/* $Id: ClientWatcher.cpp 76553 2019-01-01 01:45:53Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * VirtualBox API client session crash watcher */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2019 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ #define LOG_GROUP LOG_GROUP_MAIN #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "VirtualBoxBase.h" #include "AutoCaller.h" #include "ClientWatcher.h" #include "ClientToken.h" #include "VirtualBoxImpl.h" #include "MachineImpl.h" #if defined(VBOX_WITH_SYS_V_IPC_SESSION_WATCHER) || defined(VBOX_WITH_GENERIC_SESSION_WATCHER) /** Table for adaptive timeouts. After an update the counter starts at the * maximum value and decreases to 0, i.e. first the short timeouts are used * and then the longer ones. This minimizes the detection latency in the * cases where a change is expected, for crashes. */ static const RTMSINTERVAL s_aUpdateTimeoutSteps[] = { 500, 200, 100, 50, 20, 10, 5 }; #endif VirtualBox::ClientWatcher::ClientWatcher() : mLock(LOCKCLASS_OBJECTSTATE) { AssertReleaseFailed(); } VirtualBox::ClientWatcher::~ClientWatcher() { if (mThread != NIL_RTTHREAD) { /* signal the client watcher thread, should be exiting now */ update(); /* wait for termination */ RTThreadWait(mThread, RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT, NULL); mThread = NIL_RTTHREAD; } mProcesses.clear(); #if defined(RT_OS_WINDOWS) if (mUpdateReq != NULL) { ::CloseHandle(mUpdateReq); mUpdateReq = NULL; } #elif defined(RT_OS_OS2) || defined(VBOX_WITH_SYS_V_IPC_SESSION_WATCHER) || defined(VBOX_WITH_GENERIC_SESSION_WATCHER) if (mUpdateReq != NIL_RTSEMEVENT) { RTSemEventDestroy(mUpdateReq); mUpdateReq = NIL_RTSEMEVENT; } #else # error "Port me!" #endif } VirtualBox::ClientWatcher::ClientWatcher(const ComObjPtr &pVirtualBox) : mVirtualBox(pVirtualBox), mThread(NIL_RTTHREAD), mUpdateReq(CWUPDATEREQARG), mLock(LOCKCLASS_OBJECTSTATE) { #if defined(RT_OS_WINDOWS) /* Misc state. */ mfTerminate = false; mcMsWait = INFINITE; mcActiveSubworkers = 0; /* Update request. The UpdateReq event is also used to wake up subthreads. */ mfUpdateReq = false; mUpdateReq = ::CreateEvent(NULL /*pSecAttr*/, TRUE /*fManualReset*/, FALSE /*fInitialState*/, NULL /*pszName*/); AssertRelease(mUpdateReq != NULL); /* Initialize the handle array. */ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(mahWaitHandles); i++) mahWaitHandles[i] = NULL; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(mahWaitHandles); i += CW_MAX_HANDLES_PER_THREAD) mahWaitHandles[i] = mUpdateReq; mcWaitHandles = 1; #elif defined(RT_OS_OS2) RTSemEventCreate(&mUpdateReq); #elif defined(VBOX_WITH_SYS_V_IPC_SESSION_WATCHER) || defined(VBOX_WITH_GENERIC_SESSION_WATCHER) RTSemEventCreate(&mUpdateReq); /* start with high timeouts, nothing to do */ ASMAtomicUoWriteU8(&mUpdateAdaptCtr, 0); #else # error "Port me!" #endif int vrc = RTThreadCreate(&mThread, worker, (void *)this, 0, RTTHREADTYPE_MAIN_WORKER, RTTHREADFLAGS_WAITABLE, "Watcher"); AssertRC(vrc); } bool VirtualBox::ClientWatcher::isReady() { return mThread != NIL_RTTHREAD; } /** * Sends a signal to the thread to rescan the clients/VMs having open sessions. */ void VirtualBox::ClientWatcher::update() { AssertReturnVoid(mThread != NIL_RTTHREAD); LogFlowFunc(("ping!