/* $Id: VBoxIntNetSwitch.cpp 102797 2024-01-09 15:01:16Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * Internal networking - Wrapper for the R0 network service. * * This is a bit hackish as we're mixing context here, however it is * very useful when making changes to the internal networking service. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2023 Oracle and/or its affiliates. * * This file is part of VirtualBox base platform packages, as * available from https://www.virtualbox.org. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 3 of the * License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see . * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only */ /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Header Files * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ #define IN_INTNET_TESTCASE #define IN_INTNET_R3 #include "IntNetSwitchInternal.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Defined Constants And Macros * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Structures and Typedefs * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ /** * Registered object. * This takes care of reference counting and tracking data for access checks. */ typedef struct SUPDRVOBJ { /** Pointer to the next in the global list. */ struct SUPDRVOBJ * volatile pNext; /** Pointer to the object destructor. * This may be set to NULL if the image containing the destructor get unloaded. */ PFNSUPDRVDESTRUCTOR pfnDestructor; /** User argument 1. */ void *pvUser1; /** User argument 2. */ void *pvUser2; /** The total sum of all per-session usage. */ uint32_t volatile cUsage; } SUPDRVOBJ, *PSUPDRVOBJ; /** * The per-session object usage record. */ typedef struct SUPDRVUSAGE { /** Pointer to the next in the list. */ struct SUPDRVUSAGE * volatile pNext; /** Pointer to the object we're recording usage for. */ PSUPDRVOBJ pObj; /** The usage count. */ uint32_t volatile cUsage; } SUPDRVUSAGE, *PSUPDRVUSAGE; /** * Device extension. */ typedef struct SUPDRVDEVEXT { /** Number of references to this service. */ uint32_t volatile cRefs; /** Critical section to serialize the initialization, usage counting and objects. */ RTCRITSECT CritSect; /** List of registered objects. Protected by the spinlock. */ PSUPDRVOBJ volatile pObjs; } SUPDRVDEVEXT; typedef SUPDRVDEVEXT *PSUPDRVDEVEXT; /** * Per session data. * This is mainly for memory tracking. */ typedef struct SUPDRVSESSION { PSUPDRVDEVEXT pDevExt; /** List of generic usage records. (protected by SUPDRVDEVEXT::CritSect) */ PSUPDRVUSAGE volatile pUsage; /** The XPC connection handle for this session. */ xpc_connection_t hXpcCon; /** The intnet interface handle to wait on. */ INTNETIFHANDLE hIfWait; /** Flag whether a receive wait was initiated. */ bool volatile fRecvWait; /** Flag whether there is something to receive. */ bool volatile fRecvAvail; } SUPDRVSESSION; /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Global Variables * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ static SUPDRVDEVEXT g_DevExt; INTNETR3DECL(void *) SUPR0ObjRegister(PSUPDRVSESSION pSession, SUPDRVOBJTYPE enmType, PFNSUPDRVDESTRUCTOR pfnDestructor, void *pvUser1, void *pvUser2) { RT_NOREF(enmType); PSUPDRVOBJ pObj = (PSUPDRVOBJ)RTMemAllocZ(sizeof(*pObj)); if (!pObj) return NULL; pObj->cUsage = 1; pObj->pfnDestructor = pfnDestructor; pObj->pvUser1 = pvUser1; pObj->pvUser2 = pvUser2; /* * Insert the object and create the session usage record. */ PSUPDRVUSAGE pUsage = (PSUPDRVUSAGE)RTMemAlloc(sizeof(*pUsage)); if (!pUsage) { RTMemFree(pObj); return NULL; } PSUPDRVDEVEXT pDevExt = pSession->pDevExt; RTCritSectEnter(&pDevExt->CritSect); /* The object. */ pObj->pNext = pDevExt->pObjs; pDevExt->pObjs = pObj; /* The session record. */ pUsage->cUsage = 1; pUsage->pObj = pObj; pUsage->pNext = pSession->pUsage; pSession->pUsage = pUsage; RTCritSectLeave(&pDevExt->CritSect); return pObj; } INTNETR3DECL(int) SUPR0ObjAddRefEx(void *pvObj, PSUPDRVSESSION pSession, bool fNoBlocking) { PSUPDRVDEVEXT pDevExt = pSession->pDevExt; PSUPDRVOBJ pObj = (PSUPDRVOBJ)pvObj; int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; PSUPDRVUSAGE pUsage; RT_NOREF(fNoBlocking); RTCritSectEnter(&pDevExt->CritSect); /* * Reference the object. */ ASMAtomicIncU32(&pObj->cUsage); /* * Look for the session record. */ for (pUsage = pSession->pUsage; pUsage; pUsage = pUsage->pNext) { if (pUsage->pObj == pObj) break; } if (pUsage) pUsage->cUsage++; else { /* create a new session record. */ pUsage = (PSUPDRVUSAGE)RTMemAlloc(sizeof(*pUsage)); if (RT_LIKELY(pUsage)) { pUsage->cUsage = 1; pUsage->pObj = pObj; pUsage->pNext = pSession->pUsage; pSession->pUsage = pUsage; } else { ASMAtomicDecU32(&pObj->cUsage); rc = VERR_TRY_AGAIN; } } RTCritSectLeave(&pDevExt->CritSect); return rc; } INTNETR3DECL(int) SUPR0ObjAddRef(void *pvObj, PSUPDRVSESSION pSession) { return SUPR0ObjAddRefEx(pvObj, pSession, false); } INTNETR3DECL(int) SUPR0ObjRelease(void *pvObj, PSUPDRVSESSION pSession) { PSUPDRVDEVEXT pDevExt = pSession->pDevExt; PSUPDRVOBJ pObj = (PSUPDRVOBJ)pvObj; int rc = VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; PSUPDRVUSAGE pUsage; PSUPDRVUSAGE pUsagePrev; /* * Acquire the spinlock and look for the usage record. */ RTCritSectEnter(&pDevExt->CritSect); for (pUsagePrev = NULL, pUsage = pSession->pUsage; pUsage; pUsagePrev = pUsage, pUsage = pUsage->pNext) { if (pUsage->pObj == pObj) { rc = VINF_SUCCESS; AssertMsg(pUsage->cUsage >= 1 && pObj->cUsage >= pUsage->cUsage, ("glob %d; sess %d\n", pObj->cUsage, pUsage->cUsage)); if (pUsage->cUsage > 1) { pObj->cUsage--; pUsage->cUsage--; } else { /* * Free the session record. */ if (pUsagePrev) pUsagePrev->pNext = pUsage->pNext; else pSession->pUsage = pUsage->pNext; RTMemFree(pUsage); /* What about the object? */ if (pObj->cUsage > 1) pObj->cUsage--; else { /* * Object is to be destroyed, unlink it. */ rc = VINF_OBJECT_DESTROYED; if (pDevExt->pObjs == pObj) pDevExt->pObjs = pObj->pNext; else { PSUPDRVOBJ pObjPrev; for (pObjPrev = pDevExt->pObjs; pObjPrev; pObjPrev = pObjPrev->pNext) if (pObjPrev->pNext == pObj) { pObjPrev->pNext = pObj->pNext; break; } Assert(pObjPrev); } } } break; } } RTCritSectLeave(&pDevExt->CritSect); /* * Call the destructor and free the object if required. */ if (rc == VINF_OBJECT_DESTROYED) { if (pObj->pfnDestructor) pObj->pfnDestructor(pObj, pObj->pvUser1, pObj->pvUser2); RTMemFree(pObj); } return rc; } INTNETR3DECL(int) SUPR0ObjVerifyAccess(void *pvObj, PSUPDRVSESSION pSession, const char *pszObjName) { RT_NOREF(pvObj, pSession, pszObjName); return VINF_SUCCESS; } INTNETR3DECL(int) SUPR0MemAlloc(PSUPDRVSESSION pSession, uint32_t cb, PRTR0PTR ppvR0, PRTR3PTR ppvR3) { RT_NOREF(pSession); /* * This is used to allocate and map the send/receive buffers into the callers process space, meaning * we have to mmap it with the shareable attribute. */ void *pv = mmap(NULL, cb, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_ANON | MAP_SHARED, -1, 0); if (pv == MAP_FAILED) return VERR_NO_MEMORY; *ppvR0 = (RTR0PTR)pv; if (ppvR3) *ppvR3 = pv; return VINF_SUCCESS; } INTNETR3DECL(int) SUPR0MemFree(PSUPDRVSESSION pSession, RTHCUINTPTR uPtr) { RT_NOREF(pSession); PINTNETBUF pBuf = (PINTNETBUF)uPtr; /// @todo Hack hack hack! munmap((void *)uPtr, pBuf->cbBuf); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Destroys the given internal network XPC connection session freeing all allocated resources. * * @returns Reference count of the device extension.. * @param pSession The ession to destroy. */ static uint32_t intnetR3SessionDestroy(PSUPDRVSESSION pSession) { PSUPDRVDEVEXT pDevExt = pSession->pDevExt; uint32_t cRefs = ASMAtomicDecU32(&pDevExt->cRefs); xpc_transaction_end(); xpc_connection_set_context(pSession->hXpcCon, NULL); xpc_connection_cancel(pSession->hXpcCon); pSession->hXpcCon = NULL; ASMAtomicXchgBool(&pSession->fRecvAvail, true); if (pSession->pUsage) { PSUPDRVUSAGE pUsage; RTCritSectEnter(&pDevExt->CritSect); while ((pUsage = pSession->pUsage) != NULL) { PSUPDRVOBJ pObj = pUsage->pObj; pSession->pUsage = pUsage->pNext; AssertMsg(pUsage->cUsage >= 1 && pObj->cUsage >= pUsage->cUsage, ("glob %d; sess %d\n", pObj->cUsage, pUsage->cUsage)); if (pUsage->cUsage < pObj->cUsage) { pObj->cUsage -= pUsage->cUsage; } else { /* Destroy the object and free the record. */ if (pDevExt->pObjs == pObj) pDevExt->pObjs = pObj->pNext; else { PSUPDRVOBJ pObjPrev; for (pObjPrev = pDevExt->pObjs; pObjPrev; pObjPrev = pObjPrev->pNext) if (pObjPrev->pNext == pObj) { pObjPrev->pNext = pObj->pNext; break; } Assert(pObjPrev); } RTCritSectLeave(&pDevExt->CritSect); if (pObj->pfnDestructor) pObj->pfnDestructor(pObj, pObj->pvUser1, pObj->pvUser2); RTMemFree(pObj); RTCritSectEnter(&pDevExt->CritSect); } /* free it and continue. */ RTMemFree(pUsage); } RTCritSectLeave(&pDevExt->CritSect); AssertMsg(!pSession->pUsage, ("Some buster reregistered an object during destruction!