/* $Id: Settings.cpp 32123 2010-08-31 10:03:01Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * Settings File Manipulation API. * * Two classes, MainConfigFile and MachineConfigFile, represent the VirtualBox.xml and * machine XML files. They share a common ancestor class, ConfigFileBase, which shares * functionality such as talking to the XML back-end classes and settings version management. * * The code can read all VirtualBox settings files version 1.3 and higher. That version was * written by VirtualBox 2.0. It can write settings version 1.7 (used by VirtualBox 2.2 and * 3.0) and 1.9 (used by VirtualBox 3.1) and newer ones obviously. * * The settings versions enum is defined in src/VBox/Main/idl/VirtualBox.xidl. To introduce * a new settings version (should be necessary at most once per VirtualBox major release, * if at all), add a new SettingsVersion value to that enum and grep for the previously * highest value to see which code in here needs adjusting. * * Certainly ConfigFileBase::ConfigFileBase() will. Change VBOX_XML_VERSION below as well. * * Once a new settings version has been added, these are the rules for introducing a new * setting: If an XML element or attribute or value is introduced that was not present in * previous versions, then settings version checks need to be introduced. See the * SettingsVersion enumeration in src/VBox/Main/idl/VirtualBox.xidl for details about which * version was used when. * * The settings versions checks are necessary because since version 3.1, VirtualBox no longer * automatically converts XML settings files but only if necessary, that is, if settings are * present that the old format does not support. If we write an element or attribute to a * settings file of an older version, then an old VirtualBox (before 3.1) will attempt to * validate it with XML schema, and that will certainly fail. * * So, to introduce a new setting: * * 1) Make sure the constructor of corresponding settings structure has a proper default. * * 2) In the settings reader method, try to read the setting; if it's there, great, if not, * the default value will have been set by the constructor. The rule is to be tolerant * here. * * 3) In MachineConfigFile::bumpSettingsVersionIfNeeded(), check if the new setting has * a non-default value (i.e. that differs from the constructor). If so, bump the * settings version to the current version so the settings writer (4) can write out * the non-default value properly. * * So far a corresponding method for MainConfigFile has not been necessary since there * have been no incompatible changes yet. * * 4) In the settings writer method, write the setting _only_ if the current settings * version (stored in m->sv) is high enough. That is, for VirtualBox 4.0, write it * only if (m->sv >= SettingsVersion_v1_11). */ /* * Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ #include "VBox/com/string.h" #include "VBox/settings.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // generated header #include "SchemaDefs.h" #include "Logging.h" using namespace com; using namespace settings; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Defines // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** VirtualBox XML settings namespace */ #define VBOX_XML_NAMESPACE "http://www.innotek.de/VirtualBox-settings" /** VirtualBox XML settings version number substring ("x.y") */ #define VBOX_XML_VERSION "1.11" /** VirtualBox XML settings version platform substring */ #if defined (RT_OS_DARWIN) # define VBOX_XML_PLATFORM "macosx" #elif defined (RT_OS_FREEBSD) # define VBOX_XML_PLATFORM "freebsd" #elif defined (RT_OS_LINUX) # define VBOX_XML_PLATFORM "linux" #elif defined (RT_OS_NETBSD) # define VBOX_XML_PLATFORM "netbsd" #elif defined (RT_OS_OPENBSD) # define VBOX_XML_PLATFORM "openbsd" #elif defined (RT_OS_OS2) # define VBOX_XML_PLATFORM "os2" #elif defined (RT_OS_SOLARIS) # define VBOX_XML_PLATFORM "solaris" #elif defined (RT_OS_WINDOWS) # define VBOX_XML_PLATFORM "windows" #else # error Unsupported platform! #endif /** VirtualBox XML settings full version string ("x.y-platform") */ #define VBOX_XML_VERSION_FULL VBOX_XML_VERSION "-" VBOX_XML_PLATFORM //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Internal data // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Opaque data structore for ConfigFileBase (only declared * in header, defined only here). */ struct ConfigFileBase::Data { Data() : pDoc(NULL), pelmRoot(NULL), sv(SettingsVersion_Null), svRead(SettingsVersion_Null) {} ~Data() { cleanup(); } iprt::MiniString strFilename; bool fFileExists; xml::Document *pDoc; xml::ElementNode *pelmRoot; com::Utf8Str strSettingsVersionFull; // e.g. "1.7-linux" SettingsVersion_T sv; // e.g. SettingsVersion_v1_7 SettingsVersion_T svRead; // settings version that the original file had when it was read, // or SettingsVersion_Null if none void copyFrom(const Data &d) { strFilename = d.strFilename; fFileExists = d.fFileExists; strSettingsVersionFull = d.strSettingsVersionFull; sv = d.sv; svRead = d.svRead; } void cleanup() { if (pDoc) { delete pDoc; pDoc = NULL; pelmRoot = NULL; } } }; /** * Private exception class (not in the header file) that makes * throwing xml::LogicError instances easier. That class is public * and should be caught by client code. */ class settings::ConfigFileError : public xml::LogicError { public: ConfigFileError(const ConfigFileBase *file, const xml::Node *pNode, const char *pcszFormat, ...) : xml::LogicError() { va_list args; va_start(args, pcszFormat); Utf8StrFmtVA strWhat(pcszFormat, args); va_end(args); Utf8Str strLine; if (pNode) strLine = Utf8StrFmt(" (line %RU32)", pNode->getLineNumber()); const char *pcsz = strLine.c_str(); Utf8StrFmt str(N_("Error in %s%s -- %s"), file->m->strFilename.c_str(), (pcsz) ? pcsz : "", strWhat.c_str()); setWhat(str.c_str()); } }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // MediaRegistry // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool Medium::operator==(const Medium &m) const { return (uuid == m.uuid) && (strLocation == m.strLocation) && (strDescription == m.strDescription) && (strFormat == m.strFormat) && (fAutoReset == m.fAutoReset) && (properties == m.properties) && (hdType == m.hdType) && (llChildren== m.llChildren); // this is deep and recurses } bool MediaRegistry::operator==(const MediaRegistry &m) const { return llHardDisks == m.llHardDisks && llDvdImages == m.llDvdImages && llFloppyImages == m.llFloppyImages; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // ConfigFileBase // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Constructor. Allocates the XML internals, parses the XML file if * pstrFilename is != NULL and reads the settings version from it. * @param strFilename */ ConfigFileBase::ConfigFileBase(const com::Utf8Str *pstrFilename) : m(new Data) { Utf8Str strMajor; Utf8Str strMinor; m->fFileExists = false; if (pstrFilename) { // reading existing settings file: m->strFilename = *pstrFilename; xml::XmlFileParser parser; m->pDoc = new xml::Document; parser.read(*pstrFilename, *m->pDoc); m->fFileExists = true; m->pelmRoot = m->pDoc->getRootElement(); if (!m->pelmRoot || !m->pelmRoot->nameEquals("VirtualBox")) throw ConfigFileError(this, NULL, N_("Root element in VirtualBox settings files must be \"VirtualBox\".")); if (!(m->pelmRoot->getAttributeValue("version", m->strSettingsVersionFull))) throw ConfigFileError(this, m->pelmRoot, N_("Required VirtualBox/@version attribute is missing")); LogRel(("Loading settings file \"%s\" with version \"%s\"\n", m->strFilename.c_str(), m->strSettingsVersionFull.c_str())); // parse settings version; allow future versions but fail if file is older than 1.6 m->sv = SettingsVersion_Null; if (m->strSettingsVersionFull.length() > 3) { const char *pcsz = m->strSettingsVersionFull.c_str(); char c; while ( (c = *pcsz) && RT_C_IS_DIGIT(c) ) { strMajor.append(c); ++pcsz; } if (*pcsz++ == '.') { while ( (c = *pcsz) && RT_C_IS_DIGIT(c) ) { strMinor.append(c); ++pcsz; } } uint32_t ulMajor = RTStrToUInt32(strMajor.c_str()); uint32_t ulMinor = RTStrToUInt32(strMinor.c_str()); if (ulMajor == 1) { if (ulMinor == 3) m->sv = SettingsVersion_v1_3; else if (ulMinor == 4) m->sv = SettingsVersion_v1_4; else if (ulMinor == 5) m->sv = SettingsVersion_v1_5; else if (ulMinor == 6) m->sv = SettingsVersion_v1_6; else if (ulMinor == 7) m->sv = SettingsVersion_v1_7; else if (ulMinor == 8) m->sv = SettingsVersion_v1_8; else if (ulMinor == 9) m->sv = SettingsVersion_v1_9; else if (ulMinor == 10) m->sv = SettingsVersion_v1_10; else if (ulMinor == 11) m->sv = SettingsVersion_v1_11; else if (ulMinor > 11) m->sv = SettingsVersion_Future; } else if (ulMajor > 1) m->sv = SettingsVersion_Future; LogRel(("Parsed settings version %d.%d to enum value %d\n", ulMajor, ulMinor, m->sv)); } if (m->sv == SettingsVersion_Null) throw ConfigFileError(this, m->pelmRoot, N_("Cannot handle settings version '%s'"), m->strSettingsVersionFull.c_str()); // remember the settings version we read in case it gets upgraded later, // so we know when to make backups m->svRead = m->sv; } else { // creating new settings file: m->strSettingsVersionFull = VBOX_XML_VERSION_FULL; m->sv = SettingsVersion_v1_11; } } /** * Clean up. */ ConfigFileBase::~ConfigFileBase() { if (m) { delete m; m = NULL; } } /** * Helper function that parses a UUID in string form into * a com::Guid item. Since that uses an IPRT function which * does not accept "{}" characters around the UUID string, * we handle that here. Throws on errors. * @param guid * @param strUUID */ void ConfigFileBase::parseUUID(Guid &guid, const Utf8Str &strUUID) const { // {5f102a55-a51b-48e3-b45a-b28d33469488} // 01234567890123456789012345678901234567 // 1 2 3 if ( (strUUID[0] == '{') && (strUUID[37] == '}') ) guid = strUUID.substr(1, 36).c_str(); else guid = strUUID.c_str(); if (guid.isEmpty()) throw ConfigFileError(this, NULL, N_("UUID \"%s\" has invalid format"), strUUID.c_str()); } /** * Parses the given string in str and attempts to treat it as an ISO * date/time stamp to put into timestamp. Throws on errors. * @param timestamp * @param str */ void ConfigFileBase::parseTimestamp(RTTIMESPEC ×tamp, const com::Utf8Str &str) const { const char *pcsz = str.c_str(); // yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss // "2009-07-10T11:54:03Z" // 01234567890123456789 // 1 if (str.length() > 19) { // timezone must either be unspecified or 'Z' for UTC if ( (pcsz[19]) && (pcsz[19] != 'Z') ) throw ConfigFileError(this, NULL, N_("Cannot handle ISO timestamp '%s': is not UTC date"), str.c_str()); int32_t yyyy; uint32_t mm, dd, hh, min, secs; if ( (pcsz[4] == '-') && (pcsz[7] == '-') && (pcsz[10] == 'T') && (pcsz[13] == ':') && (pcsz[16] == ':') ) { int rc; if ( (RT_SUCCESS(rc = RTStrToInt32Ex(pcsz, NULL, 0, &yyyy))) // could theoretically be negative but let's assume that nobody // created virtual machines before the Christian era && (RT_SUCCESS(rc = RTStrToUInt32Ex(pcsz + 5, NULL, 0, &mm))) && (RT_SUCCESS(rc = RTStrToUInt32Ex(pcsz + 8, NULL, 0, &dd))) && (RT_SUCCESS(rc = RTStrToUInt32Ex(pcsz + 11, NULL, 0, &hh))) && (RT_SUCCESS(rc = RTStrToUInt32Ex(pcsz + 14, NULL, 0, &min))) && (RT_SUCCESS(rc = RTStrToUInt32Ex(pcsz + 17, NULL, 0, &secs))) ) { RTTIME time = { yyyy, (uint8_t)mm, 0, 0, (uint8_t)dd, (uint8_t)hh, (uint8_t)min, (uint8_t)secs, 0, RTTIME_FLAGS_TYPE_UTC, 0 }; if (RTTimeNormalize(&time)) if (RTTimeImplode(×tamp, &time)) return; } throw ConfigFileError(this, NULL, N_("Cannot parse ISO timestamp '%s': runtime error, %Rra"), str.c_str(), rc); } throw ConfigFileError(this, NULL, N_("Cannot parse ISO timestamp '%s': invalid format"), str.c_str()); } } /** * Helper to create a string for a RTTIMESPEC for writing out ISO timestamps. * @param stamp * @return */ com::Utf8Str ConfigFileBase::makeString(const RTTIMESPEC &stamp) { RTTIME time; if (!RTTimeExplode(&time, &stamp)) throw ConfigFileError(this, NULL, N_("Timespec %lld ms is invalid"), RTTimeSpecGetMilli(&stamp)); return Utf8StrFmt("%04ld-%02hd-%02hdT%02hd:%02hd:%02hdZ", time.i32Year, (uint16_t)time.u8Month, (uint16_t)time.u8MonthDay, (uint16_t)time.u8Hour, (uint16_t)time.u8Minute, (uint16_t)time.u8Second); } /** * Helper method to read in an ExtraData subtree and stores its contents * in the given map of extradata items. Used for both main and machine * extradata (MainConfigFile and MachineConfigFile). * @param elmExtraData * @param map */ void ConfigFileBase::readExtraData(const xml::ElementNode &elmExtraData, StringsMap &map) { xml::NodesLoop nlLevel4(elmExtraData); const xml::ElementNode *pelmExtraDataItem; while ((pelmExtraDataItem = nlLevel4.forAllNodes())) { if (pelmExtraDataItem->nameEquals("ExtraDataItem")) { // Utf8Str strName, strValue; if ( ((pelmExtraDataItem->getAttributeValue("name", strName))) && ((pelmExtraDataItem->getAttributeValue("value", strValue))) ) map[strName] = strValue; else throw ConfigFileError(this, pelmExtraDataItem, N_("Required ExtraDataItem/@name or @value attribute is missing")); } } } /** * Reads entries from under the given elmDeviceFilters node and * stores them in the given linklist. This is in ConfigFileBase because it's used * from both MainConfigFile (for host filters) and MachineConfigFile (for machine * filters). * @param elmDeviceFilters * @param ll */ void ConfigFileBase::readUSBDeviceFilters(const xml::ElementNode &elmDeviceFilters, USBDeviceFiltersList &ll) { xml::NodesLoop nl1(elmDeviceFilters, "DeviceFilter"); const xml::ElementNode *pelmLevel4Child; while ((pelmLevel4Child = nl1.forAllNodes())) { USBDeviceFilter flt; flt.action = USBDeviceFilterAction_Ignore; Utf8Str strAction; if ( (pelmLevel4Child->getAttributeValue("name", flt.strName)) && (pelmLevel4Child->getAttributeValue("active", flt.fActive)) ) { if (!pelmLevel4Child->getAttributeValue("vendorId", flt.strVendorId)) pelmLevel4Child->getAttributeValue("vendorid", flt.strVendorId); // used before 1.3 if (!pelmLevel4Child->getAttributeValue("productId", flt.strProductId)) pelmLevel4Child->getAttributeValue("productid", flt.strProductId); // used before 1.3 pelmLevel4Child->getAttributeValue("revision", flt.strRevision); pelmLevel4Child->getAttributeValue("manufacturer", flt.strManufacturer); pelmLevel4Child->getAttributeValue("product", flt.strProduct); if (!pelmLevel4Child->getAttributeValue("serialNumber", flt.strSerialNumber)) pelmLevel4Child->getAttributeValue("serialnumber", flt.strSerialNumber); // used before 1.3 pelmLevel4Child->getAttributeValue("port", flt.strPort); // the next 2 are irrelevant for host USB objects pelmLevel4Child->getAttributeValue("remote", flt.strRemote); pelmLevel4Child->getAttributeValue("maskedInterfaces", flt.ulMaskedInterfaces); // action is only used with host USB objects if (pelmLevel4Child->getAttributeValue("action", strAction)) { if (strAction == "Ignore") flt.action = USBDeviceFilterAction_Ignore; else if (strAction == "Hold") flt.action = USBDeviceFilterAction_Hold; else throw ConfigFileError(this, pelmLevel4Child, N_("Invalid value '%s' in DeviceFilter/@action attribute"), strAction.c_str()); } ll.push_back(flt); } } } /** * Reads a media registry entry from the main VirtualBox.xml file. * * Whereas the current media registry code is fairly straightforward, it was quite a mess * with settings format before 1.4 (VirtualBox 2.0 used settings format 1.3). The elements * in the media registry were much more inconsistent, and different elements were used * depending on the type of device and image. * * @param t * @param elmMedium * @param llMedia */ void ConfigFileBase::readMedium(MediaType t, const xml::ElementNode &elmMedium, // HardDisk node if root; if recursing, // child HardDisk node or DiffHardDisk node for pre-1.4 MediaList &llMedia) // list to append medium to (root disk or child list) { // settings::Medium med; Utf8Str strUUID; if (!(elmMedium.getAttributeValue("uuid", strUUID))) throw ConfigFileError(this, &elmMedium, N_("Required %s/@uuid attribute is missing"), elmMedium.getName()); parseUUID(med.uuid, strUUID); bool fNeedsLocation = true; if (t == HardDisk) { if (m->sv < SettingsVersion_v1_4) { // here the system is: // // // fNeedsLocation = false; bool fNeedsFilePath = true; const xml::ElementNode *pelmImage; if ((pelmImage = elmMedium.findChildElement("VirtualDiskImage"))) med.strFormat = "VDI"; else if ((pelmImage = elmMedium.findChildElement("VMDKImage"))) med.strFormat = "VMDK"; else if ((pelmImage = elmMedium.findChildElement("VHDImage"))) med.strFormat = "VHD"; else if ((pelmImage = elmMedium.findChildElement("ISCSIHardDisk"))) { med.strFormat = "iSCSI"; fNeedsFilePath = false; // location is special here: current settings specify an "iscsi://user@server:port/target/lun" // string for the location and also have several disk properties for these, whereas this used // to be hidden in several sub-elements before 1.4, so compose a location string and set up // the properties: med.strLocation = "iscsi://"; Utf8Str strUser, strServer, strPort, strTarget, strLun; if (pelmImage->getAttributeValue("userName", strUser)) { med.strLocation.append(strUser); med.strLocation.append("@"); } Utf8Str strServerAndPort; if (pelmImage->getAttributeValue("server", strServer)) { strServerAndPort = strServer; } if (pelmImage->getAttributeValue("port", strPort)) { if (strServerAndPort.length()) strServerAndPort.append(":"); strServerAndPort.append(strPort); } med.strLocation.append(strServerAndPort); if (pelmImage->getAttributeValue("target", strTarget)) { med.strLocation.append("/"); med.strLocation.append(strTarget); } if (pelmImage->getAttributeValue("lun", strLun)) { med.strLocation.append("/"); med.strLocation.append(strLun); } if (strServer.length() && strPort.length()) med.properties["TargetAddress"] = strServerAndPort; if (strTarget.length()) med.properties["TargetName"] = strTarget; if (strUser.length()) med.properties["InitiatorUsername"] = strUser; Utf8Str strPassword; if (pelmImage->getAttributeValue("password", strPassword)) med.properties["InitiatorSecret"] = strPassword; if (strLun.length()) med.properties["LUN"] = strLun; } else if ((pelmImage = elmMedium.findChildElement("CustomHardDisk"))) { fNeedsFilePath = false; fNeedsLocation = true; // also requires @format attribute, which will be queried below } else throw ConfigFileError(this, &elmMedium, N_("Required %s/VirtualDiskImage element is missing"), elmMedium.getName()); if (fNeedsFilePath) if (!