/* $Id: ovfreader.cpp 43903 2012-11-16 18:23:59Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * OVF reader declarations. * * Depends only on IPRT, including the RTCString and IPRT XML classes. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ #include "ovfreader.h" using namespace std; using namespace ovf; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // OVF reader implementation // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Constructor. This parses the given XML file out of the memory. Throws lots of exceptions * on XML or OVF invalidity. * @param pvBuf the memory buffer to parse * @param cbSize the size of the memory buffer * @param path path to a filename for error messages. */ OVFReader::OVFReader(const void *pvBuf, size_t cbSize, const RTCString &path) : m_strPath(path) { xml::XmlMemParser parser; parser.read(pvBuf, cbSize, m_strPath, m_doc); /* Start the parsing */ parse(); } /** * Constructor. This opens the given XML file and parses it. Throws lots of exceptions * on XML or OVF invalidity. * @param path */ OVFReader::OVFReader(const RTCString &path) : m_strPath(path) { xml::XmlFileParser parser; parser.read(m_strPath, m_doc); /* Start the parsing */ parse(); } void OVFReader::parse() { const xml::ElementNode *pRootElem = m_doc.getRootElement(); if ( !pRootElem || strcmp(pRootElem->getName(), "Envelope") ) throw OVFLogicError(N_("Root element in OVF file must be \"Envelope\".")); // OVF has the following rough layout: /* -- .... files referenced from other parts of the file, such as VMDK images -- Metadata, comprised of several section commands -- virtual machines, either a single , or a -- optionally for localization */ // get all "File" child elements of "References" section so we can look up files easily; // first find the "References" sections so we can look up files xml::ElementNodesList listFileElements; // receives all /Envelope/References/File nodes const xml::ElementNode *pReferencesElem; if ((pReferencesElem = pRootElem->findChildElement("References"))) pReferencesElem->getChildElements(listFileElements, "File"); // now go though the sections LoopThruSections(pReferencesElem, pRootElem); } /** * Private helper method that goes thru the elements of the given "current" element in the OVF XML * and handles the contained child elements (which can be "Section" or "Content" elements). * * @param pcszPath Path spec of the XML file, for error messages. * @param pReferencesElement "References" element from OVF, for looking up file specifications; can be NULL if no such element is present. * @param pCurElem Element whose children are to be analyzed here. * @return */ void OVFReader::LoopThruSections(const xml::ElementNode *pReferencesElem, const xml::ElementNode *pCurElem) { xml::NodesLoop loopChildren(*pCurElem); const xml::ElementNode *pElem; while ((pElem = loopChildren.forAllNodes())) { const char *pcszElemName = pElem->getName(); const char *pcszTypeAttr = ""; const xml::AttributeNode *pTypeAttr; if ( ((pTypeAttr = pElem->findAttribute("xsi:type"))) || ((pTypeAttr = pElem->findAttribute("type"))) ) pcszTypeAttr = pTypeAttr->getValue(); if ( (!strcmp(pcszElemName, "DiskSection")) || ( (!strcmp(pcszElemName, "Section")) && (!strcmp(pcszTypeAttr, "ovf:DiskSection_Type")) ) ) { HandleDiskSection(pReferencesElem, pElem); } else if ( (!strcmp(pcszElemName, "NetworkSection")) || ( (!strcmp(pcszElemName, "Section")) && (!strcmp(pcszTypeAttr, "ovf:NetworkSection_Type")) ) ) { HandleNetworkSection(pElem); } else if ( (!strcmp(pcszElemName, "DeploymentOptionSection"))) { // TODO } else if ( (!strcmp(pcszElemName, "Info"))) { // child of VirtualSystemCollection -- TODO } else if ( (!strcmp(pcszElemName, "ResourceAllocationSection"))) { // child of VirtualSystemCollection -- TODO } else if ( (!strcmp(pcszElemName, "StartupSection"))) { // child of VirtualSystemCollection -- TODO } else if ( (!strcmp(pcszElemName, "VirtualSystem")) || ( (!strcmp(pcszElemName, "Content")) && (!strcmp(pcszTypeAttr, "ovf:VirtualSystem_Type")) ) ) { HandleVirtualSystemContent(pElem); } else if ( (!strcmp(pcszElemName, "VirtualSystemCollection")) || ( (!strcmp(pcszElemName, "Content")) && (!strcmp(pcszTypeAttr, "ovf:VirtualSystemCollection_Type")) ) ) { // TODO ResourceAllocationSection // recurse for this, since it has VirtualSystem elements as children LoopThruSections(pReferencesElem, pElem); } } } /** * Private helper method that handles disk sections in the OVF XML. * Gets called indirectly from IAppliance::read(). * * @param pcszPath Path spec of the XML file, for error messages. * @param pReferencesElement "References" element from OVF, for looking up file specifications; can be NULL if no such element is present. * @param pSectionElem Section element for which this helper is getting called. * @return */ void OVFReader::HandleDiskSection(const xml::ElementNode *pReferencesElem, const xml::ElementNode *pSectionElem) { // contains "Disk" child elements xml::NodesLoop loopDisks(*pSectionElem, "Disk"); const xml::ElementNode *pelmDisk; while ((pelmDisk = loopDisks.forAllNodes())) { DiskImage d; const char *pcszBad = NULL; const char *pcszDiskId; const char *pcszFormat; if (!(pelmDisk->getAttributeValue("diskId", pcszDiskId))) pcszBad = "diskId"; else if (!(pelmDisk->getAttributeValue("format", pcszFormat))) pcszBad = "format"; else if (!(pelmDisk->getAttributeValue("capacity", d.iCapacity))) pcszBad = "capacity"; else { d.strDiskId = pcszDiskId; d.strFormat = pcszFormat; if (!(pelmDisk->getAttributeValue("populatedSize", d.iPopulatedSize))) // optional d.iPopulatedSize = -1; // optional vbox:uuid attribute (if OVF was exported by VirtualBox != 3.2) pelmDisk->getAttributeValue("vbox:uuid", d.uuidVbox); const char *pcszFileRef; if (pelmDisk->getAttributeValue("fileRef", pcszFileRef)) // optional { // look up corresponding /References/File nodes (list built above) const xml::ElementNode *pFileElem; if ( pReferencesElem && ((pFileElem = pReferencesElem->findChildElementFromId(pcszFileRef))) ) { // copy remaining values from file node then const char *pcszBadInFile = NULL; const char *pcszHref; if (!(pFileElem->getAttributeValue("href", pcszHref))) pcszBadInFile = "href"; else if (!(pFileElem->getAttributeValue("size", d.iSize))) d.iSize = -1; // optional d.strHref = pcszHref; // if (!(pFileElem->getAttributeValue("size", d.iChunkSize))) TODO d.iChunkSize = -1; // optional const char *pcszCompression; if (pFileElem->getAttributeValue("compression", pcszCompression)) d.strCompression = pcszCompression; if (pcszBadInFile) throw OVFLogicError(N_("Error reading \"%s\": missing or invalid attribute '%s' in 'File' element, line %d"), m_strPath.c_str(), pcszBadInFile, pFileElem->getLineNumber()); } else throw OVFLogicError(N_("Error reading \"%s\": cannot find References/File element for ID '%s' referenced by 'Disk' element, line %d"), m_strPath.c_str(), pcszFileRef, pelmDisk->getLineNumber()); } } if (pcszBad) throw OVFLogicError(N_("Error reading \"%s\": missing or invalid attribute '%s' in 'DiskSection' element, line %d"), m_strPath.c_str(), pcszBad, pelmDisk->getLineNumber()); // suggest a size in megabytes to help callers with progress reports d.ulSuggestedSizeMB = 0; if (d.iCapacity != -1) d.ulSuggestedSizeMB = d.iCapacity / _1M; else if (d.iPopulatedSize != -1) d.ulSuggestedSizeMB = d.iPopulatedSize / _1M; else if (d.iSize != -1) d.ulSuggestedSizeMB = d.iSize / _1M; if (d.ulSuggestedSizeMB == 0) d.ulSuggestedSizeMB = 10000; // assume 10 GB, this is for the progress bar only anyway m_mapDisks[d.strDiskId] = d; } } /** * Private helper method that handles network sections in the OVF XML. * Gets called indirectly from IAppliance::read(). * * @param pcszPath Path spec of the XML file, for error messages. * @param pSectionElem Section element for which this helper is getting called. * @return */ void OVFReader::HandleNetworkSection(const xml::ElementNode * /* pSectionElem */) { // we ignore network sections for now // xml::NodesLoop loopNetworks(*pSectionElem, "Network"); // const xml::Node *pelmNetwork; // while ((pelmNetwork = loopNetworks.forAllNodes())) // { // Network n; // if (!