1 | /** @file
2 | * VirtualBox COM class implementation
3 | */
4 |
5 | /*
6 | * Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Oracle Corporation
7 | *
8 | * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
9 | * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
10 | * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
11 | * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
12 | * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
13 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
14 | * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
15 | */
16 |
17 | #ifndef ____H_GUESTIMPL
18 | #define ____H_GUESTIMPL
19 |
20 | #include "VirtualBoxBase.h"
21 | #include <iprt/list.h>
22 | #include <iprt/time.h>
23 | #include <VBox/ostypes.h>
24 |
25 | #include "AdditionsFacilityImpl.h"
26 | #include "GuestCtrlImplPrivate.h"
27 | #include "HGCM.h"
29 | # include <iprt/fs.h>
30 | # include <VBox/HostServices/GuestControlSvc.h>
31 | using namespace guestControl;
32 | #endif
33 |
35 | class GuestDnD;
36 | #endif
37 |
38 | typedef enum
39 | {
51 |
52 | class Console;
54 | class Progress;
55 | #endif
56 |
57 | class ATL_NO_VTABLE Guest :
58 | public VirtualBoxBase,
60 | {
61 | public:
63 |
65 |
67 |
68 | BEGIN_COM_MAP(Guest)
70 | END_COM_MAP()
71 |
73 |
74 | HRESULT FinalConstruct();
75 | void FinalRelease();
76 |
77 | // Public initializer/uninitializer for internal purposes only
78 | HRESULT init (Console *aParent);
79 | void uninit();
80 |
81 | // IGuest properties
83 | STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(AdditionsRunLevel)) (AdditionsRunLevelType_T *aRunLevel);
84 | STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(AdditionsVersion))(BSTR *a_pbstrAdditionsVersion);
85 | STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(AdditionsRevision))(ULONG *a_puAdditionsRevision);
86 | STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(Facilities)) (ComSafeArrayOut(IAdditionsFacility*, aFacilities));
87 | STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(MemoryBalloonSize)) (ULONG *aMemoryBalloonSize);
88 | STDMETHOD(COMSETTER(MemoryBalloonSize)) (ULONG aMemoryBalloonSize);
89 | STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(StatisticsUpdateInterval)) (ULONG *aUpdateInterval);
90 | STDMETHOD(COMSETTER(StatisticsUpdateInterval)) (ULONG aUpdateInterval);
91 |
92 | // IGuest methods
93 | STDMETHOD(GetFacilityStatus)(AdditionsFacilityType_T aType, LONG64 *aTimestamp, AdditionsFacilityStatus_T *aStatus);
94 | STDMETHOD(GetAdditionsStatus)(AdditionsRunLevelType_T aLevel, BOOL *aActive);
95 | STDMETHOD(SetCredentials)(IN_BSTR aUsername, IN_BSTR aPassword,
96 | IN_BSTR aDomain, BOOL aAllowInteractiveLogon);
97 | STDMETHOD(DragHGEnter)(ULONG uScreenId, ULONG uX, ULONG uY, DragAndDropAction_T defaultAction, ComSafeArrayIn(DragAndDropAction_T, allowedActions), ComSafeArrayIn(IN_BSTR, formats), DragAndDropAction_T *pResultAction);
98 | STDMETHOD(DragHGMove)(ULONG uScreenId, ULONG uX, ULONG uY, DragAndDropAction_T defaultAction, ComSafeArrayIn(DragAndDropAction_T, allowedActions), ComSafeArrayIn(IN_BSTR, formats), DragAndDropAction_T *pResultAction);
