegRec->pszName, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pRegRec->pfnValidate, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pRegRec->pfnInstantiate, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pRegRec->pfnCanReuseElement, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); /* * Init and take the lock. */ if (!fFromCtor) { rc = RTOnce(&g_rtVfsChainElementInitOnce, rtVfsChainElementRegisterInit, NULL); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; rc = RTCritSectRwEnterExcl(&g_rtVfsChainElementCritSect); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; } else if (!g_rtVfsChainElementProviderList.pNext) RTListInit(&g_rtVfsChainElementProviderList); /* * Duplicate name? */ rc = VINF_SUCCESS; PRTVFSCHAINELEMENTREG pIterator, pIterNext; RTListForEachSafe(&g_rtVfsChainElementProviderList, pIterator, pIterNext, RTVFSCHAINELEMENTREG, ListEntry) { if (!strcmp(pIterator->pszName, pRegRec->pszName)) { AssertMsgFailed(("duplicate name '%s' old=%p new=%p\n", pIterator->pszName, pIterator, pRegRec)); rc = VERR_ALREADY_EXISTS; break; } } /* * If not, append the record to the list. */ if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) RTListAppend(&g_rtVfsChainElementProviderList, &pRegRec->ListEntry); /* * Leave the lock and return. */ if (!fFromCtor) RTCritSectRwLeaveExcl(&g_rtVfsChainElementCritSect); return rc; } /** * Allocates and initializes an empty spec * * @returns Pointer to the spec on success, NULL on failure. */ static PRTVFSCHAINSPEC rtVfsChainSpecAlloc(void) { PRTVFSCHAINSPEC pSpec = (PRTVFSCHAINSPEC)RTMemTmpAlloc(sizeof(*pSpec)); if (pSpec) { pSpec->fOpenFile = 0; pSpec->fOpenDir = 0; pSpec->cElements = 0; pSpec->paElements = NULL; } return pSpec; } /** * Checks if @a ch is a character that can be escaped. * * @returns true / false. * @param ch The character to consider. */ DECLINLINE(bool) rtVfsChainSpecIsEscapableChar(char ch) { return ch == '(' || ch == ')' || ch == '{' || ch == '}' || ch == '\\' || ch == ',' || ch == '|' || ch == ':'; } /** * Duplicate a spec string after unescaping it. * * This differs from RTStrDupN in that it uses RTMemTmpAlloc instead of * RTMemAlloc. * * @returns String copy on success, NULL on failure. * @param psz The string to duplicate. * @param cch The number of bytes to duplicate. * @param prc The status code variable to set on failure. (Leeps the * code shorter. -lazy bird) */ DECLINLINE(char *) rtVfsChainSpecDupStrN(const char *psz, size_t cch, int *prc) { char *pszCopy = (char *)RTMemTmpAlloc(cch + 1); if (pszCopy) { if (!memchr(psz, '\\', cch)) { /* Plain string, copy it raw. */ memcpy(pszCopy, psz, cch); pszCopy[cch] = '\0'; } else { /* Has escape sequences, must unescape it. */ char *pszDst = pszCopy; while (cch-- > 0) { char ch = *psz++; if (ch == '\\' && cch > 0) { char ch2 = *psz; if (rtVfsChainSpecIsEscapableChar(ch2)) { psz++; cch--; ch = ch2; } } *pszDst++ = ch; } *pszDst = '\0'; } } else *prc = VERR_NO_TMP_MEMORY; return pszCopy; } /** * Adds an empty element to the chain specification. * * The caller is responsible for filling it the element attributes. * * @returns Pointer to the new element on success, NULL on failure. The * pointer is only valid till the next call to this function. * @param pSpec The chain specification. * @param prc The status code variable to set on failure. (Leeps the * code shorter. -lazy bird) */ static PRTVFSCHAINELEMSPEC rtVfsChainSpecAddElement(PRTVFSCHAINSPEC pSpec, uint16_t offSpec, int *prc) { AssertPtr(pSpec); /* * Resize the element table if necessary. */ uint32_t const iElement = pSpec->cElements; if ((iElement % 32) == 0) { PRTVFSCHAINELEMSPEC paNew = (PRTVFSCHAINELEMSPEC)RTMemTmpAlloc((iElement + 32) * sizeof(paNew[0])); if (!paNew) { *prc = VERR_NO_TMP_MEMORY; return NULL; } if (iElement) memcpy(paNew, pSpec->paElements, iElement * sizeof(paNew[0])); RTMemTmpFree(pSpec->paElements); pSpec->paElements = paNew; } /* * Initialize and add the new element. */ PRTVFSCHAINELEMSPEC pElement = &pSpec->paElements[iElement]; pElement->pszProvider = NULL; pElement->enmTypeIn = iElement ? pSpec->paElements[iElement - 1].enmType : RTVFSOBJTYPE_INVALID; pElement->enmType = RTVFSOBJTYPE_INVALID; pElement->offSpec = offSpec; pElement->cchSpec = 0; pElement->cArgs = 0; pElement->paArgs = NULL; pElement->pProvider = NULL; pElement->hVfsObj = NIL_RTVFSOBJ; pSpec->cElements = iElement + 1; return pElement; } /** * Adds an argument to the element spec. * * @returns IPRT status code. * @param pElement The element. * @param psz The start of the argument string. * @param cch The length of the argument string, escape * sequences counted twice. */ static int rtVfsChainSpecElementAddArg(PRTVFSCHAINELEMSPEC pElement, const char *psz, size_t cch, uint16_t offSpec) { uint32_t iArg = pElement->cArgs; if ((iArg % 32) == 0) { PRTVFSCHAINELEMENTARG paNew = (PRTVFSCHAINELEMENTARG)RTMemTmpAlloc((iArg + 32) * sizeof(paNew[0])); if (!paNew) return