/* $Id: vboxweb.cpp 106061 2024-09-16 14:03:52Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * vboxweb.cpp: * hand-coded parts of the webservice server. This is linked with the * generated code in out/.../src/VBox/Main/webservice/methodmaps.cpp * (plus static gSOAP server code) to implement the actual webservice * server, to which clients can connect. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2007-2024 Oracle and/or its affiliates. * * This file is part of VirtualBox base platform packages, as * available from https://www.virtualbox.org. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 3 of the * License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see . * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only */ // shared webservice header #include "vboxweb.h" // vbox headers #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef WITH_OPENSSL # include #endif #ifndef RT_OS_WINDOWS # include #endif // workaround for compile problems on gcc 4.1 #ifdef __GNUC__ #pragma GCC visibility push(default) #endif // gSOAP headers (must come after vbox includes because it checks for conflicting defs) #include "soapH.h" // standard headers #include #include #ifdef __GNUC__ #pragma GCC visibility pop #endif // include generated namespaces table #include "vboxwebsrv.nsmap" RT_C_DECLS_BEGIN // declarations for the generated WSDL text extern const unsigned char g_abVBoxWebWSDL[]; extern const unsigned g_cbVBoxWebWSDL; RT_C_DECLS_END static void WebLogSoapError(struct soap *soap); /**************************************************************************** * * private typedefs * ****************************************************************************/ typedef std::map ManagedObjectsMapById; typedef ManagedObjectsMapById::iterator ManagedObjectsIteratorById; typedef std::map ManagedObjectsMapByPtr; typedef ManagedObjectsMapByPtr::iterator ManagedObjectsIteratorByPtr; typedef std::map WebsessionsMap; typedef WebsessionsMap::iterator WebsessionsMapIterator; typedef std::map ThreadsMap; static DECLCALLBACK(int) fntWatchdog(RTTHREAD ThreadSelf, void *pvUser); /**************************************************************************** * * Read-only global variables * ****************************************************************************/ static ComPtr g_pVirtualBoxClient = NULL; // generated strings in methodmaps.cpp extern const char *g_pcszISession, *g_pcszIVirtualBox, *g_pcszIVirtualBoxErrorInfo; // globals for vboxweb command-line arguments #define DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_SECS 300 #define DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_SECS_STRING "300" static int g_iWatchdogTimeoutSecs = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_SECS; static int g_iWatchdogCheckInterval = 5; static const char *g_pcszBindToHost = NULL; // host; NULL = localhost static unsigned int g_uBindToPort = 18083; // port static unsigned int g_uBacklog = 100; // backlog = max queue size for connections #ifdef WITH_OPENSSL static bool g_fSSL = false; // if SSL is enabled static const char *g_pcszKeyFile = NULL; // server key file static const char *g_pcszPassword = NULL; // password for server key static const char *g_pcszCACert = NULL; // file with trusted CA certificates static const char *g_pcszCAPath = NULL; // directory with trusted CA certificates static const char *g_pcszDHFile = NULL; // DH file name or DH key length in bits, NULL=use RSA static const char *g_pcszRandFile = NULL; // file with random data seed static const char *g_pcszSID = "vboxwebsrv"; // server ID for SSL session cache #endif /* WITH_OPENSSL */ static unsigned int g_cMaxWorkerThreads = 100; // max. no. of worker threads static unsigned int g_cMaxKeepAlive = 100; // maximum number of soap requests in one connection static const char *g_pcszAuthentication = NULL; // web service authentication static uint32_t g_cHistory = 10; // enable log rotation, 10 files static uint32_t g_uHistoryFileTime = RT_SEC_1DAY; // max 1 day per file static uint64_t g_uHistoryFileSize = 100 * _1M; // max 100MB per file bool g_fVerbose = false; // be verbose static bool g_fDaemonize = false; // run in background. static volatile bool g_fKeepRunning = true; // controlling the exit const WSDLT_ID g_EmptyWSDLID; // for NULL MORs /**************************************************************************** * * Writeable global variables * ****************************************************************************/ // The one global SOAP queue created by main(). class SoapQ; static SoapQ *g_pSoapQ = NULL; // this mutex protects the auth lib and authentication static util::WriteLockHandle *g_pAuthLibLockHandle; // this mutex protects the global VirtualBox reference below static util::RWLockHandle *g_pVirtualBoxLockHandle; static ComPtr g_pVirtualBox = NULL; // this mutex protects all of the below util::WriteLockHandle *g_pWebsessionsLockHandle; static WebsessionsMap g_mapWebsessions; static ULONG64 g_cManagedObjects = 0; // this mutex protects g_mapThreads static util::RWLockHandle *g_pThreadsLockHandle; // Threads map, so we can quickly map an RTTHREAD struct to a logger prefix static ThreadsMap g_mapThreads; /**************************************************************************** * * Command line help * ****************************************************************************/ static const RTGETOPTDEF g_aOptions[] = { { "--help", 'h', RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, /* for DisplayHelp() */ #if defined(RT_OS_DARWIN) || defined(RT_OS_LINUX) || defined (RT_OS_SOLARIS) || defined(RT_OS_FREEBSD) { "--background", 'b', RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, #endif { "--host", 'H', RTGETOPT_REQ_STRING }, { "--port", 'p', RTGETOPT_REQ_UINT32 }, #ifdef WITH_OPENSSL { "--ssl", 's', RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "--keyfile", 'K', RTGETOPT_REQ_STRING }, { "--passwordfile", 'a', RTGETOPT_REQ_STRING }, { "--cacert", 'c', RTGETOPT_REQ_STRING }, { "--capath", 'C', RTGETOPT_REQ_STRING }, { "--dhfile", 'D', RTGETOPT_REQ_STRING }, { "--randfile", 'r', RTGETOPT_REQ_STRING }, #endif /* WITH_OPENSSL */ { "--timeout", 't', RTGETOPT_REQ_UINT32 }, { "--check-interval", 'i', RTGETOPT_REQ_UINT32 }, { "--threads", 'T', RTGETOPT_REQ_UINT32 }, { "--keepalive", 'k', RTGETOPT_REQ_UINT32 }, { "--authentication", 'A', RTGETOPT_REQ_STRING }, { "--verbose", 'v', RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "--pidfile", 'P', RTGETOPT_REQ_STRING }, { "--logfile", 'F', RTGETOPT_REQ_STRING }, { "--logrotate", 'R', RTGETOPT_REQ_UINT32 }, { "--logsize", 'S', RTGETOPT_REQ_UINT64 }, { "--loginterval", 'I', RTGETOPT_REQ_UINT32 } }; static void DisplayHelp() { RTStrmPrintf(g_pStdErr, "\nUsage: vboxwebsrv [options]\n\nSupported options (default values in brackets):\n"); for (unsigned i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(g_aOptions); ++i) { std::string str(g_aOptions[i].pszLong); str += ", -"; str += g_aOptions[i].iShort; str += ":"; const char *pcszDescr = ""; switch (g_aOptions[i].iShort) { case 'h': pcszDescr = "Print this help message and exit."; break; #if defined(RT_OS_DARWIN) || defined(RT_OS_LINUX) || defined (RT_OS_SOLARIS) || defined(RT_OS_FREEBSD) case 'b': pcszDescr = "Run in background (daemon mode)."; break; #endif case 'H': pcszDescr = "The host to bind to (localhost)."; break; case 'p': pcszDescr = "The port to bind to (18083)."; break; #ifdef WITH_OPENSSL case 's': pcszDescr = "Enable SSL/TLS encryption."; break; case 'K': pcszDescr = "Server key and certificate file, PEM format (\"\")."; break; case 'a': pcszDescr = "File name for password to server key (\"\")."; break; case 'c': pcszDescr = "CA certificate file, PEM format (\"\")."; break; case 'C': pcszDescr = "CA certificate path (\"\")."; break; case 'D': pcszDescr = "DH file name or DH key length in bits (\"\")."; break; case 'r': pcszDescr = "File containing seed for random number generator (\"\")."; break; #endif /* WITH_OPENSSL */ case 't': pcszDescr = "Session timeout in seconds; 0 = disable timeouts (" DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_SECS_STRING ")."; break; case 'T': pcszDescr = "Maximum number of worker threads to run in parallel (100)."; break; case 'k': pcszDescr = "Maximum number of requests before a connection will be closed (100)."; break; case 'A': pcszDescr = "Authentication method for the webservice (\"\")."; break; case 'i': pcszDescr = "Frequency of timeout checks in seconds (5)."; break; case 'v': pcszDescr = "Be verbose."; break; case 'P': pcszDescr = "Name of the PID file which is created when the daemon was started."; break; case 'F': pcszDescr = "Name of file to write log to (no file)."; break; case 'R': pcszDescr = "Number of log files (0 disables log rotation)."; break; case 'S': pcszDescr = "Maximum size of a log file to trigger rotation (bytes)."; break; case 'I': pcszDescr = "Maximum time interval to trigger log rotation (seconds)."; break; } RTStrmPrintf(g_pStdErr, "%-23s%s\n", str.c_str(), pcszDescr); } } /**************************************************************************** * * SoapQ, SoapThread (multithreading) * ****************************************************************************/ class SoapQ; class SoapThread { public: /** * Constructor. Creates the new thread and makes it call process() for processing the queue. * @param u Thread number. (So we can count from 1 and be readable.) * @param q SoapQ instance which has the queue to process. */ SoapThread(size_t u, SoapQ &q) : m_u(u), m_pQ(&q) { m_strThread = com::Utf8StrFmt("SQW%02d", m_u); int vrc = RTThreadCreate(&m_pThread, fntWrapper, this, // pvUser 0, // cbStack RTTHREADTYPE_MAIN_HEAVY_WORKER, 0, m_strThread.c_str()); if (RT_FAILURE(vrc)) { RTMsgError("Cannot start worker thread %d: %Rrc\n", u, vrc); exit(1); } } void process(); static int fnHttpGet(struct soap *soap) { char *s = strchr(soap->path, '?'); if (!s || strcmp(s, "?wsdl")) return SOAP_GET_METHOD; soap_response(soap, SOAP_HTML); soap_send_raw(soap, (const char *)g_abVBoxWebWSDL, g_cbVBoxWebWSDL); soap_end_send(soap); return SOAP_OK; } /** * Static function that can be passed to RTThreadCreate and that calls * process() on the SoapThread instance passed as the thread parameter. * * @param hThreadSelf * @param pvThread * @return */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) fntWrapper(RTTHREAD hThreadSelf, void *pvThread) { RT_NOREF(hThreadSelf); SoapThread *pst = (SoapThread*)pvThread; pst->process(); return VINF_SUCCESS; } size_t m_u; // thread number com::Utf8Str m_strThread; // thread name ("SoapQWrkXX") SoapQ *m_pQ; // the single SOAP queue that all the threads service RTTHREAD m_pThread; // IPRT thread struct for this thread }; /** * SOAP queue encapsulation. There is only one instance of this, to * which add() adds a queue item (called on the main thread), * and from which get() fetch items, called from each queue thread. */ class SoapQ { public: /** * Constructor. Creates the soap queue. */ SoapQ() : m_mutex(util::LOCKCLASS_OBJECTSTATE), // lowest lock order, no other may be held while this is held m_cIdleThreads(0) { RTSemEventMultiCreate(&m_event); } ~SoapQ() { /* Tell the threads to terminate. */ RTSemEventMultiSignal(m_event); { util::AutoWriteLock qlock(m_mutex COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); int i = 0; while (m_llAllThreads.size() && i++ <= 30) { qlock.release(); RTThreadSleep(1000); RTSemEventMultiSignal(m_event); qlock.acquire(); } LogRel(("ending queue processing (%d out of %d threads idle)\n", m_cIdleThreads, m_llAllThreads.size())); } RTSemEventMultiDestroy(m_event); while (!m_llSocketsQ.empty()) { struct soap *pSoap = m_llSocketsQ.front(); m_llSocketsQ.pop_front(); if (pSoap == NULL || !soap_valid_socket(pSoap->socket)) continue; soap_destroy(pSoap); // clean up class instances soap_end(pSoap); // clean up everything and close socket soap_free(pSoap); // free soap connection } } /** * Adds the given soap connection to the SOAP queue and posts the * member event sem to wake up the workers. Called on the main thread * whenever a connection comes in. Creates a new SOAP thread on the * first call or when all existing threads are busy. * @param pSoap connection */ size_t add(const struct soap *pSoap) { size_t cItems; util::AutoWriteLock qlock(m_mutex COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); // if no threads have yet been created, or if all threads are busy, // create a new SOAP thread if ( !m_cIdleThreads // but only if we're not exceeding the global maximum (default is 100) && (m_llAllThreads.size() < g_cMaxWorkerThreads) ) { SoapThread *pst = new SoapThread(m_llAllThreads.size() + 1, *this); m_llAllThreads.push_back(pst); util::AutoWriteLock thrLock(g_pThreadsLockHandle COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); g_mapThreads[pst->m_pThread] = com::Utf8StrFmt("[%3u]", pst->m_u); ++m_cIdleThreads; } // enqueue this connection and post eventsem so that one of the threads // (possibly the one just created) can pick it up m_llSocketsQ.push_back(soap_copy(pSoap)); cItems = m_llSocketsQ.size(); qlock.release(); // unblock one of the worker threads RTSemEventMultiSignal(m_event); return cItems; } /** * Blocks the current thread until work comes in; then returns * the SOAP connection which has work to do. This reduces m_cIdleThreads * by one, and the caller MUST call done() when it's done processing. * Called from the worker threads. * @param cIdleThreads out: no. of threads which are currently idle (not counting the caller) * @param cThreads out: total no. of SOAP threads running * @return */ struct soap *get(size_t &cIdleThreads, size_t &cThreads) { while (g_fKeepRunning) { // wait for something to happen RTSemEventMultiWait(m_event, RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT); if (!g_fKeepRunning) break; util::AutoWriteLock qlock(m_mutex COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); if (!m_llSocketsQ.empty()) { struct soap *pSoap = m_llSocketsQ.front(); m_llSocketsQ.pop_front(); cIdleThreads = --m_cIdleThreads; cThreads = m_llAllThreads.size(); // reset the multi event only if the queue is now empty; otherwise // another thread will also wake up when we release the mutex and // process another one if (m_llSocketsQ.empty()) RTSemEventMultiReset(m_event); qlock.release(); return pSoap; } // nothing to do: keep looping } return NULL; } /** * To be called by a worker thread after fetching an item from the * queue via get() and having finished its lengthy processing. */ void done() { util::AutoWriteLock qlock(m_mutex COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); ++m_cIdleThreads; } /** * To be called by a worker thread when signing off, i.e. no longer * willing to process SOAP connections. */ void signoff(SoapThread *th) { { util::AutoWriteLock thrLock(g_pThreadsLockHandle COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); size_t c = g_mapThreads.erase(th->m_pThread); AssertReturnVoid(c == 1); } { util::AutoWriteLock qlock(m_mutex COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); m_llAllThreads.remove(th); --m_cIdleThreads; } } util::WriteLockHandle m_mutex; RTSEMEVENTMULTI m_event; // posted by add(), blocked on by get() std::list m_llAllThreads; // all the threads created by the constructor size_t m_cIdleThreads; // threads which are currently idle (statistics) // A std::list abused as a queue; this contains the actual jobs to do, // each entry being a connection from soap_accept() passed through SoapQ::add. std::list m_llSocketsQ; }; /** * Thread function for each of the SOAP queue worker threads. This keeps * running, blocks on the event semaphore in SoapThread.SoapQ and picks * up a connection from the queue therein, which has been put there by * SoapQ::add(). */ void SoapThread::process() { LogRel(("New SOAP thread started\n")); while (g_fKeepRunning) { // wait for a job to arrive on the queue size_t cIdleThreads = 0, cThreads = 0; struct soap *pSoap = m_pQ->get(cIdleThreads, cThreads); if (pSoap == NULL || !soap_valid_socket(pSoap->socket)) continue; pSoap->fget = fnHttpGet; /* The soap.max_keep_alive value can be set to the maximum keep-alive calls allowed, * which is important to avoid a client from holding a thread indefinitely. * http://www.cs.fsu.edu/~engelen/soapdoc2.html#sec:keepalive * * Strings with 8-bit content can hold ASCII (default) or UTF8. The latter is * possible by enabling the SOAP_C_UTFSTRING flag. */ soap_set_omode(pSoap, SOAP_IO_KEEPALIVE | SOAP_C_UTFSTRING); soap_set_imode(pSoap, SOAP_IO_KEEPALIVE | SOAP_C_UTFSTRING); pSoap->max_keep_alive = g_cMaxKeepAlive; LogRel(("Processing connection from IP=%RTnaipv4 socket=%d (%d out of %d threads idle)\n", RT_H2N_U32(pSoap->ip), pSoap->socket, cIdleThreads, cThreads)); // Ensure that we don't get stuck indefinitely for connections using // keepalive, otherwise stale connections tie up worker threads. pSoap->send_timeout = 60; pSoap->recv_timeout = 60; // Limit the maximum SOAP request size to a generous amount, just to // be on the safe side (SOAP is quite wordy when representing arrays, // and some API uses need