/* $Id: os2_util.c 93231 2022-01-14 02:05:23Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * Os2Util - Unattended Installation Helper Utility for OS/2. * * Helps TEE'ing the installation script output to VBox.log and guest side log * files. Also helps with displaying program exit codes, something CMD.exe can't. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2015-2022 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Header Files * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ #define INCL_BASE #include #include #include #include "VBox/version.h" /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Defined Constants And Macros * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ #define IS_BLANK(ch) ((ch) == ' ' || (ch) == '\t' || (ch) == '\r' || (ch) == '\n') /** NIL HQUEUE value. */ #define NIL_HQUEUE (~(HQUEUE)0) /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Structures and Typedefs * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ /** Pointer to buffered output. */ typedef struct MYBUFFER __far *PMYBUFFER; /** Buffered output. */ typedef struct MYBUFFER { PMYBUFFER pNext; USHORT cb; USHORT off; CHAR sz[65536 - sizeof(USHORT) * 2 - sizeof(PMYBUFFER) - 2]; } MYBUFFER; /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Internal Functions * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ void __far VBoxBackdoorPrint(PSZ psz, unsigned cch); static PSZ MyGetOptValue(PSZ psz, PSZ pszOption, PSZ *ppszValue); /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Global Variables * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ static HFILE g_hStdOut = 1; static HFILE g_hStdErr = 2; static BOOL g_fOutputToBackdoor = FALSE; static USHORT g_cBuffers = 0; static PMYBUFFER g_pBufferHead = NULL; static PMYBUFFER g_pBufferTail = NULL; /** strlen-like function. */ static unsigned MyStrLen(PSZ psz) { unsigned cch = 0; while (psz[cch] != '\0') cch++; return cch; } /** strchr-like function. */ static char __far *MyStrChr(const char __far *psz, char chNeedle) { char ch; while ((ch = *psz) != '\0') { if (ch == chNeedle) return (char __far *)psz; psz++; } return NULL; } /** memcpy-like function. */ static void *MyMemCopy(void __far *pvDst, void const __far *pvSrc, USHORT cb) { BYTE __far *pbDst = (BYTE __far *)pvDst; BYTE const __far *pbSrc = (BYTE const __far *)pvSrc; while (cb-- > 0) *pbDst++ = *pbSrc++; return pvDst; } static void MyOutStr(PSZ psz) { unsigned const cch = MyStrLen(psz); USHORT usIgnored; DosWrite(g_hStdErr, psz, cch, &usIgnored); if (g_fOutputToBackdoor) VBoxBackdoorPrint(psz, cch); } static PSZ MyNumToString(PSZ pszBuf, unsigned uNum) { /* Convert to decimal and inverted digit order: */ char szTmp[32]; unsigned off = 0; do { szTmp[off++] = uNum % 10 + '0'; uNum /= 10; } while (uNum); /* Copy it out to the destination buffer in the right order and add a terminator: */ while (off-- > 0) *pszBuf++ = szTmp[off]; *pszBuf = '\0'; return pszBuf; } static void MyOutNum(unsigned uNum) { char szTmp[32]; MyNumToString(szTmp, uNum); MyOutStr(szTmp); } static DECL_NO_RETURN(void) MyApiErrorAndQuit(PSZ pszOperation, USHORT rc) { MyOutStr("Os2Util: error: "); MyOutStr(pszOperation); MyOutStr(" failed: "); MyOutNum(rc); MyOutStr("\r\n"); DosExit(EXIT_PROCESS, 1); } static DECL_NO_RETURN(void) MyApiError3AndQuit(PSZ pszOperation, PSZ psz2, PSZ psz3, USHORT rc) { MyOutStr("Os2Util: error: "); MyOutStr(pszOperation); MyOutStr(psz2); MyOutStr(psz3); MyOutStr(" failed: "); MyOutNum(rc); MyOutStr("\r\n"); DosExit(EXIT_PROCESS, 1); } static DECL_NO_RETURN(void) MySyntaxErrorAndQuit(PSZ pszMsg) { MyOutStr("Os2Util: syntax error: "); MyOutStr(pszMsg); MyOutStr("\r\n"); DosExit(EXIT_PROCESS, 1); } static HFILE OpenTeeFile(PSZ pszTeeToFile, BOOL fAppend, PSZ pszToWrite, USHORT cchToWrite) { PMYBUFFER pBuf, pNext; USHORT usIgnored; USHORT usAction = 0; HFILE hFile = -1; USHORT rc; rc = DosOpen(pszTeeToFile, &hFile, &usAction, 0 /*cbInitial*/, 0 /*fFileAttribs*/, OPEN_ACTION_CREATE_IF_NEW | OPEN_ACTION_OPEN_IF_EXISTS, OPEN_ACCESS_WRITEONLY | OPEN_SHARE_DENYNONE | OPEN_FLAGS_NOINHERIT | OPEN_FLAGS_SEQUENTIAL, 0 /*Reserved*/); if (rc == NO_ERROR) { if (fAppend) { ULONG offNew = 0; DosChgFilePtr(hFile, 0, FILE_END, &offNew); } /* * Write out buffered data */ /** @todo this does not seem to work. */ pBuf = g_pBufferHead; while (pBuf) { do rc = DosWrite(hFile, pBuf->sz, pBuf->off, &usIgnored); while (rc == ERROR_INTERRUPT); pNext = pBuf->pNext; DosFreeSeg((__segment)pBuf); pBuf = pNext; } g_pBufferTail = g_pBufferHead = NULL; /* * Write the current output. */ do rc = DosWrite(hFile, pszToWrite, cchToWrite, &usIgnored); while (rc == ERROR_INTERRUPT); } else { /* * Failed to open the file. Buffer a bit in case the file can be * opened later (like when we've formatted the disk). */ pBuf = g_pBufferTail; if (pBuf && pBuf->off < pBuf->cb) { USHORT cbToCopy = pBuf->cb - pBuf->off; if (cbToCopy > cchToWrite) cbToCopy = cchToWrite; MyMemCopy(&pBuf->sz[pBuf->off], pszToWrite, cbToCopy); pszToWrite += cbToCopy; cchToWrite -= cbToCopy; } if (cchToWrite > 0) { USHORT uSel = 0xffff; if ( g_cBuffers < 10 && (rc = DosAllocSeg(0 /*64KiB*/, &uSel, 0 /*fFlags*/)) == NO_ERROR) { pBuf = ((__segment)uSel) :> ((MYBUFFER __near *)0); pBuf->pNext = NULL; pBuf->cb = sizeof(pBuf->sz); pBuf->off = cchToWrite; MyMemCopy(&pBuf->sz[0], pszToWrite, cchToWrite); if (g_pBufferTail) g_pBufferTail->pNext = pBuf; else g_pBufferHead = pBuf; g_pBufferTail = pBuf; } else if (g_cBuffers > 0) { pBuf = g_pBufferHead; pBuf->off = cchToWrite; MyMemCopy(&pBuf->sz[0], pszToWrite, cchToWrite); if (g_pBufferTail != pBuf) { g_pBufferHead = pBuf->pNext; pBuf->pNext = NULL; g_pBufferTail->pNext = pBuf; g_pBufferTail = pBuf; } } } hFile = -1; } return hFile; } /** * Waits