1 | /* $Id: PerformanceWin.cpp 11180 2008-08-06 15:34:11Z vboxsync $ */
2 |
3 | /** @file
4 | *
5 | * VBox Windows-specific Performance Classes implementation.
6 | */
7 |
8 | /*
9 | * Copyright (C) 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
10 | *
11 | * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
12 | * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
13 | * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
14 | * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
15 | * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
16 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
17 | * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
18 | *
19 | * Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa
20 | * Clara, CA 95054 USA or visit http://www.sun.com if you need
21 | * additional information or have any questions.
22 | */
23 |
24 | #include <Wbemidl.h>
25 | #include <iprt/err.h>
26 |
27 | #include "Logging.h"
28 | #include "Performance.h"
29 |
30 | namespace pm {
31 |
32 | class CollectorWin : public CollectorHAL
33 | {
34 | public:
35 | CollectorWin();
36 | ~CollectorWin();
37 |
38 | virtual int getHostCpuLoad(ULONG *user, ULONG *kernel, ULONG *idle);
39 | virtual int getHostCpuMHz(ULONG *mhz);
40 | virtual int getHostMemoryUsage(ULONG *total, ULONG *used, ULONG *available);
41 | virtual int getProcessCpuLoad(RTPROCESS process, ULONG *user, ULONG *kernel);
42 | virtual int getProcessMemoryUsage(RTPROCESS process, ULONG *used);
43 |
44 | virtual int getRawHostCpuLoad(uint64_t *user, uint64_t *kernel, uint64_t *idle);
45 | virtual int getRawProcessCpuLoad(RTPROCESS process, uint64_t *user, uint64_t *kernel, uint64_t *total);
46 | private:
47 | long getPropertyHandle(IWbemObjectAccess *objAccess, LPCWSTR name);
48 | int getObjects(IWbemHiPerfEnum *mEnum, IWbemObjectAccess ***objArray, DWORD *numReturned);
49 |
50 | IWbemRefresher *mRefresher;
51 | IWbemServices *mNameSpace;
52 |
53 | IWbemHiPerfEnum *mEnumProcessor;
54 | long mEnumProcessorID;
55 | long mHostCpuLoadNameHandle;
56 | long mHostCpuLoadUserHandle;
57 | long mHostCpuLoadKernelHandle;
58 | long mHostCpuLoadIdleHandle;
59 |
60 | IWbemHiPerfEnum *mEnumProcess;
61 | long mEnumProcessID;
62 | long mProcessPIDHandle;
63 | long mProcessCpuLoadUserHandle;
64 | long mProcessCpuLoadKernelHandle;
65 | long mProcessCpuLoadTimestampHandle;
66 | long mProcessMemoryUsedHandle;
67 | };
68 |
69 | MetricFactoryWin::MetricFactoryWin()
70 | {
71 | mHAL = new CollectorWin();
72 | Assert(mHAL);
73 | }
74 |
75 | CollectorWin::CollectorWin() : mRefresher(0), mNameSpace(0), mEnumProcessor(0), mEnumProcess(0)
76 | {
77 | HRESULT hr = S_OK;
78 | IWbemConfigureRefresher *pConfig = NULL;
79 | IWbemLocator *pWbemLocator = NULL;
80 | BSTR bstrNameSpace = NULL;
81 |
82 | if (SUCCEEDED (hr = CoCreateInstance(
83 | CLSID_WbemLocator,
84 | NULL,
86 | IID_IWbemLocator,
87 | (void**) &pWbemLocator)))
88 | {
89 | // Connect to the desired namespace.
90 | bstrNameSpace = SysAllocString(L"\\\\.\\root\\cimv2");
91 | if (bstrNameSpace)
92 | {
93 | hr = pWbemLocator->ConnectServer(
94 | bstrNameSpace,
95 | NULL, // User name
96 | NULL, // Password
97 | NULL, // Locale
98 | 0L, // Security flags
99 | NULL, // Authority
100 | NULL, // Wbem context
101 | &mNameSpace);
102 | }
103 | pWbemLocator->Release();
104 | SysFreeString(bstrNameSpace);
105 | }
106 |
107 | if (FAILED (hr)) {
108 | Log (("Failed to get namespace. HR = %x\n", hr));
109 | return;
110 | }
111 |
112 | if (SUCCEEDED (hr = CoCreateInstance(
113 | CLSID_WbemRefresher,
114 | NULL,
116 | IID_IWbemRefresher,
117 | (void**) &mRefresher)))
118 | {
119 | if (SUCCEEDED (hr = mRefresher->QueryInterface(
120 | IID_IWbemConfigureRefresher,
121 | (void **)&pConfig)))
122 | {
123 | // Add an enumerator to the refresher.
