Appliance The number of VirtualSystemDescription objects must be at least 1 or more. The given password identifier is not associated with any medium A password with the given ID already exists Failed to allocate enough secure memory for the key Unknown error happened while adding a password (%Rrc) Can't find appropriate medium format for ISO type of a virtual disk. Internal inconsistency looking up medium format for the disk image '%s' RTManifestEntryAddPassthruIoStream failed with vrc=%Rrc The appliance is busy importing files The appliance is busy exporting files The path '%s' must start with / You doesn't provide a bucket name in the URI '%s' The manifest signature for '%s' is not valid The certificate used to signed '%s' is not valid: %s The certificate used to signed '%s' is not valid Invalid format "%s" specified OPC appliance file must have .tar.gz extension Appliance file must have .ovf or .ova extension Appliance export failed because not all passwords were provided for all encrypted media Export appliance '%s' There are no images to export to Cloud after preparation steps Cloud: More than one profile name was found. Cloud: Profile name wasn't specified. Cloud: Cloud user profile name is empty Exporting VM to Cloud... Only "OCI" cloud provider is supported for now. "%s" isn't supported. Cannot export more than one virtual system with OVF 0.9, use OVF 1.0 Missing VM name Missing OS type Invalid config string "%s" in SATA controller Invalid config string "%s" in SCSI/SAS controller Missing or bad extra config string in hard disk image: "%s" Missing or bad extra config string in DVD drive medium: "%s" Failed to open directory '%s' (%Rrc) Failed create TAR creator for '%s' (%Rrc) Failed to open '%s' for writing (%Rrc) %s: Cloud provider manager object wasn't found %s: Cloud provider object wasn't found %s: Cloud user profile name wasn't found %s: Cloud profile object wasn't found %s: Cloud client object wasn't found Export to Cloud isn't supported for more than one VM instance. Exporting to disk image '%Rbn' Error completing TAR file '%s' (%Rrc) Failed to TAR creator instance for '%s' (%Rrc) Failed to create '%s' (%Rrc) Could not create OVF file '%s' Invalid medium storage format Exporting to disk image '%s' RTVfsFsStrmPushFile failed for '%s' (%Rrc) Creating manifest file '%s' RTVfsMemIoStrmCreate failed (%Rrc) RTVfsFsStrmAdd failed for the manifest (%Rrc) RTManifestWriteStandard failed (%Rrc) RTVfsFsStrmAdd failed for '%s' (%Rrc) Cannot interpret appliance without reading it first (call read() before interpret()) Virtual appliance "%s" was configured with %u CPUs however VirtualBox supports a maximum of %u CPUs. Setting the CPU count to %u. Virtual appliance "%s" was configured with %RU64 MB of memory (RAM) however VirtualBox supports a minimum of %u MB and a maximum of %u MB of memory. Virtual appliance "%s" was configured with %zu network adapters however VirtualBox supports a maximum of %u network adapters. Virtual appliance "%s" was configured with more than two IDE controllers however VirtualBox supports a maximum of two IDE controllers. Virtual appliance "%s" was configured with more than one SATA controller however VirtualBox supports a maximum of one SATA controller. Virtual appliance "%s" was configured with more than one SCSI controller of type "%s" with ID %s however VirtualBox supports a maximum of one SCSI controller for each type. Virtual appliance "%s" was configured with more than one VirtioSCSI controller however VirtualBox supports a maximum of one VirtioSCSI controller. Virtual appliance "%s" was configured with more than one NVMe controller however VirtualBox supports a maximum of one NVMe controller. Unsupported format for virtual disk image %s in OVF: "%s" Cannot find storage controller with OVF instance ID "%s" to which medium "%s" should be attached Cannot import machines without reading it first (call read() before i_importMachines()) Malformed OVA. '%s' is not a regular file (%d). RTVfsFsStrmNext failed (%Rrc) Unexpected end of OVA package Unexpected end of OVA / internal error - missing '%s' (skipped %u) Error opening '%s' for reading (%Rrc) Error occured decompressing '%s' to '%s' (%Rrc) Error opening destionation image '%s' for writing (%Rrc) Error initializing read ahead thread for '%s' (%Rrc) RTManifestPtIosAddEntryNow failed with %Rrc Error initializing gzip decompression for '%s' (%Rrc) Getting cloud instance information Reading appliance '%s' Download appliance '%s' Failed to create thread for reading appliance data %s: The profile name or instance id are absent or contain unsupported characters: %s %s: Cloud provider manager object wasn't found (%Rhrc) %s: Cloud provider object wasn't found (%Rhrc) %s: Cloud user profile name wasn't found (%Rhrc) %s: Cloud profile object wasn't found (%Rhrc) %s: Cloud client object wasn't found (%Rhrc) %s: Requested (%d) and created (%d) numbers of VSD are differ . %s: Cloud user profile name is empty Can't open folder %s The target folder %s has already contained some files (%d items). Clear the folder from the files or choose another folder %s: Cloud import (cloud phase) failed. Used cloud instance is '%s' Import from Cloud isn't supported for more than one VM instance. %s: Cloud cleanup action - the instance wasn't found Rollback action for Import Cloud operation failed. Some leavings may exist on the local disk or in the Cloud. Error opening '%s' for reading (%Rrc) Error reading the downloaded file '%s' (%Rrc) %s: Error reading '%s' (%Rrc) Could not read the file '%s' (%Rrc) Could not create the directory '%s' (%Rrc) Error during getting info about the directory '%s' (%Rrc) Could not create the file '%s' (%Rrc) Could not write into the file '%s' (%Rrc) The hard disk '%s' already exists. Importing virtual disk image '%s' Importing medium '%s' Creating new VM '%s' Failed to open OVF file '%s' (%Rrc) Failed to open the signature file '%s' (%Rrc) Failed to open the manifest file '%s' (%Rrc) Error opening the OVA file '%s' (%Rrc) Error reading the OVA file '%s' (%Rrc) Error reading OVA '%s' (%Rrc) OVA '%s' does not contain an .ovf-file Could not read the OVF file for '%s' (%Rrc) Error reading the manifest file '%s' for '%s' (%Rrc) Failed to parse manifest file '%s' for '%s' (%Rrc): %s Error reading the signature file '%s' for '%s' (%Rrc) Unsupported signed digest type (%#x) Error reading signed manifest digest: %Rrc Could not locate signed digest for '%s' in the cert-file for '%s' RTManifestEntryQueryAttr failed unexpectedly: %Rrc Error parsing the .cert-file for '%s': %s Error reading the PKCS#7/CMS signature from '%s' for '%s' (%Rrc): %s Malformed .cert-file for '%s': Signer's certificate not found (%Rrc) Error reading the signer's certificate from '%s' for '%s' (%Rrc): %s Found .cert-file but no .mf-file for '%s' The manifest signature does not match Error validating the manifest signature (%Rrc, %s) RTCrDigestUpdateFromVfsFile failed: %Rrc RTCrDigestCreateByType failed: %Rrc Failed to query trusted CAs and Certificates from the system and for the current user (%Rrc%RTeim) Invalid PKCS#7/CMS type: %s, expected %s (signedData) Invalid PKCS#7/CMS inner type: %s, expected %s (data) Invalid PKCS#7/CMS data: embedded (%u bytes), expected external Invalid PKCS#7/CMS: No signers Invalid PKCS#7/CMS: Using a different certificate RTCrStoreCreateInMem failed: %Rrc Failed to validate PKCS#7/CMS signature: %Rrc%RTeim RTCrStoreCertAddX509 failed: %Rrc%RTeim A self signed certificate was used to sign '%s' Self signed certificate used to sign '%s' is not currently valid Verification of the self signed certificate failed (%Rrc%#RTeim) Verification of the self signed certificate used to sign '%s' failed (%Rrc)%RTeim Self signed certificate used to sign '%s' is not marked as certificate authority (CA) RTCrX509CertPathsSetTrustedStore failed (%Rrc) The certificate used to sign '%s' (or a certificate in the path) is not currently valid (%Rrc) RTCrX509CertPathsSetValidTimeSpec failed: %Rrc No trusted certificate paths The certificate used to sign '%s' is not currently valid Certificate path validation failed (%Rrc%RTeim) Certificate path building failed (%Rrc%RTeim) RTCrX509CertPathsCreate failed: %Rrc %s verification failed: %Rrc%RTeim OVF & PKCS#7/CMS signature PKCS#7/CMS signature PKCS#7/CMS signature #%u does not include the signing certificate %s: Untrusted self-signed certificate %s: Untrusted timestamp (%s) %s: Not valid at current time, but validates fine for untrusted signing time (%s) %u out of %u PKCS#7/CMS signatures verfified okay Importing appliance '%s' Failed to create task for importing appliance into VirtualBox Importing VM from Cloud... Start import VM from the Cloud... Failed to start thread for importing appliance into VirtualBox Error fudging missing OVF digest in manifest: %Rrc Digest mismatch (%Rrc): %s Invalid channel %RU32 specified; IDE controllers support only 0, 1 or 2 Unsupported medium format for disk image '%s' Could not find a valid medium format for the target disk '%s' The target disk '%s' has no extension Creating disk image '%s' Could not find a valid medium format for the source disk '%s' Check correctness of the image format URL in the OVF description file or extension of the image Error opening decompressed image file '%s' (%Rrc) Failed to delete the temporary file '%s' (%Rrc) Too many network adapters: OVF requests %d network adapters, but VirtualBox only supports %d Too many IDE controllers in OVF; import facility only supports two Invalid IDE controller type "%s" Too many SATA controllers in OVF; import facility only supports one Invalid SATA controller type "%s" Too many SCSI controllers in OVF; import facility only supports one Invalid SCSI controller type "%s" Too many SAS controllers in OVF; import facility only supports one Too many VirtioSCSI controllers in OVF; import facility only supports one Invalid VirtioSCSI controller type "%s" Too many NVMe controllers in OVF; import facility only supports one Invalid NVMe controller type "%s" Too many floppy controllers in OVF; import facility only supports one Unknown error during OVF import Internal inconsistency looking up disk image '%s' Target controller value invalid or missing: '%s' Target controller port ('channel=') invalid or missing: '%s' Failed to find storage controller '%u' in the System Description list Invalid hard disk contoller type: '%d' Illegal channel: '%u'. For %s controllers the valid values are 0 to %lu (inclusive). Original controller value invalid or missing: '%s' Original controller port ('channel=') invalid or missing: '%s' Failed to find virtual disk '%s' in DiskImagesMap Device of type '%s' already attached to the %s controller at this port/channel (%d). Failed to add disk '%s' (uuid=%RTuuid) to the %s storage controller. <vbox:Machine> element in OVF contains a medium attachment for the disk image %s but the OVF describes no such image Missing guest OS type CPU count missing RAM size missing AudioAdapter Invalid audio codec type %d AutoCallerCtx The object functionality is limited The object is not ready BandwidthControl Could not find a bandwidth group named '%s' Bandwidth group limit cannot be negative Bandwidth name is too long: %zu, max %u Invalid group type: %d Bandwidth group name must not be empty Too many network bandwidth groups (max %u) Bandwidth group named '%s' already exists The bandwidth group '%s' is still in use BandwidthGroup Invalid bandwidth group type Bandwidth group limit cannot be negative BaseTextScript Failed to open '%s' (%Rrc) '%s' isn't valid UTF-8: %Rrc Error reading '%s': %Rrc Failed to allocate memory (%'RU64 bytes) for '%s' '%s' is too big (max 16MB): %'RU64 RTVfsFileQuerySize failed (%Rrc) Error writing to '%s' (%Rrc) Error creating/replacing '%s' (%Rrc) Certificate Unknown item %u RTAsn1EncodeToBuffer failed with %Rrc RTAsn1EncodePrepare failed with %Rrc CloudNetwork Network name cannot be empty CloudProviderManager Could not find a cloud provider with UUID {%RTuuid} Could not find a cloud provider with short name '%s' Could not find a cloud provider with name '%s' Console The console is not powered up (%Rfn) %s failed: vrc=%Rrc, pcszName=%s Internal application error Temporary failure due to guest activity, please retry Cannot power down at this point during a save state Cannot power down at this point in a teleportation Cannot power down at this point in an online snapshot Cannot power down at this point in a live snapshot Cannot power down a saved virtual machine The virtual machine is being powered down Invalid machine state: %s (must be Running, Paused or Stuck) Could not create VMPowerDownTask object Could not reset the machine (%Rrc) CPU %d is not attached Cannot run the machine because its platform architecture %s is not supported on %s The saved state file '%s' is invalid (%Rrc). Delete the saved state and try again Hot-Remove failed (vrc=%Rrc) Hot-Remove was aborted because the CPU may still be used by the guest CPU %d is already