\n")); /* sent an update request */ #if defined(RT_OS_WINDOWS) ASMAtomicWriteBool(&mfUpdateReq, true); ::SetEvent(mUpdateReq); #elif defined(RT_OS_OS2) RTSemEventSignal(mUpdateReq); #elif defined(VBOX_WITH_SYS_V_IPC_SESSION_WATCHER) /* use short timeouts, as we expect changes */ ASMAtomicUoWriteU8(&mUpdateAdaptCtr, RT_ELEMENTS(s_aUpdateTimeoutSteps) - 1); RTSemEventSignal(mUpdateReq); #elif defined(VBOX_WITH_GENERIC_SESSION_WATCHER) RTSemEventSignal(mUpdateReq); #else # error "Port me!" #endif } /** * Adds a process to the list of processes to be reaped. This call should be * followed by a call to update() to cause the necessary actions immediately, * in case the process crashes straight away. */ void VirtualBox::ClientWatcher::addProcess(RTPROCESS pid) { AssertReturnVoid(mThread != NIL_RTTHREAD); AutoWriteLock alock(mLock COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); mProcesses.push_back(pid); } /** * Reaps dead processes in the mProcesses list. * * @returns Number of reaped processes. */ uint32_t VirtualBox::ClientWatcher::reapProcesses(void) { uint32_t cReaped = 0; AutoWriteLock alock(mLock COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); if (mProcesses.size()) { LogFlowFunc(("UPDATE: child process count = %zu\n", mProcesses.size())); VirtualBox::ClientWatcher::ProcessList::iterator it = mProcesses.begin(); while (it != mProcesses.end()) { RTPROCESS pid = *it; RTPROCSTATUS Status; int vrc = ::RTProcWait(pid, RTPROCWAIT_FLAGS_NOBLOCK, &Status); if (vrc == VINF_SUCCESS) { if ( Status.enmReason != RTPROCEXITREASON_NORMAL || Status.iStatus != RTEXITCODE_SUCCESS) { switch (Status.enmReason) { default: case RTPROCEXITREASON_NORMAL: LogRel(("Reaper: Pid %d (%x) exited normally: %d (%#x)\n", pid, pid, Status.iStatus, Status.iStatus)); break; case RTPROCEXITREASON_ABEND: LogRel(("Reaper: Pid %d (%x) abended: %d (%#x)\n", pid, pid, Status.iStatus, Status.iStatus)); break; case RTPROCEXITREASON_SIGNAL: LogRel(("Reaper: Pid %d (%x) was signalled: %d (%#x)\n", pid, pid, Status.iStatus, Status.iStatus)); break; } } else LogFlowFunc(("pid %d (%x) was reaped, status=%d, reason=%d\n", pid, pid, Status.iStatus, Status.enmReason)); it = mProcesses.erase(it); cReaped++; } else { LogFlowFunc(("pid %d (%x) was NOT reaped, vrc=%Rrc\n", pid, pid, vrc)); if (vrc != VERR_PROCESS_RUNNING) { /* remove the process if it is not already running */ it = mProcesses.erase(it); cReaped++; } else ++it; } } } return cReaped; } #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS /** * Closes all the client process handles in mahWaitHandles. * * The array is divided into two ranges, first range are mutext handles of * established sessions, the second range is zero or more process handles of * spawning sessions. It's the latter that we close here, the former will just * be NULLed out. * * @param cProcHandles The number of process handles. */ void VirtualBox::ClientWatcher::winResetHandleArray(uint32_t cProcHandles) { uint32_t idxHandle = mcWaitHandles; Assert(cProcHandles < idxHandle); Assert(idxHandle > 0); /* Spawning process handles. */ while (cProcHandles-- > 0 && idxHandle > 0) { idxHandle--; if (idxHandle % CW_MAX_HANDLES_PER_THREAD) { Assert(mahWaitHandles[idxHandle] != mUpdateReq); LogFlow(("UPDATE: closing %p\n", mahWaitHandles[idxHandle])); CloseHandle(mahWaitHandles[idxHandle]); mahWaitHandles[idxHandle] = NULL; } else Assert(mahWaitHandles[idxHandle] == mUpdateReq); } /* Mutex handles (not to be closed). */ while (idxHandle-- > 0) if (idxHandle % CW_MAX_HANDLES_PER_THREAD) { Assert(mahWaitHandles[idxHandle] != mUpdateReq); mahWaitHandles[idxHandle] = NULL; } else Assert(mahWaitHandles[idxHandle] == mUpdateReq); /* Reset the handle count. */ mcWaitHandles = 1; } /** * Does the waiting on a section of the handle array. * * @param pSubworker Pointer to the calling thread's data. * @param cMsWait Number of milliseconds to wait. */ void VirtualBox::ClientWatcher::subworkerWait(VirtualBox::ClientWatcher::PerSubworker *pSubworker, uint32_t cMsWait) { /* * Figure out what section to wait on and do the waiting. */ uint32_t idxHandle = pSubworker->iSubworker * CW_MAX_HANDLES_PER_THREAD; uint32_t cHandles = CW_MAX_HANDLES_PER_THREAD; if (idxHandle + cHandles > mcWaitHandles) { cHandles = mcWaitHandles - idxHandle; AssertStmt(idxHandle < mcWaitHandles, cHandles = 1); } Assert(mahWaitHandles[idxHandle] == mUpdateReq); DWORD dwWait = ::WaitForMultipleObjects(cHandles, &mahWaitHandles[idxHandle], FALSE /*fWaitAll*/, cMsWait); pSubworker->dwWait = dwWait; /* * If we didn't wake up because of the UpdateReq handle, signal it to make * sure everyone else wakes up too. */ if (dwWait != WAIT_OBJECT_0) { BOOL fRc = SetEvent(mUpdateReq); Assert(fRc); NOREF(fRc); } /* * Last one signals the main thread. */ if (ASMAtomicDecU32(&mcActiveSubworkers) == 0) { int vrc = RTThreadUserSignal(maSubworkers[0].hThread); AssertLogRelMsg(RT_SUCCESS(vrc), ("RTThreadUserSignal -> %Rrc\n", vrc)); } } /** * Thread worker function that watches the termination of all client processes * that have open sessions using IMachine::LockMachine() */ /*static*/ DECLCALLBACK(int) VirtualBox::ClientWatcher::subworkerThread(RTTHREAD hThreadSelf, void *pvUser) { VirtualBox::ClientWatcher::PerSubworker *pSubworker = (VirtualBox::ClientWatcher::PerSubworker *)pvUser; VirtualBox::ClientWatcher *pThis = pSubworker->pSelf; int vrc; while (!pThis->mfTerminate) { /* Before we start waiting, reset the event semaphore. */ vrc = RTThreadUserReset(pSubworker->hThread); AssertLogRelMsg(RT_SUCCESS(vrc), ("RTThreadUserReset [iSubworker=%#u] -> %Rrc", pSubworker->iSubworker, vrc)); /* Do the job. */ pThis->subworkerWait(pSubworker, pThis->mcMsWait); /* Wait for the next job. */ do { vrc = RTThreadUserWaitNoResume(hThreadSelf, RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT); Assert(vrc == VINF_SUCCESS || vrc == VERR_INTERRUPTED); } while ( vrc != VINF_SUCCESS && !pThis->mfTerminate); } return VINF_SUCCESS; } #endif /* RT_OS_WINDOWS */ /** * Thread worker function that watches the termination of all client processes * that have open sessions using IMachine::LockMachine() */ /*static*/ DECLCALLBACK(int) VirtualBox::ClientWatcher::worker(RTTHREAD hThreadSelf, void *pvUser) { LogFlowFuncEnter(); NOREF(hThreadSelf); VirtualBox::ClientWatcher *that = (VirtualBox::ClientWatcher *)pvUser; Assert(that); typedef std::vector > MachineVector; typedef std::vector > SessionMachineVector; SessionMachineVector machines; MachineVector spawnedMachines; size_t cnt = 0; size_t cntSpawned = 0; VirtualBoxBase::initializeComForThread(); #if defined(RT_OS_WINDOWS) int vrc; /* Initialize all the subworker data. */ that->maSubworkers[0].hThread = hThreadSelf; for (uint32_t iSubworker = 1; iSubworker < RT_ELEMENTS(that->maSubworkers); iSubworker++) that->maSubworkers[iSubworker].hThread = NIL_RTTHREAD; for (uint32_t iSubworker = 0; iSubworker < RT_ELEMENTS(that->maSubworkers); iSubworker++) { that->maSubworkers[iSubworker].pSelf = that; that->maSubworkers[iSubworker].iSubworker = iSubworker; } do { /* VirtualBox has been early uninitialized, terminate. */ AutoCaller autoCaller(that->mVirtualBox); if (!autoCaller.isOk()) break; bool fPidRace = false; /* We poll if the PID of a spawning session hasn't been established yet. */ bool fRecentDeath = false; /* We slowly poll if a session has recently been closed to do reaping. */ for (;;) { /* release the caller to let uninit() ever proceed */ autoCaller.release(); /* Kick of the waiting. */ uint32_t const cSubworkers = (that->mcWaitHandles + CW_MAX_HANDLES_PER_THREAD - 1) / CW_MAX_HANDLES_PER_THREAD; uint32_t const cMsWait = fPidRace ? 500 : fRecentDeath ? 5000 : INFINITE; LogFlowFunc(("UPDATE: Waiting. %u handles, %u subworkers, %u ms wait\n", that->mcWaitHandles, cSubworkers, cMsWait)); that->mcMsWait = cMsWait; ASMAtomicWriteU32(&that->mcActiveSubworkers, cSubworkers); RTThreadUserReset(hThreadSelf); for (uint32_t iSubworker = 1; iSubworker < cSubworkers; iSubworker++) { if (that->maSubworkers[iSubworker].hThread != NIL_RTTHREAD) { vrc = RTThreadUserSignal(that->maSubworkers[iSubworker].hThread); AssertLogRelMsg(RT_SUCCESS(vrc), ("RTThreadUserSignal -> %Rrc\n", vrc)); } else { vrc = RTThreadCreateF(&that->maSubworkers[iSubworker].hThread, VirtualBox::ClientWatcher::subworkerThread, &that->maSubworkers[iSubworker], _128K, RTTHREADTYPE_DEFAULT, RTTHREADFLAGS_WAITABLE, "Watcher%u", iSubworker); AssertLogRelMsgStmt(RT_SUCCESS(vrc), ("%Rrc iSubworker=%u\n", vrc, iSubworker), that->maSubworkers[iSubworker].hThread = NIL_RTTHREAD); } if (RT_FAILURE(vrc)) that->subworkerWait(&that->maSubworkers[iSubworker], 1); } /* Wait ourselves. */ that->subworkerWait(&that->maSubworkers[0], cMsWait); /* Make sure all waiters are done waiting. */ BOOL fRc = SetEvent(that->mUpdateReq); Assert(fRc); NOREF(fRc); vrc = RTThreadUserWait(hThreadSelf, RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT); AssertLogRelMsg(RT_SUCCESS(vrc), ("RTThreadUserWait -> %Rrc\n", vrc)); Assert(that->mcActiveSubworkers == 0); /* Consume pending update request before proceeding with processing the wait results. */ fRc = ResetEvent(that->mUpdateReq); Assert(fRc); bool update = ASMAtomicXchgBool(&that->mfUpdateReq, false); if (update) LogFlowFunc(("UPDATE: Update request pending\n")); update |= fPidRace; /* Process the wait results. */ autoCaller.add(); if (!autoCaller.isOk()) break; fRecentDeath = false; for (uint32_t iSubworker = 0; iSubworker < cSubworkers; iSubworker++) { DWORD dwWait = that->maSubworkers[iSubworker].dwWait; LogFlowFunc(("UPDATE: subworker #%u: dwWait=%#x\n", iSubworker, dwWait)); if ( (dwWait > WAIT_OBJECT_0 && dwWait < WAIT_OBJECT_0 + CW_MAX_HANDLES_PER_THREAD) || (dwWait > WAIT_ABANDONED_0 && dwWait < WAIT_ABANDONED_0 + CW_MAX_HANDLES_PER_THREAD) ) { uint32_t idxHandle = iSubworker * CW_MAX_HANDLES_PER_THREAD; if (dwWait > WAIT_OBJECT_0 && dwWait < WAIT_OBJECT_0 + CW_MAX_HANDLES_PER_THREAD) idxHandle += dwWait - WAIT_OBJECT_0; else idxHandle += dwWait - WAIT_ABANDONED_0; uint32_t const idxMachine = idxHandle - (iSubworker + 1); if (idxMachine < cnt) { /* Machine mutex is released or abandond due to client process termination. */ LogFlowFunc(("UPDATE: Calling i_checkForDeath on idxMachine=%u (idxHandle=%u) dwWait=%#x\n", idxMachine, idxHandle, dwWait)); fRecentDeath |= (machines[idxMachine])->i_checkForDeath(); } else if (idxMachine < cnt + cntSpawned) { /* Spawned VM process has terminated normally. */ Assert(dwWait < WAIT_ABANDONED_0); LogFlowFunc(("UPDATE: Calling i_checkForSpawnFailure on idxMachine=%u/%u idxHandle=%u dwWait=%#x\n", idxMachine, idxMachine - cnt, idxHandle, dwWait)); fRecentDeath |= (spawnedMachines[idxMachine - cnt])->i_checkForSpawnFailure(); } else AssertFailed(); update = true; } else Assert(dwWait == WAIT_OBJECT_0 || dwWait == WAIT_TIMEOUT); } if (update) { LogFlowFunc(("UPDATE: Update pending (cnt=%u cntSpawned=%u)...\n", cnt, cntSpawned)); /* close old process handles */ that->winResetHandleArray((uint32_t)cntSpawned); // get reference to the machines list in VirtualBox VirtualBox::MachinesOList &allMachines = that->mVirtualBox->i_getMachinesList(); // lock the machines list for reading AutoReadLock thatLock(allMachines.getLockHandle() COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); /* obtain a new set of opened machines */ cnt = 0; machines.clear(); uint32_t idxHandle = 0; for (MachinesOList::iterator it = allMachines.begin(); it != allMachines.end(); ++it) { AssertMsgBreak(idxHandle < CW_MAX_CLIENTS, ("CW_MAX_CLIENTS reached")); ComObjPtr sm; if ((*it)->i_isSessionOpenOrClosing(sm)) { AutoCaller smCaller(sm); if (smCaller.isOk()) { AutoReadLock smLock(sm COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); Machine::ClientToken *ct = sm->i_getClientToken(); if (ct) { HANDLE ipcSem = ct->getToken(); machines.push_back(sm); if (!(idxHandle % CW_MAX_HANDLES_PER_THREAD)) idxHandle++; that->mahWaitHandles[idxHandle++] = ipcSem; ++cnt; } } } } LogFlowFunc(("UPDATE: direct session count = %d\n", cnt)); /* obtain a new set of spawned machines */ fPidRace = false; cntSpawned = 0; spawnedMachines.clear(); for (MachinesOList::iterator it = allMachines.begin(); it != allMachines.end(); ++it) { AssertMsgBreak(idxHandle < CW_MAX_CLIENTS, ("CW_MAX_CLIENTS reached")); if ((*it)->i_isSessionSpawning()) { ULONG pid; HRESULT hrc = (*it)->COMGETTER(SessionPID)(&pid); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) { if (pid != NIL_RTPROCESS) { HANDLE hProc = OpenProcess(SYNCHRONIZE, FALSE, pid); AssertMsg(hProc != NULL, ("OpenProcess (pid=%d) failed with %d\n", pid, GetLastError())); if (hProc != NULL) { spawnedMachines.push_back(*it); if (!(idxHandle % CW_MAX_HANDLES_PER_THREAD)) idxHandle++; that->mahWaitHandles[idxHandle++] = hProc; ++cntSpawned; } } else fPidRace = true; } } } LogFlowFunc(("UPDATE: spawned session count = %d\n", cntSpawned)); /* Update mcWaitHandles and make sure there is at least one handle to wait on. */ that->mcWaitHandles = RT_MAX(idxHandle, 1); // machines lock unwinds here } else LogFlowFunc(("UPDATE: No update pending.\n")); /* reap child processes */ that->reapProcesses(); } /* for ever (well, till autoCaller fails). */ } while (0); /* Terminate subworker threads. */ ASMAtomicWriteBool(&that->mfTerminate, true); for (uint32_t iSubworker = 1; iSubworker < RT_ELEMENTS(that->maSubworkers); iSubworker++) if (that->maSubworkers[iSubworker].hThread != NIL_RTTHREAD) RTThreadUserSignal(that->maSubworkers[iSubworker].hThread); for (uint32_t iSubworker = 1; iSubworker < RT_ELEMENTS(that->maSubworkers); iSubworker++) if (that->maSubworkers[iSubworker].hThread != NIL_RTTHREAD) { vrc = RTThreadWait(that->maSubworkers[iSubworker].hThread, RT_MS_1MIN, NULL /*prc*/); if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) that->maSubworkers[iSubworker].hThread = NIL_RTTHREAD; else AssertLogRelMsgFailed(("RTThreadWait -> %Rrc\n", vrc)); } /* close old process handles */ that->winResetHandleArray((uint32_t)cntSpawned); /* release sets of machines if any */ machines.clear(); spawnedMachines.clear(); ::CoUninitialize(); #elif defined(RT_OS_OS2) /* according to PMREF, 64 is the maximum for the muxwait list */ SEMRECORD handles[64]; HMUX muxSem = NULLHANDLE; do { AutoCaller autoCaller(that->mVirtualBox); /* VirtualBox has been early uninitialized, terminate */ if (!autoCaller.isOk()) break; for (;;) { /* release the caller to let uninit() ever proceed */ autoCaller.release(); int vrc = RTSemEventWait(that->mUpdateReq, 500); /* Restore the caller before using VirtualBox. If it fails, this * means VirtualBox is being uninitialized and we must terminate. */ autoCaller.add(); if (!autoCaller.isOk()) break; bool update = false; bool updateSpawned = false; if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) { /* update event is signaled */ update = true; updateSpawned = true; } else { AssertMsg(vrc == VERR_TIMEOUT || vrc == VERR_INTERRUPTED, ("RTSemEventWait returned %Rrc\n", vrc)); /* are there any mutexes? */ if (cnt > 0) { /* figure out what's going on with machines */ unsigned long semId = 0; APIRET arc = ::DosWaitMuxWaitSem(muxSem, SEM_IMMEDIATE_RETURN, &semId); if (arc == NO_ERROR) { /* machine mutex is normally released */ Assert(semId >= 0 && semId < cnt); if (semId >= 0 && semId < cnt) { #if 0//def DEBUG { AutoReadLock machineLock(machines[semId] COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); LogFlowFunc(("released mutex: machine='%ls'\n", machines[semId]->name().raw())); } #endif machines[semId]->i_checkForDeath(); } update = true; } else if (arc == ERROR_SEM_OWNER_DIED) { /* machine mutex is abandoned due to client process * termination; find which mutex is in the Owner Died * state */ for (size_t i = 0; i < cnt; ++i) { PID pid; TID tid; unsigned long reqCnt; arc = DosQueryMutexSem((HMTX)handles[i].hsemCur, &pid, &tid, &reqCnt); if (arc == ERROR_SEM_OWNER_DIED) { /* close the dead mutex as asked by PMREF */ ::DosCloseMutexSem((HMTX)handles[i].hsemCur); Assert(i >= 0 && i < cnt); if (i >= 0 && i < cnt) { #if 0//def DEBUG { AutoReadLock machineLock(machines[semId] COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); LogFlowFunc(("mutex owner dead: machine='%ls'\n", machines[i]->name().raw())); } #endif machines[i]->i_checkForDeath(); } } } update = true; } else AssertMsg(arc == ERROR_INTERRUPT || arc == ERROR_TIMEOUT, ("DosWaitMuxWaitSem returned %d\n", arc)); } /* are there any spawning sessions? */ if (cntSpawned > 0) { for (size_t i = 0; i < cntSpawned; ++i) updateSpawned |= (spawnedMachines[i])-> i_checkForSpawnFailure(); } } if (update || updateSpawned) { // get reference to the machines list in VirtualBox VirtualBox::MachinesOList &allMachines = that->mVirtualBox->i_getMachinesList(); // lock the machines list for reading AutoReadLock thatLock(allMachines.getLockHandle() COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); if (update) { /* close the old muxsem */ if (muxSem != NULLHANDLE) ::DosCloseMuxWaitSem(muxSem); /* obtain a new set of opened machines */ cnt = 0; machines.clear(); for (MachinesOList::iterator it = allMachines.begin(); it != allMachines.end(); ++it) { /// @todo