(pelmImage->getAttributeValue("filePath", med.strLocation))) throw ConfigFileError(this, &elmMedium, N_("Required %s/@filePath attribute is missing"), elmMedium.getName()); } if (med.strFormat.isEmpty()) // not set with 1.4 format above, or 1.4 Custom format? if (!(elmMedium.getAttributeValue("format", med.strFormat))) throw ConfigFileError(this, &elmMedium, N_("Required %s/@format attribute is missing"), elmMedium.getName()); if (!(elmMedium.getAttributeValue("autoReset", med.fAutoReset))) med.fAutoReset = false; Utf8Str strType; if ((elmMedium.getAttributeValue("type", strType))) { // pre-1.4 used lower case, so make this case-insensitive strType.toUpper(); if (strType == "NORMAL") med.hdType = MediumType_Normal; else if (strType == "IMMUTABLE") med.hdType = MediumType_Immutable; else if (strType == "WRITETHROUGH") med.hdType = MediumType_Writethrough; else if (strType == "SHAREABLE") med.hdType = MediumType_Shareable; else throw ConfigFileError(this, &elmMedium, N_("HardDisk/@type attribute must be one of Normal, Immutable or Writethrough")); } } else if (m->sv < SettingsVersion_v1_4) { // DVD and floppy images before 1.4 had "src" attribute instead of "location" if (!(elmMedium.getAttributeValue("src", med.strLocation))) throw ConfigFileError(this, &elmMedium, N_("Required %s/@src attribute is missing"), elmMedium.getName()); fNeedsLocation = false; } if (fNeedsLocation) // current files and 1.4 CustomHardDisk elements must have a location attribute if (!(elmMedium.getAttributeValue("location", med.strLocation))) throw ConfigFileError(this, &elmMedium, N_("Required %s/@location attribute is missing"), elmMedium.getName()); elmMedium.getAttributeValue("Description", med.strDescription); // optional // recurse to handle children xml::NodesLoop nl2(elmMedium); const xml::ElementNode *pelmHDChild; while ((pelmHDChild = nl2.forAllNodes())) { if ( t == HardDisk && ( pelmHDChild->nameEquals("HardDisk") || ( (m->sv < SettingsVersion_v1_4) && (pelmHDChild->nameEquals("DiffHardDisk")) ) ) ) // recurse with this element and push the child onto our current children list readMedium(t, *pelmHDChild, med.llChildren); else if (pelmHDChild->nameEquals("Property")) { Utf8Str strPropName, strPropValue; if ( (pelmHDChild->getAttributeValue("name", strPropName)) && (pelmHDChild->getAttributeValue("value", strPropValue)) ) med.properties[strPropName] = strPropValue; else throw ConfigFileError(this, pelmHDChild, N_("Required HardDisk/Property/@name or @value attribute is missing")); } } llMedia.push_back(med); } /** * Reads in the entire chunk and stores its media in the lists * of the given MediaRegistry structure. * * This is used in both MainConfigFile and MachineConfigFile since starting with * VirtualBox 4.0, we can have media registries in both. * * For pre-1.4 files, this gets called with the chunk instead. * * @param elmMediaRegistry */ void ConfigFileBase::readMediaRegistry(const xml::ElementNode &elmMediaRegistry, MediaRegistry &mr) { xml::NodesLoop nl1(elmMediaRegistry); const xml::ElementNode *pelmChild1; while ((pelmChild1 = nl1.forAllNodes())) { MediaType t = Error; if (pelmChild1->nameEquals("HardDisks")) t = HardDisk; else if (pelmChild1->nameEquals("DVDImages")) t = DVDImage; else if (pelmChild1->nameEquals("FloppyImages")) t = FloppyImage; else continue; xml::NodesLoop nl2(*pelmChild1); const xml::ElementNode *pelmMedium; while ((pelmMedium = nl2.forAllNodes())) { if ( t == HardDisk && (pelmMedium->nameEquals("HardDisk")) ) readMedium(t, *pelmMedium, mr.llHardDisks); // list to append hard disk data to: the root list else if ( t == DVDImage && (pelmMedium->nameEquals("Image")) ) readMedium(t, *pelmMedium, mr.llDvdImages); // list to append dvd images to: the root list else if ( t == FloppyImage && (pelmMedium->nameEquals("Image")) ) readMedium(t, *pelmMedium, mr.llFloppyImages); // list to append floppy images to: the root list } } } /** * Adds a "version" attribute to the given XML element with the * VirtualBox settings version (e.g. "1.10-linux"). Used by * the XML format for the root element and by the OVF export * for the vbox:Machine element. * @param elm */ void ConfigFileBase::setVersionAttribute(xml::ElementNode &elm) { const char *pcszVersion = NULL; switch (m->sv) { case SettingsVersion_v1_8: pcszVersion = "1.8"; break; case SettingsVersion_v1_9: pcszVersion = "1.9"; break; case SettingsVersion_v1_10: pcszVersion = "1.10"; break; case SettingsVersion_v1_11: pcszVersion = "1.11"; break; case SettingsVersion_Future: // can be set if this code runs on XML files that were created by a future version of VBox; // in that case, downgrade to current version when writing since we can't write future versions... pcszVersion = "1.11"; m->sv = SettingsVersion_v1_10; break; default: // silently upgrade if this is less than 1.7 because that's the oldest we can write pcszVersion = "1.7"; m->sv = SettingsVersion_v1_7; break; } elm.setAttribute("version", Utf8StrFmt("%s-%s", pcszVersion, VBOX_XML_PLATFORM)); // e.g. "linux" } /** * Creates a new stub xml::Document in the m->pDoc member with the * root "VirtualBox" element set up. This is used by both * MainConfigFile and MachineConfigFile at the beginning of writing * out their XML. * * Before calling this, it is the responsibility of the caller to * set the "sv" member to the required settings version that is to * be written. For newly created files, the settings version will be * the latest (1.11); for files read in from disk earlier, it will be * the settings version indicated in the file. However, this method * will silently make sure that the settings version is always * at least 1.7 and change it if necessary, since there is no write * support for earlier settings versions. */ void ConfigFileBase::createStubDocument() { Assert(m->pDoc == NULL); m->pDoc = new xml::Document; m->pelmRoot = m->pDoc->createRootElement("VirtualBox"); m->pelmRoot->setAttribute("xmlns", VBOX_XML_NAMESPACE); // add settings version attribute to root element setVersionAttribute(*m->pelmRoot); // since this gets called before the XML document is actually written out, // this is where we must check whether we're upgrading the settings version // and need to make a backup, so the user can go back to an earlier // VirtualBox version and recover his old settings files. if ( (m->svRead != SettingsVersion_Null) // old file exists? && (m->svRead < m->sv) // we're upgrading? ) { // compose new filename: strip off trailing ".xml" Utf8Str strFilenameNew = m->strFilename.substr(0, m->strFilename.length() - 4); // and append something likd "-1.3-linux.xml" strFilenameNew.append("-"); strFilenameNew.append(m->strSettingsVersionFull); // e.g. "1.3-linux" strFilenameNew.append(".xml"); RTFileMove(m->strFilename.c_str(), strFilenameNew.c_str(), 0); // no RTFILEMOVE_FLAGS_REPLACE // do this only once m->svRead = SettingsVersion_Null; } } /** * Creates an node under the given parent element with * childern according to the contents of the given * map. * * This is in ConfigFileBase because it's used in both MainConfigFile * and MachineConfigFile, which both can have extradata. * * @param elmParent * @param me */ void ConfigFileBase::buildExtraData(xml::ElementNode &elmParent, const StringsMap &me) { if (me.size()) { xml::ElementNode *pelmExtraData = elmParent.createChild("ExtraData"); for (StringsMap::const_iterator it = me.begin(); it != me.end(); ++it) { const Utf8Str &strName = it->first; const Utf8Str &strValue = it->second; xml::ElementNode *pelmThis = pelmExtraData->createChild("ExtraDataItem"); pelmThis->setAttribute("name", strName); pelmThis->setAttribute("value", strValue); } } } /** * Creates nodes under the given parent element according to * the contents of the given USBDeviceFiltersList. This is in ConfigFileBase * because it's used in both MainConfigFile (for host filters) and * MachineConfigFile (for machine filters). * * If fHostMode is true, this means that we're supposed to write filters * for the IHost interface (respect "action", omit "strRemote" and * "ulMaskedInterfaces" in struct USBDeviceFilter). * * @param elmParent * @param ll * @param fHostMode */ void ConfigFileBase::buildUSBDeviceFilters(xml::ElementNode &elmParent, const USBDeviceFiltersList &ll, bool fHostMode) { for (USBDeviceFiltersList::const_iterator it = ll.begin(); it != ll.end(); ++it) { const USBDeviceFilter &flt = *it; xml::ElementNode *pelmFilter = elmParent.createChild("DeviceFilter"); pelmFilter->setAttribute("name", flt.strName); pelmFilter->setAttribute("active", flt.fActive); if (flt.strVendorId.length()) pelmFilter->setAttribute("vendorId", flt.strVendorId); if (flt.strProductId.length()) pelmFilter->setAttribute("productId", flt.strProductId); if (flt.strRevision.length()) pelmFilter->setAttribute("revision", flt.strRevision); if (flt.strManufacturer.length()) pelmFilter->setAttribute("manufacturer", flt.strManufacturer); if (flt.strProduct.length()) pelmFilter->setAttribute("product", flt.strProduct); if (flt.strSerialNumber.length()) pelmFilter->setAttribute("serialNumber", flt.strSerialNumber); if (flt.strPort.length()) pelmFilter->setAttribute("port", flt.strPort); if (fHostMode) { const char *pcsz = (flt.action == USBDeviceFilterAction_Ignore) ? "Ignore" : /*(flt.action == USBDeviceFilterAction_Hold) ?*/ "Hold"; pelmFilter->setAttribute("action", pcsz); } else { if (flt.strRemote.length()) pelmFilter->setAttribute("remote", flt.strRemote); if (flt.ulMaskedInterfaces) pelmFilter->setAttribute("maskedInterfaces", flt.ulMaskedInterfaces); } } } /** * Creates a single element for the given Medium structure * and recurses to write the child hard disks underneath. Called from * MainConfigFile::write(). * * @param elmMedium * @param m * @param level */ void ConfigFileBase::buildHardDisk(xml::ElementNode &elmMedium, const Medium &mdm, uint32_t level) // 0 for "root" call, incremented with each recursion { xml::ElementNode *pelmHardDisk = elmMedium.createChild("HardDisk"); pelmHardDisk->setAttribute("uuid", mdm.uuid.toStringCurly()); pelmHardDisk->setAttribute("location", mdm.strLocation); pelmHardDisk->setAttribute("format", mdm.strFormat); if (mdm.fAutoReset) pelmHardDisk->setAttribute("autoReset", mdm.fAutoReset); if (mdm.strDescription.length()) pelmHardDisk->setAttribute("Description", mdm.strDescription); for (StringsMap::const_iterator it = mdm.properties.begin(); it != mdm.properties.end(); ++it) { xml::ElementNode *pelmProp = pelmHardDisk->createChild("Property"); pelmProp->setAttribute("name", it->first); pelmProp->setAttribute("value", it->second); } // only for base hard disks, save the type if (level == 0) { const char *pcszType = mdm.hdType == MediumType_Normal ? "Normal" : mdm.hdType == MediumType_Immutable ? "Immutable" : mdm.hdType == MediumType_Writethrough ? "Writethrough" : mdm.hdType == MediumType_Shareable ? "Shareable" : "INVALID"; pelmHardDisk->setAttribute("type", pcszType); } for (MediaList::const_iterator it = mdm.llChildren.begin(); it != mdm.llChildren.end(); ++it) { // recurse for children buildHardDisk(*pelmHardDisk, // parent *it, // settings::Medium ++level); // recursion level } } /** * Creates a node under the given parent and writes out all * hard disks and DVD and floppy images from the lists in the given MediaRegistry * structure under it. * * This is used in both MainConfigFile and MachineConfigFile since starting with * VirtualBox 4.0, we can have media registries in both. * * @param elmParent * @param mr */ void ConfigFileBase::buildMediaRegistry(xml::ElementNode &elmParent, const MediaRegistry &mr) { xml::ElementNode *pelmMediaRegistry = elmParent.createChild("MediaRegistry"); xml::ElementNode *pelmHardDisks = pelmMediaRegistry->createChild("HardDisks"); for (MediaList::const_iterator it = mr.llHardDisks.begin(); it != mr.llHardDisks.end(); ++it) { buildHardDisk(*pelmHardDisks, *it, 0); } xml::ElementNode *pelmDVDImages = pelmMediaRegistry->createChild("DVDImages"); for (MediaList::const_iterator it = mr.llDvdImages.begin(); it != mr.llDvdImages.end(); ++it) { const Medium &mdm = *it; xml::ElementNode *pelmMedium = pelmDVDImages->createChild("Image"); pelmMedium->setAttribute("uuid", mdm.uuid.toStringCurly()); pelmMedium->setAttribute("location", mdm.strLocation); if (mdm.strDescription.length()) pelmMedium->setAttribute("Description", mdm.strDescription); } xml::ElementNode *pelmFloppyImages = pelmMediaRegistry->createChild("FloppyImages"); for (MediaList::const_iterator it = mr.llFloppyImages.begin(); it != mr.llFloppyImages.end(); ++it) { const Medium &mdm = *it; xml::ElementNode *pelmMedium = pelmFloppyImages->createChild("Image"); pelmMedium->setAttribute("uuid", mdm.uuid.toStringCurly()); pelmMedium->setAttribute("location", mdm.strLocation); if (mdm.strDescription.length()) pelmMedium->setAttribute("Description", mdm.strDescription); } } /** * Cleans up memory allocated by the internal XML parser. To be called by * descendant classes when they're done analyzing the DOM tree to discard it. */ void ConfigFileBase::clearDocument() { m->cleanup(); } /** * Returns true only if the underlying config file exists on disk; * either because the file has been loaded from disk, or it's been written * to disk, or both. * @return */ bool ConfigFileBase::fileExists() { return m->fFileExists; } /** * Copies the base variables from another instance. Used by Machine::saveSettings * so that the settings version does not get lost when a copy of the Machine settings * file is made to see if settings have actually changed. * @param b */ void ConfigFileBase::copyBaseFrom(const ConfigFileBase &b) { m->copyFrom(*b.m); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Structures shared between Machine XML and VirtualBox.xml // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Comparison operator. This gets called from MachineConfigFile::operator==, * which in turn gets called from Machine::saveSettings to figure out whether * machine settings have really changed and thus need to be written out to disk. */ bool USBDeviceFilter::operator==(const USBDeviceFilter &u) const { return ( (this == &u) || ( (strName == u.strName) && (fActive == u.fActive) && (strVendorId == u.strVendorId) && (strProductId == u.strProductId) && (strRevision == u.strRevision) && (strManufacturer == u.strManufacturer) && (strProduct == u.strProduct) && (strSerialNumber == u.strSerialNumber) && (strPort == u.strPort) && (action == u.action) && (strRemote == u.strRemote) && (ulMaskedInterfaces == u.ulMaskedInterfaces) ) ); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // MainConfigFile // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Reads one from the main VirtualBox.xml file. * @param elmMachineRegistry */ void MainConfigFile::readMachineRegistry(const xml::ElementNode &elmMachineRegistry) { // xml::NodesLoop nl1(elmMachineRegistry); const xml::ElementNode *pelmChild1; while ((pelmChild1 = nl1.forAllNodes())) { if (pelmChild1->nameEquals("MachineEntry")) { MachineRegistryEntry mre; Utf8Str strUUID; if ( ((pelmChild1->getAttributeValue("uuid", strUUID))) && ((pelmChild1->getAttributeValue("src", mre.strSettingsFile))) ) { parseUUID(mre.uuid, strUUID); llMachines.push_back(mre); } else throw ConfigFileError(this, pelmChild1, N_("Required MachineEntry/@uuid or @src attribute is missing")); } } } /** * Reads in the chunk. * @param elmDHCPServers */ void MainConfigFile::readDHCPServers(const xml::ElementNode &elmDHCPServers) { xml::NodesLoop nl1(elmDHCPServers); const xml::ElementNode *pelmServer; while ((pelmServer = nl1.forAllNodes())) { if (pelmServer->nameEquals("DHCPServer")) { DHCPServer srv; if ( (pelmServer->getAttributeValue("networkName", srv.strNetworkName)) && (pelmServer->getAttributeValue("IPAddress", srv.strIPAddress)) && (pelmServer->getAttributeValue("networkMask", srv.strIPNetworkMask)) && (pelmServer->getAttributeValue("lowerIP", srv.strIPLower)) && (pelmServer->getAttributeValue("upperIP", srv.strIPUpper)) && (pelmServer->getAttributeValue("enabled", srv.fEnabled)) ) llDhcpServers.push_back(srv); else throw ConfigFileError(this, pelmServer, N_("Required DHCPServer/@networkName, @IPAddress, @networkMask, @lowerIP, @upperIP or @enabled attribute is missing")); } } } /** * Constructor. * * If pstrFilename is != NULL, this reads the given settings file into the member * variables and various substructures and lists. Otherwise, the member variables * are initialized with default values. * * Throws variants of xml::Error for I/O, XML and logical content errors, which * the caller should catch; if this constructor does not throw, then the member * variables contain meaningful values (either from the file or defaults). * * @param strFilename */ MainConfigFile::MainConfigFile(const Utf8Str *pstrFilename) : ConfigFileBase(pstrFilename) { if (pstrFilename) { // the ConfigFileBase constructor has loaded the XML file, so now // we need only analyze what is in there xml::NodesLoop nlRootChildren(*m->pelmRoot); const xml::ElementNode *pelmRootChild; while ((pelmRootChild = nlRootChildren.forAllNodes())) { if (pelmRootChild->nameEquals("Global")) { xml::NodesLoop nlGlobalChildren(*pelmRootChild); const xml::ElementNode *pelmGlobalChild; while ((pelmGlobalChild = nlGlobalChildren.forAllNodes())) { if (pelmGlobalChild->nameEquals("SystemProperties")) { pelmGlobalChild->getAttributeValue("defaultMachineFolder", systemProperties.strDefaultMachineFolder); if (!pelmGlobalChild->getAttributeValue("defaultHardDiskFolder", systemProperties.strDefaultHardDiskFolder)) // pre-1.4 