/* -*- c-basic-offset: 8 -*- rdesktop: A Remote Desktop Protocol client. Sound Channel Process Functions - SGI/IRIX Copyright (C) Matthew Chapman 2003-2007 Copyright (C) GuoJunBo guojunbo@ict.ac.cn 2003 Copyright (C) Jeremy Meng void.foo@gmail.com 2004, 2005 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ /* * Sun GPL Disclaimer: For the avoidance of doubt, except that if any license choice * other than GPL or LGPL is available it will apply instead, Sun elects to use only * the General Public License version 2 (GPLv2) at this time for any software where * a choice of GPL license versions is made available with the language indicating * that GPLv2 or any later version may be used, or where a choice of which version * of the GPL is applied is otherwise unspecified. */ #include "rdesktop.h" #include #include /* #define IRIX_DEBUG 1 */ #define IRIX_MAX_VOL 65535 ALconfig audioconfig; ALport output_port; static int g_snd_rate; static int width = AL_SAMPLE_16; static char *sgi_output_device = NULL; double min_volume, max_volume, volume_range; int resource, maxFillable; int combinedFrameSize; void sgi_play(void); void sgi_add_fds(int *n, fd_set * rfds, fd_set * wfds, struct timeval *tv) { /* We need to be called rather often... */ if (output_port != (ALport) 0 && !rdpsnd_queue_empty()) FD_SET(0, wfds); } void sgi_check_fds(fd_set * rfds, fd_set * wfds) { if (output_port == (ALport) 0) return; if (!rdpsnd_queue_empty()) sgi_play(); } RD_BOOL sgi_open(void) { ALparamInfo pinfo; static int warned = 0; #if (defined(IRIX_DEBUG)) fprintf(stderr, "sgi_open: begin\n"); #endif if (!warned && sgi_output_device) { warning("device-options not supported for libao-driver\n"); warned = 1; } if (alGetParamInfo(AL_DEFAULT_OUTPUT, AL_GAIN, &pinfo) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "sgi_open: alGetParamInfo failed: %s\n", alGetErrorString(oserror())); } min_volume = alFixedToDouble(pinfo.min.ll); max_volume = alFixedToDouble(pinfo.max.ll); volume_range = (max_volume - min_volume); #if (defined(IRIX_DEBUG)) fprintf(stderr, "sgi_open: minvol = %lf, maxvol= %lf, range = %lf.\n", min_volume, max_volume, volume_range); #endif audioconfig = alNewConfig(); if (audioconfig == (ALconfig) 0) { fprintf(stderr, "sgi_open: alNewConfig failed: %s\n", alGetErrorString(oserror())); return False; } output_port = alOpenPort("rdpsnd", "w", 0); if (output_port == (ALport) 0) { fprintf(stderr, "sgi_open: alOpenPort failed: %s\n", alGetErrorString(oserror())); return False; } #if (defined(IRIX_DEBUG)) fprintf(stderr, "sgi_open: returning\n"); #endif return True; } void sgi_close(void) { /* Ack all remaining packets */ #if (defined(IRIX_DEBUG)) fprintf(stderr, "sgi_close: begin\n"); #endif while (!rdpsnd_queue_empty()) rdpsnd_queue_next(0); alDiscardFrames(output_port, 0); alClosePort(output_port); output_port = (ALport) 0; alFreeConfig(audioconfig); #if (defined(IRIX_DEBUG)) fprintf(stderr, "sgi_close: returning\n"); #endif } RD_BOOL sgi_format_supported(RD_WAVEFORMATEX * pwfx) { if (pwfx->wFormatTag != WAVE_FORMAT_PCM) return False; if ((pwfx->nChannels != 1) && (pwfx->nChannels != 2)) return False; if ((pwfx->wBitsPerSample != 8) && (pwfx->wBitsPerSample != 16)) return False; return True; } RD_BOOL sgi_set_format(RD_WAVEFORMATEX * pwfx) { int channels; int frameSize, channelCount; ALpv params; #if (defined(IRIX_DEBUG)) fprintf(stderr, "sgi_set_format: init...