(pelmNetwork->getAttributeValue("name", n.strNetworkName))) // return setError(VBOX_E_FILE_ERROR, // tr("Error reading \"%s\": missing 'name' attribute in 'Network', line %d"), // pcszPath, // pelmNetwork->getLineNumber()); // // m->mapNetworks[n.strNetworkName] = n; // } } /** * Private helper method that handles a "VirtualSystem" element in the OVF XML. * Gets called indirectly from IAppliance::read(). * * @param pcszPath * @param pContentElem * @return */ void OVFReader::HandleVirtualSystemContent(const xml::ElementNode *pelmVirtualSystem) { VirtualSystem vsys; // peek under the node whether we have a node; // that case case, the caller can completely ignore the OVF but only load the VBox machine XML vsys.pelmVboxMachine = pelmVirtualSystem->findChildElement("vbox", "Machine"); // now look for real OVF const xml::AttributeNode *pIdAttr = pelmVirtualSystem->findAttribute("id"); if (pIdAttr) vsys.strName = pIdAttr->getValue(); xml::NodesLoop loop(*pelmVirtualSystem); // all child elements const xml::ElementNode *pelmThis; while ((pelmThis = loop.forAllNodes())) { const char *pcszElemName = pelmThis->getName(); const char *pcszTypeAttr = ""; if (!strcmp(pcszElemName, "Section")) // OVF 0.9 used "Section" element always with a varying "type" attribute { const xml::AttributeNode *pTypeAttr; if ( ((pTypeAttr = pelmThis->findAttribute("type"))) || ((pTypeAttr = pelmThis->findAttribute("xsi:type"))) ) pcszTypeAttr = pTypeAttr->getValue(); else throw OVFLogicError(N_("Error reading \"%s\": element \"Section\" has no \"type\" attribute, line %d"), m_strPath.c_str(), pelmThis->getLineNumber()); } if ( (!strcmp(pcszElemName, "EulaSection")) || (!strcmp(pcszTypeAttr, "ovf:EulaSection_Type")) ) { /* License agreement for the Virtual System. License terms can go in here. */ const xml::ElementNode *pelmLicense; if ((pelmLicense = pelmThis->findChildElement("License"))) vsys.strLicenseText = pelmLicense->getValue(); } if ( (!strcmp(pcszElemName, "ProductSection")) || (!strcmp(pcszTypeAttr, "ovf:ProductSection_Type")) ) { /*
Meta-information about the installed software VAtest SUN Microsystems 10.0 http://blogs.sun.com/VirtualGuru http://www.sun.com
*/ const xml::ElementNode *pelmProduct; if ((pelmProduct = pelmThis->findChildElement("Product"))) vsys.strProduct = pelmProduct->getValue(); const xml::ElementNode *pelmVendor; if ((pelmVendor = pelmThis->findChildElement("Vendor"))) vsys.strVendor = pelmVendor->getValue(); const xml::ElementNode *pelmVersion; if ((pelmVersion = pelmThis->findChildElement("Version"))) vsys.strVersion = pelmVersion->getValue(); const xml::ElementNode *pelmProductUrl; if ((pelmProductUrl = pelmThis->findChildElement("ProductUrl"))) vsys.strProductUrl = pelmProductUrl->getValue(); const xml::ElementNode *pelmVendorUrl; if ((pelmVendorUrl = pelmThis->findChildElement("VendorUrl"))) vsys.strVendorUrl = pelmVendorUrl->getValue(); } else if ( (!strcmp(pcszElemName, "VirtualHardwareSection")) || (!strcmp(pcszTypeAttr, "ovf:VirtualHardwareSection_Type")) ) { const xml::ElementNode *pelmSystem, *pelmVirtualSystemType; if ((pelmSystem = pelmThis->findChildElement("System"))) { /* Description of the virtual hardware section. vmware 1 MyLampService vmx-4 */ if ((pelmVirtualSystemType = pelmSystem->findChildElement("VirtualSystemType"))) vsys.strVirtualSystemType = pelmVirtualSystemType->getValue(); } xml::NodesLoop loopVirtualHardwareItems(*pelmThis, "Item"); // all "Item" child elements const xml::ElementNode *pelmItem; while ((pelmItem = loopVirtualHardwareItems.forAllNodes())) { VirtualHardwareItem