used @defaultVDIFolder instead pelmGlobalChild->getAttributeValue("defaultVDIFolder", systemProperties.strDefaultHardDiskFolder); pelmGlobalChild->getAttributeValue("defaultHardDiskFormat", systemProperties.strDefaultHardDiskFormat); pelmGlobalChild->getAttributeValue("remoteDisplayAuthLibrary", systemProperties.strRemoteDisplayAuthLibrary); pelmGlobalChild->getAttributeValue("webServiceAuthLibrary", systemProperties.strWebServiceAuthLibrary); pelmGlobalChild->getAttributeValue("LogHistoryCount", systemProperties.ulLogHistoryCount); } else if (pelmGlobalChild->nameEquals("ExtraData")) readExtraData(*pelmGlobalChild, mapExtraDataItems); else if (pelmGlobalChild->nameEquals("MachineRegistry")) readMachineRegistry(*pelmGlobalChild); else if ( (pelmGlobalChild->nameEquals("MediaRegistry")) || ( (m->sv < SettingsVersion_v1_4) && (pelmGlobalChild->nameEquals("DiskRegistry")) ) ) readMediaRegistry(*pelmGlobalChild, mediaRegistry); else if (pelmGlobalChild->nameEquals("NetserviceRegistry")) { xml::NodesLoop nlLevel4(*pelmGlobalChild); const xml::ElementNode *pelmLevel4Child; while ((pelmLevel4Child = nlLevel4.forAllNodes())) { if (pelmLevel4Child->nameEquals("DHCPServers")) readDHCPServers(*pelmLevel4Child); } } else if (pelmGlobalChild->nameEquals("USBDeviceFilters")) readUSBDeviceFilters(*pelmGlobalChild, host.llUSBDeviceFilters); } } // end if (pelmRootChild->nameEquals("Global")) } clearDocument(); } // DHCP servers were introduced with settings version 1.7; if we're loading // from an older version OR this is a fresh install, then add one DHCP server // with default settings if ( (!llDhcpServers.size()) && ( (!pstrFilename) // empty VirtualBox.xml file || (m->sv < SettingsVersion_v1_7) // upgrading from before 1.7 ) ) { DHCPServer srv; srv.strNetworkName = #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS "HostInterfaceNetworking-VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter"; #else "HostInterfaceNetworking-vboxnet0"; #endif srv.strIPAddress = ""; srv.strIPNetworkMask = ""; srv.strIPLower = ""; srv.strIPUpper = ""; srv.fEnabled = true; llDhcpServers.push_back(srv); } } /** * Called from the IVirtualBox interface to write out VirtualBox.xml. This * builds an XML DOM tree and writes it out to disk. */ void MainConfigFile::write(const com::Utf8Str strFilename) { m->strFilename = strFilename; createStubDocument(); xml::ElementNode *pelmGlobal = m->pelmRoot->createChild("Global"); buildExtraData(*pelmGlobal, mapExtraDataItems); xml::ElementNode *pelmMachineRegistry = pelmGlobal->createChild("MachineRegistry"); for (MachinesRegistry::const_iterator it = llMachines.begin(); it != llMachines.end(); ++it) { // const MachineRegistryEntry &mre = *it; xml::ElementNode *pelmMachineEntry = pelmMachineRegistry->createChild("MachineEntry"); pelmMachineEntry->setAttribute("uuid", mre.uuid.toStringCurly()); pelmMachineEntry->setAttribute("src", mre.strSettingsFile); } buildMediaRegistry(*pelmGlobal, mediaRegistry); xml::ElementNode *pelmNetserviceRegistry = pelmGlobal->createChild("NetserviceRegistry"); xml::ElementNode *pelmDHCPServers = pelmNetserviceRegistry->createChild("DHCPServers"); for (DHCPServersList::const_iterator it = llDhcpServers.begin(); it != llDhcpServers.end(); ++it) { const DHCPServer &d = *it; xml::ElementNode *pelmThis = pelmDHCPServers->createChild("DHCPServer"); pelmThis->setAttribute("networkName", d.strNetworkName); pelmThis->setAttribute("IPAddress", d.strIPAddress); pelmThis->setAttribute("networkMask", d.strIPNetworkMask); pelmThis->setAttribute("lowerIP", d.strIPLower); pelmThis->setAttribute("upperIP", d.strIPUpper); pelmThis->setAttribute("enabled", (d.fEnabled) ? 1 : 0); // too bad we chose 1 vs. 0 here } xml::ElementNode *pelmSysProps = pelmGlobal->createChild("SystemProperties"); if (systemProperties.strDefaultMachineFolder.length()) pelmSysProps->setAttribute("defaultMachineFolder", systemProperties.strDefaultMachineFolder); if (systemProperties.strDefaultHardDiskFolder.length()) pelmSysProps->setAttribute("defaultHardDiskFolder", systemProperties.strDefaultHardDiskFolder); if (systemProperties.strDefaultHardDiskFormat.length()) pelmSysProps->setAttribute("defaultHardDiskFormat", systemProperties.strDefaultHardDiskFormat); if (systemProperties.strRemoteDisplayAuthLibrary.length()) pelmSysProps->setAttribute("remoteDisplayAuthLibrary", systemProperties.strRemoteDisplayAuthLibrary); if (systemProperties.strWebServiceAuthLibrary.length()) pelmSysProps->setAttribute("webServiceAuthLibrary", systemProperties.strWebServiceAuthLibrary); pelmSysProps->setAttribute("LogHistoryCount", systemProperties.ulLogHistoryCount); buildUSBDeviceFilters(*pelmGlobal->createChild("USBDeviceFilters"), host.llUSBDeviceFilters, true); // fHostMode // now go write the XML xml::XmlFileWriter writer(*m->pDoc); writer.write(m->strFilename.c_str(), true /*fSafe*/); m->fFileExists = true; clearDocument(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Machine XML structures // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Comparison operator. This gets called from MachineConfigFile::operator==, * which in turn gets called from Machine::saveSettings to figure out whether * machine settings have really changed and thus need to be written out to disk. */ bool VRDPSettings::operator==(const VRDPSettings& v) const { return ( (this == &v) || ( (fEnabled == v.fEnabled) && (strPort == v.strPort) && (strNetAddress == v.strNetAddress) && (authType == v.authType) && (ulAuthTimeout == v.ulAuthTimeout) && (fAllowMultiConnection == v.fAllowMultiConnection) && (fReuseSingleConnection == v.fReuseSingleConnection) && (fVideoChannel == v.fVideoChannel) && (ulVideoChannelQuality == v.ulVideoChannelQuality) ) ); } /** * Comparison operator. This gets called from MachineConfigFile::operator==, * which in turn gets called from Machine::saveSettings to figure out whether * machine settings have really changed and thus need to be written out to disk. */ bool BIOSSettings::operator==(const BIOSSettings &d) const { return ( (this == &d) || ( fACPIEnabled == d.fACPIEnabled && fIOAPICEnabled == d.fIOAPICEnabled && fLogoFadeIn == d.fLogoFadeIn && fLogoFadeOut == d.fLogoFadeOut && ulLogoDisplayTime == d.ulLogoDisplayTime && strLogoImagePath == d.strLogoImagePath && biosBootMenuMode == d.biosBootMenuMode && fPXEDebugEnabled == d.fPXEDebugEnabled && llTimeOffset == d.llTimeOffset) ); } /** * Comparison operator. This gets called from MachineConfigFile::operator==, * which in turn gets called from Machine::saveSettings to figure out whether * machine settings have really changed and thus need to be written out to disk. */ bool USBController::operator==(const USBController &u) const { return ( (this == &u) || ( (fEnabled == u.fEnabled) && (fEnabledEHCI == u.fEnabledEHCI) && (llDeviceFilters == u.llDeviceFilters) ) ); } /** * Comparison operator. This gets called from MachineConfigFile::operator==, * which in turn gets called from Machine::saveSettings to figure out whether * machine settings have really changed and thus need to be written out to disk. */ bool NetworkAdapter::operator==(const NetworkAdapter &n) const { return ( (this == &n) || ( (ulSlot == n.ulSlot) && (type == n.type) && (fEnabled == n.fEnabled) && (strMACAddress == n.strMACAddress) && (fCableConnected == n.fCableConnected) && (ulLineSpeed == n.ulLineSpeed) && (fTraceEnabled == n.fTraceEnabled) && (strTraceFile == n.strTraceFile) && (mode == n.mode) && (nat == n.nat) && (strName == n.strName) && (ulBootPriority == n.ulBootPriority) && (fHasDisabledNAT == n.fHasDisabledNAT) ) ); } /** * Comparison operator. This gets called from MachineConfigFile::operator==, * which in turn gets called from Machine::saveSettings to figure out whether * machine settings have really changed and thus need to be written out to disk. */ bool SerialPort::operator==(const SerialPort &s) const { return ( (this == &s) || ( (ulSlot == s.ulSlot) && (fEnabled == s.fEnabled) && (ulIOBase == s.ulIOBase) && (ulIRQ == s.ulIRQ) && (portMode == s.portMode) && (strPath == s.strPath) && (fServer == s.fServer) ) ); } /** * Comparison operator. This gets called from MachineConfigFile::operator==, * which in turn gets called from Machine::saveSettings to figure out whether * machine settings have really changed and thus need to be written out to disk. */ bool ParallelPort::operator==(const ParallelPort &s) const { return ( (this == &s) || ( (ulSlot == s.ulSlot) && (fEnabled == s.fEnabled) && (ulIOBase == s.ulIOBase) && (ulIRQ == s.ulIRQ) && (strPath == s.strPath) ) ); } /** * Comparison operator. This gets called from MachineConfigFile::operator==, * which in turn gets called from Machine::saveSettings to figure out whether * machine settings have really changed and thus need to be written out to disk. */ bool SharedFolder::operator==(const SharedFolder &g) const { return ( (this == &g) || ( (strName == g.strName) && (strHostPath == g.strHostPath) && (fWritable == g.fWritable) && (fAutoMount == g.fAutoMount) ) ); } /** * Comparison operator. This gets called from MachineConfigFile::operator==, * which in turn gets called from Machine::saveSettings to figure out whether * machine settings have really changed and thus need to be written out to disk. */ bool GuestProperty::operator==(const GuestProperty &g) const { return ( (this == &g) || ( (strName == g.strName) && (strValue == g.strValue) && (timestamp == g.timestamp) && (strFlags == g.strFlags) ) ); } // use a define for the platform-dependent default value of // hwvirt exclusivity, since we'll need to check that value // in bumpSettingsVersionIfNeeded() #if defined(RT_OS_DARWIN) || defined(RT_OS_WINDOWS) #define HWVIRTEXCLUSIVEDEFAULT false #else #define HWVIRTEXCLUSIVEDEFAULT true #endif /** * Hardware struct constructor. */ Hardware::Hardware() : strVersion("1"), fHardwareVirt(true), fHardwareVirtExclusive(HWVIRTEXCLUSIVEDEFAULT), fNestedPaging(true), fLargePages(false), fVPID(true), fHardwareVirtForce(false), fSyntheticCpu(false), fPAE(false), cCPUs(1), fCpuHotPlug(false), fHpetEnabled(false), ulCpuPriority(100), ulMemorySizeMB((uint32_t)-1), ulVRAMSizeMB(8), cMonitors(1), fAccelerate3D(false), fAccelerate2DVideo(false), firmwareType(FirmwareType_BIOS), pointingHidType(PointingHidType_PS2Mouse), keyboardHidType(KeyboardHidType_PS2Keyboard), chipsetType(ChipsetType_PIIX3), clipboardMode(ClipboardMode_Bidirectional), ulMemoryBalloonSize(0), fPageFusionEnabled(false) { mapBootOrder[0] = DeviceType_Floppy; mapBootOrder[1] = DeviceType_DVD; mapBootOrder[2] = DeviceType_HardDisk; /* The default value for PAE depends on the host: * - 64 bits host -> always true * - 32 bits host -> true for Windows & Darwin (masked off if the host cpu doesn't support it anyway) */ #if HC_ARCH_BITS == 64 || defined(RT_OS_WINDOWS) || defined(RT_OS_DARWIN) fPAE = true; #endif } /** * Comparison operator. This gets called from MachineConfigFile::operator==, * which in turn gets called from Machine::saveSettings to figure out whether * machine settings have really changed and thus need to be written out to disk. */ bool Hardware::operator==(const Hardware& h) const { return ( (this == &h) || ( (strVersion == h.strVersion) && (uuid == h.uuid) && (fHardwareVirt == h.fHardwareVirt) && (fHardwareVirtExclusive == h.fHardwareVirtExclusive) && (fNestedPaging == h.fNestedPaging) && (fLargePages == h.fLargePages) && (fVPID == h.fVPID) && (fHardwareVirtForce == h.fHardwareVirtForce) && (fSyntheticCpu == h.fSyntheticCpu) && (fPAE == h.fPAE) && (cCPUs == h.cCPUs) && (fCpuHotPlug == h.fCpuHotPlug) && (ulCpuPriority == h.ulCpuPriority) && (fHpetEnabled == h.fHpetEnabled) && (llCpus == h.llCpus) && (llCpuIdLeafs == h.llCpuIdLeafs) && (ulMemorySizeMB == h.ulMemorySizeMB) && (mapBootOrder == h.mapBootOrder) && (ulVRAMSizeMB == h.ulVRAMSizeMB) && (cMonitors == h.cMonitors) && (fAccelerate3D == h.fAccelerate3D) && (fAccelerate2DVideo == h.fAccelerate2DVideo) && (firmwareType == h.firmwareType) && (pointingHidType == h.pointingHidType) && (keyboardHidType == h.keyboardHidType) && (chipsetType == h.chipsetType) && (vrdpSettings == h.vrdpSettings) && (biosSettings == h.biosSettings) && (usbController == h.usbController) && (llNetworkAdapters == h.llNetworkAdapters) && (llSerialPorts == h.llSerialPorts) && (llParallelPorts == h.llParallelPorts) && (audioAdapter == h.audioAdapter) && (llSharedFolders == h.llSharedFolders) && (clipboardMode == h.clipboardMode) && (ulMemoryBalloonSize == h.ulMemoryBalloonSize) && (fPageFusionEnabled == h.fPageFusionEnabled) && (llGuestProperties == h.llGuestProperties) && (strNotificationPatterns == h.strNotificationPatterns) ) ); } /** * Comparison operator. This gets called from MachineConfigFile::operator==, * which in turn gets called from Machine::saveSettings to figure out whether * machine settings have really changed and thus need to be written out to disk. */ bool AttachedDevice::operator==(const AttachedDevice &a) const { return ( (this == &a) || ( (deviceType == a.deviceType) && (fPassThrough == a.fPassThrough) && (lPort == a.lPort) && (lDevice == a.lDevice) && (uuid == a.uuid) && (strHostDriveSrc == a.strHostDriveSrc) && (ulBandwidthLimit == a.ulBandwidthLimit) ) ); } /** * Comparison operator. This gets called from MachineConfigFile::operator==, * which in turn gets called from Machine::saveSettings to figure out whether * machine settings have really changed and thus need to be written out to disk. */ bool StorageController::operator==(const StorageController &s) const { return ( (this == &s) || ( (strName == s.strName) && (storageBus == s.storageBus) && (controllerType == s.controllerType) && (ulPortCount == s.ulPortCount) && (ulInstance == s.ulInstance) && (fUseHostIOCache == s.fUseHostIOCache) && (lIDE0MasterEmulationPort == s.lIDE0MasterEmulationPort) && (lIDE0SlaveEmulationPort == s.lIDE0SlaveEmulationPort) && (lIDE1MasterEmulationPort == s.lIDE1MasterEmulationPort) && (lIDE1SlaveEmulationPort == s.lIDE1SlaveEmulationPort) && (llAttachedDevices == s.llAttachedDevices) ) ); } /** * Comparison operator. This gets called from MachineConfigFile::operator==, * which in turn gets called from Machine::saveSettings to figure out whether * machine settings have really changed and thus need to be written out to disk. */ bool Storage::operator==(const Storage &s) const { return ( (this == &s) || (llStorageControllers == s.llStorageControllers) // deep compare ); } /** * Comparison operator. This gets called from MachineConfigFile::operator==, * which in turn gets called from Machine::saveSettings to figure out whether * machine settings have really changed and thus need to be written out to disk. */ bool Snapshot::operator==(const Snapshot &s) const { return ( (this == &s) || ( (uuid == s.uuid) && (strName == s.strName) && (strDescription == s.strDescription) && (RTTimeSpecIsEqual(×tamp, &s.timestamp)) && (strStateFile == s.strStateFile) && (hardware == s.hardware) // deep compare && (storage == s.storage) // deep compare && (llChildSnapshots == s.llChildSnapshots) // deep compare ) ); } /** * IoSettings constructor. */ IoSettings::IoSettings() { fIoCacheEnabled = true; ulIoCacheSize = 5; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // MachineConfigFile // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Constructor. * * If pstrFilename is != NULL, this reads the given settings file into the member * variables and various substructures and lists. Otherwise, the member variables * are initialized with default values. * * Throws variants of xml::Error for I/O, XML and logical content errors, which * the caller should catch; if this constructor does not throw, then the member * variables contain meaningful values (either from the file or defaults). * * @param strFilename */ MachineConfigFile::MachineConfigFile(const Utf8Str *pstrFilename) : ConfigFileBase(pstrFilename), fCurrentStateModified(true), fAborted(false) { RTTimeNow(&timeLastStateChange); if (pstrFilename) { // the ConfigFileBase constructor has loaded the XML file, so now // we need only analyze what is in there xml::NodesLoop nlRootChildren(*m->pelmRoot); const xml::ElementNode *pelmRootChild; while ((pelmRootChild = nlRootChildren.forAllNodes())) { if (pelmRootChild->nameEquals("Machine")) readMachine(*pelmRootChild); } // clean up memory allocated by XML engine clearDocument(); } } /** * Public routine which returns true if this machine config file can have its * own media registry (which is true for settings version v1.11 and higher, * i.e. files created by VirtualBox 4.0 and higher). * @return */ bool MachineConfigFile::canHaveOwnMediaRegistry() const { return (m->sv >= SettingsVersion_v1_11); } /** * Public routine which allows for importing machine XML from an external DOM tree. * Use this after having called the constructor with a NULL argument. * * This is used by the OVF code if a element has been encountered * in an OVF VirtualSystem element. * * @param elmMachine */ void MachineConfigFile::importMachineXML(const xml::ElementNode &elmMachine) { readMachine(elmMachine); } /** * Comparison operator. This gets called from Machine::saveSettings to figure out * whether machine settings have really changed and thus need to be written out to disk. * * Even though this is called operator==, this does NOT compare all fields; the "equals" * should be understood as "has the same machine config as". The following fields are * NOT compared: * -- settings versions and file names inherited from ConfigFileBase; * -- fCurrentStateModified because that is considered separately in Machine::saveSettings!! * * The "deep" comparisons marked below will invoke the operator== functions of the * structs defined in this file, which may in turn go into comparing lists of * other structures. As a result, invoking this can be expensive, but it's * less expensive than writing out XML to disk. */ bool MachineConfigFile::operator==(const