99 | STDMETHOD(DragHGLeave)(ULONG uScreenId);
100 | STDMETHOD(DragHGDrop)(ULONG uScreenId, ULONG uX, ULONG uY, DragAndDropAction_T defaultAction, ComSafeArrayIn(DragAndDropAction_T, allowedActions), ComSafeArrayIn(IN_BSTR, formats), BSTR *pstrFormat, DragAndDropAction_T *pResultAction);
101 | STDMETHOD(DragHGPutData)(ULONG uScreenId, IN_BSTR strFormat, ComSafeArrayIn(BYTE, data), IProgress **ppProgress);
102 | STDMETHOD(DragGHPending)(ULONG uScreenId, ComSafeArrayOut(BSTR, formats), ComSafeArrayOut(DragAndDropAction_T, allowedActions), DragAndDropAction_T *pDefaultAction);
103 | STDMETHOD(DragGHDropped)(IN_BSTR strFormat, DragAndDropAction_T action, IProgress **ppProgress);
104 | STDMETHOD(DragGHGetData)(ComSafeArrayOut(BYTE, data));
105 | // Process execution
106 | STDMETHOD(ExecuteProcess)(IN_BSTR aCommand, ULONG aFlags,
107 | ComSafeArrayIn(IN_BSTR, aArguments), ComSafeArrayIn(IN_BSTR, aEnvironment),
108 | IN_BSTR aUsername, IN_BSTR aPassword,
109 | ULONG aTimeoutMS, ULONG *aPID, IProgress **aProgress);
110 | STDMETHOD(GetProcessOutput)(ULONG aPID, ULONG aFlags, ULONG aTimeoutMS, LONG64 aSize, ComSafeArrayOut(BYTE, aData));
111 | STDMETHOD(SetProcessInput)(ULONG aPID, ULONG aFlags, ULONG aTimeoutMS, ComSafeArrayIn(BYTE, aData), ULONG *aBytesWritten);
112 | STDMETHOD(GetProcessStatus)(ULONG aPID, ULONG *aExitCode, ULONG *aFlags, ExecuteProcessStatus_T *aStatus);
113 | // File copying
114 | STDMETHOD(CopyFromGuest)(IN_BSTR aSource, IN_BSTR aDest, IN_BSTR aUsername, IN_BSTR aPassword, ULONG aFlags, IProgress **aProgress);
115 | STDMETHOD(CopyToGuest)(IN_BSTR aSource, IN_BSTR aDest, IN_BSTR aUsername, IN_BSTR aPassword, ULONG aFlags, IProgress **aProgress);
116 | // Directory handling
117 | STDMETHOD(DirectoryClose)(ULONG aHandle);
118 | STDMETHOD(DirectoryCreate)(IN_BSTR aDirectory, IN_BSTR aUsername, IN_BSTR aPassword, ULONG aMode, ULONG aFlags);
119 | #if 0
120 | STDMETHOD(DirectoryExists)(IN_BSTR aDirectory, IN_BSTR aUsername, IN_BSTR aPassword, BOOL *aExists);
121 | #endif
122 | STDMETHOD(DirectoryOpen)(IN_BSTR aDirectory, IN_BSTR aFilter,
123 | ULONG aFlags, IN_BSTR aUsername, IN_BSTR aPassword, ULONG *aHandle);
124 | STDMETHOD(DirectoryRead)(ULONG aHandle, IGuestDirEntry **aDirEntry);
125 | // File handling
126 | STDMETHOD(FileExists)(IN_BSTR aFile, IN_BSTR aUsername, IN_BSTR aPassword, BOOL *aExists);
127 | STDMETHOD(FileQuerySize)(IN_BSTR aFile, IN_BSTR aUsername, IN_BSTR aPassword, LONG64 *aSize);
128 | // Misc stuff
129 | STDMETHOD(InternalGetStatistics)(ULONG *aCpuUser, ULONG *aCpuKernel, ULONG *aCpuIdle,
130 | ULONG *aMemTotal, ULONG *aMemFree, ULONG *aMemBalloon, ULONG *aMemShared, ULONG *aMemCache,
131 | ULONG *aPageTotal, ULONG *aMemAllocTotal, ULONG *aMemFreeTotal, ULONG *aMemBalloonTotal, ULONG *aMemSharedTotal);
132 | STDMETHOD(UpdateGuestAdditions)(IN_BSTR aSource, ULONG aFlags, IProgress **aProgress);
133 |
134 | // Public methods that are not in IDL (only called internally).