attached Could not add CPU to the machine (%Rrc) Cannot resume the machine as it is not paused (machine state: %s) Controlled power off failed (%Rrc) Checking if the ACPI Power Button event was handled by the guest OS failed (%Rrc) Invalid machine state %s when checking if the guest entered the ACPI mode Sending sleep button event failed (%Rrc) Invalid DeviceType for getDeviceActivity in entry #%u: %d Cannot attach a USB device to the machine which is not running or paused (machine state: %s) The virtual machine does not have a USB controller USB device with UUID {%RTuuid} is not attached to this machine Could not find a USB device with address '%s' Could not find a USB device with uuid {%RTuuid} Cannot create a transient shared folder on a machine in a saved state (machine state: %s) Cannot create a transient shared folder on the machine while it is changing the state (machine state: %s) Shared folder named '%s' already exists Cannot remove a transient shared folder from a machine in a saved state (machine state: %s) Cannot remove a transient shared folder from the machine while it is changing the state (machine state: %s) The ID and password must be both valid Could not resume the machine execution (%Rrc) A password with the given ID already exists Failed to allocate enough secure memory for the key Unknown error happened while adding a password (%Rrc) IDs and passwords must not be empty The number of entries in the id and password arguments must match The ID must be valid A password with the ID "%s" does not exist Failed to remove password with ID "%s" (%Rrc) A password is still in use by the VM Deleting all passwords failed (%Rrc) Invalid machine state: %s Could suspend VM for medium change (%Rrc) Invalid state '%s' for changing medium Could not find storage controller '%ls' Could not mount the media/drive '%ls' (%Rrc) Could not unmount the currently mounted media/drive (%Rrc) The network adapter #%u is not enabled could not query medium interface of controller The provided password for ID "%s" is not correct for at least one disk using this ID Failed to set the encryption key (%Rrc) could not query base interface of controller Failed to decode the key (%Rrc) Failed to allocate secure memory for the key (%Rrc) The base64 encoding of the passed key is incorrect The encryption configuration is incomplete Could not change the network adaptor attachement type (%Rrc) Failed to change the serial port attachment (%Rrc) Failed to change the CPU execution limit (%Rrc) VirtualBox Remote Desktop Extension server can't bind to the port(s): %s VirtualBox Remote Desktop Extension is not available Could not find the VirtualBox Remote Desktop Extension library Failed to launch the Remote Desktop Extension server (%Rrc) Sending monitor hot-plug event failed (%Rrc) Attaching audio recording driver failed (%Rrc) Detaching audio recording driver failed (%Rrc) -- please consult log file for details The VBoxGuestPropSvc service call failed with the error %Rrc Failed to perform an online medium merge (%Rrc) Unsupported priority type (%d) Could not set the priority of the process (%Rrc). Try to set it when VM is not started. Already paused Could not suspend the machine execution (%Rrc) VM is paused due to host power management Cannot save the execution state as the machine is not running or paused (machine state: %s) Saving the execution state is disabled for this VM Could not create a directory '%s' to save the state to (%Rrc) Could not get key store for state file(%Rhrc (0x%08X)) Could not get key id for state file(%Rhrc (0x%08X)) Failed to save the machine state to '%s' (%Rrc) Recording initialization failed (%Rrc) -- please consult log file for details Recording start failed (%Rrc) Recording stop failed (%Rrc) The virtual machine is not powered up The virtual machine is powered off No VMM loaded! Failed to set encryption for release log (%Rrc) Failed to open release log (%s, %Rrc) The virtual machine is already running or busy (machine state: %s) Restoring virtual machine Teleporting virtual machine Starting virtual machine VM failed to start because the saved state file '%s' does not exist. VM failed to start because the saved state file '%s' is invalid (%Rrc). Delete the saved state prior to starting the VM. Failed to setup CoreDumper. Couldn't create dump directory '%s' (%Rrc) Failed to setup CoreDumper (%Rrc) Starting Hard Disk operations Powerup was canceled VM cannot start because host interface networking requires a host interface name to be set VM cannot start because the host interface '%ls' does not exist Could not destroy the machine. (Error: %Rrc) Could not power off the machine. (Error: %Rrc) Could not find a shared folder named '%s'. Invalid shared folder path: '%s' (%Rrc) Shared folder path '%s' is not absolute Shared folder name is too long: %zu bytes Shared folder mount point too long: %zu bytes Could not create a shared folder '%s' mapped to '%s' (%Rrc) Shared folder path '%s' does not exist on the host The name is too long Could not remove the shared folder '%s' (%Rrc) Failed to query default extension pack name for the cryptographic module Ńo extension pack providing a cryptographic support module could be found Failed to query the interface callback table from the cryptographic support module '%s' from extension pack '%s' Failed to resolve the entry point for the cryptographic support module '%s' from extension pack '%s' Couldn't load the cryptographic support module '%s' from extension pack '%s' (error: '%s') Couldn't resolve the library path of the crpytographic support module for extension pack '%s' The cryptographic support module is not supported in this build because extension packs are not supported The cryptographic support module is in use and can't be unloaded Failed to create configuration for USB device. Failed to allocate config tree for USB device. Failed to attach the USB device. (No available ports on the USB controller). Not permitted to open the USB device, check usbfs options Failed to create a proxy device for the USB device. (Error: %Rrc) No TAP device name was supplied for the host networking interface Failed to open the host network interface %ls could not set up the host networking device for non blocking access: %s Could not set up the host networking device: %Rrc General failure attaching to host interface Disk Image Reset Operation - Immutable Image Failed to start VM execution (%Rrc) Failed reading ACK(%s): %Rrc %s: Expected ACK or NACK, got '%s' Failed writing command '%s': %Rrc canceled Failed to connect to port %u on '%s': %Rrc Failed to read welcome message: %Rrc Unexpected welcome %.*Rhxs Failed to send password: %Rrc Invalid password The specified password resembles a hashed password, expected plain text Invalid machine state: %s (must be Running or Paused) Teleporter RTTcpServerCreateEx failed with status %Rrc Waiting for incoming VM Teleporation failed (%Rrc) Teleporting canceled Teleporter timed out waiting for incoming connection Unexpected RTTcpServerListen status code %Rrc Teleporting VM from %RTnaddr Teleporting VM ConsoleSharedFolder Invalid shared folder path: '%s' (%Rrc) Shared folder path '%s' is not absolute RTPathQueryInfo failed on shared folder path '%s': %Rrc Shared folder path '%s' is not a directory '%s' is not accessible (%Rrc) ConsoleVRDPServer Could not load the external authentication library '%s' (%Rrc) DHCPConfig Duplicate option value: %d Invalid option value: %d Unsupported encoding %d (option %d, value %s) Unsupported option %d (encoding %d, value %s) Malformed option %d value '%s' (encoding %d, vrc=%Rrc) DHCP option %u was not found DHCPGlobalConfig DHCP option DHCPOption_SubnetMask is not in a legacy encoding DHCP option DHCPOption_SubnetMask was not found Invalid IPv4 netmask '%s': %Rrc DHCPOption_SubnetMask must use DHCPOptionEncoding_Normal as it is reflected by IDHCPServer::networkMask DHCPOption_SubnetMask cannot be removed as it reflects IDHCPServer::networkMask Cannot delete the global config DHCPGroupCondition Not a valid MAC address: %s Trailing chars in MAC wildcard address: %s (offset %zu) Malformed MAC wildcard address: %s (offset %zu) Value cannot be empty Value is too long: %zu bytes Invalid condition type: %d DHCPIndividualConfig Invalid IPv4 address '%s': %Rrc INetworkAdapter returned bogus MAC address '%ls': %Rrc DHCPServer Invalid server address: %s Invalid netmask: %s Invalid range lower address: %s Invalid range upper address: %s Invalid server address: %s (mask %s) Invalid range lower address: %s (mask %s) Invalid range upper address Lower bound must be less or eqaul than the upper: %s vs %s NIC slot number (%d) is out of range (0..32) not running Cannot start DHCP server because it is already running (pid %RTproc) Failed to start DHCP server for '%s': %Rrc Failed to assemble the command line for DHCP server '%s': %Rrc Invalid MAC address '%s': %Rrc flags must be zero (not %#x) Reading '%s' failed: %Rrc - %s Reading '%s' failed: %s Reading '%s' failed: RTCError Reading '%s' failed: Unexpected exception Could not find a lease for %RTmac The 'slot' argument must be zero for all but the MachineNIC scope! The name must be empty or NULL for the Global scope! A group must have a name! Name too long! %zu bytes Found no configuration for group %s Found no configuration for MAC address %s Invalid MAC address: %s Failed to construct leases, config and log filenames: %Rrc DataStream Failed to initialize data stream object (%Rrc) Error reading %u bytes: %Rrc Display AttachFramebuffer: Invalid screen %d (total %d) AttachFramebuffer: Framebuffer already attached to %d DetachFramebuffer: Invalid screen %d (total %d) DetachFramebuffer: Invalid framebuffer object QueryFramebuffer: Invalid screen %d (total %d) Unsupported screenshot format 0x%08X PNG is larger than 32bpp bitmap Could not convert screenshot to PNG (%Rrc) Screenshot is not possible at this time, invalid size Screenshot is not possible at this time Could not take a screenshot (%Rrc) Could not draw to the screen (%Rrc) Could not invalidate and update the screen (%Rrc) Could not invalidate and update the screen %d (%Rrc) QuerySourceBitmap: Invalid screen %d (total %d) EmulatedUSB Init emulated USB webcam (RTUuidCreate -> %Rrc) Attach emulated USB webcam (%Rrc) Detach emulated USB webcam (%Rrc) EventSource This event source is already shut down This listener already registered Listener was never registered Listener must be passive Only applicable to passive listeners Unknown event Could not create wrapper object (%Rhrc) Could not create aggregator (%Rhrc) EventSourceAggregator Could not create source (%Rhrc) Could not init source (%Rhrc) Could not create proxy (%Rhrc) This listener already registered This listener never registered ExtPack ExtPack::init failed pfnUninstall returned %Rrc The extension pack '%s' does not include a VRDE module The extension pack '%s' does not include a cryptographic module Failed to locate the VRDE module '%s' in extension pack '%s' Failed to locate the cryptographic module '%s' in extension pack '%s' Failed to locate the module '%s' in extension pack '%s' RTPathQueryInfoEx on '%s' failed: %Rrc '%s' is a symbolic link, this is not allowed '%s' is a symbolic file, not a directory '%s' is not a directory (fMode=%#x) Failed to load '%s/%s': %s The description name ('%s') and directory name ('%s') does not match Failed to locate the main module ('%s') Failed to load the main module ('%s'): %Rrc - %s Only native main modules are currently supported The registration structure contains one or more invalid function pointers Unsupported registration structure version %u.