124 | if (SUCCEEDED (hr = pConfig->AddEnum(
125 | mNameSpace,
126 | L"Win32_PerfRawData_PerfOS_Processor",
127 | 0,
128 | NULL,
129 | &mEnumProcessor,
130 | &mEnumProcessorID)))
131 | {
132 | hr = pConfig->AddEnum(
133 | mNameSpace,
134 | L"Win32_PerfRawData_PerfProc_Process",
135 | 0,
136 | NULL,
137 | &mEnumProcess,
138 | &mEnumProcessID);
139 | }
140 | pConfig->Release();
141 | }
142 | }
143 |
144 |
145 | if (FAILED (hr)) {
146 | Log (("Failed to add enumerators. HR = %x\n", hr));
147 | return;
148 | }
149 |
150 | // Retrieve property handles
151 |
152 | if (FAILED (hr = mRefresher->Refresh(0L)))
153 | {
154 | Log (("Refresher failed. HR = %x\n", hr));
155 | return;
156 | }
157 |
158 | IWbemObjectAccess **apEnumAccess = NULL;
159 | DWORD dwNumReturned = 0;
160 |
161 | if (RT_FAILURE(getObjects(mEnumProcessor, &apEnumAccess, &dwNumReturned)))
162 | return;
163 |
164 | mHostCpuLoadNameHandle = getPropertyHandle(apEnumAccess[0], L"Name");
165 | mHostCpuLoadUserHandle = getPropertyHandle(apEnumAccess[0], L"PercentUserTime");
166 | mHostCpuLoadKernelHandle = getPropertyHandle(apEnumAccess[0], L"PercentPrivilegedTime");
167 | mHostCpuLoadIdleHandle = getPropertyHandle(apEnumAccess[0], L"PercentProcessorTime");
168 |
169 | delete [] apEnumAccess;
170 |
171 | if (RT_FAILURE(getObjects(mEnumProcess, &apEnumAccess, &dwNumReturned)))
172 | return;
173 |
174 | mProcessPIDHandle = getPropertyHandle(apEnumAccess[0], L"IDProcess");
175 | mProcessCpuLoadUserHandle = getPropertyHandle(apEnumAccess[0], L"PercentUserTime");
176 | mProcessCpuLoadKernelHandle = getPropertyHandle(apEnumAccess[0], L"PercentPrivilegedTime");
177 | mProcessCpuLoadTimestampHandle = getPropertyHandle(apEnumAccess[0], L"Timestamp_Sys100NS");
178 | mProcessMemoryUsedHandle = getPropertyHandle(apEnumAccess[0], L"WorkingSet");
179 |
180 | delete [] apEnumAccess;
181 | }
182 |
183 | CollectorWin::~CollectorWin()
184 | {
185 | if (NULL != mNameSpace)
186 | {
187 | mNameSpace->Release();
188 | }
189 | if (NULL != mEnumProcessor)
190 | {
191 | mEnumProcessor->Release();
192 | }
193 | if (NULL != mEnumProcess)
194 | {
195 | mEnumProcess->Release();
196 | }
197 | if (NULL != mRefresher)
198 | {
199 | mRefresher->Release();
200 | }
201 | }
202 |
203 | long CollectorWin::getPropertyHandle(IWbemObjectAccess *objAccess, LPCWSTR name)
204 | {
205 | HRESULT hr;
206 | CIMTYPE tmp;
207 | long handle;
208 |
209 | if (FAILED (hr = objAccess->GetPropertyHandle(
210 | name,
211 | &tmp,
212 | &handle)))
213 | {
214 | Log (("Failed to get property handle for '%ls'. HR = %x\n", name, hr));
215 | return 0; /// @todo use throw
216 | }
217 |
218 | return handle;
219 | }
220 |
221 | int CollectorWin::getObjects(IWbemHiPerfEnum *mEnum, IWbemObjectAccess ***objArray, DWORD *numReturned)
222 | {
223 | HRESULT hr;
224 | DWORD dwNumObjects = 0;
225 |
226 | *objArray = NULL;
227 | *numReturned = 0;
228 | hr = mEnum->GetObjects(0L, dwNumObjects, *objArray, numReturned);
229 |
230 | // If the buffer was not big enough,
231 | // allocate a bigger buffer and retry.