VERR_NO_TMP_MEMORY; if (iArg) memcpy(paNew, pElement->paArgs, iArg * sizeof(paNew[0])); RTMemTmpFree(pElement->paArgs); pElement->paArgs = paNew; } int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; pElement->paArgs[iArg].psz = rtVfsChainSpecDupStrN(psz, cch, &rc); pElement->paArgs[iArg].offSpec = offSpec; pElement->cArgs = iArg + 1; return rc; } RTDECL(void) RTVfsChainSpecFree(PRTVFSCHAINSPEC pSpec) { if (!pSpec) return; uint32_t i = pSpec->cElements; while (i-- > 0) { uint32_t iArg = pSpec->paElements[i].cArgs; while (iArg-- > 0) RTMemTmpFree(pSpec->paElements[i].paArgs[iArg].psz); RTMemTmpFree(pSpec->paElements[i].paArgs); RTMemTmpFree(pSpec->paElements[i].pszProvider); if (pSpec->paElements[i].hVfsObj != NIL_RTVFSOBJ) { RTVfsObjRelease(pSpec->paElements[i].hVfsObj); pSpec->paElements[i].hVfsObj = NIL_RTVFSOBJ; } } RTMemTmpFree(pSpec->paElements); pSpec->paElements = NULL; RTMemTmpFree(pSpec); } /** * Checks if @a psz is pointing to the final element specification. * * @returns true / false. * @param psz Start of an element or path. * @param pcch Where to return the length. */ static bool rtVfsChainSpecIsFinalElement(const char *psz, size_t *pcch) { size_t off = 0; char ch; while ((ch = psz[off]) != '\0') { if (ch == '|' || ch == ':') return false; if ( ch == '\\' && rtVfsChainSpecIsEscapableChar(psz[off + 1])) off++; off++; } *pcch = off; return off > 0; } /** * Makes the final path element. * @returns IPRT status code * @param pElement The element. * @param pszPath The path. * @param cchPath The path length. */ static int rtVfsChainSpecMakeFinalPathElement(PRTVFSCHAINELEMSPEC pElement, const char *pszPath, size_t cchPath) { pElement->pszProvider = NULL; pElement->enmType = RTVFSOBJTYPE_END; pElement->cchSpec = (uint16_t)cchPath; return rtVfsChainSpecElementAddArg(pElement, pszPath, cchPath, pElement->offSpec); } /** * Finds the end of the argument string. * * @returns The offset of the end character relative to @a psz. * @param psz The argument string. * @param chCloseParen The closing parenthesis. */ static size_t rtVfsChainSpecFindArgEnd(const char *psz, char const chCloseParen) { size_t off = 0; char ch; while ( (ch = psz[off]) != '\0' && ch != ',' && ch != chCloseParen) { if ( ch == '\\' && rtVfsChainSpecIsEscapableChar(psz[off+1])) off++; off++; } return off; } RTDECL(int) RTVfsChainSpecParse(const char *pszSpec, uint32_t fFlags, RTVFSOBJTYPE enmDesiredType, PRTVFSCHAINSPEC *ppSpec, uint32_t *poffError) { if (poffError) { AssertPtrReturn(poffError, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); *poffError = 0; } AssertPtrReturn(ppSpec, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); *ppSpec = NULL; AssertPtrReturn(pszSpec, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertReturn(!(fFlags & ~RTVFSCHAIN_PF_VALID_MASK), VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); AssertReturn(enmDesiredType > RTVFSOBJTYPE_INVALID && enmDesiredType < RTVFSOBJTYPE_END, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); /* * Check the start of the specification and allocate an empty return spec. */ if (strncmp(pszSpec, RTVFSCHAIN_SPEC_PREFIX, sizeof(RTVFSCHAIN_SPEC_PREFIX) - 1)) return VERR_VFS_CHAIN_NO_PREFIX; const char *pszSrc = RTStrStripL(pszSpec + sizeof(RTVFSCHAIN_SPEC_PREFIX) - 1); if (!*pszSrc) return VERR_VFS_CHAIN_EMPTY; PRTVFSCHAINSPEC pSpec = rtVfsChainSpecAlloc(); if (!pSpec) return VERR_NO_TMP_MEMORY; pSpec->enmDesiredType = enmDesiredType; /* * Parse the spec one element at a time. */ int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; while (*pszSrc && RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { /* * Digest element separator, except for the first element. */ if (*pszSrc == '|' || *pszSrc == ':') { if (pSpec->cElements != 0) pszSrc = RTStrStripL(pszSrc + 1); else { rc = VERR_VFS_CHAIN_LEADING_SEPARATOR; break; } } else if (pSpec->cElements != 0) { rc = VERR_VFS_CHAIN_EXPECTED_SEPARATOR; break; } /* * Ok, there should be an element here so add one to the return struct. */ PRTVFSCHAINELEMSPEC pElement = rtVfsChainSpecAddElement(pSpec, (uint16_t)(pszSrc - pszSpec), &rc); if (!pElement) break; /* * First up is the VFS object type followed by a parenthesis/curly, or * this could be the trailing action. Alternatively, we could have a * final path-only element here. */ size_t cch; if (strncmp(pszSrc, "base", cch = 4) == 0) pElement->enmType = RTVFSOBJTYPE_BASE; else if (strncmp(pszSrc, "vfs", cch = 3) == 0) pElement->enmType = RTVFSOBJTYPE_VFS; else if (strncmp(pszSrc, "fss", cch = 3) == 0) pElement->enmType = RTVFSOBJTYPE_FS_STREAM; else if (strncmp(pszSrc, "ios", cch = 3) == 0) pElement->enmType = RTVFSOBJTYPE_IO_STREAM; else if (strncmp(pszSrc, "dir", cch = 3) == 0) pElement->enmType = RTVFSOBJTYPE_DIR; else if (strncmp(pszSrc, "file", cch = 4) == 0) pElement->enmType = RTVFSOBJTYPE_FILE; else if (strncmp(pszSrc, "sym", cch = 3) == 0) pElement->enmType = RTVFSOBJTYPE_SYMLINK; else { if (rtVfsChainSpecIsFinalElement(pszSrc, &cch)) rc = rtVfsChainSpecMakeFinalPathElement(pElement, pszSrc, cch); else if (*pszSrc == '\0') rc = VERR_VFS_CHAIN_TRAILING_SEPARATOR; else rc = VERR_VFS_CHAIN_UNKNOWN_TYPE; break; } /* Check and skip past the parenthesis/curly. If not there, we might have a final path element at our hands. */ char const chOpenParen = pszSrc[cch]; if (chOpenParen != '(' && chOpenParen != '{') { if (rtVfsChainSpecIsFinalElement(pszSrc, &cch)) rc = rtVfsChainSpecMakeFinalPathElement(pElement, pszSrc, cch); else rc = VERR_VFS_CHAIN_EXPECTED_LEFT_PARENTHESES; break; } char const chCloseParen = (chOpenParen == '(' ? ')' : '}'); pszSrc = RTStrStripL(pszSrc + cch + 1); /* * The name of the element provider. */ cch = rtVfsChainSpecFindArgEnd(pszSrc, chCloseParen); if (!cch) { rc = VERR_VFS_CHAIN_EXPECTED_PROVIDER_NAME; break; } pElement->pszProvider = rtVfsChainSpecDupStrN(pszSrc, cch, &rc); if (!pElement->pszProvider) break; pszSrc += cch; /* * The arguments. */ while (*pszSrc == ',') { pszSrc = RTStrStripL(pszSrc + 1); cch = rtVfsChainSpecFindArgEnd(pszSrc, chCloseParen); rc = rtVfsChainSpecElementAddArg(pElement, pszSrc, cch, (uint16_t)(pszSrc - pszSpec)); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) break; pszSrc += cch; } if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) break; /* Must end with a right parentheses/curly. */ if (*pszSrc != chCloseParen) { rc = VERR_VFS_CHAIN_EXPECTED_RIGHT_PARENTHESES; break; } pElement->cchSpec = (uint16_t)(pszSrc - pszSpec) - pElement->offSpec + 1; pszSrc = RTStrStripL(pszSrc + 1); } #if 0 /* * Dump the chain. Useful for debugging the above code. */ RTAssertMsg2("dbg: cElements=%d rc=%Rrc\n", pSpec->cElements, rc); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pSpec->cElements; i++) { uint32_t const cArgs = pSpec->paElements[i].cArgs; RTAssertMsg2("dbg: #%u: enmTypeIn=%d enmType=%d cArgs=%d", i, pSpec->paElements[i].enmTypeIn, pSpec->paElements[i].enmType, cArgs); for (uint32_t j = 0; j < cArgs; j++) RTAssertMsg2(j == 0 ? (cArgs > 1 ? " [%s" : " [%s]") : j + 1 < cArgs ? ", %s" : ", %s]", pSpec->paElements[i].paArgs[j].psz); RTAssertMsg2(" offSpec=%d cchSpec=%d", pSpec->paElements[i].offSpec, pSpec->paElements[i].cchSpec); RTAssertMsg2(" spec: %.*s\n", pSpec->paElements[i].cchSpec, &pszSpec[pSpec->paElements[i].offSpec]); } #endif /* * Return the chain on success; Cleanup and set the error indicator on * failure. */ if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) *ppSpec = pSpec; else { if (poffError) *poffError = (uint32_t)(pszSrc - pszSpec); RTVfsChainSpecFree(pSpec); } return rc; } /** * Looks up @a pszProvider among the registered providers. * * @returns Pointer to registration record if found, NULL if not. * @param pszProvider The provider. */ static PCRTVFSCHAINELEMENTREG rtVfsChainFindProviderLocked(const char *pszProvider) { PCRTVFSCHAINELEMENTREG pIterator; RTListForEach(&g_rtVfsChainElementProviderList, pIterator, RTVFSCHAINELEMENTREG, ListEntry) { if (strcmp(pIterator->pszName, pszProvider) == 0) return pIterator; } return NULL; } /** * Does reusable object type matching. * * @returns true if the types matches, false if not. * @param pElement The target element specification. * @param pReuseElement The source element specification. */ static bool rtVfsChainMatchReusableType(PRTVFSCHAINELEMSPEC pElement, PRTVFSCHAINELEMSPEC pReuseElement) { if (pElement->enmType == pReuseElement->enmType) return true; /* File objects can always be cast to I/O streams. */ if ( pElement->enmType == RTVFSOBJTYPE_IO_STREAM && pReuseElement->enmType == RTVFSOBJTYPE_FILE) return true; /* I/O stream objects may be file objects. */ if ( pElement->enmType == RTVFSOBJTYPE_FILE && pReuseElement->enmType == RTVFSOBJTYPE_IO_STREAM) { RTVFSFILE hVfsFile = RTVfsObjToFile(pReuseElement->hVfsObj); if (hVfsFile != NIL_RTVFSFILE) { RTVfsFileRelease(hVfsFile); return true; } } return false; } RTDECL(int) RTVfsChainSpecCheckAndSetup(PRTVFSCHAINSPEC pSpec, PCRTVFSCHAINSPEC pReuseSpec, PRTVFSOBJ phVfsObj, const char **ppszFinalPath, uint32_t *poffError, PRTERRINFO pErrInfo) { AssertPtrReturn(poffError, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); *poffError = 0; AssertPtrReturn(phVfsObj, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); *phVfsObj = NIL_RTVFSOBJ; AssertPtrReturn(ppszFinalPath, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); *ppszFinalPath = NULL; AssertPtrReturn(pSpec, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrNullReturn(pErrInfo, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); /* * Check for final path-only component as we will not touch it yet. */ uint32_t cElements = pSpec->cElements; if (cElements > 0) { if (pSpec->paElements[pSpec->cElements - 1].enmType == RTVFSOBJTYPE_END) { if (cElements > 1) cElements--; else { *ppszFinalPath = pSpec->paElements[0].paArgs[0].psz; return VERR_VFS_CHAIN_PATH_ONLY; } } } else return