%u %s returned %Rrc, pReg=%p ErrInfo='%s' Failed to resolve exported symbol '%s' in the main module: %Rrc The preferred locale is a two character string or empty. The preferred language is a two character string or empty. The license format can only have the values 'html', 'rtf' and 'txt'. The license file '%s' is empty or contains invalid UTF-8 encoding The license file '%s' was not found in extension pack '%s' Failed to open the license file '%s': %Rrc RTPathJoin failed: %Rrc ExtPackFile ExtPack::init failed '%s' file not found RTFileOpen('%s',,) failed with %Rrc RTFileQueryInfo failed with %Rrc on '%s' Not a regular file: %s Failed to the xml file: %s Extension pack name mismatch between the downloaded file and the XML inside it (xml='%s' file='%s') The preferred locale is a two character string or empty. The preferred language is a two character string or empty. The license format can only have the values 'html', 'rtf' and 'txt'. RTVfsFsStrmNext failed: %Rrc '%s' was found in the manifest but not in the tarball The license file '%s' is empty or contains invalid UTF-8 encoding Failed to read '%s': %Rrc Failed to allocate %zu bytes for '%s' RTVfsIoStrmQueryInfo on '%s': %Rrc The license file '%s' was not found in '%s' Starting thread for an extension pack installation failed with %Rrc Looks like creating a progress object for ExtraPackInstallTask object failed ExtPackInstallTask Installing extension pack ExtPackManager Starting thread for an extension pack uninstallation failed with %Rrc Looks like creating a progress object for ExtraPackUninstallTask object failed The installer failed with exit code %d: %s The installer was killed by signal #d (stderr: %s) The installer aborted abnormally (stderr: %s) internal error: enmReason=%d iStatus=%d stderr='%s' Failed to launch the helper application '%s' (%Rrc) Upgrading extension pack '%s' failed because at least one VM is still running Upgrading extension pack '%s' failed because at least one Cloud Provider is still busy Upgrading extension pack '%s' failed because the cryptographic support module is still in use Extension pack '%s' is already installed. In case of a reinstallation, please uninstall it first The installation hook failed: %Rrc - %s Installing extension pack '%s' failed under mysterious circumstances Uninstall extension pack '%s' failed under mysterious circumstances Uninstall extension pack '%s' failed because at least one VM is still running Uninstall extension pack '%s' failed because at least one Cloud Provider is still busy Uninstall extension pack '%s' failed because the cryptographic support module is still in use Uninstall extension pack '%s' failed for an unknown reason Extension pack '%s' is not installed. No extension pack by the name '%s' was found ExtPackUninstallTask Uninstalling extension pack ExtPackUtil No VirtualBoxExtensionPack element Missing format version Unsupported format version: The 'Name' element is missing Invalid name: The 'Description' element is missing The 'Description' element is empty The 'Description' must not contain control characters The 'Version' element is missing The 'Version' element is empty Invalid version string: Invalid edition string: The 'MainModule' element is missing The 'MainModule' element is empty Invalid main module string: Invalid main VM module string: Invalid VRDE module string: Invalid cryptographic module string: RTPathJoin failed with %Rrc RTPathQueryInfoEx failed with %Rrc The XML file is symlinked, that is not allowed The XML file is not a file (fMode=%#x) RTVfsFileQueryInfo failed: %Rrc The XML file is too large (%'RU64 bytes) RTVfsFileSeek(,0,BEGIN) failed: %Rrc RTMemTmpAlloc(%zu) failed RTVfsFileRead failed: %Rrc The name of the downloaded file and the name stored inside the extension pack does not match (xml='%s' file='%s') RTVfsFileSeek failed: %Rrc RTManifestCreate failed: %Rrc Manifest mismatch: %s RTManifestEqualsEx failed: %Rrc Error parsing '%s': %Rrc The extension pack file has changed (SHA-256 mismatch) Bad SHA-256 '%s': %Rrc There can only be one '%s' Standard member '%s' is not a file Standard member '%s' is too large: %'RU64 bytes (max 1 MB) RTVfsFileSeek failed on '%s': %Rrc RTVfsMemorizeIoStreamAsFile failed on '%s': %Rrc RTVfsObjQueryInfo failed on '%s': %Rrc '%s': starts with root spec Bad member name '%s' (pos %zu): %s '%s': too large (%'RU64 bytes) The alleged file '%s' has a mode mask stating otherwise (%RTfmode) The alleged directory '%s' has a mode mask saying differently (%RTfmode) '%s' is not a file or directory (enmType=%d) Failed seeking to the start of the tarball: %Rrc RTVfsIoStrmFromRTFile failed: %Rrc RTZipTarFsStreamFromIoStream failed: %Rrc RTZipGzipDecompressIoStream failed: %Rrc RTManifestEntryAddPassthruIoStream failed: %Rrc RTVfsFsStrmNext failed: %Rrc RTManifestEntryAddIoStream failed on '%s': %Rrc Mandator file '%s' is missing GeneralTextScript parse called more than once saveToString() called before parse() attempting to set line %zu when there are only %zu lines attempting search&replace in line %zu when there are only %zu lines appending to line %zu when there are only %zu lines prepending to line %zu when there are only %zu lines appendLine() called before parse() GlobalCtx Null PoweredOff Saved Teleported Aborted Aborted-Saved Running Paused GuruMeditation Teleporting LiveSnapshotting Starting Stopping Saving Restoring TeleportingPausedVM TeleportingIn DeletingSnapshotOnline DeletingSnapshotPaused OnlineSnapshotting RestoringSnapshot DeletingSnapshot SettingUp Snapshotting SharedFolder starting started terminating terminated timed out timed out, hanging killed error paused successfully terminated terminated by signal abnormally aborted status changed stdin ready data on stdout data on stderr waiting flag not supported opening open closing closed unknown fifo char-device directory block-device file symlink socket white-out IDE SATA SAS PCIe Unlocked Locked Spawning Unlocking LsiLogic BusLogic AHCI PIIX3 PIIX4 ICH6 I82078 LsiLogicSas NVMe VirtioSCSI Floppy DVD HardDisk Network USB unspecified host suspend host resume host battery low snapshot GraphicsAdapter The graphics controller type (%d) is invalid Error getting VRAM range for selected graphics controller Invalid VRAM size: %lu MB (must be in range [%lu, %lu] MB) The graphics controller does not support the given feature The given feature is not implemented Invalid monitor count: %lu (must be in range [%lu, %lu]) Guest No user name specified Maximum number of concurrent guest sessions (%d) reached Guest Additions are not installed or not ready (yet) Could not create guest session: %Rrc Could not find sessions with name '%s' Unknown flags: flags value %#x, invalid: %#x Invalid combination of flags (%#x) Rebooting Shutting down Rebooting guest Shutting down guest %s not supported by installed Guest Additions Error %s guest: %Rrc Could not open guest session: %Rrc Unknown flags (%#x) Failed to create SessionTaskUpdateAdditions object Updating Guest Additions Starting thread for updating Guest Additions on the guest failed Failed to initialize SessionTaskUpdateAdditions object Failed to create guest statistics update timer (%Rrc) Failed to change guest statistics update timer interval from %u to %u failed (%Rrc) Failed to start the guest statistics update timer (%Rrc) Failed to stop the guest statistics update timer (%Rrc) Invalid status level defined: %u VMM device is not available (is the VM running?) GuestDirectory Opening directory "%s" Access to guest directory "%s" is denied Guest directory "%s" already exists Guest directory "%s" cannot be created Guest directory "%s" is not empty Guest directory "%s" has no more entries Path of guest directory "%s" not found Error %Rrc for guest directory "%s" occurred Closing guest directory failed: %s Closing guest directory "%s" failed: %Rrc Listing guest directory failed: %s Listing guest directory "%s" returned unhandled error: %Rrc Reading guest directory failed: %s Reading guest directory "%s" failed: %Rrc Reading guest directory "%s" failed: Path not found Reading guest directory "%s" failed: No more entries Reading guest directory "%s" returned unhandled error: %Rrc Rewinding guest directory failed: %s GuestDnDSource Negotiation of formats between guest and host failed! Host offers: %s Guest offers: %s Requesting pending data from guest failed Dragging from guest to host not allowed -- make sure that the correct drag'n drop mode is set Dragging from guest to host not supported by guest -- make sure that the Guest Additions are properly installed and running Sending drag pending event to guest failed No drop format specified Specified format '%s' is not supported Current drop operation to host still in progress Another drag and drop operation to the host already is in progress Dropping data to host Starting thread for GuestDnDSource failed (%Rhrc) For one or more guest files or directories selected for transferring to the host your guest user does not have the appropriate access rights for. Please make sure that all selected elements can be accessed and that your guest user has the appropriate rights One or more guest files or directories selected for transferring to the host were notfound on the guest anymore. This can be the case if the guest files were moved and/oraltered while the drag and drop operation was in progress One or more guest files or directories selected for transferring to the host were locked. Please make sure that all selected elements can be accessed and that your guest user has the appropriate rights The guest was not able to retrieve the drag and drop data within time Drag and drop error from guest (%Rrc) For one or more host files or directories selected for transferring to the guest your host user does not have the appropriate access rights for. Please make sure that all selected elements can be accessed and that your host user has the appropriate rights. Host disk ran out of space (disk is full). One or more host files or directories selected for transferring to the host were notfound on the host anymore. This can be the case if the host files were moved and/oraltered while the drag and drop operation was in progress. One or more host files or directories selected for transferring to the guest were locked. Please make sure that all selected elements can be accessed and that your host user has the appropriate rights. Drag and drop error from host (%Rrc) GuestDnDTarget No default action specified Number of allowed actions is empty Number of supported formats is empty No or not supported format(s) specified Entering VM window failed Drag and drop to guest not allowed. Select the right mode first Drag and drop to guest not possible -- either the guest OS does not support this, or the Guest Additions are not installed Moving to %RU32,%RU32 (screen %u) failed Moving in guest not allowed. Select the right mode first Moving in guest not possible -- either the guest OS does not support this, or the Guest Additions are not installed Moving in VM window failed Retrieving move coordinates failed Leaving VM window failed Leaving guest not allowed. Select the right mode first Leaving guest not possible -- either the guest OS does not support this, or the Guest Additions are not installed Invalid default action specified Invalid allowed actions specified No drop format(s) specified Guest accepted drop, but did not specify the format Guest accepted drop, but returned more than one drop format (%zu formats) Dropping into VM failed Sending dropped event to guest failed Retrieving drop coordinates failed No data format specified No data to send specified Current drop operation to guest still in progress Another drag and drop operation to the guest already is in progress Dropping data to guest Starting thread for GuestDnDTarget failed (%Rhrc) For one or more guest files or directories selected for transferring to the host your guest user does not have the appropriate access rights for. Please make sure that all selected elements can be accessed and that your guest user has the appropriate rights One or more guest files or directories selected for transferring to the host were notfound on the guest anymore. This can be the case if the guest files were moved and/oraltered while the drag and drop operation was in progress One or more guest files or directories selected for transferring to the host were locked. Please make sure that all selected elements can be accessed and that your guest user has the appropriate rights The guest was not able to process the drag and drop data within time Drag and drop error from guest (%Rrc) For one or more host files or directories selected for transferring to the guest your host user does not have the appropriate access rights for. Please make sure that all selected elements can be accessed and that your host user has the appropriate rights. One or more host files or directories selected for transferring to the host were notfound on the host anymore. This can be the case if the host files were moved and/oraltered while the drag and drop operation was in progress. One or more host files or directories selected for transferring to the guest were locked. Please make sure that all selected elements can be accessed and that your host user has the appropriate rights. Drag and drop error from host (%Rrc) GuestFile Access to guest file "%s" denied Guest file "%s" already exists Guest file "%s" not found Host name "%s", not found Sharing violation for guest file "%s" Error %Rrc for guest file "%s" occurred Closing guest file failed: %s Closing guest file "%s" failed with %Rrc Initialization of guest file object for "%s" failed: %Rrc Querying guest file information failed: %s Querying guest file information for "%s" failed: %Rrc Querying guest file size failed: %s Querying guest file size for "%s" failed: %Rrc The size to read is zero Reading from file "%s" failed: %Rrc The size to read for guest file "%s" is zero Reading from file "%s" (at offset %RU64) failed: %Rrc Invalid seek type for guest file "%s" specified Seeking file "%s" (to offset %RI64) failed: %Rrc The size (%RI64) for guest file "%s" cannot be a negative value Setting the guest file size of "%s" to %RU64 (%#RX64) bytes failed: %Rrc No data to write specified Writing %zu bytes to guest file "%s" failed: %Rrc