135 | void setAdditionsInfo(Bstr aInterfaceVersion, VBOXOSTYPE aOsType);
136 | void setAdditionsInfo2(uint32_t a_uFullVersion, const char *a_pszName, uint32_t a_uRevision, uint32_t a_fFeatures);
137 | bool facilityIsActive(VBoxGuestFacilityType enmFacility);
138 | void facilityUpdate(VBoxGuestFacilityType a_enmFacility, VBoxGuestFacilityStatus a_enmStatus, uint32_t a_fFlags, PCRTTIMESPEC a_pTimeSpecTS);
139 | void setAdditionsStatus(VBoxGuestFacilityType a_enmFacility, VBoxGuestFacilityStatus a_enmStatus, uint32_t a_fFlags, PCRTTIMESPEC a_pTimeSpecTS);
140 | void setSupportedFeatures(uint32_t aCaps);
141 | HRESULT setStatistic(ULONG aCpuId, GUESTSTATTYPE enmType, ULONG aVal);
142 | BOOL isPageFusionEnabled();
143 | static HRESULT setErrorStatic(HRESULT aResultCode,
144 | const Utf8Str &aText)
145 | {
146 | return setErrorInternal(aResultCode, getStaticClassIID(), getStaticComponentName(), aText, false, true);
147 | }
148 |
150 | // Internal guest directory functions
151 | int directoryCreateHandle(ULONG *puHandle, ULONG uPID, IN_BSTR aDirectory, IN_BSTR aFilter, ULONG uFlags);
152 | HRESULT directoryCreateInternal(IN_BSTR aDirectory, IN_BSTR aUsername, IN_BSTR aPassword,
153 | ULONG aMode, ULONG aFlags, int *pRC);
154 | void directoryDestroyHandle(uint32_t uHandle);
155 | HRESULT directoryExistsInternal(IN_BSTR aDirectory, IN_BSTR aUsername, IN_BSTR aPassword, BOOL *aExists);
156 | uint32_t directoryGetPID(uint32_t uHandle);
157 | int directoryGetNextEntry(uint32_t uHandle, GuestProcessStreamBlock &streamBlock);
158 | bool directoryHandleExists(uint32_t uHandle);
159 | HRESULT directoryOpenInternal(IN_BSTR aDirectory, IN_BSTR aFilter,
160 | ULONG aFlags,
161 | IN_BSTR aUsername, IN_BSTR aPassword,
162 | ULONG *aHandle, int *pRC);
163 | HRESULT directoryQueryInfoInternal(IN_BSTR aDirectory, IN_BSTR aUsername, IN_BSTR aPassword, PRTFSOBJINFO aObjInfo, RTFSOBJATTRADD enmAddAttribs, int *pRC);
164 | // Internal guest execution functions
165 | HRESULT executeAndWaitForTool(IN_BSTR aTool, IN_BSTR aDescription,
166 | ComSafeArrayIn(IN_BSTR, aArguments), ComSafeArrayIn(IN_BSTR, aEnvironment),
167 | IN_BSTR aUsername, IN_BSTR aPassword,
168 | ULONG uFlagsToAdd,
169 | GuestCtrlStreamObjects *pObjStdOut, GuestCtrlStreamObjects *pObjStdErr,
170 | IProgress **aProgress, ULONG *aPID);
171 | HRESULT executeProcessInternal(IN_BSTR aCommand, ULONG aFlags,
172 | ComSafeArrayIn(IN_BSTR, aArguments), ComSafeArrayIn(IN_BSTR, aEnvironment),
173 | IN_BSTR aUsername, IN_BSTR aPassword,
174 | ULONG aTimeoutMS, ULONG *aPID, IProgress **aProgress, int *pRC);
175 | HRESULT getProcessOutputInternal(ULONG aPID, ULONG aFlags, ULONG aTimeoutMS,
176 | LONG64 aSize, ComSafeArrayOut(BYTE, aData), int *pRC);
177 | HRESULT executeSetResult(const char *pszCommand, const char *pszUser, ULONG ulTimeout, PCALLBACKDATAEXECSTATUS pExecStatus, ULONG *puPID);
178 | int executeStreamQueryFsObjInfo(IN_BSTR aObjName,GuestProcessStreamBlock &streamBlock, PRTFSOBJINFO pObjInfo, RTFSOBJATTRADD enmAddAttribs);
179 | int executeStreamDrain(ULONG aPID, ULONG ulFlags, GuestProcessStream *pStream);
180 | int executeStreamGetNextBlock(ULONG ulPID, ULONG ulFlags, GuestProcessStream &stream, GuestProcessStreamBlock &streamBlock);
181 | int executeStreamParseNextBlock(ULONG ulPID, ULONG ulFlags, GuestProcessStream &stream, GuestProcessStreamBlock &streamBlock);
182 | HRESULT executeStreamParse(ULONG uPID, ULONG ulFlags, GuestCtrlStreamObjects &streamObjects);
183 | HRESULT executeWaitForExit(ULONG uPID, ComPtr<IProgress> pProgress, ULONG uTimeoutMS);
184 | // Internal guest file functions
185 | HRESULT fileExistsInternal(IN_BSTR aFile, IN_BSTR aUsername, IN_BSTR aPassword, BOOL *aExists);
186 | HRESULT fileQueryInfoInternal(IN_BSTR aFile, IN_BSTR aUsername, IN_BSTR aPassword, PRTFSOBJINFO aObjInfo, RTFSOBJATTRADD enmAddAttribs, int *pRC);
187 | HRESULT fileQuerySizeInternal(IN_BSTR aFile, IN_BSTR aUsername, IN_BSTR aPassword, LONG64 *aSize);
188 |
189 | // Guest control dispatcher.