VERR_VFS_CHAIN_EMPTY; /* * Enter the critical section after making sure it has been initialized. */ int rc = RTOnce(&g_rtVfsChainElementInitOnce, rtVfsChainElementRegisterInit, NULL); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = RTCritSectRwEnterShared(&g_rtVfsChainElementCritSect); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { /* * Resolve and check each element first. */ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cElements; i++) { PRTVFSCHAINELEMSPEC const pElement = &pSpec->paElements[i]; *poffError = pElement->offSpec; pElement->pProvider = rtVfsChainFindProviderLocked(pElement->pszProvider); if (pElement->pProvider) { rc = pElement->pProvider->pfnValidate(pElement->pProvider, pSpec, pElement, poffError, pErrInfo); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) continue; } else rc = VERR_VFS_CHAIN_PROVIDER_NOT_FOUND; break; } /* * Check that the desired type is compatible with the last element. */ if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { PRTVFSCHAINELEMSPEC const pLast = &pSpec->paElements[cElements - 1]; if (cElements == pSpec->cElements) { if ( pLast->enmType == pSpec->enmDesiredType || pSpec->enmDesiredType == RTVFSOBJTYPE_BASE || ( pLast->enmType == RTVFSOBJTYPE_FILE && pSpec->enmDesiredType == RTVFSOBJTYPE_IO_STREAM) ) rc = VINF_SUCCESS; else { *poffError = pLast->offSpec; rc = VERR_VFS_CHAIN_FINAL_TYPE_MISMATCH; } } /* Ends with a path-only element, so check the type of the element preceding it. */ else if ( pLast->enmType == RTVFSOBJTYPE_DIR || pLast->enmType == RTVFSOBJTYPE_VFS || pLast->enmType == RTVFSOBJTYPE_FS_STREAM) rc = VINF_SUCCESS; else { *poffError = pLast->offSpec; rc = VERR_VFS_CHAIN_TYPE_MISMATCH_PATH_ONLY; } } if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { /* * Try construct the chain. */ RTVFSOBJ hPrevVfsObj = NIL_RTVFSOBJ; /* No extra reference, kept in chain structure. */ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cElements; i++) { PRTVFSCHAINELEMSPEC const pElement = &pSpec->paElements[i]; *poffError = pElement->offSpec; /* * Try reuse the VFS objects at the start of the passed in reuse chain. */ if (!pReuseSpec) { /* likely */ } else { if (i < pReuseSpec->cElements) { PRTVFSCHAINELEMSPEC const pReuseElement = &pReuseSpec->paElements[i]; if (pReuseElement->hVfsObj != NIL_RTVFSOBJ) { if (strcmp(pElement->pszProvider, pReuseElement->pszProvider) == 0) { if (rtVfsChainMatchReusableType(pElement, pReuseElement)) { if (pElement->pProvider->pfnCanReuseElement(pElement->pProvider, pSpec, pElement, pReuseSpec, pReuseElement)) { uint32_t cRefs = RTVfsObjRetain(pReuseElement->hVfsObj); if (cRefs != UINT32_MAX) { pElement->hVfsObj = hPrevVfsObj = pReuseElement->hVfsObj; continue; } } } } } } pReuseSpec = NULL; } /* * Instantiate a new VFS object. */ RTVFSOBJ hVfsObj = NIL_RTVFSOBJ; rc = pElement->pProvider->pfnInstantiate(pElement->pProvider, pSpec, pElement, hPrevVfsObj, &hVfsObj, poffError, pErrInfo); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) break; pElement->hVfsObj = hVfsObj; hPrevVfsObj = hVfsObj; } /* * Add another reference to the final object and return. */ if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { uint32_t cRefs = RTVfsObjRetain(hPrevVfsObj); AssertStmt(cRefs != UINT32_MAX, rc = VERR_VFS_CHAIN_IPE); *phVfsObj = hPrevVfsObj; *ppszFinalPath = cElements == pSpec->cElements ? NULL : pSpec->paElements[cElements].paArgs[0].psz; } } int rc2 = RTCritSectRwLeaveShared(&g_rtVfsChainElementCritSect); if (RT_FAILURE(rc2) && RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = rc2; } return rc; } RTDECL(int) RTVfsChainElementDeregisterProvider(PRTVFSCHAINELEMENTREG pRegRec, bool fFromDtor) { /* * Fend off wildlife. */ if (pRegRec == NULL) return VINF_SUCCESS; AssertPtrReturn(pRegRec, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertMsgReturn(pRegRec->uVersion == RTVFSCHAINELEMENTREG_VERSION, ("%#x", pRegRec->uVersion), VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertMsgReturn(pRegRec->uEndMarker == RTVFSCHAINELEMENTREG_VERSION, ("%#zx", pRegRec->uEndMarker), VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pRegRec->pszName, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); /* * Take the lock if that's safe. */ if (!fFromDtor) RTCritSectRwEnterExcl(&g_rtVfsChainElementCritSect); else if (!g_rtVfsChainElementProviderList.pNext) RTListInit(&g_rtVfsChainElementProviderList); /* * Ok, remove it. */ int rc = VERR_NOT_FOUND; PRTVFSCHAINELEMENTREG pIterator, pIterNext; RTListForEachSafe(&g_rtVfsChainElementProviderList, pIterator, pIterNext, RTVFSCHAINELEMENTREG, ListEntry) { if (pIterator == pRegRec) { RTListNodeRemove(&pRegRec->ListEntry); rc = VINF_SUCCESS; break; } } /* * Leave the lock and return. */ if (!fFromDtor) RTCritSectRwLeaveExcl(&g_rtVfsChainElementCritSect); return rc; } RTDECL(int) RTVfsChainOpenObj(const char *pszSpec, uint64_t fFileOpen, uint32_t fObjFlags, PRTVFSOBJ phVfsObj, uint32_t *poffError, PRTERRINFO