to deal with large arrays). Good that binary // data is no longer represented by byte arrays... pSoap->recv_maxlength = _16M; // process the request; this goes into the COM code in methodmaps.cpp do { #ifdef WITH_OPENSSL if (g_fSSL && soap_ssl_accept(pSoap)) { WebLogSoapError(pSoap); break; } #endif /* WITH_OPENSSL */ soap_serve(pSoap); } while (0); soap_destroy(pSoap); // clean up class instances soap_end(pSoap); // clean up everything and close connection soap_free(pSoap); // free soap connection // tell the queue we're idle again m_pQ->done(); } m_pQ->signoff(this); } /**************************************************************************** * * VirtualBoxClient event listener * ****************************************************************************/ class VirtualBoxClientEventListener { public: VirtualBoxClientEventListener() { } virtual ~VirtualBoxClientEventListener() { } HRESULT init() { return S_OK; } void uninit() { } STDMETHOD(HandleEvent)(VBoxEventType_T aType, IEvent *aEvent) { switch (aType) { case VBoxEventType_OnVBoxSVCAvailabilityChanged: { ComPtr pVSACEv = aEvent; Assert(pVSACEv); BOOL fAvailable = FALSE; pVSACEv->COMGETTER(Available)(&fAvailable); if (!fAvailable) { LogRel(("VBoxSVC became unavailable\n")); { util::AutoWriteLock vlock(g_pVirtualBoxLockHandle COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); g_pVirtualBox.setNull(); } { // we're messing with websessions, so lock them util::AutoWriteLock lock(g_pWebsessionsLockHandle COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); WEBDEBUG(("SVC unavailable: deleting %d websessions\n", g_mapWebsessions.size())); WebsessionsMapIterator it = g_mapWebsessions.begin(), itEnd = g_mapWebsessions.end(); while (it != itEnd) { WebServiceSession *pWebsession = it->second; WEBDEBUG(("SVC unavailable: websession %#llx stale, deleting\n", pWebsession->getID())); delete pWebsession; it = g_mapWebsessions.begin(); } } } else { LogRel(("VBoxSVC became available\n")); util::AutoWriteLock vlock(g_pVirtualBoxLockHandle COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); HRESULT hrc = g_pVirtualBoxClient->COMGETTER(VirtualBox)(g_pVirtualBox.asOutParam()); AssertComRC(hrc); } break; } default: AssertFailed(); } return S_OK; } private: }; typedef ListenerImpl VirtualBoxClientEventListenerImpl; VBOX_LISTENER_DECLARE(VirtualBoxClientEventListenerImpl) /** * Helper for printing SOAP error messages. * @param soap */ /*static*/ void WebLogSoapError(struct soap *soap) { if (soap_check_state(soap)) { LogRel(("Error: soap struct not initialized\n")); return; } const char *pcszFaultString = *soap_faultstring(soap); const char **ppcszDetail = soap_faultcode(soap); LogRel(("#### SOAP FAULT: %s [%s]\n", pcszFaultString ? pcszFaultString : "[no fault string available]", (ppcszDetail && *ppcszDetail) ? *ppcszDetail : "no details available")); } /** * Helper for decoding AuthResult. * @param result AuthResult */ static const char * decodeAuthResult(AuthResult result) { switch (result) { case AuthResultAccessDenied: return "access DENIED"; case AuthResultAccessGranted: return "access granted"; case AuthResultDelegateToGuest: return "delegated to guest"; default: return "unknown AuthResult"; } } #if defined(WITH_OPENSSL) && (OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x10100000 || defined(LIBRESSL_VERSION_NUMBER)) /**************************************************************************** * * OpenSSL convenience functions for multithread support. * Not required for OpenSSL 1.1+ * ****************************************************************************/ static RTCRITSECT *g_pSSLMutexes = NULL; struct CRYPTO_dynlock_value { RTCRITSECT mutex; }; static unsigned long CRYPTO_id_function() { return (unsigned long)RTThreadNativeSelf(); } static void CRYPTO_locking_function(int mode, int n, const char * /*file*/, int /*line*/) { if (mode & CRYPTO_LOCK) RTCritSectEnter(&g_pSSLMutexes[n]); else RTCritSectLeave(&g_pSSLMutexes[n]); } static struct CRYPTO_dynlock_value *CRYPTO_dyn_create_function(const char * /*file*/, int /*line*/) { static uint32_t s_iCritSectDynlock = 0; struct CRYPTO_dynlock_value *value = (struct CRYPTO_dynlock_value *)RTMemAlloc(sizeof(struct CRYPTO_dynlock_value)); if (value) RTCritSectInitEx(&value->mutex, RTCRITSECT_FLAGS_NO_LOCK_VAL, NIL_RTLOCKVALCLASS, RTLOCKVAL_SUB_CLASS_NONE, "openssl-dyn-%u", ASMAtomicIncU32(&s_iCritSectDynlock) - 1); return value; } static void CRYPTO_dyn_lock_function(int mode, struct CRYPTO_dynlock_value *value, const char * /*file*/, int /*line*/) { if (mode & CRYPTO_LOCK) RTCritSectEnter(&value->mutex); else RTCritSectLeave(&value->mutex); } static void CRYPTO_dyn_destroy_function(struct CRYPTO_dynlock_value *value, const char * /*file*/, int /*line*/) { if (value) { RTCritSectDelete(&value->mutex); free(value); } } static int CRYPTO_thread_setup() { int num_locks = CRYPTO_num_locks(); g_pSSLMutexes = (RTCRITSECT *)RTMemAlloc(num_locks * sizeof(RTCRITSECT)); if (!g_pSSLMutexes) return SOAP_EOM; for (int i = 0; i < num_locks; i++) { int vrc = RTCritSectInitEx(&g_pSSLMutexes[i], RTCRITSECT_FLAGS_NO_LOCK_VAL, NIL_RTLOCKVALCLASS, RTLOCKVAL_SUB_CLASS_NONE, "openssl-%d", i); if (RT_FAILURE(vrc)) { for ( ; i >= 0; i--) RTCritSectDelete(&g_pSSLMutexes[i]); RTMemFree(g_pSSLMutexes); g_pSSLMutexes = NULL; return SOAP_EOM; } } CRYPTO_set_id_callback(CRYPTO_id_function); CRYPTO_set_locking_callback(CRYPTO_locking_function); CRYPTO_set_dynlock_create_callback(CRYPTO_dyn_create_function); CRYPTO_set_dynlock_lock_callback(CRYPTO_dyn_lock_function); CRYPTO_set_dynlock_destroy_callback(CRYPTO_dyn_destroy_function); return SOAP_OK; } static void CRYPTO_thread_cleanup() { if (!g_pSSLMutexes) return; CRYPTO_set_id_callback(NULL); CRYPTO_set_locking_callback(NULL); CRYPTO_set_dynlock_create_callback(NULL); CRYPTO_set_dynlock_lock_callback(NULL); CRYPTO_set_dynlock_destroy_callback(NULL); int num_locks = CRYPTO_num_locks(); for (int i = 0; i < num_locks; i++) RTCritSectDelete(&g_pSSLMutexes[i]); RTMemFree(g_pSSLMutexes); g_pSSLMutexes = NULL; } #endif /* WITH_OPENSSL && (OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x10100000 || defined(LIBRESSL_VERSION_NUMBER)) */ /**************************************************************************** * * SOAP queue pumper thread * ****************************************************************************/ static void doQueuesLoop() { #if defined(WITH_OPENSSL) && (OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x10100000 || defined(LIBRESSL_VERSION_NUMBER)) if (g_fSSL && CRYPTO_thread_setup()) { LogRel(("Failed to set up OpenSSL thread mutex!")); exit(RTEXITCODE_FAILURE); } #endif // set up gSOAP struct soap soap; soap_init(&soap); #ifdef WITH_OPENSSL if (g_fSSL && soap_ssl_server_context(&soap, SOAP_SSL_REQUIRE_SERVER_AUTHENTICATION | SOAP_TLSv1, g_pcszKeyFile, g_pcszPassword, g_pcszCACert, g_pcszCAPath, g_pcszDHFile, g_pcszRandFile, g_pcszSID)) { WebLogSoapError(&soap); exit(RTEXITCODE_FAILURE); } #endif /* WITH_OPENSSL */ soap.accept_timeout = 60; soap.bind_flags |= SO_REUSEADDR; // avoid EADDRINUSE on bind() SOAP_SOCKET m, s; // master and slave sockets m = soap_bind(&soap, g_pcszBindToHost ? g_pcszBindToHost : "localhost", // safe default host g_uBindToPort, // port g_uBacklog); // backlog = max queue size for connections if (m == SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET) WebLogSoapError(&soap); else { #ifdef WITH_OPENSSL const char *pszSsl = g_fSSL ? "SSL, " : ""; #else /* !WITH_OPENSSL */ const char *pszSsl = ""; #endif /*!WITH_OPENSSL */ LogRel(("Socket connection successful: host = %s, port = %u, %smaster socket = %d\n", (g_pcszBindToHost) ? g_pcszBindToHost : "default (localhost)", g_uBindToPort, pszSsl, m)); // initialize thread queue, mutex and eventsem g_pSoapQ = new SoapQ(); uint64_t cAccepted = 1; while (g_fKeepRunning) { s = soap_accept(&soap); if (!soap_valid_socket(s)) { if (soap.errnum != SOAP_EINTR) WebLogSoapError(&soap); continue; } // add the connection to the queue and tell worker threads to // pick up the job size_t cItemsOnQ = g_pSoapQ->add(&soap); LogRel(("Connection %llu on socket %d queued for processing (%d items on Q)\n", cAccepted, s, cItemsOnQ)); cAccepted++; } delete g_pSoapQ; g_pSoapQ = NULL; LogRel(("Ending SOAP connection handling\n")); } soap_done(&soap); // close master socket and detach environment #if defined(WITH_OPENSSL) && (OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x10100000 || defined(LIBRESSL_VERSION_NUMBER)) if (g_fSSL) CRYPTO_thread_cleanup(); #endif } /** * Thread function for the "queue pumper" thread started from main(). This implements * the loop that takes SOAP calls from HTTP and serves them by handing connections to the * SOAP queue worker threads. */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) fntQPumper(RTTHREAD hThreadSelf, void *pvUser) { RT_NOREF(hThreadSelf, pvUser); // store a log prefix for this thread util::AutoWriteLock thrLock(g_pThreadsLockHandle COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); g_mapThreads[RTThreadSelf()] = "[ P ]"; thrLock.release(); doQueuesLoop(); thrLock.acquire(); g_mapThreads.erase(RTThreadSelf()); return VINF_SUCCESS; } #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS /** * "Signal" handler for cleanly terminating the event loop. */ static BOOL WINAPI websrvSignalHandler(DWORD dwCtrlType) { bool fEventHandled = FALSE; switch (dwCtrlType) { /* User pressed CTRL+C or CTRL+BREAK or an external event was sent * via GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent(). */ case CTRL_BREAK_EVENT: case CTRL_CLOSE_EVENT: case CTRL_C_EVENT: case CTRL_LOGOFF_EVENT: case CTRL_SHUTDOWN_EVENT: { ASMAtomicWriteBool(&g_fKeepRunning, false); com::NativeEventQueue *pQ = com::NativeEventQueue::getMainEventQueue(); pQ->interruptEventQueueProcessing(); fEventHandled = TRUE; break; } default: break; } return fEventHandled; } #else /** * Signal handler for cleanly terminating the event loop. */ static void websrvSignalHandler(int iSignal) { NOREF(iSignal); ASMAtomicWriteBool(&g_fKeepRunning, false); com::NativeEventQueue *pQ = com::NativeEventQueue::getMainEventQueue(); pQ->interruptEventQueueProcessing(); } #endif /** * Start up the webservice server. This keeps running and waits * for incoming SOAP connections; for each request that comes in, * it calls method implementation code, most of it in the generated * code in methodmaps.cpp. * * @param argc * @param argv[] * @return */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // initialize runtime int vrc = RTR3InitExe(argc, &argv, 0); if (RT_FAILURE(vrc)) return RTMsgInitFailure(vrc); #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS ATL::CComModule _Module; /* Required internally by ATL (constructor records instance in global variable). */ #endif // store a log prefix for this thread g_mapThreads[RTThreadSelf()] = "[M ]"; RTStrmPrintf(g_pStdErr, VBOX_PRODUCT " web service Version " VBOX_VERSION_STRING "\n" "Copyright (C) 2007-" VBOX_C_YEAR " " VBOX_VENDOR "\n"); int c; const char *pszLogFile = NULL; const char *pszPidFile = NULL; RTGETOPTUNION ValueUnion; RTGETOPTSTATE GetState; RTGetOptInit(&GetState, argc, argv, g_aOptions, RT_ELEMENTS(g_aOptions), 1, 0 /*fFlags*/); while ((c = RTGetOpt(&GetState, &ValueUnion))) { switch (c) { case 'H': if (!ValueUnion.psz || !*ValueUnion.psz) { /* Normalize NULL/empty string to NULL, which will be * interpreted as "localhost" below. */ g_pcszBindToHost = NULL; } else g_pcszBindToHost = ValueUnion.psz; break; case 'p': g_uBindToPort = ValueUnion.u32; break; #ifdef WITH_OPENSSL case 's': g_fSSL = true; break; case 'K': g_pcszKeyFile = ValueUnion.psz; break; case 'a': if (ValueUnion.psz[0] == '\0') g_pcszPassword = NULL; else { PRTSTREAM StrmIn; if (!strcmp(ValueUnion.psz, "-")) StrmIn = g_pStdIn; else { vrc = RTStrmOpen(ValueUnion.psz, "r", &StrmIn); if (RT_FAILURE(vrc)) return RTMsgErrorExit(RTEXITCODE_FAILURE, "failed to open password file (%s, %Rrc)", ValueUnion.psz, vrc); } char szPasswd[512]; vrc = RTStrmGetLine(StrmIn, szPasswd, sizeof(szPasswd)); if (RT_FAILURE(vrc)) return RTMsgErrorExit(RTEXITCODE_FAILURE, "failed to read password (%s, %Rrc)", ValueUnion.psz, vrc); g_pcszPassword = RTStrDup(szPasswd); memset(szPasswd, '\0', sizeof(szPasswd)); if (StrmIn != g_pStdIn) RTStrmClose(StrmIn); } break; case 'c': g_pcszCACert = ValueUnion.psz; break; case 'C': g_pcszCAPath = ValueUnion.psz; break; case 'D': g_pcszDHFile = ValueUnion.psz; break; case 'r': g_pcszRandFile = ValueUnion.psz; break; #endif /* WITH_OPENSSL */ case 't': g_iWatchdogTimeoutSecs = ValueUnion.u32; break; case 'i': g_iWatchdogCheckInterval = ValueUnion.u32; break; case 'F': pszLogFile = ValueUnion.psz; break; case 'R': g_cHistory = ValueUnion.u32; break; case 'S': g_uHistoryFileSize = ValueUnion.u64; break; case 'I': g_uHistoryFileTime = ValueUnion.u32; break; case 'P': pszPidFile = ValueUnion.psz; break; case 'T': g_cMaxWorkerThreads = ValueUnion.u32; break; case 'k': g_cMaxKeepAlive = ValueUnion.u32; break; case 'A': g_pcszAuthentication = ValueUnion.psz; break; case 'h': DisplayHelp(); return 0; case 'v': g_fVerbose = true; break; #if defined(RT_OS_DARWIN) || defined(RT_OS_LINUX) || defined (RT_OS_SOLARIS) || defined(RT_OS_FREEBSD) case 'b': g_fDaemonize = true; break; #endif case 'V': RTPrintf("%sr%s\n", RTBldCfgVersion(), RTBldCfgRevisionStr()); return 0; default: return RTGetOptPrintError(c, &ValueUnion); } } /* create release logger, to stdout */ RTERRINFOSTATIC ErrInfo; vrc = com::VBoxLogRelCreate("web service", g_fDaemonize ? NULL : pszLogFile, RTLOGFLAGS_PREFIX_THREAD | RTLOGFLAGS_PREFIX_TIME_PROG, "all", "VBOXWEBSRV_RELEASE_LOG", RTLOGDEST_STDOUT, UINT32_MAX /* cMaxEntriesPerGroup */, g_cHistory, g_uHistoryFileTime, g_uHistoryFileSize, RTErrInfoInitStatic(&ErrInfo)); if (RT_FAILURE(vrc)) return RTMsgErrorExit(RTEXITCODE_FAILURE, "failed to open release log (%s, %Rrc)", ErrInfo.Core.pszMsg, vrc); #if defined(RT_OS_DARWIN) || defined(RT_OS_LINUX) || defined (RT_OS_SOLARIS) || defined(RT_OS_FREEBSD) if (g_fDaemonize) { /* prepare release logging */ char szLogFile[RTPATH_MAX]; if (!pszLogFile || !*pszLogFile) { vrc = com::GetVBoxUserHomeDirectory(szLogFile, sizeof(szLogFile)); if (RT_FAILURE(vrc)) return RTMsgErrorExit(RTEXITCODE_FAILURE, "could not get base directory for logging: %Rrc", vrc); vrc = RTPathAppend(szLogFile, sizeof(szLogFile), "vboxwebsrv.log"); if (RT_FAILURE(vrc)) return RTMsgErrorExit(RTEXITCODE_FAILURE, "could not construct logging path: %Rrc", vrc); pszLogFile = szLogFile; } vrc = RTProcDaemonizeUsingFork(false /* fNoChDir */, false /* fNoClose */, pszPidFile); if (RT_FAILURE(vrc)) return RTMsgErrorExit(RTEXITCODE_FAILURE, "failed to daemonize, vrc=%Rrc. exiting.", vrc); /* create release logger, to file */ vrc = com::VBoxLogRelCreate("web service", pszLogFile, RTLOGFLAGS_PREFIX_THREAD | RTLOGFLAGS_PREFIX_TIME_PROG, "all", "VBOXWEBSRV_RELEASE_LOG", RTLOGDEST_FILE, UINT32_MAX /* cMaxEntriesPerGroup */, g_cHistory, g_uHistoryFileTime, g_uHistoryFileSize, RTErrInfoInitStatic(&ErrInfo)); if (RT_FAILURE(vrc)) return RTMsgErrorExit(RTEXITCODE_FAILURE, "failed to open release log (%s, %Rrc)", ErrInfo.Core.pszMsg, vrc); } #endif // initialize SOAP SSL support if enabled #ifdef WITH_OPENSSL if (g_fSSL) soap_ssl_init(); #endif /* WITH_OPENSSL */ // initialize COM/XPCOM HRESULT hrc = com::Initialize(); #ifdef VBOX_WITH_XPCOM if (hrc == NS_ERROR_FILE_ACCESS_DENIED) { char szHome[RTPATH_MAX] = ""; com::GetVBoxUserHomeDirectory(szHome, sizeof(szHome)); return RTMsgErrorExit(RTEXITCODE_FAILURE, "Failed to initialize COM because the global settings directory '%s' is not accessible!", szHome); } #endif if (FAILED(hrc)) return RTMsgErrorExit(RTEXITCODE_FAILURE, "failed to initialize COM! hrc=%Rhrc\n", hrc); hrc = g_pVirtualBoxClient.createInprocObject(CLSID_VirtualBoxClient); if (FAILED(hrc)) { RTMsgError("failed to create the VirtualBoxClient object!"); com::ErrorInfo info; if (!info.isFullAvailable() && !info.isBasicAvailable()) { com::GluePrintRCMessage(hrc); RTMsgError("Most likely, the VirtualBox COM server is not running or failed to start."); } else com::GluePrintErrorInfo(info); return RTEXITCODE_FAILURE; } hrc = g_pVirtualBoxClient->COMGETTER(VirtualBox)(g_pVirtualBox.asOutParam()); if (FAILED(hrc)) { RTMsgError("Failed to get VirtualBox object (hrc=%Rhrc)!", hrc); return RTEXITCODE_FAILURE; } // set the authentication method if requested if (g_pVirtualBox && g_pcszAuthentication && g_pcszAuthentication[0]) { ComPtr pSystemProperties; g_pVirtualBox->COMGETTER(SystemProperties)(pSystemProperties.asOutParam()); if (pSystemProperties) pSystemProperties->COMSETTER(WebServiceAuthLibrary)(com::Bstr(g_pcszAuthentication).raw()); } /* VirtualBoxClient events registration. */ ComPtr vboxClientListener; { ComPtr pES; CHECK_ERROR(g_pVirtualBoxClient, COMGETTER(EventSource)(pES.asOutParam())); ComObjPtr clientListener; clientListener.createObject(); clientListener->init(new VirtualBoxClientEventListener()); vboxClientListener = clientListener; com::SafeArray eventTypes; eventTypes.push_back(VBoxEventType_OnVBoxSVCAvailabilityChanged); CHECK_ERROR(pES, RegisterListener(vboxClientListener, ComSafeArrayAsInParam(eventTypes), true)); } // create