/* $Id: UnattendedScript.h 73826 2018-08-22 12:54:55Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * Implementeation of algorithms which read/parse/save scripts for unattended installation. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2017 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ #ifndef ____H_UNATTENDEDSCRIPT #define ____H_UNATTENDEDSCRIPT #include "VirtualBoxBase.h" #include #include using namespace xml; class Unattended; /** * Base class for all the script readers/editors. * * @todo get rid of this bugger */ class AbstractScript : public RTCNonCopyable { protected: /** For setting errors. * Yeah, class isn't entirely abstract now. */ VirtualBoxBase *mpSetError; private: /* no default constructors for children. */ AbstractScript() {} public: AbstractScript(VirtualBoxBase *pSetError) : mpSetError(pSetError) {} virtual ~AbstractScript() {} /** * Read a script from a file */ virtual HRESULT read(const Utf8Str &rStrFilename) = 0; /** * Read a script from a VFS file handle. */ virtual HRESULT readFromHandle(RTVFSFILE hVfsFile, const char *pszFilename) = 0; /** * Parse the script */ virtual HRESULT parse() = 0; /** * Save a script to a string. * * This is used by save() and later others to deloy the script. */ virtual HRESULT saveToString(Utf8Str &rStrDst) = 0; /** * Save a script to a file. * @param rStrPath Where to save the script. This normally points to a * file, but in a number of child use cases it's * actually giving a directory to put the script in * using the default deloyment filename. One day we * might make the caller do this path joining. * @param fOverwrite Whether to overwrite the file or not. */ virtual HRESULT save(const Utf8Str &rStrPath, bool fOverwrite) = 0; /** * Path where an actual script with user's data is located */ virtual const Utf8Str &getActualScriptPath() const = 0; }; /** * Base class for text based script readers/editors. * * This deals with reading the file into a string data member, writing it back * out to a file, and remember the filenames. */ class BaseTextScript : public AbstractScript { protected: const char * const mpszDefaultTemplateFilename; /**< The default template filename. Can be empty. */ const char * const mpszDefaultFilename; /**< Filename to use when someone calls save() with a directory path. Can be NULL. */ RTCString mStrScriptFullContent; /**< Raw text file content. Produced by read() and typically only used by parse(). */ Utf8Str mStrOriginalPath; /**< Path where an original script is located (set by read()). */ Utf8Str mStrSavedPath; /**< Path where an saved script with user's data is located (set by save()). */ public: BaseTextScript(VirtualBoxBase *pSetError, const char *pszDefaultTemplateFilename, const char *pszDefaultFilename) : AbstractScript(pSetError) , mpszDefaultTemplateFilename(pszDefaultTemplateFilename) , mpszDefaultFilename(pszDefaultFilename) { } virtual ~BaseTextScript() {} HRESULT read(const Utf8Str &rStrFilename); HRESULT readFromHandle(RTVFSFILE hVfsFile, const char *pszFilename); HRESULT save(const Utf8Str &rStrFilename, bool fOverwrite); /** * Gets the default filename for this class of scripts (empty if none). * * @note Just the filename, no path. */ const char *getDefaultFilename() const { return mpszDefaultFilename; } /** * Gets the default template filename for this class of scripts (empty if none). * * @note Just the filename, no path. */ const char *getDefaultTemplateFilename() const { return mpszDefaultTemplateFilename; } /** * Path to the file we last saved the script as. */ const Utf8Str &getActualScriptPath() const { return mStrSavedPath; } /** * Path where an original script is located */ const Utf8Str &getOriginalScriptPath() const { return mStrOriginalPath; } }; /** * Generic unattended text script template editor. * * This just perform variable replacements, no other editing possible. * * Everything happens during saveToString, parse is a noop. */ class UnattendedScriptTemplate : public BaseTextScript { protected: /** Where to get the replacement strings from. */ Unattended *mpUnattended; public: UnattendedScriptTemplate(Unattended *pUnattended, const char *pszDefaultTemplateFilename, const char *pszDefaultFilename); virtual ~UnattendedScriptTemplate() {} HRESULT parse() { return S_OK; } HRESULT saveToString(Utf8Str &rStrDst); protected: /** * Gets the replacement value for the given placeholder. * * @returns COM status code. * @param pachPlaceholder The placholder string. Not zero terminated. * @param cchPlaceholder The length of the placeholder. * @param fOutputting Indicates whether we actually need the correct value * or is just syntax checking