pErrInfo) { /* * Validate input. */ uint32_t offErrorIgn; if (!poffError) poffError = &offErrorIgn; *poffError = 0; AssertPtrReturn(pszSpec, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertReturn(*pszSpec != '\0', VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); AssertPtrReturn(phVfsObj, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrNullReturn(pErrInfo, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); int rc = rtFileRecalcAndValidateFlags(&fFileOpen); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; AssertMsgReturn( RTPATH_F_IS_VALID(fObjFlags, RTVFSOBJ_F_VALID_MASK) && (fObjFlags & RTVFSOBJ_F_CREATE_MASK) <= RTVFSOBJ_F_CREATE_DIRECTORY, ("fObjFlags=%#x\n", fObjFlags), VERR_INVALID_FLAGS); /* * Try for a VFS chain first, falling back on regular file system stuff if it's just a path. */ PRTVFSCHAINSPEC pSpec = NULL; if (strncmp(pszSpec, RTVFSCHAIN_SPEC_PREFIX, sizeof(RTVFSCHAIN_SPEC_PREFIX) - 1) == 0) { rc = RTVfsChainSpecParse(pszSpec, 0 /*fFlags*/, RTVFSOBJTYPE_DIR, &pSpec, poffError); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; Assert(pSpec->cElements > 0); if ( pSpec->cElements > 1 || pSpec->paElements[0].enmType != RTVFSOBJTYPE_END) { const char *pszFinal = NULL; RTVFSOBJ hVfsObj = NIL_RTVFSOBJ; pSpec->fOpenFile = fFileOpen; rc = RTVfsChainSpecCheckAndSetup(pSpec, NULL /*pReuseSpec*/, &hVfsObj, &pszFinal, poffError, pErrInfo); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { if (!pszFinal) { *phVfsObj = hVfsObj; rc = VINF_SUCCESS; } else { /* * Do a file open with the final path on the returned object. */ RTVFS hVfs = RTVfsObjToVfs(hVfsObj); RTVFSDIR hVfsDir = RTVfsObjToDir(hVfsObj); RTVFSFSSTREAM hVfsFss = RTVfsObjToFsStream(hVfsObj); if (hVfs != NIL_RTVFS) rc = RTVfsObjOpen(hVfs, pszFinal, fFileOpen, fObjFlags, phVfsObj); else if (hVfsDir != NIL_RTVFSDIR) rc = RTVfsDirOpenObj(hVfsDir, pszFinal, fFileOpen, fObjFlags, phVfsObj); else if (hVfsFss != NIL_RTVFSFSSTREAM) rc = VERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; else rc = VERR_VFS_CHAIN_TYPE_MISMATCH_PATH_ONLY; RTVfsRelease(hVfs); RTVfsDirRelease(hVfsDir); RTVfsFsStrmRelease(hVfsFss); RTVfsObjRelease(hVfsObj); } } RTVfsChainSpecFree(pSpec); return rc; } /* Only a path element. */ pszSpec = pSpec->paElements[0].paArgs[0].psz; } /* * Path to regular file system. * Go via the directory VFS wrapper to avoid duplicating code. */ RTVFSDIR hVfsParentDir = NIL_RTVFSDIR; const char *pszFilename; if (RTPathHasPath(pszSpec)) { char *pszCopy = RTStrDup(pszSpec); if (pszCopy) { RTPathStripFilename(pszCopy); rc = RTVfsDirOpenNormal(pszCopy, 0 /*fOpen*/, &hVfsParentDir); RTStrFree(pszCopy); } else rc = VERR_NO_STR_MEMORY; pszFilename = RTPathFilename(pszSpec); } else { pszFilename = pszSpec; rc = RTVfsDirOpenNormal(".", 0 /*fOpen*/, &hVfsParentDir); } if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { rc = RTVfsDirOpenObj(hVfsParentDir, pszFilename, fFileOpen, fObjFlags, phVfsObj); RTVfsDirRelease(hVfsParentDir); } RTVfsChainSpecFree(pSpec); return rc; } RTDECL(int) RTVfsChainOpenDir(const char *pszSpec, uint32_t fOpen, PRTVFSDIR phVfsDir, uint32_t *poffError, PRTERRINFO pErrInfo) { uint32_t offErrorIgn; if (!poffError) poffError = &offErrorIgn; *poffError = 0; AssertPtrReturn(pszSpec, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertReturn(*pszSpec != '\0', VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); AssertPtrReturn(phVfsDir, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrNullReturn(pErrInfo, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); /* * Try for a VFS chain first, falling back on regular file system stuff if it's just a path. */ int rc; PRTVFSCHAINSPEC pSpec = NULL; if (strncmp(pszSpec, RTVFSCHAIN_SPEC_PREFIX, sizeof(RTVFSCHAIN_SPEC_PREFIX) - 1) == 0) { rc = RTVfsChainSpecParse(pszSpec, 0 /*fFlags*/, RTVFSOBJTYPE_DIR, &pSpec, poffError); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; Assert(pSpec->cElements > 0); if ( pSpec->cElements > 1 || pSpec->paElements[0].enmType != RTVFSOBJTYPE_END) { const char *pszFinal = NULL; RTVFSOBJ hVfsObj = NIL_RTVFSOBJ; pSpec->fOpenFile = RTFILE_O_READ; rc = RTVfsChainSpecCheckAndSetup(pSpec, NULL /*pReuseSpec*/, &hVfsObj, &pszFinal, poffError, pErrInfo); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { if (!pszFinal) { /* Try convert it to a directory object and we're done. */ *phVfsDir = RTVfsObjToDir(hVfsObj); if (*phVfsDir) rc = VINF_SUCCESS; else rc = VERR_VFS_CHAIN_CAST_FAILED; } else { /* * Do a file open with the final path on the returned object. */ RTVFS hVfs = RTVfsObjToVfs(hVfsObj); RTVFSDIR hVfsDir = RTVfsObjToDir(hVfsObj); RTVFSFSSTREAM hVfsFss = RTVfsObjToFsStream(hVfsObj); if (hVfs != NIL_RTVFS) rc = RTVfsDirOpen(hVfs, pszFinal, fOpen, phVfsDir); else if (hVfsDir != NIL_RTVFSDIR) rc = RTVfsDirOpenDir(hVfsDir, pszFinal, fOpen, phVfsDir); else if (hVfsFss != NIL_RTVFSFSSTREAM) rc = VERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; else