/* $Id: HostHardwareFreeBSD.cpp 98103 2023-01-17 14:15:46Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * VirtualBox Main - Code for handling hardware detection under FreeBSD, VBoxSVC. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2008-2023 Oracle and/or its affiliates. * * This file is part of VirtualBox base platform packages, as * available from https://www.virtualbox.org. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 3 of the * License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see . * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only */ /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Header Files * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ #define LOG_GROUP LOG_GROUP_MAIN #include "HostHardwareLinux.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Typedefs and Defines * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ typedef enum DriveType_T { Fixed, DVD, Any } DriveType_T; /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Internal Functions * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ static int getDriveInfoFromEnv(const char *pcszVar, DriveInfoList *pList, bool isDVD, bool *pfSuccess) RT_NOTHROW_DEF; static int getDriveInfoFromCAM(DriveInfoList *pList, DriveType_T enmDriveType, bool *pfSuccess) RT_NOTHROW_DEF; /** Find the length of a string, ignoring trailing non-ascii or control * characters * @note Code duplicated in HostHardwareLinux.cpp */ static size_t strLenStripped(const char *pcsz) RT_NOTHROW_DEF { size_t cch = 0; for (size_t i = 0; pcsz[i] != '\0'; ++i) if (pcsz[i] > 32 /*space*/ && pcsz[i] < 127 /*delete*/) cch = i; return cch + 1; } /** * Initialize the device description for a drive based on vendor and model name * strings. * * @param pcszVendor The raw vendor ID string. * @param pcszModel The raw product ID string. * @param pszDesc Where to store the description string (optional) * @param cbDesc The size of the buffer in @pszDesc * * @note Used for disks as well as DVDs. */ /* static */ void dvdCreateDeviceString(const char *pcszVendor, const char *pcszModel, char *pszDesc, size_t cbDesc) RT_NOTHROW_DEF { AssertPtrReturnVoid(pcszVendor); AssertPtrReturnVoid(pcszModel); AssertPtrNullReturnVoid(pszDesc); AssertReturnVoid(!pszDesc || cbDesc > 0); size_t cchVendor = strLenStripped(pcszVendor); size_t cchModel = strLenStripped(pcszModel); /* Construct the description string as "Vendor Product" */ if (pszDesc) { if (cchVendor > 0) RTStrPrintf(pszDesc, cbDesc, "%.*s %s", cchVendor, pcszVendor, cchModel > 0 ? pcszModel : "(unknown drive model)"); else RTStrPrintf(pszDesc, cbDesc, "%s", pcszModel); RTStrPurgeEncoding(pszDesc); } } int VBoxMainDriveInfo::updateDVDs() RT_NOEXCEPT { LogFlowThisFunc(("entered\n")); int rc; try { mDVDList.clear(); /* Always allow the user to override our auto-detection using an * environment variable. */ bool fSuccess = false; /* Have we succeeded in finding anything yet? */ rc = getDriveInfoFromEnv("VBOX_CDROM", &mDVDList, true /* isDVD */, &fSuccess); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc) && !fSuccess) rc = getDriveInfoFromCAM(&mDVDList, DVD, &fSuccess); } catch (std::bad_alloc &) { rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; } LogFlowThisFunc(("rc=%Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } int VBoxMainDriveInfo::updateFloppies() RT_NOEXCEPT { LogFlowThisFunc(("entered\n")); int rc; try { /* Only got the enviornment variable here... */ mFloppyList.clear(); bool fSuccess = false; /* ignored */ rc = getDriveInfoFromEnv("VBOX_FLOPPY", &mFloppyList, false /* isDVD */, &fSuccess); } catch (std::bad_alloc &) { rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; } LogFlowThisFunc(("rc=%Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } int VBoxMainDriveInfo::updateFixedDrives() RT_NOEXCEPT { LogFlowThisFunc(("entered\n")); int rc; try { mFixedDriveList.clear(); bool fSuccess = false; /* ignored */ rc = getDriveInfoFromCAM(&mFixedDriveList, Fixed, &fSuccess); } catch (std::bad_alloc &) { rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; } LogFlowThisFunc(("rc=%Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } static void strDeviceStringSCSI(device_match_result *pDevResult, char *pszDesc, size_t cbDesc) RT_NOTHROW_DEF { char szVendor[128]; cam_strvis((uint8_t *)szVendor, (const uint8_t *)pDevResult->inq_data.vendor, sizeof(pDevResult->inq_data.vendor), sizeof(szVendor)); char szProduct[128]; cam_strvis((uint8_t *)szProduct, (const uint8_t *)pDevResult->inq_data.product, sizeof(pDevResult->inq_data.product), sizeof(szProduct)); dvdCreateDeviceString(szVendor, szProduct, pszDesc, cbDesc); } static void strDeviceStringATA(device_match_result *pDevResult, char *pszDesc, size_t cbDesc) RT_NOTHROW_DEF { char szProduct[256]; cam_strvis((uint8_t *)szProduct, (const uint8_t *)pDevResult->ident_data.model, sizeof(pDevResult->ident_data.model), sizeof(szProduct)); dvdCreateDeviceString("", szProduct, pszDesc, cbDesc); } static void strDeviceStringSEMB(device_match_result *pDevResult, char *pszDesc, size_t cbDesc) RT_NOTHROW_DEF { sep_identify_data *pSid = (sep_identify_data *)&pDevResult->ident_data; char szVendor[128]; cam_strvis((uint8_t *)szVendor, (const uint8_t *)pSid->vendor_id, sizeof(pSid->vendor_id), sizeof(szVendor)); char szProduct[128]; cam_strvis((uint8_t *)szProduct, (const uint8_t *)pSid->product_id, sizeof(pSid->product_id), sizeof(szProduct)); dvdCreateDeviceString(szVendor, szProduct, pszDesc, cbDesc); } static void strDeviceStringMMCSD(device_match_result *pDevResult, char *pszDesc, size_t cbDesc) RT_NOTHROW_DEF { struct cam_device *pDev = cam_open_btl(pDevResult->path_id, pDevResult->target_id, pDevResult->target_lun, O_RDWR, NULL); if (pDev == NULL) { Log(("Error while opening drive device. Error: %s\n", cam_errbuf)); return; } union ccb *pCcb = cam_getccb(pDev); if (pCcb != NULL) { struct mmc_params mmcIdentData; RT_ZERO(mmcIdentData); struct ccb_dev_advinfo *pAdvi = &pCcb->cdai; pAdvi->ccb_h.flags = CAM_DIR_IN; pAdvi->ccb_h.func_code = XPT_DEV_ADVINFO; pAdvi->flags = CDAI_FLAG_NONE; pAdvi->buftype = CDAI_TYPE_MMC_PARAMS; pAdvi->bufsiz = sizeof(mmcIdentData); pAdvi->buf = (uint8_t *)&mmcIdentData; if (cam_send_ccb(pDev, pCcb) >= 0) { if (strlen((char *)mmcIdentData.model) > 0) dvdCreateDeviceString("", (const char *)mmcIdentData.model, pszDesc, cbDesc); else dvdCreateDeviceString("", mmcIdentData.card_features & CARD_FEATURE_SDIO ? "SDIO card" : "Unknown card", pszDesc, cbDesc); } else Log(("error sending XPT_DEV_ADVINFO CCB\n")); cam_freeccb(pCcb); } else Log(("Could