/* $Id: DisplayImpl.h 27607 2010-03-22 18:13:07Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * VirtualBox COM class implementation */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. * * Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa * Clara, CA 95054 USA or visit http://www.sun.com if you need * additional information or have any questions. */ #ifndef ____H_DISPLAYIMPL #define ____H_DISPLAYIMPL #include "VirtualBoxBase.h" #include "SchemaDefs.h" #include #include #include #include class Console; enum { ResizeStatus_Void, ResizeStatus_InProgress, ResizeStatus_UpdateDisplayData }; typedef struct _DISPLAYFBINFO { uint32_t u32Offset; uint32_t u32MaxFramebufferSize; uint32_t u32InformationSize; ComPtr pFramebuffer; LONG xOrigin; LONG yOrigin; ULONG w; ULONG h; VBOXVIDEOINFOHOSTEVENTS *pHostEvents; volatile uint32_t u32ResizeStatus; /* The Framebuffer has default format and must be updates immediately. */ bool fDefaultFormat; struct { /* The rectangle that includes all dirty rectangles. */ int32_t xLeft; int32_t xRight; int32_t yTop; int32_t yBottom; } dirtyRect; struct { bool fPending; ULONG pixelFormat; void *pvVRAM; uint32_t bpp; uint32_t cbLine; int w; int h; } pendingResize; #ifdef VBOX_WITH_HGSMI bool fVBVAEnabled; uint32_t cVBVASkipUpdate; struct { int32_t xLeft; int32_t yTop; int32_t xRight; int32_t yBottom; } vbvaSkippedRect; PVBVAHOSTFLAGS pVBVAHostFlags; #endif /* VBOX_WITH_HGSMI */ } DISPLAYFBINFO; class ATL_NO_VTABLE Display : public VirtualBoxBase, VBOX_SCRIPTABLE_IMPL(IConsoleCallback), public VirtualBoxSupportErrorInfoImpl, public VirtualBoxSupportTranslation, VBOX_SCRIPTABLE_IMPL(IDisplay) { public: VIRTUALBOXBASE_ADD_ERRORINFO_SUPPORT (Display) DECLARE_NOT_AGGREGATABLE(Display) DECLARE_PROTECT_FINAL_CONSTRUCT() BEGIN_COM_MAP(Display) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(ISupportErrorInfo) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IDisplay) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY2(IDispatch,IDisplay) END_COM_MAP() DECLARE_EMPTY_CTOR_DTOR (Display) HRESULT FinalConstruct(); void FinalRelease(); // public initializer/uninitializer for internal purposes only HRESULT init (Console *aParent); void uninit(); int registerSSM(PVM pVM); // public methods only for internal purposes int handleDisplayResize (unsigned uScreenId, uint32_t bpp, void *pvVRAM, uint32_t cbLine, int w, int h); void handleDisplayUpdate (int x, int y, int cx, int cy); #ifdef VBOX_WITH_VIDEOHWACCEL void handleVHWACommandProcess(PPDMIDISPLAYCONNECTOR pInterface, PVBOXVHWACMD pCommand); #endif IFramebuffer *getFramebuffer() { return maFramebuffers[VBOX_VIDEO_PRIMARY_SCREEN].pFramebuffer; } int VideoAccelEnable (bool fEnable, VBVAMEMORY *pVbvaMemory); void VideoAccelFlush (void); bool VideoAccelAllowed (void); #ifdef VBOX_WITH_VRDP void VideoAccelVRDP (bool fEnable); #endif /* VBOX_WITH_VRDP */ // IConsoleCallback methods STDMETHOD(OnMousePointerShapeChange)(BOOL visible, BOOL alpha, ULONG xHot, ULONG yHot, ULONG width, ULONG height, BYTE *shape) { return S_OK; } STDMETHOD(OnMouseCapabilityChange)(BOOL supportsAbsolute, BOOL supportsRelative, BOOL needsHostCursor) { return S_OK; } STDMETHOD(OnKeyboardLedsChange)(BOOL fNumLock, BOOL fCapsLock, BOOL fScrollLock) { return S_OK; } STDMETHOD(OnStateChange)(MachineState_T machineState); STDMETHOD(OnAdditionsStateChange)() { return S_OK; } STDMETHOD(OnNetworkAdapterChange) (INetworkAdapter *aNetworkAdapter) { return S_OK; } STDMETHOD(OnSerialPortChange) (ISerialPort *aSerialPort) { return S_OK; } STDMETHOD(OnParallelPortChange) (IParallelPort *aParallelPort) { return S_OK; } STDMETHOD(OnStorageControllerChange) () { return S_OK; } STDMETHOD(OnMediumChange)(IMediumAttachment *aMediumAttachment) { return S_OK; } STDMETHOD(OnCPUChange)(ULONG aCPU, BOOL aRemove) { return S_OK; } STDMETHOD(OnVRDPServerChange)() { return S_OK; } STDMETHOD(OnRemoteDisplayInfoChange)() { return S_OK; } STDMETHOD(OnUSBControllerChange)() { return S_OK; } STDMETHOD(OnUSBDeviceStateChange)(IUSBDevice *device, BOOL attached, IVirtualBoxErrorInfo *message) { return S_OK; } STDMETHOD(OnSharedFolderChange) (Scope_T aScope) { return S_OK; } STDMETHOD(OnRuntimeError)(BOOL fatal, IN_BSTR id, IN_BSTR message) { return S_OK; } STDMETHOD(OnCanShowWindow)(BOOL *canShow) { if (canShow) *canShow = TRUE; return S_OK; } STDMETHOD(OnShowWindow)(ULONG64 *winId) { if (winId) *winId = 0; return S_OK; } // IDisplay properties STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(Width)) (ULONG *width); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(Height)) (ULONG *height); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(BitsPerPixel)) (ULONG *bitsPerPixel); // IDisplay methods STDMETHOD(SetFramebuffer)(ULONG aScreenId, IFramebuffer *aFramebuffer); STDMETHOD(GetFramebuffer)(ULONG aScreenId, IFramebuffer **aFramebuffer, LONG *aXOrigin, LONG *aYOrigin); STDMETHOD(SetVideoModeHint)(ULONG width, ULONG height, ULONG bitsPerPixel, ULONG display); STDMETHOD(TakeScreenShot)(BYTE *address, ULONG width, ULONG height); STDMETHOD(TakeScreenShotSlow)(ULONG width, ULONG height, ComSafeArrayOut(BYTE, aScreenData)); STDMETHOD(DrawToScreen)(BYTE *address, ULONG x, ULONG y, ULONG width, ULONG height); STDMETHOD(InvalidateAndUpdate)(); STDMETHOD(ResizeCompleted)(ULONG aScreenId); STDMETHOD(UpdateCompleted)(); STDMETHOD(SetSeamlessMode)(BOOL enabled); STDMETHOD(CompleteVHWACommand)(BYTE *pCommand); // for VirtualBoxSupportErrorInfoImpl static const wchar_t *getComponentName() { return L"Display"; } static const PDMDRVREG DrvReg; private: void updateDisplayData (bool aCheckParams = false); static DECLCALLBACK(int) changeFramebuffer(Display *that, IFramebuffer *aFB, unsigned uScreenId); static DECLCALLBACK(void*) drvQueryInterface(PPDMIBASE pInterface, const char *pszIID); static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvConstruct(PPDMDRVINS pDrvIns, PCFGMNODE pCfg, uint32_t fFlags); static DECLCALLBACK(void) drvDestruct(PPDMDRVINS pDrvIns); static DECLCALLBACK(int) displayResizeCallback(PPDMIDISPLAYCONNECTOR pInterface, uint32_t bpp, void *pvVRAM, uint32_t cbLine, uint32_t cx, uint32_t cy); static DECLCALLBACK(void) displayUpdateCallback(PPDMIDISPLAYCONNECTOR pInterface, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t cx, uint32_t cy); static DECLCALLBACK(void) displayRefreshCallback(PPDMIDISPLAYCONNECTOR pInterface); static DECLCALLBACK(void) displayResetCallback(PPDMIDISPLAYCONNECTOR pInterface); static DECLCALLBACK(void) displayLFBModeChangeCallback(PPDMIDISPLAYCONNECTOR pInterface, bool fEnabled); static DECLCALLBACK(void) displayProcessAdapterDataCallback(PPDMIDISPLAYCONNECTOR pInterface, void *pvVRAM, uint32_t u32VRAMSize); static DECLCALLBACK(void) displayProcessDisplayDataCallback(PPDMIDISPLAYCONNECTOR pInterface, void *pvVRAM, unsigned uScreenId); #ifdef VBOX_WITH_VIDEOHWACCEL static