190 | /** Static callback for handling guest control notifications. */
191 | static DECLCALLBACK(int) notifyCtrlDispatcher(void *pvExtension, uint32_t u32Function, void *pvParms, uint32_t cbParms);
192 |
193 | // Internal tasks.
194 | //extern struct GuestTask;
195 | HRESULT taskCopyFileToGuest(GuestTask *aTask);
196 | HRESULT taskCopyFileFromGuest(GuestTask *aTask);
197 | HRESULT taskUpdateGuestAdditions(GuestTask *aTask);
198 | #endif
199 | void enableVMMStatistics(BOOL aEnable) { mCollectVMMStats = aEnable; };
200 |
201 | private:
202 |
204 | // Internal guest callback representation.
205 | typedef struct VBOXGUESTCTRL_CALLBACK
206 | {
207 | eVBoxGuestCtrlCallbackType mType;
208 | /** Pointer to user-supplied data. */
209 | void *pvData;
210 | /** Size of user-supplied data. */
211 | uint32_t cbData;
212 | /** The host PID. Needed for translating to
213 | * a guest PID. */
214 | uint32_t uHostPID;
215 | /** Pointer to user-supplied IProgress. */
216 | ComObjPtr<Progress> pProgress;
218 | typedef std::map< uint32_t, VBOXGUESTCTRL_CALLBACK > CallbackMap;
219 | typedef std::map< uint32_t, VBOXGUESTCTRL_CALLBACK >::iterator CallbackMapIter;
220 | typedef std::map< uint32_t, VBOXGUESTCTRL_CALLBACK >::const_iterator CallbackMapIterConst;
221 |
222 | int callbackAdd(const PVBOXGUESTCTRL_CALLBACK pCallbackData, uint32_t *puContextID);
223 | int callbackAssignHostPID(uint32_t uContextID, uint32_t uHostPID);
224 | void callbackDestroy(uint32_t uContextID);
225 | void callbackRemove(uint32_t uContextID);
226 | bool callbackExists(uint32_t uContextID);
227 | void callbackFreeUserData(void *pvData);
228 | uint32_t callbackGetHostPID(uint32_t uContextID);
229 | int callbackGetUserData(uint32_t uContextID, eVBoxGuestCtrlCallbackType *pEnmType, void **ppvData, size_t *pcbData);
230 | void* callbackGetUserDataMutableRaw(uint32_t uContextID, size_t *pcbData);
231 | int callbackInit(PVBOXGUESTCTRL_CALLBACK pCallback, eVBoxGuestCtrlCallbackType enmType, ComPtr<Progress> pProgress);
232 | bool callbackIsCanceled(uint32_t uContextID);
233 | bool callbackIsComplete(uint32_t uContextID);
234 | int callbackMoveForward(uint32_t uContextID, const char *pszMessage);
235 | int callbackNotifyEx(uint32_t uContextID, int iRC, const char *pszMessage);
236 | int callbackNotifyComplete(uint32_t uContextID);
237 | int callbackNotifyAllForPID(uint32_t uGuestPID, int iRC, const char *pszMessage);
238 | int callbackWaitForCompletion(uint32_t uContextID, LONG lStage, LONG lTimeout);
239 |
240 | int notifyCtrlClientDisconnected(uint32_t u32Function, PCALLBACKDATACLIENTDISCONNECTED pData);
241 | int notifyCtrlExecStatus(uint32_t u32Function, PCALLBACKDATAEXECSTATUS pData);
242 | int notifyCtrlExecOut(uint32_t u32Function, PCALLBACKDATAEXECOUT pData);
243 | int notifyCtrlExecInStatus(uint32_t u32Function, PCALLBACKDATAEXECINSTATUS pData);
244 |
245 | // Internal guest process representation.