for the child progress to complete, returning it's status code. */ static void DoWait(PID pidChild, USHORT idSession, HQUEUE hQueue, PRESULTCODES pResultCodes) { /* * Can we use DosCwait? */ if (hQueue == NIL_HQUEUE) { for (;;) { PID pidIgnored; USHORT rc = DosCwait(DCWA_PROCESS, DCWW_WAIT, pResultCodes, &pidIgnored, pidChild); if (rc == NO_ERROR) break; if (rc != ERROR_INTERRUPT) { MyOutStr("Os2Util: error: DosCwait(DCWA_PROCESS,DCWW_WAIT,,,"); MyOutNum(pidChild); MyOutStr(") failed: "); MyOutNum(rc); MyOutStr("\r\n"); } } } else { /* * No we have to use the queue interface to the session manager. */ for (;;) { ULONG ulAdderPidAndEvent = 0; PUSHORT pausData = NULL; USHORT cbData = 0; BYTE bPriority = 0; HSEM hSem = NULL; USHORT rc = DosReadQueue(hQueue, &ulAdderPidAndEvent, &cbData, (PULONG)&pausData, 0 /*uElementCode*/, 0 /* fNoWait */, &bPriority, &hSem); if (rc == NO_ERROR) { if (cbData >= sizeof(USHORT) * 2) { USHORT idTermSession = pausData[0]; USHORT uExitCode = pausData[1]; if (idTermSession == idSession) { pResultCodes->codeTerminate = 0; pResultCodes->codeResult = uExitCode; break; } if (1) { MyOutStr("OutUtil: info: idTermSession="); MyOutNum(idTermSession); MyOutStr(" uExitCode="); MyOutNum(uExitCode); MyOutStr("\r\n"); } } else { MyOutStr("OutUtil: warning: bogus queue element size: cbData="); MyOutNum(cbData); MyOutStr("\r\n"); } DosFreeSeg((__segment)pausData); } else if (rc != ERROR_INTERRUPT) { DosCloseQueue(hQueue); MyApiErrorAndQuit("DosReadQueue", rc); } } } } /** * Handles --file-to-backdoor / -c. */ static void CopyFileToBackdoorAndQuit(PSZ psz, BOOL fLongOpt, PSZ pszBuf, USHORT cbBuf) { HFILE hFile = 0; USHORT usAction = 0; USHORT rc; /* * Get the filename and check that it is the last thing on the commandline. */ PSZ pszFilename = NULL; CHAR ch; psz = MyGetOptValue(psz, fLongOpt ? "--file-to-backdoor" : "-c", &pszFilename); while ((ch = *psz) != '\0' && IS_BLANK(ch)) psz++; if (ch != '\0') MySyntaxErrorAndQuit("No options allowed after -c/--file-to-backdoor"); /* * Open the file */ rc = DosOpen(pszFilename, &hFile, &usAction, 0 /*cbInitial*/, 0 /*fFileAttribs*/, OPEN_ACTION_FAIL_IF_NEW | OPEN_ACTION_OPEN_IF_EXISTS, OPEN_ACCESS_READONLY | OPEN_SHARE_DENYNONE | OPEN_FLAGS_NOINHERIT | OPEN_FLAGS_SEQUENTIAL, 0 /*Reserved*/); if (rc != NO_ERROR) MyApiError3AndQuit("Failed to open \"", pszFilename, "\" for reading", rc); VBoxBackdoorPrint(RT_STR_TUPLE("--- BEGIN OF \"")); VBoxBackdoorPrint(pszFilename, MyStrLen(pszFilename)); VBoxBackdoorPrint(RT_STR_TUPLE("\" ---\n")); for (;;) { USHORT cbRead = 0; rc = DosRead(hFile, pszBuf, cbBuf, &cbRead); if (rc == NO_ERROR) { if (cbRead == 0) break; VBoxBackdoorPrint(pszBuf, cbRead); } else if (rc != ERROR_INTERRUPT) MyApiError3AndQuit("Reading \"", pszFilename, "\"", rc); } VBoxBackdoorPrint(RT_STR_TUPLE("--- END OF \"")); VBoxBackdoorPrint(pszFilename, MyStrLen(pszFilename)); VBoxBackdoorPrint(RT_STR_TUPLE("\" ---\n")); DosClose(hFile); DosExit(EXIT_PROCESS, 1); } /** Displays version string and quits. */ static DECL_NO_RETURN(void) ShowVersionAndQuit(void) { CHAR szVer[] = "$Rev: 93231 $\r\n"; USHORT usIgnored; DosWrite(g_hStdOut, szVer, sizeof(szVer) - 1, &usIgnored); DosExit(EXIT_PROCESS, 0); } /** Displays usage info and quits. */ static DECL_NO_RETURN(void) ShowUsageAndQuit(void) { static char s_szHelp[] = VBOX_PRODUCT " OS/2 Unattended Helper Version " VBOX_VERSION_STRING "\r\n" "(C) 2005-" VBOX_C_YEAR " " VBOX_VENDOR "\r\n" "\r\n" "Os2Util.exe is tiny helper utility that implements TEE'ing to the VBox release\r\n" "log, files and shows the actual exit code of a program. Standard error and\r\n" "output will be merged into one for simplicity reasons.\r\n" "\r\n" "Usage: Os2Util.exe [-a|--append] [-f|--tee-to-file ] \\\r\n" " [-b|--tee-to-backdoor] [-z|--as-zero [..]] \\\r\n" " -- [args]\r\n" " or Os2Util.exe <-w|--write-backdoor >\r\n" " or Os2Util.exe <-c|--file-to-backdoor >\r\n" "\r\n" "Note! Does not supported any kind of quoting before the child arguments.\r\n" ; USHORT usIgnored; DosWrite(g_hStdOut, s_szHelp, sizeof(s_szHelp) - 1, &usIgnored); DosExit(EXIT_PROCESS, 0); } /** * Gets the an option value. * * The option value string will be terminated. */ static PSZ MyGetOptValue(PSZ psz, PSZ pszOption, PSZ *ppszValue) { CHAR ch; while ((ch = *psz) != '\0' && IS_BLANK(ch)) psz++; if (*psz == '\0') { MyOutStr("Os2Util: syntax error: Option '"); MyOutStr(pszOption); MyOutStr("' takes a value\r\n"); DosExit(EXIT_PROCESS, 2); } *ppszValue = psz; while ((ch = *psz) != '\0' && !IS_BLANK(ch)) psz++; if (ch != '\0') *psz++ = '\0'; return psz; } /** * Gets the an numeric option value. */ static PSZ MyGetOptNum(PSZ psz, PSZ pszOption, PUSHORT puValue) { PSZ pszError = NULL; PSZ pszValue = NULL; PSZ const pszRet = MyGetOptValue(psz, pszOption, &pszValue); PSZ const pszValueStart = pszValue; USHORT uValue = 0; CHAR ch; if (pszValue[0] == '0' && ((ch = pszValue[1]) == 'x' || ch == 'X')) { pszValue += 2; while ((ch = *pszValue++) != '\0') { BYTE bDigit; if (ch <= '9' && ch >= '0') bDigit = ch - '0'; else if (ch <= 'f' && ch >= 'a') bDigit = ch - 'a' + 10; else if (ch <= 'F' && ch >= 'A') bDigit = ch - 'A' + 10; else { pszError = "': invalid hex value\r\n"; break; } if (uValue >> 12) { pszError = "': hex value out of range\r\n"; break; } uValue <<= 4; uValue |= bDigit; } } else { while ((ch = *pszValue++) != '\0') { BYTE bDigit; if (ch <= '9' && ch >= '0') bDigit = ch - '0'; else { pszError = "': invalid decimal value\r\n"; break; } if (uValue * 10 / 10 != uValue) { pszError = "': decimal value out of range\r\n"; break; } uValue *= 10; uValue += bDigit; } } if (pszError) { MyOutStr("Os2Util: syntax error: Option '"); MyOutStr(pszOption); MyOutStr("' with value '"); MyOutStr(pszValueStart); MyOutStr(pszError); DosExit(EXIT_PROCESS, 2); } *puValue = uValue; return pszRet; } /** * Checks if @a pszOption matches @a *ppsz, advance *ppsz if TRUE. */ static BOOL MyMatchLongOption(PSZ _far *ppsz, PSZ pszOption, unsigned cchOption) { /* Match option and command line strings: */ PSZ psz = *ppsz; while (cchOption-- > 0) { if (*psz != *pszOption) return FALSE; psz++; pszOption++; } /* Is this the end of a word on the command line? */ if (*psz == '\0') *ppsz = psz; else if (IS_BLANK(*psz)) *ppsz = psz + 1; else return FALSE; return TRUE; } /** * The entrypoint (no crt). */ #pragma aux Os2UtilMain "_*" parm caller [ ax ] [ bx ]; void Os2UtilMain(USHORT uSelEnv, USHORT offCmdLine) { PSZ pszzEnv = ((__segment)uSelEnv) :> ((char _near *)0); PSZ pszzCmdLine = ((__segment)uSelEnv) :> ((char _near *)offCmdLine); USHORT uExitCode = 1; BOOL fTeeToBackdoor = FALSE; BOOL fAppend = FALSE; PSZ pszTeeToFile = NULL; HFILE hTeeToFile = -1; HFILE hPipeRead = -1; PSZ pszzNewCmdLine; PSZ psz; CHAR ch; USHORT usIgnored; USHORT rc; RESULTCODES ResultCodes = { 0xffff, 0xffff }; CHAR szBuf[512]; CHAR szExeFull[CCHMAXPATH]; PSZ pszExe; USHORT uExeType; USHORT idSession = 0; PID pidChild = 0; HQUEUE hQueue = NIL_HQUEUE; CHAR szQueueName[64]; unsigned cAsZero = 0; USHORT auAsZero[16]; /* * Parse the command line. * Note! We do not accept any kind of quoting. */ /* Skip the executable filename: */ psz = pszzCmdLine; while (*psz != '\0') psz++; psz++; /* Now parse arguments. */ while ((ch = *psz) != '\0') { if (IS_BLANK(ch)) psz++; else if (ch != '-') break; else { PSZ const pszOptStart = psz; ch = *++psz; if (ch == '-') { ch = *++psz; if (IS_BLANK(ch)) { /* Found end-of-arguments marker "--" */ psz++; break; } if (ch == 'a' && MyMatchLongOption(&psz, RT_STR_TUPLE("append"))) fAppend = TRUE; else if (ch == 'a' && MyMatchLongOption(&psz, RT_STR_TUPLE("as-zero"))) { if (cAsZero > RT_ELEMENTS(auAsZero)) MySyntaxErrorAndQuit("Too many --as-zero/-z options"); psz = MyGetOptNum(psz, "--as-zero", &auAsZero[cAsZero]); cAsZero++; } else if (ch == 'f' && MyMatchLongOption(&psz, RT_STR_TUPLE("file-to-backdoor"))) CopyFileToBackdoorAndQuit(psz, TRUE /*fLongOpt*/, szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); else if (ch == 'h' && MyMatchLongOption(&psz, RT_STR_TUPLE("help"))) ShowUsageAndQuit(); else if (ch == 't' && MyMatchLongOption(&psz, RT_STR_TUPLE("tee-to-backdoor"))) g_fOutputToBackdoor = fTeeToBackdoor = TRUE; else if (ch == 't' && MyMatchLongOption(&psz, RT_STR_TUPLE("tee-to-file"))) psz = MyGetOptValue(psz, "--tee-to-file", &pszTeeToFile); else if (ch == 'v' && MyMatchLongOption(&psz, RT_STR_TUPLE("version"))) ShowVersionAndQuit(); else if (ch == 'w' && MyMatchLongOption(&psz, RT_STR_TUPLE("write-backdoor"))) { VBoxBackdoorPrint(psz, MyStrLen(psz)); VBoxBackdoorPrint("\n", 1); DosExit(EXIT_PROCESS, 0); } else { MyOutStr("Os2util: syntax error: "); MyOutStr(pszOptStart); MyOutStr("\r\n"); DosExit(EXIT_PROCESS, 2); } } else { do { if (ch == 'a') fAppend = TRUE; else if (ch == 'b') g_fOutputToBackdoor = fTeeToBackdoor = TRUE; else if (ch == 'c') CopyFileToBackdoorAndQuit(psz + 1, FALSE /*fLongOpt*/, szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); else if (ch == 'f') { psz = MyGetOptValue(psz + 1, "-f", &pszTeeToFile); break; } else if (ch == 'w') { psz++; VBoxBackdoorPrint(psz, MyStrLen(psz)); VBoxBackdoorPrint("\n", 1); DosExit(EXIT_PROCESS, 0); } else if (ch == 'z') { if (cAsZero > RT_ELEMENTS(auAsZero)) MySyntaxErrorAndQuit("Too many --as-zero/-z options"); psz = MyGetOptNum(psz + 1, "-z", &auAsZero[cAsZero]); cAsZero++; } else if (ch == '?' || ch == 'h' || ch == 'H') ShowUsageAndQuit(); else if (ch == 'V') ShowVersionAndQuit(); else { MyOutStr("Os2util: syntax error: "); if (ch) DosWrite(g_hStdErr, &ch, 1, &usIgnored); else MyOutStr("lone dash"); MyOutStr(" ("); MyOutStr(pszOptStart); MyOutStr(")\r\n"); DosExit(EXIT_PROCESS, 2); } ch = *++psz; } while (!IS_BLANK(ch) && ch != '\0'); } } } /* * Zero terminate the executable name in the command line. */ pszzNewCmdLine = psz; if (ch == '\0') { MyOutStr("Os2Util: syntax error: No program specified\r\n"); DosExit(EXIT_PROCESS, 2); } psz++; while ((ch = *psz) != '\0' && !IS_BLANK(ch)) psz++; *psz++ = '\0'; /* * Find the executable and check its type. */ if ( pszzNewCmdLine[1] == ':' || MyStrChr(pszzNewCmdLine, '\\') || MyStrChr(pszzNewCmdLine, '/')) pszExe = pszzNewCmdLine; else { rc = DosSearchPath(SEARCH_CUR_DIRECTORY | SEARCH_ENVIRONMENT | SEARCH_IGNORENETERRS, "PATH", pszzNewCmdLine, szExeFull, sizeof(szExeFull)); if (rc != NO_ERROR) MyApiError3AndQuit("DosSearchPath(7, \"PATH\", \"", pszzNewCmdLine, "\",,)", rc); pszExe = &szExeFull[0]; } /* Perhapse we should use WinQueryProgramType here instead? */ rc = DosQAppType(pszExe, &uExeType); if (rc != NO_ERROR) MyApiErrorAndQuit("DosQAppType(pszExe, &uExeType)", rc); #ifdef DEBUG MyOutStr("Os2Util: debug: uExeType="); MyOutNum(uExeType); MyOutStr("\r\n"); #endif /** @todo deal with launching winos2 programs too... */ /* * Prepare redirection. */ if (fTeeToBackdoor || pszTeeToFile != NULL) { HFILE hPipeWrite = -1; HFILE hDup; /* Make new copies of the standard handles. */ hDup = 0xffff; rc = DosDupHandle(g_hStdErr, &hDup); if (rc != NO_ERROR) MyApiErrorAndQuit("DosDupHandle(g_hStdErr, &hDup)", rc); g_hStdErr = hDup; DosSetFHandState(hDup, OPEN_FLAGS_NOINHERIT); /* not strictly necessary, so ignore errors */ hDup = 0xffff; rc = DosDupHandle(g_hStdOut, &hDup); if (rc != NO_ERROR) MyApiErrorAndQuit("DosDupHandle(g_hStdOut, &hDup)", rc); g_hStdOut = hDup; DosSetFHandState(hDup, OPEN_FLAGS_NOINHERIT); /* not strictly necessary, so ignore errors */ /* Create the pipe and make the read-end non-inheritable (we'll hang otherwise). */ rc = DosMakePipe(&hPipeRead, &hPipeWrite, 0 /*default size*/); if (rc != NO_ERROR) MyApiErrorAndQuit("DosMakePipe", rc); rc = DosSetFHandState(hPipeRead, OPEN_FLAGS_NOINHERIT); if (rc != NO_ERROR) MyApiErrorAndQuit("DosSetFHandState(hPipeRead, OPEN_FLAGS_NOINHERIT)", rc); /* Replace standard output and standard error with the write end of the pipe. */ hDup = 1; rc = DosDupHandle(hPipeWrite, &hDup); if (rc != NO_ERROR) MyApiErrorAndQuit("DosDupHandle(hPipeWrite, &hDup[=1])", rc); hDup = 2; rc = DosDupHandle(hPipeWrite, &hDup); if (rc != NO_ERROR) MyApiErrorAndQuit("DosDupHandle(hPipeWrite, &hDup[=2])", rc); /* We can close the write end of the pipe as we don't need the original handle any more. */ DosClose(hPipeWrite); } /* * Execute the program. */ szBuf[0] = '\0'; #define FAPPTYP_TYPE_MASK 7 if ((uExeType & FAPPTYP_TYPE_MASK) == PT_WINDOWABLEVIO) /** @todo what if we're in fullscreen ourselves? */ { /* For same type programs we can use DosExecPgm: */ rc = DosExecPgm(szBuf, sizeof(szBuf), hPipeRead == -1 ? EXEC_SYNC : EXEC_ASYNCRESULT, pszzNewCmdLine, pszzEnv, &ResultCodes, pszExe); if (rc != NO_ERROR) { MyOutStr("Os2Util: error: DosExecPgm failed for \""); MyOutStr(pszzNewCmdLine); MyOutStr("\": "); MyOutNum(rc); if (szBuf[0]) { MyOutStr(" ErrObj="); szBuf[sizeof(szBuf) - 1] = '\0'; MyOutStr(szBuf); } MyOutStr("\r\n"); DosExit(EXIT_PROCESS, 1); } if (hPipeRead != -1) { pidChild = ResultCodes.codeTerminate; MyOutStr("info: started pid "); MyOutNum(pidChild); MyOutStr("\r\n"); } } else { /* For different typed programs we have to use DosStartSession, which is a lot more tedious to use. */ static const char s_szQueueBase[] = "\\QUEUES\\OS2_UTIL-"; union { STARTDATA StartData; BYTE abPadding[sizeof(STARTDATA) + 64]; struct { STARTDATA Core; ULONG ulReserved; PSZ pszBuf; USHORT cbBuf; } s; } u; PIDINFO PidInfo = {0, 0, 0}; /* Create the wait queue first. */ DosGetPID(&PidInfo); MyMemCopy(szQueueName, s_szQueueBase, sizeof(s_szQueueBase)); MyNumToString(&szQueueName[sizeof(s_szQueueBase) - 1], PidInfo.pid); rc = DosCreateQueue(&hQueue, 0 /*FIFO*/, szQueueName); if (rc != NO_ERROR) MyApiError3AndQuit("DosCreateQueue(&hQueue, 0, \"", szQueueName, "\")", rc); u.StartData.Length = sizeof(u.StartData); u.StartData.Related = 1 /* SSF_RELATED_CHILD */; u.StartData.FgBg = (uExeType & FAPPTYP_TYPE_MASK) == PT_PM ? 1 /* SSF_FGBG_BACK - try avoid ERROR_SMG_START_IN_BACKGROUND */ : 0 /* SSF_FGBG_FORE */; u.StartData.TraceOpt = 0 /* SSF_TRACEOPT_NONE */; u.StartData.PgmTitle = NULL; u.StartData.PgmName = pszExe; u.StartData.PgmInputs = psz; /* just arguments, not exec apparently.