No data to write at for guest file "%s" specified Writing %zu bytes to file "%s" (at offset %RU64) failed: %Rrc GuestFs Access to "%s" denied No such file or directory "%s" File or directory "%s" can't be created Invalid parameter specified VMM device is not available (is the VM running?) The guest execution service is not available The file "%s" is not an executable format The user "%s" was not able to logon The file "%s" is an invalid name The guest did not respond within time The execution operation was canceled Maximum number of concurrent guest processes has been reached The guest execution service is not ready (yet) Specified mode or flag is not supported on the guest Unhandled error %Rrc for "%s" occurred on guest -- please file a bug report GuestProcess The base environment feature is not supported by installed Guest Additions No such file or directory "%s" on guest VMM device is not available (is the VM running?) The guest execution service is not available The file "%s" is not an executable format on guest The user "%s" was not able to logon on guest The file "%s" is an invalid name The guest did not respond within time The execution operation for "%s" was canceled Maximum number of concurrent guest processes has been reached The guest execution service is not ready (yet) Error %Rrc for guest process "%s" occurred The size to read is zero Reading %RU32 bytes from guest process handle %RU32 failed: %s Reading from guest process "%s" (PID %RU32) failed: %Rrc Guest process is not in '%s' state anymore (current is in '%s') Terminating guest process failed: %s Terminating guest process "%s" (PID %RU32) not supported by installed Guest Additions Terminating guest process "%s" (PID %RU32) failed: %Rrc Flags value %#x, invalid: %#x Waiting for guest process (flags %#x) failed: %s Waiting for guest process "%s" (PID %RU32) failed: %Rrc Writing %RU32 bytes (flags %#x) to guest process failed: %s Writing to guest process "%s" (PID %RU32) failed: %Rrc GuestProcessToolbox Access to "%s" denied No such file or directory "%s" VMM device is not available (is the VM running?) The guest execution service is not available The file "%s" is not an executable format The user "%s" was not able to logon The file "%s" is an invalid name The guest did not respond within time The execution operation was canceled Maximum number of concurrent guest processes has been reached The guest execution service is not ready (yet) Unhandled error %Rrc for "%s" occurred for tool "%s" on guest -- please file a bug report GuestSession Invalid environment variable name '%s', index %zu Failed to apply '%s', index %zu (%Rrc) The base environment feature is not supported by the Guest Additions The base environment has not yet been reported by the guest Getting the user's home path is not supported by installed Guest Additions Getting the user's home path failed on the guest: %Rrc Getting the user's home path failed: %Rrc Getting the user's documents path is not supported by installed Guest Additions Getting the user's documents path failed on the guest: %Rrc Getting the user's documents path failed: %Rrc Getting the mount points is not supported by installed Guest Additions Getting the mount points failed on the guest: %Rrc Getting the mount points failed: %Rrc No source(s) specified No destination specified Failed to create GuestSessionTaskCopyFrom object Copying to "%s" on the host Starting thread for copying from guest to the host failed Initializing GuestSessionTaskCopyFrom object failed Failed to create GuestSessionTaskCopyTo object Copying to "%s" on the guest Starting thread for copying from host to the guest failed Initializing GuestSessionTaskCopyTo object failed Invalid directory copy flag: %.*s Invalid file copy flag: %.*s VMM device is not available (is the VM running?) The guest execution service is not available The specified user account on the guest is restricted and can't be used to logon The specified user was not able to logon on guest The guest did not respond within time The session operation was canceled Maximum number of concurrent guest processes has been reached The guest execution service is not ready (yet) Closing guest session failed: %s Closing guest session "%s" failed with %Rrc Unknown flags: flags value %#x, invalid: %#x Parameter array sizes don't match to the number of sources specified Querying type for guest source failed: %s Querying type for guest source "%s" failed: %Rrc Session is not in started state (state is '%s') Unable to query type for source '%s' (%Rrc) No sources specified First source entry is empty No directory to create specified Unknown flags (%#x) Guest directory creation failed: %s Guest directory creation failed: Invalid parameters given Guest directory creation failed: Unexpectedly aborted Guest directory creation failed: %Rrc No template specified No directory name specified Mode invalid (must be specified in octal mode) Temporary guest directory creation failed: %s Temporary guest directory creation "%s" with template "%s" failed: %Rrc Empty path Querying directory existence failed: %s Querying directory existence "%s" failed: %Rrc No directory to open specified Directory filters are not implemented yet Open flags (%#x) not implemented yet Opening guest directory "%s" failed; invalid parameters given Opening guest directory failed: %s Opening guest directory "%s" failed: %Rrc No directory to remove specified Handling removing guest directories not supported by installed Guest Additions Removing guest directory failed: %s Removing guest directory "%s" failed: %Rrc No directory to remove recursively specified Invalid flags specified Removing guest directory Handling removing guest directories recursively not supported by installed Guest Additions Recursively removing guest directory failed: %s Recursively removing guest directory "%s" failed: %Rrc Invalid environment variable name '%s' Failed to schedule setting environment variable '%s' to '%s' Failed to schedule unsetting environment variable '%s' Querying guest file existence failed: %s Querying guest file information for "%s" failed: %Rrc No file to open specified Append access modes are not yet implemented Unknown FileAccessMode value %u (%#x) Unknown FileOpenAction value %u (%#x) Only FileSharingMode_All is currently implemented Unsupported FileOpenExFlag value(s) in aFlags (%#x) Handling guest files not supported by installed Guest Additions Opening guest file failed: %s Opening guest file "%s" failed: %Rrc No path specified Querying guest file size failed: %s Querying guest file size of "%s" failed: %Rrc Querying guest filesystem information failed: %s Querying guest filesystem information for "%s" failed: %Rrc Querying guest file existence information failed: %s Querying guest file existence information for "%s" failed: %Rrc Querying guest filesystem object information failed: %s Querying guest filesystem object information for "%s" failed: %Rrc Removing guest file failed: %s Removing guest file "%s" failed: %Rrc No source path specified No destination path specified Unknown rename flag: %#x Handling renaming guest paths not supported by installed Guest Additions Renaming guest path failed: %s Renaming guest path "%s" failed: %Rrc No command to execute specified Setting the current working directory is not supported by the installed Guest Addtions! Failed to start guest process: %Rrc Maximum number of concurrent guest processes per session (%u) reached Failed to create guest process object: %Rrc Failed to apply environment variable '%s', index %u (%Rrc)' Failed to set up the environment: %Rrc No valid process ID (PID) specified No process with PID %RU32 found Waiting for guest process failed: %s Waiting for guest session "%s" failed: %Rrc Unnamed GuestSessionTask Guest directory "%s" already exists Guest error creating directory "%s" on the guest: %Rrc Host error creating directory "%s" on the guest: %Rrc Host directory "%s" already exists Could not create host directory "%s": %Rrc Seeking to offset %RU64 of guest file "%s" failed: %Rrc Reading %RU32 bytes @ %RU64 from guest "%s" failed: %Rrc Writing %RU32 bytes to host file "%s" failed: %Rrc Writing guest file "%s" to host file "%s" failed: Access denied Copying guest file "%s" to host file "%s" failed (%RU64/%RU64 bytes transferred) Error closing guest file "%s": %Rrc Host destination "%s" is a directory Host destination "%s" is a symbolic link Copying to guest file "%s" failed (%RU64/%RU64 bytes transferred) Guest file "%s" could not be created or replaced Guest file "%s" could not be created or replaced: %Rrc Guest file lookup failed Guest file lookup for "%s" failed: %Rrc Guest file "%s" is a symbolic link Guest object "%s" is not a file (is type %#x) Guest file could not be opened Guest file "%s" could not be opened: %Rrc Host file "%s" already exists Host file lookup for "%s" failed: %Rrc Opening/creating host file "%s" failed: %Rrc Seeking to offset %RU64 of host file "%s" failed: %Rrc Reading %RU32 bytes @ %RU64 from host file "%s" failed: %Rrc Writing %zu bytes to guest file "%s" failed: %Rrc Writing to guest file "%s" failed: Access denied Host path lookup for file "%s" failed: %Rrc Guest error while determining object data for guest file "%s": %Rrc Host error while determining object data for guest file "%s": %Rrc Host source file lookup for "%s" failed: %Rrc Opening host file "%s" failed: %Rrc Task '%s' failed with %Rrc, but progress is still pending. Please report this bug! GuestSessionTaskCopyFrom No guest sources specified Host destination must not be empty Guest source entry must not be empty Guest source lookup failed Guest source lookup for "%s" failed: %Rrc Error adding guest source "%s" to list: %Rrc Copying "%s" [and %zu %s] from guest to "%s" on the host ... others other Copying "%s" from guest to "%s" on the host ... Building host destination root path "%s" failed: %Rrc Host path lookup for "%s" failed: %Rrc Host root directory "%s" already exists Destination "%s" on the host already exists and is a file Unknown object type (%#x) on host for "%s" Translating guest source path "%s" failed: %Rrc Translating host destination path "%s" failed: %Rrc Destination "%s" on the host already exists and is a directory Host file "%s" already exists Guest source is not a file: %s Guest source is not a directory: %s Failed with %Rrc GuestSessionTaskCopyTo No host sources specified Guest destination must not be empty Host source entry must not be empty No such host file/directory: %s Host source "%s" is not a file (is a directory) Host source "%s" is not a directory (is a file) Host source "%s" is a symbolic link Querying symbolic link info for host source "%s" failed Resolving symbolic link for host source "%s" failed Error adding host source "%s" to list: %Rrc Copying "%s" [and %zu %s] from host to "%s" on the guest ... others other Copying "%s" from host to "%s" on the guest ... Building guest destination root path "%s" failed: %Rrc Querying information on guest for "%s" failed: %Rrc Guest root directory "%s" already exists Destination "%s" on guest already exists and is a file Translating host source path"%s" failed: %Rrc Translating guest destination path "%s" failed: %Rrc Destination "%s" on the guest already exists and is a directory Guest file "%s" already exists Unsupported guest file system type (%#x) for "%s" Failed with %Rrc Unknown object type (%#x) on guest for "%s" GuestSessionTaskUpdateAdditions Guest file "%s" could not be opened: %Rrc Running update file "%s" on guest failed with exit code %d Running update file on guest failed Update file "%s" reported invalid running state Error while running update file "%s" on guest: %Rrc Files were installed, but user services were not reloaded automatically. Please consider rebooting the guest Files were installed, but kernel modules were not reloaded automatically. Please consider rebooting the guest Guest Additions were not ready within time, giving up Guest Additions are installed but not fully loaded yet, aborting automatic update Guest Additions not installed or ready, aborting automatic update Guest has too old Guest Additions (%s) installed for automatic updating, please update manually Unable to detected guest OS version, please update manually Windows 2000 and XP are not supported for automatic updating due to WHQL interaction, please update manually %s (%s) not supported for automatic updating, please update manually Detected guest OS (%s) does not support automatic Guest Additions updating, please update manually Unable to open Guest Additions .ISO file "%s": %Rrc Unable to open file as ISO 9660 file system volume: %Rrc Creating update directory on guest failed Creating update directory "%s" on guest failed: %Rrc Guest services were not restarted, please reinstall Guest Additions manually Old guest session is still active, guest services were not restarted after installation, please reinstall Guest Additions manually Operation was canceled