the global mutexes g_pAuthLibLockHandle = new util::WriteLockHandle(util::LOCKCLASS_WEBSERVICE); g_pVirtualBoxLockHandle = new util::RWLockHandle(util::LOCKCLASS_WEBSERVICE); g_pWebsessionsLockHandle = new util::WriteLockHandle(util::LOCKCLASS_WEBSERVICE); g_pThreadsLockHandle = new util::RWLockHandle(util::LOCKCLASS_OBJECTSTATE); // SOAP queue pumper thread RTTHREAD threadQPumper; vrc = RTThreadCreate(&threadQPumper, fntQPumper, NULL, // pvUser 0, // cbStack (default) RTTHREADTYPE_MAIN_WORKER, RTTHREADFLAGS_WAITABLE, "SQPmp"); if (RT_FAILURE(vrc)) return RTMsgErrorExit(RTEXITCODE_FAILURE, "Cannot start SOAP queue pumper thread: %Rrc", vrc); // watchdog thread RTTHREAD threadWatchdog = NIL_RTTHREAD; if (g_iWatchdogTimeoutSecs > 0) { // start our watchdog thread vrc = RTThreadCreate(&threadWatchdog, fntWatchdog, NULL, 0, RTTHREADTYPE_MAIN_WORKER, RTTHREADFLAGS_WAITABLE, "Watchdog"); if (RT_FAILURE(vrc)) return RTMsgErrorExit(RTEXITCODE_FAILURE, "Cannot start watchdog thread: %Rrc", vrc); } #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS if (!SetConsoleCtrlHandler((PHANDLER_ROUTINE)websrvSignalHandler, TRUE /* Add handler */)) { vrc = RTErrConvertFromWin32(GetLastError()); RTMsgError("Unable to install console control handler, vrc=%Rrc\n", vrc); } #else signal(SIGINT, websrvSignalHandler); signal(SIGTERM, websrvSignalHandler); # ifdef SIGBREAK signal(SIGBREAK, websrvSignalHandler); # endif #endif com::NativeEventQueue *pQ = com::NativeEventQueue::getMainEventQueue(); while (g_fKeepRunning) { // we have to process main event queue WEBDEBUG(("Pumping COM event queue\n")); vrc = pQ->processEventQueue(RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT); if (RT_FAILURE(vrc)) RTMsgError("processEventQueue -> %Rrc", vrc); } LogRel(("requested termination, cleaning up\n")); #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS if (!SetConsoleCtrlHandler((PHANDLER_ROUTINE)websrvSignalHandler, FALSE /* Remove handler */)) { vrc = RTErrConvertFromWin32(GetLastError()); RTMsgError("Unable to remove console control handler, vrc=%Rrc\n", vrc); } #else signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL); signal(SIGTERM, SIG_DFL); # ifdef SIGBREAK signal(SIGBREAK, SIG_DFL); # endif #endif #ifndef RT_OS_WINDOWS RTThreadPoke(threadQPumper); #endif RTThreadWait(threadQPumper, 30000, NULL); if (threadWatchdog != NIL_RTTHREAD) { #ifndef RT_OS_WINDOWS RTThreadPoke(threadWatchdog); #endif RTThreadWait(threadWatchdog, g_iWatchdogCheckInterval * 1000 + 10000, NULL); } /* VirtualBoxClient events unregistration. */ if (vboxClientListener) { ComPtr pES; CHECK_ERROR(g_pVirtualBoxClient, COMGETTER(EventSource)(pES.asOutParam())); if (!pES.isNull()) CHECK_ERROR(pES, UnregisterListener(vboxClientListener)); vboxClientListener.setNull(); } { util::AutoWriteLock vlock(g_pVirtualBoxLockHandle COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); g_pVirtualBox.setNull(); } { util::AutoWriteLock lock(g_pWebsessionsLockHandle COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); WebsessionsMapIterator it = g_mapWebsessions.begin(), itEnd = g_mapWebsessions.end(); while (it != itEnd) { WebServiceSession *pWebsession = it->second; WEBDEBUG(("SVC unavailable: websession %#llx stale, deleting\n", pWebsession->getID())); delete pWebsession; it = g_mapWebsessions.begin(); } } g_pVirtualBoxClient.setNull(); com::Shutdown(); return 0; } /**************************************************************************** * * Watchdog thread * ****************************************************************************/ /** * Watchdog thread, runs in the background while the webservice is alive. * * This gets started by main() and runs in the background to check all websessions * for whether they have been no requests in a configurable timeout period. In * that case, the websession is automatically logged off. */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) fntWatchdog(RTTHREAD hThreadSelf, void *pvUser) { RT_NOREF(hThreadSelf, pvUser); // store a log prefix for this thread util::AutoWriteLock thrLock(g_pThreadsLockHandle COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); g_mapThreads[RTThreadSelf()] = "[W ]"; thrLock.release(); WEBDEBUG(("Watchdog thread started\n")); uint32_t tNextStat = 0; while (g_fKeepRunning) { WEBDEBUG(("Watchdog: sleeping %d seconds\n", g_iWatchdogCheckInterval)); RTThreadSleep(g_iWatchdogCheckInterval * 1000); uint32_t tNow = RTTimeProgramSecTS(); // we're messing with websessions, so lock them util::AutoWriteLock lock(g_pWebsessionsLockHandle COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); WEBDEBUG(("Watchdog: checking %d websessions\n", g_mapWebsessions.size())); WebsessionsMapIterator it = g_mapWebsessions.begin(), itEnd = g_mapWebsessions.end(); while (it != itEnd) { WebServiceSession *pWebsession = it->second; WEBDEBUG(("Watchdog: tNow: %d, websession timestamp: %d\n", tNow, pWebsession->getLastObjectLookup())); if (tNow > pWebsession->getLastObjectLookup() + g_iWatchdogTimeoutSecs) { WEBDEBUG(("Watchdog: websession %#llx timed out, deleting\n", pWebsession->getID())); delete pWebsession; it = g_mapWebsessions.begin(); } else ++it; } // re-set the authentication method in case it has been changed if (g_pVirtualBox && g_pcszAuthentication && g_pcszAuthentication[0]) { ComPtr pSystemProperties; g_pVirtualBox->COMGETTER(SystemProperties)(pSystemProperties.asOutParam()); if (pSystemProperties) pSystemProperties->COMSETTER(WebServiceAuthLibrary)(com::Bstr(g_pcszAuthentication).raw()); } // Log some MOR usage statistics every 5 minutes, but only if there's // something worth logging (at least one reference or a transition to // zero references). Avoids useless log spamming in idle webservice. if (tNow >= tNextStat) { size_t cMOR = 0; it = g_mapWebsessions.begin(); itEnd = g_mapWebsessions.end(); while (it != itEnd) { cMOR += it->second->CountRefs(); ++it; } static bool fLastZero = false; if (cMOR || !fLastZero) LogRel(("Statistics: %zu websessions, %zu references\n", g_mapWebsessions.size(), cMOR)); fLastZero = (cMOR == 0); while (tNextStat <= tNow) tNextStat += 5 * 60; /* 5 minutes */ } } thrLock.acquire(); g_mapThreads.erase(RTThreadSelf()); LogRel(("ending Watchdog thread\n")); return 0; } /**************************************************************************** * * SOAP exceptions * ****************************************************************************/ /** * Helper function to raise a SOAP fault. Called by the other helper * functions, which raise specific SOAP faults. * * @param soap * @param pcsz * @param extype * @param ex */ static void RaiseSoapFault(struct soap *soap, const char *pcsz, int extype, void *ex) { // raise the fault soap_sender_fault(soap, pcsz, NULL); struct SOAP_ENV__Detail *pDetail = (struct SOAP_ENV__Detail*)soap_malloc(soap, sizeof(struct SOAP_ENV__Detail)); // without the following, gSOAP crashes miserably when sending out the // data because it will try to serialize all fields (stupid documentation) memset(pDetail, 0, sizeof(struct SOAP_ENV__Detail)); // fill extended info depending on SOAP version if (soap->version == 2) // SOAP 1.2 is used { soap->fault->SOAP_ENV__Detail = pDetail; soap->fault->SOAP_ENV__Detail->__type = extype; soap->fault->SOAP_ENV__Detail->fault = ex; soap->fault->SOAP_ENV__Detail->__any = NULL; // no other XML data } else { soap->fault->detail = pDetail; soap->fault->detail->__type = extype; soap->fault->detail->fault = ex; soap->fault->detail->__any = NULL; // no other XML data } } /** * Raises a SOAP fault that signals that an invalid object was passed. * * @param soap * @param obj */ void RaiseSoapInvalidObjectFault(struct soap *soap, WSDLT_ID obj) { _vbox__InvalidObjectFault *ex = soap_new__vbox__InvalidObjectFault(soap, 1); ex->badObjectID = obj; std::string str("VirtualBox error: "); str += "Invalid managed object reference \"" + obj + "\""; RaiseSoapFault(soap, str.c_str(), SOAP_TYPE__vbox__InvalidObjectFault, ex); } /** * Return a safe C++ string from the given COM string, * without crashing if the COM string is empty. * @param bstr * @return */ std::string ConvertComString(const com::Bstr &bstr) { com::Utf8Str ustr(bstr); return ustr.c_str(); /// @todo r=dj since the length is known, we can probably use a better std::string allocator } /** * Return a safe C++ string from the given COM UUID, * without crashing if the UUID is empty. * @param uuid * @return */ std::string ConvertComString(const com::Guid &uuid) { com::Utf8Str ustr(uuid.toString()); return ustr.c_str(); /// @todo r=dj since the length is known, we can probably use a better std::string allocator } /** Code to handle string <-> byte arrays base64 conversion. */ std::string Base64EncodeByteArray(ComSafeArrayIn(BYTE, aData)) { com::SafeArray sfaData(ComSafeArrayInArg(aData)); ssize_t cbData = sfaData.size(); if (cbData == 0) return ""; ssize_t cchOut = RTBase64EncodedLength(cbData); RTCString aStr; aStr.reserve(cchOut+1); int vrc = RTBase64Encode(sfaData.raw(), cbData, aStr.mutableRaw(), aStr.capacity(), NULL); AssertRC(vrc); aStr.jolt(); return aStr.c_str(); } #define DECODE_STR_MAX _1M void Base64DecodeByteArray(struct soap *soap, const std::string& aStr, ComSafeArrayOut(BYTE, aData), const WSDLT_ID &idThis, const char *pszMethodName, IUnknown *pObj, const com::Guid &iid) { const char* pszStr = aStr.c_str(); ssize_t cbOut = RTBase64DecodedSize(pszStr, NULL); if (cbOut > DECODE_STR_MAX) { LogRel(("Decode string too long.