232 | if (hr == WBEM_E_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL
233 | && *numReturned > dwNumObjects)
234 | {
235 | *objArray = new IWbemObjectAccess*[*numReturned];
236 | if (NULL == *objArray)
237 | {
238 | Log (("Could not allocate enumerator access objects\n"));
239 | return VERR_NO_MEMORY;
240 | }
241 |
242 | SecureZeroMemory(*objArray,
243 | *numReturned*sizeof(IWbemObjectAccess*));
244 | dwNumObjects = *numReturned;
245 |
246 | if (FAILED (hr = mEnum->GetObjects(0L,
247 | dwNumObjects, *objArray, numReturned)))
248 | {
249 | delete [] objArray;
250 | Log (("Failed to get objects from enumerator. HR = %x\n", hr));
252 | }
253 | }
254 | else if (FAILED (hr))
255 | {
256 | Log (("Failed to get objects from enumerator. HR = %x\n", hr));
258 | }
259 |
260 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
261 | }
262 |
263 | int CollectorWin::getHostCpuLoad(ULONG *user, ULONG *kernel, ULONG *idle)
264 | {
266 | }
267 |
268 | int CollectorWin::getRawHostCpuLoad(uint64_t *user, uint64_t *kernel, uint64_t *idle)
269 | {
270 | HRESULT hr;
271 | IWbemObjectAccess **apEnumAccess = NULL;
272 | DWORD dwNumReturned = 0;
273 |
274 | LogFlowThisFuncEnter();
275 |
276 | if (FAILED (hr = mRefresher->Refresh(0L)))
277 | {
278 | Log (("Refresher failed. HR = %x\n", hr));
280 | }
281 |
282 | int rc = getObjects(mEnumProcessor, &apEnumAccess, &dwNumReturned);
283 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
284 | return rc;
285 |
286 | for (unsigned i = 0; i < dwNumReturned; i++)
287 | {
288 | long bytesRead = 0;
289 | WCHAR tmpBuf[200];
290 |
291 | if (FAILED (hr = apEnumAccess[i]->ReadPropertyValue(
292 | mHostCpuLoadNameHandle,
293 | sizeof(tmpBuf),
294 | &bytesRead,
295 | (byte*)tmpBuf)))
296 | {
297 | Log (("Failed to read 'Name' property. HR = %x\n", hr));
299 | }
300 | if (wcscmp(tmpBuf, L"_Total") == 0)
301 | {
302 | if (FAILED (hr = apEnumAccess[i]->ReadQWORD(
303 | mHostCpuLoadUserHandle,
304 | user)))
305 | {
306 | Log (("Failed to read 'PercentUserTime' property. HR = %x\n", hr));
308 | }
309 | if (FAILED (hr = apEnumAccess[i]->ReadQWORD(
310 | mHostCpuLoadKernelHandle,
311 | kernel)))
312 | {
313 | Log (("Failed to read 'PercentPrivilegedTime' property. HR = %x\n", hr));
315 | }
316 | if (FAILED (hr = apEnumAccess[i]->ReadQWORD(
317 | mHostCpuLoadIdleHandle,
318 | idle)))
319 | {
320 | Log (("Failed to read 'PercentProcessorTime' property. HR = %x\n", hr));
322 | }
323 | rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
324 | }
325 | apEnumAccess[i]->Release();
326 | apEnumAccess[i] = NULL;
327 | }
328 | delete [] apEnumAccess;
329 |
330 | LogFlowThisFunc(("user=%lu kernel=%lu idle=%lu\n", *user, *kernel, *idle));
331 | LogFlowThisFuncLeave();
332 |
333 | return rc;
334 | }
335 |
336 | int CollectorWin::getHostCpuMHz(ULONG *mhz)
337 | {
339 | }
340 |
341 | int CollectorWin::getHostMemoryUsage(ULONG *total, ULONG *used, ULONG *available)
342 | {
344 |
345 | mstat.dwLength = sizeof(mstat);
346 | if (GlobalMemoryStatusEx(&mstat))
347 | {
348 | *total = (ULONG)( mstat.ullTotalPhys / 1000 );
349 | *available = (ULONG)( mstat.ullAvailPhys / 1000 );
350 | *used = *total - *available;
351 | }
352 | else
353 | return RTErrConvertFromWin32(GetLastError());
354 |
355 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
356 | }
357 |
358 | int CollectorWin::getProcessCpuLoad(RTPROCESS process, ULONG *user, ULONG *kernel)