Operation has timed out Error while copying file "%s" to "%s" on the guest: %Rrc Host The aFeature value %d (%#x) is out of range. Unable to create a host network interface Host network interface with UUID {%RTuuid} does not exist The given USB device filter is not created within this VirtualBox instance The given USB device filter is already in the list The USB device filter list is empty Invalid position: %lu (must be in range [0, %lu]) The host DVD drive named '%s' could not be found The host floppy drive named '%s' could not be found The host network interface named '%s' could not be found The host network interface with the given GUID could not be found Could not find a USB device with address '%s' Could not find a USB device with uuid {%RTuuid} Could not load the Host USB Proxy Service (VERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND). The service might not be installed on the host computer VirtualBox is not currently allowed to access USB devices. You can change this by adding your user to the 'vboxusers' group. Please see the user manual for a more detailed explanation VirtualBox is not currently allowed to access USB devices. You can change this by allowing your user to access the 'usbfs' folder and files. Please see the user manual for a more detailed explanation The USB Proxy Service has not yet been ported to this host Could not load the Host USB Proxy service Failed to open NT\GLOBAL?? (error %Rrc) Out of memory! (direntry buffer) RTVfsDirReadEx failed: %Rrc Unknown (Access denied) Out of memory Failed to update fixed drive list (%Rrc) HostNetworkInterface Invalid IPv6 prefix length Invalid IPv6 address HostOnlyNetwork Network name cannot be empty Network mask cannot be empty HostUSBDevice USB device '%s' with UUID {%RTuuid} cannot be accessed by guest computers USB device '%s' with UUID {%RTuuid} is being exclusively used by the host computer USB device '%s' with UUID {%RTuuid} is already captured by the virtual machine '%s' USB device '%s' with UUID {%RTuuid} is busy with a previous request. Please try again later USB device '%s' with UUID {%RTuuid} is not in the right state for capturing (%s) USB device '%s' with UUID {%RTuuid} is in use by someone else USB device '%s' with UUID {%RTuuid} is busy (state '%s'). Please try again later HostUSBDeviceFilter The remote state filter is not supported by IHostUSBDeviceFilter objects The masked interfaces property is not applicable to IHostUSBDeviceFilter objects Action value InvalidUSBDeviceFilterAction is not permitted Invalid action %d Unexpected error %Rrc HostUpdateAgent Checking for update for %s ... RTHttpCreate() failed: %Rrc RTHttpAddHeader() failed: %Rrc (user agent) RTHttpGetBinary() failed: %Rrc Invalid server response [1]: %Rhrc (%.*Rhxs -- %.*Rhxs) Invalid server response [2]: %Rrc (%.*Rhxs -- %.*Rhxs) HostVideoInputDevice Failed to get webcam list: %Rrc HostX86 CPU no.%u is not present CPU no.%u is not online Keyboard Could not send all scan codes to the virtual keyboard (%Rrc) Could not send usage code to the virtual keyboard (%Rrc) Machine Cannot attach disk '%s' -- file name too long Internal error adding a medium UUID to the map Cannot attach image '%s' -- file name too long Cannot handle medium attachment: channel is %d, device is %d Cannot handle medium attachment: storageBus is %d, channel is %d, device is %d Trying to open a VM config '%s' which has the same UUID as an existing virtual machine Invalid machine settings file name '%s' (%Rrc) Machine settings file '%s' already exists Machine UUID {%RTuuid} in '%s' doesn't match its UUID {%s} in the registry file '%s' A machine cannot have a UUID as its name Invalid hardware version: %s Invalid RAM size: %lu MB (must be in range [%lu, %lu] MB) Invalid virtual CPU count: %lu (must be in range [%lu, %lu]) There is still a CPU attached to socket %lu.Detach the CPU before removing the socket Invalid CPU execution cap value: %lu (must be in range [%lu, %lu]) CPU hotplugging can't be disabled because the maximum number of CPUs is not equal to the amount of CPUs attached Invalid memory balloon size: %lu MB (must be in range [%lu, %lu] MB) Memory ballooning is only supported on 64-bit hosts Page fusion is only supported on 64-bit hosts The snapshot folder of a machine with snapshots cannot be changed (please delete all snapshots first) Invalid snapshot folder '%s' (%Rrc) The machine is not powered off (state is %s) Invalid port number %d Cannot set an already hashed password, only plain text password please The given session is busy No IInternalSessionControl interface The machine '%s' is not registered Failed to get a console object from the direct session (%Rhrc) Failed to assign the machine to the session (%Rhrc) The machine '%s' was unlocked unexpectedly while attempting to share its session The machine '%s' is already locked for a session (or being unlocked) The machine '%s' already has a lock request pending An unexpected process (PID=0x%08X) has tried to lock the machine '%s', while only the process started by LaunchVMProcess (PID=0x%08X) is allowed Failed to assign the machine to the remote session (%Rhrc) Starting VM Creating process for virtual machine "%s" (%s) The machine '%s' is not locked by a session The machine '%s' does not have a VM process Invalid boot position: %lu (must be in range [1, %lu]) Booting from USB device is currently not supported Cannot attach storage devices to an unregistered machine Could not get type of controller '%s' Medium '%s' is already attached to port %d, device %d of controller '%s' of this virtual machine Device is already attached to port %d, device %d of controller '%s' of this virtual machine The given medium pointer is invalid Medium '%s' is already attached to this virtual machine Cannot attach medium '%s': the media type 'MultiAttach' can only be attached to machines that were created with VirtualBox 4.0 or later Could not lock medium when creating diff '%s' No storage device attached to device slot %d on port %d of controller '%s' Setting passthrough rejected as the device attached to device slot %d on port %d of controller '%s' is not a DVD Setting temporary eject flag rejected as the device attached to device slot %d on port %d of controller '%s' is not a DVD Invalid machine state: %s Setting the non-rotational medium flag rejected as the device attached to device slot %d on port %d of controller '%s' is not a hard disk Setting the discard medium flag rejected as the device attached to device slot %d on port %d of controller '%s' is not a hard disk Controller '%s' does not support changing the hot-pluggable device flag Setting the hot-pluggable device flag rejected as the device attached to device slot %d on port %d of controller '%s' is a floppy drive The given bandwidth group pointer is invalid No drive attached to device slot %d on port %d of controller '%s' The device at port %d, device %d of controller '%s' of this virtual machine is not removeable Serial port slot %RU32 is out of bounds (max %zu) Parallel port slot %RU32 is out of bounds (max %zu) No network adapter in slot %RU32 (total %RU32 adapters) Cannot set extradata for a snapshot Cannot set extradata for an immutable machine Could not set extra data because someone refused the requested change of '%s' to '%s'%s%ls Cannot unregister the machine '%s' while it is locked The session has been accidentally closed Deleting '%s' Full VM encryption is not available with this build The cipher '%s' is not supported New key store creation failed, (%Rrc) Saving the key store failed, (%Rrc) Decryption of the machine {%RTuuid} failed. Incorrect or unknown password existing settings file Failed to retain key for key ID '%s' with %Rrc Config decryption of the machine {%RTuuid} failed. Incorrect or unknown password Controller '%s' does not support hot-plugging The device slot %d on port %d of controller '%s' does not support hot-plugging Controller '%s' does not support hot-plugging which is required to change the passthrough setting while the VM is running Cleaning up machine directory Cannot delete settings of a registered machine The given medium pointer with index %d is invalid Deleting files Collecting file inventory Shared folder named '%s' already exists Machine is not locked for session (session state: %s) Invalid guest property flag values: '%s' Properties with TRANSIENT or TRANSRESET flag cannot be set or modified if VM is not running The property '%s' cannot be changed by the host Invalid connection type: %d Storage controller named '%s' already exists Could not find a storage controller with instance number '%lu' Invalid USB controller type: %d USB controller named '%s' already exists Too many USB controllers of this type Saved guest size is not available (%Rrc) Unsupported saved thumbnail format 0x%08X Saved thumbnail data is not available (%Rrc) Could not convert saved thumbnail to PNG (%Rrc) Saved screenshot data is not available (%Rrc) Saved screenshot thumbnail data is not available (%Rrc) CPU hotplug is not enabled CPU id exceeds number of possible CPUs [0:%lu] CPU %lu is already attached CPU index exceeds maximum CPU count (must be in range [0:%lu]) CPU %lu is not attached It is not possible to detach CPU 0 The size argument (%lld) is negative Could not read log file '%s' (%Rrc) Could not open log file '%s' (%Rrc) Host PCI attachment only supported with ICH9 chipset Device with host PCI address already attached to this VM No host PCI device %08x attached The VM autostart feature is not supported on this platform The path to the autostart database is not set Adding machine '%s' to the autostart database failed with %Rrc Removing machine '%s' from the autostart database failed with %Rrc The VM autostop feature is not supported on this platform Adding machine '%s' to the autostop database failed with %Rrc Removing machine '%s' from the autostop database failed with %Rrc Linked clone can only be created from a snapshot Linked clone can only be created for a single machine state Failed to create a worker thread for the MachineMoveVM task The machine '%s' is in a state which is incompatible with launching a separate UI process The machine '%s' is already locked by a session (or being locked or unlocked) hardening log file Invalid frontend name: '%s' Failed to start the machine '%s'. A connection to VBoxSDS cannot be established Failed to start the machine '%s'. CoSetProxyBlanket failed Failed to start the machine '%s'. Process creation failed Could not launch the VM process for the machine '%s' (%Rrc) . More details may be available in '%s' The virtual machine '%s' has terminated unexpectedly during startup with exit code %d (%#x)%s The virtual machine '%s' has terminated unexpectedly during startup because of signal %d%s The virtual machine '%s' has terminated abnormally (iStatus=%#x)%s The virtual machine '%s' has terminated unexpectedly during startup (%Rrc)%s The machine '%s' with UUID {%s} is inaccessible and cannot be registered The machine '%s' with UUID {%s} is already registered Machine state change is in progress. Please retry the operation later. The machine is not mutable (state is %s) The machine is not mutable or saved (state is %s) The machine is not mutable or running (state is %s) The machine is not mutable, saved or running (state is %s) Could not find a shared folder named '%s' Invalid saved state file path '%s' (%Rrc) Duplicate attachments for storage controller '%s', port %d, device %d of the virtual machine '%s' A differencing image of snapshot {%RTuuid} could not be found. %ls Immutable hard disk '%s' with UUID {%RTuuid} cannot be directly attached to snapshot with UUID {%RTuuid} of the virtual machine '%s' ('%s') Immutable hard disk '%s' with UUID {%RTuuid} cannot be directly attached to the virtual machine '%s' ('%s') Multi-attach hard disk '%s' with UUID {%RTuuid} cannot be directly attached to snapshot with UUID {%RTuuid} of the virtual machine '%s' ('%s') Multi-attach hard disk '%s' with UUID {%RTuuid} cannot be directly attached to the virtual machine '%s' ('%s') Hard disk '%s' with UUID {%RTuuid} cannot be directly attached to the virtual machine '%s' ('%s') because it has %d differencing child hard disks Hard disk '%s' with UUID {%RTuuid} is already attached to the virtual machine '%s' ('%s') Controller '%s' port %u unit %u has device with unknown type (%d) - virtual machine '%s' ('%s') Obtain cipher for '%s' files failed (%Rrc) Loading old key store for '%s' files failed, (%Rrc) Changing the password for '%s' files failed, (%Rrc) Saving the key store for '%s' files failed, (%Rrc) Getting file list for '%s' files failed, (%Rrc) Create new key store for '%s' files failed, (%Rrc) Saving the new key store for '%s' files failed, (%Rrc) Opening file '%s' failed, (%Rrc) Changing encryption of the file '%s' failed with %Rrc Renaming the file '%s' failed, (%Rrc) The password given for the encrypted VM is incorrect The VM is not configured for encryption The password to decrypt the VM