MachineConfigFile &c) const { return ( (this == &c) || ( (uuid == c.uuid) && (machineUserData == c.machineUserData) && (strStateFile == c.strStateFile) && (uuidCurrentSnapshot == c.uuidCurrentSnapshot) // skip fCurrentStateModified! && (RTTimeSpecIsEqual(&timeLastStateChange, &c.timeLastStateChange)) && (fAborted == c.fAborted) && (hardwareMachine == c.hardwareMachine) // this one's deep && (storageMachine == c.storageMachine) // this one's deep && (mediaRegistry == c.mediaRegistry) // this one's deep && (mapExtraDataItems == c.mapExtraDataItems) // this one's deep && (llFirstSnapshot == c.llFirstSnapshot) // this one's deep ) ); } /** * Called from MachineConfigFile::readHardware() to read cpu information. * @param elmCpuid * @param ll */ void MachineConfigFile::readCpuTree(const xml::ElementNode &elmCpu, CpuList &ll) { xml::NodesLoop nl1(elmCpu, "Cpu"); const xml::ElementNode *pelmCpu; while ((pelmCpu = nl1.forAllNodes())) { Cpu cpu; if (!pelmCpu->getAttributeValue("id", cpu.ulId)) throw ConfigFileError(this, pelmCpu, N_("Required Cpu/@id attribute is missing")); ll.push_back(cpu); } } /** * Called from MachineConfigFile::readHardware() to cpuid information. * @param elmCpuid * @param ll */ void MachineConfigFile::readCpuIdTree(const xml::ElementNode &elmCpuid, CpuIdLeafsList &ll) { xml::NodesLoop nl1(elmCpuid, "CpuIdLeaf"); const xml::ElementNode *pelmCpuIdLeaf; while ((pelmCpuIdLeaf = nl1.forAllNodes())) { CpuIdLeaf leaf; if (!pelmCpuIdLeaf->getAttributeValue("id", leaf.ulId)) throw ConfigFileError(this, pelmCpuIdLeaf, N_("Required CpuId/@id attribute is missing")); pelmCpuIdLeaf->getAttributeValue("eax", leaf.ulEax); pelmCpuIdLeaf->getAttributeValue("ebx", leaf.ulEbx); pelmCpuIdLeaf->getAttributeValue("ecx", leaf.ulEcx); pelmCpuIdLeaf->getAttributeValue("edx", leaf.ulEdx); ll.push_back(leaf); } } /** * Called from MachineConfigFile::readHardware() to network information. * @param elmNetwork * @param ll */ void MachineConfigFile::readNetworkAdapters(const xml::ElementNode &elmNetwork, NetworkAdaptersList &ll) { xml::NodesLoop nl1(elmNetwork, "Adapter"); const xml::ElementNode *pelmAdapter; while ((pelmAdapter = nl1.forAllNodes())) { NetworkAdapter nic; if (!pelmAdapter->getAttributeValue("slot", nic.ulSlot)) throw ConfigFileError(this, pelmAdapter, N_("Required Adapter/@slot attribute is missing")); Utf8Str strTemp; if (pelmAdapter->getAttributeValue("type", strTemp)) { if (strTemp == "Am79C970A") nic.type = NetworkAdapterType_Am79C970A; else if (strTemp == "Am79C973") nic.type = NetworkAdapterType_Am79C973; else if (strTemp == "82540EM") nic.type = NetworkAdapterType_I82540EM; else if (strTemp == "82543GC") nic.type = NetworkAdapterType_I82543GC; else if (strTemp == "82545EM") nic.type = NetworkAdapterType_I82545EM; else if (strTemp == "virtio") nic.type = NetworkAdapterType_Virtio; else throw ConfigFileError(this, pelmAdapter, N_("Invalid value '%s' in Adapter/@type attribute"), strTemp.c_str()); } pelmAdapter->getAttributeValue("enabled", nic.fEnabled); pelmAdapter->getAttributeValue("MACAddress", nic.strMACAddress); pelmAdapter->getAttributeValue("cable", nic.fCableConnected); pelmAdapter->getAttributeValue("speed", nic.ulLineSpeed); pelmAdapter->getAttributeValue("trace", nic.fTraceEnabled); pelmAdapter->getAttributeValue("tracefile", nic.strTraceFile); pelmAdapter->getAttributeValue("bootPriority", nic.ulBootPriority); pelmAdapter->getAttributeValue("bandwidthLimit", nic.ulBandwidthLimit); xml::ElementNodesList llNetworkModes; pelmAdapter->getChildElements(llNetworkModes); xml::ElementNodesList::iterator it; /* We should have only active mode descriptor and disabled modes set */ if (llNetworkModes.size() > 2) { throw ConfigFileError(this, pelmAdapter, N_("Invalid number of modes ('%d') attached to Adapter attribute"), llNetworkModes.size()); } for (it = llNetworkModes.begin(); it != llNetworkModes.end(); ++it) { const xml::ElementNode *pelmNode = *it; if (pelmNode->nameEquals("DisabledModes")) { xml::ElementNodesList llDisabledNetworkModes; xml::ElementNodesList::iterator itDisabled; pelmNode->getChildElements(llDisabledNetworkModes); /* run over disabled list and load settings */ for (itDisabled = llDisabledNetworkModes.begin(); itDisabled != llDisabledNetworkModes.end(); ++itDisabled) { const xml::ElementNode *pelmDisabledNode = *itDisabled; readAttachedNetworkMode(*pelmDisabledNode, false, nic); } } else readAttachedNetworkMode(*pelmNode, true, nic); } // else: default is NetworkAttachmentType_Null ll.push_back(nic); } } void MachineConfigFile::readAttachedNetworkMode(const xml::ElementNode &elmMode, bool fEnabled, NetworkAdapter &nic) { if (elmMode.nameEquals("NAT")) { if (fEnabled) nic.mode = NetworkAttachmentType_NAT; nic.fHasDisabledNAT = (nic.mode != NetworkAttachmentType_NAT && !fEnabled); elmMode.getAttributeValue("network", nic.nat.strNetwork); // optional network name elmMode.getAttributeValue("hostip", nic.nat.strBindIP); elmMode.getAttributeValue("mtu", nic.nat.u32Mtu); elmMode.getAttributeValue("sockrcv", nic.nat.u32SockRcv); elmMode.getAttributeValue("socksnd", nic.nat.u32SockSnd); elmMode.getAttributeValue("tcprcv", nic.nat.u32TcpRcv); elmMode.getAttributeValue("tcpsnd", nic.nat.u32TcpSnd); const xml::ElementNode *pelmDNS; if ((pelmDNS = elmMode.findChildElement("DNS"))) { pelmDNS->getAttributeValue("pass-domain", nic.nat.fDnsPassDomain); pelmDNS->getAttributeValue("use-proxy", nic.nat.fDnsProxy); pelmDNS->getAttributeValue("use-host-resolver", nic.nat.fDnsUseHostResolver); } const xml::ElementNode *pelmAlias; if ((pelmAlias = elmMode.findChildElement("Alias"))) { pelmAlias->getAttributeValue("logging", nic.nat.fAliasLog); pelmAlias->getAttributeValue("proxy-only", nic.nat.fAliasProxyOnly); pelmAlias->getAttributeValue("use-same-ports", nic.nat.fAliasUseSamePorts); } const xml::ElementNode *pelmTFTP; if ((pelmTFTP = elmMode.findChildElement("TFTP"))) { pelmTFTP->getAttributeValue("prefix", nic.nat.strTftpPrefix); pelmTFTP->getAttributeValue("boot-file", nic.nat.strTftpBootFile); pelmTFTP->getAttributeValue("next-server", nic.nat.strTftpNextServer); } xml::ElementNodesList plstNatPF; elmMode.getChildElements(plstNatPF, "Forwarding"); for (xml::ElementNodesList::iterator pf = plstNatPF.begin(); pf != plstNatPF.end(); ++pf) { NATRule rule; uint32_t port = 0; (*pf)->getAttributeValue("name", rule.strName); (*pf)->getAttributeValue("proto", rule.u32Proto); (*pf)->getAttributeValue("hostip", rule.strHostIP); (*pf)->getAttributeValue("hostport", port); rule.u16HostPort = port; (*pf)->getAttributeValue("guestip", rule.strGuestIP); (*pf)->getAttributeValue("guestport", port); rule.u16GuestPort = port; nic.nat.llRules.push_back(rule); } } else if ( fEnabled && ( (elmMode.nameEquals("HostInterface")) || (elmMode.nameEquals("BridgedInterface"))) ) { nic.mode = NetworkAttachmentType_Bridged; elmMode.getAttributeValue("name", nic.strName); // optional host interface name } else if ( fEnabled && elmMode.nameEquals("InternalNetwork")) { nic.mode = NetworkAttachmentType_Internal; if (!elmMode.getAttributeValue("name", nic.strName)) // required network name throw ConfigFileError(this, &elmMode, N_("Required InternalNetwork/@name element is missing")); } else if ( fEnabled && elmMode.nameEquals("HostOnlyInterface")) { nic.mode = NetworkAttachmentType_HostOnly; if (!elmMode.getAttributeValue("name", nic.strName)) // required network name throw ConfigFileError(this, &elmMode, N_("Required HostOnlyInterface/@name element is missing")); } #if defined(VBOX_WITH_VDE) else if ( fEnabled && elmMode.nameEquals("VDE")) { nic.mode = NetworkAttachmentType_VDE; elmMode.getAttributeValue("network", nic.strName); // optional network name } #endif } /** * Called from MachineConfigFile::readHardware() to read serial port information. * @param elmUART * @param ll */ void MachineConfigFile::readSerialPorts(const xml::ElementNode &elmUART, SerialPortsList &ll) { xml::NodesLoop nl1(elmUART, "Port"); const xml::ElementNode *pelmPort; while ((pelmPort = nl1.forAllNodes())) { SerialPort port; if (!pelmPort->getAttributeValue("slot", port.ulSlot)) throw ConfigFileError(this, pelmPort, N_("Required UART/Port/@slot attribute is missing")); // slot must be unique for (SerialPortsList::const_iterator it = ll.begin(); it != ll.end(); ++it) if ((*it).ulSlot == port.ulSlot) throw ConfigFileError(this, pelmPort, N_("Invalid value %RU32 in UART/Port/@slot attribute: value is not unique"), port.ulSlot); if (!pelmPort->getAttributeValue("enabled", port.fEnabled)) throw ConfigFileError(this, pelmPort, N_("Required UART/Port/@enabled attribute is missing")); if (!pelmPort->getAttributeValue("IOBase", port.ulIOBase)) throw ConfigFileError(this, pelmPort, N_("Required UART/Port/@IOBase attribute is missing")); if (!pelmPort->getAttributeValue("IRQ", port.ulIRQ)) throw ConfigFileError(this, pelmPort, N_("Required UART/Port/@IRQ attribute is missing")); Utf8Str strPortMode; if (!pelmPort->getAttributeValue("hostMode", strPortMode)) throw ConfigFileError(this, pelmPort, N_("Required UART/Port/@hostMode attribute is missing")); if (strPortMode == "RawFile") port.portMode = PortMode_RawFile; else if (strPortMode == "HostPipe") port.portMode = PortMode_HostPipe; else if (strPortMode == "HostDevice") port.portMode = PortMode_HostDevice; else if (strPortMode == "Disconnected") port.portMode = PortMode_Disconnected; else throw ConfigFileError(this, pelmPort, N_("Invalid value '%s' in UART/Port/@hostMode attribute"), strPortMode.c_str()); pelmPort->getAttributeValue("path", port.strPath); pelmPort->getAttributeValue("server", port.fServer); ll.push_back(port); } } /** * Called from MachineConfigFile::readHardware() to read parallel port information. * @param elmLPT * @param ll */ void MachineConfigFile::readParallelPorts(const xml::ElementNode &elmLPT, ParallelPortsList &ll) { xml::NodesLoop nl1(elmLPT, "Port"); const xml::ElementNode *pelmPort; while ((pelmPort = nl1.forAllNodes())) { ParallelPort port; if (!pelmPort->getAttributeValue("slot", port.ulSlot)) throw ConfigFileError(this, pelmPort, N_("Required LPT/Port/@slot attribute is missing")); // slot must be unique for (ParallelPortsList::const_iterator it = ll.begin(); it != ll.end(); ++it) if ((*it).ulSlot == port.ulSlot) throw ConfigFileError(this, pelmPort, N_("Invalid value %RU32 in LPT/Port/@slot attribute: value is not unique"), port.ulSlot); if (!pelmPort->getAttributeValue("enabled", port.fEnabled)) throw ConfigFileError(this, pelmPort, N_("Required LPT/Port/@enabled attribute is missing")); if (!pelmPort->getAttributeValue("IOBase", port.ulIOBase)) throw ConfigFileError(this, pelmPort, N_("Required LPT/Port/@IOBase attribute is missing")); if (!pelmPort->getAttributeValue("IRQ", port.ulIRQ)) throw ConfigFileError(this, pelmPort, N_("Required LPT/Port/@IRQ attribute is missing")); pelmPort->getAttributeValue("path", port.strPath); ll.push_back(port); } } /** * Called from MachineConfigFile::readHardware() to read audio adapter information * and maybe fix driver information depending on the current host hardware. * * @param elmAudioAdapter "AudioAdapter" XML element. * @param hw */ void MachineConfigFile::readAudioAdapter(const xml::ElementNode &elmAudioAdapter, AudioAdapter &aa) { elmAudioAdapter.getAttributeValue("enabled", aa.fEnabled); Utf8Str strTemp; if (elmAudioAdapter.getAttributeValue("controller", strTemp)) { if (strTemp == "SB16") aa.controllerType = AudioControllerType_SB16; else if (strTemp == "AC97") aa.controllerType = AudioControllerType_AC97; else if (strTemp == "HDA") aa.controllerType = AudioControllerType_HDA; else throw ConfigFileError(this, &elmAudioAdapter, N_("Invalid value '%s' in AudioAdapter/@controller attribute"), strTemp.c_str()); } if (elmAudioAdapter.getAttributeValue("driver", strTemp)) { // settings before 1.3 used lower case so make sure this is case-insensitive strTemp.toUpper(); if (strTemp == "NULL") aa.driverType = AudioDriverType_Null; else if (strTemp == "WINMM") aa.driverType = AudioDriverType_WinMM; else if ( (strTemp == "DIRECTSOUND") || (strTemp == "DSOUND") ) aa.driverType = AudioDriverType_DirectSound; else if (strTemp == "SOLAUDIO") aa.driverType = AudioDriverType_SolAudio; else if (strTemp == "ALSA") aa.driverType = AudioDriverType_ALSA; else if (strTemp == "PULSE") aa.driverType = AudioDriverType_Pulse; else if (strTemp == "OSS") aa.driverType = AudioDriverType_OSS; else if (strTemp == "COREAUDIO") aa.driverType = AudioDriverType_CoreAudio; else if (strTemp == "MMPM") aa.driverType = AudioDriverType_MMPM; else throw ConfigFileError(this, &elmAudioAdapter, N_("Invalid value '%s' in AudioAdapter/@driver attribute"), strTemp.c_str()); // now check if this is actually supported on the current host platform; // people might be opening a file created on a Windows host, and that // VM should still start on a Linux host if (!isAudioDriverAllowedOnThisHost(aa.driverType)) aa.driverType = getHostDefaultAudioDriver(); } } /** * Called from MachineConfigFile::readHardware() to read guest property information. * @param elmGuestProperties * @param hw */ void MachineConfigFile::readGuestProperties(const xml::ElementNode &elmGuestProperties, Hardware &hw) { xml::NodesLoop nl1(elmGuestProperties, "GuestProperty"); const xml::ElementNode *pelmProp; while ((pelmProp = nl1.forAllNodes())) { GuestProperty prop; pelmProp->getAttributeValue("name", prop.strName); pelmProp->getAttributeValue("value", prop.strValue); pelmProp->getAttributeValue("timestamp", prop.timestamp); pelmProp->getAttributeValue("flags", prop.strFlags); hw.llGuestProperties.push_back(prop); } elmGuestProperties.getAttributeValue("notificationPatterns", hw.strNotificationPatterns); } /** * Helper function to read attributes that are common to (pre-1.7) * and . * @param elmStorageController * @param strg */ void MachineConfigFile::readStorageControllerAttributes(const xml::ElementNode &elmStorageController, StorageController &sctl) { elmStorageController.getAttributeValue("PortCount", sctl.ulPortCount); elmStorageController.getAttributeValue("IDE0MasterEmulationPort", sctl.lIDE0MasterEmulationPort); elmStorageController.getAttributeValue("IDE0SlaveEmulationPort", sctl.lIDE0SlaveEmulationPort); elmStorageController.getAttributeValue("IDE1MasterEmulationPort", sctl.lIDE1MasterEmulationPort); elmStorageController.getAttributeValue("IDE1SlaveEmulationPort", sctl.lIDE1SlaveEmulationPort); elmStorageController.getAttributeValue("useHostIOCache", sctl.fUseHostIOCache); } /** * Reads in a block and stores it in the given structure. Used * both directly from readMachine and from readSnapshot, since snapshots * have their own hardware sections. * * For legacy pre-1.7 settings we also need a storage structure because * the IDE and SATA controllers used to be defined under . * * @param elmHardware * @param hw */ void MachineConfigFile::readHardware(const xml::ElementNode &elmHardware, Hardware &hw, Storage &strg) { if (!elmHardware.getAttributeValue("version", hw.strVersion)) { /* KLUDGE ALERT! For a while during the 3.1 development this was not written because it was thought to have a default value of "2". For sv <= 1.3 it defaults to "1" because the attribute didn't exist, while for 1.4+ it is sort of mandatory. Now, the buggy XML writer code only wrote 1.7 and later. So, if it's a 1.7+ XML file and it's missing the hardware version, then it probably should be "2" instead of "1". */ if (m->sv < SettingsVersion_v1_7) hw.strVersion = "1"; else hw.strVersion = "2"; } Utf8Str strUUID; if (elmHardware.getAttributeValue("uuid", strUUID)) parseUUID(hw.uuid, strUUID); xml::NodesLoop nl1(elmHardware); const xml::ElementNode *pelmHwChild; while ((pelmHwChild = nl1.forAllNodes())) { if (pelmHwChild->nameEquals("CPU")) { if (!pelmHwChild->getAttributeValue("count", hw.cCPUs)) { // pre-1.5 variant; not sure if this actually exists in the wild anywhere const xml::ElementNode *pelmCPUChild; if ((pelmCPUChild = pelmHwChild->findChildElement("CPUCount"))) pelmCPUChild->getAttributeValue("count", hw.cCPUs); } pelmHwChild->getAttributeValue("hotplug", hw.fCpuHotPlug); pelmHwChild->getAttributeValue("priority", hw.ulCpuPriority); const xml::ElementNode *pelmCPUChild; if (hw.fCpuHotPlug) { if ((pelmCPUChild = pelmHwChild->findChildElement("CpuTree"))) readCpuTree(*pelmCPUChild, hw.llCpus); } if ((pelmCPUChild = pelmHwChild->findChildElement("HardwareVirtEx"))) { pelmCPUChild->getAttributeValue("enabled", hw.fHardwareVirt); pelmCPUChild->getAttributeValue("exclusive", hw.fHardwareVirtExclusive); // settings version 1.9 } if ((pelmCPUChild = pelmHwChild->findChildElement("HardwareVirtExNestedPaging"))) pelmCPUChild->getAttributeValue("enabled", hw.fNestedPaging); if ((pelmCPUChild = pelmHwChild->findChildElement("HardwareVirtExLargePages"))) pelmCPUChild->getAttributeValue("enabled", hw.fLargePages); if ((pelmCPUChild = pelmHwChild->findChildElement("HardwareVirtExVPID"))) pelmCPUChild->getAttributeValue("enabled", hw.fVPID); if ((pelmCPUChild = pelmHwChild->findChildElement("HardwareVirtForce"))) pelmCPUChild->getAttributeValue("enabled", hw.fHardwareVirtForce); if (!