\n"); #endif if (pwfx->wBitsPerSample == 8) width = AL_SAMPLE_8; else if (pwfx->wBitsPerSample == 16) width = AL_SAMPLE_16; /* Limited support to configure an opened audio port in IRIX. The number of channels is a static setting and can not be changed after a port is opened. So if the number of channels remains the same, we can configure other settings; otherwise we have to reopen the audio port, using same config. */ channels = pwfx->nChannels; g_snd_rate = pwfx->nSamplesPerSec; alSetSampFmt(audioconfig, AL_SAMPFMT_TWOSCOMP); alSetWidth(audioconfig, width); if (channels != alGetChannels(audioconfig)) { alClosePort(output_port); alSetChannels(audioconfig, channels); output_port = alOpenPort("rdpsnd", "w", audioconfig); if (output_port == (ALport) 0) { fprintf(stderr, "sgi_set_format: alOpenPort failed: %s\n", alGetErrorString(oserror())); return False; } } resource = alGetResource(output_port); maxFillable = alGetFillable(output_port); channelCount = alGetChannels(audioconfig); frameSize = alGetWidth(audioconfig); if (frameSize == 0 || channelCount == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "sgi_set_format: bad frameSize or channelCount\n"); return False; } combinedFrameSize = frameSize * channelCount; params.param = AL_RATE; params.value.ll = (long long) g_snd_rate << 32; if (alSetParams(resource, ¶ms, 1) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "wave_set_format: alSetParams failed: %s\n", alGetErrorString(oserror())); return False; } if (params.sizeOut < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "wave_set_format: invalid rate %d\n", g_snd_rate); return False; } #if (defined(IRIX_DEBUG)) fprintf(stderr, "sgi_set_format: returning...\n"); #endif return True; } void sgi_volume(uint16 left, uint16 right) { double gainleft, gainright; ALpv pv[1]; ALfixed gain[8]; #if (defined(IRIX_DEBUG)) fprintf(stderr, "sgi_volume: begin\n"); fprintf(stderr, "left='%d', right='%d'\n", left, right); #endif gainleft = (double) left / IRIX_MAX_VOL; gainright = (double) right / IRIX_MAX_VOL; gain[0] = alDoubleToFixed(min_volume + gainleft * volume_range); gain[1] = alDoubleToFixed(min_volume + gainright * volume_range); pv[0].param = AL_GAIN; pv[0].value.ptr = gain; pv[0].sizeIn = 8; if (alSetParams(AL_DEFAULT_OUTPUT, pv, 1) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "sgi_volume: alSetParams failed: %s\n", alGetErrorString(oserror())); return; } #if (defined(IRIX_DEBUG)) fprintf(stderr, "sgi_volume: returning\n"); #endif } void sgi_play(void) { struct audio_packet *packet; ssize_t len; unsigned int i; STREAM out; int gf; while (1) { if (rdpsnd_queue_empty()) return; packet = rdpsnd_queue_current_packet(); out = &packet->s; len = out->end - out->p; alWriteFrames(output_port, out->p, len / combinedFrameSize); out->p += len; if (out->p == out->end) { gf = alGetFilled(output_port); if (gf < (4 * maxFillable / 10)) { rdpsnd_queue_next(0); } else { #if (defined(IRIX_DEBUG)) /* fprintf(stderr,"Busy playing...\n"); */ #endif usleep(10); return; } } } } struct audio_driver * sgi_register(char *options) { static struct audio_driver sgi_driver; memset(&sgi_driver, 0, sizeof(sgi_driver)); sgi_driver.name = "sgi"; sgi_driver.description = "SGI output driver"; sgi_driver.add_fds = sgi_add_fds; sgi_driver.check_fds = sgi_check_fds; sgi_driver.wave_out_open = sgi_open; sgi_driver.wave_out_close = sgi_close; sgi_driver.wave_out_format_supported = sgi_format_supported; sgi_driver.wave_out_set_format = sgi_set_format; sgi_driver.wave_out_volume = sgi_volume; sgi_driver.need_byteswap_on_be = 1; sgi_driver.need_resampling = 0; if (options) { sgi_output_device = xstrdup(options); } return &sgi_driver; }