is incorrect A password must be given for the VM encryption A valid identifier for the password must be given The password and password identifier must be empty if the output should be unencrypted Loading old key store failed, (%Rrc) Changing the password failed, (%Rrc) Change encryption of the SAV files Change encryption of the NVRAM files Getting NVRAM encryption settings failed (%Rhrc) Setting NVRAM encryption settings failed (%Rhrc) Change encryption of log files Change encryption of the config file Machine is inaccessible Cannot encrypt medium '%s' because it is attached to %d virtual machines Cannot encrypt medium '%s' because it has %d children Change encryption Change encryption of the mediuma Failed to query the encryption settings with %Rrc This VM is not encrypted The password supplied for the encrypted machine is incorrect Id and passwords arrays must have the same size The machine is in online or transient state Device '%s' with unknown bandwidth group '%s' is attached to the virtual machine '%s' ('%s') This machine does not have any snapshots Could not find a snapshot with UUID {%s} Could not find a snapshot named '%s' Could not find a storage controller named '%s' Could not rename the directory '%s' to '%s' to save the settings file (%Rrc) Could not rename the settings file '%s' to '%s' (%Rrc) Could not create a directory '%s' to save the settings file (%Rrc) Could not create the settings file '%s' (%Rrc) The machine is not accessible, so cannot save settings Failed to retain VM encryption password using ID '%s' with %Rrc file Collecting locking information for all attached media failed Locking of attached media failed Skipping attachment without medium Skipping medium '%s' Creating differencing hard disk for '%s' Machine::ClientToken Cannot create IPC semaphore. Most likely your host kernel lacks support for SysV IPC. Check the host kernel configuration for CONFIG_SYSVIPC=y Cannot create IPC semaphore because the system limit for the maximum number of semaphore sets (SEMMNI), or the system wide maximum number of semaphores (SEMMNS) would be exceeded. The current set of SysV IPC semaphores can be determined from the file /proc/sysvipc/sem Cannot create IPC semaphore because the system-imposed limit on the maximum number of allowed semaphores or semaphore identifiers system-wide would be exceeded MachineCloneVM The source machine is mutable Cloning Machine Initialize Cloning Could not create machine clone thread (%Rrc) Could not find data to snapshots '%s' Cloning Disk '%ls' ... Could not create snapshots folder '%s' (%Rrc) Copy save state file '%s' ... Could not copy state file '%s' to '%s' (%Rrc) Copy NVRAM file '%s' ... Could not copy NVRAM file '%s' to '%s' (%Rrc) Create Machine Clone '%s' ... Could not delete file '%s' (%Rrc) MachineCloneVMPrivate Could not query file size of '%s' (%Rrc) MachineDebugger Writing the sample report to '%s' failed with %Rrc EMR3SetExecutionPolicy failed with %Rrc %s returned %Rrc %s returns too much data DBGFR3OSQueryNameAndVersion failed with %Rrc %u is out of range [2..20000] TMR3SetWarpDrive(, %u) failed with vrc=%Rrc The compression parameter must be empty DBGFR3CoreWrite failed with %Rrc DBGFR3Info failed with %Rrc DBGFR3InjectNMI failed with %Rrc DBGFR3LogModifyFlags failed with %Rrc DBGFR3LogModifyGroups failed with %Rrc DBGFR3LogModifyDestinations failed with %Rrc Plug-in '%s' was not found Error unloading '%s': %Rrc DBGFR3OSDetect failed with %Rrc Too much log available, must use the maxMessages parameter to restrict. The dmesg interface isn't implemented by guest OS digger, or detectOS() has not been called. Register '%s' was not found Invalid CPU ID: %u DBGFR3RegNmQuery failed with vrc=%Rrc querying register '%s' with default cpu set to %u Incompatible VMM function table: %RX64 vs %RX64 (caller) The method getUVMAndVMMFunctionTable is only for local calls DBGFR3RegNmQueryAll failed with %Rrc DBGFR3RegNmQueryAllCount failed with %Rrc DBGFR3StackWalkBegin failed with %Rrc Suspending the VM failed with %Rrc Machine is not running Creating guest sample report... A sample report is already in progress MachineMoveVM The destination path exceeds the maximum value. Unable to determine free space at move destination ('%s'): %Rrc Can't create a test file test.txt in the %s. Check the access rights of the destination folder. Failed to get file size for '%s': %Rrc Insufficient disk space available (%RTfoff needed, %RTfoff free) Moving Machine Initialize Moving Couldn't correctly setup the progress object for moving VM operation Could not create snapshots folder '%s' (%Rrc) Copy the save state file '%s' ... Could not copy state file '%s' to '%s' (%Rrc) Copy the NVRAM file '%s' ... Could not copy NVRAM file '%s' to '%s' (%Rrc) Copy Machine settings file '%s' ... Could not create a home machine folder '%s' (%Rrc) Could not copy the setting file '%s' to '%s' (%Rrc) Could not create log folder '%s' (%Rrc) Copying the log file '%s' ... Could not copy the log file '%s' to '%s' (%Rrc) Skip the empty operation %d... Rollback scenario: can't delete new destination folder. Moving medium '%ls' ... Moving medium '%ls' back... Folder '%s' doesn't exist (%Rrc) Could not open folder '%s' (%Rrc) Deleting file %s... Could not delete file '%s' (%Rrc) Could not get the size of file '%s': %Rrc Could not get file size of '%s': %Rrc Medium Accessibility check was not yet performed Failed to create medium lock list for '%s' Failed to lock media '%s' Cannot change the type of DVD medium '%s' Cannot change the type of floppy medium '%s' Cannot change the type of medium '%s' because it is a differencing medium Cannot change the type of medium '%s' because it is attached to %d virtual machines Cannot change type for medium '%s' since it has %d child media Cannot change type for medium '%s' to 'Shareable' since it is a dynamic medium storage unit Cannot change type for medium '%s' to 'Readonly' since it is a hard disk Cannot change type for medium '%s': the media type 'MultiAttach' can only be used on media registered with a machine that was created with VirtualBox 4.0 or later Medium '%s' is not differencing Argument %s is invalid Counter overflow Counter underflow Medium '%s' is not locked for reading Medium '%s' is not locked for writing Property '%s' does not exist The medium size argument (%lld) is negative Medium format '%s' does not support dynamic storage creation Medium format '%s' does not support fixed storage creation Medium variant 'formatted' applies to floppy images only Creating fixed medium storage unit '%s' Creating dynamic medium storage unit '%s' Medium type of '%s' is Writethrough Medium type of '%s' is Shareable Medium type of '%s' is Readonly Could not lock medium when creating diff '%s' Failed to lock source media '%s' Failed to lock target media '%s' Creating clone medium '%s' Medium '%s' can't be moved. Destination path is empty. Resizing medium and cloning into it Resizing medium before clone Medium '%s' has RAW type. "Move" operation isn't supported for this type. The given path '%s' is an existing file. Delete or rename this file. Medium '%s' isn't a file object. "Move" operation isn't supported. The given path '%s' is not fully qualified Medium '%s' is already in the correct location At least the VM '%s' to whom this medium '%s' attached has currently an opened session. Stop all VMs before relocating this medium Moving medium '%s' The given path '%s' is not an existing file. New location is invalid. At least the VM '%s' to whom this medium '%s' attached has currently an opened session. Stop all VMs before set location for this medium Failed to lock media when compacting '%s' Compacting medium '%s' Failed to create medium lock list when resizing '%s' Failed to lock media when resizing '%s' Resizing medium '%s' Medium type of '%s' is not differencing Failed to lock media when resetting '%s' Resetting differencing medium '%s' Cannot encrypt DVD or Floppy medium '%s' Cannot encrypt medium '%s' because it is attached to %d virtual machines Cannot encrypt medium '%s' because it has %d children Failed to lock media for encryption '%s' Encrypting medium Decrypting medium Retrieving encryption settings of the image failed because the encryption plugin could not be loaded (%s) Encryption is not supported because the extension pack '%s' is missing the encryption plugin (old extension pack installed?) Encryption is not supported because the extension pack '%s' is missing Failed to load the encryption filter: %s Image is configured for encryption but doesn't has a KeyId set Encryption is not supported because extension pack support is not built in The image is not configured for encryption The given password must not be empty The given password is incorrect Write access denied: read-only Password given for unencrypted medium Password needed for encrypted medium Cannot attach medium '%s' {%RTuuid}: %u differencing child media are being created Cannot attach medium '%s' {%RTuuid}: medium is already associated with the current state of machine uuid {%RTuuid}! Cannot attach medium '%s' {%RTuuid} from snapshot '%RTuuid': medium is already in use by this snapshot! Medium '%s' is attached to a virtual machine with UUID {%RTuuid}. No differencing media based on it may be created until it is detached Creating differencing medium storage unit '%s' Medium '%s' cannot be closed because it is already in the process of being closed Medium '%s' cannot be closed because it is still attached to %d virtual machines Medium format '%s' does not support storage deletion Cannot delete storage: medium '%s' is still attached to the following %d virtual machine(s): %s Failed to lock media when deleting '%s' Deleting medium storage unit '%s' Media '%s' and '%s' are unrelated Medium '%s' involved in the merge operation has more than one child medium (%d) Medium '%s' is attached to %d virtual machines Medium '%s' is immutable Medium '%s' is multi-attach Failed to lock media when merging to '%s' Merging medium '%s' to '%s' Resizing medium '%s' before merge Could not update medium UUID references to parent '%s' (%s) Failed to add '%s' to output (%Rrc) RTVfsCreateProgressForFile failed when processing '%s' (%Rrc) VDCreateVfsFileFromDisk failed for '%s' (%Rrc) Could not create the exported medium '%s'%s Could not open the medium '%s'%s Could not update the UUID of medium '%s'%s Could not update the parent UUID of medium '%s'%s UUID {%RTuuid} of the medium '%s' does not match the value {%RTuuid} stored in the media registry ('%s') Parent medium with UUID {%RTuuid} of the medium '%s' is not found in the media registry ('%s') Cannot open differencing image for medium '%s', because it exceeds the medium tree depth limit. Please merge some images which you no longer need Medium type of '%s' is differencing but it is not associated with any parent medium in the media registry ('%s') Parent UUID {%RTuuid} of the medium '%s' does not match UUID {%RTuuid} of its parent medium stored in the media registry ('%s') Could not update and close the medium '%s'%s Cannot close medium '%s' because it has %d child media Storage for the medium '%s' is not created Storage for the medium '%s' is already created Medium '%s' is locked for reading by another task Medium '%s' is locked for writing by another task Medium '%s' is not accessible. %s Medium '%s' is not accessible Storage for the medium '%s' is being created Storage for the medium '%s' is being deleted Must be at least one extension if it is MediumFormatCapabilities_File Default extension must not be empty Permission problem accessing the file for the medium '%s' (%Rrc) Could not find file for the medium '%s' (%Rrc) Could not get the storage format of the medium '%s' (%Rrc) The medium '%s' can't be used as the requested device type (%s, detected %s) Invalid medium storage format '%s' Image '%s' is configured for encryption but doesn't has a key identifier set Image '%s' is configured for encryption but there is no key store to retrieve the password from Failed to retrieve the secret key with ID "%s" from the store (%Rrc) The password to decrypt the image is incorrect Failed to load the decryption filter: %s Could not open the medium storage unit '%s'%s Parameters for creating the medium storage unit '%s' are invalid%s Could not create the medium storage unit '%s'%s Opening medium storage unit '%s' failed%s Formatting medium storage unit '%s' failed: %s Formatting medium storage unit '%s' failed%s Cannot create differencing image for medium '%s', because it exceeds the medium tree depth limit. Please merge some images which you no longer need Parameters for creating the differencing medium storage unit '%s' are invalid%s Could not create the differencing medium storage unit '%s'%s Cannot merge image for medium '%s', because it exceeds the medium tree depth limit. Please merge some images which you no longer need Failed to lock the medium '%s' to resize before merge Failed to set size of '%s' to size of '%s' Sizes