246 | typedef struct VBOXGUESTCTRL_PROCESS
247 | {
248 | /** The guest PID -- needed for controlling the actual guest
249 | * process which has its own PID (generated by the guest OS). */
250 | uint32_t mGuestPID;
251 | /** The last reported process status. */
252 | ExecuteProcessStatus_T mStatus;
253 | /** The process execution flags. */
254 | uint32_t mFlags;
255 | /** The process' exit code. */
256 | uint32_t mExitCode;
258 | typedef std::map< uint32_t, VBOXGUESTCTRL_PROCESS > GuestProcessMap;
259 | typedef std::map< uint32_t, VBOXGUESTCTRL_PROCESS >::iterator GuestProcessMapIter;
260 | typedef std::map< uint32_t, VBOXGUESTCTRL_PROCESS >::const_iterator GuestProcessMapIterConst;
261 |
262 | uint32_t processGetGuestPID(uint32_t uHostPID);
263 | int processGetStatus(uint32_t uHostPID, PVBOXGUESTCTRL_PROCESS pProcess, bool fRemove);
264 | int processSetStatus(uint32_t uHostPID, uint32_t uGuestPID,
265 | ExecuteProcessStatus_T enmStatus, uint32_t uExitCode, uint32_t uFlags);
266 |
267 | // Internal guest directory representation.
268 | typedef struct VBOXGUESTCTRL_DIRECTORY
269 | {
270 | Bstr mDirectory;
271 | Bstr mFilter;
272 | ULONG mFlags;
273 | /** Associated host PID of started vbox_ls tool. */
274 | ULONG mPID;
275 | GuestProcessStream mStream;
277 | typedef std::map< uint32_t, VBOXGUESTCTRL_DIRECTORY > GuestDirectoryMap;
278 | typedef std::map< uint32_t, VBOXGUESTCTRL_DIRECTORY >::iterator GuestDirectoryMapIter;
279 | typedef std::map< uint32_t, VBOXGUESTCTRL_DIRECTORY >::const_iterator GuestDirectoryMapIterConst;
280 |
281 | // Utility functions.
282 | int prepareExecuteEnv(const char *pszEnv, void **ppvList, uint32_t *pcbList, uint32_t *pcEnv);
283 |
284 | /*
285 | * Handler for guest execution control notifications.
286 | */
287 | HRESULT setErrorCompletion(int rc);
288 | HRESULT setErrorFromProgress(ComPtr<IProgress> pProgress);
289 | HRESULT setErrorHGCM(int rc);
290 | # endif
291 |
292 | typedef std::map< AdditionsFacilityType_T, ComObjPtr<AdditionsFacility> > FacilityMap;
293 | typedef std::map< AdditionsFacilityType_T, ComObjPtr<AdditionsFacility> >::iterator FacilityMapIter;
294 | typedef std::map< AdditionsFacilityType_T, ComObjPtr<AdditionsFacility> >::const_iterator FacilityMapIterConst;
295 |
296 | struct Data
297 | {
298 | Data() : mAdditionsRunLevel(AdditionsRunLevelType_None)
299 | , mAdditionsVersionFull(0), mAdditionsRevision(0), mAdditionsFeatures(0)
300 | { }
301 |
302 | Bstr mOSTypeId;
303 | FacilityMap mFacilityMap;
304 | AdditionsRunLevelType_T mAdditionsRunLevel;
305 | uint32_t mAdditionsVersionFull;
306 | Bstr mAdditionsVersionNew;
307 | uint32_t mAdditionsRevision;
308 | uint32_t mAdditionsFeatures;
309 | Bstr mInterfaceVersion;
310 | };
311 |
312 | ULONG mMemoryBalloonSize;
313 | ULONG mStatUpdateInterval;
314 | ULONG mCurrentGuestStat[GUESTSTATTYPE_MAX];
315 | ULONG mGuestValidStats;
316 | BOOL mCollectVMMStats;
317 | BOOL mfPageFusionEnabled;
318 |
319 | Console *mParent;
320 | Data mData;
321 |
323 | /** General extension callback for guest control. */
325 | /** Next upcoming context ID. */
326 | volatile uint32_t mNextContextID;
327 | /** Next upcoming host PID */
328 | volatile uint32_t mNextHostPID;
329 | /** Next upcoming directory handle ID. */
330 | volatile uint32_t mNextDirectoryID;
331 | CallbackMap mCallbackMap;
332 | GuestDirectoryMap mGuestDirectoryMap;
333 | GuestProcessMap mGuestProcessMap;
334 | # endif
335 |
337 | GuestDnD *m_pGuestDnD;
338 | friend class GuestDnD;
339 | friend class GuestDnDPrivate;
340 | #endif
341 | static void staticUpdateStats(RTTIMERLR hTimerLR, void *pvUser, uint64_t iTick);
342 | void updateStats(uint64_t iTick);
343 | RTTIMERLR mStatTimer;
344 | uint32_t mMagic;
345 | };
346 | #define GUEST_MAGIC 0xCEED2006u
347 |
348 | #endif // ____H_GUESTIMPL
349 | /* vi: set tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab: */