not allocate CCB\n")); cam_close_device(pDev); } /** @returns boolean success indicator (true/false). */ static int nvmeGetCData(struct cam_device *pDev, struct nvme_controller_data *pCData) RT_NOTHROW_DEF { bool fSuccess = false; union ccb *pCcb = cam_getccb(pDev); if (pCcb != NULL) { struct ccb_dev_advinfo *pAdvi = &pCcb->cdai; pAdvi->ccb_h.flags = CAM_DIR_IN; pAdvi->ccb_h.func_code = XPT_DEV_ADVINFO; pAdvi->flags = CDAI_FLAG_NONE; pAdvi->buftype = CDAI_TYPE_NVME_CNTRL; pAdvi->bufsiz = sizeof(struct nvme_controller_data); pAdvi->buf = (uint8_t *)pCData; RT_BZERO(pAdvi->buf, pAdvi->bufsiz); if (cam_send_ccb(pDev, pCcb) >= 0) { if (pAdvi->ccb_h.status == CAM_REQ_CMP) fSuccess = true; else Log(("Got CAM error %#x\n", pAdvi->ccb_h.status)); } else Log(("Error sending XPT_DEV_ADVINFO CC\n")); cam_freeccb(pCcb); } else Log(("Could not allocate CCB\n")); return fSuccess; } static void strDeviceStringNVME(device_match_result *pDevResult, char *pszDesc, size_t cbDesc) RT_NOTHROW_DEF { struct cam_device *pDev = cam_open_btl(pDevResult->path_id, pDevResult->target_id, pDevResult->target_lun, O_RDWR, NULL); if (pDev) { struct nvme_controller_data CData; if (nvmeGetCData(pDev, &CData)) { char szVendor[128]; cam_strvis((uint8_t *)szVendor, CData.mn, sizeof(CData.mn), sizeof(szVendor)); char szProduct[128]; cam_strvis((uint8_t *)szProduct, CData.fr, sizeof(CData.fr), sizeof(szProduct)); dvdCreateDeviceString(szVendor, szProduct, pszDesc, cbDesc); } else Log(("Error while getting NVME drive info\n")); cam_close_device(pDev); } else Log(("Error while opening drive device. Error: %s\n", cam_errbuf)); } /** * Search for available drives using the CAM layer. * * @returns iprt status code * @param pList the list to append the drives found to * @param enmDriveType search drives of specified type * @param pfSuccess this will be set to true if we found at least one drive * and to false otherwise. Optional. */ static int getDriveInfoFromCAM(DriveInfoList *pList, DriveType_T enmDriveType, bool *pfSuccess) RT_NOTHROW_DEF { RTFILE hFileXpt = NIL_RTFILE; int rc = RTFileOpen(&hFileXpt, "/dev/xpt0", RTFILE_O_READWRITE | RTFILE_O_OPEN | RTFILE_O_DENY_NONE); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { union ccb DeviceCCB; struct dev_match_pattern DeviceMatchPattern; struct dev_match_result *paMatches = NULL; RT_ZERO(DeviceCCB); RT_ZERO(DeviceMatchPattern); /* We want to get all devices. */ DeviceCCB.ccb_h.func_code = XPT_DEV_MATCH; DeviceCCB.ccb_h.path_id = CAM_XPT_PATH_ID; DeviceCCB.ccb_h.target_id = CAM_TARGET_WILDCARD; DeviceCCB.ccb_h.target_lun = CAM_LUN_WILDCARD; /* Setup the pattern */ DeviceMatchPattern.type = DEV_MATCH_DEVICE; DeviceMatchPattern.pattern.device_pattern.path_id = CAM_XPT_PATH_ID; DeviceMatchPattern.pattern.device_pattern.target_id = CAM_TARGET_WILDCARD; DeviceMatchPattern.pattern.device_pattern.target_lun = CAM_LUN_WILDCARD; DeviceMatchPattern.pattern.device_pattern.flags = DEV_MATCH_INQUIRY; #if __FreeBSD_version >= 900000 # define INQ_PAT data.inq_pat #else #define INQ_PAT inq_pat #endif DeviceMatchPattern.pattern.device_pattern.INQ_PAT.type = enmDriveType == Fixed ? T_DIRECT : enmDriveType == DVD ? T_CDROM : T_ANY; DeviceMatchPattern.pattern.device_pattern.INQ_PAT.media_type = SIP_MEDIA_REMOVABLE | SIP_MEDIA_FIXED; DeviceMatchPattern.pattern.device_pattern.INQ_PAT.vendor[0] = '*'; /* Matches anything */ DeviceMatchPattern.pattern.device_pattern.INQ_PAT.product[0] = '*'; /* Matches anything */ DeviceMatchPattern.pattern.device_pattern.INQ_PAT.revision[0] = '*'; /* Matches anything */ #undef INQ_PAT DeviceCCB.cdm.num_patterns = 1; DeviceCCB.cdm.pattern_buf_len = sizeof(struct dev_match_result); DeviceCCB.cdm.patterns = &DeviceMatchPattern; /* * Allocate the buffer holding the matches. * We will allocate for 10 results and call * CAM multiple times if we have more results. */ paMatches = (struct dev_match_result *)RTMemAllocZ(10 * sizeof(struct dev_match_result)); if (paMatches) { DeviceCCB.cdm.num_matches = 0; DeviceCCB.cdm.match_buf_len = 10 * sizeof(struct dev_match_result); DeviceCCB.cdm.matches = paMatches; do { rc = RTFileIoCtl(hFileXpt, CAMIOCOMMAND, &DeviceCCB, sizeof(union ccb), NULL); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { Log(("Error while querying available CD/DVD devices rc=%Rrc\n", rc)); break; } for (unsigned i = 0; i < DeviceCCB.cdm.num_matches; i++) { if (paMatches[i].type == DEV_MATCH_DEVICE) { /* * The result list can contain some empty entries with DEV_RESULT_UNCONFIGURED * flag set, e.g. in case of T_DIRECT. Ignore them. */ if ( (paMatches[i].result.device_result.flags & DEV_RESULT_UNCONFIGURED) == DEV_RESULT_UNCONFIGURED) continue; /* We have the drive now but need the appropriate device node */ struct device_match_result *pDevResult = &paMatches[i].result.device_result; union ccb PeriphCCB; struct dev_match_pattern PeriphMatchPattern; struct dev_match_result aPeriphMatches[2]; struct periph_match_result *pPeriphResult = NULL; unsigned iPeriphMatch = 0; RT_ZERO(PeriphCCB); RT_ZERO(PeriphMatchPattern); RT_ZERO(aPeriphMatches); /* This time we only want the specific nodes for the device. */ PeriphCCB.ccb_h.func_code = XPT_DEV_MATCH; PeriphCCB.ccb_h.path_id = paMatches[i].result.device_result.path_id; PeriphCCB.ccb_h.target_id = paMatches[i].result.device_result.target_id; PeriphCCB.ccb_h.target_lun = paMatches[i].result.device_result.target_lun; /* Setup the pattern */ PeriphMatchPattern.type = DEV_MATCH_PERIPH; PeriphMatchPattern.pattern.periph_pattern.path_id = paMatches[i].result.device_result.path_id; PeriphMatchPattern.pattern.periph_pattern.target_id = paMatches[i].result.device_result.target_id; PeriphMatchPattern.pattern.periph_pattern.target_lun = paMatches[i].result.device_result.target_lun; PeriphMatchPattern.pattern.periph_pattern.flags = (periph_pattern_flags)( PERIPH_MATCH_PATH | PERIPH_MATCH_TARGET | PERIPH_MATCH_LUN); PeriphCCB.cdm.num_patterns = 1; PeriphCCB.cdm.pattern_buf_len = sizeof(struct dev_match_result); PeriphCCB.cdm.patterns = &PeriphMatchPattern; PeriphCCB.cdm.num_matches = 0; PeriphCCB.cdm.match_buf_len = sizeof(aPeriphMatches); PeriphCCB.cdm.matches = aPeriphMatches; do { rc = RTFileIoCtl(hFileXpt, CAMIOCOMMAND, &PeriphCCB, sizeof(union ccb), NULL); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { Log(("Error while querying available periph devices rc=%Rrc\n", rc)); break; } for (iPeriphMatch = 0; iPeriphMatch < PeriphCCB.cdm.num_matches; iPeriphMatch++) { /* Ignore "passthrough mode" paths */ if ( aPeriphMatches[iPeriphMatch].type == DEV_MATCH_PERIPH && strcmp(aPeriphMatches[iPeriphMatch].result.periph_result.periph_name, "pass")) { pPeriphResult = &aPeriphMatches[iPeriphMatch].result.periph_result; break; /* We found the periph device */ } } if (iPeriphMatch < PeriphCCB.cdm.num_matches) break; } while ( DeviceCCB.ccb_h.status == CAM_REQ_CMP && DeviceCCB.cdm.status == CAM_DEV_MATCH_MORE); if (pPeriphResult) { char szPath[RTPATH_MAX]; RTStrPrintf(szPath, sizeof(szPath), "/dev/%s%d", pPeriphResult->periph_name, pPeriphResult->unit_number); char szDesc[256] = { 0 }; switch (pDevResult->protocol) { case PROTO_SCSI: strDeviceStringSCSI( pDevResult, szDesc, sizeof(szDesc)); break; case PROTO_ATA: strDeviceStringATA( pDevResult, szDesc, sizeof(szDesc)); break; case PROTO_MMCSD: strDeviceStringMMCSD(pDevResult, szDesc, sizeof(szDesc)); break; case PROTO_SEMB: strDeviceStringSEMB( pDevResult, szDesc, sizeof(szDesc)); break; case PROTO_NVME: strDeviceStringNVME( pDevResult, szDesc, sizeof(szDesc)); break; default: break; } try { pList->push_back(DriveInfo(szPath, "", szDesc)); } catch (std::bad_alloc &) { pList->clear(); rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; break; } if (pfSuccess) *pfSuccess = true; } } } } while ( DeviceCCB.ccb_h.status == CAM_REQ_CMP && DeviceCCB.cdm.status == CAM_DEV_MATCH_MORE && RT_SUCCESS(rc)); RTMemFree(paMatches); } else rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; RTFileClose(hFileXpt); } return rc; } /** * Extract the names of drives from an environment variable and add them to a * list if they are valid. * * @returns iprt status code * @param pcszVar the name of the environment variable. The variable * value should be a list of device node names, separated * by ':' characters. * @param pList the list to append the drives found to * @param isDVD are we looking for DVD drives or for floppies? * @param pfSuccess this will be set to true if we found at least one drive * and to false otherwise. Optional. * * @note This is duplicated in HostHardwareLinux.cpp. */ static int getDriveInfoFromEnv(const char *pcszVar, DriveInfoList *pList, bool isDVD, bool *pfSuccess) RT_NOTHROW_DEF { AssertPtrReturn(pcszVar, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pList, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrNullReturn(pfSuccess, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); LogFlowFunc(("pcszVar=%s, pList=%p, isDVD=%d, pfSuccess=%p\n", pcszVar, pList, isDVD, pfSuccess)); int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; bool success = false; char *pszFreeMe = RTEnvDupEx(RTENV_DEFAULT, pcszVar); try { char *pszCurrent = pszFreeMe; while (pszCurrent && *pszCurrent != '\0') { char *pszNext = strchr(pszCurrent, ':'); if (pszNext) *pszNext++ = '\0'; char szReal[RTPATH_MAX]; char szDesc[1] = "", szUdi[1] = ""; /* differs on freebsd because no devValidateDevice */ if ( RT_SUCCESS(RTPathReal(pszCurrent, szReal, sizeof(szReal))) /*&& devValidateDevice(szReal, isDVD, NULL, szDesc, sizeof(szDesc), szUdi, sizeof(szUdi)) - linux only */) { pList->push_back(DriveInfo(szReal, szUdi, szDesc)); success = true; } pszCurrent = pszNext; } if (pfSuccess != NULL) *pfSuccess = success; } catch (std::bad_alloc &) { rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; } RTStrFree(pszFreeMe); LogFlowFunc(("rc=%Rrc, success=%d\n", rc, success)); return rc; }