handle situations with more than 64 objects AssertMsg(cnt <= 64 /* according to PMREF */, ("maximum of 64 mutex semaphores reached (%d)", cnt)); ComObjPtr sm; if ((*it)->i_isSessionOpenOrClosing(sm)) { AutoCaller smCaller(sm); if (smCaller.isOk()) { AutoReadLock smLock(sm COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); ClientToken *ct = sm->i_getClientToken(); if (ct) { HMTX ipcSem = ct->getToken(); machines.push_back(sm); handles[cnt].hsemCur = (HSEM)ipcSem; handles[cnt].ulUser = cnt; ++cnt; } } } } LogFlowFunc(("UPDATE: direct session count = %d\n", cnt)); if (cnt > 0) { /* create a new muxsem */ APIRET arc = ::DosCreateMuxWaitSem(NULL, &muxSem, cnt, handles, DCMW_WAIT_ANY); AssertMsg(arc == NO_ERROR, ("DosCreateMuxWaitSem returned %d\n", arc)); NOREF(arc); } } if (updateSpawned) { /* obtain a new set of spawned machines */ spawnedMachines.clear(); for (MachinesOList::iterator it = allMachines.begin(); it != allMachines.end(); ++it) { if ((*it)->i_isSessionSpawning()) spawnedMachines.push_back(*it); } cntSpawned = spawnedMachines.size(); LogFlowFunc(("UPDATE: spawned session count = %d\n", cntSpawned)); } } /* reap child processes */ that->reapProcesses(); } /* for ever (well, till autoCaller fails). */ } while (0); /* close the muxsem */ if (muxSem != NULLHANDLE) ::DosCloseMuxWaitSem(muxSem); /* release sets of machines if any */ machines.clear(); spawnedMachines.clear(); #elif defined(VBOX_WITH_SYS_V_IPC_SESSION_WATCHER) bool update = false; bool updateSpawned = false; do { AutoCaller autoCaller(that->mVirtualBox); if (!autoCaller.isOk()) break; do { /* release the caller to let uninit() ever proceed */ autoCaller.release(); /* determine wait timeout adaptively: after updating information * relevant to the client watcher, check a few times more * frequently. This ensures good reaction time when the signalling * has to be done a bit before the actual change for technical * reasons, and saves CPU cycles when no activities are expected. */ RTMSINTERVAL cMillies; { uint8_t uOld, uNew; do { uOld = ASMAtomicUoReadU8(&that->mUpdateAdaptCtr); uNew = uOld ? uOld - 1 : uOld; } while (!ASMAtomicCmpXchgU8(&that->mUpdateAdaptCtr, uNew, uOld)); Assert(uOld <= RT_ELEMENTS(s_aUpdateTimeoutSteps) - 1); cMillies = s_aUpdateTimeoutSteps[uOld]; } int rc = RTSemEventWait(that->mUpdateReq, cMillies); /* * Restore the caller before using VirtualBox. If it fails, this * means VirtualBox is being uninitialized and we must terminate. */ autoCaller.add(); if (!autoCaller.isOk()) break; if (RT_SUCCESS(rc) || update || updateSpawned) { /* RT_SUCCESS(rc) means an update event is signaled */ // get reference to the machines list in VirtualBox VirtualBox::MachinesOList &allMachines = that->mVirtualBox->i_getMachinesList(); // lock the machines list for reading AutoReadLock thatLock(allMachines.getLockHandle() COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc) || update) { /* obtain a new set of opened machines */ machines.clear(); for (MachinesOList::iterator it = allMachines.begin(); it != allMachines.end(); ++it) { ComObjPtr sm; if ((*it)->i_isSessionOpenOrClosing(sm)) machines.push_back(sm); } cnt = machines.size(); LogFlowFunc(("UPDATE: direct session count = %d\n", cnt)); } if (RT_SUCCESS(rc) || updateSpawned) { /* obtain a new set of spawned machines */ spawnedMachines.clear(); for (MachinesOList::iterator it = allMachines.begin(); it != allMachines.end(); ++it) { if ((*it)->i_isSessionSpawning()) spawnedMachines.push_back(*it); } cntSpawned = spawnedMachines.size(); LogFlowFunc(("UPDATE: spawned session count = %d\n", cntSpawned)); } // machines lock unwinds here } update = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < cnt; ++i) update |= (machines[i])->i_checkForDeath(); updateSpawned = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < cntSpawned; ++i) updateSpawned |= (spawnedMachines[i])->i_checkForSpawnFailure(); /* reap child processes */ that->reapProcesses(); } while (true); } while (0); /* release sets of machines if any */ machines.clear(); spawnedMachines.clear(); #elif defined(VBOX_WITH_GENERIC_SESSION_WATCHER) bool updateSpawned = false; do { AutoCaller autoCaller(that->mVirtualBox); if (!autoCaller.isOk()) break; do { /* release the caller to let uninit() ever proceed */ autoCaller.release(); /* determine wait timeout adaptively: after updating information * relevant to the client watcher, check a few times more * frequently. This ensures good reaction time when the signalling * has to be done a bit before the actual change for technical * reasons, and saves CPU cycles when no activities are expected. */ RTMSINTERVAL cMillies; { uint8_t uOld, uNew; do { uOld = ASMAtomicUoReadU8(&that->mUpdateAdaptCtr); uNew = uOld ? (uint8_t)(uOld - 1) : uOld; } while (!ASMAtomicCmpXchgU8(&that->mUpdateAdaptCtr, uNew, uOld)); Assert(uOld <= RT_ELEMENTS(s_aUpdateTimeoutSteps) - 1); cMillies = s_aUpdateTimeoutSteps[uOld]; } int rc = RTSemEventWait(that->mUpdateReq, cMillies); /* * Restore the caller before using VirtualBox. If it fails, this * means VirtualBox is being uninitialized and we must terminate. */ autoCaller.add(); if (!autoCaller.isOk()) break; /** @todo this quite big effort for catching machines in spawning * state which can't be caught by the token mechanism (as the token * can't be in the other process yet) could be eliminated if the * reaping is made smarter, having cross-reference information * from the pid to the corresponding machine object. Both cases do * more or less the same thing anyway. */ if (RT_SUCCESS(rc) || updateSpawned) { /* RT_SUCCESS(rc) means an update event is signaled */ // get reference to the machines list in VirtualBox VirtualBox::MachinesOList &allMachines = that->mVirtualBox->i_getMachinesList(); // lock the machines list for reading AutoReadLock thatLock(allMachines.getLockHandle() COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc) || updateSpawned) { /* obtain a new set of spawned machines */ spawnedMachines.clear(); for (MachinesOList::iterator it = allMachines.begin(); it != allMachines.end(); ++it) { if ((*it)->i_isSessionSpawning()) spawnedMachines.push_back(*it); } cntSpawned = spawnedMachines.size(); LogFlowFunc(("UPDATE: spawned session count = %d\n", cntSpawned)); } NOREF(cnt); // machines lock unwinds here } updateSpawned = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < cntSpawned; ++i) updateSpawned |= (spawnedMachines[i])->i_checkForSpawnFailure(); /* reap child processes */ that->reapProcesses(); } while (true); } while (0); /* release sets of machines if any */ machines.clear(); spawnedMachines.clear(); #else # error "Port me!" #endif VirtualBoxBase::uninitializeComForThread(); LogFlowFuncLeave(); return 0; } /* vi: set tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab: */