of '%s' and '%s' are different and medium format does not support resing Could not merge the medium '%s' to '%s'%s Cannot clone image for medium '%s', because it exceeds the medium tree depth limit. Please merge some images which you no longer need Could not create the clone medium '%s'%s Wrong preconditions for moving the medium %s Could not move medium '%s'%s Could not delete the medium storage unit '%s'%s Compacting is not yet supported for medium '%s' Compacting is not implemented, medium '%s' Could not compact medium '%s'%s Shrinking is not yet supported for medium '%s' Resizing to new size %llu is not yet supported for medium '%s' Resizing is not implemented, medium '%s' Could not resize medium '%s'%s Cannot import image for medium '%s', because it exceeds the medium tree depth limit. Please merge some images which you no longer need Could not create the imported medium '%s'%s Encrypting the image failed because the encryption plugin could not be loaded (%s) The password given for the encrypted image is incorrect A password must be given for the image encryption A valid identifier for the password must be given The password and password identifier must be empty if the output should be unencrypted Could not prepare disk images for encryption (%Rrc): %s MediumIO Failed to allocate enough secure memory for the key/password Unknown error happened while adding a password (%Rrc) VDCreateVfsFileFromDisk failed: %Rrc Max read size is 256KB, given: %u Zero byte read is not supported. Error reading %u bytes at %RU64: %Rrc Zero byte write is not supported. Medium not opened for writing. Error writing %zu bytes at %RU64: %Rrc Error formatting (%Rrc): %s Error formatting: %Rrc Invalid partition format type: %d whole-disk-in-one-entry is not implemented yet, sorry. RTDvmMapInitialize failed: %Rrc RTDvmCreate failed: %Rrc Converting medium '%s' to data stream MediumIO::StreamTask Failed to convert and stream disk image Failed to create destination disk container Mouse Could not send the mouse event to the virtual mouse (%Rrc) Could not send the multi-touch event to the virtual device (%Rrc) NATEngine '%c' - invalid character in NAT rule name A NAT rule of this name already exists A NAT rule for this host port and this host IP already exists NATNetwork Unable to change settings while NATNetwork instance is running Network name cannot be empty %s is not a valid IPv4 CIDR notation %s network is too small %s specifies zero prefix %s: internal error: failed to convert prefix %d to netmask: %Rrc %s: the specified address is longer than the specified prefix %s is not a valid IPv6 prefix Invalid IPv6 prefix length %d, must be 64 IPv6 prefix %RTnaipv6 is not unicast Non-zero bits in the interface ID part of the IPv6 prefix %RTnaipv6/64 Internal error Setting an empty IPv6 prefix when IPv6 is enabled A NAT rule of this name already exists A NAT rule for this host port and this host IP already exists NetworkAdapter Invalid network adapter type '%d' Invalid MAC address format Empty or null bridged interface name is not valid Empty or null host only interface name is not valid Empty or null host only Network name is not valid Empty or null internal network name is not valid Empty or null NAT network name is not valid Empty or null Cloud network name is not valid Invalid promiscuous mode policy (%d) NvramStore Loading the NVRAM store failed (%Rrc) This machine does not have an NVRAM store file No NVRAM store file found The UEFI NVRAM file is not existing for this machine Supporting another NVRAM size apart from the default one is not supported right now The selected firmware type doesn't support a UEFI variable store Failed to initialize the UEFI variable store (%Rrc) Opening the UEFI variable store failed (%Rrc) Failed to save the NVRAM content to disk (%Rrc) ParallelPort Invalid IRQ number of the parallel port %d: %lu (must be in range [0, %lu]) Invalid I/O port base address of the parallel port %d: %lu (must be in range [0, 0x%X]) PassiveEventListener HandleEvent() of wrapper shall never be called PerformanceCollector Failed to setup metrics for '%s' Failed to enable metrics for '%s' Failed to disable metrics for '%s' PlatformProperties Invalid storage controller type %d Invalid storage bus %d Selected graphics controller not supported in this version The graphics controller type (%d) is invalid PlatformX86 Currently only aSubIdx values 0 and 0xffffffff are supported: %#x CpuId override leaf %#x is out of range Max of 256 CPUID override leaves reached Progress Result code is not available, operation is still in progress Error info is not available, operation is still in progress Operation cannot be canceled Failed to wait for the task completion (%Rrc) Failed to wait for the operation completion (%Rrc) ProgressProxy No error info RecordingScreenSettings Cannot change enabled state of screen while recording is enabled Cannot change features while recording is enabled Cannot change destination type while recording is enabled Destination type invalid / not supported Error retrieving default file name Cannot change file name while recording is enabled Recording file name '%s' is not absolute Could not set file name for recording screen Cannot change maximum time while recording is enabled Cannot change maximum file size while recording is enabled Cannot change options while recording is enabled Cannot change audio codec while recording is enabled Audio codec not supported Cannot change audio deadline while recording is enabled Cannot change audio rate control mode while recording is enabled Cannot change audio Hertz rate while recording is enabled Cannot change audio bits while recording is enabled Cannot change audio channels while recording is enabled Cannot change video codec while recording is enabled Video codec not supported Cannot change video deadline while recording is enabled Cannot change video width while recording is enabled Cannot change video height while recording is enabled Cannot change video rate while recording is enabled Cannot change video rate control mode while recording is enabled Cannot change video FPS while recording is enabled Cannot change video scaling mode while recording is enabled RecordingSettings Recording not started Invalid screen ID specified Recording already started SerialPort Cannot set the raw file mode of the serial port %d because the file path is empty or null Cannot set the host pipe mode of the serial port %d because the pipe path is empty or null Cannot set the host device mode of the serial port %d because the device path is empty or null Cannot set the host device mode of the serial port %d because the server address or TCP port is invalid Invalid IRQ number of the serial port %d: %lu (must be in range [0, %lu]) Invalid I/O port base address of the serial port %d: %lu (must be in range [0, 0x%X]) Path of the serial port %d may not be empty or null in host pipe, host device or TCP mode Session The session is not locked (session state: %s) Trying to set name for a session which is not in state "unlocked" Failed to query the session machine Peer process crashed Failed to query the remote session machine Failed to query the console Failed to query the remote console Machine is not locked by session (session state: %s). SessionMachine The VM session was aborted The session has been accidentally closed Trying to save state without a running VM Cannot save the execution state as the machine is not running or paused (machine state: %s) Saving the execution state of the virtual machine Cannot adopt the saved machine state as the machine is not in Powered Off, Teleported or Aborted state (machine state: %s) Invalid saved state file path '%s' (%Rrc) Cannot discard the saved state as the machine is not in the Saved or Aborted-Saved state (machine state: %s) Stopping the virtual machine The VM session was closed before any attempt to power it on Closing session The session is not found in the session list! Could not load the external authentication library '%s' (%Rrc) Collecting locking information for all attached media failed Locking of attached media failed. A possible reason is that one of the media is attached to a running VM Cannot take a snapshot of the virtual machine while it is changing state (machine state: %s) Cannot take a live snapshot of a virtual machine unless it is running. Taking a snapshot of the virtual machine Setting up snapshot operation Cannot take another snapshot for machine '%s', because it exceeds the maximum snapshot depth limit. Please delete some earlier snapshot which you no longer need Saving the machine state Canceled Reconfiguring medium attachments Could not copy NVRAM file '%s' to '%s' (%Rrc) Cannot delete the current state of the running machine (machine state: %s) This VM does not have any current snapshot The given snapshot is invalid Restoring snapshot '%s' Restoring machine settings Cannot delete a snapshot of the machine while it is changing the state (machine state: %s) Invalid machine state: %s Snapshot '%s' of the machine '%s' cannot be deleted, because it has %d child snapshots, which is more than the one snapshot allowed for deletion Snapshot '%s' of the machine '%s' cannot be deleted, because it is the current snapshot and has one child snapshot Deleting snapshot '%s' Setting up Unable to merge storage '%s', because it is smaller than the source image. If you resize it to have a capacity of at least %lld bytes you can retry Unable to merge storage '%s'. Can't get storage UID Unable to merge storage '%s'. Path to the storage wasn't found Unable to merge storage '%s'. Can't get the storage size Unable to merge storage '%s'. Not enough free storage space Deleting the execution state Merging differencing image '%s' Resizing before merge differencing image '%s' Hard disk '%s' has more than one child hard disk (%d) Cannot lock hard disk '%s' for a live merge Failed to construct lock list for a live merge of hard disk '%s' Cannot lock hard disk '%s' when deleting a snapshot Machine is not locked by a session (session state: %s) SharedFolder Invalid shared folder path: '%s' (%Rrc) Shared folder path '%s' is not absolute RTPathQueryInfo failed on shared folder path '%s': %Rrc Shared folder path '%s' is not a directory '%s' is not accessible (%Rrc) The symbolic link policy specified (%d) is invalid. Snapshot A machine cannot have a UUID as its name StorageController Invalid storage connection type Too many storage controllers of this type Storage controller named '%s' already exists Invalid controller type %d Invalid port count: %lu (must be in range [%lu, %lu]) The port and/or device parameter are out of range: port=%d (must be in range [0, %d]), device=%d (must be in range [0, %d]) SystemProperties Invalid or unsupported architecture value: %d '%s' is missing symbols: CPUMR3DbGetEntries, CPUMR3DbGetEntryByIndex Failed to construct load '%s': %Rrc Failed to construct path to the VMM DLL/Dylib/SharedObject: %Rrc The extension pack '%s' does not exist Invalid ProxyMode value: %d Failed to parse proxy URL: %Rrc Proxy URL must include a hostname Proxy URL must not include a path component (%.*s) Proxy URL must not include a query component (?%.*s) Proxy URL must not include a fragment component (#%.