DECLCALLBACK(void) displayVHWACommandProcess(PPDMIDISPLAYCONNECTOR pInterface, PVBOXVHWACMD pCommand); #endif #ifdef VBOX_WITH_HGSMI static DECLCALLBACK(int) displayVBVAEnable(PPDMIDISPLAYCONNECTOR pInterface, unsigned uScreenId, PVBVAHOSTFLAGS pHostFlags); static DECLCALLBACK(void) displayVBVADisable(PPDMIDISPLAYCONNECTOR pInterface, unsigned uScreenId); static DECLCALLBACK(void) displayVBVAUpdateBegin(PPDMIDISPLAYCONNECTOR pInterface, unsigned uScreenId); static DECLCALLBACK(void) displayVBVAUpdateProcess(PPDMIDISPLAYCONNECTOR pInterface, unsigned uScreenId, const PVBVACMDHDR pCmd, size_t cbCmd); static DECLCALLBACK(void) displayVBVAUpdateEnd(PPDMIDISPLAYCONNECTOR pInterface, unsigned uScreenId, int32_t x, int32_t y, uint32_t cx, uint32_t cy); static DECLCALLBACK(int) displayVBVAResize(PPDMIDISPLAYCONNECTOR pInterface, const PVBVAINFOVIEW pView, const PVBVAINFOSCREEN pScreen, void *pvVRAM); static DECLCALLBACK(int) displayVBVAMousePointerShape(PPDMIDISPLAYCONNECTOR pInterface, bool fVisible, bool fAlpha, uint32_t xHot, uint32_t yHot, uint32_t cx, uint32_t cy, const void *pvShape); #endif static DECLCALLBACK(void) displaySSMSaveScreenshot(PSSMHANDLE pSSM, void *pvUser); static DECLCALLBACK(int) displaySSMLoadScreenshot(PSSMHANDLE pSSM, void *pvUser, uint32_t uVersion, uint32_t uPass); static DECLCALLBACK(void) displaySSMSave(PSSMHANDLE pSSM, void *pvUser); static DECLCALLBACK(int) displaySSMLoad(PSSMHANDLE pSSM, void *pvUser, uint32_t uVersion, uint32_t uPass); Console * const mParent; /** Pointer to the associated display driver. */ struct DRVMAINDISPLAY *mpDrv; /** Pointer to the device instance for the VMM Device. */ PPDMDEVINS mpVMMDev; /** Set after the first attempt to find the VMM Device. */ bool mfVMMDevInited; unsigned mcMonitors; DISPLAYFBINFO maFramebuffers[SchemaDefs::MaxGuestMonitors]; bool mFramebufferOpened; /* arguments of the last handleDisplayResize() call */ void *mLastAddress; uint32_t mLastBytesPerLine; uint32_t mLastBitsPerPixel; int mLastWidth; int mLastHeight; VBVAMEMORY *mpVbvaMemory; bool mfVideoAccelEnabled; bool mfVideoAccelVRDP; uint32_t mfu32SupportedOrders; int32_t volatile mcVideoAccelVRDPRefs; VBVAMEMORY *mpPendingVbvaMemory; bool mfPendingVideoAccelEnable; bool mfMachineRunning; uint8_t *mpu8VbvaPartial; uint32_t mcbVbvaPartial; bool vbvaFetchCmd (VBVACMDHDR **ppHdr, uint32_t *pcbCmd); void vbvaReleaseCmd (VBVACMDHDR *pHdr, int32_t cbCmd); void handleResizeCompletedEMT (void); #ifdef VBOX_WITH_OLD_VBVA_LOCK RTCRITSECT mVBVALock; volatile uint32_t mfu32PendingVideoAccelDisable; int vbvaLock(void); void vbvaUnlock(void); public: static int displayTakeScreenshotEMT(Display *pDisplay, uint8_t **ppu8Data, size_t *pcbData, uint32_t *pu32Width, uint32_t *pu32Height); private: static void InvalidateAndUpdateEMT(Display *pDisplay); static int DrawToScreenEMT(Display *pDisplay, BYTE *address, ULONG x, ULONG y, ULONG width, ULONG height); int videoAccelRefreshProcess(void); /* Functions run under VBVA lock. */ int videoAccelEnable (bool fEnable, VBVAMEMORY *pVbvaMemory); void videoAccelFlush (void); #endif /* VBOX_WITH_OLD_VBVA_LOCK */ #ifdef VBOX_WITH_HGSMI volatile uint32_t mu32UpdateVBVAFlags; #endif }; void gdImageCopyResampled (uint8_t *dst, uint8_t *src, int dstX, int dstY, int srcX, int srcY, int dstW, int dstH, int srcW, int srcH); #endif // ____H_DISPLAYIMPL /* vi: set tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab: */