excluded template parts. * @param rValue Where to return the value. */ HRESULT getReplacement(const char *pachPlaceholder, size_t cchPlaceholder, bool fOutputting, RTCString &rValue); /** * Overridable worker for getReplacement. * * @returns COM status code. * @param pachPlaceholder The placholder string. Not zero terminated. * @param cchPlaceholder The length of the placeholder. * @param cchFullPlaceholder The full placeholder length, including suffixes * indicating how it should be escaped (for error * messages). * @param fOutputting Indicates whether we actually need the correct * value or is just syntax checking excluded * template parts. Intended for voiding triggering * sanity checks regarding which replacements * should be used and not (e.g. no guest additions * path when installing GAs aren't enabled). * @param rValue Where to return the value. * @throws std::bad_alloc */ virtual HRESULT getUnescapedReplacement(const char *pachPlaceholder, size_t cchPlaceholder, size_t cchFullPlaceholder, bool fOutputting, RTCString &rValue); /** * Get the result of a conditional. * * @returns COM status code. * @param pachPlaceholder The placholder string. Not zero terminated. * @param cchPlaceholder The length of the placeholder. * @param pfOutputting Where to return the result of the conditional. * This holds the current outputting state on input * in case someone want to sanity check anything. */ virtual HRESULT getConditional(const char *pachPlaceholder, size_t cchPlaceholder, bool *pfOutputting); }; /** * Generic line based text script editor. * * This is used for editing isolinux configuratin files among other things. */ class GeneralTextScript : public BaseTextScript { protected: RTCList mScriptContentByLines; /**< Content index by line. This contains the edited version. */ bool mfDataParsed; /**< Indicates whether the script has been parse() yet. */ public: GeneralTextScript(VirtualBoxBase *pSetError, const char *pszDefaultTemplateFilename = NULL, const char *pszDefaultFilename = NULL) : BaseTextScript(pSetError, pszDefaultTemplateFilename, pszDefaultFilename), mfDataParsed(false) {} virtual ~GeneralTextScript() {} HRESULT parse(); HRESULT saveToString(Utf8Str &rStrDst); //////////////////New functions////////////////////////////// bool isDataParsed() const { return mfDataParsed; } /** * Returns the actual size of script in lines */ size_t getLineNumbersOfScript() const { return mScriptContentByLines.size(); } /** * Gets a read-only reference to the given line, returning Utf8Str::Empty if * idxLine is out of range. * * @returns Line string reference or Utf8Str::Empty. * @param idxLine The line number. * * @todo RTCList doesn't allow this method to be const. */ RTCString const &getContentOfLine(size_t idxLine); /** * Set new content of line */ HRESULT setContentOfLine(size_t idxLine, const Utf8Str &newContent); /** * Find a substring in the script * Returns a list with the found lines * @throws std::bad_alloc */ std::vector findTemplate(const Utf8Str &rStrNeedle, RTCString::CaseSensitivity enmCase = RTCString::CaseSensitive); /** * In line @a idxLine replace the first occurence of @a rStrNeedle with * @a rStrRelacement. */ HRESULT findAndReplace(size_t idxLine, const Utf8Str &rStrNeedle, const Utf8Str &rStrReplacement); /** * Append a string into the end of the given line. */ HRESULT appendToLine(size_t idxLine, const Utf8Str &rStrToAppend); /** * Prepend a string in the beginning of the given line. */ HRESULT prependToLine(size_t idxLine, const Utf8Str &rStrToPrepend); //////////////////New functions////////////////////////////// }; #if 0 /* convert when we fix SUSE */ /** * SUSE unattended XML file editor. */ class UnattendedSUSEXMLScript : public UnattendedXMLScript { public: UnattendedSUSEXMLScript(VirtualBoxBase *pSetError, const char *pszDefaultFilename = "autoinst.xml") : UnattendedXMLScript(pSetError, pszDefaultFilename) {} ~UnattendedSUSEXMLScript() {} HRESULT parse(); protected: HRESULT setFieldInElement(xml::ElementNode *pElement, const DataId enmDataId, const Utf8Str &rStrValue); private: //////////////////New functions////////////////////////////// /** @throws std::bad_alloc */ HRESULT LoopThruSections(const xml::ElementNode *pelmRoot); /** @throws std::bad_alloc */ HRESULT HandleUserAccountsSection(const xml::ElementNode *pelmSection); /** @throws std::bad_alloc */ Utf8Str createProbableValue(const DataId enmDataId, const xml::ElementNode *pCurElem); /** @throws std::bad_alloc */ Utf8Str createProbableUserHomeDir(const xml::ElementNode *pCurElem); //////////////////New functions////////////////////////////// }; #endif #endif // !____H_UNATTENDEDSCRIPT