*s) Cannot determine user home directory (%Rrc) Given default machine folder '%s' is not fully qualified RTLogGroupSettings failed: %Rrc (input: %s) Cannot set the autostart database path (%Rrc) Deleting the autostart database path failed (%Rrc) Cannot determine default Guest Additions ISO location. Most likely they are not available Given default machine Guest Additions ISO file '%s' is not fully qualified Given default machine Guest Additions ISO file '%s' does not exist USBController Invalid USB controller type USB controller named '%s' already exists USBDeviceFilter Vendor ID Product ID Revision Manufacturer Product Serial number Port number The %s value '%s' is too big (max 0xFFFF) The %s filter expression '%s' is not valid Insufficient expression space for the '%s' filter expression '%s' Encountered unexpected status %Rrc when setting '%s' to '%s' Remote state filter string '%s' is not valid (error at position %d) USBDeviceFilters The given USB device pFilter is already in the list The USB device pFilter list is empty Invalid position: %lu (must be in range [0, %lu]) USBProxyService The USB device source "%s" could not be found The USB device with UUID {%RTuuid} is not currently attached to the host The USB device source "%s" exists already Creating the USB device source "%s" using backend "%s" failed with %Rrc The USB backend "%s" is not supported UefiVariableStore The 'SecureBootEnable' variable size is bogus (expected 1, got %llu) Failed to query the 'SecureBootEnable' variable size: %Rrc Failed to query the platform key variable size: %Rrc Secure boot is not available because the platform key (PK) is not enrolled Failed to remove variable '%s' (%Rrc) Failed to open the variable store root (%Rrc) The variable name is too long Failed to data for variable '%s' (%Rrc) Failed to allocate space for the variable '%s' (%Rrc) Failed to query the size of variable '%s': %Rrc Failed to query the owner UUID of variable '%s': %Rrc Failed to query the attributes of variable '%s': %Rrc Failed to query the variables: %Rrc Opening variable storage root directory failed: %Rrc Creating the variable '%s' failed: %Rrc The variable '%s' could not be found Couldn't open variable '%s' (%Rrc) Setting the variable '%s' failed: %Rrc Failed to read data of variable '%s': %Rrc Failed to open variable '%s' for reading: %Rrc The given signature type is not supported Failed to add signature to the database (%Rrc) Writing updated signature database failed: %Rrc Loading signature database failed: %Rrc Creating signature database failed: %Rrc Unattended Failed to open '%s' (%Rrc) Failed to open '%s' as ISO FS (%Rrc) - %s Failed to open '%s' as ISO FS (%Rrc) Out of memory No machine associated with this IUnatteded instance The prepare method has been called (must call done to restart) The 'machine' while we were using it - please don't do that Could not locate the installation ISO file '%s' Could not locate the Guest Additions ISO file '%s' Could not locate the validation kit ISO file '%s' Could not locate the User Payload ISO file '%s' Could not locate unattended installation script template '%s' imageIndex value %u not found in detectedImageIndices The supplied ISO file does not contain an OS currently supported for unattended installation The supplied ISO file is incompatible with the guest OS type of the VM: CPU architecture mismatch The machine is configured with EFI which is currently not supported by unatteded installation Unattended installation is not supported for guest type '%s' reconfigureVM running on other thread prepare() not yet called Found non-floppy device attached to port 0 device 0 on the floppy controller '%ls' Not enough free slots on controller '%s' to add %u DVD drive(s) Cannot change after prepare() has been called Expected two lower cased letters, an underscore, and two upper cased letters Expected two upper cased letters Unknown keyword: %s Hostname '%s' is %zu bytes long, max is 253 (excluding trailing dot) Invalid hostname '%s' - label %u is too long, max is 63. Invalid hostname '%s' - illegal char '%c' at position %zu Invalid hostname '%s' - the name part must be at least two characters long Invalid hostname '%s' - illegal lead char '%c' at position %zu Invalid hostname '%s' - trailing dot not permitted Incomplete hostname '%s' - must include both a name and a domain Empty base path is not allowed Base path must be absolute UnattendedInstaller Failed to construct path to the unattended installer script templates (%Rrc) Cannot proceed with an empty installation ISO path Empty user name is not allowed Empty user password is not allowed Failed to open FAT file system on newly created floppy image '%s': %Rrc: %s Failed to open FAT file system onnewly created floppy image '%s': %Rrc Failed to format floppy image '%s': %Rrc Failed to create floppy image '%s': %Rrc Error writing %zu bytes to '%s' in floppy image '%s': %Rrc Error creating '%s' in floppy image '%s': %Rrc Error writing copying '%s' to floppy image '%s': %Rrc Error opening '%s' on floppy image '%s' for writing: %Rrc Error opening '%s' for copying onto floppy image '%s': %Rrc Failed to open ISO image '%s' (%Rrc) ISO reader fail to open '%s' (%Rrc): %s ISO reader fail to open '%s' (%Rrc) RTFsIsoMakerCreate failed (%Rrc) RTFsIsoMakerAddFileWithVfsFile failed on the script '%s' (%Rrc) RTVfsFileFromBuffer failed on the %zu byte script '%s' (%Rrc) RTFsIsoMakerFinalize failed (%Rrc) The auxiliary ISO image file '%s' already exists Failed to open the auxiliary ISO image file '%s' for writing (%Rrc) Error writing auxiliary ISO image '%s' (%Rrc) Internal Error: Failed to case VFS file to VFS I/O stream RTFsIsoMakerCreateVfsOutputFile failed (%Rrc) RTGetOptArgvToString failed (%Rrc) Error writing '%s' (%Rrc) Failed to create '%s' (%Rrc) Failed to open '%s' on the ISO '%s' (%Rrc) UnattendedOs2Installer Failed to write bootsector: %Rrc Failed to read bootsector: %Rrc Error reading SYSINSTX.COM: %Rrc Unable to locate bootsector template in SYSINSTX.COM Failed to open SYSINSTX.COM: %Rrc Failed to construct SYSINSTX.COM path Failed to format floppy image '%s': %Rrc Failed to create floppy image '%s': %Rrc RTPathJoin/Append failed for %s: %Rrc Failed to write %s to the floppy: %Rrc Patcher failed for '%s': %Rrc Error reading '%s' into memory for patching: %Rrc Failed to allocate %zu bytes for '%s' Failed to query the size of '%s': %Rrc File too big to patch: '%s' Failed to open %s on floppy: %Rrc Failed to locate '%s' needed for the install floppy Failed to create 'ALTF2ON.$$$' on the install floppy Unexpected splitter tag in '%s' at offset %p: @@VBOX_SPLITTER_%.64s Malformed splitter tag in '%s' at offset %p: @@VBOX_SPLITTER_START[%.64s Malformed splitter tag in '%s' at offset %p: @@VBOX_SPLITTER_START[%.*Rhxs No END splitter tag for '%s' in '%s' Mismatching splitter tag for '%s' in '%s' at offset %p: @@VBOX_SPLITTER_END[%.64Rhxs Error writing '%s' (split out from '%s'): %Rrc File splitter failed to open output file '%s' in '%s': %Rrc (%s) File splitter failed to construct path for '%s' in '%s': %Rrc Failed to read '%s' for splitting up: %Rrc UnattendedSUSEXMLScript XML document root element is '%s' instead of 'profile' Missing XML root element UnattendedScriptTemplate Malformed or too long template placeholder '%.*s' %s without @@VBOX_COND_XXX@@ at offset %zu (%#zx) Too deep conditional nesting at offset %zu (%#zx) Missing @@VBOX_COND_END@@ Missing %u @@VBOX_COND_END@@ Malformed @@VBOX_INSERT[expr]@@: Missing ']' (%.*s) Expression evaluation error for '%.*s': %#RTeic Malformed @@VBOX_COND[expr]@@: Missing ']' (%.*s) RTCrShaCryptGenerateSalt failed: %Rrc Unknown guest OS major version '%s' Unknown variable '%.*s' Unknown conditional placeholder '%.*s' UpdateAgent Frequency too small; one day is the minimum Invalid URL scheme specified! RTHttpSetProxyByUrl() failed: %Rrc RTHttpUseSystemProxySettings() failed: %Rrc Failed to format update agent error string (%Rrc) VBoxEvent Internal error (%Rrc) VFSExplorer Can't open directory '%s' (%Rrc) Internal Error (%Rrc) Can't delete file '%s' (%Rrc) Update directory info for '%s' Delete files VRDEServer Failed to read server certificate '%s': %Rrc%#RTeim Failed to auto generate server key and certificate: (%Rrc) failed to query the library setting Extension pack '%s' does not exist VirtualBox Could not create the VirtualBox home directory '%s' (%Rrc) Could not create the cryptographic module critical section (%Rrc) Not yet implemented Machine name is invalid, must not be empty '%s' is not a valid Guid 'Must specify a valid platform architecture 'Creating VMs for platform architecture %s not supported on %s Format must be Valid Type%s Device type must be HardDisk, DVD or Floppy %d Could not set extra data because someone refused the requested change of '%s' to '%s'%s%ls Could not create the communication channel (%Rrc) Cannot get executable name Operation canceled by the user Could not launch a privileged process '%s' (%Rrc) Could not launch a process '%s' (%Rrc) Could not operate the communication channel (%Rrc) Could not find a registered machine with UUID {%RTuuid} Could not find a registered machine named '%s' Machine group '%s' conflicts with a virtual machine name Invalid machine group '%s' Could not find an open hard disk with UUID {%RTuuid} Could not find an open hard disk with location '%s' Invalid image file location '%s' (%Rrc) Cannot mount DVD medium '%s' as floppy Cannot mount floppy medium '%s' as DVD Could not find an image file with UUID {%RTuuid} in the media registry ('%s') Could not find an image file with location '%s' in the media registry ('%s') Guid '%s' is invalid '%s' is not a valid Guest OS type '%s' is not a valid guest OS family identifier. '%s' is not a valid guest OS subtype. hard disk CD/DVD image floppy image %s '%s' with UUID {%RTuuid} Registered machine with UUID {%RTuuid} ('%s') already exists DVD image Cannot register %s '%s' {%RTuuid} because it is in the process of being closed Cannot register the %s '%s' {%RTuuid} because a %s already exists Could not create the directory '%s' (%Rrc) Directory '%s' does not exist The provided progress object GUID is invalid The progress object with the given GUID could not be found Ńo extension pack providing a cryptographic support module could be found Failed to query the interface callback table from the cryptographic support module '%s' from extension pack '%s' Failed to resolve the entry point for the cryptographic support module '%s' from extension pack '%s' Couldn't load the cryptographic support module '%s' from extension pack '%s' (error: '%s') Couldn't resolve the library path of the crpytographic support module for extension pack '%s' The cryptographic support module is not supported in this build because extension packs are not supported The cryptographic support module is in use and can't be unloaded VirtualBoxBase Assertion failed: [%s] at '%s' (%d) in %s. Please contact the product vendor! Assertion failed: at '%s' (%d) in %s. Please contact the product vendor! Assertion failed: [%s] at '%s' (%d) in %s. %s. Please contact the product vendor! Assertion failed: at '%s' (%d) in %s. %s. Please contact the product vendor! Argument %s is NULL Argument %s is an invalid pointer Argument %s points to invalid memory location (%p) Argument %s is empty or an invalid pointer GUID argument %s is not valid ("%ls") Argument %s is invalid (must be %s) Argument %s %s Output argument %s points to invalid memory location (%p) Method %s is not implemented Unexpected exception: %s [%s] %s[%d] (%s) Unknown exception %s[%d] (%s) A parameter has an invalid value A parameter is an invalid pointer The result of the operation is unexpected The access to an object is not allowed The allocation of new memory failed The requested operation is not implemented The requested interface is not implemented A general error occurred The operation was canceled Object corresponding to the supplied arguments does not exist Current virtual machine state prevents the operation Virtual machine error occurred attempting the operation File not accessible or erroneous file contents Runtime subsystem error Pluggable Device Manager error Current object state prohibits operation Host operating system related error Requested operation is not supported Invalid XML found Current session state prohibits operation Object being in use prohibits operation Incorrect password provided Unknown error VirtualBoxClient Failed to create semaphore (vrc=%Rrc) Failed to create watcher thread (vrc=%Rrc) VBoxSDS is misconfigured to run under the '%ls' account instead of the SYSTEM one. Reinstall VirtualBox to fix it. Alternatively you can fix it using the Windows Service Control Manager or by running 'sc config VBoxSDS obj=LocalSystem' on a command line. The VBoxSDS windows service is disabled. Reinstall VirtualBox to fix it. Alternatively try reenable the service by setting it to 'Manual' startup type in the Windows Service management console, or by runing 'sc config VBoxSDS start=demand' on the command line. The VBoxSDS windows service was not found. Reinstall VirtualBox to fix it. Alternatively you can try start VirtualBox as Administrator, this should automatically reinstall the service, or you can run 'VBoxSDS.exe --regservice' command from an elevated Administrator command line. Completely failed to instantiate CLSID_VirtualBox: %Rhrc Completely failed to instantiate CLSID_VirtualBox: %Rhrc & %Rhrc Failed to instantiate CLSID_VirtualBox the first time, but worked when checking out why ... weird Failed to instantiate CLSID_VirtualBox w/ IVirtualBox, but CLSID_VirtualBox w/ IUnknown works. PSDispatch looks broken by the '%ls' (%ls) program, suspecting that it features the broken oleaut32.msm module as component %ls. We suggest you try uninstall '%ls'. See also Failed to instantiate CLSID_VirtualBox w/ IVirtualBox, CLSID_VirtualBox w/ IUnknown works. PSDispatch looks broken by installer %ls featuring the broken oleaut32.msm module as component %ls. See also Failed to instantiate CLSID_VirtualBox w/ IVirtualBox, CLSID_VirtualBox w/ IUnknown works. PSDispatch looks broken by some installer featuring the broken oleaut32.msm module as a component. See also Failed to instantiate CLSID_VirtualBox w/ IVirtualBox, but CLSID_VirtualBox w/ IUnknown works. PSDispatch looks fine. Weird Failed to instantiate CLSID_VirtualBox w/ IVirtualBox, but CLSID_VirtualBox w/ IUnknown works. Checking out PSDispatch registration ended with error: %u (%#x) Could not check the accessibility status of the VM Could not get the access error message of the VM Failed to load user language instance Failed to register listener Failed to get event source from VirtualBox