\n")); RaiseSoapRuntimeFault(soap, idThis, pszMethodName, E_INVALIDARG, pObj, iid); } com::SafeArray result(cbOut); int vrc = RTBase64Decode(pszStr, result.raw(), cbOut, NULL, NULL); if (FAILED(vrc)) { LogRel(("String Decoding Failed. Error code: %Rrc\n", vrc)); RaiseSoapRuntimeFault(soap, idThis, pszMethodName, E_INVALIDARG, pObj, iid); } result.detachTo(ComSafeArrayOutArg(aData)); } /** * Raises a SOAP runtime fault. * * @param soap * @param idThis * @param pcszMethodName * @param apirc * @param pObj * @param iid */ void RaiseSoapRuntimeFault(struct soap *soap, const WSDLT_ID &idThis, const char *pcszMethodName, HRESULT apirc, IUnknown *pObj, const com::Guid &iid) { com::ErrorInfo info(pObj, iid.ref()); WEBDEBUG((" error, raising SOAP exception\n")); LogRel(("API method name: %s\n", pcszMethodName)); LogRel(("API return code: %#10lx (%Rhrc)\n", apirc, apirc)); if (info.isFullAvailable() || info.isBasicAvailable()) { const com::ErrorInfo *pInfo = &info; do { LogRel(("COM error info result code: %#10lx (%Rhrc)\n", pInfo->getResultCode(), pInfo->getResultCode())); LogRel(("COM error info text: %ls\n", pInfo->getText().raw())); pInfo = pInfo->getNext(); } while (pInfo); } // compose descriptive message com::Utf8StrFmt str("VirtualBox error: apirc=%#lx", apirc); if (info.isFullAvailable() || info.isBasicAvailable()) { const com::ErrorInfo *pInfo = &info; do { str += com::Utf8StrFmt(" %ls (%#lx)", pInfo->getText().raw(), pInfo->getResultCode()); pInfo = pInfo->getNext(); } while (pInfo); } // allocate our own soap fault struct _vbox__RuntimeFault *ex = soap_new__vbox__RuntimeFault(soap, 1); ComPtr pVirtualBoxErrorInfo; info.getVirtualBoxErrorInfo(pVirtualBoxErrorInfo); ex->resultCode = apirc; ex->returnval = createOrFindRefFromComPtr(idThis, g_pcszIVirtualBoxErrorInfo, pVirtualBoxErrorInfo); RaiseSoapFault(soap, str.c_str(), SOAP_TYPE__vbox__RuntimeFault, ex); } /**************************************************************************** * * splitting and merging of object IDs * ****************************************************************************/ /** * Splits a managed object reference (in string form, as passed in from a SOAP * method call) into two integers for websession and object IDs, respectively. * * @param id * @param pWebsessId * @param pObjId * @return */ static bool SplitManagedObjectRef(const WSDLT_ID &id, uint64_t *pWebsessId, uint64_t *pObjId) { // 64-bit numbers in hex have 16 digits; hence // the object-ref string must have 16 + "-" + 16 characters if ( id.length() == 33 && id[16] == '-' ) { char psz[34]; memcpy(psz, id.c_str(), 34); psz[16] = '\0'; if (pWebsessId) RTStrToUInt64Full(psz, 16, pWebsessId); if (pObjId) RTStrToUInt64Full(psz + 17, 16, pObjId); return true; } return false; } /** * Creates a managed object reference (in string form) from * two integers representing a websession and object ID, respectively. * * @param sz Buffer with at least 34 bytes space to receive MOR string. * @param websessId * @param objId */ static void MakeManagedObjectRef(char *sz, uint64_t websessId, uint64_t objId) { RTStrFormatNumber(sz, websessId, 16, 16, 0, RTSTR_F_64BIT | RTSTR_F_ZEROPAD); sz[16] = '-'; RTStrFormatNumber(sz + 17, objId, 16, 16, 0, RTSTR_F_64BIT | RTSTR_F_ZEROPAD); } /**************************************************************************** * * class WebServiceSession * ****************************************************************************/ class WebServiceSessionPrivate { public: ManagedObjectsMapById _mapManagedObjectsById; ManagedObjectsMapByPtr _mapManagedObjectsByPtr; }; /** * Constructor for the websession object. * * Preconditions: Caller must have locked g_pWebsessionsLockHandle. */ WebServiceSession::WebServiceSession() : _uNextObjectID(1), // avoid 0 for no real reason _fDestructing(false), _tLastObjectLookup(0) { _pp = new WebServiceSessionPrivate; _uWebsessionID = RTRandU64(); // register this websession globally Assert(g_pWebsessionsLockHandle->isWriteLockOnCurrentThread()); g_mapWebsessions[_uWebsessionID] = this; } /** * Destructor. Cleans up and destroys all contained managed object references on the way. * * Preconditions: Caller must have locked g_pWebsessionsLockHandle. */ WebServiceSession::~WebServiceSession() { // delete us from global map first so we can't be found // any more while we're cleaning up Assert(g_pWebsessionsLockHandle->isWriteLockOnCurrentThread()); g_mapWebsessions.erase(_uWebsessionID); // notify ManagedObjectRef destructor so it won't // remove itself from the maps; this avoids rebalancing // the map's tree on every delete as well _fDestructing = true; ManagedObjectsIteratorById it, end = _pp->_mapManagedObjectsById.end(); for (it = _pp->_mapManagedObjectsById.begin(); it != end; ++it) { ManagedObjectRef *pRef = it->second; delete pRef; // this frees the contained ComPtr as well } delete _pp; } /** * Authenticate the username and password against an authentication authority. * * @return 0 if the user was successfully authenticated, or an error code * otherwise. */ int WebServiceSession::authenticate(const char *pcszUsername, const char *pcszPassword, IVirtualBox **ppVirtualBox) { int vrc = VERR_WEB_NOT_AUTHENTICATED; ComPtr pVirtualBox; { util::AutoReadLock vlock(g_pVirtualBoxLockHandle COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); pVirtualBox = g_pVirtualBox; } if (pVirtualBox.isNull()) return vrc; pVirtualBox.queryInterfaceTo(ppVirtualBox); util::AutoReadLock lock(g_pAuthLibLockHandle COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); static bool fAuthLibLoaded = false; static PAUTHENTRY pfnAuthEntry = NULL; static PAUTHENTRY2 pfnAuthEntry2 = NULL; static PAUTHENTRY3 pfnAuthEntry3 = NULL; if (!fAuthLibLoaded) { // retrieve authentication library from system properties ComPtr systemProperties; pVirtualBox->COMGETTER(SystemProperties)(systemProperties.asOutParam()); com::Bstr authLibrary; systemProperties->COMGETTER(WebServiceAuthLibrary)(authLibrary.asOutParam()); com::Utf8Str filename = authLibrary; LogRel(("External authentication library is '%ls'\n", authLibrary.raw())); if (filename == "null") // authentication disabled, let everyone in: fAuthLibLoaded = true; else { RTLDRMOD hlibAuth = 0; do { if (RTPathHavePath(filename.c_str())) vrc = RTLdrLoad(filename.c_str(), &hlibAuth); else vrc = RTLdrLoadAppPriv(filename.c_str(), &hlibAuth); if (RT_FAILURE(vrc)) { WEBDEBUG(("%s() Failed to load external authentication library '%s'. Error code: %Rrc\n", __FUNCTION__, filename.c_str(), vrc)); break; } if (RT_FAILURE(vrc = RTLdrGetSymbol(hlibAuth, AUTHENTRY3_NAME, (void**)&pfnAuthEntry3))) { WEBDEBUG(("%s(): Could not resolve import '%s'. Error code: %Rrc\n", __FUNCTION__, AUTHENTRY3_NAME, vrc)); if (RT_FAILURE(vrc = RTLdrGetSymbol(hlibAuth, AUTHENTRY2_NAME, (void**)&pfnAuthEntry2))) { WEBDEBUG(("%s(): Could not resolve import '%s'. Error code: %Rrc\n", __FUNCTION__, AUTHENTRY2_NAME, vrc)); if (RT_FAILURE(vrc = RTLdrGetSymbol(hlibAuth, AUTHENTRY_NAME, (void**)&pfnAuthEntry))) WEBDEBUG(("%s(): Could not resolve import '%s'. Error code: %Rrc\n", __FUNCTION__, AUTHENTRY_NAME, vrc)); } } if (pfnAuthEntry || pfnAuthEntry2 || pfnAuthEntry3) fAuthLibLoaded = true; } while (0); } } if (strlen(pcszUsername) >= _1K) { LogRel(("Access denied, excessive username length: %zu\n", strlen(pcszUsername))); vrc = VERR_WEB_NOT_AUTHENTICATED; } else if (strlen(pcszPassword) >= _1K) { LogRel(("Access denied, excessive password length: %zu\n", strlen(pcszPassword))); vrc = VERR_WEB_NOT_AUTHENTICATED; } else if (pfnAuthEntry3 || pfnAuthEntry2 || pfnAuthEntry) { const char *pszFn; AuthResult result; if (pfnAuthEntry3) { result = pfnAuthEntry3("webservice", NULL, AuthGuestNotAsked, pcszUsername, pcszPassword, NULL, true, 0); pszFn = AUTHENTRY3_NAME; } else if (pfnAuthEntry2) { result = pfnAuthEntry2(NULL, AuthGuestNotAsked, pcszUsername, pcszPassword, NULL, true, 0); pszFn = AUTHENTRY2_NAME; } else { result = pfnAuthEntry(NULL, AuthGuestNotAsked, pcszUsername, pcszPassword, NULL); pszFn = AUTHENTRY_NAME; } WEBDEBUG(("%s(): result of %s('%s', [%d]): %d (%s)\n", __FUNCTION__, pszFn, pcszUsername, strlen(pcszPassword), result, decodeAuthResult(result))); if (result == AuthResultAccessGranted) { LogRel(("Access for user '%s' granted\n", pcszUsername)); vrc = VINF_SUCCESS; } else { if (result == AuthResultAccessDenied) LogRel(("Access for user '%s' denied\n", pcszUsername)); vrc = VERR_WEB_NOT_AUTHENTICATED; } } else if (fAuthLibLoaded) { // fAuthLibLoaded = true but all pointers are NULL: // The authlib was "null" and auth was disabled vrc = VINF_SUCCESS; } else { WEBDEBUG(("Could not resolve AuthEntry, VRDPAuth2 or VRDPAuth entry point")); vrc = VERR_WEB_NOT_AUTHENTICATED; } lock.release(); return vrc; } /** * Look up, in this websession, whether a ManagedObjectRef has already been * created for the given COM pointer. * * Note how we require that a ComPtr is passed, which causes a * queryInterface call when the caller passes in a different type, since * a ComPtr will point to something different than a * ComPtr, for example. As we store the ComPtr in * our private hash table, we must search for one too. * * Preconditions: Caller must have locked g_pWebsessionsLockHandle. * * @param pObject pointer to a COM object. * @return The existing ManagedObjectRef that represents the COM object, or NULL if there's none yet. */ ManagedObjectRef* WebServiceSession::findRefFromPtr(const IUnknown *pObject) { Assert(g_pWebsessionsLockHandle->isWriteLockOnCurrentThread()); uintptr_t ulp = (uintptr_t)pObject; // WEBDEBUG((" %s: looking up %#lx\n", __FUNCTION__, ulp)); ManagedObjectsIteratorByPtr it = _pp->_mapManagedObjectsByPtr.find(ulp); if (it != _pp->_mapManagedObjectsByPtr.end()) { ManagedObjectRef *pRef = it->second; WEBDEBUG((" %s: found existing ref %s (%s) for COM obj %#lx\n", __FUNCTION__, pRef->getWSDLID().c_str(), pRef->getInterfaceName(), ulp)); return pRef; } return NULL; } /** * Static method which attempts to find the websession for which the given * managed object reference was created, by splitting the reference into the * websession and object IDs and then looking up the websession object. * * Preconditions: Caller must have locked g_pWebsessionsLockHandle in read mode. * * @param id Managed object reference (with combined websession and object IDs). * @return */ WebServiceSession *WebServiceSession::findWebsessionFromRef(const WSDLT_ID &id) { Assert(g_pWebsessionsLockHandle->isWriteLockOnCurrentThread()); WebServiceSession *pWebsession = NULL; uint64_t websessId; if (SplitManagedObjectRef(id, &websessId, NULL)) { WebsessionsMapIterator it = g_mapWebsessions.find(websessId); if (it != g_mapWebsessions.end()) pWebsession = it->second; } return pWebsession; } /** * Touches the websession to prevent it from timing out. * * Each websession has an internal timestamp that records the last request made * to it from the client that started it. If no request was made within a * configurable timeframe, then the client is logged off automatically, * by calling IWebsessionManager::logoff() */ void WebServiceSession::touch() { _tLastObjectLookup = RTTimeProgramSecTS(); } /** * Counts the number of managed object references in this websession. */ size_t WebServiceSession::CountRefs() { return _pp->_mapManagedObjectsById.size(); } /**************************************************************************** * * class ManagedObjectRef * ****************************************************************************/ /** * Constructor, which assigns a unique ID to this managed object * reference and stores it in two hashes (living in the associated * WebServiceSession object): * * a) _mapManagedObjectsById, which maps ManagedObjectID's to * instances of this class; this hash is then used by the * findObjectFromRef() template function in vboxweb.h * to quickly retrieve the COM object from its managed * object ID (mostly in the context of the method mappers * in methodmaps.cpp, when a web service client passes in * a managed object ID); * * b) _mapManagedObjectsByPtr, which maps COM pointers to * instances of this class; this hash is used by * createRefFromObject() to quickly figure out whether an * instance already exists for a given COM pointer. * * This constructor calls AddRef() on the given COM object, and * the destructor will call Release(). We require two input pointers * for that COM object, one generic IUnknown* pointer which is used * as the map key, and a specific interface pointer (e.g. IMachine*) * which must support the interface given in guidInterface. All * three values are returned by getPtr(), which gives future callers * a chance to reuse the specific interface pointer without having * to call QueryInterface, which can be expensive. * * This does _not_ check whether another instance already * exists in the hash. This gets called only from the * createOrFindRefFromComPtr() template function in vboxweb.h, which * does perform that check. * * Preconditions: Caller must have locked g_pWebsessionsLockHandle. * * @param websession Websession to which the MOR will be added. * @param pobjUnknown Pointer to IUnknown* interface for the COM object; this will be used in the hashes. * @param pobjInterface Pointer to a specific interface for the COM object, described by guidInterface. * @param guidInterface Interface which pobjInterface points to. * @param pcszInterface String representation of that interface (e.g. "IMachine") for readability and logging. */ ManagedObjectRef::ManagedObjectRef(WebServiceSession &websession, IUnknown *pobjUnknown, void *pobjInterface, const com::Guid &guidInterface, const char *pcszInterface) : _websession(websession), _pobjUnknown(pobjUnknown), _pobjInterface(pobjInterface), _guidInterface(guidInterface), _pcszInterface(pcszInterface) { Assert(pobjUnknown); Assert(pobjInterface); // keep both stubs alive while this MOR exists (matching Release() calls are in destructor) uint32_t cRefs1 = pobjUnknown->AddRef(); uint32_t cRefs2 = ((IUnknown*)pobjInterface)->AddRef(); _ulp = (uintptr_t)pobjUnknown; Assert(g_pWebsessionsLockHandle->isWriteLockOnCurrentThread()); _id = websession.createObjectID(); // and count globally ULONG64 cTotal = ++g_cManagedObjects; // raise global count and make a copy for the debug message below char sz[34]; MakeManagedObjectRef(sz, websession._uWebsessionID, _id); _strID = sz; websession._pp->_mapManagedObjectsById[_id] = this; websession._pp->_mapManagedObjectsByPtr[_ulp] = this; websession.touch(); WEBDEBUG((" * %s: MOR created for %s*=%#p (IUnknown*=%#p; COM refcount now %RI32/%RI32), new ID is %#llx; now %lld objects total\n", __FUNCTION__, pcszInterface, pobjInterface, pobjUnknown, cRefs1, cRefs2, _id, cTotal)); } /** * Destructor; removes the instance from the global hash of * managed objects. Calls Release() on the contained COM object. * * Preconditions: Caller must have locked g_pWebsessionsLockHandle. */ ManagedObjectRef::~ManagedObjectRef() { Assert(g_pWebsessionsLockHandle->isWriteLockOnCurrentThread()); ULONG64 cTotal = --g_cManagedObjects; Assert(_pobjUnknown); Assert(_pobjInterface); // we called AddRef() on both interfaces, so call Release() on // both as well, but in reverse order uint32_t cRefs2 = ((IUnknown*)_pobjInterface)->Release(); uint32_t cRefs1 = _pobjUnknown->Release(); WEBDEBUG((" * %s: deleting MOR for ID %#llx (%s; COM refcount now %RI32/%RI32); now %lld objects total\n", __FUNCTION__, _id, _pcszInterface, cRefs1, cRefs2, cTotal)); // if we're being destroyed from the websession's destructor, // then that destructor is iterating over the maps, so // don't remove us there! (data integrity + speed) if (!