(pelmCPUChild = pelmHwChild->findChildElement("PAE"))) { /* The default for pre 3.1 was false, so we must respect that. */ if (m->sv < SettingsVersion_v1_9) hw.fPAE = false; } else pelmCPUChild->getAttributeValue("enabled", hw.fPAE); if ((pelmCPUChild = pelmHwChild->findChildElement("SyntheticCpu"))) pelmCPUChild->getAttributeValue("enabled", hw.fSyntheticCpu); if ((pelmCPUChild = pelmHwChild->findChildElement("CpuIdTree"))) readCpuIdTree(*pelmCPUChild, hw.llCpuIdLeafs); } else if (pelmHwChild->nameEquals("Memory")) { pelmHwChild->getAttributeValue("RAMSize", hw.ulMemorySizeMB); pelmHwChild->getAttributeValue("PageFusion", hw.fPageFusionEnabled); } else if (pelmHwChild->nameEquals("Firmware")) { Utf8Str strFirmwareType; if (pelmHwChild->getAttributeValue("type", strFirmwareType)) { if ( (strFirmwareType == "BIOS") || (strFirmwareType == "1") // some trunk builds used the number here ) hw.firmwareType = FirmwareType_BIOS; else if ( (strFirmwareType == "EFI") || (strFirmwareType == "2") // some trunk builds used the number here ) hw.firmwareType = FirmwareType_EFI; else if ( strFirmwareType == "EFI32") hw.firmwareType = FirmwareType_EFI32; else if ( strFirmwareType == "EFI64") hw.firmwareType = FirmwareType_EFI64; else if ( strFirmwareType == "EFIDUAL") hw.firmwareType = FirmwareType_EFIDUAL; else throw ConfigFileError(this, pelmHwChild, N_("Invalid value '%s' in Firmware/@type"), strFirmwareType.c_str()); } } else if (pelmHwChild->nameEquals("HID")) { Utf8Str strHidType; if (pelmHwChild->getAttributeValue("Keyboard", strHidType)) { if (strHidType == "None") hw.keyboardHidType = KeyboardHidType_None; else if (strHidType == "USBKeyboard") hw.keyboardHidType = KeyboardHidType_USBKeyboard; else if (strHidType == "PS2Keyboard") hw.keyboardHidType = KeyboardHidType_PS2Keyboard; else if (strHidType == "ComboKeyboard") hw.keyboardHidType = KeyboardHidType_ComboKeyboard; else throw ConfigFileError(this, pelmHwChild, N_("Invalid value '%s' in HID/Keyboard/@type"), strHidType.c_str()); } if (pelmHwChild->getAttributeValue("Pointing", strHidType)) { if (strHidType == "None") hw.pointingHidType = PointingHidType_None; else if (strHidType == "USBMouse") hw.pointingHidType = PointingHidType_USBMouse; else if (strHidType == "USBTablet") hw.pointingHidType = PointingHidType_USBTablet; else if (strHidType == "PS2Mouse") hw.pointingHidType = PointingHidType_PS2Mouse; else if (strHidType == "ComboMouse") hw.pointingHidType = PointingHidType_ComboMouse; else throw ConfigFileError(this, pelmHwChild, N_("Invalid value '%s' in HID/Pointing/@type"), strHidType.c_str()); } } else if (pelmHwChild->nameEquals("Chipset")) { Utf8Str strChipsetType; if (pelmHwChild->getAttributeValue("type", strChipsetType)) { if (strChipsetType == "PIIX3") hw.chipsetType = ChipsetType_PIIX3; else if (strChipsetType == "ICH9") hw.chipsetType = ChipsetType_ICH9; else throw ConfigFileError(this, pelmHwChild, N_("Invalid value '%s' in Chipset/@type"), strChipsetType.c_str()); } } else if (pelmHwChild->nameEquals("HPET")) { pelmHwChild->getAttributeValue("enabled", hw.fHpetEnabled); } else if (pelmHwChild->nameEquals("Boot")) { hw.mapBootOrder.clear(); xml::NodesLoop nl2(*pelmHwChild, "Order"); const xml::ElementNode *pelmOrder; while ((pelmOrder = nl2.forAllNodes())) { uint32_t ulPos; Utf8Str strDevice; if (!pelmOrder->getAttributeValue("position", ulPos)) throw ConfigFileError(this, pelmOrder, N_("Required Boot/Order/@position attribute is missing")); if ( ulPos < 1 || ulPos > SchemaDefs::MaxBootPosition ) throw ConfigFileError(this, pelmOrder, N_("Invalid value '%RU32' in Boot/Order/@position: must be greater than 0 and less than %RU32"), ulPos, SchemaDefs::MaxBootPosition + 1); // XML is 1-based but internal data is 0-based --ulPos; if (hw.mapBootOrder.find(ulPos) != hw.mapBootOrder.end()) throw ConfigFileError(this, pelmOrder, N_("Invalid value '%RU32' in Boot/Order/@position: value is not unique"), ulPos); if (!pelmOrder->getAttributeValue("device", strDevice)) throw ConfigFileError(this, pelmOrder, N_("Required Boot/Order/@device attribute is missing")); DeviceType_T type; if (strDevice == "None") type = DeviceType_Null; else if (strDevice == "Floppy") type = DeviceType_Floppy; else if (strDevice == "DVD") type = DeviceType_DVD; else if (strDevice == "HardDisk") type = DeviceType_HardDisk; else if (strDevice == "Network") type = DeviceType_Network; else throw ConfigFileError(this, pelmOrder, N_("Invalid value '%s' in Boot/Order/@device attribute"), strDevice.c_str()); hw.mapBootOrder[ulPos] = type; } } else if (pelmHwChild->nameEquals("Display")) { pelmHwChild->getAttributeValue("VRAMSize", hw.ulVRAMSizeMB); if (!pelmHwChild->getAttributeValue("monitorCount", hw.cMonitors)) pelmHwChild->getAttributeValue("MonitorCount", hw.cMonitors); // pre-v1.5 variant if (!pelmHwChild->getAttributeValue("accelerate3D", hw.fAccelerate3D)) pelmHwChild->getAttributeValue("Accelerate3D", hw.fAccelerate3D); // pre-v1.5 variant pelmHwChild->getAttributeValue("accelerate2DVideo", hw.fAccelerate2DVideo); } else if (pelmHwChild->nameEquals("RemoteDisplay")) { pelmHwChild->getAttributeValue("enabled", hw.vrdpSettings.fEnabled); pelmHwChild->getAttributeValue("port", hw.vrdpSettings.strPort); pelmHwChild->getAttributeValue("netAddress", hw.vrdpSettings.strNetAddress); Utf8Str strAuthType; if (pelmHwChild->getAttributeValue("authType", strAuthType)) { // settings before 1.3 used lower case so make sure this is case-insensitive strAuthType.toUpper(); if (strAuthType == "NULL") hw.vrdpSettings.authType = VRDPAuthType_Null; else if (strAuthType == "GUEST") hw.vrdpSettings.authType = VRDPAuthType_Guest; else if (strAuthType == "EXTERNAL") hw.vrdpSettings.authType = VRDPAuthType_External; else throw ConfigFileError(this, pelmHwChild, N_("Invalid value '%s' in RemoteDisplay/@authType attribute"), strAuthType.c_str()); } pelmHwChild->getAttributeValue("authTimeout", hw.vrdpSettings.ulAuthTimeout); pelmHwChild->getAttributeValue("allowMultiConnection", hw.vrdpSettings.fAllowMultiConnection); pelmHwChild->getAttributeValue("reuseSingleConnection", hw.vrdpSettings.fReuseSingleConnection); const xml::ElementNode *pelmVideoChannel; if ((pelmVideoChannel = pelmHwChild->findChildElement("VideoChannel"))) { pelmVideoChannel->getAttributeValue("enabled", hw.vrdpSettings.fVideoChannel); pelmVideoChannel->getAttributeValue("quality", hw.vrdpSettings.ulVideoChannelQuality); hw.vrdpSettings.ulVideoChannelQuality = RT_CLAMP(hw.vrdpSettings.ulVideoChannelQuality, 10, 100); } } else if (pelmHwChild->nameEquals("BIOS")) { const xml::ElementNode *pelmBIOSChild; if ((pelmBIOSChild = pelmHwChild->findChildElement("ACPI"))) pelmBIOSChild->getAttributeValue("enabled", hw.biosSettings.fACPIEnabled); if ((pelmBIOSChild = pelmHwChild->findChildElement("IOAPIC"))) pelmBIOSChild->getAttributeValue("enabled", hw.biosSettings.fIOAPICEnabled); if ((pelmBIOSChild = pelmHwChild->findChildElement("Logo"))) { pelmBIOSChild->getAttributeValue("fadeIn", hw.biosSettings.fLogoFadeIn); pelmBIOSChild->getAttributeValue("fadeOut", hw.biosSettings.fLogoFadeOut); pelmBIOSChild->getAttributeValue("displayTime", hw.biosSettings.ulLogoDisplayTime); pelmBIOSChild->getAttributeValue("imagePath", hw.biosSettings.strLogoImagePath); } if ((pelmBIOSChild = pelmHwChild->findChildElement("BootMenu"))) { Utf8Str strBootMenuMode; if (pelmBIOSChild->getAttributeValue("mode", strBootMenuMode)) { // settings before 1.3 used lower case so make sure this is case-insensitive strBootMenuMode.toUpper(); if (strBootMenuMode == "DISABLED") hw.biosSettings.biosBootMenuMode = BIOSBootMenuMode_Disabled; else if (strBootMenuMode == "MENUONLY") hw.biosSettings.biosBootMenuMode = BIOSBootMenuMode_MenuOnly; else if (strBootMenuMode == "MESSAGEANDMENU") hw.biosSettings.biosBootMenuMode = BIOSBootMenuMode_MessageAndMenu; else throw ConfigFileError(this, pelmBIOSChild, N_("Invalid value '%s' in BootMenu/@mode attribute"), strBootMenuMode.c_str()); } } if ((pelmBIOSChild = pelmHwChild->findChildElement("PXEDebug"))) pelmBIOSChild->getAttributeValue("enabled", hw.biosSettings.fPXEDebugEnabled); if ((pelmBIOSChild = pelmHwChild->findChildElement("TimeOffset"))) pelmBIOSChild->getAttributeValue("value", hw.biosSettings.llTimeOffset); // legacy BIOS/IDEController (pre 1.7) if ( (m->sv < SettingsVersion_v1_7) && ((pelmBIOSChild = pelmHwChild->findChildElement("IDEController"))) ) { StorageController sctl; sctl.strName = "IDE Controller"; sctl.storageBus = StorageBus_IDE; Utf8Str strType; if (pelmBIOSChild->getAttributeValue("type", strType)) { if (strType == "PIIX3") sctl.controllerType = StorageControllerType_PIIX3; else if (strType == "PIIX4") sctl.controllerType = StorageControllerType_PIIX4; else if (strType == "ICH6") sctl.controllerType = StorageControllerType_ICH6; else throw ConfigFileError(this, pelmBIOSChild, N_("Invalid value '%s' for IDEController/@type attribute"), strType.c_str()); } sctl.ulPortCount = 2; strg.llStorageControllers.push_back(sctl); } } else if (pelmHwChild->nameEquals("USBController")) { pelmHwChild->getAttributeValue("enabled", hw.usbController.fEnabled); pelmHwChild->getAttributeValue("enabledEhci", hw.usbController.fEnabledEHCI); readUSBDeviceFilters(*pelmHwChild, hw.usbController.llDeviceFilters); } else if ( (m->sv < SettingsVersion_v1_7) && (pelmHwChild->nameEquals("SATAController")) ) { bool f; if ( (pelmHwChild->getAttributeValue("enabled", f)) && (f) ) { StorageController sctl; sctl.strName = "SATA Controller"; sctl.storageBus = StorageBus_SATA; sctl.controllerType = StorageControllerType_IntelAhci; readStorageControllerAttributes(*pelmHwChild, sctl); strg.llStorageControllers.push_back(sctl); } } else if (pelmHwChild->nameEquals("Network")) readNetworkAdapters(*pelmHwChild, hw.llNetworkAdapters); else if (pelmHwChild->nameEquals("RTC")) { Utf8Str strLocalOrUTC; machineUserData.fRTCUseUTC = pelmHwChild->getAttributeValue("localOrUTC", strLocalOrUTC) && strLocalOrUTC == "UTC"; } else if ( (pelmHwChild->nameEquals("UART")) || (pelmHwChild->nameEquals("Uart")) // used before 1.3 ) readSerialPorts(*pelmHwChild, hw.llSerialPorts); else if ( (pelmHwChild->nameEquals("LPT")) || (pelmHwChild->nameEquals("Lpt")) // used before 1.3 ) readParallelPorts(*pelmHwChild, hw.llParallelPorts); else if (pelmHwChild->nameEquals("AudioAdapter")) readAudioAdapter(*pelmHwChild, hw.audioAdapter); else if (pelmHwChild->nameEquals("SharedFolders")) { xml::NodesLoop nl2(*pelmHwChild, "SharedFolder"); const xml::ElementNode *pelmFolder; while ((pelmFolder = nl2.forAllNodes())) { SharedFolder sf; pelmFolder->getAttributeValue("name", sf.strName); pelmFolder->getAttributeValue("hostPath", sf.strHostPath); pelmFolder->getAttributeValue("writable", sf.fWritable); pelmFolder->getAttributeValue("autoMount", sf.fAutoMount); hw.llSharedFolders.push_back(sf); } } else if (pelmHwChild->nameEquals("Clipboard")) { Utf8Str strTemp; if (pelmHwChild->getAttributeValue("mode", strTemp)) { if (strTemp == "Disabled") hw.clipboardMode = ClipboardMode_Disabled; else if (strTemp == "HostToGuest") hw.clipboardMode = ClipboardMode_HostToGuest; else if (strTemp == "GuestToHost") hw.clipboardMode = ClipboardMode_GuestToHost; else if (strTemp == "Bidirectional") hw.clipboardMode = ClipboardMode_Bidirectional; else throw ConfigFileError(this, pelmHwChild, N_("Invalid value '%s' in Clipboard/@mode attribute"), strTemp.c_str()); } } else if (pelmHwChild->nameEquals("Guest")) { if (!pelmHwChild->getAttributeValue("memoryBalloonSize", hw.ulMemoryBalloonSize)) pelmHwChild->getAttributeValue("MemoryBalloonSize", hw.ulMemoryBalloonSize); // used before 1.3 } else if (pelmHwChild->nameEquals("GuestProperties")) readGuestProperties(*pelmHwChild, hw); else if (pelmHwChild->nameEquals("IO")) { const xml::ElementNode *pelmIoChild; if ((pelmIoChild = pelmHwChild->findChildElement("IoCache"))) { pelmIoChild->getAttributeValue("enabled", hw.ioSettings.fIoCacheEnabled); pelmIoChild->getAttributeValue("size", hw.ioSettings.ulIoCacheSize); } } } if (hw.ulMemorySizeMB == (uint32_t)-1) throw ConfigFileError(this, &elmHardware, N_("Required Memory/@RAMSize element/attribute is missing")); } /** * This gets called instead of readStorageControllers() for legacy pre-1.7 settings * files which have a node and storage controller settings * hidden in the settings. We set the StorageControllers fields just the * same, just from different sources. * @param elmHardware XML node. * @param elmHardDiskAttachments XML node. * @param strg */ void MachineConfigFile::readHardDiskAttachments_pre1_7(const xml::ElementNode &elmHardDiskAttachments, Storage &strg) { StorageController *pIDEController = NULL; StorageController *pSATAController = NULL; for (StorageControllersList::iterator it = strg.llStorageControllers.begin(); it != strg.llStorageControllers.end(); ++it) { StorageController &s = *it; if (s.storageBus == StorageBus_IDE) pIDEController = &s; else if (s.storageBus == StorageBus_SATA) pSATAController = &s; } xml::NodesLoop nl1(elmHardDiskAttachments, "HardDiskAttachment"); const xml::ElementNode *pelmAttachment; while ((pelmAttachment = nl1.forAllNodes())) { AttachedDevice att; Utf8Str strUUID, strBus; if (!pelmAttachment->getAttributeValue("hardDisk", strUUID)) throw ConfigFileError(this, pelmAttachment, N_("Required HardDiskAttachment/@hardDisk attribute is missing")); parseUUID(att.uuid, strUUID); if (!pelmAttachment->getAttributeValue("bus", strBus)) throw ConfigFileError(this, pelmAttachment, N_("Required HardDiskAttachment/@bus attribute is missing")); // pre-1.7 'channel' is now port if (!pelmAttachment->getAttributeValue("channel", att.lPort)) throw ConfigFileError(this, pelmAttachment, N_("Required HardDiskAttachment/@channel attribute is missing")); // pre-1.7 'device' is still device if (!pelmAttachment->getAttributeValue("device", att.lDevice)) throw ConfigFileError(this, pelmAttachment, N_("Required HardDiskAttachment/@device attribute is missing")); att.deviceType = DeviceType_HardDisk; if (strBus == "IDE") { if (!pIDEController) throw ConfigFileError(this, pelmAttachment, N_("HardDiskAttachment/@bus is 'IDE' but cannot find IDE controller")); pIDEController->llAttachedDevices.push_back(att); } else if (strBus == "SATA") { if (!pSATAController) throw ConfigFileError(this, pelmAttachment, N_("HardDiskAttachment/@bus is 'SATA' but cannot find SATA controller")); pSATAController->llAttachedDevices.push_back(att); } else throw ConfigFileError(this, pelmAttachment, N_("HardDiskAttachment/@bus attribute has illegal value '%s'"), strBus.c_str()); } } /** * Reads in a block and stores it in the given Storage structure. * Used both directly from readMachine and from readSnapshot, since snapshots * have their own storage controllers sections. * * This is only called for settings version 1.7 and above; see readHardDiskAttachments_pre1_7() * for earlier versions. * * @param elmStorageControllers */ void MachineConfigFile::readStorageControllers(const xml::ElementNode &elmStorageControllers, Storage &strg) { xml::NodesLoop nlStorageControllers(elmStorageControllers, "StorageController"); const xml::ElementNode *pelmController; while ((pelmController = nlStorageControllers.forAllNodes())) { StorageController sctl; if (!pelmController->getAttributeValue("name", sctl.strName)) throw ConfigFileError(this, pelmController, N_("Required StorageController/@name attribute is missing")); // canonicalize storage controller names for configs in the switchover // period. if (m->sv < SettingsVersion_v1_9) { if (sctl.strName == "IDE") sctl.strName = "IDE Controller"; else if (sctl.strName == "SATA") sctl.strName = "SATA Controller"; else if (sctl.strName == "SCSI") sctl.strName = "SCSI Controller"; } pelmController->getAttributeValue("Instance", sctl.ulInstance); // default from constructor is 0 Utf8Str strType; if (!pelmController->getAttributeValue("type", strType)) throw ConfigFileError(this, pelmController, N_("Required StorageController/@type attribute is missing")); if (strType == "AHCI") { sctl.storageBus = StorageBus_SATA; sctl.controllerType = StorageControllerType_IntelAhci; } else if (strType == "LsiLogic") { sctl.storageBus = StorageBus_SCSI; sctl.controllerType = StorageControllerType_LsiLogic; } else if (strType == "BusLogic") { sctl.storageBus = StorageBus_SCSI; sctl.controllerType = StorageControllerType_BusLogic; } else if (strType == "PIIX3") { sctl.storageBus = StorageBus_IDE; sctl.controllerType = StorageControllerType_PIIX3; } else if (strType == "PIIX4") { sctl.storageBus = StorageBus_IDE; sctl.controllerType = StorageControllerType_PIIX4; } else if (strType == "ICH6") { sctl.storageBus = StorageBus_IDE; sctl.controllerType = StorageControllerType_ICH6; } else if ( (m->sv >= SettingsVersion_v1_9) && (strType == "I82078") ) { sctl.storageBus = StorageBus_Floppy; sctl.controllerType = StorageControllerType_I82078; } else if (strType == "LsiLogicSas") { sctl.storageBus = StorageBus_SAS; sctl.controllerType = StorageControllerType_LsiLogicSas; } else throw ConfigFileError(this, pelmController, N_("Invalid value '%s' for StorageController/@type attribute"), strType.c_str()); readStorageControllerAttributes(*pelmController, sctl); xml::NodesLoop nlAttached(*pelmController, "AttachedDevice"); const xml::ElementNode *pelmAttached; while ((pelmAttached = nlAttached.forAllNodes())) { AttachedDevice att; Utf8Str strTemp; pelmAttached->getAttributeValue("type", strTemp); if (strTemp == "HardDisk") att.deviceType = DeviceType_HardDisk; else if (m->sv >= SettingsVersion_v1_9) { // starting with 1.9 we list DVD and floppy drive info + attachments under if (strTemp == "DVD") { att.deviceType = DeviceType_DVD; pelmAttached->getAttributeValue("passthrough", att.fPassThrough); } else if (strTemp == "Floppy") att.deviceType = DeviceType_Floppy; } if (att.deviceType != DeviceType_Null) { const xml::ElementNode *pelmImage; // all types can have images attached, but for HardDisk it's required if (!