i; i.ulLineNumber = pelmItem->getLineNumber(); xml::NodesLoop loopItemChildren(*pelmItem); // all child elements const xml::ElementNode *pelmItemChild; while ((pelmItemChild = loopItemChildren.forAllNodes())) { const char *pcszItemChildName = pelmItemChild->getName(); if (!strcmp(pcszItemChildName, "Description")) i.strDescription = pelmItemChild->getValue(); else if (!strcmp(pcszItemChildName, "Caption")) i.strCaption = pelmItemChild->getValue(); else if (!strcmp(pcszItemChildName, "ElementName")) i.strElementName = pelmItemChild->getValue(); else if ( (!strcmp(pcszItemChildName, "InstanceID")) || (!strcmp(pcszItemChildName, "InstanceId")) ) pelmItemChild->copyValue(i.ulInstanceID); else if (!strcmp(pcszItemChildName, "HostResource")) i.strHostResource = pelmItemChild->getValue(); else if (!strcmp(pcszItemChildName, "ResourceType")) { uint32_t ulType; pelmItemChild->copyValue(ulType); i.resourceType = (ResourceType_T)ulType; i.fResourceRequired = true; const char *pcszAttValue; if (pelmItem->getAttributeValue("required", pcszAttValue)) { if (!strcmp(pcszAttValue, "false")) i.fResourceRequired = false; } } else if (!strcmp(pcszItemChildName, "OtherResourceType")) i.strOtherResourceType = pelmItemChild->getValue(); else if (!strcmp(pcszItemChildName, "ResourceSubType")) i.strResourceSubType = pelmItemChild->getValue(); else if (!strcmp(pcszItemChildName, "AutomaticAllocation")) i.fAutomaticAllocation = (!strcmp(pelmItemChild->getValue(), "true")) ? true : false; else if (!strcmp(pcszItemChildName, "AutomaticDeallocation")) i.fAutomaticDeallocation = (!strcmp(pelmItemChild->getValue(), "true")) ? true : false; else if (!strcmp(pcszItemChildName, "Parent")) pelmItemChild->copyValue(i.ulParent); else if (!strcmp(pcszItemChildName, "Connection")) i.strConnection = pelmItemChild->getValue(); else if (!strcmp(pcszItemChildName, "Address")) { i.strAddress = pelmItemChild->getValue(); pelmItemChild->copyValue(i.lAddress); } else if (!strcmp(pcszItemChildName, "AddressOnParent")) i.strAddressOnParent = pelmItemChild->getValue(); else if (!strcmp(pcszItemChildName, "AllocationUnits")) i.strAllocationUnits = pelmItemChild->getValue(); else if (!strcmp(pcszItemChildName, "VirtualQuantity")) pelmItemChild->copyValue(i.ullVirtualQuantity); else if (!strcmp(pcszItemChildName, "Reservation")) pelmItemChild->copyValue(i.ullReservation); else if (!strcmp(pcszItemChildName, "Limit")) pelmItemChild->copyValue(i.ullLimit); else if (!strcmp(pcszItemChildName, "Weight")) pelmItemChild->copyValue(i.ullWeight); else if (!strcmp(pcszItemChildName, "ConsumerVisibility")) i.strConsumerVisibility = pelmItemChild->getValue(); else if (!strcmp(pcszItemChildName, "MappingBehavior")) i.strMappingBehavior = pelmItemChild->getValue(); else if (!strcmp(pcszItemChildName, "PoolID")) i.strPoolID = pelmItemChild->getValue(); else if (!strcmp(pcszItemChildName, "BusNumber")) // seen in some old OVF, but it's not listed in the OVF specs pelmItemChild->copyValue(i.ulBusNumber); else if (strcmp(pelmItemChild->getPrefix(), "vmw")) throw OVFLogicError(N_("Error reading \"%s\": unknown element \"%s\" under Item element, line %d"), m_strPath.c_str(), pcszItemChildName, i.ulLineNumber); } // store! vsys.mapHardwareItems[i.ulInstanceID] = i; } HardDiskController *pPrimaryIDEController = NULL; // will be set once found // now go thru all hardware items and handle them according to their type; // in this first loop we handle all items _except_ hard disk images, // which we'll handle in a second loop below HardwareItemsMap::const_iterator itH; for (itH = vsys.mapHardwareItems.begin(); itH != vsys.mapHardwareItems.end(); ++itH) { const VirtualHardwareItem &i = itH->second; // do some analysis switch (i.resourceType) { case ResourceType_Processor: // 3 /* 1 virtual CPU Number of virtual CPUs virtual CPU 1 3 1*/ if (i.ullVirtualQuantity < UINT16_MAX) vsys.cCPUs = (uint16_t)i.ullVirtualQuantity; else throw OVFLogicError(N_("Error reading \"%s\": CPU count %RI64 is larger than %d, line %d"), m_strPath.c_str(), i.ullVirtualQuantity, UINT16_MAX, i.ulLineNumber); break; case ResourceType_Memory: // 4 if ( (i.strAllocationUnits == "MegaBytes") // found in OVF created by OVF toolkit || (i.strAllocationUnits == "MB") // found in MS docs || (i.strAllocationUnits == "byte * 2^20") // suggested by OVF spec DSP0243 page 21 ) vsys.ullMemorySize = i.ullVirtualQuantity * 1024 * 1024; else throw OVFLogicError(N_("Error reading \"%s\": Invalid allocation unit \"%s\" specified with memory size item, line %d"), m_strPath.c_str(), i.strAllocationUnits.c_str(), i.ulLineNumber); break; case ResourceType_IDEController: // 5 { /* ideController0 IDE Controller 5 5 0 0 */ HardDiskController hdc; hdc.system = HardDiskController::IDE; hdc.idController = i.ulInstanceID; hdc.strControllerType = i.strResourceSubType; hdc.lAddress = i.lAddress; if (!pPrimaryIDEController) // this is the first IDE controller found: then mark it as "primary" hdc.fPrimary = true; else { // this is the second IDE controller found: If VMware exports two // IDE controllers, it seems that they are given an "Address" of 0 // an 1, respectively, so assume address=0 means primary controller if ( pPrimaryIDEController->lAddress == 0 && hdc.lAddress == 1 ) { pPrimaryIDEController->fPrimary = true; hdc.fPrimary = false; } else if ( pPrimaryIDEController->lAddress == 1 && hdc.lAddress == 0 ) { pPrimaryIDEController->fPrimary = false; hdc.fPrimary = false; } else // then we really can't tell, just hope for the best hdc.fPrimary = false; } vsys.mapControllers[i.ulInstanceID] = hdc; if (!pPrimaryIDEController) pPrimaryIDEController = &vsys.mapControllers[i.ulInstanceID]; break; } case ResourceType_ParallelSCSIHBA: // 6 SCSI controller { /* SCSI Controller 0 - LSI Logic SCI Controller SCSI controller 4 LsiLogic 6 */ HardDiskController hdc; hdc.system = HardDiskController::SCSI; hdc.idController = i.ulInstanceID; hdc.strControllerType = i.strResourceSubType; vsys.mapControllers[i.ulInstanceID] = hdc; break; } case ResourceType_EthernetAdapter: // 10 { /* Ethernet adapter on 'Bridged' true Bridged 6 10 E1000 OVF spec DSP 0243 page 21: "For an Ethernet adapter, this specifies the abstract network connection name for the virtual machine. All Ethernet adapters that specify the same abstract network connection name within an OVF package shall be deployed on the same network. The abstract network connection name shall be listed in the NetworkSection at the outermost envelope level." */ // only store the name EthernetAdapter ea; ea.strAdapterType = i.strResourceSubType; ea.strNetworkName = i.strConnection; vsys.llEthernetAdapters.push_back(ea); break; } case ResourceType_FloppyDrive: // 14 vsys.fHasFloppyDrive = true; // we have no additional information break; case ResourceType_CDDrive: // 15 /* cdrom1 7 15 true 5 0 */ // I tried to see what happens if I set an ISO for the CD-ROM in VMware Workstation, // but then the ovftool dies with "Device backing not supported". So I guess if // VMware can't export ISOs, then we don't need to be able to import them right now. vsys.fHasCdromDrive = true; // we have no additional information break; case ResourceType_HardDisk: // 17 // handled separately in second loop below break; case ResourceType_OtherStorageDevice: // 20 SATA controller { /* SATA Controller sataController0 4 20 AHCI 0 0 */ if ( i.strCaption.startsWith("sataController", RTCString::CaseInsensitive) && !i.strResourceSubType.compare("AHCI", RTCString::CaseInsensitive) ) { HardDiskController hdc; hdc.system = HardDiskController::SATA; hdc.idController = i.ulInstanceID; hdc.strControllerType = i.strResourceSubType; vsys.mapControllers[i.ulInstanceID] = hdc; } else throw OVFLogicError(N_("Error reading \"%s\": Host resource of type \"Other Storage Device (%d)\" is supported with SATA AHCI controllers only, line %d"), m_strPath.c_str(), ResourceType_OtherStorageDevice, i.ulLineNumber); break; } case ResourceType_USBController: // 23 /* usb USB Controller 3 23 0 0 */ vsys.fHasUsbController = true; // we have no additional information break; case ResourceType_SoundCard: // 35 /* sound Sound Card 10 35 ensoniq1371 false 3 */ vsys.strSoundCardType = i.strResourceSubType; break; default: { /* If this unknown resource type isn't required, we simply skip it. */ if (i.fResourceRequired) { throw OVFLogicError(N_("Error reading \"%s\": Unknown resource type %d in hardware item, line %d"), m_strPath.c_str(), i.resourceType, i.ulLineNumber); } } } // end switch } // now run through the items for a second time, but handle only // hard disk images; otherwise the code would fail if a hard // disk image appears in the OVF before its hard disk controller for (itH = vsys.mapHardwareItems.begin(); itH != vsys.mapHardwareItems.end(); ++itH) { const VirtualHardwareItem &i = itH->second; // do some analysis switch (i.resourceType) { case ResourceType_HardDisk: // 17 { /* Harddisk 1 HD Hard Disk ovf://disk/lamp 5 4 17 */ // look up the hard disk controller element whose InstanceID equals our Parent; // this is how the connection is specified in OVF ControllersMap::const_iterator it = vsys.mapControllers.find(i.ulParent); if (it == vsys.mapControllers.end()) throw OVFLogicError(N_("Error reading \"%s\": Hard disk item with instance ID %d specifies invalid parent %d, line %d"), m_strPath.c_str(), i.ulInstanceID, i.ulParent, i.ulLineNumber); //const HardDiskController &hdc = it->second; VirtualDisk vd; vd.idController = i.ulParent; i.strAddressOnParent.toInt(vd.ulAddressOnParent); // ovf://disk/lamp // 123456789012345 if (i.strHostResource.startsWith("ovf://disk/")) vd.strDiskId = i.strHostResource.substr(11); else if (i.strHostResource.startsWith("ovf:/disk/")) vd.strDiskId = i.strHostResource.substr(10); else if (i.strHostResource.startsWith("/disk/")) vd.strDiskId = i.strHostResource.substr(6); if ( !(vd.strDiskId.length()) || (m_mapDisks.find(vd.strDiskId) == m_mapDisks.end()) ) throw OVFLogicError(N_("Error reading \"%s\": Hard disk item with instance ID %d specifies invalid host resource \"%s\", line %d"), m_strPath.c_str(), i.ulInstanceID, i.strHostResource.c_str(), i.ulLineNumber); vsys.mapVirtualDisks[vd.strDiskId] = vd; break; } default: break; } } } else if ( (!strcmp(pcszElemName, "OperatingSystemSection")) || (!strcmp(pcszTypeAttr, "ovf:OperatingSystemSection_Type")) ) { uint64_t cimos64; if (!(pelmThis->getAttributeValue("id", cimos64))) throw OVFLogicError(N_("Error reading \"%s\": missing or invalid 'ovf:id' attribute in operating system section element, line %d"), m_strPath.c_str(), pelmThis->getLineNumber()); vsys.cimos = (CIMOSType_T)cimos64; const xml::ElementNode *pelmCIMOSDescription; if ((pelmCIMOSDescription = pelmThis->findChildElement("Description"))) vsys.strCimosDesc = pelmCIMOSDescription->getValue(); const xml::ElementNode *pelmVBoxOSType; if ((pelmVBoxOSType = pelmThis->findChildElement("vbox", // namespace "OSType"))) // element name vsys.strTypeVbox = pelmVBoxOSType->getValue(); } else if ( (!strcmp(pcszElemName, "AnnotationSection")) || (!strcmp(pcszTypeAttr, "ovf:AnnotationSection_Type")) ) { const xml::ElementNode *pelmAnnotation; if ((pelmAnnotation = pelmThis->findChildElement("Annotation"))) vsys.strDescription = pelmAnnotation->getValue(); } } // now create the virtual system m_llVirtualSystems.push_back(vsys); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Errors // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// OVFLogicError::OVFLogicError(const char *aFormat, ...) { char *pszNewMsg; va_list args; va_start(args, aFormat); RTStrAPrintfV(&pszNewMsg, aFormat, args); setWhat(pszNewMsg); RTStrFree(pszNewMsg); va_end(args); }