359 | {
361 | }
362 |
363 | int CollectorWin::getRawProcessCpuLoad(RTPROCESS process, uint64_t *user, uint64_t *kernel, uint64_t *total)
364 | {
365 | HRESULT hr;
366 | IWbemObjectAccess **apEnumAccess = NULL;
367 | DWORD dwNumReturned = 0;
368 |
369 | LogFlowThisFuncEnter();
370 |
371 | if (FAILED (hr = mRefresher->Refresh(0L)))
372 | {
373 | Log (("Refresher failed. HR = %x\n", hr));
375 | }
376 |
377 | int rc = getObjects(mEnumProcess, &apEnumAccess, &dwNumReturned);
378 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
379 | return rc;
380 |
381 | rc = VERR_NOT_FOUND;
382 |
383 | for (unsigned i = 0; i < dwNumReturned; i++)
384 | {
385 | DWORD dwIDProcess;
386 |
387 | if (FAILED (hr = apEnumAccess[i]->ReadDWORD(
388 | mProcessPIDHandle,
389 | &dwIDProcess)))
390 | {
391 | Log (("Failed to read 'IDProcess' property. HR = %x\n", hr));
393 | }
394 | LogFlowThisFunc (("Matching machine process %x against %x...\n", process, dwIDProcess));
395 | if (dwIDProcess == process)
396 | {
397 | LogFlowThisFunc (("Match found.\n"));
398 | if (FAILED (hr = apEnumAccess[i]->ReadQWORD(
399 | mProcessCpuLoadUserHandle,
400 | user)))
401 | {
402 | Log (("Failed to read 'PercentUserTime' property. HR = %x\n", hr));
404 | }
405 | if (FAILED (hr = apEnumAccess[i]->ReadQWORD(
406 | mProcessCpuLoadKernelHandle,
407 | kernel)))
408 | {
409 | Log (("Failed to read 'PercentPrivilegedTime' property. HR = %x\n", hr));
411 | }
412 | if (FAILED (hr = apEnumAccess[i]->ReadQWORD(
413 | mProcessCpuLoadTimestampHandle,
414 | total)))
415 | {
416 | Log (("Failed to read 'Timestamp_Sys100NS' property. HR = %x\n", hr));
418 | }
419 | rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
420 | }
421 | apEnumAccess[i]->Release();
422 | apEnumAccess[i] = NULL;
423 | }
424 | delete [] apEnumAccess;
425 |
426 | LogFlowThisFunc(("user=%lu kernel=%lu total=%lu\n", *user, *kernel, *total));
427 | LogFlowThisFuncLeave();
428 |
429 | return rc;
430 | }
431 |
432 | int CollectorWin::getProcessMemoryUsage(RTPROCESS process, ULONG *used)
433 | {
434 | HRESULT hr;
435 | IWbemObjectAccess **apEnumAccess = NULL;
436 | DWORD dwNumReturned = 0;
437 |
438 | LogFlowThisFuncEnter();
439 |
440 | if (FAILED (hr = mRefresher->Refresh(0L)))
441 | {
442 | Log (("Refresher failed. HR = %x\n", hr));
444 | }
445 |
446 | int rc = getObjects(mEnumProcess, &apEnumAccess, &dwNumReturned);
447 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
448 | return rc;
449 |
450 | rc = VERR_NOT_FOUND;
451 |
452 | for (unsigned i = 0; i < dwNumReturned; i++)
453 | {
454 | DWORD dwIDProcess;
455 |
456 | if (FAILED (hr = apEnumAccess[i]->ReadDWORD(
457 | mProcessPIDHandle,
458 | &dwIDProcess)))
459 | {
460 | Log (("Failed to read 'IDProcess' property. HR = %x\n", hr));
462 | }
463 | if (dwIDProcess == process)
464 | {
465 | uint64_t u64used = 0;
466 |
467 | if (FAILED (hr = apEnumAccess[i]->ReadQWORD(
468 | mProcessMemoryUsedHandle,
469 | &u64used)))
470 | {
471 | Log (("Failed to read 'WorkingSet' property. HR = %x\n", hr));
473 | }
474 | *used = (ULONG)(u64used / 1024);
475 | rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
476 | }
477 | apEnumAccess[i]->Release();
478 | apEnumAccess[i] = NULL;
479 | }
480 | delete [] apEnumAccess;
481 |
482 | LogFlowThisFunc(("used=%lu\n", *used));
483 | LogFlowThisFuncLeave();
484 |
485 | return rc;
486 | }
487 |
488 | }