(pelmImage = pelmAttached->findChildElement("Image"))) { if (att.deviceType == DeviceType_HardDisk) throw ConfigFileError(this, pelmImage, N_("Required AttachedDevice/Image element is missing")); else { // DVDs and floppies can also have instead of const xml::ElementNode *pelmHostDrive; if ((pelmHostDrive = pelmAttached->findChildElement("HostDrive"))) if (!pelmHostDrive->getAttributeValue("src", att.strHostDriveSrc)) throw ConfigFileError(this, pelmHostDrive, N_("Required AttachedDevice/HostDrive/@src attribute is missing")); } } else { if (!pelmImage->getAttributeValue("uuid", strTemp)) throw ConfigFileError(this, pelmImage, N_("Required AttachedDevice/Image/@uuid attribute is missing")); parseUUID(att.uuid, strTemp); } if (!pelmAttached->getAttributeValue("port", att.lPort)) throw ConfigFileError(this, pelmImage, N_("Required AttachedDevice/@port attribute is missing")); if (!pelmAttached->getAttributeValue("device", att.lDevice)) throw ConfigFileError(this, pelmImage, N_("Required AttachedDevice/@device attribute is missing")); pelmAttached->getAttributeValue("bandwidthLimit", att.ulBandwidthLimit); sctl.llAttachedDevices.push_back(att); } } strg.llStorageControllers.push_back(sctl); } } /** * This gets called for legacy pre-1.9 settings files after having parsed the * and sections to parse once more * for the and sections. * * Before settings version 1.9, DVD and floppy drives were specified separately * under ; we then need this extra loop to make sure the storage * controller structs are already set up so we can add stuff to them. * * @param elmHardware * @param strg */ void MachineConfigFile::readDVDAndFloppies_pre1_9(const xml::ElementNode &elmHardware, Storage &strg) { xml::NodesLoop nl1(elmHardware); const xml::ElementNode *pelmHwChild; while ((pelmHwChild = nl1.forAllNodes())) { if (pelmHwChild->nameEquals("DVDDrive")) { // create a DVD "attached device" and attach it to the existing IDE controller AttachedDevice att; att.deviceType = DeviceType_DVD; // legacy DVD drive is always secondary master (port 1, device 0) att.lPort = 1; att.lDevice = 0; pelmHwChild->getAttributeValue("passthrough", att.fPassThrough); const xml::ElementNode *pDriveChild; Utf8Str strTmp; if ( ((pDriveChild = pelmHwChild->findChildElement("Image"))) && (pDriveChild->getAttributeValue("uuid", strTmp)) ) parseUUID(att.uuid, strTmp); else if ((pDriveChild = pelmHwChild->findChildElement("HostDrive"))) pDriveChild->getAttributeValue("src", att.strHostDriveSrc); // find the IDE controller and attach the DVD drive bool fFound = false; for (StorageControllersList::iterator it = strg.llStorageControllers.begin(); it != strg.llStorageControllers.end(); ++it) { StorageController &sctl = *it; if (sctl.storageBus == StorageBus_IDE) { sctl.llAttachedDevices.push_back(att); fFound = true; break; } } if (!fFound) throw ConfigFileError(this, pelmHwChild, N_("Internal error: found DVD drive but IDE controller does not exist")); // shouldn't happen because pre-1.9 settings files always had at least one IDE controller in the settings // which should have gotten parsed in before this got called } else if (pelmHwChild->nameEquals("FloppyDrive")) { bool fEnabled; if ( (pelmHwChild->getAttributeValue("enabled", fEnabled)) && (fEnabled) ) { // create a new floppy controller and attach a floppy "attached device" StorageController sctl; sctl.strName = "Floppy Controller"; sctl.storageBus = StorageBus_Floppy; sctl.controllerType = StorageControllerType_I82078; sctl.ulPortCount = 1; AttachedDevice att; att.deviceType = DeviceType_Floppy; att.lPort = 0; att.lDevice = 0; const xml::ElementNode *pDriveChild; Utf8Str strTmp; if ( ((pDriveChild = pelmHwChild->findChildElement("Image"))) && (pDriveChild->getAttributeValue("uuid", strTmp)) ) parseUUID(att.uuid, strTmp); else if ((pDriveChild = pelmHwChild->findChildElement("HostDrive"))) pDriveChild->getAttributeValue("src", att.strHostDriveSrc); // store attachment with controller sctl.llAttachedDevices.push_back(att); // store controller with storage strg.llStorageControllers.push_back(sctl); } } } } /** * Called initially for the element under , if present, * to store the snapshot's data into the given Snapshot structure (which is * then the one in the Machine struct). This might then recurse if * a (plural) element is found in the snapshot, which should * contain a list of child snapshots; such lists are maintained in the * Snapshot structure. * * @param elmSnapshot * @param snap */ void MachineConfigFile::readSnapshot(const xml::ElementNode &elmSnapshot, Snapshot &snap) { Utf8Str strTemp; if (!elmSnapshot.getAttributeValue("uuid", strTemp)) throw ConfigFileError(this, &elmSnapshot, N_("Required Snapshot/@uuid attribute is missing")); parseUUID(snap.uuid, strTemp); if (!elmSnapshot.getAttributeValue("name", snap.strName)) throw ConfigFileError(this, &elmSnapshot, N_("Required Snapshot/@name attribute is missing")); // earlier 3.1 trunk builds had a bug and added Description as an attribute, read it silently and write it back as an element elmSnapshot.getAttributeValue("Description", snap.strDescription); if (!elmSnapshot.getAttributeValue("timeStamp", strTemp)) throw ConfigFileError(this, &elmSnapshot, N_("Required Snapshot/@timeStamp attribute is missing")); parseTimestamp(snap.timestamp, strTemp); elmSnapshot.getAttributeValue("stateFile", snap.strStateFile); // online snapshots only // parse Hardware before the other elements because other things depend on it const xml::ElementNode *pelmHardware; if (!(pelmHardware = elmSnapshot.findChildElement("Hardware"))) throw ConfigFileError(this, &elmSnapshot, N_("Required Snapshot/@Hardware element is missing")); readHardware(*pelmHardware, snap.hardware, snap.storage); xml::NodesLoop nlSnapshotChildren(elmSnapshot); const xml::ElementNode *pelmSnapshotChild; while ((pelmSnapshotChild = nlSnapshotChildren.forAllNodes())) { if (pelmSnapshotChild->nameEquals("Description")) snap.strDescription = pelmSnapshotChild->getValue(); else if ( (m->sv < SettingsVersion_v1_7) && (pelmSnapshotChild->nameEquals("HardDiskAttachments")) ) readHardDiskAttachments_pre1_7(*pelmSnapshotChild, snap.storage); else if ( (m->sv >= SettingsVersion_v1_7) && (pelmSnapshotChild->nameEquals("StorageControllers")) ) readStorageControllers(*pelmSnapshotChild, snap.storage); else if (pelmSnapshotChild->nameEquals("Snapshots")) { xml::NodesLoop nlChildSnapshots(*pelmSnapshotChild); const xml::ElementNode *pelmChildSnapshot; while ((pelmChildSnapshot = nlChildSnapshots.forAllNodes())) { if (pelmChildSnapshot->nameEquals("Snapshot")) { Snapshot child; readSnapshot(*pelmChildSnapshot, child); snap.llChildSnapshots.push_back(child); } } } } if (m->sv < SettingsVersion_v1_9) // go through Hardware once more to repair the settings controller structures // with data from old DVDDrive and FloppyDrive elements readDVDAndFloppies_pre1_9(*pelmHardware, snap.storage); } const struct { const char *pcszOld; const char *pcszNew; } aConvertOSTypes[] = { { "unknown", "Other" }, { "dos", "DOS" }, { "win31", "Windows31" }, { "win95", "Windows95" }, { "win98", "Windows98" }, { "winme", "WindowsMe" }, { "winnt4", "WindowsNT4" }, { "win2k", "Windows2000" }, { "winxp", "WindowsXP" }, { "win2k3", "Windows2003" }, { "winvista", "WindowsVista" }, { "win2k8", "Windows2008" }, { "os2warp3", "OS2Warp3" }, { "os2warp4", "OS2Warp4" }, { "os2warp45", "OS2Warp45" }, { "ecs", "OS2eCS" }, { "linux22", "Linux22" }, { "linux24", "Linux24" }, { "linux26", "Linux26" }, { "archlinux", "ArchLinux" }, { "debian", "Debian" }, { "opensuse", "OpenSUSE" }, { "fedoracore", "Fedora" }, { "gentoo", "Gentoo" }, { "mandriva", "Mandriva" }, { "redhat", "RedHat" }, { "ubuntu", "Ubuntu" }, { "xandros", "Xandros" }, { "freebsd", "FreeBSD" }, { "openbsd", "OpenBSD" }, { "netbsd", "NetBSD" }, { "netware", "Netware" }, { "solaris", "Solaris" }, { "opensolaris", "OpenSolaris" }, { "l4", "L4" } }; void MachineConfigFile::convertOldOSType_pre1_5(Utf8Str &str) { for (unsigned u = 0; u < RT_ELEMENTS(aConvertOSTypes); ++u) { if (str == aConvertOSTypes[u].pcszOld) { str = aConvertOSTypes[u].pcszNew; break; } } } /** * Called from the constructor to actually read in the element * of a machine config file. * @param elmMachine */ void MachineConfigFile::readMachine(const xml::ElementNode &elmMachine) { Utf8Str strUUID; if ( (elmMachine.getAttributeValue("uuid", strUUID)) && (elmMachine.getAttributeValue("name", machineUserData.strName)) ) { parseUUID(uuid, strUUID); elmMachine.getAttributeValue("nameSync", machineUserData.fNameSync); Utf8Str str; elmMachine.getAttributeValue("Description", machineUserData.strDescription); elmMachine.getAttributeValue("OSType", machineUserData.strOsType); if (m->sv < SettingsVersion_v1_5) convertOldOSType_pre1_5(machineUserData.strOsType); elmMachine.getAttributeValue("stateFile", strStateFile); if (elmMachine.getAttributeValue("currentSnapshot", str)) parseUUID(uuidCurrentSnapshot, str); elmMachine.getAttributeValue("snapshotFolder", machineUserData.strSnapshotFolder); if (!elmMachine.getAttributeValue("currentStateModified", fCurrentStateModified)) fCurrentStateModified = true; if (elmMachine.getAttributeValue("lastStateChange", str)) parseTimestamp(timeLastStateChange, str); // constructor has called RTTimeNow(&timeLastStateChange) before // parse Hardware before the other elements because other things depend on it const xml::ElementNode *pelmHardware; if (!(pelmHardware = elmMachine.findChildElement("Hardware"))) throw ConfigFileError(this, &elmMachine, N_("Required Machine/Hardware element is missing")); readHardware(*pelmHardware, hardwareMachine, storageMachine); xml::NodesLoop nlRootChildren(elmMachine); const xml::ElementNode *pelmMachineChild; while ((pelmMachineChild = nlRootChildren.forAllNodes())) { if (pelmMachineChild->nameEquals("ExtraData")) readExtraData(*pelmMachineChild, mapExtraDataItems); else if ( (m->sv < SettingsVersion_v1_7) && (pelmMachineChild->nameEquals("HardDiskAttachments")) ) readHardDiskAttachments_pre1_7(*pelmMachineChild, storageMachine); else if ( (m->sv >= SettingsVersion_v1_7) && (pelmMachineChild->nameEquals("StorageControllers")) ) readStorageControllers(*pelmMachineChild, storageMachine); else if (pelmMachineChild->nameEquals("Snapshot")) { Snapshot snap; // this will recurse into child snapshots, if necessary readSnapshot(*pelmMachineChild, snap); llFirstSnapshot.push_back(snap); } else if (pelmMachineChild->nameEquals("Description")) machineUserData.strDescription = pelmMachineChild->getValue(); else if (pelmMachineChild->nameEquals("Teleporter")) { pelmMachineChild->getAttributeValue("enabled", machineUserData.fTeleporterEnabled); pelmMachineChild->getAttributeValue("port", machineUserData.uTeleporterPort); pelmMachineChild->getAttributeValue("address", machineUserData.strTeleporterAddress); pelmMachineChild->getAttributeValue("password", machineUserData.strTeleporterPassword); } else if (pelmMachineChild->nameEquals("FaultTolerance")) { Utf8Str strFaultToleranceSate; if (pelmMachineChild->getAttributeValue("state", strFaultToleranceSate)) { if (strFaultToleranceSate == "master") machineUserData.enmFaultToleranceState = FaultToleranceState_Master; else if (strFaultToleranceSate == "standby") machineUserData.enmFaultToleranceState = FaultToleranceState_Standby; else machineUserData.enmFaultToleranceState = FaultToleranceState_Inactive; } pelmMachineChild->getAttributeValue("port", machineUserData.uFaultTolerancePort); pelmMachineChild->getAttributeValue("address", machineUserData.strFaultToleranceAddress); pelmMachineChild->getAttributeValue("interval", machineUserData.uFaultToleranceInterval); pelmMachineChild->getAttributeValue("password", machineUserData.strFaultTolerancePassword); } else if (pelmMachineChild->nameEquals("MediaRegistry")) readMediaRegistry(*pelmMachineChild, mediaRegistry); } if (m->sv < SettingsVersion_v1_9) // go through Hardware once more to repair the settings controller structures // with data from old DVDDrive and FloppyDrive elements readDVDAndFloppies_pre1_9(*pelmHardware, storageMachine); } else throw ConfigFileError(this, &elmMachine, N_("Required Machine/@uuid or @name attributes is missing")); } /** * Creates a node under elmParent and then writes out the XML * keys under that. Called for both the node and for snapshots. * @param elmParent * @param st */ void MachineConfigFile::buildHardwareXML(xml::ElementNode &elmParent, const Hardware &hw, const Storage &strg) { xml::ElementNode *pelmHardware = elmParent.createChild("Hardware"); if (m->sv >= SettingsVersion_v1_4) pelmHardware->setAttribute("version", hw.strVersion); if ( (m->sv >= SettingsVersion_v1_9) && (!hw.uuid.isEmpty()) ) pelmHardware->setAttribute("uuid", hw.uuid.toStringCurly()); xml::ElementNode *pelmCPU = pelmHardware->createChild("CPU"); xml::ElementNode *pelmHwVirtEx = pelmCPU->createChild("HardwareVirtEx"); pelmHwVirtEx->setAttribute("enabled", hw.fHardwareVirt); if (m->sv >= SettingsVersion_v1_9) pelmHwVirtEx->setAttribute("exclusive", hw.fHardwareVirtExclusive); pelmCPU->createChild("HardwareVirtExNestedPaging")->setAttribute("enabled", hw.fNestedPaging); pelmCPU->createChild("HardwareVirtExVPID")->setAttribute("enabled", hw.fVPID); pelmCPU->createChild("PAE")->setAttribute("enabled", hw.fPAE); if (hw.fSyntheticCpu) pelmCPU->createChild("SyntheticCpu")->setAttribute("enabled", hw.fSyntheticCpu); pelmCPU->setAttribute("count", hw.cCPUs); if (hw.ulCpuPriority != 100) pelmCPU->setAttribute("priority", hw.ulCpuPriority); if (hw.fLargePages) pelmCPU->createChild("HardwareVirtExLargePages")->setAttribute("enabled", hw.fLargePages); if (m->sv >= SettingsVersion_v1_9) pelmCPU->createChild("HardwareVirtForce")->setAttribute("enabled", hw.fHardwareVirtForce); if (m->sv >= SettingsVersion_v1_10) { pelmCPU->setAttribute("hotplug", hw.fCpuHotPlug); xml::ElementNode *pelmCpuTree = NULL; for (CpuList::const_iterator it = hw.llCpus.begin(); it != hw.llCpus.end(); ++it) { const Cpu &cpu = *it; if (pelmCpuTree == NULL) pelmCpuTree = pelmCPU->createChild("CpuTree"); xml::ElementNode *pelmCpu = pelmCpuTree->createChild("Cpu"); pelmCpu->setAttribute("id", cpu.ulId); } } xml::ElementNode *pelmCpuIdTree = NULL; for (CpuIdLeafsList::const_iterator it = hw.llCpuIdLeafs.begin(); it != hw.llCpuIdLeafs.end(); ++it) { const CpuIdLeaf &leaf = *it; if (pelmCpuIdTree == NULL) pelmCpuIdTree = pelmCPU->createChild("CpuIdTree"); xml::ElementNode *pelmCpuIdLeaf = pelmCpuIdTree->createChild("CpuIdLeaf"); pelmCpuIdLeaf->setAttribute("id", leaf.ulId); pelmCpuIdLeaf->setAttribute("eax", leaf.ulEax); pelmCpuIdLeaf->setAttribute("ebx", leaf.ulEbx); pelmCpuIdLeaf->setAttribute("ecx", leaf.ulEcx); pelmCpuIdLeaf->setAttribute("edx", leaf.ulEdx); } xml::ElementNode *pelmMemory = pelmHardware->createChild("Memory"); pelmMemory->setAttribute("RAMSize", hw.ulMemorySizeMB); if (m->sv >= SettingsVersion_v1_10) { pelmMemory->setAttribute("PageFusion", hw.fPageFusionEnabled); } if ( (m->sv >= SettingsVersion_v1_9) && (hw.firmwareType >= FirmwareType_EFI) ) { xml::ElementNode *pelmFirmware = pelmHardware->createChild("Firmware"); const char *pcszFirmware; switch (hw.firmwareType) { case FirmwareType_EFI: pcszFirmware = "EFI"; break; case FirmwareType_EFI32: pcszFirmware = "EFI32"; break; case FirmwareType_EFI64: pcszFirmware = "EFI64"; break; case FirmwareType_EFIDUAL: pcszFirmware = "EFIDUAL"; break; default: pcszFirmware = "None"; break; } pelmFirmware->setAttribute("type", pcszFirmware); } if ( (m->sv >= SettingsVersion_v1_10) ) { xml::ElementNode *pelmHid = pelmHardware->createChild("HID"); const char *pcszHid; switch (hw.pointingHidType) { case PointingHidType_USBMouse: pcszHid = "USBMouse"; break; case PointingHidType_USBTablet: pcszHid = "USBTablet"; break; case PointingHidType_PS2Mouse: pcszHid = "PS2Mouse"; break; case PointingHidType_ComboMouse: pcszHid = "ComboMouse"; break; case PointingHidType_None: pcszHid = "None"; break; default: Assert(false); pcszHid = "PS2Mouse"; break; } pelmHid->setAttribute("Pointing", pcszHid); switch (hw.keyboardHidType) { case KeyboardHidType_USBKeyboard: pcszHid = "USBKeyboard"; break; case KeyboardHidType_PS2Keyboard: pcszHid = "PS2Keyboard"; break; case KeyboardHidType_ComboKeyboard: pcszHid = "ComboKeyboard"; break; case KeyboardHidType_None: pcszHid = "None"; break; default: Assert(false); pcszHid = "PS2Keyboard"; break; } pelmHid->setAttribute("Keyboard", pcszHid); } if ( (m->sv >= SettingsVersion_v1_10) ) { xml::ElementNode *pelmHpet = pelmHardware->createChild("HPET"); pelmHpet->setAttribute("enabled", hw.fHpetEnabled); } if ( (m->sv >= SettingsVersion_v1_11) ) { xml::ElementNode *pelmChipset = pelmHardware->createChild("Chipset"); const char *pcszChipset; switch (hw.chipsetType) { case ChipsetType_PIIX3: pcszChipset = "PIIX3"; break; case ChipsetType_ICH9: pcszChipset = "ICH9"; break; default: Assert(false); pcszChipset = "PIIX3"; break; } pelmChipset->setAttribute("type", pcszChipset); } xml::ElementNode *pelmBoot = pelmHardware->createChild("Boot"); for (BootOrderMap::const_iterator it = hw.mapBootOrder.begin(); it != hw.mapBootOrder.end(); ++it) { uint32_t i = it->first; DeviceType_T type = it->second; const char *pcszDevice; switch (type) { case DeviceType_Floppy: pcszDevice = "Floppy"; break; case DeviceType_DVD: pcszDevice = "DVD"; break; case DeviceType_HardDisk: pcszDevice = "HardDisk"; break; case DeviceType_Network: pcszDevice = "Network"; break; default: /*case DeviceType_Null:*/ pcszDevice = "None"; break; } xml::ElementNode *pelmOrder = pelmBoot->createChild("Order"); pelmOrder->setAttribute("position", i + 1); // XML is 1-based but internal data is 0-based pelmOrder->setAttribute("device", pcszDevice); } xml::ElementNode *pelmDisplay = pelmHardware->createChild("Display"); pelmDisplay->setAttribute("VRAMSize", hw.ulVRAMSizeMB); pelmDisplay->setAttribute("monitorCount", hw.cMonitors); pelmDisplay->setAttribute("accelerate3D", hw.fAccelerate3D); if (m->sv >= SettingsVersion_v1_8) pelmDisplay->setAttribute("accelerate2DVideo", hw.fAccelerate2DVideo); xml::ElementNode *pelmVRDP = pelmHardware->createChild("RemoteDisplay"); pelmVRDP->setAttribute("enabled", hw.vrdpSettings.fEnabled); Utf8Str strPort = hw.vrdpSettings.strPort; if (!strPort.length()) strPort = "3389"; pelmVRDP->setAttribute("port", strPort); if (hw.vrdpSettings.strNetAddress.length()) pelmVRDP->setAttribute("netAddress", hw.vrdpSettings.strNetAddress); const char *pcszAuthType; switch (hw.vrdpSettings.authType) { case VRDPAuthType_Guest: pcszAuthType = "Guest"; break; case VRDPAuthType_External: pcszAuthType = "External"; break; default: /*case VRDPAuthType_Null:*/ pcszAuthType = "Null"; break; } pelmVRDP->setAttribute("authType", pcszAuthType); if (hw.vrdpSettings.ulAuthTimeout != 0) pelmVRDP->setAttribute("authTimeout", hw.vrdpSettings.ulAuthTimeout); if (hw.vrdpSettings.fAllowMultiConnection) pelmVRDP->setAttribute("allowMultiConnection", hw.vrdpSettings.fAllowMultiConnection); if (hw.vrdpSettings.fReuseSingleConnection) pelmVRDP->setAttribute("reuseSingleConnection", hw.vrdpSettings.fReuseSingleConnection); if (m->sv >= SettingsVersion_v1_10) { xml::ElementNode *pelmVideoChannel = pelmVRDP->createChild("VideoChannel"); pelmVideoChannel->setAttribute("enabled", hw.vrdpSettings.fVideoChannel); pelmVideoChannel->setAttribute("quality", hw.vrdpSettings.ulVideoChannelQuality); } xml::ElementNode *pelmBIOS = pelmHardware->createChild("BIOS"); pelmBIOS->createChild("ACPI")->setAttribute("enabled", hw.biosSettings.fACPIEnabled); pelmBIOS->createChild("IOAPIC")->setAttribute("enabled", hw.biosSettings.fIOAPICEnabled); xml::ElementNode *pelmLogo = pelmBIOS->createChild("Logo"); pelmLogo->setAttribute("fadeIn", hw.biosSettings.fLogoFadeIn); pelmLogo->setAttribute("fadeOut", hw.biosSettings.fLogoFadeOut); pelmLogo->setAttribute("displayTime", hw.biosSettings.ulLogoDisplayTime); if (hw.biosSettings.strLogoImagePath.length()) pelmLogo->setAttribute("imagePath", hw.biosSettings.strLogoImagePath); const char *pcszBootMenu; switch (hw.biosSettings.biosBootMenuMode) { case BIOSBootMenuMode_Disabled: pcszBootMenu = "Disabled"; break; case BIOSBootMenuMode_MenuOnly: pcszBootMenu = "MenuOnly"; break; default: /*BIOSBootMenuMode_MessageAndMenu*/ pcszBootMenu = "MessageAndMenu"; break; } pelmBIOS->createChild("BootMenu")->setAttribute("mode", pcszBootMenu); pelmBIOS->createChild("TimeOffset")->setAttribute("value", hw.biosSettings.llTimeOffset); pelmBIOS->createChild("PXEDebug")->setAttribute("enabled", hw.biosSettings.fPXEDebugEnabled); if (m->sv < SettingsVersion_v1_9) { // settings formats before 1.9 had separate DVDDrive and FloppyDrive items under Hardware; // run thru the storage controllers to see if we have a DVD or floppy drives size_t cDVDs = 0; size_t cFloppies = 0; xml::ElementNode *pelmDVD = pelmHardware->createChild("DVDDrive"); xml::ElementNode *pelmFloppy = pelmHardware->createChild("FloppyDrive"); for (StorageControllersList::const_iterator it = strg.llStorageControllers.begin(); it != strg.llStorageControllers.end(); ++it) { const StorageController &sctl = *it; // in old settings format, the DVD drive could only have been under the IDE controller if (sctl.storageBus == StorageBus_IDE) { for (AttachedDevicesList::const_iterator it2 = sctl.llAttachedDevices.begin(); it2 != sctl.llAttachedDevices.end(); ++it2) { const AttachedDevice &att = *it2; if (att.deviceType == DeviceType_DVD) { if (cDVDs > 0) throw ConfigFileError(this, NULL, N_("Internal error: cannot save more than one DVD drive with old settings format")); ++cDVDs; pelmDVD->setAttribute("passthrough", att.fPassThrough); if (!att.uuid.isEmpty()) pelmDVD->createChild("Image")->setAttribute("uuid", att.uuid.toStringCurly()); else if (att.strHostDriveSrc.length()) pelmDVD->createChild("HostDrive")->setAttribute("src", att.strHostDriveSrc); } } } else if (sctl.storageBus == StorageBus_Floppy) { size_t cFloppiesHere = sctl.llAttachedDevices.size(); if (cFloppiesHere > 1) throw ConfigFileError(this, NULL, N_("Internal error: floppy controller cannot have more than one device attachment")); if (cFloppiesHere) { const AttachedDevice &att = sctl.llAttachedDevices.front(); pelmFloppy->setAttribute("enabled", true); if (!att.uuid.isEmpty()) pelmFloppy->createChild("Image")->setAttribute("uuid", att.uuid.toStringCurly()); else if (att.strHostDriveSrc.length()) pelmFloppy->createChild("HostDrive")->setAttribute("src", att.strHostDriveSrc); } cFloppies += cFloppiesHere; } } if (cFloppies == 0) pelmFloppy->setAttribute("enabled", false); else if (cFloppies > 1) throw ConfigFileError(this, NULL, N_("Internal error: cannot save more than one floppy drive with old settings format")); } xml::ElementNode *pelmUSB = pelmHardware->createChild("USBController"); pelmUSB->setAttribute("enabled", hw.usbController.fEnabled); pelmUSB->setAttribute("enabledEhci", hw.usbController.fEnabledEHCI); buildUSBDeviceFilters(*pelmUSB, hw.usbController.llDeviceFilters, false); // fHostMode xml::ElementNode *pelmNetwork = pelmHardware->createChild("Network"); for (NetworkAdaptersList::const_iterator it = hw.llNetworkAdapters.begin(); it != hw.llNetworkAdapters.end(); ++it) { const NetworkAdapter &nic = *it; xml::ElementNode *pelmAdapter = pelmNetwork->createChild("Adapter"); pelmAdapter->setAttribute("slot", nic.ulSlot); pelmAdapter->setAttribute("enabled", nic.fEnabled); pelmAdapter->setAttribute("MACAddress", nic.strMACAddress); pelmAdapter->setAttribute("cable", nic.fCableConnected); pelmAdapter->setAttribute("speed", nic.ulLineSpeed); if (nic.ulBootPriority != 0) { pelmAdapter->setAttribute("bootPriority", nic.ulBootPriority); } if (nic.fTraceEnabled) { pelmAdapter->setAttribute("trace", nic.fTraceEnabled); pelmAdapter->setAttribute("tracefile", nic.strTraceFile); } if (nic.ulBandwidthLimit) pelmAdapter->setAttribute("bandwidthLimit", nic.ulBandwidthLimit); const char *pcszType; switch (nic.type) { case NetworkAdapterType_Am79C973: pcszType = "Am79C973"; break; case NetworkAdapterType_I82540EM: pcszType = "82540EM"; break; case NetworkAdapterType_I82543GC: pcszType = "82543GC"; break; case NetworkAdapterType_I82545EM: pcszType = "82545EM"; break; case NetworkAdapterType_Virtio: pcszType = "virtio"; break; default: /*case NetworkAdapterType_Am79C970A:*/ pcszType = "Am79C970A"; break; } pelmAdapter->setAttribute("type", pcszType); xml::ElementNode *pelmNAT; if (m->sv < SettingsVersion_v1_10) { switch (nic.mode) { case NetworkAttachmentType_NAT: pelmNAT = pelmAdapter->createChild("NAT"); if (nic.nat.strNetwork.length()) pelmNAT->setAttribute("network", nic.nat.strNetwork); break; case NetworkAttachmentType_Bridged: pelmAdapter->createChild("BridgedInterface")->setAttribute("name", nic.strName); break; case NetworkAttachmentType_Internal: pelmAdapter->createChild("InternalNetwork")->setAttribute("name", nic.strName); break; case NetworkAttachmentType_HostOnly: pelmAdapter->createChild("HostOnlyInterface")->setAttribute("name", nic.strName); break; #if defined(VBOX_WITH_VDE) case NetworkAttachmentType_VDE: pelmAdapter->createChild("VDE")->setAttribute("network", nic.strName); break; #endif default: /*case NetworkAttachmentType_Null:*/ break; } } else { /* m->sv >= SettingsVersion_v1_10 */ xml::ElementNode *pelmDisabledNode= NULL; if (nic.fHasDisabledNAT) pelmDisabledNode = pelmAdapter->createChild("DisabledModes"); if (nic.fHasDisabledNAT) buildNetworkXML(NetworkAttachmentType_NAT, *pelmDisabledNode, nic); buildNetworkXML(nic.mode, *pelmAdapter, nic); } } xml::ElementNode *pelmPorts = pelmHardware->createChild("UART"); for (SerialPortsList::const_iterator it = hw.llSerialPorts.begin(); it != hw.llSerialPorts.end(); ++it) { const SerialPort &port = *it; xml::ElementNode *pelmPort = pelmPorts->createChild("Port"); pelmPort->setAttribute("slot", port.ulSlot); pelmPort->setAttribute("enabled", port.fEnabled); pelmPort->setAttributeHex("IOBase", port.ulIOBase); pelmPort->setAttribute("IRQ", port.ulIRQ); const char *pcszHostMode; switch (port.portMode) { case PortMode_HostPipe: pcszHostMode = "HostPipe"; break; case PortMode_HostDevice: pcszHostMode = "HostDevice"; break; case PortMode_RawFile: pcszHostMode = "RawFile"; break; default: /*case PortMode_Disconnected:*/ pcszHostMode = "Disconnected"; break; } switch (port.portMode) { case PortMode_HostPipe: pelmPort->setAttribute("server", port.fServer); /* no break */ case PortMode_HostDevice: case PortMode_RawFile: pelmPort->setAttribute("path", port.strPath); break; default: break; } pelmPort->setAttribute("hostMode", pcszHostMode); } pelmPorts = pelmHardware->createChild("LPT"); for (ParallelPortsList::const_iterator it = hw.llParallelPorts.begin(); it != hw.llParallelPorts.end(); ++it) { const ParallelPort &port = *it; xml::ElementNode *pelmPort = pelmPorts->createChild("Port"); pelmPort->setAttribute("slot", port.ulSlot); pelmPort->setAttribute("enabled", port.fEnabled); pelmPort->setAttributeHex("IOBase", port.ulIOBase); pelmPort->setAttribute("IRQ", port.ulIRQ); if (port.strPath.length()) pelmPort->setAttribute("path", port.strPath); } xml::ElementNode *pelmAudio = pelmHardware->createChild("AudioAdapter"); const char *pcszController; switch (hw.audioAdapter.controllerType) { case AudioControllerType_SB16: pcszController = "SB16"; break; case AudioControllerType_HDA: if (m->sv >= SettingsVersion_v1_11) { pcszController = "HDA"; break; } /* fall through */ case AudioControllerType_AC97: default: pcszController = "AC97"; break; } pelmAudio->setAttribute("controller", pcszController); if (m->sv >= SettingsVersion_v1_10) { xml::ElementNode *pelmRTC = pelmHardware->createChild("RTC"); pelmRTC->setAttribute("localOrUTC", machineUserData.fRTCUseUTC ? "UTC" : "local"); } const char *pcszDriver; switch (hw.audioAdapter.driverType) { case AudioDriverType_WinMM: pcszDriver = "WinMM"; break; case AudioDriverType_DirectSound: pcszDriver = "DirectSound"; break; case AudioDriverType_SolAudio: pcszDriver = "SolAudio"; break; case AudioDriverType_ALSA: pcszDriver = "ALSA"; break; case AudioDriverType_Pulse: pcszDriver = "Pulse"; break; case AudioDriverType_OSS: pcszDriver = "OSS"; break; case AudioDriverType_CoreAudio: pcszDriver = "CoreAudio"; break; case AudioDriverType_MMPM: pcszDriver = "MMPM"; break; default: /*case AudioDriverType_Null:*/ pcszDriver = "Null"; break; } pelmAudio->setAttribute("driver", pcszDriver); pelmAudio->setAttribute("enabled", hw.audioAdapter.fEnabled); xml::ElementNode *pelmSharedFolders = pelmHardware->createChild("SharedFolders"); for (SharedFoldersList::const_iterator it = hw.llSharedFolders.begin(); it != hw.llSharedFolders.end(); ++it) { const SharedFolder &sf = *it; xml::ElementNode *pelmThis = pelmSharedFolders->createChild("SharedFolder"); pelmThis->setAttribute("name", sf.strName); pelmThis->setAttribute("hostPath", sf.strHostPath); pelmThis->setAttribute("writable", sf.fWritable); pelmThis->setAttribute("autoMount", sf.fAutoMount); } xml::ElementNode *pelmClip = pelmHardware->createChild("Clipboard"); const char *pcszClip; switch (hw.clipboardMode) { case ClipboardMode_Disabled: pcszClip = "Disabled"; break; case ClipboardMode_HostToGuest: pcszClip = "HostToGuest"; break; case ClipboardMode_GuestToHost: pcszClip = "GuestToHost"; break; default: /*case ClipboardMode_Bidirectional:*/ pcszClip = "Bidirectional"; break; } pelmClip->setAttribute("mode", pcszClip); if (m->sv >= SettingsVersion_v1_10) { xml::ElementNode *pelmIo = pelmHardware->createChild("IO"); xml::ElementNode *pelmIoCache; xml::ElementNode *pelmIoBandwidth; pelmIoCache = pelmIo->createChild("IoCache"); pelmIoCache->setAttribute("enabled", hw.ioSettings.fIoCacheEnabled); pelmIoCache->setAttribute("size", hw.ioSettings.ulIoCacheSize); pelmIoBandwidth = pelmIo->createChild("IoBandwidth"); } xml::ElementNode *pelmGuest = pelmHardware->createChild("Guest"); pelmGuest->setAttribute("memoryBalloonSize", hw.ulMemoryBalloonSize); xml::ElementNode *pelmGuestProps = pelmHardware->createChild("GuestProperties"); for (GuestPropertiesList::const_iterator it = hw.llGuestProperties.begin(); it != hw.llGuestProperties.end(); ++it) { const GuestProperty &prop = *it; xml::ElementNode *pelmProp = pelmGuestProps->createChild("GuestProperty"); pelmProp->setAttribute("name", prop.strName); pelmProp->setAttribute("value", prop.strValue); pelmProp->setAttribute("timestamp", prop.timestamp); pelmProp->setAttribute("flags", prop.strFlags); } if (hw.strNotificationPatterns.length()) pelmGuestProps->setAttribute("notificationPatterns", hw.strNotificationPatterns); } /** * Fill a node. Only relevant for XML version >= v1_10. * @param mode * @param elmParent * @param nice */ void MachineConfigFile::buildNetworkXML(NetworkAttachmentType_T mode, xml::ElementNode &elmParent, const NetworkAdapter &nic) { switch (mode) { case NetworkAttachmentType_NAT: xml::ElementNode *pelmNAT; pelmNAT = elmParent.createChild("NAT"); if (nic.nat.strNetwork.length()) pelmNAT->setAttribute("network", nic.nat.strNetwork); if (nic.nat.strBindIP.length()) pelmNAT->setAttribute("hostip", nic.nat.strBindIP); if (nic.nat.u32Mtu) pelmNAT->setAttribute("mtu", nic.nat.u32Mtu); if (nic.nat.u32SockRcv) pelmNAT->setAttribute("sockrcv", nic.nat.u32SockRcv); if (nic.nat.u32SockSnd) pelmNAT->setAttribute("socksnd", nic.nat.u32SockSnd); if (nic.nat.u32TcpRcv) pelmNAT->setAttribute("tcprcv", nic.nat.u32TcpRcv); if (nic.nat.u32TcpSnd) pelmNAT->setAttribute("tcpsnd", nic.nat.u32TcpSnd); xml::ElementNode *pelmDNS; pelmDNS = pelmNAT->createChild("DNS"); pelmDNS->setAttribute("pass-domain", nic.nat.fDnsPassDomain); pelmDNS->setAttribute("use-proxy", nic.nat.fDnsProxy); pelmDNS->setAttribute("use-host-resolver", nic.nat.fDnsUseHostResolver); xml::ElementNode *pelmAlias; pelmAlias = pelmNAT->createChild("Alias"); pelmAlias->setAttribute("logging", nic.nat.fAliasLog); pelmAlias->setAttribute("proxy-only", nic.nat.fAliasProxyOnly); pelmAlias->setAttribute("use-same-ports", nic.nat.fAliasUseSamePorts); if ( nic.nat.strTftpPrefix.length() || nic.nat.strTftpBootFile.length() || nic.nat.strTftpNextServer.length()) { xml::ElementNode *pelmTFTP; pelmTFTP = pelmNAT->createChild("TFTP"); if (nic.nat.strTftpPrefix.length()) pelmTFTP->setAttribute("prefix", nic.nat.strTftpPrefix); if (nic.nat.strTftpBootFile.length()) pelmTFTP->setAttribute("boot-file", nic.nat.strTftpBootFile); if (nic.nat.strTftpNextServer.length()) pelmTFTP->setAttribute("next-server", nic.nat.strTftpNextServer); } for (NATRuleList::const_iterator rule = nic.nat.llRules.begin(); rule != nic.nat.llRules.end(); ++rule) { xml::ElementNode *pelmPF; pelmPF = pelmNAT->createChild("Forwarding"); if ((*rule).strName.length()) pelmPF->setAttribute("name", (*rule).strName); pelmPF->setAttribute("proto", (*rule).u32Proto); if ((*rule).strHostIP.length()) pelmPF->setAttribute("hostip", (*rule).strHostIP); if ((*rule).u16HostPort) pelmPF->setAttribute("hostport", (*rule).u16HostPort); if ((*rule).strGuestIP.length()) pelmPF->setAttribute("guestip", (*rule).strGuestIP); if ((*rule).u16GuestPort) pelmPF->setAttribute("guestport", (*rule).u16GuestPort); } break; case NetworkAttachmentType_Bridged: elmParent.createChild("BridgedInterface")->setAttribute("name", nic.strName); break; case NetworkAttachmentType_Internal: elmParent.createChild("InternalNetwork")->setAttribute("name", nic.strName); break; case NetworkAttachmentType_HostOnly: elmParent.createChild("HostOnlyInterface")->setAttribute("name", nic.strName); break; #ifdef VBOX_WITH_VDE case NetworkAttachmentType_VDE: elmParent.createChild("VDE")->setAttribute("network", nic.strName); break; #endif default: /*case NetworkAttachmentType_Null:*/ break; } } /** * Creates a node under elmParent and then writes out the XML * keys under that. Called for both the node and for snapshots. * @param elmParent * @param st * @param fSkipRemovableMedia If true, DVD and floppy attachments are skipped and * an empty drive is always written instead. This is for the OVF export case. * This parameter is ignored unless the settings version is at least v1.9, which * is always the case when this gets called for OVF export. * @param pllElementsWithUuidAttributes If not NULL, must point to a list of element node * pointers to which we will append all allements that we created here that contain * UUID attributes. This allows the OVF export code to quickly replace the internal * media UUIDs with the UUIDs of the media that were exported. */ void MachineConfigFile::buildStorageControllersXML(xml::ElementNode &elmParent, const Storage &st, bool fSkipRemovableMedia, std::list *pllElementsWithUuidAttributes) { xml::ElementNode *pelmStorageControllers = elmParent.createChild("StorageControllers"); for (StorageControllersList::const_iterator it = st.llStorageControllers.begin(); it != st.llStorageControllers.end(); ++it) { const StorageController &sc = *it; if ( (m->sv < SettingsVersion_v1_9) && (sc.controllerType == StorageControllerType_I82078) ) // floppy controller already got written into / in writeHardware() // for pre-1.9 settings continue; xml::ElementNode *pelmController = pelmStorageControllers->createChild("StorageController"); com::Utf8Str name = sc.strName; if (m->sv < SettingsVersion_v1_8) { // pre-1.8 settings use shorter controller names, they are // expanded when reading the settings if (name == "IDE Controller") name = "IDE"; else if (name == "SATA Controller") name = "SATA"; else if (name == "SCSI Controller") name = "SCSI"; } pelmController->setAttribute("name", sc.strName); const char *pcszType; switch (sc.controllerType) { case StorageControllerType_IntelAhci: pcszType = "AHCI"; break; case StorageControllerType_LsiLogic: pcszType = "LsiLogic"; break; case StorageControllerType_BusLogic: pcszType = "BusLogic"; break; case StorageControllerType_PIIX4: pcszType = "PIIX4"; break; case StorageControllerType_ICH6: pcszType = "ICH6"; break; case StorageControllerType_I82078: pcszType = "I82078"; break; case StorageControllerType_LsiLogicSas: pcszType = "LsiLogicSas"; break; default: /*case StorageControllerType_PIIX3:*/ pcszType = "PIIX3"; break; } pelmController->setAttribute("type", pcszType); pelmController->setAttribute("PortCount", sc.ulPortCount); if (m->sv >= SettingsVersion_v1_9) if (sc.ulInstance) pelmController->setAttribute("Instance", sc.ulInstance); if (m->sv >= SettingsVersion_v1_10) pelmController->setAttribute("useHostIOCache", sc.fUseHostIOCache); if (sc.controllerType == StorageControllerType_IntelAhci) { pelmController->setAttribute("IDE0MasterEmulationPort", sc.lIDE0MasterEmulationPort); pelmController->setAttribute("IDE0SlaveEmulationPort", sc.lIDE0SlaveEmulationPort); pelmController->setAttribute("IDE1MasterEmulationPort", sc.lIDE1MasterEmulationPort); pelmController->setAttribute("IDE1SlaveEmulationPort", sc.lIDE1SlaveEmulationPort); } for (AttachedDevicesList::const_iterator it2 = sc.llAttachedDevices.begin(); it2 != sc.llAttachedDevices.end(); ++it2) { const AttachedDevice &att = *it2; // For settings version before 1.9, DVDs and floppies are in hardware, not storage controllers, // so we shouldn't write them here; we only get here for DVDs though because we ruled out // the floppy controller at the top of the loop if ( att.deviceType == DeviceType_DVD && m->sv < SettingsVersion_v1_9 ) continue; xml::ElementNode *pelmDevice = pelmController->createChild("AttachedDevice"); pcszType = NULL; switch (att.deviceType) { case DeviceType_HardDisk: pcszType = "HardDisk"; break; case DeviceType_DVD: pcszType = "DVD"; pelmDevice->setAttribute("passthrough", att.fPassThrough); break; case DeviceType_Floppy: pcszType = "Floppy"; break; } pelmDevice->setAttribute("type", pcszType); pelmDevice->setAttribute("port", att.lPort); pelmDevice->setAttribute("device", att.lDevice); if (att.ulBandwidthLimit) pelmDevice->setAttribute("bandwidthLimit", att.ulBandwidthLimit); // attached image, if any if ( !att.uuid.isEmpty() && ( att.deviceType == DeviceType_HardDisk || !fSkipRemovableMedia ) ) { xml::ElementNode *pelmImage = pelmDevice->createChild("Image"); pelmImage->setAttribute("uuid", att.uuid.toStringCurly()); // if caller wants a list of UUID elements, give it to them if (pllElementsWithUuidAttributes) pllElementsWithUuidAttributes->push_back(pelmImage); } else if ( (m->sv >= SettingsVersion_v1_9) && (att.strHostDriveSrc.length()) ) pelmDevice->createChild("HostDrive")->setAttribute("src", att.strHostDriveSrc); } } } /** * Writes a single snapshot into the DOM tree. Initially this gets called from MachineConfigFile::write() * for the root snapshot of a machine, if present; elmParent then points to the node under the * node to which must be added. This may then recurse for child snapshots. * @param elmParent * @param snap */ void MachineConfigFile::buildSnapshotXML(xml::ElementNode &elmParent, const Snapshot &snap) { xml::ElementNode *pelmSnapshot = elmParent.createChild("Snapshot"); pelmSnapshot->setAttribute("uuid", snap.uuid.toStringCurly()); pelmSnapshot->setAttribute("name", snap.strName); pelmSnapshot->setAttribute("timeStamp", makeString(snap.timestamp)); if (snap.strStateFile.length()) pelmSnapshot->setAttribute("stateFile", snap.strStateFile); if (snap.strDescription.length()) pelmSnapshot->createChild("Description")->addContent(snap.strDescription); buildHardwareXML(*pelmSnapshot, snap.hardware, snap.storage); buildStorageControllersXML(*pelmSnapshot, snap.storage, false /* fSkipRemovableMedia */, NULL); /* pllElementsWithUuidAttributes */ // we only skip removable media for OVF, but we never get here for OVF // since snapshots never get written then if (snap.llChildSnapshots.size()) { xml::ElementNode *pelmChildren = pelmSnapshot->createChild("Snapshots"); for (SnapshotsList::const_iterator it = snap.llChildSnapshots.begin(); it != snap.llChildSnapshots.end(); ++it) { const Snapshot &child = *it; buildSnapshotXML(*pelmChildren, child); } } } /** * Builds the XML DOM tree for the machine config under the given XML element. * * This has been separated out from write() so it can be called from elsewhere, * such as the OVF code, to build machine XML in an existing XML tree. * * As a result, this gets called from two locations: * * -- MachineConfigFile::write(); * * -- Appliance::buildXMLForOneVirtualSystem() * * In fl, the following flag bits are recognized: * * -- BuildMachineXML_MediaRegistry: If set, the machine's media registry will * be written, if present. This is not set when called from OVF because OVF * has its own variant of a media registry. This flag is ignored unless the * settings version is at least v1.11 (VirtualBox 4.0). * * -- BuildMachineXML_IncludeSnapshots: If set, descend into the snapshots tree * of the machine and write out and possibly more snapshots under * that, if snapshots are present. Otherwise all snapshots are suppressed * (when called from OVF). * * -- BuildMachineXML_WriteVboxVersionAttribute: If set, add a settingsVersion * attribute to the machine tag with the vbox settings version. This is for * the OVF export case in which we don't have the settings version set in * the root element. * * -- BuildMachineXML_SkipRemovableMedia: If set, removable media attachments * (DVDs, floppies) are silently skipped. This is for the OVF export case * until we support copying ISO and RAW media as well. This flag is ignored * unless the settings version is at least v1.9, which is always the case * when this gets called for OVF export. * * @param elmMachine XML element to add attributes and elements to. * @param fl Flags. * @param pllElementsWithUuidAttributes pointer to list that should receive UUID elements or NULL; * see buildStorageControllersXML() for details. */ void MachineConfigFile::buildMachineXML(xml::ElementNode &elmMachine, uint32_t fl, std::list *pllElementsWithUuidAttributes) { if (fl & BuildMachineXML_WriteVboxVersionAttribute) // add settings version attribute to machine element setVersionAttribute(elmMachine); elmMachine.setAttribute("uuid", uuid.toStringCurly()); elmMachine.setAttribute("name", machineUserData.strName); if (!machineUserData.fNameSync) elmMachine.setAttribute("nameSync", machineUserData.fNameSync); if (machineUserData.strDescription.length()) elmMachine.createChild("Description")->addContent(machineUserData.strDescription); elmMachine.setAttribute("OSType", machineUserData.strOsType); if (strStateFile.length()) elmMachine.setAttribute("stateFile", strStateFile); if ( (fl & BuildMachineXML_IncludeSnapshots) && !uuidCurrentSnapshot.isEmpty()) elmMachine.setAttribute("currentSnapshot", uuidCurrentSnapshot.toStringCurly()); if (machineUserData.strSnapshotFolder.length()) elmMachine.setAttribute("snapshotFolder", machineUserData.strSnapshotFolder); if (!fCurrentStateModified) elmMachine.setAttribute("currentStateModified", fCurrentStateModified); elmMachine.setAttribute("lastStateChange", makeString(timeLastStateChange)); if (fAborted) elmMachine.setAttribute("aborted", fAborted); if ( m->sv >= SettingsVersion_v1_9 && ( machineUserData.fTeleporterEnabled || machineUserData.uTeleporterPort || !machineUserData.strTeleporterAddress.isEmpty() || !machineUserData.strTeleporterPassword.isEmpty() ) ) { xml::ElementNode *pelmTeleporter = elmMachine.createChild("Teleporter"); pelmTeleporter->setAttribute("enabled", machineUserData.fTeleporterEnabled); pelmTeleporter->setAttribute("port", machineUserData.uTeleporterPort); pelmTeleporter->setAttribute("address", machineUserData.strTeleporterAddress); pelmTeleporter->setAttribute("password", machineUserData.strTeleporterPassword); } if ( m->sv >= SettingsVersion_v1_11 && ( machineUserData.enmFaultToleranceState != FaultToleranceState_Inactive || machineUserData.uFaultTolerancePort || machineUserData.uFaultToleranceInterval || !machineUserData.strFaultToleranceAddress.isEmpty() ) ) { xml::ElementNode *pelmFaultTolerance = elmMachine.createChild("FaultTolerance"); switch (machineUserData.enmFaultToleranceState) { case FaultToleranceState_Inactive: pelmFaultTolerance->setAttribute("state", "inactive"); break; case FaultToleranceState_Master: pelmFaultTolerance->setAttribute("state", "master"); break; case FaultToleranceState_Standby: pelmFaultTolerance->setAttribute("state", "standby"); break; } pelmFaultTolerance->setAttribute("port", machineUserData.uFaultTolerancePort); pelmFaultTolerance->setAttribute("address", machineUserData.strFaultToleranceAddress); pelmFaultTolerance->setAttribute("interval", machineUserData.uFaultToleranceInterval); pelmFaultTolerance->setAttribute("password", machineUserData.strFaultTolerancePassword); } if ( (fl & BuildMachineXML_MediaRegistry) && (m->sv >= SettingsVersion_v1_11) ) buildMediaRegistry(elmMachine, mediaRegistry); buildExtraData(elmMachine, mapExtraDataItems); if ( (fl & BuildMachineXML_IncludeSnapshots) && llFirstSnapshot.size()) buildSnapshotXML(elmMachine, llFirstSnapshot.front()); buildHardwareXML(elmMachine, hardwareMachine, storageMachine); buildStorageControllersXML(elmMachine, storageMachine, !!(fl & BuildMachineXML_SkipRemovableMedia), pllElementsWithUuidAttributes); } /** * Returns true only if the given AudioDriverType is supported on * the current host platform. For example, this would return false * for AudioDriverType_DirectSound when compiled on a Linux host. * @param drv AudioDriverType_* enum to test. * @return true only if the current host supports that driver. */ /*static*/ bool MachineConfigFile::isAudioDriverAllowedOnThisHost(AudioDriverType_T drv) { switch (drv) { case AudioDriverType_Null: #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS # ifdef VBOX_WITH_WINMM case AudioDriverType_WinMM: # endif case AudioDriverType_DirectSound: #endif /* RT_OS_WINDOWS */ #ifdef RT_OS_SOLARIS case AudioDriverType_SolAudio: #endif #ifdef RT_OS_LINUX # ifdef VBOX_WITH_ALSA case AudioDriverType_ALSA: # endif # ifdef VBOX_WITH_PULSE case AudioDriverType_Pulse: # endif #endif /* RT_OS_LINUX */ #if defined (RT_OS_LINUX) || defined (RT_OS_FREEBSD) || defined(VBOX_WITH_SOLARIS_OSS) case AudioDriverType_OSS: #endif #ifdef RT_OS_FREEBSD # ifdef VBOX_WITH_PULSE case AudioDriverType_Pulse: # endif #endif #ifdef RT_OS_DARWIN case AudioDriverType_CoreAudio: #endif #ifdef RT_OS_OS2 case AudioDriverType_MMPM: #endif return true; } return false; } /** * Returns the AudioDriverType_* which should be used by default on this * host platform. On Linux, this will check at runtime whether PulseAudio * or ALSA are actually supported on the first call. * @return */ /*static*/ AudioDriverType_T MachineConfigFile::getHostDefaultAudioDriver() { #if defined(RT_OS_WINDOWS) # ifdef VBOX_WITH_WINMM return AudioDriverType_WinMM; # else /* VBOX_WITH_WINMM */ return AudioDriverType_DirectSound; # endif /* !VBOX_WITH_WINMM */ #elif defined(RT_OS_SOLARIS) return AudioDriverType_SolAudio; #elif defined(RT_OS_LINUX) // on Linux, we need to check at runtime what's actually supported... static RTLockMtx s_mtx; static AudioDriverType_T s_linuxDriver = -1; RTLock lock(s_mtx); if (s_linuxDriver == (AudioDriverType_T)-1) { # if defined(VBOX_WITH_PULSE) /* Check for the pulse library & that the pulse audio daemon is running. */ if (RTProcIsRunningByName("pulseaudio") && RTLdrIsLoadable("libpulse.so.0")) s_linuxDriver = AudioDriverType_Pulse; else # endif /* VBOX_WITH_PULSE */ # if defined(VBOX_WITH_ALSA) /* Check if we can load the ALSA library */ if (RTLdrIsLoadable("libasound.so.2")) s_linuxDriver = AudioDriverType_ALSA; else # endif /* VBOX_WITH_ALSA */ s_linuxDriver = AudioDriverType_OSS; } return s_linuxDriver; // end elif defined(RT_OS_LINUX) #elif defined(RT_OS_DARWIN) return AudioDriverType_CoreAudio; #elif defined(RT_OS_OS2) return AudioDriverType_MMP; #elif defined(RT_OS_FREEBSD) return AudioDriverType_OSS; #else return AudioDriverType_Null; #endif } /** * Called from write() before calling ConfigFileBase::createStubDocument(). * This adjusts the settings version in m->sv if incompatible settings require * a settings bump, whereas otherwise we try to preserve the settings version * to avoid breaking compatibility with older versions. * * We do the checks in here in reverse order: newest first, oldest last, so * that we avoid unnecessary checks since some of these are expensive. */ void MachineConfigFile::bumpSettingsVersionIfNeeded() { if (m->sv < SettingsVersion_v1_11) { // VirtualBox 4.0 adds HD audio, CPU priorities, fault tolerance and per-machine media registries if ( hardwareMachine.audioAdapter.controllerType == AudioControllerType_HDA || hardwareMachine.ulCpuPriority != 100 || machineUserData.enmFaultToleranceState != FaultToleranceState_Inactive || machineUserData.uFaultTolerancePort || machineUserData.uFaultToleranceInterval || !machineUserData.strFaultToleranceAddress.isEmpty() || mediaRegistry.llHardDisks.size() || mediaRegistry.llDvdImages.size() || mediaRegistry.llFloppyImages.size() ) m->sv = SettingsVersion_v1_11; } // settings version 1.9 is required if there is not exactly one DVD // or more than one floppy drive present or the DVD is not at the secondary // master; this check is a bit more complicated // // settings version 1.10 is required if the host cache should be disabled // // settings version 1.11 is required for bandwidth limits if (m->sv < SettingsVersion_v1_11) { // count attached DVDs and floppies (only if < v1.9) size_t cDVDs = 0; size_t cFloppies = 0; // need to run thru all the storage controllers and attached devices to figure this out for (StorageControllersList::const_iterator it = storageMachine.llStorageControllers.begin(); it != storageMachine.llStorageControllers.end(); ++it) { const StorageController &sctl = *it; for (AttachedDevicesList::const_iterator it2 = sctl.llAttachedDevices.begin(); it2 != sctl.llAttachedDevices.end(); ++it2) { const AttachedDevice &att = *it2; // Bandwidth limitations are new in VirtualBox 4.0 (1.11) if ( (m->sv < SettingsVersion_v1_11) && (att.ulBandwidthLimit != 0) ) { m->sv = SettingsVersion_v1_11; break; /* abort the loop -- we will not raise the version further */ } // disabling the host IO cache requires settings version 1.10 if ( (m->sv < SettingsVersion_v1_10) && (!sctl.fUseHostIOCache) ) m->sv = SettingsVersion_v1_10; // we can only write the StorageController/@Instance attribute with v1.9 if ( (m->sv < SettingsVersion_v1_9) && (sctl.ulInstance != 0) ) m->sv = SettingsVersion_v1_9; if (m->sv < SettingsVersion_v1_9) { if (att.deviceType == DeviceType_DVD) { if ( (sctl.storageBus != StorageBus_IDE) // DVD at bus other than DVD? || (att.lPort != 1) // DVDs not at secondary master? || (att.lDevice != 0) ) m->sv = SettingsVersion_v1_9; ++cDVDs; } else if (att.deviceType == DeviceType_Floppy) ++cFloppies; } } } // VirtualBox before 3.1 had zero or one floppy and exactly one DVD, // so any deviation from that will require settings version 1.9 if ( (m->sv < SettingsVersion_v1_9) && ( (cDVDs != 1) || (cFloppies > 1) ) ) m->sv = SettingsVersion_v1_9; } // VirtualBox 3.2: Check for non default I/O settings if (m->sv < SettingsVersion_v1_10) { if ( (hardwareMachine.ioSettings.fIoCacheEnabled != true) || (hardwareMachine.ioSettings.ulIoCacheSize != 5) // and VRDP video channel || (hardwareMachine.vrdpSettings.fVideoChannel) // and page fusion || (hardwareMachine.fPageFusionEnabled) // and CPU hotplug, RTC timezone control, HID type and HPET || machineUserData.fRTCUseUTC || hardwareMachine.fCpuHotPlug || hardwareMachine.pointingHidType != PointingHidType_PS2Mouse || hardwareMachine.keyboardHidType != KeyboardHidType_PS2Keyboard || hardwareMachine.fHpetEnabled ) m->sv = SettingsVersion_v1_10; } // VirtualBox 3.2 adds NAT and boot priority to the NIC config in Main if (m->sv < SettingsVersion_v1_10) { NetworkAdaptersList::const_iterator netit; for (netit = hardwareMachine.llNetworkAdapters.begin(); netit != hardwareMachine.llNetworkAdapters.end(); ++netit) { if ( (m->sv < SettingsVersion_v1_11) && (netit->ulBandwidthLimit) ) { /* New in VirtualBox 4.0 */ m->sv = SettingsVersion_v1_11; break; } else if ( (m->sv < SettingsVersion_v1_10) && (netit->fEnabled) && (netit->mode == NetworkAttachmentType_NAT) && ( netit->nat.u32Mtu != 0 || netit->nat.u32SockRcv != 0 || netit->nat.u32SockSnd != 0 || netit->nat.u32TcpRcv != 0 || netit->nat.u32TcpSnd != 0 || !netit->nat.fDnsPassDomain || netit->nat.fDnsProxy || netit->nat.fDnsUseHostResolver || netit->nat.fAliasLog || netit->nat.fAliasProxyOnly || netit->nat.fAliasUseSamePorts || netit->nat.strTftpPrefix.length() || netit->nat.strTftpBootFile.length() || netit->nat.strTftpNextServer.length() || netit->nat.llRules.size() ) ) { m->sv = SettingsVersion_v1_10; // no break because we still might need v1.11 above } else if ( (m->sv < SettingsVersion_v1_10) && (netit->fEnabled) && (netit->ulBootPriority != 0) ) { m->sv = SettingsVersion_v1_10; // no break because we still might need v1.11 above } } } // all the following require settings version 1.9 if ( (m->sv < SettingsVersion_v1_9) && ( (hardwareMachine.firmwareType >= FirmwareType_EFI) || (hardwareMachine.fHardwareVirtExclusive != HWVIRTEXCLUSIVEDEFAULT) || machineUserData.fTeleporterEnabled || machineUserData.uTeleporterPort || !machineUserData.strTeleporterAddress.isEmpty() || !machineUserData.strTeleporterPassword.isEmpty() || !hardwareMachine.uuid.isEmpty() ) ) m->sv = SettingsVersion_v1_9; // "accelerate 2d video" requires settings version 1.8 if ( (m->sv < SettingsVersion_v1_8) && (hardwareMachine.fAccelerate2DVideo) ) m->sv = SettingsVersion_v1_8; // The hardware versions other than "1" requires settings version 1.4 (2.1+). if ( m->sv < SettingsVersion_v1_4 && hardwareMachine.strVersion != "1" ) m->sv = SettingsVersion_v1_4; } /** * Called from Main code to write a machine config file to disk. This builds a DOM tree from * the member variables and then writes the XML file; it throws xml::Error instances on errors, * in particular if the file cannot be written. */ void MachineConfigFile::write(const com::Utf8Str &strFilename) { try { // createStubDocument() sets the settings version to at least 1.7; however, // we might need to enfore a later settings version if incompatible settings // are present: bumpSettingsVersionIfNeeded(); m->strFilename = strFilename; createStubDocument(); xml::ElementNode *pelmMachine = m->pelmRoot->createChild("Machine"); buildMachineXML(*pelmMachine, MachineConfigFile::BuildMachineXML_IncludeSnapshots | MachineConfigFile::BuildMachineXML_MediaRegistry, // but not BuildMachineXML_WriteVboxVersionAttribute NULL); /* pllElementsWithUuidAttributes */ // now go write the XML xml::XmlFileWriter writer(*m->pDoc); writer.write(m->strFilename.c_str(), true /*fSafe*/); m->fFileExists = true; clearDocument(); } catch (...) { clearDocument(); throw; } }