*/ u.StartData.TermQ = szQueueName; u.StartData.Environment = NULL; /* Inherit our env. Note! Using pszzEnv causes it to be freed and we'll crash reporting the error. */ u.StartData.InheritOpt = 1 /* SSF_INHERTOPT_PARENT */; u.StartData.SessionType = uExeType & FAPPTYP_TYPE_MASK; if (uExeType & 0x20 /*FAPPTYP_DOS*/) u.StartData.SessionType = 4 /* SSF_TYPE_VDM */; u.StartData.IconFile = NULL; u.StartData.PgmHandle = 0; u.StartData.PgmControl = 0 /* SSF_CONTROL_VISIBLE */; u.StartData.InitXPos = 0; u.StartData.InitYPos = 0; u.StartData.InitXSize = 0; u.StartData.InitYSize = 0; u.s.ulReserved = 0; u.s.pszBuf = NULL; u.s.cbBuf = 0; rc = DosStartSession(&u.StartData, &idSession, &pidChild); if (rc != NO_ERROR && rc != ERROR_SMG_START_IN_BACKGROUND) { DosCloseQueue(hQueue); MyApiError3AndQuit("DosStartSession for \"", pszExe, "\"", rc); } if (1) { MyOutStr("info: started session "); MyOutNum(idSession); MyOutStr(", pid "); MyOutNum(pidChild); MyOutStr("\r\n"); } } /* * Wait for the child process to complete. */ if (hPipeRead != -1) { /* Close the write handles or we'll hang in the read loop. */ DosClose(1); DosClose(2); /* Disable hard error popups (file output to unformatted disks). */ DosError(2 /* only exceptions */); /* * Read the pipe and tee it to the desired outputs */ for (;;) { USHORT cbRead = 0; rc = DosRead(hPipeRead, szBuf, sizeof(szBuf), &cbRead); if (rc == NO_ERROR) { if (cbRead == 0) break; /* No more writers. */ /* Standard output: */ do rc = DosWrite(g_hStdOut, szBuf, cbRead, &usIgnored); while (rc == ERROR_INTERRUPT); /* Backdoor: */ if (fTeeToBackdoor) VBoxBackdoorPrint(szBuf, cbRead); /* File: */ if (hTeeToFile != -1) do rc = DosWrite(hTeeToFile, szBuf, cbRead, &usIgnored); while (rc == ERROR_INTERRUPT); else if (pszTeeToFile != NULL) hTeeToFile = OpenTeeFile(pszTeeToFile, fAppend, szBuf, cbRead); } else if (rc == ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE) break; else { MyOutStr("Os2Util: error: Error reading pipe: "); MyOutNum(rc); MyOutStr("\r\n"); break; } } DosClose(hPipeRead); /* * Wait for the process to complete. */ DoWait(pidChild, idSession, hQueue, &ResultCodes); } /* * Must wait for the session completion too. */ else if (idSession != 0) DoWait(pidChild, idSession, hQueue, &ResultCodes); /* * Report the status code and quit. */ MyOutStr("Os2Util: Child: "); MyOutStr(pszzNewCmdLine); MyOutStr(" "); MyOutStr(psz); MyOutStr("\r\n" "Os2Util: codeTerminate="); MyOutNum(ResultCodes.codeTerminate); MyOutStr(" codeResult="); MyOutNum(ResultCodes.codeResult); MyOutStr("\r\n"); /* Treat it as zero? */ if (ResultCodes.codeTerminate == 0) { unsigned i = cAsZero; while (i-- > 0) if (auAsZero[i] == ResultCodes.codeResult) { MyOutStr("Os2Util: info: treating status as zero\r\n"); ResultCodes.codeResult = 0; break; } } if (idSession != 0) DosCloseQueue(hQueue); for (;;) DosExit(EXIT_PROCESS, ResultCodes.codeTerminate == 0 ? ResultCodes.codeResult : 127); } /** * Backdoor print function living in an IOPL=2 segment. */ #pragma code_seg("IOPL", "CODE") void __far VBoxBackdoorPrint(PSZ psz, unsigned cch) { ASMOutStrU8(RTLOG_DEBUG_PORT, psz, cch); }