rc = VERR_VFS_CHAIN_TYPE_MISMATCH_PATH_ONLY; RTVfsRelease(hVfs); RTVfsDirRelease(hVfsDir); RTVfsFsStrmRelease(hVfsFss); } RTVfsObjRelease(hVfsObj); } RTVfsChainSpecFree(pSpec); return rc; } /* Only a path element. */ pszSpec = pSpec->paElements[0].paArgs[0].psz; } /* * Path to regular file system. */ rc = RTVfsDirOpenNormal(pszSpec, fOpen, phVfsDir); RTVfsChainSpecFree(pSpec); return rc; } RTDECL(int) RTVfsChainOpenParentDir(const char *pszSpec, uint32_t fOpen, PRTVFSDIR phVfsDir, const char **ppszChild, uint32_t *poffError, PRTERRINFO pErrInfo) { uint32_t offErrorIgn; if (!poffError) poffError = &offErrorIgn; *poffError = 0; AssertPtrReturn(pszSpec, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertReturn(*pszSpec != '\0', VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); AssertPtrReturn(phVfsDir, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(ppszChild, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); *ppszChild = NULL; AssertPtrNullReturn(pErrInfo, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); /* * Process the spec from the end, trying to find the child part of it. * We cannot use RTPathFilename here because we must ignore trailing slashes. */ const char * const pszEnd = RTStrEnd(pszSpec, RTSTR_MAX); const char *pszChild = pszEnd; while ( pszChild != pszSpec && RTPATH_IS_SLASH(pszChild[-1])) pszChild--; while ( pszChild != pszSpec && !RTPATH_IS_SLASH(pszChild[-1]) && !RTPATH_IS_VOLSEP(pszChild[-1])) pszChild--; size_t const cchChild = pszEnd - pszChild; *ppszChild = pszChild; /* * Try for a VFS chain first, falling back on regular file system stuff if it's just a path. */ int rc; PRTVFSCHAINSPEC pSpec = NULL; if (strncmp(pszSpec, RTVFSCHAIN_SPEC_PREFIX, sizeof(RTVFSCHAIN_SPEC_PREFIX) - 1) == 0) { rc = RTVfsChainSpecParse(pszSpec, 0 /*fFlags*/, RTVFSOBJTYPE_DIR, &pSpec, poffError); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; Assert(pSpec->cElements > 0); if ( pSpec->cElements > 1 || pSpec->paElements[0].enmType != RTVFSOBJTYPE_END) { /* * Check that it ends with a path-only element and that this in turn ends with * what pszChild points to. (We cannot easiy figure out the parent part of * an element that isn't path-only, so we don't bother trying try.) */ PRTVFSCHAINELEMSPEC pLast = &pSpec->paElements[pSpec->cElements - 1]; if (pLast->pszProvider == NULL) { size_t cchFinal = strlen(pLast->paArgs[0].psz); if ( cchFinal >= cchChild && memcmp(&pLast->paArgs[0].psz[cchFinal - cchChild], pszChild, cchChild + 1) == 0) { /* * Drop the child part so we have a path to the parent, then setup the chain. */ if (cchFinal > cchChild) pLast->paArgs[0].psz[cchFinal - cchChild] = '\0'; else pSpec->cElements--; const char *pszFinal = NULL; RTVFSOBJ hVfsObj = NIL_RTVFSOBJ; pSpec->fOpenFile = fOpen; rc = RTVfsChainSpecCheckAndSetup(pSpec, NULL /*pReuseSpec*/, &hVfsObj, &pszFinal, poffError, pErrInfo); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { if (!pszFinal) { Assert(cchFinal == cchChild); /* Try convert it to a file object and we're done. */ *phVfsDir = RTVfsObjToDir(hVfsObj); if (*phVfsDir) rc = VINF_SUCCESS; else rc = VERR_VFS_CHAIN_CAST_FAILED; } else { /* * Do a file open with the final path on the returned object. */ RTVFS hVfs = RTVfsObjToVfs(hVfsObj); RTVFSDIR hVfsDir = RTVfsObjToDir(hVfsObj); RTVFSFSSTREAM hVfsFss = RTVfsObjToFsStream(hVfsObj); if (hVfs != NIL_RTVFS) rc = RTVfsDirOpen(hVfs, pszFinal, fOpen, phVfsDir); else if (hVfsDir != NIL_RTVFSDIR) rc = RTVfsDirOpenDir(hVfsDir, pszFinal, fOpen, phVfsDir); else if (hVfsFss != NIL_RTVFSFSSTREAM) rc = VERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; else rc = VERR_VFS_CHAIN_TYPE_MISMATCH_PATH_ONLY; RTVfsRelease(hVfs); RTVfsDirRelease(hVfsDir); RTVfsFsStrmRelease(hVfsFss); } RTVfsObjRelease(hVfsObj); } } else rc = VERR_VFS_CHAIN_TOO_SHORT_FOR_PARENT; } else rc = VERR_VFS_CHAIN_NOT_PATH_ONLY; RTVfsChainSpecFree(pSpec); return rc; } /* Only a path element. */ pszSpec = pSpec->paElements[0].paArgs[0].psz; } /* * Path to regular file system. */ if (RTPathHasPath(pszSpec)) { char *pszCopy = RTStrDup(pszSpec); if (pszCopy) { RTPathStripFilename(pszCopy); rc = RTVfsDirOpenNormal(pszCopy, fOpen, phVfsDir); RTStrFree(pszCopy); } else rc = VERR_NO_STR_MEMORY; } else rc = RTVfsDirOpenNormal(".", fOpen, phVfsDir); RTVfsChainSpecFree(pSpec); return rc; } RTDECL(int) RTVfsChainOpenFile(const char *pszSpec, uint64_t fOpen, PRTVFSFILE phVfsFile, uint32_t *poffError, PRTERRINFO pErrInfo) { uint32_t offErrorIgn; if (!poffError) poffError = &offErrorIgn; *poffError = 0; AssertPtrReturn(pszSpec, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertReturn(*pszSpec != '\0', VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); AssertPtrReturn(phVfsFile, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrNullReturn(pErrInfo, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); /* * Try for a VFS chain first, falling back on regular file system