_websession._fDestructing) { WEBDEBUG((" * %s: removing from websession maps\n", __FUNCTION__)); _websession._pp->_mapManagedObjectsById.erase(_id); if (_websession._pp->_mapManagedObjectsByPtr.erase(_ulp) != 1) WEBDEBUG((" WARNING: could not find %#llx in _mapManagedObjectsByPtr\n", _ulp)); } } /** * Static helper method for findObjectFromRef() template that actually * looks up the object from a given integer ID. * * This has been extracted into this non-template function to reduce * code bloat as we have the actual STL map lookup only in this function. * * This also "touches" the timestamp in the websession whose ID is encoded * in the given integer ID, in order to prevent the websession from timing * out. * * Preconditions: Caller must have locked g_pWebsessionsLockHandle. * * @param id * @param pRef * @param fNullAllowed * @return */ int ManagedObjectRef::findRefFromId(const WSDLT_ID &id, ManagedObjectRef **pRef, bool fNullAllowed) { int vrc = VINF_SUCCESS; do { // allow NULL (== empty string) input reference, which should return a NULL pointer if (!id.length() && fNullAllowed) { *pRef = NULL; return 0; } uint64_t websessId; uint64_t objId; WEBDEBUG((" %s(): looking up objref %s\n", __FUNCTION__, id.c_str())); if (!SplitManagedObjectRef(id, &websessId, &objId)) { vrc = VERR_WEB_INVALID_MANAGED_OBJECT_REFERENCE; break; } WebsessionsMapIterator it = g_mapWebsessions.find(websessId); if (it == g_mapWebsessions.end()) { WEBDEBUG((" %s: cannot find websession for objref %s\n", __FUNCTION__, id.c_str())); vrc = VERR_WEB_INVALID_SESSION_ID; break; } WebServiceSession *pWebsession = it->second; // "touch" websession to prevent it from timing out pWebsession->touch(); ManagedObjectsIteratorById iter = pWebsession->_pp->_mapManagedObjectsById.find(objId); if (iter == pWebsession->_pp->_mapManagedObjectsById.end()) { WEBDEBUG((" %s: cannot find comobj for objref %s\n", __FUNCTION__, id.c_str())); vrc = VERR_WEB_INVALID_OBJECT_ID; break; } *pRef = iter->second; } while (0); return vrc; } /**************************************************************************** * * interface IManagedObjectRef * ****************************************************************************/ /** * This is the hard-coded implementation for the IManagedObjectRef::getInterfaceName() * that our WSDL promises to our web service clients. This method returns a * string describing the interface that this managed object reference * supports, e.g. "IMachine". * * @param soap * @param req * @param resp * @return */ int __vbox__IManagedObjectRef_USCOREgetInterfaceName( struct soap *soap, _vbox__IManagedObjectRef_USCOREgetInterfaceName *req, _vbox__IManagedObjectRef_USCOREgetInterfaceNameResponse *resp) { RT_NOREF(soap); HRESULT hrc = S_OK; /** @todo r=bird: hrc is not set.... */ WEBDEBUG(("-- entering %s\n", __FUNCTION__)); do { // findRefFromId require the lock util::AutoWriteLock lock(g_pWebsessionsLockHandle COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); ManagedObjectRef *pRef; if (!ManagedObjectRef::findRefFromId(req->_USCOREthis, &pRef, false)) resp->returnval = pRef->getInterfaceName(); } while (0); WEBDEBUG(("-- leaving %s, hrc: %#lx\n", __FUNCTION__, hrc)); if (FAILED(hrc)) return SOAP_FAULT; return SOAP_OK; } /** * This is the hard-coded implementation for the IManagedObjectRef::release() * that our WSDL promises to our web service clients. This method releases * a managed object reference and removes it from our stacks. * * @param soap * @param req * @param resp * @return */ int __vbox__IManagedObjectRef_USCORErelease( struct soap *soap, _vbox__IManagedObjectRef_USCORErelease *req, _vbox__IManagedObjectRef_USCOREreleaseResponse *resp) { RT_NOREF(resp); HRESULT hrc; WEBDEBUG(("-- entering %s\n", __FUNCTION__)); { // findRefFromId and the delete call below require the lock util::AutoWriteLock lock(g_pWebsessionsLockHandle COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); ManagedObjectRef *pRef; hrc = ManagedObjectRef::findRefFromId(req->_USCOREthis, &pRef, false); if (hrc == S_OK) { WEBDEBUG((" found reference; deleting!\n")); // this removes the object from all stacks; since // there's a ComPtr<> hidden inside the reference, // this should also invoke Release() on the COM // object delete pRef; } else RaiseSoapInvalidObjectFault(soap, req->_USCOREthis); } WEBDEBUG(("-- leaving %s, hrc: %#lx\n", __FUNCTION__, hrc)); if (FAILED(hrc)) return SOAP_FAULT; return SOAP_OK; } /**************************************************************************** * * interface IWebsessionManager * ****************************************************************************/ /** * Hard-coded implementation for IWebsessionManager::logon. As opposed to the underlying * COM API, this is the first method that a webservice client must call before the * webservice will do anything useful. * * This returns a managed object reference to the global IVirtualBox object; into this * reference a websession ID is encoded which remains constant with all managed object * references returned by other methods. * * When the webservice client is done, it should call IWebsessionManager::logoff. This * will clean up internally (destroy all remaining managed object references and * related COM objects used internally). * * After logon, an internal timeout ensures that if the webservice client does not * call any methods, after a configurable number of seconds, the webservice will log * off the client automatically. This is to ensure that the webservice does not * drown in managed object references and eventually deny service. Still, it is * a much better solution, both for performance and cleanliness, for the webservice * client to clean up itself. * * @param soap * @param req * @param resp * @return */ int __vbox__IWebsessionManager_USCORElogon( struct soap *soap, _vbox__IWebsessionManager_USCORElogon *req, _vbox__IWebsessionManager_USCORElogonResponse *resp) { RT_NOREF(soap); HRESULT hrc = S_OK; WEBDEBUG(("-- entering %s\n", __FUNCTION__)); do { // WebServiceSession constructor tinkers with global MOR map and requires a write lock util::AutoWriteLock lock(g_pWebsessionsLockHandle COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); // create new websession; the constructor stores the new websession // in the global map automatically WebServiceSession *pWebsession = new WebServiceSession(); ComPtr pVirtualBox; // authenticate the user if (!(pWebsession->authenticate(req->username.c_str(), req->password.c_str(), pVirtualBox.asOutParam()))) { // fake up a "root" MOR for this websession char sz[34]; MakeManagedObjectRef(sz, pWebsession->getID(), 0ULL); WSDLT_ID id = sz; // in the new websession, create a managed object reference (MOR) for the // global VirtualBox object; this encodes the websession ID in the MOR so // that it will be implicitly be included in all future requests of this // webservice client resp->returnval = createOrFindRefFromComPtr(id, g_pcszIVirtualBox, pVirtualBox); WEBDEBUG(("VirtualBox object ref is %s\n", resp->returnval.c_str())); } else hrc = E_FAIL; } while (0); WEBDEBUG(("-- leaving %s, hrc: %#lx\n", __FUNCTION__, hrc)); if (FAILED(hrc)) return SOAP_FAULT; return SOAP_OK; } /** * Returns a new ISession object every time. * * No longer connected in any way to logons, one websession can easily * handle multiple sessions. */ int __vbox__IWebsessionManager_USCOREgetSessionObject( struct soap*, _vbox__IWebsessionManager_USCOREgetSessionObject *req, _vbox__IWebsessionManager_USCOREgetSessionObjectResponse *resp) { HRESULT hrc = S_OK; WEBDEBUG(("-- entering %s\n", __FUNCTION__)); do { // create a new ISession object ComPtr pSession; hrc = g_pVirtualBoxClient->COMGETTER(Session)(pSession.asOutParam()); if (FAILED(hrc)) { WEBDEBUG(("ERROR: cannot create session object!")); break; } // return its MOR resp->returnval = createOrFindRefFromComPtr(req->refIVirtualBox, g_pcszISession, pSession); WEBDEBUG(("Session object ref is %s\n", resp->returnval.c_str())); } while (0); WEBDEBUG(("-- leaving %s, hrc: %#lx\n", __FUNCTION__, hrc)); if (FAILED(hrc)) return SOAP_FAULT; return SOAP_OK; } /** * hard-coded implementation for IWebsessionManager::logoff. * * @param req * @param resp * @return */ int __vbox__IWebsessionManager_USCORElogoff( struct soap*, _vbox__IWebsessionManager_USCORElogoff *req, _vbox__IWebsessionManager_USCORElogoffResponse *resp) { RT_NOREF(resp); HRESULT hrc = S_OK; WEBDEBUG(("-- entering %s\n", __FUNCTION__)); { // findWebsessionFromRef and the websession destructor require the lock util::AutoWriteLock lock(g_pWebsessionsLockHandle COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); WebServiceSession *pWebsession = WebServiceSession::findWebsessionFromRef(req->refIVirtualBox); if (pWebsession) { WEBDEBUG(("websession logoff, deleting websession %#llx\n", pWebsession->getID())); delete pWebsession; // destructor cleans up WEBDEBUG(("websession destroyed, %d websessions left open\n", g_mapWebsessions.size())); } } WEBDEBUG(("-- leaving %s, hrc: %#lx\n", __FUNCTION__, hrc)); if (FAILED(hrc)) return SOAP_FAULT; return SOAP_OK; }