/** @file * * VirtualBox COM class implementation */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 innotek GmbH * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ #include "SnapshotImpl.h" #include "MachineImpl.h" #include "Logging.h" #include #include #include #include // constructor / destructor //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Snapshot::Data::Data() { RTTimeSpecSetMilli (&mTimeStamp, 0); }; Snapshot::Data::~Data() { }; HRESULT Snapshot::FinalConstruct() { LogFlowMember (("Snapshot::FinalConstruct()\n")); return S_OK; } void Snapshot::FinalRelease() { LogFlowMember (("Snapshot::FinalRelease()\n")); uninit(); } /** * Initializes the instance * * @param aId id of the snapshot * @param aName name of the snapshot * @param aDescription name of the snapshot (NULL if no description) * @param aTimeStamp timestamp of the snapshot, in ms since 1970-01-01 UTC * @param aMachine machine associated with this snapshot * @param aParent parent snapshot (NULL if no parent) */ HRESULT Snapshot::init (const Guid &aId, INPTR BSTR aName, INPTR BSTR aDescription, RTTIMESPEC aTimeStamp, SnapshotMachine *aMachine, Snapshot *aParent) { LogFlowMember (("Snapshot::init(aParent=%p)\n", aParent)); ComAssertRet (!aId.isEmpty() && aName && aMachine, E_INVALIDARG); AutoLock alock (this); ComAssertRet (!isReady(), E_UNEXPECTED); mParent = aParent; mData.mId = aId; mData.mName = aName; mData.mDescription = aDescription; mData.mTimeStamp = aTimeStamp; mData.mMachine = aMachine; if (aParent) aParent->addDependentChild (this); setReady (true); return S_OK; } /** * Uninitializes the instance and sets the ready flag to FALSE. * Called either from FinalRelease(), by the parent when it gets destroyed, * or by a third party when it decides this object is no more valid. */ void Snapshot::uninit() { LogFlowMember (("Snapshot::uninit()\n")); AutoLock alock (this); LogFlowMember (("Snapshot::uninit(): isReady=%d\n", isReady())); if (!isReady()) return; // uninit all children uninitDependentChildren(); setReady (false); if (mParent) { alock.leave(); mParent->removeDependentChild (this); alock.enter(); mParent.setNull(); } if (mData.mMachine) { mData.mMachine->uninit(); mData.mMachine.setNull(); } } /** * Discards the current snapshot by removing it from the tree of snapshots * and reparenting its children. * This method also calls #uninit() in case of success. */ void Snapshot::discard() { LogFlowMember (("Snapshot::discard()\n")); AutoLock alock (this); AssertReturn (isReady(), (void) 0); { AutoLock chLock (childrenLock()); AssertReturn (!!mParent || children().size() <= 1, (void) 0); for (SnapshotList::const_iterator it = children().begin(); it != children().end(); ++ it) { ComObjPtr child = *it; AutoLock childLock (child); // reparent the child child->mParent = mParent; if (mParent) mParent->addDependentChild (child); } } // detach all our children to avoid their uninit in #uninit() removeDependentChildren(); // finalize uninitialization uninit(); } // ISnapshot methods //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// STDMETHODIMP Snapshot::COMGETTER(Id) (GUIDPARAMOUT aId) { if (!aId) return E_POINTER; AutoLock alock (this); CHECK_READY(); mData.mId.cloneTo (aId); return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP Snapshot::COMGETTER(Name) (BSTR *aName) { if (!aName) return E_POINTER; AutoLock alock (this); CHECK_READY(); mData.mName.cloneTo (aName); return S_OK; } /** * @note Locks this object for writing, then calls Machine::onSnapshotChange() * (see its lock requirements). */ STDMETHODIMP Snapshot::COMSETTER(Name) (INPTR BSTR aName) { if (!aName) return E_INVALIDARG; AutoLock alock (this); CHECK_READY(); if (mData.mName != aName) { mData.mName = aName; alock.leave(); /* Important! (child->parent locks are forbidden) */ return mData.mMachine->onSnapshotChange (this); } return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP Snapshot::COMGETTER(Description) (BSTR *aDescription) { if (!aDescription) return E_POINTER; AutoLock alock (this); CHECK_READY(); mData.mDescription.cloneTo (aDescription); return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP Snapshot::COMSETTER(Description) (INPTR BSTR aDescription) { if (!aDescription) return E_INVALIDARG; AutoLock alock (this); CHECK_READY(); if (mData.mDescription != aDescription) { mData.mDescription = aDescription; alock.leave(); /* Important! (child->parent locks are forbidden) */ return mData.mMachine->onSnapshotChange (this); } return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP Snapshot::COMGETTER(TimeStamp) (LONG64 *aTimeStamp) { if (!aTimeStamp) return E_POINTER; AutoLock alock (this); CHECK_READY(); *aTimeStamp = RTTimeSpecGetMilli (&mData.mTimeStamp); return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP Snapshot::COMGETTER(Online) (BOOL *aOnline) { if (!aOnline) return E_POINTER; AutoLock alock (this); CHECK_READY(); *aOnline = !stateFilePath().isNull(); return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP Snapshot::COMGETTER(Machine) (IMachine **aMachine) { if (!aMachine) return E_POINTER; AutoLock alock (this); CHECK_READY(); mData.mMachine.queryInterfaceTo (aMachine); return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP Snapshot::COMGETTER(Parent) (ISnapshot **aParent) { if (!aParent) return E_POINTER; AutoLock alock (this); CHECK_READY(); mParent.queryInterfaceTo (aParent); return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP Snapshot::COMGETTER(Children) (ISnapshotCollection **aChildren) { if (!aChildren) return E_POINTER; AutoLock alock (this); CHECK_READY(); AutoLock chLock (childrenLock()); ComObjPtr collection; collection.createObject(); collection->init (children()); collection.queryInterfaceTo (aChildren); return S_OK; } // public methods only for internal purposes //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * @note * Must be called from under the object's lock! */ const Bstr &Snapshot::stateFilePath() const { return mData.mMachine->mSSData->mStateFilePath; } /** * Returns the number of children of this snapshot, including grand-children, * etc. */ ULONG Snapshot::descendantCount() { AutoLock alock(this); AssertReturn (isReady(), 0); AutoLock chLock (childrenLock()); ULONG count = children().size(); for (SnapshotList::const_iterator it = children().begin(); it != children().end(); ++ it) { count += (*it)->descendantCount(); } return count; } /** * Searches for a snapshot with the given ID among children, grand-children, * etc. of this snapshot. This snapshot itself is also included in the search. */ ComObjPtr Snapshot::findChildOrSelf (INPTR GUIDPARAM aId) { ComObjPtr child; AutoLock alock (this); AssertReturn (isReady(), child); if (mData.mId == aId) child = this; else { AutoLock chLock (childrenLock()); for (SnapshotList::const_iterator it = children().begin(); !child && it != children().end(); ++ it) { child = (*it)->findChildOrSelf (aId); } } return child; } /** * Searches for a first snapshot with the given name among children, * grand-children, etc. of this snapshot. This snapshot itself is also included * in the search. */ ComObjPtr Snapshot::findChildOrSelf (INPTR BSTR aName) { ComObjPtr child; AssertReturn (aName, child); AutoLock alock (this); AssertReturn (isReady(), child); if (mData.mName == aName) child = this; else { AutoLock chLock (childrenLock()); for (SnapshotList::const_iterator it = children().begin(); !child && it != children().end(); ++ it) { child = (*it)->findChildOrSelf (aName); } } return child; } /** * Returns @c true if the given DVD image is attached to this snapshot or any * of its children, recursively. * * @param aId Image ID to check. * * @note Locks this object for reading. */ bool Snapshot::isDVDImageUsed (const Guid &aId) { AutoReaderLock alock (this); AssertReturn (isReady(), false); AssertReturn (!mData.mMachine.isNull(), false); AssertReturn (!mData.mMachine->mDVDDrive.isNull(), false); DVDDrive::Data *d = mData.mMachine->mDVDDrive->data().data(); if (d && d->mDriveState == DriveState_ImageMounted) { Guid id; HRESULT rc = d->mDVDImage->COMGETTER(Id) (id.asOutParam()); AssertComRC (rc); if (id == aId) return true; } AutoReaderLock chLock (childrenLock()); for (SnapshotList::const_iterator it = children().begin(); it != children().end(); ++ it) { if ((*it)->isDVDImageUsed (aId)) return true; } return false; } /** * Returns @c true if the given Floppy image is attached to this snapshot or any * of its children, recursively. * * @param aId Image ID to check. * * @note Locks this object for reading. */ bool Snapshot::isFloppyImageUsed (const Guid &aId) { AutoReaderLock alock (this); AssertReturn (isReady(), false); AssertReturn (!mData.mMachine.isNull(), false); AssertReturn (!mData.mMachine->mFloppyDrive.isNull(), false); FloppyDrive::Data *d = mData.mMachine->mFloppyDrive->data().data(); if (d && d->mDriveState == DriveState_ImageMounted) { Guid id; HRESULT rc = d->mFloppyImage->COMGETTER(Id) (id.asOutParam()); AssertComRC (rc); if (id == aId) return true; } AutoReaderLock chLock (childrenLock()); for (SnapshotList::const_iterator it = children().begin(); it != children().end(); ++ it) { if ((*it)->isFloppyImageUsed (aId)) return true; } return false; } /** * Checks if the specified path change affects the saved state file path of * this snapshot or any of its (grand-)children and updates it accordingly. * * Intended to be called by Machine::openConfigLoader() only. * * @param aOldPath old path (full) * @param aNewPath new path (full) * * @note Locks this object + children for writing. */ void Snapshot::updateSavedStatePaths (const char *aOldPath, const char *aNewPath) { LogFlowThisFunc (("aOldPath={%s} aNewPath={%s}\n", aOldPath, aNewPath)); AssertReturnVoid (aOldPath); AssertReturnVoid (aNewPath); AutoLock alock (this); AssertReturnVoid (isReady()); Utf8Str path = mData.mMachine->mSSData->mStateFilePath; LogFlowThisFunc (("Snap[%ls].statePath={%s}\n", mData.mName.raw(), path.raw())); /* state file may be NULL (for offline snapshots) */ if (path && RTPathStartsWith (path, aOldPath)) { path = Utf8StrFmt ("%s%s", aNewPath, path.raw() + strlen (aOldPath)); mData.mMachine->mSSData->mStateFilePath = path; LogFlowThisFunc (("-> updated: {%s}\n", path.raw())); } AutoLock chLock (childrenLock()); for (SnapshotList::const_iterator it = children().begin(); it != children().end(); ++ it) { (*it)->updateSavedStatePaths (aOldPath, aNewPath); } }