@link :: @endlink @note @see /** /** @brief @par Expected result codes:
@par Interface ID: { } */ @warning This attribute is non-scriptable. In particular, this also means that an attempt to get or set it from a process other than the process that has created and owns the object will most likely fail or crash your application. */ @warning This method is non-scriptable. In particular, this also means that an attempt to call it from a process other than the process that has created and owns the object will most likely fail or crash your application. */ @param @par Interface ID: { } */ */ */ /* * DO NOT EDIT! This is a generated file. * * Doxygen IDL definition for VirtualBox Main API (COM interfaces) * generated from XIDL (XML interface definition). * * Source : src/VBox/Main/idl/VirtualBox.xidl * Generator : src/VBox/Main/idl/doxygen.xsl * * This IDL is generated using some generic OMG IDL-like syntax SOLELY * for the purpose of generating the documentation using Doxygen and * is not syntactically valid. * * DO NOT USE THIS HEADER IN ANY OTHER WAY! */ /** @mainpage */ */ #if #endif interface : { }; /* interface */ 'array' attributes are not supported, use 'safearray="yes"' instead. readonly attribute ; void ( , ); (); interface : $unknown { void hasMore ([retval] out boolean more); void getNext ([retval] out next); }; /* interface */ non-readonly collections are not currently supported interface : $unknown { readonly attribute unsigned long count; void getItemAt (in unsigned long index, [retval] out item); void enumerate ([retval] out enumerator); }; /* interface */ enum { _ = , }; return 'array' parameters are not supported, use 'safearray="yes"' instead. [array, must have the same direction size_is( , * ) array attribute refers to non-existent param: ] in out [retval] out in either 'array' or 'safearray="yes"' attribute is allowed, but not both! booleanPtr octetPtr shortPtr ushortPtr longPtr llongPtr ulongPtr ullongPtr charPtr wcharPtr attribute 'mod= ' cannot be used with type of attribute 'mod' is invalid! result boolean octet short unsigned short long long long unsigned long unsigned long long char wchar string wstring uuid $unknown Unknown parameter type: []