\n")); } RTMemFree(pSession); return cRefs; } /** * Data available in th receive buffer callback. */ static DECLCALLBACK(void) intnetR3RecvAvail(INTNETIFHANDLE hIf, void *pvUser) { RT_NOREF(hIf); PSUPDRVSESSION pSession = (PSUPDRVSESSION)pvUser; if (ASMAtomicXchgBool(&pSession->fRecvWait, false)) { /* Send an empty message. */ xpc_object_t hObjPoke = xpc_dictionary_create(NULL, NULL, 0); xpc_connection_send_message(pSession->hXpcCon, hObjPoke); xpc_release(hObjPoke); } else ASMAtomicXchgBool(&pSession->fRecvAvail, true); } static void intnetR3RequestProcess(xpc_connection_t hCon, xpc_object_t hObj, PSUPDRVSESSION pSession) { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; uint64_t iReq = xpc_dictionary_get_uint64(hObj, "req-id"); size_t cbReq = 0; const void *pvReq = xpc_dictionary_get_data(hObj, "req", &cbReq); union { INTNETOPENREQ OpenReq; INTNETIFCLOSEREQ IfCloseReq; INTNETIFGETBUFFERPTRSREQ IfGetBufferPtrsReq; INTNETIFSETPROMISCUOUSMODEREQ IfSetPromiscuousModeReq; INTNETIFSETMACADDRESSREQ IfSetMacAddressReq; INTNETIFSETACTIVEREQ IfSetActiveReq; INTNETIFSENDREQ IfSendReq; INTNETIFWAITREQ IfWaitReq; INTNETIFABORTWAITREQ IfAbortWaitReq; } ReqReply; memcpy(&ReqReply, pvReq, RT_MIN(sizeof(ReqReply), cbReq)); size_t cbReply = 0; if (pvReq) { switch (iReq) { case VMMR0_DO_INTNET_OPEN: { if (cbReq == sizeof(INTNETOPENREQ)) { rc = IntNetR3Open(pSession, &ReqReply.OpenReq.szNetwork[0], ReqReply.OpenReq.enmTrunkType, ReqReply.OpenReq.szTrunk, ReqReply.OpenReq.fFlags, ReqReply.OpenReq.cbSend, ReqReply.OpenReq.cbRecv, intnetR3RecvAvail, pSession, &ReqReply.OpenReq.hIf); cbReply = sizeof(INTNETOPENREQ); } else rc = VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; } case VMMR0_DO_INTNET_IF_CLOSE: { if (cbReq == sizeof(INTNETIFCLOSEREQ)) { rc = IntNetR0IfCloseReq(pSession, &ReqReply.IfCloseReq); cbReply = sizeof(INTNETIFCLOSEREQ); } else rc = VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; } case VMMR0_DO_INTNET_IF_GET_BUFFER_PTRS: { if (cbReq == sizeof(INTNETIFGETBUFFERPTRSREQ)) { rc = IntNetR0IfGetBufferPtrsReq(pSession, &ReqReply.IfGetBufferPtrsReq); /* This is special as we need to return a shared memory segment. */ xpc_object_t hObjReply = xpc_dictionary_create_reply(hObj); xpc_object_t hObjShMem = xpc_shmem_create(ReqReply.IfGetBufferPtrsReq.pRing3Buf, ReqReply.IfGetBufferPtrsReq.pRing3Buf->cbBuf); if (hObjShMem) { xpc_dictionary_set_value(hObjReply, "buf-ptr", hObjShMem); xpc_release(hObjShMem); } else rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; xpc_dictionary_set_uint64(hObjReply, "rc", INTNET_R3_SVC_SET_RC(rc)); xpc_connection_send_message(hCon, hObjReply); xpc_release(hObjReply); return; } else rc = VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; } case VMMR0_DO_INTNET_IF_SET_PROMISCUOUS_MODE: { if (cbReq == sizeof(INTNETIFSETPROMISCUOUSMODEREQ)) { rc = IntNetR0IfSetPromiscuousModeReq(pSession, &ReqReply.IfSetPromiscuousModeReq); cbReply = sizeof(INTNETIFSETPROMISCUOUSMODEREQ); } else rc = VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; } case VMMR0_DO_INTNET_IF_SET_MAC_ADDRESS: { if (cbReq == sizeof(INTNETIFSETMACADDRESSREQ)) { rc = IntNetR0IfSetMacAddressReq(pSession, &ReqReply.IfSetMacAddressReq); cbReply = sizeof(INTNETIFSETMACADDRESSREQ); } else rc = VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; } case VMMR0_DO_INTNET_IF_SET_ACTIVE: { if (cbReq == sizeof(INTNETIFSETACTIVEREQ)) { rc = IntNetR0IfSetActiveReq(pSession, &ReqReply.IfSetActiveReq); cbReply = sizeof(INTNETIFSETACTIVEREQ); } else rc = VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; } case VMMR0_DO_INTNET_IF_SEND: { if (cbReq == sizeof(INTNETIFSENDREQ)) { rc = IntNetR0IfSendReq(pSession, &ReqReply.IfSendReq); cbReply = sizeof(INTNETIFSENDREQ); } else rc = VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; } case VMMR0_DO_INTNET_IF_WAIT: { if (cbReq == sizeof(INTNETIFWAITREQ)) { ASMAtomicXchgBool(&pSession->fRecvWait, true); if (ASMAtomicXchgBool(&pSession->fRecvAvail, false)) { ASMAtomicXchgBool(&pSession->fRecvWait, false); /* Send an empty message. */ xpc_object_t hObjPoke = xpc_dictionary_create(NULL, NULL, 0); xpc_connection_send_message(pSession->hXpcCon, hObjPoke); xpc_release(hObjPoke); } return; } else rc = VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; } case VMMR0_DO_INTNET_IF_ABORT_WAIT: { if (cbReq == sizeof(INTNETIFABORTWAITREQ)) { ASMAtomicXchgBool(&pSession->fRecvWait, false); if (ASMAtomicXchgBool(&pSession->fRecvAvail, false)) { /* Send an empty message. */ xpc_object_t hObjPoke = xpc_dictionary_create(NULL, NULL, 0); xpc_connection_send_message(pSession->hXpcCon, hObjPoke); xpc_release(hObjPoke); } cbReply = sizeof(INTNETIFABORTWAITREQ); } else rc = VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; } default: rc = VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } xpc_object_t hObjReply = xpc_dictionary_create_reply(hObj); xpc_dictionary_set_uint64(hObjReply, "rc", INTNET_R3_SVC_SET_RC(rc)); xpc_dictionary_set_data(hObjReply, "reply", &ReqReply, cbReply); xpc_connection_send_message(hCon, hObjReply); xpc_release(hObjReply); } DECLCALLBACK(void) xpcConnHandler(xpc_connection_t hXpcCon) { xpc_connection_set_event_handler(hXpcCon, ^(xpc_object_t hObj) { PSUPDRVSESSION pSession = (PSUPDRVSESSION)xpc_connection_get_context(hXpcCon); if (xpc_get_type(hObj) == XPC_TYPE_ERROR) { if (hObj == XPC_ERROR_CONNECTION_INVALID) intnetR3SessionDestroy(pSession); else if (hObj == XPC_ERROR_TERMINATION_IMMINENT) { PSUPDRVDEVEXT pDevExt = pSession->pDevExt; uint32_t cRefs = intnetR3SessionDestroy(pSession); if (!cRefs) { /* Last one cleans up the global data. */ RTCritSectDelete(&pDevExt->CritSect); } } } else intnetR3RequestProcess(hXpcCon, hObj, pSession); }); PSUPDRVSESSION pSession = (PSUPDRVSESSION)RTMemAllocZ(sizeof(*pSession)); if (pSession) { pSession->pDevExt = &g_DevExt; pSession->hXpcCon = hXpcCon; xpc_connection_set_context(hXpcCon, pSession); xpc_connection_resume(hXpcCon); xpc_transaction_begin(); ASMAtomicIncU32(&g_DevExt.cRefs); } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int rc = RTR3InitExe(argc, &argv, RTR3INIT_FLAGS_SUPLIB); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { IntNetR0Init(); g_DevExt.pObjs = NULL; rc = RTCritSectInit(&g_DevExt.CritSect); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) xpc_main(xpcConnHandler); /* Never returns. */ exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } return RTMsgInitFailure(rc); }