stuff if it's just a path. */ int rc; PRTVFSCHAINSPEC pSpec = NULL; if (strncmp(pszSpec, RTVFSCHAIN_SPEC_PREFIX, sizeof(RTVFSCHAIN_SPEC_PREFIX) - 1) == 0) { rc = RTVfsChainSpecParse(pszSpec, 0 /*fFlags*/, RTVFSOBJTYPE_FILE, &pSpec, poffError); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; Assert(pSpec->cElements > 0); if ( pSpec->cElements > 1 || pSpec->paElements[0].enmType != RTVFSOBJTYPE_END) { const char *pszFinal = NULL; RTVFSOBJ hVfsObj = NIL_RTVFSOBJ; pSpec->fOpenFile = fOpen; rc = RTVfsChainSpecCheckAndSetup(pSpec, NULL /*pReuseSpec*/, &hVfsObj, &pszFinal, poffError, pErrInfo); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { if (!pszFinal) { /* Try convert it to a file object and we're done. */ *phVfsFile = RTVfsObjToFile(hVfsObj); if (*phVfsFile) rc = VINF_SUCCESS; else rc = VERR_VFS_CHAIN_CAST_FAILED; } else { /* * Do a file open with the final path on the returned object. */ RTVFS hVfs = RTVfsObjToVfs(hVfsObj); RTVFSDIR hVfsDir = RTVfsObjToDir(hVfsObj); RTVFSFSSTREAM hVfsFss = RTVfsObjToFsStream(hVfsObj); if (hVfs != NIL_RTVFS) rc = RTVfsFileOpen(hVfs, pszFinal, fOpen, phVfsFile); else if (hVfsDir != NIL_RTVFSDIR) rc = RTVfsDirOpenFile(hVfsDir, pszFinal, fOpen, phVfsFile); else if (hVfsFss != NIL_RTVFSFSSTREAM) rc = VERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; else rc = VERR_VFS_CHAIN_TYPE_MISMATCH_PATH_ONLY; RTVfsRelease(hVfs); RTVfsDirRelease(hVfsDir); RTVfsFsStrmRelease(hVfsFss); } RTVfsObjRelease(hVfsObj); } RTVfsChainSpecFree(pSpec); return rc; } /* Only a path element. */ pszSpec = pSpec->paElements[0].paArgs[0].psz; } /* * Path to regular file system. */ RTFILE hFile; rc = RTFileOpen(&hFile, pszSpec, fOpen); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { RTVFSFILE hVfsFile; rc = RTVfsFileFromRTFile(hFile, fOpen, false /*fLeaveOpen*/, &hVfsFile); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) *phVfsFile = hVfsFile; else RTFileClose(hFile); } RTVfsChainSpecFree(pSpec); return rc; } RTDECL(int) RTVfsChainOpenIoStream(const char *pszSpec, uint64_t fOpen, PRTVFSIOSTREAM phVfsIos, uint32_t *poffError, PRTERRINFO pErrInfo) { uint32_t offErrorIgn; if (!poffError) poffError = &offErrorIgn; *poffError = 0; AssertPtrReturn(pszSpec, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertReturn(*pszSpec != '\0', VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); AssertPtrReturn(phVfsIos, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrNullReturn(pErrInfo, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); /* * Try for a VFS chain first, falling back on regular file system stuff if it's just a path. */ int rc; PRTVFSCHAINSPEC pSpec = NULL; if (strncmp(pszSpec, RTVFSCHAIN_SPEC_PREFIX, sizeof(RTVFSCHAIN_SPEC_PREFIX) - 1) == 0) { rc = RTVfsChainSpecParse(pszSpec, 0 /*fFlags*/, RTVFSOBJTYPE_IO_STREAM, &pSpec, poffError); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; Assert(pSpec->cElements > 0); if ( pSpec->cElements > 1 || pSpec->paElements[0].enmType != RTVFSOBJTYPE_END) { const char *pszFinal = NULL; RTVFSOBJ hVfsObj = NIL_RTVFSOBJ; pSpec->fOpenFile = fOpen; rc = RTVfsChainSpecCheckAndSetup(pSpec, NULL /*pReuseSpec*/, &hVfsObj, &pszFinal, poffError, pErrInfo); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { if (!pszFinal) { /* Try convert it to an I/O object and we're done. */ *phVfsIos = RTVfsObjToIoStream(hVfsObj); if (*phVfsIos) rc = VINF_SUCCESS; else rc = VERR_VFS_CHAIN_CAST_FAILED; } else { /* * Do a file open with the final path on the returned object. */ RTVFS hVfs = RTVfsObjToVfs(hVfsObj); RTVFSDIR hVfsDir = RTVfsObjToDir(hVfsObj); RTVFSFSSTREAM hVfsFss = RTVfsObjToFsStream(hVfsObj); RTVFSFILE hVfsFile = NIL_RTVFSFILE; if (hVfs != NIL_RTVFS) rc = RTVfsFileOpen(hVfs, pszFinal, fOpen, &hVfsFile); else if (hVfsDir != NIL_RTVFSDIR) rc = RTVfsDirOpenFile(hVfsDir, pszFinal, fOpen, &hVfsFile); else if (hVfsFss != NIL_RTVFSFSSTREAM) rc = VERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; else rc = VERR_VFS_CHAIN_TYPE_MISMATCH_PATH_ONLY; if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { *phVfsIos = RTVfsFileToIoStream(hVfsFile); if (*phVfsIos) rc = VINF_SUCCESS; else rc = VERR_VFS_CHAIN_CAST_FAILED; RTVfsFileRelease(hVfsFile); } RTVfsRelease(hVfs); RTVfsDirRelease(hVfsDir); RTVfsFsStrmRelease(hVfsFss); } RTVfsObjRelease(hVfsObj); } RTVfsChainSpecFree(pSpec); return rc; } /* Only a path element. */ pszSpec = pSpec->paElements[0].paArgs[0].psz; } /* * Path to regular file system. */ RTFILE hFile; rc = RTFileOpen(&hFile, pszSpec, fOpen); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { RTVFSFILE hVfsFile; rc = RTVfsFileFromRTFile(hFile, fOpen, false /*fLeaveOpen*/, &hVfsFile); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { *phVfsIos = RTVfsFileToIoStream(hVfsFile); RTVfsFileRelease(hVfsFile); } else RTFileClose(hFile); } RTVfsChainSpecFree(pSpec); return rc; } /** * The equivalent of RTPathQueryInfoEx */ RTDECL(int) RTVfsChainQueryInfo(const char *pszSpec, PRTFSOBJINFO pObjInfo, RTFSOBJATTRADD enmAdditionalAttribs, uint32_t fFlags, uint32_t *poffError, PRTERRINFO pErrInfo) { uint32_t offErrorIgn; if (!poffError) poffError = &offErrorIgn; *poffError = 0; AssertPtrReturn(pszSpec, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertReturn(*pszSpec != '\0', VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); AssertPtrReturn(pObjInfo, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertReturn(enmAdditionalAttribs >= RTFSOBJATTRADD_NOTHING && enmAdditionalAttribs <= RTFSOBJATTRADD_LAST, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); AssertPtrNullReturn(pErrInfo, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); /* * Try for a VFS chain first, falling back on regular file system stuff if it's just a path. */ int rc; PRTVFSCHAINSPEC pSpec = NULL; if (strncmp(pszSpec, RTVFSCHAIN_SPEC_PREFIX, sizeof(RTVFSCHAIN_SPEC_PREFIX) - 1) == 0) { rc = RTVfsChainSpecParse(pszSpec, 0 /*fFlags*/, RTVFSOBJTYPE_BASE, &pSpec, poffError); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; Assert(pSpec->cElements > 0); if ( pSpec->cElements > 1 || pSpec->paElements[0].enmType != RTVFSOBJTYPE_END) { const char *pszFinal = NULL; RTVFSOBJ hVfsObj = NIL_RTVFSOBJ; pSpec->fOpenFile = RTFILE_O_READ | RTFILE_O_OPEN; rc = RTVfsChainSpecCheckAndSetup(pSpec, NULL /*pReuseSpec*/, &hVfsObj, &pszFinal, poffError, pErrInfo); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { if (!pszFinal) { /* * Do the job on the final object. */ rc = RTVfsObjQueryInfo(hVfsObj, pObjInfo, enmAdditionalAttribs); } else { /* * Do a path query operation on the penultimate object. */ RTVFS hVfs = RTVfsObjToVfs(hVfsObj); RTVFSDIR hVfsDir = RTVfsObjToDir(hVfsObj); RTVFSFSSTREAM hVfsFss = RTVfsObjToFsStream(hVfsObj); if (hVfs != NIL_RTVFS) rc = RTVfsQueryPathInfo(hVfs, pszFinal, pObjInfo, enmAdditionalAttribs, fFlags); else if (hVfsDir != NIL_RTVFSDIR) rc = RTVfsDirQueryPathInfo(hVfsDir, pszFinal, pObjInfo, enmAdditionalAttribs, fFlags); else if (hVfsFss != NIL_RTVFSFSSTREAM) rc = VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; else rc = VERR_VFS_CHAIN_TYPE_MISMATCH_PATH_ONLY; RTVfsRelease(hVfs); RTVfsDirRelease(hVfsDir); RTVfsFsStrmRelease(hVfsFss); } RTVfsObjRelease(hVfsObj); } RTVfsChainSpecFree(pSpec); return rc; } /* Only a path element. */ pszSpec = pSpec->paElements[0].paArgs[0].psz; } /* * Path to regular file system. */ rc = RTPathQueryInfoEx(pszSpec, pObjInfo, enmAdditionalAttribs, fFlags); RTVfsChainSpecFree(pSpec); return rc; } RTDECL(bool) RTVfsChainIsSpec(const char *pszSpec) { return pszSpec && strncmp(pszSpec, RT_STR_TUPLE(RTVFSCHAIN_SPEC_PREFIX)) == 0; } RTDECL(int) RTVfsChainQueryFinalPath(const char *pszSpec, char **ppszFinalPath, uint32_t *poffError) { /* Make sure we've got an error info variable. */ uint32_t offErrorIgn; if (!poffError) poffError = &offErrorIgn; *poffError = 0; /* * If not chain specifier, just duplicate the input and return. */ if (strncmp(pszSpec, RTVFSCHAIN_SPEC_PREFIX, sizeof(RTVFSCHAIN_SPEC_PREFIX) - 1) != 0) return RTStrDupEx(ppszFinalPath, pszSpec); /* * Parse it and check out the last element. */ PRTVFSCHAINSPEC pSpec = NULL; int rc = RTVfsChainSpecParse(pszSpec, 0 /*fFlags*/, RTVFSOBJTYPE_BASE, &pSpec, poffError); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { PCRTVFSCHAINELEMSPEC pLast = &pSpec->paElements[pSpec->cElements - 1]; if (pLast->pszProvider == NULL) rc = RTStrDupEx(ppszFinalPath, pLast->paArgs[0].psz); else { rc = VERR_VFS_CHAIN_NOT_PATH_ONLY; *poffError = pLast->offSpec; } RTVfsChainSpecFree(pSpec); } return rc; } RTDECL(int) RTVfsChainSplitOffFinalPath(char *pszSpec, char **ppszSpec, char **ppszFinalPath, uint32_t *poffError) { /* Make sure we've got an error info variable. */ uint32_t offErrorIgn; if (!poffError) poffError = &offErrorIgn; *poffError = 0; /* * If not chain specifier, just duplicate the input and return. */ if (strncmp(pszSpec, RTVFSCHAIN_SPEC_PREFIX, sizeof(RTVFSCHAIN_SPEC_PREFIX) - 1) != 0) { *ppszSpec = NULL; *ppszFinalPath = pszSpec; return VINF_SUCCESS; } /* * Parse it and check out the last element. */ PRTVFSCHAINSPEC pSpec = NULL; int rc = RTVfsChainSpecParse(pszSpec, 0 /*fFlags*/, RTVFSOBJTYPE_BASE, &pSpec, poffError); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { Assert(pSpec->cElements > 0); PCRTVFSCHAINELEMSPEC pLast = &pSpec->paElements[pSpec->cElements - 1]; if (pLast->pszProvider == NULL) { char *psz = &pszSpec[pLast->offSpec]; *ppszFinalPath = psz; if (pSpec->cElements > 1) { *ppszSpec = pszSpec; /* Remove the separator and any whitespace around it. */ while ( psz != pszSpec && RT_C_IS_SPACE(psz[-1])) psz--; if ( psz != pszSpec && ( psz[-1] == ':' || psz[-1] == '|')) psz--; while ( psz != pszSpec && RT_C_IS_SPACE(psz[-1])) psz--; *psz = '\0'; } else *ppszSpec = NULL; } else { *ppszFinalPath = NULL; *ppszSpec = pszSpec; } RTVfsChainSpecFree(pSpec); } else { *ppszSpec = NULL; *ppszFinalPath = NULL; } return rc; }